ACGS Bylaws July 2004

The Anoka County Genealogical Society



Revised:  September 12, 2006


ARTICLE I:            Name


            The name of this organization shall be The Anoka County Genealogical Society, an affiliate of the Anoka County Historical Society, abbreviated as ACGS. It shall operate on a nonprofit basis. The official address shall be 2135 Third Avenue North, Anoka, MN 55303.


ARTICLE II:            Objectives


            The objectives of the Society are

1.            To promote and extend interest in genealogy and family history.

2.            To assist persons who are interested in preserving family history.

3.            To carry on projects of a genealogical nature.

4.            To collect and preserve genealogical records pertinent to Anoka County.

5.            To provide educational programs and events

6.            To advance genealogical research as an avocation.


ARTICLE III:            Membership


1.         Any person interested in genealogy may be enrolled as a member upon receipt of payment of dues to the Treasurer.

2.         The dues of the Society shall be reviewed and established at the Annual Meeting and shall take effect and be payable prior to the next meeting. The classes of membership are as follows:  Individual membership, Senior Citizen membership and a non-voting Student membership (under age 18).

3.         Members failing to pay their dues for three (3) months after they have become payable shall be dropped from the rolls.

4.         The membership year shall run from September 1 through August 31. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 Through December 31.

5.         All members shall receive the ACGS newsletter. Individual and senior members are entitled to vote for the ACGS officers and board members. There will be no voting by proxy.

6.         Meetings will be conducted with ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER as a guideline.


ARTIVLE IV:            Government


1.         The officers of this Society shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and  four (4) Members-at-Large. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by parliamentary             authority adopted by the Society.

2.         The floor will be opened for nominations from membership through the August meeting.  It shall be the duty of the  Board to review nominated candidates for the offices to be filled at the Annual meeting. Ballots will be mailed out no less than two (2) weeks prior to the Elections at the September meeting. Ballots will be collected and counted the night of the Annual meeting and election results announced.    

3.         The officers shall be elected by ballot to serve for a two (2) year term. Their term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual meeting at which they are elected.

4.         No member shall hold more than one (1) office at a time.  (Exception noted Article IV number 6.) No member shall be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.


Elected Year


 Move from Vice President position

Vice President






Newsletter Editor


1 At large


2 At large


3 At large


4 At large



5.         Nominees shall have been a member of the Society for a minimum of six (6) months.

6.         If a vacancy arises, the Board may appoint any qualified member to fill the un-expired term. If vacancy occurs a Board Member may fulfill the duties until a qualified member is appointed by the Board. 

7.         If an Officer or Board Member fails to fulfill or discharge the requirements of their office and upon the request of the Board still does not perform the duties of the office, the Board may replace that Officer or Board Member by a majority vote of the Board.

8.         Any Board Member can assume the duties of retrieving mail, distributing the mail, answering inquiries and mailing publications.

9.      Any Board Member can be appointed to handle monies relating to Petty Cash.  This may include but is not limited to;  monies received on items available for sale by the organization, monies received for research, monies collected for patron photocopies, purchasing of office supplies and postage. The Board Member will be responsible for balancing the Petty Cash account on a monthly basis, preparing cash report in a spreadsheet format listing debits and credits, submitting this report and receipts to the Treasurer before the next general meeting.


ARTICLE V:              The Board of Directors


1.         The business of the Society shall be conducted by the Board of Directors. The Board shall have no more than eleven members and the terms of office shall be staggered. The Board shall appoint an executive committee to handle any emergencies that might arise.

2.         The Board shall have general supervision of the Affairs of the Society between the business meetings, arrange  the hour and place of the meetings, make recommendations to the Society and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Society and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws, and  none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Society.

  3.      Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, regular meetings of the Board shall be held quarterly on the third Monday of the month. The President will arrange for an alternate date at the Board’s convenience. Special board meetings may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of three (3) members of the Board.

4.      A simple majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at any regular or special

         meeting of the Society Board of Directors.


ARTICLE VI:                        Duties of the Officers


1.         The President of the Society shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors. The President shall present the annual budget to the Anoka County Historical Society by the requested date. The President will be an official signer of all bank accounts held by the Society and will fill out all necessary paperwork required by the bank where Society accounts are held within thirty (30) days of taking office.  The President will be responsible for making deposits and paying the expenses of the Society in the event the Treasurer is unavailable to fulfill their duty.

2.         The Vice-President shall serve in the absence of the President. They shall assist the President as directed, monitor the activities of the committees and serve as a liaison for the Board. They shall also serve as Parliamentarian to ensure meetings are generally in accordance with ROBERT’S RULES of Order.  They shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees, boards and bureaus of the Society.

3.         The Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings, give notice of special meetings, and conduct the correspondence of the Society as directed by the Board or Officers.

4.         The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies of the Society. They shall keep account of the monies and shall make a report at each meeting and as requested by the Board. The Treasurer shall keep the current roll of members and collect dues.  The Treasurer shall pay out monies of the Society upon presentation of bills within budget guidelines.

5.         The Members-at-large shall assist the Officers with their duties and shall, with the Officers, establish policies for the good of the Society.

6.         The Board shall appoint one of its members to serve as a liaison to the Anoka County Historical Society. The Liaison shall attend the meetings of the Board of Historical Society and shall represent the interests of the Society in all matters coming before that Board.

7.         The  Board shall implement programs as they see fit. They will oversee arrangements for the speakers, locations and  other materials as needed.

8.         The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible to; compile, edit, assemble and distribute the ACGS newsletter. The newsletter will be published at least six (6) times per year, distributed in a timely manner not less than one (1) week before the next scheduled meeting.  The newsletter will carry topics of general genealogical interest, announcements of upcoming events and other articles submitted by the membership.


ARTICLE VII:            Meetings


1.         The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the first Monday of the Month, except January and July. If the first Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be held on the second Monday of that Month. Changes can be made at the discretion of the Board.

2.         The regular meeting in September shall be known as the Annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers, directors, receiving reports of officers and committees and for any other business that may arise.

3.         Upon receipt of a written request from any three (3) members, a special meeting will be called by the Board.

4.         Three (3) Officers and four (4) general members of the Society shall constitute a quorum.


ARTICLE VIII:            Committees


1.      Committees shall be formed to plan, develop and advance the goals of the Society.

2.      Committees shall regularly report to the Board



ARTICLE IX:            Collections


1.         The Society or the Board of Directors shall make provisions for the custody and housing of all materials belonging to the Society.

2.         No articles may be disposed of without approval of the Board of Directors.

3.         Upon dissolution of the Society, all articles belonging to it shall be placed under the care of the ANOKA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY until such time as a new society can be organized.


ARTICLE X:              Changes to the By Laws

            Amendments may be made to these By Laws in part or in whole. Proposed amendments may be made by any three (3) members and shall be in writing to the President. The proposed amendment shall be published in the newsletter. The membership will discuss and vote on the proposed changes at the next general meeting.


ARTICLE XI:            Affiliations


            The Anoka County Genealogical Society shall be a member in good standing of the Minnesota Genealogical Society.


ARTICLE XII:            Membership Category


Individual Members     

Senior Citizen Members

Student Non-Voting Members – under age 18  


Membership dues of this Society shall be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis and may be changed at the discretion of the Board. 


Adopted this date:

Attest President:

Attest Secretary: