MARRIAGES: 1826-1836
2120 S.W. 127 Ave.
Miami, Ela. 33175
The following Marriages were taken from the American Catholic Historical Society Volumes. I have compiled them, as written. I have omitted the name of the officiating priest, to conserve space. The double ((-)) are my insertions, except for the notation on Dumissel. Again, I must extend my gratitude to Rt. Rev. Charles Allwein for allowing me to use his material for this compilation.
For all of you searching for your Catholic roots, may this be one step forward for you.
-, ----, August 14. 1828, and Charlotte Constantine, of negro origin; witnesses, Mary Laforgue and Anna and Felicite Constantine.
-, Anna Bridget see JANJUIIAN, John
-, Emmanuel Josue, August 15, 1826 to Florine; witnesses Monteville Davis and Louis Martin.
-, Florien Carnell, see -, Manuel Joseph.
-, Florine, see -, Emmanuel.
-, John Sylvester to Olivia Jerome, October 4, 1827, witnesses Mary Menton and Jean Gautier, all of negro origin.
-, Mary Catharine see BASTIEN, John
-, Mary Magdalen see PERCEVEAU, Hippolite
--, Manuel Joseph, August 7, 1826, to Florien Carnell, negroes, witnesses William Davis and L. Martin.
-, Mary Clair see PRIMIER, John
---, Olivia Jerome see -- John Sylvester
-, Rosalie see LE MAIRE, Stephen
ABADIE, Charlotte see BOURNONVILLE, Anthony
ADAMS, Thomas, September 19, 1832, to Eliza Fow; witnesses Henry Mackeon and Joanna Campbell.
AGNEW, Edward, April 7, 18^1, to Margaret Sweeny; witnesses John McElhone and Margaret MoBride.
ALLOWES, Eliza see WEMS, Morgan
ALZIER, Adolph, October 16, 1834, to Delphine Joseph; witnesses Andrew Dodge, Margaret Lambert and Josephine Joseph.
AWDERSON, Elizabeth see FREE, James
AKDERS0N, Hannah, see ROGERS, Patrick
ARCHIBALD, Catharine, see KEILY, John
ARNAIZ, Isidore, August 12, 1826, to Louisa Hand, witnesses Gaspar Betancourt, Joaquina Dols de Sanchez and Peter Pereyne.
ASHMAN, James Jester, April 23, 1832, -to Genevieve Loringer; witnesses Mary Loringer and -- Loringer, (sic, but likely meant for "L'Oranger" of former entries.)
ASHTON, Margaret, see BARDON, Lawrence
ASKIN, Mary, see BYRNE, John
AUGUSTINE, Joanna, see ELLIS, Francis
AUGUSTINE, Peter, June 11, 1829, to Mary Peters, witnesses Michael Le Croix and Anna Bockius.
BAB, Owen, February 14, 1833, to Mary Johnson; witnesses Patrick Quin and Sarah Cidere.
BABAD, Henry, April ^0, 1828, to Armentina Monges Meyer; witnesses H. Davrainville, D.7. Breuil, H.B. Caldwell, John A. Monges, Mary J. Grimm, Mary, Sarah and Sophia Tagert, Charles Dutilh, J. Tagert, August and Aristo Monges, Cora Monges Dutilk (Dutilh) and Thos. R. Tanis.
BAILY, Francis Stephen, January 13, 1826, to Mary Magdalen Clement; witnesses James Clement and Mary Lev-, all negroes.
BAIRS, Daniel, November 30, 1828, to Susan Furlong; witnesses Napoleon B. Leidy, Adelaide Field and Catharine Teresa.
BAKER, Joseph, March 30, 1826, to Luiza Dartis; witnesses Peter Jacobs and Augustine Lynch.
BAKER, Michael, February 14, 1833, to Mary Meyers; witnesses John Barnes and Eliza Wood.
BALLINS, Sarah, see LEE, Robert
BARDON, Lawrence, January 14, 1827, to Margaret Carey Ashton; witnesses Keran and Thomas Donnelly and Mary Coghlan.
BARNES, Joanna, see KEIIY, Charles
BARR, Andrew, April 6, 1834, to Rosanna MoAdams, of Ireland; witnesses Henry Kane and Alice Curran.
BARR, Bridget, see MC CAFFERTY, James
BARR, Terence, November 29, 1829, to Susan Welsh; witnesses Jerome and Madam Keating and William Welsh.
BARREN, James, June 7, 1827, to Sarah McCormick; witnesses Frederick Mullen and Catharine Cous.
BARRY, Anna, see BURN, Thomas
BARRY, Cordelia, see KELIY, Edward
BARRY, John, July 20, 1834, to Margaret McBrien; witnesses Patrick Duddy and William Girard.
BARRY, Mary, see LYNCH, David
BASTIEN, John, January 29, 1828, to Mary Catharine -; witnesses Joseph and Stephen LeMaire.
BASTION, John, January 1, 1832, to Mary Slieeman; witnesses Thomas Bastion and Deborah Brown.
BATTLESON, Sarah, see MARSHALL, Edward
BATY, Elizabeth, see MC KENNA, Barnabas
BAXTER, Elizabeth, see MC CULLOUGH, Henry
BAXTER, Mary, see DURM, Oliver
BECKET, Joseph T., October 24, 1833, to Mary Ann Rival; witnesses Mace (?) Abel and Susan Myers.
BELL, Henry, January 17, 1829, to Margaret Foley; witnesses Richard Jolly and Rosy Bell.
BELL, Rosa, see JOLLEY, Richard
BELVERE, Celestin, August 17, 1828, to Margaret Joseph; witnesses Michael LaGlorie and Susan Lambert.
BENFELD, George, July 23, 1829, to Mary Devlin; witnesses Joanna and Mary Ann McDeadd.
BERONT, Peter, May 21, 1829, to Mary Grandgillomme (Dec. 16, 1828, this name is given as Grandquilliaum.) Witnesses Peter Xavier and Sophia Pinot.
BEYLLE, Louisa, see HERPEN, John
BIGGER, John, June 7, 1834, to Catharine McCann; witnesses Robert Stewart and Henry McKeon.
BIRD, Elizabeth, see GRANT, Neile
BLACKISTON, Benjamin, June 11, 1828, -to Anna Jones, witness Perry Dawson.
BLANEY, Rosanna, see GLACKEN, William
BLOOMER, Ellen, see MC COY, John
BLYDEN, Penena, see DESMOND, Daniel
BOCKIUS, Rudolph, January 29, 1832, -bo Rebecca McGennis (alias Irwin); witnesses Tobias Durney and Mary McGuigan.
BOGAN, Catharine, see MacDONAGH, Cornelius
BOGUE, Eleanor, see LITTLEWOOD, James
BOHANNA, Thomas, widower, February 7, 1826, to Mary Mooney, widow; witnesses Elizabeth Hart and Margaret Dairy.
BOND, Thomas, September 2, 1832, to Julia Sullivan; witnesses aurence and Mary Tierney.
BONER, Sarah, see MARTIN, Sylvester
BOOKER, Francis, August 7, 1827, to Catharine Donnelly, widow; witnesses Edward and Catharine Hughes.
BOURNONVILLE, Anthony, March 11, 1826, to Charlotte Victoria Abadie; witnesses --.
BOWE, Martin, November 23, 1833, of West Chester, to Mary Brady; witnesses Kyran Bowe and Mary Gill.
BOWIES, Sarah, see PETERSOH, John
BOYD, Eliza, see SIPPLE, Michael
BOYD, Mary, see BURNS, William
BOYD, Sarah, see BOYLAN, Felix
BOYLAN, Felix, October 2, 1831, to Sarah Boyd; witnesses Patrick and Catharine Hughes and Michael Kelly.
BOYLE, Cornelius, December 17, 1828, to Catharine Quigley; witnesses John and Eliza Fergusin.
BOYLE, Grace, see MURRAY, John
BOYLE, Henry, October 11, 1829, to Mary Jane Bradley (alias Ross); witnesses Amatory (Anthony?) and Margina O'Donnell.
BOYLE, James, April 21, 1833, to Mary Ann O'Donnel; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
BOYLE, Jane, see MC CARTIN, Edward
BOYLE, John, May --, 1827, to Helen Quinn; witnesses Charles Wray and Helen Green.
BOYLE, Mary, see COBURN, Aaron
BOYLE, Patrick, October 15, 1833, to Mary Ann Connor (born Collins); witnesses Bernard and Margaret Collins.
BOYLE, Thomas, February 2, 1829, to Abigail Kennedy; witnesses Hannah -- and Joanna McDeadd.
BOYLE, William, March 17, 1833, to Mary Reid; witnesses Henry and Mary Boyle.
BRACELIN, Cornelius, November 22, 1829, to Mary Ann Powell; witnesses Joanna McDeadd and Joanna Leslie.
BRACELIN, Patrick, February 15, 1832, to Tener Gibbs; witnesses Mary McGuigan and Elizabeth Donnelly.
BRAGELING, James, July 18, 1832, to Sarah Ann Sixti; witnesses Vincent P. Sixti and Mary Lacy.
BRACKEN, Margaret, see MC CARNEY, John
BRADFIEID, Benjamin, January 28, 1830, to Alice Campbell; witnesses Catharine and Hugh O'Donnell.
BRADLEY, Anna, see BRADLEY, Edward
BRADLEY, Bridget, see SHERRY, John
BRADLEY, Catharine, see COYLE, John
BRADLEY, Catharine, see BRADLEY, Patrick
BRADLEY, Dennis, September 12, 1828, to Magia (sic) McGedia; witnesses Owen Bradley and Michael Lanagan.
BRADLEY, Edward, March 26, 1833, to Anna Bradley; witnesses John Cassiday and Henry MacKeon.
BRADLEY, Mary Jane, see BOYLE, Henry
BRADLEY, Patrick, January 10, 1827, to Helen Carney; witnesses Owen Bradley, Hugh Daugherty and Patrick Maloy.
BRADLEY, Patrick, February 14, 1827, to Catharine Bradley, of Ballynasereen (in Ireland); witnesses Edward Murphy, John Donnelly and John Cassidy.
BRADLEY, Peter, July 8, 1829, to Grace Gallagher; witnesses Joanna and Mary Anna McBeadd.
BRADLEY, William, July 19, 1827, to Rosanna McGinnis; witnesses Mary Kagney (?) and the priest.
BRADY, Catharine, see DUKE, Bernard
BRADY, Eugene, January 5, 1826, (of Cavan), to Joanna McConwell of Sago in Duno (Donegal?); witnesses Hugh Fegan and Thomas Brady.
BRADY, Francis, February 23, 1829, to Rosanna Cummiskey; witnesses Laurence Tierney and Mary Cassidy.
BRADY, Helen, see PRIOR, Patrick
BRADY, Margaret, see REILLY, Patrick
BRADY, Mary, see GREENE, Patrick
BRADY, Mary, see BOWE, Martin
BRADY, Owen, December 1?, 18^2, to Anna Goweren; witnesses Michael Goweren and John Gaffney.
BRADY, Patrick, February 7, 1831, to Amelia Darkey; witnesses McAwley and George Cany.
BRADY, Rose, see LANIHAN, John
BRANK, Eliza, see MC CONVIL, Edward
BRANKIN, Edward, December 3, 1827, to Eliza Furlong; witnesses William Fox and Sarah Boman.
BRANNON, Thomas, April 6, 1834, to Ellen Donahy, of Ireland; witnesses Barnaby Keihery and. Anna McKernan.
BREADY, Catharine, see MAHER, Joseph
BRENNAN, Anna, see DUFFY, Bernard
BRENNAN, John, May 5, 1829, to Susan Conway; witnesses Edward and Eliza McCullough.
BRENNAN, John, February 26, 1831, to Sarah Wilcox, widow.
BRENNAN, Mathew, October 21, 1832, -bo Elizabeth Quin; witnesses Timothy Divine and Thomas Griffin.
BRITON, Sarah, see MC CLOSKEY, William
BRITTAIN, Edward, April 12, 1830, to Mary Doyle; witnesses Robert Bennet and Bridget Quin.
BRITTAN, Archibaud, October 30, 1828, to Ellen Dogherty; witnesses Andrew and Letitia Gillespie and Elizabeth Dougherty.
BRODERICK, Patrick, October 4, 1835, to Mary Curtin; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
BROPHY, John, September 20, 1830, to Joanna Dunn, Catholics; witnesses James Corish and Margaret Dunn.
BROWN, Emma, see FARRELL, James
BROWN, Martha, see MULLIGAN, Patrick
BROWN, Mary Elizabeth, see SPILLER, William
BROWN, Sarah, see MC CORCLE, James
BROWN, Sarah, see CARLIN, William
BROWNE, Susan, see GALLAN, Michael
BRUCE, Mary, see, LANDRIGAN, John
BRUSNEN, Jeremiah, December 3, 1828, to Mary Rooney; witnesses Michael and Cornelius Ryan.
BRYAN, Catharine, see DENNIS, Robert
BRYANT, Mary, see SNYDER, Edward
BRYSON, Anna, see MULLEN, John
BULGER, Mary, see MC NEIL, John
BURCHER, Henry, December 15, 18^0, -to Mary Gale; witnesses Thomas Cusac and Judith Sullivan.
BURKE, James, October 29, 18^4, to Emma McGrath, of Ireland; witnesses John Kearney and Bridget Hogan.
BURKE, John, November 19, 1827, to Elizabeth Shrunk; witnesses John McGuirk, E. Montague and Louisa Walsh.
BURKE, Michael, August -, 1830, to Rosanna McKee; witnesses Thomas and Bridet McKee.
BURN, Mary Anna, see MC CARTY, Thomas
BURN, Thomas, April 15, 1828, to Anna Barry; witnesses John Tobin and Elizabeth Serril (Serrill?).
BURNS, Elizabeth, see CARAHER, James
BURNS, William, November 8, 1833, to Mary Boyd; witnesses Charles Boylan and Henry McKeon.
BUSCHE, Marianna, see KENTON, Joseph
BUTLER, Ellen, see COCHRAN, William
BUTLER, Margaret, see MASON, Arthur
BUTLER, Thomas, January 17, 1835, to Ellen Sullivan; witnesses Peter Molloy and Giles Boyle.
BYRNE, Catharine, see KEYSER, John
BYRNE, Elder, see MOSS, Patrick
BYRNE, George, April 22, 1830, to Anna Connilogue; witnesses Edward McLoughlin and William MoDevitt.
BYRNE, James, September 4, 1833, to Mary Maguire; witnesses Elizabeth Johnson and Rosanna Conwell.
BYRNE, John, August 25, 1829, to Mary Askin; witness Sarah Ranguat.
CAHILL,, Catharine, see GROGAN, James
CALELY, ---, November 1, 1827, -~ Caliley (sic) to Margaret Orr; witnesses Thomas and Edward Caliley.
CALHOON, Catharine, see MURPHY, Alexander
CALLAGHAN, Margaret, see COLEMAN, Henry
CALLAGHAN, Mary Anna, see MC DERMOTT, Patrick
CALLON, Margaret, see CURRY, Patrick
CAMPBELL,, Alice, see BRADFIELD, Benjamin
CAMPBELL, Bridget, see CORBIN, James
CAMPBELL, Elizabeth, see LENOX, Thomas
CAMPBELL,, Hugh, October 10, 1832, to Joanna Campbell; witnesses John Wale and Catharine .Russell.
CAMPBELL, James, November 17, 1834, to Catharine Griffin (alias McCann); witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
CAMPBELL, Joanna, see CAMPBELL, Hugh
CAMPBEIL, Letitia, see GILLON, John
CAMPBELL, Patrick, June 4, 1832, to Sarah Lynch; witnesses William Graham and Ch'r. C. Conwell.
CAMPBELL, Patrick, October 14, 1832, to Anna Magee; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
CAMPBELL, Rosanna, see FEY, Thomas
CAMPBELL, Rosanna, see MULLON, Joseph
CAMPBELL, Sarah, see LAUGHRIN, James
CAMPBELL, William, November 8, 1828, to Elizabeth Wyse; witnesses Joanna McDeadd and Margaret McKeown.
CAMPELL, (Campbell?) Michael, March 28, 1826, to Rosanna MeGarvy; witnesses Anthony and Margaret Campell.
CANET, Fidelis Floris, June 11, 1831, to Mary Elizabeth Marotte, widow; present Isaac P. Howell and Joanna MoDade.
CANFIELD, John, March 10, 1834, to Anna Green; witnesses John Gormly and Mary Graham.
CANNON, Catharine, see FOSTER, George
CANNON, Margaret, see DUBOIS, George
CANNON, Unity, see JOHNSON, Jeremiah
CANON, Mary, see RAPE, Thomas
CARAHER, James, October 23, 1836, to Elizabeth Burns; witnesses Henry McKeon and James Brady.
CARBERY, William, August 1, 1829, to Susan Lafferty; witnesses Anna and Patrick Daily and Bridget Conway.
CARLIN, Anna, see DILLON, James
CARLIN, Daniel, March 21, 1830, to Anna Gallagher (alias Williams); witnesses John McNamee and Isabella Williams.
CARLIN, James, January 1, 1830, to Hannah Sisler; witnesses John and Elizabeth MoGrath.
CARLIN, Hannah, see WALKER, Thomas
CARLIN, Isabella, see GRIFFIN, Peter
CARLIN, Philip, February 19, 1829, to Louisa Clare; witnesses Felix Enue and Catharine Ledger.
CARLIN, William, May 28, 1831, to Sarah Brown; witnesses Joanna McDeadde and Rosanna O'Neill.
CARNEY, Elizabeth, see ENUE, Felix
CARNEY, Helen, see BRADLEY, Patrick
CAROLAN, Jean, see COLLINS, John
CARPENTER, Camilla, see GOFF, Peter
CARPENTER, Louis, January 15, 1827, to Mary Magdalen Dutray; witnesses James Dutray and Jeanne Gauthier.
CARR, Andrew, March 23, 1836, to Mary Murphy; witnesses William Cochran and Henry MoKeon.
CARR, Christopher, December 1, 1833, to Rosanna Muldoney; witnesses Susan, mother of the bride, William Major and John and Mary Stevenson.
CARR, Daniel, October 28, 1833, to Susan MoGeehan; witnesses Richard Conwell and Elizabeth Johnson.
CARR, Grace, see REGAN, Daniel
CARR, John, May 8, 1829, to Sarah Morris; witnesses Nicholas Hogg and Catharine Morris.
CARR, Margaret, see CARR, Patrick
CARR, Patrick, October 22, 1829, to Margaret Carr; witnesses Bernard Garrety and Anna Cassell.
CARRIGAN, Joanna, see GELSTON, Thomas
CARRIGAN, Mary Ann, see MC DONNELL, John
CARROL, James, May 6, 1827, to Mary Tohal; witnesses John McNabb and Eleanor Freel.
CARROLL, Bridget, see COSGROVE, Thomas
CARROLL, Margaret, see DORAN, John
CARROLL, Rose, see MC GILL, James
CARROLL, Timothy, January 5, 1828, to Margaret Morrissy; witnesses Patrick Carroll and Mary Walsh.
CARROLL, Winneford, see CLARKE, William
CASEY, Elizabeth, see RODDIN, John
CASEY, Ellen, see DESMOND, John
CASSEDY, John, April 17, 1827, to Bridget McGloskey; witnesses Philip Kane, Thomas Gillespie and Patrick Devlin.
CASSIDY, Anna, see KENNEDY, James
CASSIDY, Bridget, see MACKEL, John
CASSIDY, Mary, see SCOTT, John
CASSIDY, Patrick, April 13, 1831, to Elizabeth Hanar, Protestant, not baptized; witnesses Philip Kearney and James Mc Gee.
CASSIDY, Thomas, January 23, 1836, to Eliza Hamilton; witnesses Bernard O'Neill and Thos. McMahon.
CASTOR, Catharine. see HAGERTY, Hugh
CAULFIEID, Michael, June 5, 1836, to Mary Kelly; witnesses John Johnson and John Kane.
CHERIE, Pierre Constantine, March 2, 1829, to Mary Antoinette Dalet; witnesses Charlotte Louis and Margaret Casimere, all negroes.
CLARE, Louisa, see CARLIN, Philip
CLARE, Sara, see LOGAN, Luke
CLARK, Alexander, February 1, 18^0, to Mary Ann Hays; witnesses Joanna and Mary Ann McDeadde.
CLARK, Alice, see DOHERTY, William
CLARK, Jeremiah, May 31, 1834, to Ellen Farrelly; witnesses Susan and John Bergen.
CIARK, Mary, see di PISOLA, Giuseppe
CLARK, Mary, see MC CULLAUGH, Bernard
CLARK, Mary, see DUGAN, William
CLARKE, Mary, see MC BRIDE, Patrick
CLARKE, Rosanna, see FARREL, Michael
CLARKE, Thomas, July 21, 1832, to Joanna Mac Dermott; witnesses John and Mary Reiley.
CLARKE, William, Janua^ry 1, 1832, to Winneford (not meant for Winifred?) Carroll; witnesses John Dolan and Mary McClean.
CLAY, Anna, see LAUSATTE, Anthony
CLAYTON, Sarah, see KINSELLA, Edward
CLEMENT, Mary Magadelen, see BAILY, Francis
CLEMONS, Mary, see MURRAY, Edward
CLIFFORD, Mary, see RUSK, David
CLINTON, Caroline, see KELLY, Patrick
COBURN, Aaron, August 13, 1829, to Mary Boyle; witnesses Robert Crane and Sarah Ranguett.
COCHRAN, William, May 18, 1327, to Ellen Butler; witnesses Rev. J. O'Reilly and self.
CODY, Anna, see HAILIDAY, James
COFFEY, Edward, June ?0, 1830, to Mary Ann Gilligan; witnesses Rev. T. J. Donaghoe and Charles O'Hara.
COFFEY, John, September 29, 18^, to Mary Maynes; witnesses John McGrath and Mary Tiernan.
COFEEY (Caffery), Michael, Septemher 30, 1827, to Elizabeth Shultey, Catholic and Prostestant; witnesses John Coffey, Mary Murdock and Mary Timons.
COFFY, Catharine, see HOLLIGAN, Hugh
COGHLAN, Patrick, October 9, 1826, to Mary Donnelly; witnesses Laurence Barden and Margaret Butler.
COLE, Joanna, see NIESTAN, Thomas
COLEMAN, Elizabeth, see GIBBONS, James
COLEMAN, Henry, September 30, 1828, to Margaret Callaghan; witnesses Mary Mc Cormick and James Mulroony.
COLGIN, Catharine, see WARD, John
COLLADAY, Anna, see TRAVIS, William
COLLINS, Anna, see HART, Henry
COLLINS, Bernard, September 5, 1831, to Margaret Geatings; witnesses Mary McGuigan and Louisa C. Walsh.
COLLINS, Edward Jones, June 12, 1830, to Margaret T. Collins; witnesses James D. Tiers and Samuel H. Lyon.
COLLINS, James, January 16, 1830, to Cecilia McCormick; witnesses Edward McDonald and Anna Snyder.
COLLINS, Job, February 25, 1830, to Margaret Kean; witnesses John Woods and Elizabeth Hutchinson.
COLLINS, John, September 8, 1833" to Jean Carolan; witnesses William Paterson and Susan Sickler.
COLLINS, Margaret, see COLLINS, Edward
COLLINS, Thomas, October 3,1832, to Bridget MacKeirney; Witnesses Edward and Anna Collins.
COLUNIN, Bernard, May 22, 1826, to Anna Cormick; witnesses Patrick O'Hara and John Mackin.
CONDON, Eleanor, see MC CARTHY, Dennis
CONDON, Mary, wee DONOVAN, Timothy
CONLAN, Felix, September 1, 1835, to Catharine Fagan; witnesses Patrick Fagan and Bernard Gaffney.
CONLY, Mathew, August 22, 1829, to Bridget McCoy; witnesses Michael Ryan, David O'Brien and Michael Daly.
CONNELL, Bridget, see LESTRANGE, Thomas
CONNELL, Michael, April 8, 1828, to Eleanor Lyons; witnesses John and Mary Loag and Michael Currin.
CONNELLY, Thomas, April 7, 1831, to Catharine McNally (alias Elliott); witnesses .Edward and Amelia McKenna.
CONNER, Sarah, see MC GINLFY, Dennis
CONNILOGUE, Anna, see BYRNE, George
CONNOLL, Charles, April 19, 1827, to Bridget Donnelly; (witnesses) Daniel Donnelly, James Fitzpatrick and Maurice Roche.
CONNOLLY, Thomas, January 9, 1831, to Mary White, dispensed for difference in religion; witnesses Patrick Somers and Joanna MoDade.
CONNOR, Bernard, February 7, 1826, to Eleanor Walls; witnesses Thomas Walls and - Connor.
CONNOR, Mary, see MC KENNA, William
CONNOR, Mary Ann, see BOYLE, Patrick
CONROY, James, June 11, 1828, to Margaret Fox; witnesses Margaret Dailly and Joseph Fitzpatrick.
CONVERY, Anna, see ROBERTSON, Douglas
CONVERY, Bridget, see SARGAENT, James
CONWAY, Susan, see BRENNAN, John
CONWAY, Susan, see MC CAFFRY, Thomas
CONWAY, Susan, see TAMMINY, John
COHWAY, William, November 16, 1831, to Grace Dailly (alias McDermott); witnesses Mary Kearny and Mary McGuigan.
CONYNGHAM, Laurence,May 10, 1831, to Prudence Goold, with dispensation on account of difference of religion.
COOK, Charles L., July 18, 1832, to Martha Goff; witnesses John Souder and Susan Carr.
COOK, William, November 7, 1831, to Margaret McGonigle; witnesses John Donnelly and Mary Clancy.
COOKER, Mary, see 0'BRIAN, John
COONEY, John, August 28, 1830, to Bridget McGilly; witnesses Dennis Bradley and Anna Lanigan.
COOPER, Anna., see MC ClUSKEY, Richard
CORBIN, James, March 3, 1831, to Bridget Campbell; witnesses Mary Campbell and Thomas Goodwin.
CORCORAN, Thomas, February 14, 1827, to Sarah Smith; witnesses William W. and Elizabeth Clarke.
CORMICK, Ann, see COLUNIN, Bernard
CORRISTIN, Margaret, see WELSH, William
COSGROVE, Eliza, see MC CULLOUGH, Edward
COSGROVE, James, September 8, 1829, to Mary Russell; witnesses Henry Dowd and. Jane Cosgrove.
GOSGROVE, Thomas, April 25, 1830, to Bridget Carroll, witnesses Michael Carroll and Joanna McDeadd.
COSTELLO, Catharine, see MC GERRY, Patrick
COUGHIIW, Catharine, see MC GRATH, Thomas
COURTNEY, Bernard, September 15, 1829, to Jane McDonough; witnesses Joanna and Mary Ann McDeadd.
COYLE, Bridget, see MG DEVITT, John
COYLE, Joanna, see COYLE, John
COYLE, John, January 13, 1829, to Catharine Bradley; witnesses Thomas McClosky, Michael Murphy and Catharine Coyle.
COYIE, John, April 14, 1831, to Joanna Coyle; witnesses Patrick and Mary Sweeny.
COYIE, John, November 18, 1832, to Eliza Martin; witnesses John McLeer and Margaret Boyce.
COYLE, Mary, see MC ANALLY, Michael
COYIE, Patrick, March 3, 1836, to Elizabeth Gillan; witnesses John Cassidy and Daniel Kennedy.
COYLE, Rose, see MC LAUGHLIN, Thomas
CRAIG, James, September 11, 1836, to Joanna Mallon; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
CRAIG, Patrick, April 29, 1827, to Alice Moss; witnesses Frederick Mullen, James Byrne, Mary La Fouge and -- La Mare.
CRANGLE, Anna, see HUGHES, James
CRANGLE, Catharine, see QUINN, Patrick
CRANGLE, Nicholas, January 19, 1829, to Mary Anna Stephenson; witnesses Edward Denvir and Ellen Stephenson.
CRASSEN, Jane, see FISHER, Thomas
CRAVEN, Rosanna, see MC QUADE, James
CRILLY, Bridget, see RYAN, Michael
CRILLY, Thomas, February 2, 1826, to Elizabeth Curren; witnesses James Ennue (mis-written for Enue), James Kerr and William McMenomy.
CROAN, Anney, see RIVEL, William
CROSS, Patrick, July 31, 1831, to Margaret Hart; present John Murphy and Mary Gaugharan.
CROWlY, Michael, February 14, 1832, to Bridget Deigan; witnesses Roger McDonnell and Martha Ann Thompson.
CUDDY, James, August 3, 1834, to Ellen Kelly; witnesses Charles Carlon and Mary Ann Meehan.
CULLEN, Bridget, see MULLIGAN, Charles
CULLEN, Laurence, September 19, 1830, to Mary McGlinn; witnesses Thomas Fegan and Anna Murray.
CUMMIN, Andrew, April 1, 1830, to Mary Whelan; witnessee John and Elizabeth McDonagh and G. McCuslagh.
CUMMINGS, Hugh, June 25, 1835, to Catharine Lynch; witnesses Henry McKeon and -Elizabeth Johnson.
CUMMINS, Anna, see CUSACK, George
CUMMINS, Edward, September 24, 1832, to Catharine Smith,' witnesses Henry MoKeon and Mrs. Johnson.
CUMMISKEY, .Rosanna, see .BRADY, Francis
CUNNINGHAM, Thomas, May --, 1828, to -Rose Reilly; witnesses John Lyons and Rev. T.J. Donaghoe.
CURLESS, Helen, see SEARLE, Mahlon
CURRAN, Catharine, see RAEFERTY, Patrick
CURRAN, Sarah, see 0'BRIEN, Mathew
CURREN, Elizabeth, see CRILLY, Thomas
CURREN, Joanna, see TOWN, Thomas
CURRY, Patrick, May 29, 1827, to Margaret Callon; witnesses Patrick and Elizabeth Henry.
CURTIN, Mary, see BRODERICK, Patrick
CUSACK, George, February 10, 1834, to Anna Cummins; witnesses John Flynn and Margaret MoGrath.
CUSHALA, Bernard, October 8, 1830, to Mary McQuillan; witnesses John Keenan and Joanna McKenna.
DAILLY, Grace, see CONWAY, William
DAILY, Catharine, see DONAGHY, Arthur
DAILY, Rose, see WELCH, Richard
DALET, Mary, see CHERIE, Pierre
DALEY, Mary, see MC CONNELL,, Alexander
DAlY, Patrick, October 31, 1836, -to Sophia Denny; witnesses Henry MoKeon and Margaret Harkin.
DAMARET, Peter Joseph Aba,., of the Island of Martinique, July 9, 1829, to Victoria. Massieu; witnesses John B. and Mary Ann Massieu, Francis and Felix Thebault and Dominic P. La Lane.
DARE, Eliza Ann, see MC DONALD, Joseph
DARGAN, James, November 17, 1834, to Mary Ann Lumley; witnesses John Dolan and Winifred Clark.
DARKEY, Amelia, see BRADY, Patrick
DARRAGH, Anna, see Williams, Edward
DARTIS, Luiza, see BAKER, Joseph
DAUGHERTY, Anna, see MC CAULY, Patrick
DAUGHERTY, Charles, August 29, 1829, to Helen Slaven; witnesses Mary Daugherty and Joanna McDade.
DAUGHERTY, Patrick, August 21, 1834, to Margaret Donnelly; witnesses Michael Carroll and Thomas Kiely.
DAUGHERTY, William, May 25, 1826, to Ellen McGee; witnesses Margaret Butler and Benj. Lewis.
D'AURAINVILIE, Mary, see de THOEL, Vincent
DAVIS, Catharine, see MC DEVITT, Hugh
DAVIS, Sarah, see TALKER, Michael
DAY, Helena, see MC LOUGHLIN, Edward
DEALY, James, November 29, 1828, to Jane McGee; witnesses John McDade and Mary Lefourge.
DEERAN, Anna, see LONG, Andrew
DE FOREST, Mary Anna, see TREANOR, James
DEIGAN, Bridget, see CROWLY, Patrick
DELANY, Mary, see SILVIN, John
DEL'LURCALE, Jacques, native of the parish of Englefort (?), Diocese of Geneva, France (probably an error for Switzerland? ), July 26, 1826, to Louise Jeanne Plelt, native of Port au Prince, San Domingo; witnesses Eduard N. Causin, Jos. Lamocelle and Adelaide Truchet.
DEMPSEY, Bridget, see MORAN, John
DEMPSEY, Eleanor, see HENlEY, William
DENNIS, Robert, April 5, 1826, to Catharine Bryan; witnesses Charles Swift and M. Youckly.
DENNY, Sophia, see DALY, Patrick
DENTLIN, Christiana, see LOVE, Thomas
DENY, John, January 1, 1828, to Frances Ray; witnesses Andrew McAlpen and Benjamin Snell.
DERMOTT, Mary, see MC NAMEE, John
DESMOND, Daniel J., June 23, 1829, to Penena Blyden; witnesses T. Hayes, J. Verplank, G. Bainbridge and Bazeley Wager.
DESMOND, John, December 13, 1832, to Ellen Casey; witnesses Cornelius Cumming and Margaret Driscoll.
DESROCHERS, Peter, of Canada, April 20, 1834, to Catharine Haly, of Ireland; witnesses Michael and Mary Irwin, Elizabeth, mother of the bride, and now wife of John Ennis, Peter McGee, Thomas Haly and Thomas Lang.
DE THOEL, Vincent Andrew Maria Ignatius Caravadossy, of the Royal Order of Knights of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus; of the Order of Saroce, etc. etc., Senior Knight and Consul General Royal of Sardinia to the U.S.A.; son of Baron Victor Andrew Caravadossy de Thoel, of the same Orders, and his wife Mary Genevieve Grimali de Sauze, deceased, of Nice, January 30, 1828, to Mary Antoinette (Henriette?) D'Aurainville, daughter of Louis Nicholas D'Aurainville, of the Eques'n. Order of St. Louis, and his wife, Jeanne Clare Elizabeth Lecuriaux Chalon, of the Island of Martinique; witnesses Joachin Barroza Pereira, of the Eques'n. Order Royal of Christ, Royal Consul Gen'l. of Portugal to the U.S.A.; Severin Lorich, Consul Gen'l of Sweden; N. Garibaldi, Vice Consul and Chancellor of Sardinia; Chalon Klosser, H. d'Aurainville, J.H. Roberjot, Anthony Tessiere, T.D., and A. D' Aurainville.
DEVER, Sarah, see PATTEN, Michael
DEVEREUX, John, April 27, 1829, to Helen G. Snyder; witnesses Robert Burton, Jaines D. Tiers and Edward Snyder.
DEVERS, Bridget, see O'RILEY, Owen
DEVINE, Philip, September 26, 1833, to Esther Murry ((spelled Murray in announcement)), witnesses Henry McKeon and Mary Murry.
DEVLIN, Laurence, July 8, 1831, to Catharine Gourley; witnesses Elizabeth Johnson and Rosanna Blaney.
DEVLIN, Mary, see BENFIELD, George
DEVLIN, Patrick, November 23, 1828, to Mary McLaughlin; witnesses James Hughes and John McGuigan.
DEVIIN, Peter, August 27, 1829, to Elizabeth McCoy; witnesses William Gallagher and Rev. Bernard Keenan.
DEWEY, Erastus, March 2, 1829, to Martha Lloyd; witnesses Peter Benson and Margaret Brady.
DIAMOND, Edward, March 11, 1833, to Eleanor MacMullen; witnesses William Donaghy and Charles Mulholland.
DICK, James, June 6, 1830, to Anna Rosserter; witnesses James Hackett and Margaret McNight.
DICKINSON, Tabitha, see MC KEEVER, Roger
DICKSON, Mary, see O'ROURKE, Patrick
DILLON, Catharine, see DONAGHY, John
DILLON, James, February 14, 1830, to Anna Alice Carlin; witnesses John Wade and Helen Kean.
DIMINO, John, June 3, 1832, to Catharine Doran; witness Jane Campbell.
DINNAN, Robert, February 28, 1828, to Catharine Smith; witnesses Pat. McCaffry a.nd Daniel Fearis.
DI PISOLA, Giuseppe Antonio Olivieri, of Corsica, March 2, 1828, to Mary Gill Clark; witnesses George D. Glark, -- McKenna. and McD.
DOGHERTY, Ellen, see BRITTAN, Archibaud.
DOGHERTY, Thomas, April 7, 1826, to Mary Harkins; witnesses Philip McGeoghegan and (Christopher) Columbus Conwell (who was a nephew of the venerable prelate, the bishop. )
DOHERTY, Ellen, see MC KNIGHT, John
DOHERTY, William, November 17, 1836, to Alice Clark; witnesses John Dougherty and. Thomas Connelly.
DOLAN, Catharine, see MC DONAUGH, Patrick
DOLAN, Matthew, April 12, 1832, to Catharine Magill; witnesses John Dolan, Catharine Fegan, and Thomas Simmons.
DOLAN, Thomas, January 11, 1833, to Mary McNally; witnesses Mary Ann Garvey and -- McKeon.
DONAGHAN, Patrick, December 3, 1829, to Bridget Smith; witnesses Margery Rafferty and Owen Smith.
DOHAGHOE, Thomas, April 7, 1833, to Bridget McGinty; wtinesses John Casey and Patrick Mulcahy.
DONOGHOE, Susan, see KEILY, Michael
DONAGHY, Arthur, September 25, 1828, to Catharine Daily; witnesses Patrick Devlin and Joanna McDeadd.
DONAGHY, James, August 30, 1827, to Abbey Anna Smith; witnesses Patrick McGonegal and Paschal Parks.
DONAGHY, John, December 7, 1829, to Catharine Dillon; witness Joanna McDeadd.
DONAGHY, Mary, see MC SORLEY, James
DOMAHY, Ellen, see BRANNON, Thomas
DONNELY, Bridget, see CONNOLL, Charles
DONNELLY, Catharine, see BOOKER, Francis
DONNELLY, Henry, February 5, 1836, to Mary Kelly; witnesses John O'Neill and Henry McKeon.
DONNELLY, John, May 25, 1827, to Margaret Gallagher; witnesses Daniel Bradley and William McMenimi, (sic, MoMenamee or McMenamin?).
DONNELLY, John, November 23, 1832, to Hannah Sinclair; witnesses John Green and Joanna Campbell.
DONNELLY, Luke, April --, 1827, to Catharine Martin; witnesses Hugh Donnelly and Catharine Murray. (The foregoing is to "be found among the registrations in April, 1828.)
DONNELLY, Margaret, see DAUGHERTY, Patrick
DONNELLY, Mary, see COGHLAN, Patrick
DONNELLY, Mary, see EARLY, Thomas
DONNELLY, Patrick, February 9, 1828, to Bridget McHatton; witnesses William Daugan and Charles McGuigan.
DONNELLY, Rose, see MC CALL, Patrick
DONNELLY, Stephen, January 22, 1828, to Joanna Sheridan; witnesses Mrs. Johnson and Josephine McMahon.
DONNOLLY, Sarah, see GRAHAM, Patrick
DONOVAN, Timothy, December 4, 1832, to Mary Condon; witnesses Dennis McCarthy and Mary Donovan.
DONOVEN, Cornelius, April 6, 1834, to Judith Donoven, of Ireland; witnesses Henry Kane and Alice Curran.
DONOVEN, Judith, see DONOVEN, Cornelius
DORAN, Mary Catharine, see DIMINO, John
DORAN, John, April 11, 1830, to Margaret Carroll; witnesses Bernard McManus and Bridget Fety.
DORCY, Catharine, see SHEEHAN, John
DORNIN, Anna, see MATHEWS, Hugh
DOUGHERTY, Anna, see SCANNEL, Daniel
DOUGHERTY, Anna, see MG GIRR, Neal
DOUGHERTY, Bernard, August 31, 1830, to Catharine Finney; witnesses John Hunter and Anna Finney.
DOUGHERTY, Bridget, see GALEN, Michael
DOUGHERTY, George, August 18, 1829, to Catharine Kinsley; witnesses Edward and Helen McLaughlin.
DOUGHERTY, Hugh, April 24, 1831, to Elizabeth Tindall; witnesses T. and Juliana Letzinger.
DOUGHERTY, John, July 2, 1829, to Mary Anna Hamilton, of Delaware County; witnesses James and Rose Dougherty.
DOUGHERTY, Mary, see MURRY, Michael
DOUGHERTY, Mary, see SIMMONS, Rohert
DOUGHERTY, Neal, November 18, 1828, to Helen O'Donnell; witnesses Hugh Mooney and David Rusk.
DOUGHERTY, Peter, November 22, 1833, to Mary Ann Ennis; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
DOUGHERTY, Philip, October 17, 18^1, to Rosanna Kean; witnesses Eleanor Kean and Mary McGinnis.
DOUGHERTY, Thomas B., January 14, 1831, to Anna Joanna McCallister; witnesses Samuel McCollin and Margaret Ward.
DOUGHERTY, William, August 18, 1833, to Rosanna MoGill; witnesses Michael and Patrick Starrs.
DOUGLASS, Benjamin, July 14, 1832, unbaptized, to Bridget Monaghan, dispensed; witnesses Anna Grimes and Thomas Sloan.
DOWNING, Ellen, see GILBERT, John
DOWNING, Patrick, November 29, 1835, to Bridget O'Brien; witnesses Richard Whelan and Ellen O'Brien.
DOYLE, Anna, see 0'CONNOR, James
DOYLE, Martin, October 31, 1828, to Anna Ivies; witnesses John O'Neill and James Hogan.
DOYLE, Mary, see BRITTAIN, Edward
DOYLE, Michael, May 14, 1834, to Elizabeth Kelly, of Ireland; witnesses George Barton and Alice Boland.
DOYLE, Patrick, May 8, 1831, to Catharine Lewiston (alias Louge); witnesses Bridget Sharky and Rosanna 0'Neill"
DOYLE, Thomas, widower, of Ireland, August 1, 1827, to Mary
Tammany, of Lancaster, (PA); witnesses John Russell, Winifred Doyle and Catharine Irwin.
DREAN, Patrick, February 10, 1832, to Catharine Gallin; Witnesses Dennis Drean and Unity Boyle.
DROGAN, Anna, see MC GOWEN, John
DUBLASSO, Charles, June 22, 1833, to Elizabeth Low; Witnesses Joseph Fernandi and Sarah McKim.
DUBOIS, George, November 29, 1832, to Margaret C. Cannon; Witnesses John E. Mitchell and A. Gray.
DUCOING, Lydia, see STARR, Isaac
DUFFEY, Anna, see MC DEVITT, Patrick
DUFFIN, James, April 17, 1836, to Mary Keily; witnesses Edward McGennity, and Patrick Burt.
DUFFY, Bernard, September 23, 1830, to Anna Brennan; Witnesses Edward McKenna and mary McGinnis.
DUFFY, James, December 9, 1835, to Mary O'Brien,; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
DUFFY, Margaret, see HUGHES, Daniel
DU FRAENOIT, Hippolite, November 25, 1827, to Joanna Wilcox; Witnesses Elvi Daix and John Wilcox.
DUGAN, Patrick, January 7, 1831, to Elizabeth Mahan, Unbaptized; witnesses William McElhenny and Patrick McAnulty.
DUGAN, William, May 11, 1834, to Mary Clark of Ireland; Witnesses Cornelius (alias Neel) McLaughlin and Anna Dougherty.
DUKE, Bernard, July 3, 1829, to Catharine Brady, widow; Witnesses Daniel and Michael Ryan and Patrick Mooney.
DUKE, Catharine, see RYAN, Michael
DUMISSEL, Louis Jean Jules Dit, February 2, 1829, to Jeanne Clara Florence; witnesses Louis Ravelet and Pierre Benoni. (In The Register bearing on the entry just above is a Note To this effect: that the name "Louis Jean Jules" is to follow A fourth name, "Pie," as per order of the moset reverend bishop Of Arath, i.e. Bishop Kendrick, the coadjutor of Bishop Conwell. ((The word "Dit", it may be
observed furthhermore seems not a proper name, but merely the common French word for "known as 'Dumissel.' ")) ).
DUNN, Joanna., see BROPHY, John
DUNN, Margaret, see GILLAN, Patrick
DUNN, Mary, see RYAN, Timothy
DUNN, Patrick, Janua.ry 6, 18^4, to Joanna. Wall; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
DUNNIGAN, Patrick, June 14, 1828, to Mary Mann; witnesses Elizabeth Lloyd (daughter of Thomas Lloyd. She was generally known as "Miss Betsy.")
DUPREE, Catharine, see JUSTINIAN, Louis
DURAND, Margaret, see KELLY, Michael
DUREEN, Edward, October 23, 1835, to Joanna Hinfey; witnesses Joseph Reynolds and Henry McKeon.
DURKIN, Ma.ry, see TOOLE, Bernard
DURM, Oliver, November 23, 1827, to Mary Baxter; witnesses Thomas Rourke and Anna Gallagher.
DUTRAY, Mary, see CARPENTER, Louis
EARLY, Thomas, May 10, 1829, to Mary Donnelly; witnesses Joanna and Henrietta Deadd.
EARLY, William, April 17, 1835, to Anna Magee; witnesses Henry McKeon and Mary Cannon.
ECHEVARNEY, Mary Ann, see LIGGETT, Creorge
ECKLEY, Anna, see LAFFERTY, James
EDWARDS, Samuel, August 5, 1827, to Catharine Mohan; witnesses Thomas McLaughlin and Catharine Cornelia.
EGAN, John, April 19, 1831, to Mary Lithcom; present Thomas and Anna Egan.
ELDER, Mary, see O'COONOR, James
ELLIOTT, Mary, see KEHOE, Francis
ELLIS, Francis, December 8, 1830, to Joanna Augustine; witnesses Margaret Cassene and Peter Louis.
ELLIS, Patrick, May 21, 1826, to Joanna McCrudden; witnesses Henry Donnelly and Margaret Gallagher.
ENEU, James, May 9, 1827, widower, to Elizabeth Marble, widow of Joseph; witness Rev. T.J. Donaghoe and Anna Conwell.
ENEU, Louisa, see SAVILLE, William
ENNIS, Mary Ann, see DOUGHERTY, Peter
ENUE, Felix, September 20, 1830, Catholic, to Elizabeth Carney, Protestant; witnesses James Enue and Ann Ball.
ESSLING, Mary, see MYERS, Vincent
ESTERBERG, Chretine, see O'NEILL, Patrick
EULEE, Mark, July 28, 1831, to Mary Madelaine Hete, negroes; witnesses Stephen Lemere and Peter Augustine.
EVANS, Samuel George, May 8, 1832, to Anna McCaffrey; witnesses William Robinson and George Adams.
EVERLY, Elizabeth, see .HUGHES, Henry
FAGAN, Catharine, see CONLAN, Felix
FAGAN, James, September 12, 1829, to Sarah Pendergrast; witnesses John Donnelly, Mary Harkins and Andrew Hogan.
FALBY, Mary, see 0'HAY, Patrick
FALLIS, Abigail, see MC DONALD, Roger
FARLEY, John, January 2<5, 1831, to Anna MoGuire, widow; witnesses Joanna. McDade and Rosanna O'Neill.
FARLEY, John, February 3, 1833, to Grace McQuade; witnesses Michael Parley and James Connary.
FARLY, Thomas, October 21, 1832, to Catharine Graham; witnesses James Quin and John McKeon.
FARLEY, James, August 8, 1835, to Anna McLaughlin; witnesses John Hassin and Bernard Corrigan.
FARREL, Charles, March 1, 1829, to Anna Keenan; witnesses Parson Powers and Mary Whelan.
FARREL, Michael, May 31, 1832, to Rosanna Clarke; witnesses Michael Clarke a,nd Helen Brogan.
FARRELL, Bridget, see FARRELL, Thomas
FARRELL, James, June 30, 1829, to Emma Broom ((in announcement, reads Brown)); witnesses James Powers and Anna Broom.
FARRELL, James, October 3, 1833, to Catharine Gannon; witnesses (Rev. ) James Ryder and Elizabeth Johnson.
FARRELL, Thomas, November 12, 1833, to Bridget Farrell; witnesses Peter Kelly and Benry McKeon.
FARRELLY, Ellen, see CLARK, Jeremiah
FAULKNER, James, December 1, 1834, to Mary Ann Keating, widow of Patrick Maxwell; witnesses George Dougherty and Joanna McCoy.
FEE, Henry, May 10, 1829, to Mary Traverse; witnesses Joanna and Henrietta Deadd.
FEELY, Rosanna, see FORD, Thomas
FEENY, Mary, see GILLON, Alexander
FEENY, Mary, see GREEN, James
PE&AKT, Anna, see HAFEEY, Bernard
FEGAN, Thomas, May 30, 1827, to Isabella Kelly; witnesses Edward Kelly and Joseph Joe-.
FENLON, Bridget, see JUTE, Patrick
FERRALL, Margaret, see LOHMAN, Isaac
FERRIER, Arthur, (elsewhere "Tessier" and "McElewes"), March 15, 1827, to Elizabeth McEwen, widow; witnesses Henry Smith and John Young, of Filbert Street, Wo. 5
FERRIN, William, April 19, 1827, to Mary Reilly; witnesses Hugh McKinley and Eliza Gallagher.
FERRIS, Catharine, see QUINN, Arthur
FERRY, Grace, see GALLAGHER, Patrick
FERRY, Susan, see MC KENNA, Hugh
FEY, Thomas, February 27, 1827, to Rosanna Campbell (sister of the Hon. James Campbell, Postmaster General of the United States); witnesses Patrick and Michael Campbell and Anna Meade.
FIFE, Catharine, see MOLLY, Peter
FIFE, Catharine, see DOU&HERTY, Bernard
FINNIS, Isabella, see NUGENT, James
FISHER, Stephen H., January 28, 1833, to Ellen Ruthe; witnesses Joseph W. Andrews and Catharine Cannon.
FISHER, Thomas, July 21, 1829, to Jane Crassen; witnesses John Donnelly and Margaret Crassen.
FITZGERALD, Francis, October 16, 18^2, to Eliza Ann Flood; witnesses Catharine and James Flood.
FITZPATRICK, Catharine, see HOLLAND, Edward
FITZPATRIGK, James, June 14, 1833, to Eleanor Fitzpatrick (born Flanigan); witnesses Bernard McGuigan and Rev. P. (Peter?) Kenny.
FITZPATRICK, Sarah, see MC CANN, Francis
FITZPATRICK, William, January 11, 1833, to Mary Ann Garvey; witnesses Matthew Duggan and Anna Togan (logan?).
FLANAGAN, Michael, July 22, 1831, to Bridget Mathews; present Thomas and Rosanna Fay.
FLANIGAN, John, June 23, 1829, to Mary Murphy; witnesses John Keegan and. Mary Flanigan.
FLANIGAN, Terence, October 4, 1832, to Margaret Kahill (alias Reilly); witnesses Patrick Dening and John Cox.
FLEMMING, William, March 6, 1830, to Eleanor McWilliams, previously married before a non-Catholic magistrate;
witnesses Thomas and Margaret Clark.
FLINN, James, January 1, 1829? to Anna O'Donnell; witnesses Patrick Mooney and Joanna Calligan.
FlOOD, Eliza, see FITZGERALD, Francis
FLOOD, John, January 18, 1829, to Mary Mackin; witnesses George Montague, Anna Boyle and Elizabeth McNally.
FLORENCE, Jeanne, see DUMISSEL, Louis
FLYNN, George, December 10, 1829, to Eliza Young; witnesses Thomas Brady and John Gillick and wife.
FOGARTY, Jeremiah, January 9, 1833, to Mary Williams; witnesses Roger Owens and Sarah Dunn.
F0GARTY, Patrick, November 28, 18^, to Mary McSwigan, widow of Jacob Carr; witnesses John McCafferty and Anna McAlister.
FOLEY, Margaret, see BELL, Henry
FONTANGES, Peter Frederick, November 16, 1826, to Adelina C. Martin; witnesses William Heyl, B.W. Sykes and Dr. E.S. Cox.
FORD, John, January 19, 1829, to Mary McQuillan; witnesses Owen Mallon and Joanna. McDeadd.
FORD, Thomas, August 22, 1831, to Rosanna Feely, Catholics; witnesses Anna Feely, Rosanna McDade and Emily Whelan.
FOREHAND, Mary, see MC CABE, Thomas
FORTUNE, John Bapt., December 31, 1326, to Frances Guinard; witnesses Stephen LeMaire and James Blaise, of African descent.
FOSTER, George Francis, September 17, 1835, to Catharine Cannon; witnesses Henry McKeon and Mary Walsh.
FOSTER, Nathaniel C., February 28, 1831, to Sara Kavanagh.
FOSTER, Rachel, see WATERS, Edward
FOUREGFR, Mary Ann, see MASSICU, John
FOW, Eliza, see ADAMS, Thomas
FOX, Charles, May 10, 1830, to Eliza Russell; witnesses William Moyn and Mary Russell.
FOX, Margaret, see CONROY, James
FOX, Thomas, March 1, 1829, to Rebecca Gettins; witnesses Andrew McManname and -- Cipp.
FOX, William, April 7, 1828, to Esther O'Keill; witnesses Patrick Murray and. letitia Crawford.
FOY, Daniel, June 19, 1832, to Sarah Ann Smith; witnesses John Adams and. Mary Morris.
FOY, Michael, November 15, 1827, to Margaret Harlan; witnesses Edward and Elizabeth Roake.
FRANKLIN, Margaret, see NOONIN, Bartholomew
FREE, James, February 12, 18^4, to Elizabeth Anderson; witnesses Patrick Smith and Margaret Nalis.
FREEL, Helen, see MONAGHAN, William.
FREEL, John, July 9, 1831, to Bridget Halpin; witnesses George Wall and Bridget McCauley.
FURLONG, Eliza, see BRANKIN, Edward
FURLONG, Susan, see BAIRS, Daniel
GADNAN, Mary, see HART, John
GAFFNEY, John, July 30, 1830, to Catharine Twible, Catholics; witnesses Lewis Ryan and Mary -.
GALE, Mary, see BURCHER, Henry
GALEN, Michael, May 21, 1832, to Bridget Dougherty; witnesses Patrick McEntyre and Catharine Maguire.
GALLAGHER, Anna, see MC GOWAN, Peter
GALLAGHER, Anna, see WOODS, Richard
GALLAGHER, Anna, see CARLIN, Daniel
GALLAGHER, Anna, see .HAGHAN, Peter
GALLAGHER, Anna, seeMC KENNY, Patrick
GALLAGHER, Francis, February 19, 1831, to Sarah Gallagher; witnesses Arthur Fenier and Francis MoConnell.
GALLAGHER, Grace, see BRADLEY, Peter
GALLAGHER, Margaret, see DONNELLY, John
GALLAGHFR, Mary, see STARS, James
GALLAGHFR, Patrick, May 21, 1826, to Grace Ferry; witnesses Cornelius McCauly and Margaret Gallagher.
GALLAGHER, Sarah, see GALLAGHER, Francis
GALLAN, Michael, December 9, 1833, to Susan Browne,' witnesses Francis Neale Browne, James McCaughran and Mary Bidden.
GALLAN, Unity, see MC GEHAM, James
GALLEN, Daniel, July 27, 1830, to Mary Ann Hill; witnesses Joanna McDade and Mary Baty.
GALLEN, Hugh, February 18, 1829, to Margaret Slaven; witnesses Susan Kennedy and Joanna McDeadd.
GALLIN, Catharine, see DREAN, Patrick
GANNON, Catharine, see FARRELL, James
GARVFY, Mary Ann, see FITZPATRICK, William.
GEAL,, Anna, see MC CONWELL, Anthony
GEANES, Sarah, see LOGUE, James
GEATINGS, Margaret, see COLLINS, Bernard
GEFF, Perry, May 14, 1827, to Harriet Sawyer; witnesses Robert and. Mary Broom, negroes.
GELSTON, Thomas, January 3, 1832, to Joanna Carrigan; witnesses John Gelston and. Julia Hartigan.
GEORGAN, James, September 15, 1831, to Ellen Fitzpatrick; witnesses Louis Cohran and Ellen Mohran.
GERIN, Eugenia, see PENOT, John
GETTINS, Rebecca, see FOX, Thomas
GIBBON, John, June 14, 1829, to Mary McClusky; witnesses Hugh Connery and Bridget MoManus.
GIBBONS, James, June 2, 18^, to Elizabeth Coleman; witnesses Elizabeth Johnson and Ann Campbell.
GIBBS, Tener, see BRACELIN, Patrick
GIGAN, Sophia, see THOMPSON, David
GILBERT, John, December 22, 1832, to Ellen Downing; witnesses Martin F. and Mary Ann Coste.
GILLAN, Elizabeth, see COYLE, Patrick
GILLAN, Patrick, January 15, 1830, to Margaret Dunn; witnesses Ellen Dunn and Joanna McDad.e.
GILLEN, Edward, May 11, 1827, to Margaret Kean; witnesses Mary McGuire and Sarah McDonal.
GILLENAGH, Bridget, see MC CAULEY, Edward
GILLESPIE, Ellen, see LEVY, Edward
GILLESPIE, Rose, see WINTERS, Patrick
GILLIGAN, Mary Ann, see COFFEY, Edward
GILLIN, James, July 1, 1830, to Margaret McCarron; witnesses Alexander Gillin and Major E. Shannon.
GILLON, Alexander, August 19, 1828, to Mary Feeny; witnesses James Gillon and Bernard Rice.
GILLON, Elizabeth, see MADDIN, John
GILLON, John, October 27, 1833, to Letitia Campbell; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
GILMORE, Sarah, see WALSH, James
GILROY, Ann, see MC FALLS, Charles
GLACKEN, John, November 19, 1826, to Anna McNamee; witnesses
Eugene Cummiskey (the publisher?) and Anna McNamee.
GLACKEN, William, July 13, 1834, -to Rosanna Blaney; witnesses Patrick McLehone and Ellen Lvnch.
GLACKIN, Patrick, October 29, 1833, to Caroline Lee; witnesses John Sweeny and Edward Glackin.
GLASGOW, Susan, see LARKIN, Thomas
GLECKIN, Thomas, August 1, 1830, to Catharine Hassen; witnesses James McDermott and John McNanny.
GLEESON, Joanna, see MORRISSON, Charles
GODICHAUX, Ursula, see TARDY, Alexis
GOFF, Martha, see COOK, Charles
GOFF, Peter, July 28, 1829, to Camilla Carpenter; witnesses Charles Cook and Martha and Catharine Goff.
GOFNEY, Michael, June 2, 1832, to Mary Rush; witnesses Edward Muldoon and Catharine Dunn.
GOOHIN, John, October 9, 1828, to Bridget Mortin (Martin?); witnesses Bridget Baron and Thomas Baneen.
GOOLD Prudence, see CONYNGHAM, Laurence
GORDON, Henry, February 26, 1828, weaver, non-Catholic, to Anna Walsh, of Dublin.
GORMAN, John S., January 25, 1828, to Susan M. McBrian; witnesses John McGuigan and Mary Brady.
GORMAN, Mary, see SHAW, Patrick
GORMAN, Michael, February 3, 1828, to Margaret Murphy; witnesses Hugh and Hannah Donnelly, Owen Gorman and. George McCarney.
GORMLEY, Michael, March 23, 1836, to Anna McLoughlin; witnesses William McClean and Anna MoLoughlin.
GORMLEY, Anna, see KEGAN, Thomas
GORMLY, Hugh, August 20, 1826, to Anna McCartny; witnesses Bernard and. Eliza McCartny.
GOURLEY, Catharine, see DEVLIN, Laurence
GOWEREN, Anna, see BRADY, Owen
GRABB, Sarah, see MC LAUGHLIN, John
GRAHAM, Catharine, see FARLY, Thomas
GRAHAM, Patrick, August 10, 1826, to Sarah Donnolly; witnesses John MoKeown and Mary Carroll.
GRANDQUILLIAUM, Victor, December 16, 1828, to Josephine Pinot; witnesses Peter Pinot, Louis X, and Sophia Pinot.
GRANT, John, April 23, 1829, to Elizabeth Pruitt; witnesses Bernard McGuire, Hugh Dogherty and Sarah and Susan Pruitt.
GRANT, Neile, May 27, 1830, to Elizabeth Bird; witnesses Joseph McCann and Anna, West.
GREEN, Anna, see CANFIELD, John
GREEN, James, August 3, 1829, to Mary Feeny; witnesses Patrick Rorke and- Rosanna Martin.
GREEN, Mary, see QUIN, Patrick
GREENE, Patrick, April 7, 1828, to Mary Brady; witnesses - Brady, Columbus Conwell and Elizabeth Johnson.
GRIFFIN, Catharine, see CAMPBELI., James
GRIFFIN, John, September 13, 1829, to Amy Kimble; witnesses William Hazard and William B. Thompson.
GRIFFIN, Peter, June 15, 1834, to Isabella Carlin; witnesses James Gowen and James and. Ellen Kelly.
GRIFFIS, Griffith, May 27, 1827, to Helen McWilliams; witnesses John Loughran and Francis Dougherty. (The foregoing among the registrations for 1829.)
GROGAN, James, May 8, 1834, to Catharine Cahill; witnesses Sylvester Philips and Ann Campbell.
GROUSY, Elizabeth, see HANA, George
GUBERT, Theophilus, March 23, 1831, to Anna Mary Roberts; witnesses Joseph H. Gubert and. Thomas P. Roberts.
GUINARD, Frances, see FORTUNE, John
GUY, Lavinia, see HARLIN, Michael
HACKET, James, July 15, 1830, to Margaret McNeil,' witnesses Joanna McDeadd and Mary Beaty.
HAFFEY, Bernard January 28, 1831, to Anna Fegan; witnesses Joanna McDeadd and Rosanna Blaney.
HAGAN, George Atkinson, December 3, 1833, to Mary Tobin; witnesses William and .Elizabeth Argall.
HAGAN, Michael, April 23, 1835, to Elizabeth Smith; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
HAGAN, Rosanna, see HUGHES, Francis
HAGERTY, Hugh, September 5, 1826, to Catharine Castor; witnesses Nicholas Crip and Benedict Lewis.
HAGGERTY, Isabella, see MC NALLY, John
HAGHAN, Peter, November 27, 1831, to Anna Gallagher; (witnesses) John Divine and Michael Shiels.
HAGHY, Oliver, November 11, 1832, to Sarah Sheran; witnesses Henry Fees and Patrick Green.
HALLIDAY, James, May 28, 1832, to Anna Cody; witnesses John and Eliza Halliday.
HALPIN, Bridget, see FREEL, John
HALTON, Ellen, see SMITH, Edward
HALY, Catharine, see DESROCHERS, Peter
HALY, Thomas, October 28, 1832, to Anna Sulivan; witnesses Thomas Galinan and Edward Quay.
HAMILTON, Eliza, see CASSIDY, Thomas
HAMMOND, Peter, May 1, 1834, to Anna Tillotson, negroes; witnesses William Price and Anna Bond.
HANAGAN, Catharine, see O'NEILL, Paul
HANAR, Elizabeth, see CASSIDY, Patrick
HAND, Louisa, see ARNAIZ, Isidore
HAND, Patrick, November 19, 1829, to Joanna Porter; witnesses Michael and Anna McGarrigle.
HANNA, George, October 30, 1827, to Elizaeth Grousy; witnesses Daniel Kenny and Bridget Reilly.
HANNAN, Ellen, see KELLY, Thomas
HANSALL, Joseph, July 30, 1827, to Juliana Latimer; witnesses Adam Dialogue, Mary Rambeau and Francis Garachon.
HANSE, Mary, see MURPHY, Francis
HARKINS, James, February 7, 1826, of the parish of Rye, in .Donegal, (Ireland), to Frances Jackson of the same parish; witnesses Peter Rooney and Archibald Britain.
HARKIN8, Margaret, see 0'BRIEN, Cornelius
HARKINS, Mary, see DOGHERTY, Thomas
HARKINS, Mary, see RAYBOLD, Joshua
HARLAN, Margaret, see FOY, Michael
HARLIN, Michael, July 20, 1829, to Lavinia Guy; witnesses Daniel McGregor and William Foy.
HAROLD, Mary, see POULSON, Emor
HARRINGTON, Michael, April 22, 1828, to Mary Anna Parkinson, non-Catholic; witnesses Thomas Byrne and Eliza Murphy.
HART, Henry, July 12, 1829, to Anna Collins; witnesses Hugh Brady and Thomas McManus.
HART, James, September 2, 1833, to Rebecca Simpson; witnesses Thomas Simpson and John MoKeon.
HART, John, June 11, 1828, to Mary Gadnan; witnesses Thomas Dee and Anna Sullivan.
HART, John, February 14, 1829, to Mary Ann McAlister; witnesses James Dillon and Elizabeth Rudd.
HART, Margaret, see CROSS, Patrick
HARTNETT, Eugene, April 20, 1826, of Clogh--(Ireland), and Isabel Marshall, non-Catholic of Clogher; witnesses Rev. T.J. Donaghoe and David .Eakans.
HARVICK, Edward, February 7, 1826, Catholic, to Mary Vandoozn, non-Catholic; witnesses Lawrence Doyle and Sara Young.
HASSEN, Catharine, see GLECKIN, Thomas
HATTON, Rosetta, see MC CLARTY, Daniel
HAUGHEY, Edward, September '50, 1830, to Elizabeth MoDevitt, Catholics; witnesses John Gordon and Alexander McConnell.
HAUGHEY, Patrick, September 23, 1828, to Margaret Watson; witnesses Patrick Hogan and Charles Kelly.
HAYNES, James, May 1, 1831, to Mary Jackson; present John Haynes and Mary Massey.
HAYNES, .Leonard, unbaptized, October 13, 1831, to Anna Mary Liber; witnesses James Brady and Margaret Dougherty.
HAYS, Mary Ann, see ClARK, Alexander
HEALY, Mary, see JACKSON, William
HEALY, Isabel, see HURST, William
HEALY, John, February 20, 1832, to Margaret McCausland; witnesses (Rev?) John Hughes and. Elizabeth Johnson.
HEAP, Alonzo, November 21, 1833, to Mary McAlear; witnesses -Henry McKeon and Anna. McAlear.
HEERMANS, Philomelia, see O'NEILE, Andrew
HENLEY, William, November 21, 1831, to Eleanor Dempsey, Catholics; witnesses Thomas and Harriet Strickland and John Price.
HENNESSY, George, August 3, 1836, to Mary Keeves; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
HENNESSY, Philip, April 25, 1830, to Ellen Kenny; witnesses Bartholomew and Patrick Kenny.
HENNESY, Mary Ann, see KENTLIN, John
HENRIHEN, Daniel, June 19, 1831, to Elizabeth Worthington; witnesses Daniel McCarty and Joanna McDeadde.
HERPIN, John B.A., December 30, 1826, to Louisa Frances . Beylle, daugh-ber of Joseph Beylle and Mary Magdalen Louisa Theresa LeMaitre; witnesses Andrew Harrouille, Aimable Brazier, Peter Bosquet and Joseph Mathieu.
HESLIN, Daniel, December 4, 1832, to Anna McNiell,' witnesses John McCoy and Sarah McDonnell.
HESMAN, Charles, January 12, 1831, not 'baptized, to Eleanor McGowan; witnesses Miles Conway and Joanna. McDeadd.
HESS, Bertes, February 20, 1827, to Joanna Hyson; witnesses James Lyons and Sarah Martin.
HESSER, Henrietta, see LINGG, Aloysius
HESSIN, Michael, December 26, 1830, Catholic, to Elizabeth Keyle, Protestant; -witnesses Francis McGlade, James 0' Connor and James McGarrety.
HETE, Mary, see EULEE, Mark
HEWITT, Thomas, January 5, 1826, to Mary Agnes Tiers; witnesses Gunning Bedford, Joseph S. Myers and Aurundies Tiers.
HICKENS, George, August 16, 1828, to Rose MoGlaughlin; witnesses Rev. T.J. Donaghoe and Mrs. Joanna McDade.
HICKS, Mary, see LE BRUN, Jean
HIGNEY, Anna, see MURPHY, John
HILL, Mary Ann, see GALLEN, Daniel
HINFEY, Joanna, see DUREEN, Edward
HOARE, William, November 25, 1832, to Anna McGrath; witnesses Laurence McGrath and Mary Luder.
HOGAN, Julia, see SMITH, James
HOGAN, Mary, see LEGHY, James
HOGG, Michael, January 22, 1832, to Margaret McFinn; witnesses Christopher Hogg and Mary Le Fevre. (( This is found in Marriages, 1832, but with an entry that they are among the registrations for April, 1828.))
HOLDERNESS, William, January 4, 1829, to .Barbara Macins (Makins?); witnesses Dennis Murphy and his wife, and John Gorman.
HOLLAGHAN, Margaret, see .HOLLAND, James
HOLLAND, Anna, see LYLE, Robert
HOLLAND, Edward, June 28, 1832, to Catharine Fitzpatrick; witnesses Thomas McClusker and Mary de Moy.
HOLLAND, James, June 6, 1830, to Margaret Hollaghan; witnesses Mary Lynn and William Hazard.
HOLLIGAN, Hugh, October 26, 1831, to Catharine Coffy, Catholics; (witnesses) Thomas Farrell and Eleanor Fitzpatrick.
HONE, Michael, October 14, 1832, to Ellen Lynch; witnesses William Nelson and Catharine McCarthy.
HOOD, Vincentia, KEEFE, John
HOVEY, Thomas, October 14, 18^1, to Bridget McDonald; witnesses Patrick Curry and Mary McGuigan.
HUGHES, Daniel, November 17, 1830, to Margaret Duffy; witnesses John Duffy and Mary Woods.
HUGHES, Francis, July 29, 1832, to Rosanna Hagan (alias McGucker); witnesses Felix Boylan and J. Walsh.
HUGHES, Henry, October 1, 1832, to Elizabeth Everly, non-Catholic; witnesses Patrick Hughes and Edward Norman.
HUGHES, James, January 16, 1832, to Anna Crangle; witnesses William and Anna Carbery. ((This is found in the Marriages for 1832, but with the notation that the foregoing entry was found in the registrations for April, 1828.))
HUGHES, Mary, see MC KEE, Dennis
HUGHES, Sarah, see SWEENY, Miles
HUMES, Mary Ann, see WALSH, James
HUNY, Patrick, January 10, 1833, to Mary McDonald; witnesses Robert Kelly and Anna Curran.
HURLEY, Eliza, see O'MAHAN, John
HURST, William, April 8, 1826, non-Catholic, American widower, to Isabel Healy de Astrau (of Antrim?) witnesses Eugene and Catharine Mullen, Rosanna and Bridget Healy, sisters of the bride.
HUSSEY, Maurice, Fet)rua,ry 13, 1830, to Joanna Prindiville; witnesses Jeremiah and Elizabeth O'Connor.
HYSON, Joanna,, see HESS, Bertes
IRVIN, Sarah, see PEALE, Reuben
IVIES, Anna, see DOYLE, Martin
JACKSON, Elizabeth, see KEARNEY, Philip
JACKSON, Frances, see HARKINS, James
JACKSON, Mary, see HAYNES, James
JACKSON, William, March 27, 1833, to Mary Heady; witnesses John Smith and Mary O'Rourk.
JANJULIAN, John Peter, July 5, 1828, to ---, Anna Bridget; witnesses Stephen La Mere and Caroline Louis.
JEWEL, Mary, see SHIEHAN, William
JOHNSON, George, October 28, 1829, to Mary Ann McCarthy; witnesses Bernard McCarthy and Mary Jones.
JOHNSON, Jeremiah, April 8, 1833, to Unity Cannon; witnesses James Coyle and Middy Johnson.
JOHNSON, Mary, see BAB, Owen
JOLLEY, Richard, February 24, 1829, to Rosa Bell; witnesses James Barren, Henry Bell, Margaret Frey and Catharine Maxwell.
JONES, Anna, see BLACKISTON, Benjamin
JONES, Watson, December 23, 1830, to Catharine Mullen; witnesses Phoebe Parker and Joanna McDeadde.
JOSEPH, Delphine, see ALZIER, Adolph
JOSEPH, Margaret, see BELVERE, Celestin
JOUFFRY, John Claude, July 22, 1831, to Louisa Saivy; witnesses J.A. Chauveau, etc.
JUSTINIAN, Louis Vincent, August 11, 1831, to Catharine Dupree, Protestant and not baptized; present Edward Murray and wife Mary.
JUTE, Patrick, October 17, 1829, to Bridget Penlon; witnesses --- Baker and Ellen Kahil.
KAHILL, Margaret, see FLANIGAN, Terence
KANE, James, February 10, 1833, to Mary Ann McMahon; witnesses Sarah Kane and Mary McGill.
KANE, John, September 25, 1831, to Mary Ann McCartney; witnesses Henry Kane and Joanna Devine.
KANE, Thomas, October 2, 1829, to Elizabeth Mariott; witnesses John and Jane Tammeny.
KAVANAGH, Sara, see FOSTER, Nathaniel
KEAN, Hannah, see 0'FARRELL, Edward
KEAN, Mary, see ROBINSON, John
KEAN, Margaret, see GILLEN, Edward
KEAN, Margaret, see COLLINS, Job
KEAN, Rosanna, see .DOUGHERTY, Philip
KEARNEY, John, August 1, 1834, to Mary Ann McCann; witnesses Edward McCann and his wife and Elizabeth Johnson.
KEARNEY, Philip, November 10, 1827, to Elizabeth Jackson; witnesses Daniel McKinney and Patrick Cassidy.
KEARNEY, Richard, September 4, 1828, to Mary Sullivan; witnesses Peter Philippus and Helen Sullivan.
KEARNS, Anna., see MC FADDEN, William
KEATING, Dominic, October 2, 1834, to Anna O'Neil; witnesses Arthur Keating and Mary O'Neill.
KEATING, Mary Ann, see FAULKNER, James
KEATING, Patrick, September 21, 1835, to Elizabeth McClean; witnesses Henry McKeon and Mary Gallaher.
KEEFE, John, April 4, 1831, to Vincentia Hood; witnesses Joanna. McDeadd and Rosanna O'Neill.
KEEFE, Jeremiah, March 6, 1833, to Mary Vandegrift; witnesses William Carroll and Sarah Landers.
KEEFE, Joseph, January 9, 1829, to Rebecca Rooney; witnesses Ernest Silbert and Mary Ann Reeves.
KEEGAN, Sarah, see MARTIN, Edward
KEEGAN, Terence, November 12, 1832, to Mary McGuire; witnesses Susan 0'Neill and. Anna Cannon.
KEENAN, Anna, see FARREL, Charles
KEFFY, Daniel, January 14, 1833, to Bridget McGerry; witnesses Francis Connelly and Mary White.
KEGAN, Patrick, August 5, 1830, to Bridget Lennard; witnesses Richard Welding and Anna McGrath.
KEGAN, Thomas, October 16, 1835, to Anna Gormly; witnesses Bartholomew Morris and Patrick McElhone.
KEEVES, Mary, see HENNESSY, George
KEHOE, Francis, August 2, 1826, to Mary Elliott; witnesses James Bowling and Elizabeth Meagher.
KELLY, Anna, see TAIS, Samuel
KELLY, Anna, see REILLY, Edward
KELLY, Charles, May 30, 1829, to Joanna Barnes; witnesses John Van Meter and Sarah Cobe.
KELLY, Dennis, January 10, 1829, to Mary Polhemus; witnesses Peter Woods, Augustine P. Quigg and Eliza Dougherty.
KELLY, Dennis, May 12, 1831, to Mary Shirkey (alias Devers); witnesses Sarah and Rosanna Kennedy.
KELLY, Edward, September 21, 1834, to Margaret Cordelia Barry; witnesses James Hanlan and Sarah Daly.
KELLY, Edward, May 8, 1831, to Margaret McCrossin; witnesses Joanna McDeadd and Rosanna O'Neill.
KELLY, Elizabeth, see SHERIDAN, Patrick
KELLY, Elizabeth, see DOYLE, Michael
KELLY, Ellen, see CUDDY, James
KELLY, Isabella, see FEGAN, Thomas
KELLY, James, February 14, 1831, to Mary Magee; witnesses John Ebernathy (Abernathy? or Abernethy?) and Rosanna O'Neill.
KELLY, John, January 5, 1834, to Catharine Archibald; witnesses James and Margaret Kelly, .Patrick and Mary Archibald.
KELLY, John, April 21, 1835, to Susan Kelly; witnesses John Kelly and Corneliua Kelly.
KELLY, Margaret, see WHELAN, Michael
KELLY, Mary, see KINSELY, Michael
KELLY, Mary, see DONNELLY, Henry
KELLY, Mary, see DUFFIN, James
KELLY, Mary, see CAULFIELD, Michael
KELLY, Michael, October 7, 1829, to Margaret Durand.; witnesses John Donaghoe and Mary Whelan.
KELLY, Michael, April 15, 1830, to Catharine McCormick; witnesses James Sergaent, Anna Kelly and Henry Fee.
KELLY, Michael, January 9, 1833, to Susan Donoghoe; witnesses Patrick Hughes and Anna Elliott.
KELLY, Patrick, June 1, 1826, to Margaret McCarbrey; witnesses Edward Collins and Hugh Duffy.
KELLY, Patrick, September 29, 1829, to Mary Wilson; witnesses William Carbery and Joanna McDade.
KELLY, Pat., July 9, 1831, to Juliana O'Hara, widow; present James Ferrell and Elizabeth Johnson.
KELLY, Patrick, December 18, 1831, to Caroline Clinton, not baptized; witnesses Margaret MoDonough and Eleanor Green.
KELLY, Patrick Conwell, May 25, 1833, to Rose Woods; witnesses Richard Nugent and Rose Woods.
KELLY, Peter, October 8, 1831, to Mary McGarvey; witnesses Thomas Agnew and Elizabeth Johnson.
KELLY, Rosanna, see MC CORMICK, Edward
KELLY, Susan, see KELLY, John
KELLY, Thomas, November 4, 1834, to Ellen Hannan; witnesses Dennis Lee and Bridget O'Neill.
KELLY, William, September 11, 1831, to Sarah McClusky (alias Carr); witnesses Mary McGuigan and Elizabeth Johnston.
KENDEL, Elizabeth, see PERRIER, Bernard
KENNEDY, Abigail, see BOYLE, Thomas
KENNEDY, Dennis, December 28, 18^2, to Mary MacManamen; witnesses Cornelius Mac Vea and Henry McKeon.
KENNEDY, James, August 17, 1826, to Anna Cassidy; witnesses Samuel Dogherty, Patrick Barr and John McClean.
KENN, Bartholomew, October 22, 1829, to Mary McBride; witnesses - --ò- and Mary Sweeny.
KENNY, Ellen, see HENNESSY, Philip
KENNY, Patrick, March 30, 1826, to Juliana McBrine; witnesses Hugh Sweeny and Anna McCormick.
KENSELY, Michael, May 18, 1827, to Mary Kelly; witnesses Elizabeth Crilly and the priest.
KENTLIN, John, Hay 13, 1832, to Mary Ann Hennesy; witnesses Michael Hennsey and Elizabeth Moore.
KENTON, Joseph, October 12, 1826, non-Catholic, to Marianna Laura Busche, born in Havana, Cuba, Catholic; witnesses Augustina Mary Clementina Calon, mother, (but not recorded of whom) and Chr. Columbus Conwell.
KEY, Thomas, November 29, 1827, to Rosanna Shannon, Protestant and Catholic; witnesses John McCauly and Mary Anna 0'Connor.
KEYLE, Elizabeth, see HESSIN, Michael
KEYSER, John Frederick, November 15, 1828, to Catharine Byrne; witnesses Bernard R. Waen and Joanna I. Stocker.
KIERNAN, Edward, July 29, 1832, to Rosa Logan; witnesses Christopher Fullam and Andrew Logan.
KIMBLE, Amy, see GRIFFIN, John
KING, John, December 21, 18^2, to Alice Love; witnesses John Hall and Joanna Wallace.
KINSELLA, Bridget, see WALLACE, John
KINSELLA, Edward, September 20, 1832, to Sarah Anna Clayton; witnesses Francis Fitzgerald and Anna O'Neile.
KINSLEY, Catharine, see DOUGHERTY, George
KONN, John, October 12, 1832, to Anna. McCarlon; witnesses John Hanlin and Mary Ann Doran.
LAFFERTY, James, February 18, 1827, to Anna Eckley; witnesses Bernard and Sarah Roy.
LAFFERTY, Joanna, see MATHEVS, Hugh
LAFFERTY, Susan, see CARBERY, William
LAMB, Patrick, October 22, 1829, to Rebecca Purcell; witness Mary Scott.
LAMPIN, Michael, May 13, 1827, to Mary Peher; witnesses Hannah Lloyd and sister. (These sisters were daughters of Thomas Lloyd. One daughter Jane, was the second wife of John Rudolph, merchant, whose country-seat is now Villanova College. )
LANCASTER, J.J., February 20, 1827, to Belinda McGawley; witnesses Justo Donnat and Sydney and Joseph Lancaster. (Parents of the Rev. Clement Lancaster, SJ.).
LANDRIGAN, John, November 24, 1827, to Mary Bruce; witnesses Richard Nagle and Hugh Winter.
LANE, Eleanor, see SWEENY, Patrick
LANIHAN, John, February 19, 1832, to Rose Brady; witnesses Terence Mahan and Elizabeth Harper.
LARGY, Henry, November 23, 1829, to ;Ellen Woods; witnesses Patrick Moore and Mary Evans.
LARKIN, Thomas Henry, April 20, 1830, to Susan Ross Glasgow; witnesses Joseph Bringhurst, John B. Porter and Elizabeth English ò
LARKINS, Mary, see LOEN, Michael
LATIMER, Juliana, see HANSALL, Joseph
LAUGHRIN, James, April 7, 1834, to Sarah Campbell; witnesses Charles and Mary Carlon.
LAURENCE, Valentine Prosper, March 19, 1826, to Mary Adelaide Virginia Pujol; witnesses Abl. Braier, (ought to be Brasier), Sen. (i.e. Senor) Herils nee Pujol. S. Herils, S. Gerin, J.&. Hess and J. Morin.
LAWRENCE, Joseph, January 23, 1831, to Sarah Seddinger; witnesses Felix Enue and Catharine Seddinger.
LAURENGY, John, February 14, 1831, to Mary Ann Nelson; witnesses Mary Laurengy, Joanna McDeadd.
LAUSATTE, Anthony, April 12, 1831, to Anna Clay; present --- Jones and John P. Griffith.
LAWSON, Anna, see WINTER, Robert
LEAHY, Michael, February 5, 1830, to Catharine O'Donnell; witnesses Catharine and Hugh O'Donnell.
LEANER, Ellen, see MARTIN, Patrick
LE BRUN, Jean, December 29, 1833, to Mary Hicks; witnesses Pierre T. S. Augustin and Mary Martha Augustine.
LEE, Caroline, see GLACKIN, Patrick
LEE, John, February 19, 1833, to Ellen Reilly; witnesses John McGuighan and Alice Whelan.
LEE, Robert, October 3, 1830, to Sarah Ballins; witnesses Hugh Carrol and Mary McGinnis.
LEENY, Michael, June 6, 1831, to MaryMcLear (alias Conlan); witnesses Bridget McSorley and Rosanna O'Neill.
LEGHY, James, November 18, 1832, to Mary Hogan; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
LEIBER, Magdalen, see SEARCH, James
LEKEE, Jane, see MC WILLIAMS, Thomas
LE MAIRE, Stephen, June 27, 1826, to Rosalie ---, of negro origin; witness Anna Conwell (niece ? of the "bishop?).
LENNARD, Bridget, see KEGAN, Patrick
LENOX, Charles, January 6, 1830, to Anna Reilly (alias Laverly); witnesses John and Mary Ann McDeadde. (Elsewhere McDead. )
LENOX, Thomas, October 10, 1835, to Elizabeth Campbell; witnesses Henry McKeon and Patrick Kelly.
LEONARD, Edward, June 2, 1832, to Bridget McKinsey (alias Daragh); witness ---
LESTRANGE, Thomas, August 22, 1831, to Bridget Connell; witnesses Mathew Wire and Catharine Michan.
LEVY, Edward, April 14, 1831, to Eleanor Gillespie; witnesses Andrew Gillespie and Elizabeth Dougherty.
LEWISTON, Catharine, see DOYIE, Patrick
LIBER, Anna Mary, see HAYNES, Thomas
LIGGETT, George, August 31, 1836, to Mary Ann Echevarney; witnesses George Green and Charles Magennis.
LINGG, Aloysius, June 25, 1828, to Henrietta Hesser, (probably Heyser); witnesses Francis J. Obrist and Mary Eravis (These names elsewhere seem to read "Lygg" and "Hasser").
LITHGOM, Mary, see EGAN, John
LITTLEWOOD, James, April 7, 1835, to Eleanor Bogue; witnesses Francis Colvin and Julia Toland.
LLOYD, Martha, see DEWEY, Erastus
LOEN, Michael, May 12, 1831, to Mary Larkins, widow; present Patrick Loen and Patrick Mullen.
LOGAN, Luke, December 21, 1828, to Sara Clare; witness James Holland.
LOGAN, Mary, see MALLON, Bernard
LOGAN, Rebecca, see PORTER, William
LOGAN, Rosa, see KIERNAN, Edward
LOGUE, James, June 2, 1827, to Sarah Geanes; witnesses William McFadden, Mary McCartney and John Logue.
LOHMAN, Isaac, April 28, 1831, to Margaret Ferrall; present Richard Smith, John Leamy and Charles Chauncey.
LONEGAN, Michael, July 18, 1832, to Bridget Reilly; witnesses James Revlen and Margaret Gallagher.
LONG, Andrew, May.8, 1830, to Anna Deeran (alias Mihin); vfitnesses Edward Deeran and William Summerfield.
LORINGER, Genevieve, see ASHMAN, James
LOUGUE, Anastasia, see SUMMERFIELD, James
LOUGUE, Frances, see TONER, James
LOUGHLIN, John, December 2, 1826, to Mary Kilgrush, married in 1815, in Ireland; witnesses Christopher Columbus and Anna Conwell. (Perhaps had been married unlawfully.)
LOUGHRAN, ---, see MAGEE, James
LOVE, Alice, see King, John
LOVE, Sarah, see SCANLON, William
LOVE, Thomas, August 23, 1827, to Christiana Dentlin; witnesses Caleb Hammer, Mary Anna Forns and Catharine Johnson.
LOW, Elizabeth, see DUBLASSO, Charles
LUMLEY, Mary Ann, see DARGAN, James
LUNEY, Peter, November 1, 1832, to Elizabeth McGovern; witnesses Patrick Donaghoe and Mary O'Brien.
LYLE, Robert, July 29, 1832, to Anna Holland; witnesses Martin McQuade. (sic.)
LYNCH, Catharine, see CUMMINGS, Hugh
LYNCH, David, December 10, 1826, to Mary Barry; witnesses Patrick Kelly, William Barton and Anna Scott..
LYNCH, Ellen, see HONE, Michael
LYNCH, James, April 12, 1830, to Bridget Nugent; witnesses Patrick Quin and John McDeadd.
LYNCH, Margaret, see 0'BRIEN, James
LYNCH, Mary, see MC KEON, John
LYNCH, Mary Elizabeth, see MC KEON, John
LYNCH, Sarah, see CAMPBEIL, Patrick
LYODD (LLOYD?), William, May 1, 1830, to Elizabeth Mahon; witnesses Joanna McDeadd and Elizabeth Cross.
LYONS, Daniel, January 6, 1834, to Julia McCarthy; witnesses William Harrington and Mary Lyons.
LYONS, Eleanor, see CONNELL, Michael.
MC ADAMS, Rosanna, see BARR, Andrew
MC ALEAR, Mary, see HEAP, Alonzo
MC ALEER, Mary, see MC CARRON, James
MC ALISTER, Mary Ann, see HART, John
MC ALISTER, Randle, February 21, 1830, to Mary Ann Tracy; witnesses Oliver Dunn and Henrietta Tracy.
MC ANALLY, Michael, September 6, 1829, to Mary Coyle; witnesses John Coyle, Henry McCartney and John McDevitt.
MC BRIAN, Susan, see GORMAN, John
MC BRIDE, Mary, see KENNY, Bartholomew
MC BRIDE, Mathew, September 5, 1828, to Anna Sweeny; witnesses Patrick Sweeny, Catharine McDonald and John and Mary Johnson.
MC BRIDE, Patrick, July 16, 1831, to Anna Clarke; witnesses Michael Farron and Rosanna Clarke.
MC BRIDE, Peter, September 11, 1827, to Helen Mullen; witnesses Rev. J. O'Reilly and Catharine Mullen.
MC BRIEN, Catharine, see O'DONNELL, Patrick
MC BRIEN, Margaret, see BARRY, John
MC BRIEN, Mary, see DUFFY, James
MC BRINE, Juliana., see KENNY, Patrick
MC CABE, James, March 20, 18^3, to Margaret Short; witnesses Philip Reilly and Anna Callaghan.
MG CABE, Mary, see PLUNKETT, John
MG CABE, Thomas, August 16, 1828, to Mary Forehand; witnesses Thomas and Margaret Clarke.
MC CAFFERTY, James, October 14, 18^, to Bridget Bar (( In announce.ment, spelled Barr)), (born Dealy); witnesses Dennis Rya, Henry Roley, Sara C. Dealy and Anna McAfaa.
MC CAFFERTY, Roger, February 14, 1832, to Bridget Quin; witnesses Patrick Quin and Margaret McKearny.
MC CAFFREY, Roderick, January 8, 1827, to Susan McCaffrey; witnesses Edw. Johnson and William, and James Robinson.
MC CAFFREY, Susan, see MC CAFFREY, Roderick
MC CAFFRY, Anna, see EVANS, Samuel
MC CAFFRY, Mary, see 0'NEILL, Charles
MC CAFFRY, Thomas, November 26, 1830, to Susan Conway, widow; witnesses Patrick O'Brien and Anna Malony.
MC CALL, Patrick, November 11, 1833, to Rose Donnelly; witnesses Edward and Rose Tague.
MC CALLAN, Bridget, see MC GERAGHTY, Bernard
MC CALLISTER, Anna, Joanna, see DOUGHERTY, Thomas
MC CANN, Catharine, see BIGGER, John
MC CANN, Charles, September 2, 1827, to Elizabeth Smith (alias Adams); witnesses John McGuigan and Hannah (sic, Anna? ) Conwell.
MC CANN, Francis, August 15, 1830, to Sarah Fitzpatrick; witnesses Michael Fitzpatrick and Margaret Garvan.
MC CANN, John, August 3, 1834, to Anna Murray; witnesses Peter Woods, Patrick Kelly and Richard Nugent.
MC CANN, Mary Ann, see KEARNEY, John
MC CARBREY, Margaret, see KELLY, Patrick:
MC CARDELL, Michael, June 5, 1831, to Martha Reid, baptized Episcopalian; present Patrick Galligan and Alice Mulligan.
MG CARDLE, Alice, see MC KENNA, John
MC CARlON, Anna, see KONN, John
MC CARNEY, John, October 7, 1830, to Margaret Bracken; witnesses Henry Mc Carney and Felix McGirr.
MC CARREN, William, November 18, 1826, to Catharine Warren; witnesses Eugene Cummiskey and Mary Toker.
MC CARRON, James, October 20, 1826, to Mary McAleer; witnesses John McAleer and Mary Brady.
MC CARRON, John, April 7, 1833, to Catharine 0'Brien; witnesses Michael Wan and John Darcy.
MC CARRON, Margaret, see GILLIN, James
MC CARTHY, .Dennis, February 28, 1827, to Eleanor Condon; witnesses Maurice Woods, Eugene Maher, James Sullivan and Raymond Condon.
MC CARTHY, Julia, see LYONS, Daniel
MC CARTHY, Mary Ann, see JOHNSON, George
MC CARTIN, Edward, June 1, 1830, to Jane Boyle (alias Dougherty); witnesses -Thomas Lenox and Joanna McDeadd.
MC CARTNEY, Ellen, see STOCKDALE, Andrew
MC CARTNEY, Mary Ann, see KANE, John
MC CARTNY, Anna, see GORMLY, Hugh
MC CARTY, Mary, see MONTAGUE, James
MC CARTY, Thomas, January 28, 1826, to Mary Anna Burn; witnesses Julia Burn and Mary Toole.
MC CAULE, .Eliza, see QUIN, Mathew
MC CAULEY, Edward, August- 1, 1830, to Bridget Gilenagh; witnesses Dennis Mealy and Richard McCool.
MC CAULY, Patrick, July 9, 1826, to Anna Daugherty; witnesses Alexander McConnell and Margaret Kelly.
MC CAUSLAND, Margaret, see HEANY, John
MC CLARTY, Daniel, January 14, 1830, to Rosetta Hatton; witnesses Joanna, and Mary Ann McDeadde.
MC CLEAN, Elizabeth, see KEATING, Patrick
MC CLELLAND, Daniel, April 7, 1831, to Sarah Wards; witnesses James Wards and Anna Curran.
MC CLOSKEY, Anna, see WALLWORK, Joshua
MC CIOSKEY, Bridget, see O'NEIL, James
MC CLOSKEY, Henry, November 12, 1826, to Mary Gillaspey; witnesses Robert Elliot, Anna McCormick and Charles McGanety.
MC CLOSKEY, Margaret, see MC DEVITT, Patrick
MC CLOSKEY, William, May 16, 1830, to Sarah Briton; witnesses Robert Carr and Catharine McGerrin.
MC GLUSKEY, Ellen, see MC FELLY, Bernard
MG CLUSKEY, Richard, December 27, 1829, to Anna Cooper, Catholics; witnesses Joseph Diamond and Eliza Taylor.
MC CLUSKY, Mary, see GIBBON, John
MC CLUSKY, Sarah, see KELLY, William
MC COGHELL, Julia, see REILLY, Bernard
MG COLGAN, Margaret, see RAY, Charles
MC CONNELL, Alexander, June 9, 1829, to Mary Daley; witnesses Michael Crilley and John McNabb.
MC CONNELL, John, August 29, 1826, to Anna McHire; witnesses Margaret Butler and Benedict Lewis.
MC CONVIL, Edward, November 6, 1826, to Eliza Brank; witnesses Patrick Cunan and Daniel O'Neill.
MC CONWELL, Anthony, February 20, 1831, to Anna Geal; present John Byrne and Patrick Mayly.
MC CONWELL, Joanna, see BRADY, Eugene
MC CORCLE, James, October 30, 1832, to Sarah Brown; witnesses John Campbell and Susan O'Neill.
MC CORMICK, Catharine, see KELLY, Michael
MC CORMICK, Cecilia, see COLLINS, James
MC CORMICK, Daniel, February 13, 1828, to Anna Waters; witnesses John Madden and Thomas Devine.
MC CORMICK, Edward, April 18, 1834, to Rosanna Kelly, of Ireland; witnesses Henry and Alexander Herron.
MC CORMICK, Margaret, see REILLY, John
MC CORMICK, Sarah, see BARREN, James
MC CORMICK, Steward, July 13, 1829, to Jane Redin; witnesses John Casey and Rachel Griffinburg.
MC COY, Bridget, see CONLY, Mathew
MC COY, Elizabeth, see DEVLIN, Peter
MC COY, James, April 18, 1827, to Sarah Mulloy, widow of Hugh Martin.
MC COY, John, February 18, 1833, to Ellen Bloomer; witnesses Edward Bloomer, Peter Monaghan and Bridget Mallon.
MG CRASSIN, Mary, see MC GRATH, James
MC CREADY, Michael, February 19, 1827, to Helen McKean; witnesses Thomas McGuire and Margaret Victoria Shoof.
MC CROSSIN, Margaret, see KELLY, Edward
MC CRUDDEN, Joanna, see ELLIS, Patrick
MC CUE, Sarah, see RYAN, Daniel
MC CUE, Susan, see MULHOLLAND, Hugh
MC CULLAGH, Job, November 13, 1833, to Bridget McGarrety; witnesses John Rodgers and Richard Conwell.
MC CULLAUGH, Bernard M., March 23, 1826, to Mary Clark; witnesses Hugh McKenna and V- McNenny.
MC CULLOUGH, Edward, December 20, 1827, to Eliza Cosgrove; witnesses Sarah Shannon and John McCullough.
MC CULLOUGH, Henry, June 2, 183^, to Elizabeth Baxter; witnesses - McGuigan and James Busschop.
MC CULLOUGH, John, September 10, 1826, to Elizabeth Nelas; witnesses Patrick and Anna Sweeny.
MC CULLOUGH, Susan, see MC GEE, Bernard
MC DERMOTT, Elizabeth, see MAXWELL, Robert
MC DERMOTT, John, May 31, 1832, to Anna McDermott; witnesses William Graham and Elizabeth Johnson.
MC DERMOTT, Patrick, April 22, 1832, to Mary Anna Callaghan; witnesses Neal and Elizabeth Grant.
MG DEVITT, Catharine, see MG GINITZY, James
MC DEVITT, Elizabeth, see HAUGHEY, Edward
MG DEVITT, Hugh, December 9, 1832, to Catharine Davis, unbaptized; witnesses John Davis and Catharine McDevitt.
MC DEVITT, John, October 2, 1828, to Bridget Coyle; witnesses John and Catharine Coyle and Mary Dougherty.
MC DEVITT, Patrick, November 27, 1830, to Margaret McCloskey; witnesses Anthony Devine, David Grear and Bridget McCloskey.
MC DEVITT, Patrick, July 20, 1835, to Anna Duffey; witnesses Anna Duffey and Unity Duffey.
MC DEVITT, William, February 19, 1829, to Hannah. Anna Soudres; witnesses Keal MoDevitt and Joanna McDade.
MC DONALD, Bridget, see HOVEY, Thomas
MC DONALD, Joseph, April 3, 1831, to Eliza Ann Dare; witnesses Arthur Ferrier and Peter Dailey.
MC DONALD, Mary, see HUNY, Patrick
MC DONALD, Roger, February 22, 1827, to Abigail Falls; witnesses Richard Power and Hugh McDevitt.
MC DONALD, Rosanna, see MURPHY, William
MO DONAUGH, Patrick, September 12, 1830, to Catharine Dolan; witnesses John Dolan, Philip Mahon and Elizabeth Bell.
MC DONNELL, John, July 31, 1831, to Mary Ann Carrigan; present .Hugh Donnolly and Edmond Lonargan.
MC DONOUGH, Henry, January 4, 1833, to Catharine Quinn; witnesses Rev. Peter Polin and Henry McVey.
MG DONOUGH, Jane, see COURTNEY, Bernard
MC DONOUGH, Margaret, see POWER, Thomas
MC ELHANY, Bridget, see SMITH, Francis
MC ELROY, Margaret, see 0'HANLAN, Peter
ME ENTIRE, Margaret, see MC ENTIRE, Patrick
MC ENTIRE, Patrick, January 9, 1829, to Margaret McEntire; witnesses John McEntire, Anna McGowan and Catharine Shearan.
MC EWEN, Elizabeth, see FERRIER, Arthur
MC FADDEN, Williain, December 6, 1830, to Anna. Kearns, Catholics; witnesses Edward Dougherty and Joanna MoDade.
MC FALLS, Charles, August 24, 183.3, to Ann Gilroy (born Smith); witnesses Thomas Farrell, Mary and William Ryan and Catharine McGovern.
MC FEELY, Bernard, January 5, 1834, to Ellen McCluskey; witnesses John McNickle and Henry McKeon.
MC FINN, Margaret, see HOGG, Michael
MC GARRETY, Bridget, see MC CULLAGH, Job
MG GARRITY, Margaret, see MERRY, Patrick
MC GARVEY, Mary, see KELLY, Patrick
MC GARVY, -Rosanna, see CAMPBELL Michael
MC GAWLEY, Belinda, see LANCASTER, J. J.
MC GEDIA, .Magia, see .BRADLEY, Dennis
MC GEE, Bernard, December 13, 1832, to Susan McCullough; witnesses James Sweetman and Daniel Rafferty.
MC GEE, Ellen, see DAUGHERTY, William
MC GEE?, Jane, see DEALY, James
MC GEE, Mary, see MC QUADE, Patrick
MC GEE, Mary, see MC GRATH, Michael
MC GEEHAN, Edward, April 19, 1836, to Ann Star; witnesses William McCort and Hugh Doran.
MC GEEHAN, Susan, see CARR, Daniel
MC GEHAN, Edward, October 6, 1834, to Alice McGlann; witnesses William Holland and Joanna Tenny.
MC GEHAN, James, July 3, 1832, to Unity Gallan; witnesses Richard Connor and Isabella McNamee.
MC GENNIS, Rebecca, see BOCKIUS, Rudolph
MG GERAGHTY, Bernard, March 26, 1826, to Bridget McCallan; witnesses Charles and Bernard McGeraghty, James Brady, Michael McGerty and James McYaer.
MC GERRY, Bridget, see KEEFY, Daniel
MC GERRY, Patrick, August 4, 1833, to Catharine Costello; witnesses Henry McKeon and Rose Dornan.
MC GILL, Eliza, see MULLEN, Patrick
MC GILL, James, February 24, 1832, to Rose Carroll; witnesses Elizabeth Johnson and Christopher Columbus Conwell.
MC GILL, Margaret, see MC NANNY, William
MC GILL, Rosanna, see DOUGHERTY, William
MC GILLY, Bridget, see .COONEY, John
MC GINITZY, James, July 4, 1827, to Catharine McDevitt; witnesses Mrs. Loughry and William Connor.
MC GINLEY, .Dennis, September 9, 1827, to Sarah Conner; witnesses Timothy Clancy and Margaret McGinley.
MC GINLEY, Hugh, August 26, 18^3, to Mary Rafferty; witnesses Henry McKeon and Hannah McCormick.
MC GINNIS, Anna, see MC LAUGHLIN, Edward
MC GINNIS, John, August 28, 1831, to Margaret Tshudy (Sheedy? ); witnesses Rev. John Hughes and Joanna McDeadde.
MC GIINIS, .Rosanna, see BRADLEY, William
MC GINTY, Bridget, see DONAGHOE, Thomas
MC GIRR, Neal, April 14, 1830, to Anna Dougherty; witnesses Catharine Mullen and Susan Boyle.
MC GLADE, Francis, July 13,_ 1832, to Bridget McGuire; witnesses Anastatia Loyd (Lloyd?) and Mary Ann Milligan.
MC GLANN, Alice, see MC GEHAN, Edward
MC GLAUGHLIN, Margaret, see WOODS, Hugh
MC GLAUGHLIN, Mary, see TRACY, Edward
MC GLAUGLIN, Rose, see HICKENS, George
MC GLEENAN, Elizabeth, see MC GLEENAN, James
MC GLEENAN, James, April 10, 1826, to Elizabeth McGleenan; witnesses John McKamee, John Haza and Pat. Glennan.
MC GLINN, Mary, see CULLEN, Laurence
MC GLOSKEY, Bridget, see CASSEDY, John
MC GONEGAL, Hugh, December 21, 1827, to Mary Ann McNeil; witnesses Peter McKenna and Mary A. McEntire.
MC GONIGLE, Margaret, see COOK, William
MC GONNAGLE, Patrick, June 8, 1828, to Margaret 0 'Conner; witnesses Charles Wray and James McColgan.
MC GONNIGLE, Margaret, see SHERAN, John
MC GOVERN, .Elizabeth, see :LUNEY, Peter
MC GOWAN, Eleanor, see HESMAN, Charles
MC GOWAN, Peter, March 1, 1829, to Anna Gallagher; witnesses Fanny Gallagher and Julia Hartgen.
MC GOWEN, John, November 5, 1829, to Anna Drogan; -witnesses James Kiernan, Daniel Reilly and Mary Crowe.
MC GRATH, Anna, see HOARE, William
MG GRATH, Emma, see BURKE, James
MC GRATH, James, December 1, 1832, to Mary McCrassin; witnesses Hugh Tolend and Joanna Thompson.
MC GRATH, Michael, May 18, 1834, to Mary McGee.
MG GRATH, Thomas, October 12, 1830, to Catharine Coughlin; witnesses William Hannah and Mary Anna Marks.
MG GUCKIN, Isabella, see SHARKY, Henry
MC GUIGAN, James, July 29, 1828, to Eliza Wilson; witnesses Patrick Cassidy and Philip Fearney, etc.
MC GUIGAN, Mary, see QUINN, John
MC GUIRE, Anna, see FARLEY, John
MG GUIRE, Bridget, see MC GLADE, Francis
MC GUIRE, Ma.ry, see KEEGAN, Terence
MC GUIRE, Patrick, May 12, 1834, to Margaret McIlvaine, of Ireland; witnesses John Diven and Margaret Boice.
MG GUIRE, Thomas, April 25, 1830, to Sarah Ann Rogers; witnesses Anna Price and Joanna McDeadd.
MC GUIRK, Margaret, see SHARP, James
MC HATTON, Bridget, see DONNELLY, Patrick
MC HIRE, Anna, see MC CONELL, John
MC ILLVAINE, Margaret, see MC GUIRE, Patrick
MC INTYRE, Dennis, October 10, 1832,to Rebecca Owens; witnesses Daniel McDermott; and Hester Lecky.
MC KEAN, Helen, see MG GREADY, Michael
MC KEE, Catharine, see MONAGHAN, Patrick
MC KEE, Dennis, September 10, 1832, to Mary Hughes; witnesses Patrick and Bridget Hughes, parents (of the bride.).
MC KEE, Rosanna, see BURKE, Michael
MC KEEVER, Roger, July 18, 1830, to Tabitha Dickinson; witnesses Frederic M. Sweeny and Joanna McDade.
MC KENNA, Barnabas (in the text "Barny"), June 12, 1833, to Elizabeth Baty; witnesses John and Rosanna Daly and John and Elizabeth Baty.
MC KENNA, Catharine, see ORMSBY, Christopher
MC KENNA, Hugh, January 15, 1827, to Susan Ferry; witnesses Andrew Young, Francis McDonald and Mary McNulty.
MC KENNA, James, September 30, 1831, to Eleanor Quin.
MC KENNA, John, January 22, 1827, to Eliza Moore; witnesses Edward Reilly and Anna Warnock.
MC KENNA, John, to Eliza Moore; witness Edward Reily. ((Found in Marriages, 1832.))
MC KENNA, John, September 2, 1836, to Alice McCardle; witnesses Patrick Kelly and James Brady.
MG KENNA, William, August 31, 1835, to Mary Connor; witnesses Thomas Fealy and Thomas Ford.
MC KENNY, Patrick, August 20, 1832, to Anna Gallagher; witnesses Charles Rea and James Donaty.
MC KEON, John, April 9, 1833, to Anna Mehon; witnesses Dennis, Sweeny and Mary Felicite Cannon.
MC KEON, John, October 16, 1833, to Mary Elizabeth Lynch; witnesses Adam McKeever and Henry McKeon.
MC KEW, William, June 24, 1832, to Mary McKiernan; witnesses James Montgomery and Anna Kearn.
MC KIERNAN, Mary, see MC KEW, William
MC KINNEY, Daniel, May 7, 1820, to Sarah Shannon; witnesses Thomas Fey and Rosanna Reilly.
MC KINNY, Anna, see QUIN, .Hugh
MC KINSEY, Bridget, see LEONARD, Edward
MC KNIGHT, John, November 20, 18^6, to Ellen Doherty; witnesses Philip Dougherty and Margaret McConnoty.
MC KORT (MC GORT?), Patrick, August 24, 13^0, to Sarah O'Brien; witnesses M. McGlinsey and Charles O'Byrne.
MC LAUGHLIN, Anna, see FARNEY, James
MC LAUGHLIN, Catharine, see O'HARA, Michael
MC LAUGHLIN, Edward, .Novemher 25, 1832, to Anna McGinnis; . witnesses Patrick and Elizabeth McNally.
MC LAUGHLIN, Jane, see :REILLY, Farrel
MC LAUGHLIN, Jeremiah, November 8, 1830, to Mary Rogers (alias Burke); witnesses Edward and Bridget Shasegreen.
MC LAUGHLIN, John, November 24, 1832, to Sarah Grabb, Methodist; witnesses Mary Hays and Joanna Campbell.
MC LAUGHLIN, Juliana, see REILLY, Philip
MC LAUGHLIN, Mary, see DEVLIN, Patrick
MC LAUGHLIN, Thomas, April 13, 1830, to Rose Coyle (alias Mulvey); witnesses Patrick Mahon and Bridget Fegan.
MC LAUGHLIN, Thomas, January 12, 1835, at Carbondale, Luzerne Co., Pa, to Margaret Pettigrew; witnesses Thomas and Winifred Rape.
MC LAUGHLIN, Pat., May 16, 1828, to Mary Murphy; present (witnesses) Pat. Longan and Elizabeth Johnson.
MC LAUGHLIN, William, January 16, 1830, to Margaret Sweeny; wtinesses Owen Norman, Michael McQuade and Andrew Laverty.
MC LEAR, Mary, see LEENY, Michael
MC LOUGHLIN, Anna, see GORMLEY, Michael
MC LOUGHLIN, Edward, August 15, 1826, to Helena Day; witnesses William and Catharine MoDevitt and Sarah Kechler.
MC LOUGHLIN, Patrick, May 16, 1828, to Mary Murphy, of West Meath, near Mullingar, (by ship Dorothy from Liverpool); witnesses Patrick Longan and Elizabeth Johnson.
MC MAHON, Catharine, see PHELAN, Martin
MC MAHON, Mary Ann, see KANE, James
MC MAHON, William, September 1^, 1834, to Alice McMenmon; witnesses William McCharlaton and Mary Brannan.
MC MANNY, Catharine, see TULAP, James
MC MANUS, Thomas, January 17, 1833, to Bridget Nevin; witnesses Charles Prior and Margaret Gugerty.
MC MENMON, Alice, see MC MAHOM, Patrick
MC MENOMY, Sarah, see LYNCH, James
MC MULLAN, Thomas, March "5, 1828, to Elizabeth Porter (alias Doyle); witnesses Michael Curran and John Gregan.
MC MULLEN, Alexander, July 4, 1831, to Joanna Purcell; witnesses Alien McNeill and Mary Schools.
MC MULLEN, Robert, September 26, 1830, to Mary Tierny; witnesses Augustus Lendo and Rebecca Williams.
MC MULLIN, Rosanna, see MC NEIL, Malcolm
MC NAB, Catharine, see 0'BRIEN, James
MC NALE, Catharine, see 0'BRIEN, James
MC NALLY, Catharine, see CONNELLY, Thomas
MC NALLY, Elizabeth, see MACCAN, John
MC NALLY, John, November 8, 1828, to Isabella Haggerty; witnesses Thomas Doran and William McNally.
MC NALLY, Mary, see DOLAN, Thomas
MC NAMARA, Fanny, see OWENS, Mathew
MC NAME (MC NAMEE?), John, February 23; 1830, to Isabella Willlamson; witnesses John and Mary Gibbons.
MC NAMEE, Anna, see GLACKEN, John
MC NAMEE, John, September 17, 1829, to Mary Dermott (alias McAnally); witnesses Mary Curren, John Cameron and Mary McAlvey.
MC NANNY, William, November 14, 1831, to Margaret McGill; witnesses John McNanny and Catharine Grimes.
MC NEIL, John, February 19, 1323, to Mary Bulger; witnesses John Downing, John Cassidy and Mary Walsh.
MC NEIL, Malcolm, June 1, 1826, to Rosanna McMullin; witnesses John Reed and J. Mahar. (A son of theirs, Alexander McNeil, was some time professor at the old High School, Broad and Green streets.)
MC NEIL, Margaret, see HACKET, James
MC NElL, Mary Ann, see MC GONEGAL, Hugh
MC NEILL,, Anna, see HESLIN, Daniel
MC PHILLIPS, Felix, March 29, 1835, to Elizabeth Rodgers; witnesses James Carrell and Henry McKeon.
MC QUADE, Grace, see FARLEY, John
MC QUADE, James, June 27, 1831, to Rosanna Craven; witnesses Rosanna Blaney and Margaret McNally.
MC OUADE, Patrick, January 6, 1831, to Mary McGee, widow^ witnesses James Boyle and David Grodloe.
MC QUAIL, Owen, March 5, 1832, to Cecilia Magee; witnesses Thomas Reynolds and James Myers.
MC QUILLAN, Mary, see FORD, John
MC QUIllAN, Mary, see CUSHALA, Bernard
MC SORLEY, James, July 8, 1831, to Mary Donaghy; present Bernard McGeraghty and Elizabeth Johnson.
MC SWIGAN, Mary, see FOGARTY, Patrick
MC TAGGERT. Catharine, see O'HANLON, Felix
MC WADE, James, May 5, 1834, to Rosanna Woods, of Ireland; witness Edward McCarthy.
MC WILLIAMS, Eleanor, see FLEMMING, William
MC WILLIAMS, Helen, see GRIFFIS, Griffith
MC WILLIAMS, Hugh, March 15, 1831, to Anna. McWilliams, with grant of dispensation in impediment of second degree of consanguinity; witnesses Michael and. Anna McWilliams.
MC WILLIAMS, Thomas, May 13, 1827, to Jane Lekee; witnesses Michael Curren and Catharine Keehoe.
MAC BRIDE, Anna, see MACGUIRE, Patrick
MACCAN, John, April 1, 1330, to Elizabeth McNally; witnesses Bridget Tracy and Joanna McDeadd.
MAC DERMOTT, Joanna, see CLARKE, Thomas
MAC DONAGH, Cornelius, January 21, 1833, to Catharine Bogan; witnesses Patrick MacDonagh and Henry McKeon.
MAC GEEHAN, James, April 20, 1833, to Mary Morison; Witnesses H. McKeon and E. Johnson.
MAC GRATH, Mary, see STEWARD, Isaac
MACGUIRE, Patrick, March 10, 1833, to Anna MacBride; witnesses Patrick Campbell and H. MacKeon.
MACINS, Barbara, see HOLDERNESS, William
MAC KEIRNEY, Bridget, see COLLINS, Thomas
MACKEL, John, April 8, 1833, to Bridget Cassidy; witnesses Henry MacKeon, Bridget Bradley and Mrs. Johnson.
MACKIN, Mary, see FLOOD, John
MACKIN, Timothy, September 21, 1835, to Rosanna Teague; witnesses Henry McKeon and John McCann.
MAC MANAMEN, Mary, see KENNEDY, Dennis
MAC MULLEN, Eleanor, see DIAMOND, Edward
MAC VEA, Cornelius December 3, 1832, to Mary Scanlin; witnesses Hugh Tiernin and Charles Marshall.
MADDEU, Frances, see MALONE, John
MADDIN, John, April 14, 1834, to Elizabeth Gillon, widow of Hugh .McGuigan; witnesses Thomas Kelly and Mary Keegan.
MAGEE, Anna, see CAMPBEIL, Patrick
MAGEE, Anna, see EARLY, William
MAGEE, Cecilia, see MC QUAIL, Owen
MAGEE, James, September 2.5, 1831, to -- Loughran; witnesses James Maryland and. Elizabeth Johnson.
MAGEE, Mary, see KELLY, James
MAGENNIS, Charles, December 10, 1826, to Anna Sheppard; witnesses Isaac Clifford and Joanna McCredy.
MAGILL, Catharine, see DOLAN, Matthew
MAGUIRE, Mary, see BYRNE, James
MAHAN, Elizabeth, see DUGAN, Patrick
MAHER, Joseph, August 19, 1832, to Catharine Brady; witnesses Francis Langly and Henry Bready.
MAHON, Elizabeth, see LYODD, William
MAILLOT, Catharine, see PIZZINI, Anthony
MAJOR, Mary, see STOCKDALE, Gerald
MALLON, Bernard, September 24, 1832, to Mary Logan; witnesses Michael Mallon and Henry McKeown.
MALLON, Joanna, see CRAIG, James
MALONE, John, August 15, 1831, to Frances Madden; present William Murrony and Catharine Finn.
MALONY, Charles, November 29, 1830, to Elizabeth Warple; witnesses John McManimee and Sarah Malony.
MANN, Mary, see DUNNIGAN, Patrick
MARBLE, Elizabeth, see ENEU, James
MARIC, Hippolite, May 6, 1827, to Virginia Monroy, witnesses Eloi Dex and Hippolite Philip.
MARIOTT, Elizabeth, see KANE, Thomas
MAROTTE, Mary Elizabeth, see CANET, Fidelis
MARSHALL, Anna, see 0'DONNELL, Edward
MARSHALL, Edward, July 24, 1829, to Ann Battleson; witnesses Bridget Cullen and Margaret Finney.
MARSHALL, Isabel, see HARTNETT, Eugene
MARTIN, Adelina, see FONTANGES, Peter
MARTIN, Catharine, see DONNELLY, :Luke
MARTIN, Edward, January 17, 183^, to Sarah Keegan; witnesss Roger Owens and Mary Cannon.
MARTIN, Eliza, see COYIE, John
MARTIN, Michael, October 4, 1834, to Margaret Murphy; witnesses Samuel I Burnette and John H. Naghton.
MARTIN, Patrick, September 20, 1828, to Ellen Leaner; witnesses Edward Hagg and Richard Carroll.
MARTIN, Sylvester, December 26, 1827, to Sarah Anna Boner; witnesses Columbus Conwell and Mary Burke.
MASON, Arthur, October 30, 1828, to Margaret Butler; witnesses John Alexander Murray and Adeline Ribould.
MASSICU, John Baptist, March 3, 1829, ratification of marriage between John Baptist Massicu and Mary Ann Foureger; witnesses Francis Tibout and Dominic D.P. Lalane.
MASSIEU, Victoria, see DAMARET, Peter
MATHEWS, Bridget, see FLANAGAN, Michael
MATHEWS, Hugh, May 7, 1826, to Anna Dornin; witnesses Mathew Mason and Bridget Mathews.
MATHEWS, Hugh, July 11, 1827, to Joanna Lafferty; witnesses Laurence Mathews and Mary Lafferty.
MAURERS, Catharine, see SCOTT, William
MAXWELL, Henry, February 18, 18^3, to Mary Murray; witnesses Mrs. Andall and Nancy Campbell.
MAXWELL, Robert Archibald, March 31, 1834, to Elizabeth McDermott; witnesses Thomas O'Neill and Mary Elizabeth Scheer ò
MAYNES, Mary, see COFFEY, John
MEADE, Mary Ann, see SALINE, Joseph
MEHON, Anna, see MC KEON, John
MELOY, Peter, July 4, 1832, to Margaret Tenin?; witnesses William. Graham and Elizabeth Johnson.
MERRY, Patrick, October 3, 1834, to Margaret McGarrity; witnesses Joseph Diamond and Henry McKeon.
MEYER, Armentina, see BABAD, Henry
MILTON, William H., March 17, 1834, to Amelia Thibault; witnesses Francis E. Thibault, G. Kern, Jr., Constance Cecilia Dunn and Cecilia Thibault, widow of Francis A. Thibault.
MOHAN, Catharine, see EDWARDS, Samuel
MOLLOY, Walter, November 12, 1829, to Penelope Yerkes; witnesses William law and Michael O'Brien.
MOLLY (MOLLOY?), Peter, September 13, 1828, to Elizabeth Fife; witnesses Nicholas Barky and Anna Moore.
MONAGHAN, Bridget, see SMITH, Hugh
MONAGHAN, Bridget, see DOUGLASS, Benjamin
MONAGHAN, Patrick, June 26, 1832, to Sarah Velesito; witnesses Francis Rogers and Thomas Hagan.
MONAGHAN, Peter, November 22, 1832, to Catharine McKee; witnesses John Divine .and - Daly.
MONAGHAN, William, May 14, 1827, to Helen Freel; witnesses John Ball and William McAran.
MONE, Anna, see THORNTON, Michael
MONROY, Virginia, see MARIC, Hippolite
MONTAGUE, James, June 9, 18^0, to Mary McCarty; witnesses William DuBois and Louis Knox.
MONTRE, Xavier, September 12, 1829, to Mary Williaume (Guillaume?); witnesses Mary Monie and Anna Johntee.
MOONEY, Mary, see BOHANNA, Thomas
MOORE, Eliza, see MC KENNA, John
MORAN, John, November 8, 1828, to Bridget Dempsey; witnesses Patrick O'Neill and Margaret Dempsey.
MORAN, Margaret, see RICE, Richard
MORISON, Mary, see MAC GEEHAN, James
MORRIS, Sarah, see CARR, John
MORRISSON, Charles, August 20, 1834, to Joanna Gleeson; witnesses Michael and Ellen Gleeson.
MORRISSY, Margaret, see CARROLL, Timothy
MORTIN, Bridget, see GOOHIN, John
MOSS, Alice, see CRAIG, Patrick
MOSS, Patrick, June 17, 1830, to Elder Byrne; witnesses Harmond Yerkes, Thomas Mullen and Anna Dougherty.
MULDONEY, Rosanna, see CARR, Christopher
MULHOLLAND, Francis, June 16, 1832, to Eliza Robinson; witnesses Edward McCauley and Eliza Parker.
MULHOLLAND, Hugh, April 19, 1830, to Susan McGue (alias McDevitt); witnesses William and Mary McGrath.
MULLAN, Thomas, September 20, 1831, to Harriet Elizabeth Shingler (alias Cassidy); witnesses John McNabb and Catharine Goodman.
MULLEN, Catharine, see JONES, Watson
MULLEN, Helen, see MC BRIDE, Peter
MULLEN, John, March 24, 1836, to Anna Bryson; witnesses John and Francis McCluskey.
MULLEN, Patrick, June 18, 1829, to Eliza McGill; witnesses Edward Conly and Catharine Grimes.
MULLEN, Selina, see ROGERS, John
MULLIGAN, Charles, October 10, 18^2, to Bridget Cullen; witnesses Matthew McLeen and Sarah McGlinn.
MULLIGAN, Patrick, September 12, 1833, to Martha Brown; witnesses Francis McLaughlin and Elizabeth Johnson.
MULLON, Joseph, April 15, 1831, to Rosanna Campbell; witnesses Patrick Carbery and Mary McKenna.
MULLOY, Sarah, see MC COY, James
MUNONNEY, James, September 16, 1830, to Anna Reilly, Catholics; witnesses Cornelius Tammany and. Mary Beatty.
MURPHY, Alexander, August 7, 1827, to Catharine Calhoon; witnesses John Falls and. Hanna (sic, Anna?) Conwell.
MURPHY, Ellen, see PRESTON, Jefferson
MURPHY, Mary, see FLANIGAN, John
MURPHY, Francis, May 11, 1828, to Mary Hanse; witnesses Hugh and. Margaret Sweeny, etc.
MURPHY, John, January 21, 1831, to Anna Higney; witnesses John and Bridget Hagerton.
MUHPHY, Margaret, see PALMER, John
MURPHY, Margaret, see GORMAN, Michael
MURPHY, Margaret, see MARTEN, Michael
MURPHY, Margaret, see 0'NEILL, Hugh
MURPHY, Mary, see MC LOUGHLIN, Patrick
MURPHY, Mary, see CARR, Andrew
MURPHY, William, January 10, 1828, to Rosanna McDonald; witnesses James and Anna Donahoe.
MURRAY, Anna., see MC CANN, John
MURRAY, Edward, December 21, 1826, -to Mary McClenens (( in announcement, it reads, Clemens)); witnesses William Kelly and Mary Brady.
MURRAY, Edward, January 1, 1828, to Anna Saville; witnesses William Holland and Alexander Cathcart.
MURRAY, Esther, see DEVINE, Philip
MURRAY, John, February 22, 1830, to Grace Boyle; witnesses James Brady and John McGinley.
MURRAY, Mary, see MAXWELL, Henry
MURRY, John, January 6, 1831, to Ellen Smith, Catholics; witness Bernard Maguire.
MURRY, Michael, May 23, 183^, to Mary Dougherty; witnesses John Dougherty and Susan Kennedy.
MURTE, Sarah, see TAMENY, Cornelius
MURTHA, Catharine, see :NEWMAN, George
MYERS, Mary, see BAKER, Michael
MYERS, Vincent, January 16, 1827, to Mary Essling (but ought to be Esling), dispensation for consangunity in second degree; witnesses Regina Myers, mother, John Wod and Christopher Columbus Conwell.
NAGLE, Catharine, see RIORDAN, Dennis
NEAGLE, Margaret, see O'NEILL, John
NEIIL, Charles, July 27, 1831, to Ann Whelan; present Patrick and Mary Ann Peney.
NELAS, Elizabeth, see MC CULLOUGH, John
NELSON, Mary Ann, see LAURENGY, John
NEVIN, Bridget, see MC MANUS, Thomas
NEWMAN, George, February 14, 1831, to Catharine Murtha; witnesses Catharine Laverty and Rosanna Blaney.
NICHOLS, Joanna, see TAMER, James
NIESTAN, Thomas, December 28, 1828, to Joanna Cole; witnesses Hugh McGonnegal and his wife Catharine.
NOLAN, Bridget, see WALSH, Patrick
NOONIN, Barth., February 13, 1831, to Margaret Franklin; witnesses James Gilligan and .Elizabeth Daley.
MORRIS, Mary, see SWEENY, Frederick
NUGENT, Bridget, see LYNCH, James
NUGENT, Honora, see RONAN, Michael
NUGENT, James, August 21, 1832, to Isabella Finnis; witnesses John Campbell, etc.
NUGENT, Joanna, see WILKINSON, Virgil
0'BRIAN, John, November 6, 1831, to Mary Cooker, Catholic and Protestant; witnesses John Campbell and Mary Gabler.
O'BRIEN, Anna, see QUIN, William
0'BRIEN, Bridget, see DOWNING, Patrick
O'BRIEN, Catharine, see REYSIDE, William
O'BRIEIN, Catharine, see MC CARRON, John
O'RIEN, Cornelius, .'November 14, 1826, to Margaret Harkins; witnesses Cornelius Hughes and wife.
O'BRIEN, James, December 31, 1826, to Catharine .McNale; witnesses John Saggerron and John Owens.
O'BRIEN, James, January 8, 1827, to Catharine McNab; Witnesses William and James Robinson and Edw. Johnson.
O'BRIEN, James, February 19, 1828, to Margaret Lynch; witnesses Ñilliam McNamee and Catharine Segart.
O'BRIEN, James, November -, 1832, to Catharine McNab; witnesses John Johnson and John Devin.
0'BRIEN, Mathew, January 15, 18^2, widower, to Sarah Curran (alias McConnell, widow); witnesses Dom. White and Carroll.
O'BRIEN, Sarah, see MC KORT, Patrick
O'CALLAGHAN, Edward, October 9, 1834, to Mary Ragan; witnesses John and Bridget McSorley and Bridget McHugh.
0'CONNER, Margaret, see MC GONNAGLE, Patrick
0'CONNOR, Francis, January 25, 1830, to Alice Owens; witnesses Roger Owens, A. Hart and. Catharine Winter.
0'CONNOR, James, July 26, 1829, to Anna Doyle; witnesses John and Ellen Doyle.
O'CONNOR, James, December 8, 1835, to Mary Elder; witnesses Hugh Stewart and Edward McCann.
0'CONNOR, Mary, see 0'CONNOR, Michael
O'CONNOR, Michael, January 25, 1829, to Mary O'Connor; witnesses Charles Connell and Eliza Rice.
O'DONNEL, Mary Ann, see BOYLE, James
0'DONNELL, Ann, see FLINN, James
O'DONNELL, Anna, see POWER, Patrick
0'DONNELL, Catharine, see SAWYER, Isaac
0'DONNELL, Catharine, see LEAHY, Michael
O'DONNELL, Edward, December 18, 1828, to Anna Catharine Marshall; witnesses Anna Snyder and Bernard Mealy.
O'DONNELL,, Patrick, April 28, 1834, to Catharine McBrien; witnesses Cornelius McCaffrey and John I. Gorman.
O'DRISCOL, Juliana, see RYAN, Cornelius
O'FARRELL, Edward, August 22, 1828, to Hannah Kean; witnesses Hugh and Thomas Brady.
O'HANLAN, Peter, April 24, 1831, to Margaret McElroy; witness Anna Fox.
O'HANION, Felix, May 30, 1830, Catharine McTaggert, Catholics; witnesses Hugh Toland and Margaret McElroy.
O'HARA, Juliana, see KELLY, Patrick
O'HARA, Michael, widower, May 6, 1827, to Catharine McLaughlin, widow; witnesses William Duffey and Anna Goodon (or Gordon.)
O'HAY, Patrick, November 4, 1828, to Mary Falby; witnesses Rev. T. J. Donaghoe and Joanna McDade, (elsewhere "McDeadd.
0'HIGGIN, Patrick, July 22, 1827, to Hannah Surb; witnesses Rev. J. O'Reilly and Hannah (sic, Anna?) Conwell.
OLIVER, Eliza, see WEMS, Morgan
O'MAHAN, John, (alias Daniel Donovan), December 30, 1832, to Eliza Hurley; witnesses John Davis and Catharine McDevitt.
O'NEIL, James, July 23, 1833, to Bridget McCloskey; witnesses James and Sarah McCloskey.
O'NEILE, Andrew, April 11, 1834, to Philomelia (sic, but Philomela?) Heermans; witnesses John McKeon and William Beattie.
O'NEILL, Anna, see KEATING, Dominic
O'NEILL, Charles, December 16, 1829, to Mary McCaffry; witnesses William Robinson and Owen McCaffry.
0'NEILL,.Esther, see FOX, William
0'NEILL, Hugh, June 12, 1831, to Margaret Murphy; witnesses John and Joanna McCoy.
O'NEILL, Hugh, September 19, 1834, to Bridget Rogers; witnesses Bernard Crilly and James Barnet.
0'NEILL,, James, April 11, 1830, to Elizabeth Savage; witnesses James Brady and Henry Colwell.
O'NEILL, John, July 14, 1831, to Margaret beagle; present John Neagle and wife.
O'NEILL, Mary, see SKEY, James
O'NEILL, Patrick, June 3, 1829, to Chretine Esterberg; witnesses Rev. Sam'l (S.) Cooper.
O'NEILL, Paul, January 7, 1835, at Silver Lake Township, (Susquehanna Co., Pa.) of Wayne Co., to Catharine Hanagan, of Susquehanna Co.; witnesses Raymund Burke and Bridget Donnelly.
0'RILEY, Owen, July 7, 1829, to Bridget Devers; witnesses Michael Crilly and Susan Kenny.
ORMSBY, Christopher, June 6, 1831, to Catharine McKenna; present Joanna Leaden and Anna Shora.
O'ROURKE, Patrick, November 24, 18^2, to Joanna Dickson; witnesses James McCauley and Elizabeth Devitt.
ORR, Margaret, see CALELY, --
O'TOOLE, Peter, February 4, 1832, to Mary Ward; witnesses John Flynn and Hannah Shay.
OWENS, Alice, see 0'CONNOR, Francis
OWENS, Mathew, June 16, 1827, to Fanny McNamara; witnesses Rev. J. O'Reilly and Dominic McDonald.
OWNS, Rebecca, see MC INTRYRE, Dennis
PALMER, John, January 10, 1828, to Margaret Murphy; witnesses Isaac and Eugene Murphy and Mrs. Coyle.
PARK, Susan, see TREBLIER, Peter
PASSWATER, Elizabeth, see PIGOTT, Peter
PATTEN, Michael, November 24, 1827, to Sarah Dever; witnesses James Gormley and James Mullony.
PEALE, Reuben, non-Catholic, April 3, 1827, to Anna Irvin; witnesses the bride's mother and Anna Conwell.
PEHER, Mary, see LAMPIN, Michael
PELET, Louise, see DEL'LURCALE, Jacques
PENDERGAST, Sarah, see FAGAN, James
PENOT, John B., May 23, 1828, to Eugenia Mary Gerin; witnesses Frances Penot and J. Gerin.
PERCEVEAU, Hippolite, January 7, 1828, to Mary Madelaine --- negroes; witnesses Stephen LeMaire, Mary Felicite and Constantin.
PERRIER, Bernard, Augus-b ">Q, 1827, to Elizabeth Kendel; witnesses Rev.T.J. Donaghoe.
PETERS, Mary, see AUGUSTINE, Peter
PETERSON, John, May 1, 1828, to Sarah Bowles; witnesses James Kennedy and Elizabeth Bowles.
PETTIGREW, Margaret, see MC LAUGHLIN, Thomas
PHELIN, Martin, January 1, 1832, to Catharine McMahon; witnesses James Molloy and Anna McMahon.
PICKERING, John, August 6, 1831, to Martha Caldwell; witnesses Hugh McDermott and Arthur Gallagher.
PIGOTT, Peter, January 29, 1834, to Elizabeth Passwaters; witnesses Bernard McGuigan and Edward McCarthy.
PINOT, Josephine, see GRANDQUILLIAUM, Victor
PINOT, Margaret, see PORTER, Peter
PINOT, Virginia, see TOISARD, Adolphus
PIZZINI, Anthony, May 30, 1830, to Catharine Maillott; witnesses Peter Maillot and Joseph Anthony Olieveri, (but Olivieri. )
PLUNKETT, John, April 15, 1833, to Mary McCabe; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
POLHEMUS, Mary, see KELLY, Dennis
PORTER, Elizabeth, see MC MULLAN, Thomas
PORTER, Joanna, see HAND, Patrick
PORTER, Peter Levinde, June 25, 1828, of Ghent, in Flanders, (born?) AD 1806, to Margaret Matilda Pinot; witnesses Francis Pinot, father, and Francis Pinot, Jr.
PORTER, William, January 10, 1828, to Rebecca Logan', witnesses Robert Logan and Anna Porter.
POULSON, Emor, August 13, 1826, to Mary Harold; witnesses Henry Bernard and Mary Harold.
POWELL, Mary Ann, see BRACELIN, Cornelius
POWER, Patrick, May ?1, 1829 to Anna O'Donnell; witnesses Edward Commerford and Mary Phelan.
POWER, Thomas, September 4, 1830, to Margaret McDonough, Catholics; witnesses John McGuigan and William Joseph Braceland.
PRESTON, Jefferson, June 11, 1826, to Ellen Murphy; witnesses Deborah and Anna Brown.
PREVEUX, John, June 22, 1832, to Rebecca Willet; witnesses Hannah Love and Emma Cooper, all negroes.
PRIMIER, John Baptist, June 4, 1826, negro, and Mary Clair ---; witnesses Catharine Collet and J. Michael.
PRINDIVILLE, Joanna, see HUSSEY, Maurice
PRIOR, Mary, see THOMAS, James
PRIOR, Patrick, January 18, 1827, to Helen Brady; witnesses Rev. John Hughes and Francis Panning.
PRUITT, Elizabeth, see GRANT, John
PUJOL, Mary Adelaide, see LAURENCE, Valentine
PURCELL, Joanna, see MC MULLEN, Alexander
PURCELL, Rebecca, see LAMB, Patrick
QUEEN, Bridget, see SHANNON, Robert
QUIGLEY, Catharine, see BOYLE, Cornelius
QUIN, Arthur, December 15, 1827, to Catharine Reynolds; witnesses James Holland and John Tracy.
QUIN, Bridget, see MC CAFFERTY, Roger
QUIN, Eleanor, see MC KENNA, James
QUIN, Elizabeth, see BRENNAN, Mathew
QUIN, John, August 26, 1830, to Anna Robinson; witnesses Edward Kelly and Joanna McDeadd.
QUIN, Hugh, October 4, 1830, to Anna McKinney; witnesses Patrick and Nicholas McGonigle.
QUIN, Mary, see ROONEY, Patrick
QUIN, Mathew, May 15, 1827, to Eliza McCaule; witnesses Tho's. Stanly.
QUIN, Patrick, January 26, 18^2, to Mary Green (alias Alexander); witnesses Roger McCafferty and Joanna Devine.
QUIN, William, February 5, 1832, to Anna O'Brien; witnesses Patrick Quin and Bridget O'Brien.
QUINN, Arthur, November 7, 1828, to Catharine Ferris; witnesses Anna Byrne and Mary Ellen Liben.
QUINN, Catharine, see MC DONOUGH, Henry
QUINN, Helen, see BOYLE, John
QUINN, John, September 9, 1832, to Mary McGuigan; witness Ellen Quin.
QUINN, Patrick, December 10, 1828, to Catharine Crangle; witnesses Edward Denvir and Nicholas Crangle.
QUIRK, John, June 6, 1833, to Emily Thompson; witnesses Jeremiah Flynn and Elizabeth Johnson.
RAGAN, Mary, see O'CALLAGHAN, Edward
RAFFERTY, Patrick, March 13, 1831, to Catharine Curran; witnesses William Carbery and Catharine McAneny.
RAPE, Thomas, January 13, 1833, to Mary Canon, widow of Anthony McLane; witnesses Michael Canon and Mary Nolan.
RAY, Charles, January 2, 1827, to Margaret McColgan; witnesses David Kane, James McColgin and Thomas Glacken.
RAY, Frances, see DENY, John
RAY, Margaret, see WILAND, James .
RAYBOLD, Joshua M., May 18, 1830, to Mary Harkins; witnesses Cornelius Hughes and Patrick Convery.
READAY, Mary, see RIGHTON, Thomas
REDIN, Jane, see MC CORMICK, Steward
REGAN, Daniel, August 6, 1833, to Grace Carr; witnesses Arthur Spring and Margaret Carr.
REID, Martha, see MC CARDELL, Michael
REID, Mary, see BOYLE, William
REIIY, Bridget, see REIIY, Philip
REILY, Philip, May 1, 1834, to Bridget Reily, of Ireland; witnesses John Rodgers and Edward McCarthy.
REILLY, Anna, see LENOX, Charles
REILLY, Anna, see MUNONNEY, James
REILLY, Bernard, August --, 1830, to Julia McCoghell; witnesses Thomas Simons and Sarah Hosack.
REILLY, Bridget, see LONEGAN, Michael
REILLY, Edward, July 20, 1834, to Anna Kelly; witnesses Francis and Henry McKeon.
REILLY, Ellen, see LEE, John
REILLY, Farrel, December 28, 1828, to Jane McLaughlin; witnesses Henry McLaughlin and Anna Murphy.
REILLY, John, August 10, 1830,10 Margaret McCormick; witnesses Bernard McNeil and Anna Byrne.
REILLY, Mary, see FERRIN, William
REILLY, Michael, February 14, 1831, to Henrietta Roberts; witnesses Patrick Green and Joanna McDade.
REILLY, Patrick, December 18, 1830, to Margaret Brady, Catholics; witnesses John C. Craft and Michael McAnally.
REILLY, Philip, May 3, 1829, to Juliana McLaughlin; witnesses Rev. P. Duffy and Anna Moore.
REILLY, Rose, see CUNNINGHAM, Thomas
REILLY, Susan, see ROONEY, William
REYNOLDS, Catharine, see QUIN, Arthur
REYSIDE, William, October 11, 1829, to Catharine O'Brien; witness Joanna McDeadd.
RICE, Richard, September 27, 1829, to Margaret Moran; witnesses John Mooney, Mary Canel and William Moran.
RIGHTON, Thomas, July 4, 18^0, to Mary Readay; witnesses Andrew and Anna Welch.
RIORDAN, Dennis, August 15, 1831, to Catharine Nagle; (alias McShane); witnesses Hugh Donnelly and Patrick Thornhill.
RIVAL, Mary Ann, see BECKET, Joseph
RIVAL, Sarah, see TAYLOR, John
RIVEL, William, July 24, 1828, to Anney (sic) Croan; witnesses William Braceland and Caroline Groan, etc.
ROACH, Margaret, see TOBIN, John
ROBERTS, Anna Mary, see GUBERT, Theophilus
ROBERTS, Francis, September 4, 1832, to Mary Winnis (alias McGery); witnesses Margaret Morton and Hannah Frack.
ROBERTS, Henrietta, see REILLY, Michael
ROBERTSON, Douglas, April 15, 1829, to Anna Convery; witnesses Roger Owens and Anna Crangle.
ROBINSON, Anna, see QUIN, John
ROBINSON, Eliza, see MULHOLLAND, Francis
ROBINSON, John, December 31, 1826, to Mary Kean; witnesses John Wise, Mary Ann Hill and Joanna Fowell.
ROCHE, Maurice, October 27, 1828, to Mary Yates; witnesses Joseph Simons and Anna Roche.
ROCKS, John, March 13, 1828, to Mary Sternfelt; witnesses Elizabeth Johnson and Mary Brady.
RODDIN, John, November 10, 1834, to Elizabeth Casey; witnesses John Kelly and John Kelly, sic.
RODGERS, Elizabeth, see MC PHILLIPS, Felix
ROGERS, Bridget, see O'NEILL, Hugh
ROGERS, Edward, July 4, 1827, to Lavinia Rogers; witnesses James and Francis Morgan.
ROGERS, John, November 18, 1834, to Selina Mullen; witnesses John Durney and Catharine McGowen.
ROGERS, Lavinia, see ROGERS, Edward
ROGERS, Mary, see MC LAUGHLIN, Jeremiah
ROGERS, Patrick, September 28, 1831, to Hannah Anderson; witnesses John Hawkins and Elizabeth Nicholson.
ROGERS, Sarah, see MC GUIRE, Thomas
RONAN, Michael, May 21, 1826, to Honora Hugent, widow; witnesses Ann Toole and Benj. Lewis.
ROONEY, Mary, see BRUSNEN, Jeremiah
ROONEY, Patrick, December 22, 1827, to Mary Quin; witnesses James McAnulty, Peter Wood, etc.
ROONEY, Rebecca, see KEEFE, Joseph
ROONEY, William, October 1, 1831, to Susan Reilly; witnesses Edward Commerford and Margaret Carrell.
ROSSERTER, Anna, see DICK, James
RUSH, Mary, see GOFNEY, Michael
RUSK, David, April 22, 1827, non-Catholic, to Mary Clifford; witnesses Thomas and Bridget McManus, John Donnelly and Bernard Doyle.
RUSSELL, Eliza, see FOX, Charles
RUSSELL, Mary, see COSGROVE, James
RUTHE, Ellen, see FISHER, Stephen
RYAN, Cornelius, February 23, 1828, to Juliana O'Driscol; witnesses Michael Curren and Elizabeth Johnson.
RYAN, Daniel, July 20, 1831, to Sarah McCue; witnesses James Moloney and Catharine Patterson.
RYAN, Mary, see SUILIVAN, William
RYAN, Michael, July 18, 1827, to Bridget Crilly; witnesses Thomas McClusky and Elizabebeth Crilly.
RYAN, Michael, November 2, 1828, to Catharine Duke; witnesses Patrick McIntyre, Jane Carrigan and Thomas O'Rourke.
RYAN, Timothy, November 18, 1834, to Mary Dunn; witnesses H. McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
SALINE, Joseph, April 25, 1826, to Mary Ann Meade; witnesses John Mattson and P.O. Connolly.
SALVY, Louisa, see JOUFFRY, John
SARGAENT, James, November 3, 1831, to Bridget Convery, Catholics; witnesses Edward Jones and Joanna Convery.
SAVAGE, Elizabeth, see O'NEIIL, James
SAVILLE, Anna, see MURRAY, Edward
SAVILLE, William, April 30, 1827, non-Catholic, to Louisa Eneu, daughter of James Eneu; witnesses John McGuigan and Anna Conwell.
SAULNIER, John, to Sarah Wilson; witnesses Sarah Saulnier and Matilda and Amos A. Jones. ((Found in Marriages, 1826.
SAWYER, Harriet, see GEFF, Perry
SAWYER, Isaac, April 7, 1826, to Catharine O'Donnell; witnesses James Gillespie and James Donnelly.
SCANLIN, Mary, see MAC VEA, Cornelius
SCANLIN, William, December 1, 1829, to Sarah Love; witnesses James Gillespie and Ellen McMahon.
SCANNEL, Daniel, January 2.5, 1830, to Anna Dougherty; witnesses John O'Leary and Anna Bennet.
SCHOOLS, Catharine, see SCHOOLS, John
SCHOOLS, Elizabeth, see WOOLWORK, Joshua
SCHOOLS, John, February 1, 1831, to Catharine Schools; witnesses William Carron and Mary Schools.
SCHOOLS, Martha, see SWEETMAN, James
SCOTT, John, October 16, 1830, to Mary Cassidy; witnesses John and Catharine Cassidy.
SCOTT, William, March 1, 1831, with dispensation, to Catharine Maurers.
SEARCH, James Keyser, September 29, 1831, non-Catholic, to Magdalen Agatha Leiber; witnesses Mark Hamer and Mary Leiber.
SEARLE, Mahlon G., June 22, 1829, to Helen Curless; witnesses Margaret Curless, Anna Curtis and Eliza Lane.
SEDDINGER, Sarah, see LAWRENCE, Joseph
SHANNON, Rosanna, see KEY, Thomas
SHANNON, Robert, January 6, 1835, at the house of Mr. (in the text in Latin, thus: Domi") Edward White, Silver Lake Township, Susquehanna Co., to Bridget Queen, widow of Edward Duffy; witnesses Edward White and Bridget Duffy.
SHANNON, Sarah, see MC KENNEY, Daniel
SHARKY, Henry, August 27, 1832, to Isabella McGuckin; witnesses Henry McKean and Mrs. Johnson.
SHARP, James, April 30, 1834, to Margaret McGurk; witnesses John Donaghoe and John Keegan.
SHAW, Patrick, February 22, 1831, to Mary Gorman; witnesses Michael McKirr and Hannah McGirr.
SHEEHAN, John, September 12, 1830, to Catharine Dorcy; witnesses William Harrington and Daniel Egan.
SHEPPARD, Anna, see MAGENNIS, Charles
SHERAN, John, August 23, 1827, to Margaret McGonnigle; witnesses Alexander Young and Patrick McGonnigle.
SHERAN, Sarah, see HAGBY, Oliver
SHERIDAN, Joanna, see DONNELLY, Stephen
SHERIDAN, Patrick, February 7, 1831, to Elizabeth Kelly; witnesses John Duffy and Catharine Finney.
SHERKY, John, April 21, 1826, to Bridget Woods; witnesses Thomas Quigg and Peter Woods.
SHERRY, John, February 9, 1835, to Bridget Bradley; witnesses Bernard O'Neill and Paul Sherry.
SHIEHAN, William, June 29, 1832, to Mary Jewel; witnesses Joanna Campbell and the priest.
SHINGLER, Harriet, see MULLAN, Thomas
SHIRKEY, Mary, see KELLY, Dennis
SHORT, Margaret, see MC CABE, James
SHRUNK, Elizabeth, see BURKE, John
SHULTEY, Elizabeth, see COFFEY, Michael
SILVIN, John, February 2, 1828, to Mary Delany, witnesses Olivia Letuitre and Peter Joseph, negroes.
SIMMONS, Robert H., September 30, 1834, to Mary Dougherty; witnesses Thomas H. Pitman and Mary Ann Auchinlack.
SIMPSON, Rebecca, see HART, James
SINCLAIR, Hannah, see DONNELLY, John
SIPPLE, Michael, October 14, 1828, to Eliza Boyd; witness - McDeadd, the woman is not baptized. (But which, the witness, or the bride?).
SISLER, Hannah, see CARLIN, James
SIXTI, Joseph A., March 16, 1836, to Isabella Wallis; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.
SIXTI, Sarah, see BRACELING, James
SKEY, James, March 1, 1832, to Mary O'Neill; witnesses James Hessin and Rose Logan.
SLAUGHTER, Frederick, April 10, 1826, a Swiss, aged forty years, to Anna Trace, twice a widow; last husband -- Coates; witnesses Rev. T.J. Donaghoe and Chr. Columbus Conwell.
SLAVEN, Elizabeth, see WHITE, Morris
SLAVEN, Helen, see DAUGHERTY, Charles
SLAVEN, Margaret, see GALLEN, Hugh
SMITH, Abbey, see DONAGHY, James
SMITH, Bridget, see DONAGHAN, Patrick
SMITH, Catharine, see DINNAN, Robert
SMITH, Catharine, see CUMMINS, Edward
SMITH, Edward, August 16, 1829, to Ellen Halton; witnesses Mathew Boylan and Margaret Moore.
SMITH, Elizabeth, see MC CANN, Charles
SMITH, Elizabeth, see HAGAN, Michael
SMITH, Ellen, see MURRY, John
SMITH, Francis, June 16, 1836, to Bridget McElhany; witnesses Bernard O'Neill and Henry McKeon.
SMITH, Helen, see WOODS, Philip
SMITH, Hugh, November 23, 1829, to Bridget Monaghan; witnesses John Robinson, Robert Devlin and Mary Ann Garvey.
SMITH, James, February 19, 1833, to Julia Hogan; witnesses Christopher Cooney, etc.
SMITH, Jane, see YOUNG, Thomas
SMITH, Mary, see WALLS, James
SMITH, Sarah, see CORCORAN, Thomas
SMITH, Sarah, see FOY, Daniel
SNYDER, Edward, April 6, 1829, to Mary M. Bryant; witnesses Deborah Bryant and Hannah Leslie.
SNYDER, Helen, see DEVEREUX, John
SOUDRES, Hannah, see MC DEVITT, William
SPILLER, William (elsewhere "John William"), January 2, 1826, to Mary Elizabeth Brown; witnesses John Donnelly and John Brown, (elsewhere "John and Margaret Brown.").
STANLEY, John, September 14, 1833, to Susan McLaughlin (born Lynch); witnesses Bridget Newton and Ann Rowley.
STAR, Sarah, see MC GEEHAN, Edward
STARR, Isaac, December 1, 1830, to Lydia Ducoing; witnesses Sophia Ducoing, mother (of the bride), John H. Price, Joseph Commarque and Peter Lacombe.
STARS, James, February 10, 1834, to Mary Gallagher; witnesses George Gallagher and Mary McCahey.
STEPHENSON, Mary, see CRANGLE, Michael
STERNFELT, Mary, see ROCKS, John
STEWARD, Isaac, October 7, 1832, to Mary MacGrath; witnesses Anna MacGrath and Anthony Ryan.
STOCKDALE, Andrew, August 14, 1832, to Ellen McCartney; witnesses James McCawley and Mary Asheton.
STOCKDALE, Gerald, July 10, 1832, to Mary Major; witnesses James Stockdale and Martin McQuade.
STRAHAN, Eliza, see WONDALLY, William
SULIVAN, Anna, see HALY, Thomas
SULLIVAN, Ellen, see BUTLER, Thomas
SULLIVAN, John T., December 7, 1826, to --- Mansfield; witnesses Dr. Riter (Rev. Dr. Ryder?), and Rosanna Sullivan.
SULLIVAN, Julia, see BOND, Thomas
SULLIVAN, Mary, see KEARNEY, Richard
SULLIVAN, William, February 19, 1833, to Mary Ryan; witnesses Francis Rogers and John O'Brien.
SUMMERVIllE, James, June 21, 1831, to Anastatia Lougue; witnesses Catharine and John Hanna.
SURB, Hannah, see O'HIGGIN, Patrick
SURREL, Elizabeth, see UMPHIS, Hugh
SWEETMAN, James, February 8, 1829, to Martha Schools; witnesses John McBride and Mary Manus.
SWEENY, Anna, see MC BRIDE, Mathew
SWEENY, Frederick, December 18, 1827, to Mary A. Norris; witnesses Margaret Dunlevy and Roger McKeever.
SWEENY, Laurence, March 27, 1826, to Mary White alias Irwin; witnesses Morgan Wemys and Constance O'Neil.
SWEENY, Margaret, see AGNEW, Edward
SWEENY, Margaret, see MC LAUGHLIN, William
SWEENY, Miles, May 8, 1831, to Sarah Hughes; witnesses Michael Donnelly and Mary Camphell.
SWEENY, Patrick, December 3, 1833, to Eleanor Lane; witnesses John Ragan, John and Catharine Hays and Mary McCarty.
SYFFICKS, John, negro, December 13, 1832, to Ellen Springer; witnesses Joanna and Anna Campbell.
TAIS, Samuel P., April 21, 1832, to Anna Kelly; witnesses John and Mary Kelly.
TALKER, Michael, November 24, 1832, to Sarah Davis; witnesses James Gormly and James Mullony.
TAMENY, Cornelius, November 3, 1828, to Sarah Murte; witnesses James O'Connell and Mary Connell.
TAMER, James, January 31, 1833, to Joanna Nichols; witnesses Jacob and Anna Margaretta Nichols.
TAMMANY, Mary, see DOYLE, Thomas
TAMMINY, John, October 17, 1831, to Susan Conwary; witnesses Thomas Simmins and Mary Ann McDeadde.
TARDY, Alexis, December 18, 1828, of Alabama, to Ursula Cephise Godichaux; witnesses Peter Bousquet, Aimable Brasier, Robert P. Braun, Joseph Sevelinge and John Emile Beylle.
TAYLOR, John R., widower. May 2, 1831, to Sarah Rival; present Thomas Campbell and Rachel Rival.
TEAGUE, Rosanna, see MACKIN, Timothy
TENIN, Margaret, see MELOY, Peter
THIBAULT, Amelia, see MIITON, William
THOMAS, James, October 17, 1826, to Mary Prior; witnesses Henry Thomas, John Donnelly and Patrick Prior.
THOMPSON, David, September 10, 1827, to Sophia Gigan, witnesses ---.
THOMPSON, Emily, see QUIRK, John
THORNTON, Michael, April 23, 18^2, to Anna Mone; witnesses Dennis McKee and Bridget Hughes.
TIERNY, Mary, see MC MULLEN, Robert
TIERS, Mary Agnes, see HEWITT, Thomas
TINDALL, Elizabeth, see DOUGHERTY, Hugh
TOBIN, John, June 1, 1834, to Margaret Roach; witnesses Alice Whelan and Anna Daly.
TOBIN, Mary, see HAGAN, George
TOHAL, Mary, see CARROL, James
TOISARD, Adolphus, May 31, 1832, to Virginia Pinot; witnesses William Graham and P. Pinot.
TONER, James, July 4, 1831, to Frances Lougue (alias G. McDermott); witnesses Joanna McDeadde and Rosanna O'Neill.
TOOLE, Bernard, February 18, 1833, to Mary Durkin; witnesses - not named.
TOWN, Thomas, September 1, 1826, to Joanna Curren; witnesses John McGuigan and Christopher Columbus Conwell.
TRACE, Anna, see SLAUGHTER, Frederick
TRACY, Edward, August 1, 1830, -to Mary McGlaughlin; witnesses Michael Tracy and Newbinch Gill.
TRACY, Mary Ann, see MC ALISTER, Randle
TRAVERSE, Mary, see FEE, Henry
TRAVIS, William, February 17, 1833, to Anna Joanna Colladay; witnesses Henry Harran and Margaret Sheed.
TREANOR, James, November 26, 1829, to Mary Anna De Forest; witnesses Peter Breen and Peter Young.
TREBLIER, Peter, November 5, 1829, to Susan Park; witnesses Peter and Susan Faber.
TSHUDY, Margaret, see MC GINNIS, John
TULAP, James, June 12, 1829, to Catharine McManny; witnesses Edward Finnigan and M. McGill.
TULLY, Anthony, January 11, 1827, to Mary Uckley; witnesses Thomas Books and Rachel Black.
TWIBLE, Catharine, see GAFFNEY, John
UCKLEY, Mary, see TULLY, Anthony
UMPHIS, Hugh, December 2, 1828, to Elizabeth Surrel; witnesses John and Sarah Calhoun.
VANDEGRIFT, Mary, see KEEFE, Jeremiah
VANDOOZN, Mary, see HARVICK, Edward
VELESITO, Sarah, see MONAGHAN, Patrick
WALKER, Catharine, see WINTER, Hugh
WALKER, Thomas, January 1, 1834, to Hannah Carlin; witnesses John Conwell and Elizabeth Johnson.
WALL, Joanna, see DUNN, Patrick
WALLACE, John, June "5, 1832, to Bridget Kinsella; witness Andrew Gallagher.
WALLIS, Isabella, see SIXTE, Joseph
WALLS, Eleanor, see CONNOR, Bernard
WALLS, James, June 16, 1831, to Mary Smith; witnesses James Subers and Anna Curren.
WALLWORK (WALWORTH?), Joshua, February 15, 1829, to Anna McCloskey; witnesses Michael Duddy and Joanna McDade.
WALSH, James, March 15, 1833, to Sarah Jean Gilmore; Witnesses Patrick MacGuire (?) and Henry McKeon.
WALSH, James, June 2, 1833 to Mary Ann Humes; witnesses Henry McKeon and Margaret Harrison.
WALSH, Patrick, April 28, 1834, to Bridget Nolan; witnesses Arthur Mallon and Henry McKeon.
WANER, Anna, see WELCH, Andrew
WARD, Mary, see O'TOOLE, Peter
WARDS, Sarah, see MC CLELLAND, Daniel
WARPLE, Elizabeth, see MALONEY, Charles
WARREN, Catharine, see MC CARREN, William
WATERS, Edward, November 13, 1828, to Rachel Foster; witness Anna Waters.
WATSON, Margaret, see HAUGHEY, Patrick
WELCH, Andrew, September 17, 1828, to Anna Waner; witnesses Rev. J. (O') Reilly and Mary Anastatia Doran.
WELCH, Richard, March 9, 1827, to Rose Daily.
WELDON, Abigail, see WILLIAMS, Thomas
WELSH, Susan, see BARR, Terence
WELSH, William, May 7, 1826, to Margaret Corristin; witnesses Francis Carr and Susan Welsh.
WEMS, Morgan, April 20, 1826, to Eliza Allowes; witnesses Nicholas and Catharine MoGonegal (alias Keegan).
WEMS, Morgan, no dates, to Eliza Olliver; witnesses Michael Megonigal and Catharine Keegan. ((Found in Marriages, 1832)).
WHELAN, Mary, see CUMMIN, Andrew
WHELAN, Mary, see NEILL, Charles
WHELAN, Michael, February 11, 1834, to Margaret Kelly; witnesses Thomas Hoy and Catharine Kelly.
WHITE, Mary, see SWEENY, Laurence
WHITE, Mary, see CONNOLLY, Thomas
WHITE, Morris, October 7, 1832, to Elizabeth Slaven.
WILAND, James, September 5, 1830, to Margaret Ray; witnesses John Norman and Sarah Hesson.
WILCOX, Joanna, see DU FRAENOIT, Hippolite
WILCOX, Sarah, see BRENNAN, John
WILKINSON, Virgil, September -ò, 1831, to Joanna Nugent; witnesses (Christopher) Columbus Conwell and Elizabeth Johnson.
WILLET, Rebecca, see PREVEUX, John
WILLIAMS, Edward, December 20, 1831, to Anna Darragh; witnesses James McHugh, Elizabeth Johnson and Richard Darragh.
WILLIAMS, Mary, see FOGARTY, Jeremiah
WILLIAMS, Thomas, December 14, 1827, to Abigail Weldon, non-Catholic; witnesses John Weldon and George Giles.
WILLIAMSON, Isabella, see MC NAME, John
WILLIAUME, Mary, see MONTRE, Xavier
WILSON, Eliza, see MC GUIGAN, James
WILSON, Mary, see KELLY, Patrick
WILSON, Sarah, see SAULNIER, John
WINNIS, Mary, see ROBERTS, Francis
WINTER, Hugh, November 14, 1830, Catholic, to Catharine Walker, Protestant; witnesses P.B. Pearson, W. Charlton and Amelia Binney.
WINTER, Robert, 0ctober 25, 1830, to Anna Lawson; witnesses John Downing and Catharine Winter.
WINTERS, Patrick, February 22, 1832, to Rose Gillespie; witnesses John McGlenn and Sarah Toner.
WONDALLY, William, September 23, 1829, to Eliza Strahan; witness Mary Strahan.
WOODS, Bridget, see SHERKY, John
WOODS, Ellen, see LARGY, Henry
WOODS, Hugh, April 3, 1829, to Margaret McGlaughlin; witnesses Dennis Rearon and Bridget McManus.
WOODS, Philip, September 19, 1828, to Helen Smith; witnesses Joanna McDade and Hannah Leslie.
WOODS, Richard G., March 23, 1834, to Anna Elizabeth Gallagher; witnesses Sarah and James Gallagher.
WOODS, Rosanna, see MC WADE, James
WOODS, Rose, see KELLY, Patrick Conwell
?WOOLWORK (WOOLWORTH?), Joshua, February 21, 1830, to Elizabeth Schools (alias Sharky); witnesses Samuel Clark and William McManus.
WORTHINGTON, Elizabeth, see HENRIHEN, Daniel
WYSE, Elizabeth, see CAMPBELL, William
YATES, Mary, see ROCHE, Maurice
YERKES, Penelope, see MOLLOY, Walter
YOUNG, Eliza, see FLYNN, George
YOUNG, Thomas, October 14, 1832, to Jane Smith; witnesses Henry McKeon and Elizabeth Johnson.