Kilian Cemetery
Buena Vista Township, Richland County, Wisconsin USA
Surnames A - L
(Last Updated October 13, 2017)
, Infant 1927 1927 05-31-1927 05-31-1927
Surname not litsed. Marker between Faber and Schmitz markers!
ALVIN, Ethel L. CONLEY 1893 1970
MS with Lawrence. Married Lawrence Andrew Alvin in 1927.
Daughter of _____ & Mary Conley.
ALVIN, Frances RINGELSTETTER 1866 1950 08-02-1866 04-24-1950
Married Gustav Otto Alvin on January 9, 1889.
Daughter of John Ringelstetter.
ALVIN, Gustav Otto 1863 1917 04-02-1863 02-04-1917
Married Frances Ringelstetter on January 9, 1889.
Son of William & Rose (Kaul) Alvin.
ALVIN, Lawrence Andrew 1893 1956 02-19-1893 11-09-1956
MS with Ethel. Married Ethel L. Conley in 1927.
Son of Gustav Otto & Frances (Ringlestetter) Alvin.
ANDREAS, Charles F. 1911
Married Maggie Flynn on November 17, 1894.
Son of Carl T. & Louise C. (Roeder) Andreas.
Note: NO MARKER! Not buried here!
Note: Died in Texas in 1911.
ANDREAS, Maggie FLYNN 1864 1904
Married Charles F. Andreas on November 17, 1894.
Daughter of John & Ellen (Connell) Flynn. Small="Mother"
ASPEL, Barbara H. 1914 1997 11-21-1914 01-04-1997
MS with James.
ASPEL, Clara Marie 1915 1916 12-24-1915 03-08-1916
Daughter of John P. & Rose (Alvin) Aspel. "Our Darling"
ASPEL, Frank P. 1886 1953 08-14-1886 03-02-1953
Wisconsin Sgt Medical Department - World War I
Son of James & Mary (Dorgan) Aspel.
ASPEL, Gertrude KESSENICH 1862 1938 09-29-1862
Married James Aspel on April 14, 1891. "Mother"
Daughter of Peter & Clara (Motzer) Kessenich
ASPEL, James 1856 1920 04-12-1856 06-22-1920
Married Mary Dorgan. "Father"
Married Gertrude Kessenich on April 14, 1891.
Son of Michael & Anastatia S. (Conners) Aspel.
ASPEL, James H. 1904 1976 04-04-1904 05-21-1976
MS with Barbara.
Son of James & Gertrude (Kessenich) Aspel.
ASPEL, John P. 1895 1979 01-31-1895 03-02-1979
Married Rose Alvin. "Dad"
Son of James & Gertrude (Kessenich) Aspel.
ASPEL, Peter Joseph 1901 1901 07-26-1901 08-15-1901
MS with his twin brother Thomas Aspel.
Son of James & Gertrude (Kessenich) Aspel.
ASPEL, Thomas Raymond 1901 1902 07-26-1901 05-20-1902
MS with his twin brother Peter Aspel.
Son of James & Gertrude (Kessenich) Aspel.
BARRY, Mercedes E. KAUL 1925 2011 03-18-1925 10-30-2011
MS with Robert. Married Robert W. Barry on August 25, 1979.
Daughter of Michael & Christina Susan "Susie" (Greenheck) Kaul.
BARRY, Robert W. 1933 2013 12-19-1933 06-16-2013
MS with Mercedes. Married Mercedes E. Kaul on August 25, 1979.
Son of Geroge J. & Alma Pauline (Halverson) Barry.
BARNHART, Richard Kent "Dick" 1955 1983 07-28-1955 01-30-1983
Married Diane Marie Schmitz on September 18, 1976.
Son of Vivian James & R. Charlene (Flamme) Barnhart.
"In Loving Memory"
BINDL, Richard 1946 1965 10-28-1946 02-20-1965
Son of Victor & Martha (Ring) Bindl.
BOYD, Ronald "Dean" AKA MUNZ 1944 2016 03-02-1944 02-24-2016
US Army - Vietnam
Son of Stanley Boyd and Luella "Lily" Taylor.
Adopted son of Cyril "Cy" Munz.
[See Luella "Lily Taylor-Boyd-MUNZ]
BREY, Francis Benedict 1925 2011 07-13-1925 06-20-2011
US Army Air Forces - World War II
MS with Jean. Married Jean Janet "Jan" Troxel on August 24, 1950.
Son of George & Katheine (Blau) Brey.
"Our Children Bonnie, Joe, Becky, Betsy, Bud"
BREY, Jean Janet "Jan" TROXEL 1927 2008 06-29-1927 06-23-2008
US Nurses Corps - World War II
MS with Jean. Married Francis Benedict Brey on August 24, 1950.
Daughter of Foster Richard & Jennie B. (Lounsbury) Troxel.
"Our Children Bonnie, Joe, Becky, Betsy, Bud"
BROWDER, Emma Susan DEITELHOFF-PRAHL 1894 1985 07-22-1894 01-16-1985
Married Gustave Prahl.
MS with John. Married John Henry Browder.
Daughter of Joseph Herman & Clara Anastasia (Gassen) Deitelhoff.
BROWDER, John Henry 1896 1975 10-27-1896 12-19-1975
MS with Emma. Married Emma Susan Deitelhoff-Prahl.
Son of Jesse & Caldona (LeMaster) Browder.
BRUCKEN, Anna 1872 1916 11-16-1872 03-09-1916
Daughter of Peter & Clara (Kaul) Brucken.
BRUCKEN, Clara KAUL 1844 1924 02-12-1844 09-01-1924
Married Peter Brucken.
Daughter of Everett Kaul.
BRUCKEN, Cornelius 1877 1923 03-01-1877 05-02-1923
Son of Peter & Clara (Kaul) Brucken.
BRUCKEN, John 1880 1931 01-09-1880 06-17-1931
Married Lena Beaty-Kennedy on November 7, 1928.
Son of Peter & Clara (Kaul) Brucken.
[See Lena Beaty-Brucken-KENNEDY in Woodstock Cemetery]
BRUCKEN, Peter 1844 1918 07-23-1844 08-10-1918
Married Clara Kaul.
Son of Ewalt & Mary Sabral Brucken.
CLEMENTS, Anna JENSEN 1891 1976 01-10-1891 03-18-1976
MS with John. Married John W. Clements on May 17, 1916.
CLEMENTS, John 1861 1921 12-17-1861 12-07-1921
Married Julia Dorgan. "Father"
Son of Robert & Mary Ann (Hatley) Clements.
CLEMENTS, John W. 1892 1935 11-06-1892 11-13-1935
MS with Anna. Married Anna Jensen on May 17, 1916.
Son of John & Julia (Dorgan) Clements.
CLEMENTS, Julia DORGAN 1861 1913 10-10-1861 12-08-1913
Married John Clements. Small="Mother"
Daughter of Patrick & Julia (O'Connell) Dorgan.
CONNER, Tyler John Michael (Kaul) 1994 1994 11-22-1994 11-22-1994
CRAPSER, Beulah I. HOPPE 1890 1955 01-13-1890 06-07-1955
MS with James. Married James William Crapser.
Daughter of Robert & Clara (Braun) Hoppe.
CRAPSER, James William 1881 1944 08-12-1881 08-04-1944
MS with Beulah. Married Beulah I. Hoppe.
Son of Frederick & Margaret (Dorgan) Crapser.
DELI, Frederick W. "Fred" 1906 1985 05-11-1906 09-22-1985
MS with Grace. Married Grace L. Bushey on September 29, 1931.
Son of John & Justine (Mantch) Deli. "God Is Love"
DELI, Grace L. BUSHEY 1912
MS with Fred. Married Frederick W. "Fred" Delion September 29, 1931.
"God Is Love"
Death date is pending.
DIENBERG, Stella 1908 1910 06-07-1908 05-15-1910
DOLECKI, Sylvia J. DRIGGERS 1940 2007 01-06-1940 06-10-2007
Married John Dolecki.
Daughter of Stephen Driggers.
DORGAN, Eulilah Edith 1909 1926 06-02-1909 09-10-1926
Daughter of William Jeremiah & Susana Ellen (Schmitz) Dorgan.
DORGAN, Francis X. "Frank" 1918 1944 11-21-1944
Sgt Co G 409th Inf 103rd Div - World War II F=VFW
Son of William Jeremiah & Susana Ellen (Schmitz) Dorgan.
Note: ** Buried in France **
DORGAN, Lawrence W. 1849 1936 11-15-1849 03-01-1936
MS with Mary. Married Mary Jane Killoy on October 3, 1871.
Son of Jeramiah & Johana (O'Connell) Dorgan.
DORGAN, Mary Jane KILLOY 1849 1908 08-29-1849 11-16-1908
MS with Lawrence. Married Lawrence W. Dorgan on October 3, 1871.
Daughter of John & Catherine (Killoyhe) Killoy.
"Born Watertown , Wis . . Died Bear Valey, Wisc. ."
"May Her Soul Rest In Peace"
DORGAN, Susana Ellen SCHMITZ 1887 1972 06-08-1887 08-10-1972
MS with William. Married William Jeremiah Dorgan on June 30, 1907.
Daughter of John Engelbert & Walburga (Schauf) Schmitz. "Mother"
DORGAN, William Jeremiah 1883 1949 01-02-1883 11-06-1949
MS with Susana. Married Susana Ellen Schmitz on June 30, 1907.
Son of Lawrence W. & Mary Jane (Killoy) Dorgan. "Father"
DUREN, Infant 1911 1911
Infant son of Joseph & Philippena "Pena" (Wiedenfeld) Duren.
DUREN, Philippena "Pena" WIEDENFELD 1875 1955
Married Joseph Duren on July 21, 1909.
Daughter of Henry & Cecelia (Schmitz) Wiedenfeld.
DURST, John 1834 1915 10-19-1834 12-18-1915
Son of Gottfried & Anna Christine (Lasser) Durst.
DURST, Maria Margaret 1850 1907 11-03-1850 04-14-1907
Daughter of Gottfried & Anna Christine (Lasser) Durst.
DURST, Peter Joseph 1836 1896 06-16-1836 11-13-1896
Son of Gottfried & Anna Christine (Lasser) Durst.
Born in Koenigshofen, N. Preussen.
EBERLE, Angeline 1953 1953 09-11-1953 09-13-1953
MS with her twin brother Lawrence Eberle.
Daughter of Lawrence Ulrich Sr. & Eileen C. (Haag) Eberle.
EBERLE, Eileen C. HAAG 1930 11-17-1930
MS with Lawrence. Married Lawrence Ulrich Sr. Eberle on July 17, 1951.
"Children Lawrence Jr,Angeline,Luanne,Randall,Jo-Ellen,Diane,Angela"
Death date pending.
EBERLE, Eileen C. FABER 1922 2008 06-06-1922 09-03-2008
Married Melvin W. Eberle on October 17, 1946.
Daughter of Joseph Nicholas & Marie J. (Wiedenfeld) Faber.
EBERLE, Lawrence Ulrich Jr. 1953 1953 09-11-1953 09-12-1953
MS with his twin sister Angeline Eberle.
Son of Lawrence Ulrich Sr. & Eileen C. (Haag) Eberle.
EBERLE, Lawrence Ulrich Sr. 1925 2002 08-05-1925 04-22-2002
MS with Eileen. Married Eileen G. Haag on July 17, 1951.
Son of Fred & Delia (Laufenberg) Eberle.
"Children Lawrence Jr,Angeline,Luanne,Randall,Jo-Ellen,Diane,Angela"
EBERLE, Melvin W. 1923 2011 07-24-1923 06-19-2011
Married Eileen C. Faber on October 17, 1946.
Son of Fred & Delia (Laufenberg) Eberle.
FABER, Bertilla SCHMITZ 1895 1976 12-20-1895 05-00-1976
MS with Gerald. Married Gerald S. Faber on October 14, 1919.
Daughter of John Engelbert & Walburga (Schauf) Schmitz.
FABER, Gerald S. 1891 1972 08-03-1891 06-31-1972
Veteran - World War I F=WWI
MS with Bertilla. Married Bertilla Schmitz on October 14, 1919.
Son of Michael & Ellen (Egan) Faber.
FABER, James E. 1950 2000
Son of James Phillip "Top" & Marjorie Marie (Walsh) Faber. "Son"
FABER, James Phillip "Top" 1921 1974 11-23-1921 02-13-1974
Ensign US Navy - World War II F=WWII
MS with Marjorie. Married Marjorie Marie Walsh.
Son of Gerald S. & Bertilla (Schmitz) Faber.
FABER, Marjorie Marie WALSH 1924
MS with James. Married James Phillip "Top" Faber.
Death date pending.
FLEMING, Archie M. 1910 1993 06-17-1910 05-07-1993
LS with his wife Mary and their daughter Jean.
Married Mary Magdelene Olson on November 15, 1937.
Son of James & Ann (Ryan) Fleming.
FLEMING, Jean Ann 1944 1944 02-21-1944 03-01-1944
LS with parents. Daughter of Archie M. & Mary Magdelene (Olson) Fleming.
FLEMING, Mary Magdelene OLSON 1917 1994 12-08-1917 04-00-1994
LS with her husband Archie and their daughter Jean.
Married Archie M. Fleming on November 15, 1937.
Daughter of Samuel Peter & Anna Agnes (Schmitz) Olson.
FLEMING, Raymond G. "Ray" 1923 1997 03-31-1923 01-22-1997
U.S. Navy - World War II
Married Virginia _____.
Son of James & Julia (Straight) Fleming.
FOLEY, Leona Elizabeth SCHMITZ 1918 2005 09-28-1918 03-15-2005
Married Wilbur Foley.
Daughter of Sylvester H. & Elizabeth (Dederich) Schmitz.
"Holy Mary Pray For Me"
FOLKSDORF, Gertrude SCHMITZ 1856 1891 09-04-1856 06-11-1891
MS with her brother Stephen SCHMITZ.
Married Joseph Folksdorf.
Daughter of Peter & Celia (Goese) Schmitz.
FORD, James 1946 1947
Son of Edwin & Helen Ford.
Married Vincent Eugene Frawley on July 2, 1983 at Keyesville, WI.
Daughter of Lawrence Ulrich Sr. & Eileen C. (Haag) Eberle.
Owner - All dates pending.
FRAWLEY, Vincent Eugene 1954 2016 03-23-1954 10-22-2016
US Army - Viet Nam Era - Service in Korea
Married JoEllen Rae Eberle on July 2, 1983 at Keyesville, WI.
Son of Bernard W. & Kathleen Anastasia (Slaney) Frawley.
FRIES, Lucy B. 1952 1953 08-11-1952 01-08-1953
Daughter of Theron Junior & Mary (Prahl) Fries.
FRIES, Theron Junior 1924 1995 05-14-1924 09-09-1995
S1 US Navy - World War II F=US
Married Mary Prahl on December 4, 1943.
Son of Theron K. & Agnes L. (Moore) Fries.
GORMAN, Catherine 1858 1918
GORMAN, Edward 1816 1906 12-03-1906
MS with Ellen. Married Ellen _____.
GORMAN, Elizabeth 1864 1932
GORMAN, Ellen 1832 1891
MS with Edward. Married Edward Gorman.
GRAUVOGL, Alton J. 1915 2011 06-01-1915 08-20-2011
MS with his brother Donald Grauvogl.
Son of John & Katherine E. (Schrom) Grauvogl.
GRAUVOGL, Donald J. 1914 1991 01-13-1914 10-16-1991
MS with his brother Alton Grauvogl.
Son of John & Katherine E. (Schrom) Grauvogl.
GRAUVOGL, John 1884 1941 02-17-1884 09-29-1941
MS with Katherine. Married Katherine E. Schrom on May 6, 1913.
Son of Joseph & Mary (Godfree) Grauvogl.
GRAUVOGL, Katherine E. SCHROM 1889 1978 03-27-1889 09-12-1978
MS with John. Married John Grauvogl on May 6, 1913.
Daughter of Joseph & Theressa (Sullivan) Schrom.
GREENHECK, (Baby) 1925 1925 11-18-1925 11-18-1925
Daughter of William & Katherine Greenheck.
Note: Added from death record. No marker found!
GREENHECK, Agnes ROSCHEN 1825 1894 08-21-1894
Married Hubert Grunheck. Written in German as Grunheck!
"Born in Dormmachen Rhein Prussen"
Note: Marker is engraved GRUNHECK.
GREENHECK, Agnes Catherine ROESSLER 1905 1974 07-29-1905 11-26-1974
MS with John. Married John Joseph Greenheck.
Daughter of Wenzel L. & Anna Rose (Honish) Roessler.
Note: Maiden name spelling varies: Roessler/Racher/Rorgen/Roschen
GREENHECK, Albert 1897 1970 07-30-1897 07-26-1970
MS with Marcella. Married Marcella F. Kaney on June 6, 1923.
Son of Arnold & Catherine (Schauf) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Anna Maria SCHMITZ 1850 1933 12-04-1850 08-01-1933
MS with Cornelius. Married Cornelius Greenheck.
Daughter of Mathias Joseph & Christina (Schmidt) Schmitz.
GREENHECK, Arnold 1862 1940 02-05-1862 03-06-1940
Married Catherine Schauf on April 14, 1885.
Son of Hubert & Agnes (Roschen) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Catherine SCHAUF 1861 1938
Married Arnold Greenheck on April 14, 1885.
Daughter of William & Walburga (Herriger) Schauf.
GREENHECK, Cornelius 1854 1924 04-12-1854 04-13-1924
MS with Anna. Married Anna Maria Schmitz.
Son of Hubert & Agnes (Roschen) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Cornelius F. 1886 1966 03-05-1886 03-19-1966
MS with Mary. Married Mary E. Thibault on October 11, 1921.
Son of Martin & Margaretha (Schmitz) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Cornealious Leo 1890 1940 03-14-1890 10-02-1940
MS with Rebecca. Married Rebecca Monica _____.
Son of Walter Hubert Sr. & Marie Helena "Helen" (Schmitz) Greenheck.
Note: Most records are Cornelius. Marker is engraved Cornealious!
GREENHECK, Francis J. 1933 1935
Son of Cornelius F. & Mary E. (Thibault) Greenheck. "Son"
GREENHECK, Helena 1899 1968 03-11-1899 02-29-1968
Daughter of Walter Hubert Sr. & Marie Helena "Helen" (Schmitz) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Hubert 1824 1906 11-02-1824 01-21-1906
Married Agnes Roschen. Written in German as Grunheck!
GREENHECK, Iranus 1920 1970
Son of Albert & Marcella F. (Kaney) Greenheck.
Note: Here They Sleep listed surname as Weitzel!
GREENHECK, Irene 1938 1938 04-15-1938 04-15-1938
GREENHECK, Jerome B. "Jerry" 1940 2012 09-26-1940 04-27-2012
US Navy - 1959 to 1961 - Peace Time
Married Nancy Bailey on May 20, 1967.
Son of Cornelius F. & Mary E. (Thibault) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, John C. 1932 2004 03-10-1932 04-05-2004
Son of Cornelius F. & Mary E. (Thibault) Greenheck.
"Parent of Susan. Sisters Bernice,Mary K.,Lorraine,Agnes,Louise,Irene,
Pauline. Brothers Cornelius,Albert,Jerome,Robert,Martin,Francis"
GREENHECK, John Eugene "Gene" 1938 1993 10-08-1938 10-19-1993
Son of John Joseph & Agnes Catherine (Roessler) Greenheck.
"In Our Hearts You Will Always Live"
GREENHECK, John Joseph 1895 1968 04-17-1895 09-21-1968
MS with Agnes. Married Agnes Catherine Roessler.
Son of Arnold & Catherine (Schauf) Greenheck.
Note: Surname spelling is sometimes: Grunheck.
GREENHECK, Joseph Mathias 1903 1975 03-14-1903 03-08-1975
Pvt Army Air Forces - World War II F=WWII
Son of Walter Hubert Sr. & Marie Helena "Helen" (Schmitz) Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Marcella F. KANEY 1901 1968 01-29-1901 10-12-1968
MS with Albert. Married Albert Greenheck on June 6, 1923.
Daughter of Joseph Michael & Frances Clara (McCarville) Kaney.
GREENHECK, Margaretha SCHMITZ 1858 1944 05-17-1858 08-02-1944
MS with Martin. Married Martin Greenheck on February 21, 1884.
Daughter of Mathias Joseph & Christina (Schmitt) Schmitz.
Note: Marker is engraved GRUNHECK.
GREENHECK, Marie Helena "Helen" SCHMITZ 1860 1954 06-25-1860 12-04-1954
MS with Walter. Married Walter Hubert Greenheck on February 21, 1882.
Daughter of Mathias Joseph & Christina (Schmitt) Schmitz. "Mother"
GREENHECK, Martin 1856 1930 03-24-1856 12-27-1930
MS with Margaretha. Married Margaretha Schmitz on February 21, 1884.
Son of Hubert & Agnes (Roschen) Greenheck.
Note: Marker is engraved GRUNHECK.
GREENHECK, Martin Anton 1929 1929 01-21-1929 02-28-1929
Son of Cornelius F. & Mary E. (Thibault) Greenheck. "Son"
GREENHECK, Mary E. THIBAULT 1902 1991 06-04-1902 09-11-1991
MS with Cornelius. Married Cornelius F. Greenheck on October 11, 1921
Daughter of Charles & Catherine (Meyer) Thibault.
GREENHECK, Rebecca Monica 1893 1978 01-12-1893 04-15-1978
MS with Cornealious. Married Cornealious Leo Greenheck.
GREENHECK, Robert L. "Bob" 1942 2005 08-17-1942 12-26-2005
SN US Navy - Peace Time F=US
Son of Cornelius F. & Mary E. (Thibault) Greenheck.
"Children Matthew, Michael. Grandchild Alexandra"
GREENHECK, Walter Hubert Sr. 1852 1938 01-24-1852 12-05-1938
MS with Helena. Married Marie Helena "Helen" Schmitz on February 21, 1882.
Son of Hubert & Agnes (Roschen) Greenheck. "Father"
HANSON, Mary Agnes 1934 2007 06-28-1934 10-31-2007
Married John Hanson.
Daughter of Stephen & Catherine Cecelia (Boylan) Fargo.
Note: Catherine (Boylan) Fargo 1902-1987 later married Fred Eberle
and she is buried in Portage, WI.
KANEY, Anna E. BLASS 1904 1982 05-24-1904 09-23-1982
MS with John. Married John Daniel Kaney on July 16, 1936.
Daughter of John B. & Mary E. (Bogenschutz) Blass.
KANEY, Catherine Isabelle 1910 1925 09-06-1910 11-17-1925
Daughter of Joseph Michael & Frances Clara (McCarville) Kaney.
KANEY, Frances Clara MCCARVILLE 1872 1950 02-22-1872 11-13-1950
Married Joseph Michael Kaney on January 12, 1897. "Mother"
Daughter of James & Julia Annie (Phelan) McCarville.
KANEY, Francis "Poad" 1915 2007 05-12-1915 05-06-2007
US Army - World War II
Son of Joseph Michael & Frances Clara (McCarville) Kaney.
KANEY, James Acquinas "Tony" 1903 1978 03-04-1903 08-08-1978
Married _____ _____.
Son of Joseph Michael & Frances Clara (McCarville) Kaney.
KANEY, John Daniel 1908 1976 09-18-1908 08-31-1976
MS with Anna. Married Anna E. Blass on July 16, 1936.
Son of Joseph Michael & Frances Clara (McCarville) Kaney.
KANEY, Joseph Michael 1865 1947 05-15-1865 01-15-1947
Married Frances Clara McCarville on January 12, 1897. "Father"
Son of Patrick Henry & Rose (Croal) Kaney.
KANEY, Patrick Henry 1811 1901 05-18-1811 10-21-1901
Married Rose Croal in 1851.
KANEY, Rose CROAL 1833 1908 12-26-1908
Married Patrick Henry Kaney in 1851. Aged 76 years.
Daughter of John A. & Catherina (Clinton) Croal.
KAUL, Albert G. 1923 2005 01-15-1923 06-08-2005
KAUL, Anna K. 1890 1907 07-14-1890 03-30-1907
Daughter of Cassimer & Anna Mary (Moll) Kaul.
KAUL, Anna Mary MOLL 1845 1936 12-29-1845 01-08-1936
Married Cassimer Kaul. "Mother"
Daughter of Theodore & Anna (Ewers) Moll.
KAUL, Cassimer 1846 1912 03-02-1846 08-02-1912
Married Anna Mary Moll.
Son of Henry Kaul.
Note: Given name somethings spelled Cassimir.
KAUL, Christina Susie GREENHECK 1882 1967 03-30-1882 01-01-1967
MS with Michael. Married Michael Kaul in 1914.
Daughter of Walter Hubert & Marie Helena "Helen" (Schmitz) Greenheck.
KAUL, Corneil James 1949 1949 12-27-1949 12-31-1949
Son of Peter Anthony & Lenice V. (Rockwell) Kaul. "Son"
KAUL, Corneil L. 1910 1931
Son of Peter Sr. & Theresia (Pulvermacher) Kaul. "Son"
KAUL, Francis August 1949 1987 05-28-1949 11-06-1987
Married Karen C. Wanless on September 7, 1974.
Son of Francis M. Sr. & Helen Cecelia (Tourdot) Kaul.
KAUL, Francis M. Sr. 1918 2006 03-11-1918
MS with Helen. Married Helen Cecelia Tourdot on June 20, 1945.
Son of Michael & Christina Susie (Greenheck) Kaul.
KAUL, Helen Cecelia TOURDOT 1928 1979 03-28-1928 10-07-1979
MS with Helen. Married Francis M. Sr. Kaul on June 20, 1945.
Daughter of August & Florence (Keltenberg) Tourdot.
KAUL, Herman 1946 1946
Son of Peter Anthony & Lenice V. (Rockwell) Kaul.
KAUL, Herman C. 1905 1931
Son of Peter Sr. & Theresia (Pulvermacher) Kaul. "Son"
KAUL, Lenice V. ROCKWELL 1911 1986 08-11-1911 09-30-1986
Married Peter Anthony Kaul on September 1, 1937.
Daughter of Albert Simeon & Nina Mabel (Williams) Rockwell.
KAUL, Michael 1880 1959 09-26-1880 12-04-1959
MS with Christina. Married Christina Susie Greenheck in 1914.
Son of Cassimer & Anna Mary (Moll) Kaul.
KAUL, Peter Anthony 1912 1973 02-23-1912 11-09-1973
Married Lenice V. Rockwell on September 1, 1937.
Son of Peter Sr. & Theressa (Pulvermacher) Kaul.
KAUL, Peter Michael 1943 1962 11-01-1943 10-22-1962
Son of Peter Anthony & Lenice V. (Rockwell) Kaul. "Son"
KAUL, Peter Sr. 1871 1939 11-21-1871 06-14-1939
Married Theresia Pulvermacher on February 8, 1899. "Father"
Son of Cassimer & Anna Mary (Moll) Kaul.
KAUL, Theresia PULVERMACHER 1873 1956 09-12-1873
Married Peter Sr. Kaul on February 8, 1899. "Mother"
Daughter of Michael & Agnes (Neuheisel) Pulvermacher.
KAUL, Tyler John Michael 1994 1994 11-22-1994 11-22-1994
Son of Troy M. Connor & Michele L. Kaul.
KAUL, Wyatt Jarrett 2001 2001 05-04-2001 05-04-2001
Son of Toby L. & Danielle Kay (Pugh) Kaul.
KENNEY, Bridget 1870 1959
MS with John. Married John C. Kenney. "Mother"
KENNEY, John C. 1860 1938 05-15-1860 05-16-1938
MS with Bridget. Married Bridget _____. "Father"
Son of John & Kathern (Connor) Kenney.
KESSENICH, Clara MOTZER-GIESEN 1825 1914 01-12-1825 02-16-1914
Married Christian Giesen in 1853. "Mother"
Married Peter Kessenich in 1861.
KESSENICH, Gertrude 1909 1909 03-16-1909 04-11-1909
Daughter of Peter & Mary (McCarville) Kessenich. Aged 26 days.
"Our Darling"
KESSENICH, Henry 1869 1945 10-30-1945
Son of Peter & Clara (Motzer) Kessenich.
KESSENICH, Henry 1910 1910
Son of Peter & Mary (McCarville) Kessenich.
KESSENICH, James H. 1898 1952 10-20-1898 01-08-1952
Son of Peter & Mary (McCarville) Kessenich.
KESSENICH, Marie A. BAUER 1902 1997 10-27-1902 10-15-1997
MS with Peter. Married Peter James Kessenich on February 12, 1924.
Daughter of John Wolfgang & Matilda (Dischler) Bauer.
KESSENICH, Mary MCCARVILLE 1870 1954 10-08-1870 12-14-1954
MS with Peter. Married Peter Kessenich on January 16, 1894.
Daughter of James & Julia Annie (Phelan) McCarville.
KESSENICH, Peter 1862 1942 09-29-1862 08-21-1942
Married Mary McCarville on January 16, 1894.
Son of Peter & Clara (Motzer) Kessenich
KESSENICH, Peter 1837 1923 07-06-1837 01-15-1923
Married Clara Motzer-Giesen in 1861. "Father"
Son of Peter & Lizzie (Weber) Kessenich.
Note: One record shows mother as Elizabeth Streng.
KESSENICH, Peter James 1895 1971 12-13-1895 03-15-1971
MS with Marie. Married Marie A. Bauer on February 12, 1924.
Son of Peter & Mary (McCarville) Kessenich.
KING, John E. 1874 1908 09-14-1874 07-19-1908
Son of Mat & Kate (Schmitt) King. "At Rest"
Note: Surname has also spelled as Koenig!
KLINE, George D. 1923 1996 07-30-1923 01-23-1996
Veteran - World War II F=AmLegion
MS with Arlene. Married Arlene R. _____ on June 24, 1950.
KLINE, Arlene R. 1926
MS with George. Married George D. Kline on June 24, 1950.
Death date pending.
KRAEMER, Douglas M. 1947 2000 02-02-1947 08-26-2000
MS with Mary. Married Mary Ellen Wunnicke on September 2, 1965.
Son of Elmer & Ruth (Kranz) Kraemer.
"Our Children Dawnn, Danae, Jeffrey" "Together Forever"
KRAEMER, Mary Ellen WUUNICKE 1947 06-24-1947
MS with Douglas. Married Douglas M. Kraemer on September 2, 1965.
Daughter of Robert L. "Bob" & Helen Marie (Dyke) Wunnicke.
"Our Children Dawnn, Danae, Jeffrey" "Together Forever"
Death date pending.
LARKIN, Anna 1823 1876 12-15-1876
Married Michael Sr. Larkin.
"Native of Banagher,Kings Co.Ireland" "May Her Soul Rest In Peace, Amen"
LARKIN, Elizabeth 1864 1906 12-19-1906
Married William F. Larkin. Aged 42 Yrs.
LARKIN, Michael Jr. 1857 1894 08-10-1894
Aged 37 years.
Son of Michael Sr. & Anna Larkin.
LARKIN, Michael Sr. 1823 1896 09-16-1823 02-22-1896
Married Anna _____.
"Born at Banagher, Kings Co., Ireland"
LARKIN, William F. 1864 1906 12-19-1906
Married Elizabeth _____. Aged 42 years.
Son of Michael Sr. & Anna Larkin.
LINGARD, Louis E. 1927
MS with Shirley. Married Shirley A. _____.
"Janet, Janice, Jeanette, Janell, Lonnie"
Death date pending.
LINGARD, Shirley A. 1935
MS with Louis. Married Louis E. Lingard.
"Janet, Janice, Jeanette, Janell, Lonnie"
Death date pending.
LORD, James Glenard 1946 1946 11-23-1946 11-27-1946
Son of Edwin & Helen (Kaul) Lord.
Note: Marker engraved 1946-1947!
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