West Fork Cemetery
AKA Coates Cemetery
Richwood Township, Richland County, Wisconsin USA
Surnames M - Z
(Last Updated June 29, 2017)
MARTIN, John 1892 1974 09-28-1892 01-00-1974
MS with Myrtle. Married Myrtle _____ in 1912. "Father"
Parents of Clyde, Mildred, Elizbeth, _____, Lavera, Emogene,
Caroline, Bertrice, _____.
MARTIN, Myrtle 1894 1956
MS with John. Married John Martin in 1912. "Mother"
Parents of Clyde, Mildred, Elizbeth, _____, Lavera, Emogene,
Caroline, Bertrice, _____.
MCDOUGALL, Erva M. DILLEY 1909 1998 04-28-1909 09-08-1998
MS with Robert. Married Robert Leroy McDougall on November 7, 1953.
Daughter of George McClellan & Achsa Axy (Buckmaster) Dilley.
"Together Forever"
MCDOUGALL, Robert Leroy 1917 1969 06-23-1917 02-20-1969
MS with Erva. Married Erva M. Dilley on November 7, 1953.
"Together Forever"
MCDOWELL, Clifford L. 1908 1955 10-12-1908 04-25-1955
Married Lena Ann Miller on February 3, 1930.
Son of Orley & Rosa (Staib) McDowell.
MCDOWELL, Lena Ann MILLER 1905 1991 01-27-1905 04-17-1991
Married Clifford L. McDowell on February 3, 1930.
Daughter of Marion Francis & Ellen Jeanette (Wood) Miller.
MCDOWELL, Thomas 1866 1946
MCKINNEY, (Baby) 1912 1912 05-23-1912 05-23-1912
Son of Gible & Mary McKinney.
Note: Added from death record.
MILLER, Buford James 1918 1918 10-10-1918 10-15-1918
Son of Westley J. & Lissie I. (Toney) Miller.
Note: Marker engraved Oct 10-15 Death Record lists Oct 10-16
MILLER, Cecil Lyle 1916 1990 03-06-1916 08-07-1990
MS with Geraldine. Married Geraldine Phylis "Dutch" Bailey on Nov. 17, 1946.
Son of Westley J. & Lissie I. (Toney) Miller.
MILLER, Ellen Jeanette WOOD 1862 1962 05-11-1862 03-20-1962
MS with Marion. Married Marion Francis Miller on July 4, 1889.
Daughter of John & Mary Ann (Davis) Wood.
MILLER, Geraldine Phylis "Dutch" BAILEY 1926 2014 03-17-1926 05-24-2014
MS with Cecil. Married Cecil Lyle Miller on November 17, 1946.
Daughter of Marion & Nora E. (Morgan) Bailey.
MILLER, James Madison 1853 1937 11-13-1853 02-05-1937
Married Mary Christina Persinger on May 9, 1880.
Son of John & Elizabeth (Keene) Miller.
MILLER, John E. 1889 1917
Son of Marion Francis & Ellen Jeanette (Wood) Miller.
MILLER, Lafe M. 1856 1932 01-16-1856 02-03-1932
Married Eliza M. Toney on March 7, 1875.
Son of George & Julian (Weidner) Miller.
MILLER, Lissie I. TONEY 1885 1971 11-19-1885 05-26-1971
MS with Westley. Married Westley J. Miller.
Daughter of Charley Edward & Etta Viola (Beebe) Toney.
MILLER, Luther Theron 1912 1987 05-09-1912 09-27-1987
TEC 4 US Army - World War II
Son of Westley J. & Lissie I. (Toney) Miller.
MILLER, Maria M. 1887 1942
MILLER, Marion Francis 1860 1934 10-16-1860 09-28-1934
MS with Ellen. Married Ellen Jeanette Wood on July 4, 1889.
Son of John & Elisabeth (King) Miller.
MILLER, Mary Christina PERSINGER 1852 1938 05-03-1852 08-24-1938
Married James Madison Miller on May 9, 1880.
Daughter of Levi & Christina (Brunnemer) Persinger.
MILLER, Ray Christopher 1900 1973 08-24-1900 12-00-1973
MS with Violet. Married Violet Ellen Whiteaker on January 27, 1927.
Son of Marion Francis & Ellen Jeanette (Wood) Miller.
Note: SS Death Index shows 1900-1972 and marker 1900-1973!
MILLER, Violet Ellen WHITEAKER 1909 2004 01-27-1909 05-31-2004
MS with Ray. Married Ray Christopher Miller on January 27, 1927.
Daughter of Alvin Webb & Maude (Purington) Whiteaker.
Death date pending.
MILLER, Westley J. 1885 1966 11-01-1885 08-28-1966
MS with Lissie. Married Lissie I. Toney.
Son of James Madison & Mary Christina (Persinger) Miller.
MORGAN, (Infant) 1894 1894
MS with Mary Melvina Dilley-Slane-GARNER.
Child of Bill & Nora Morgan.
MORGAN, Jesse DAVIS 1872 1893 06-08-1893
Married Evert E. Morgan on April 23, 1892 in Crawford Co., WI.
Daughter of James M. Davis.
Note: Added from Find-A-Grave their source death record. No marker.
MORGAN, Ollie 1884 1885
Son of Eugene & Lydia Morgan.
MUELLER, Emogene Etta BROWN-TURNER 1901 1986 02-11-1901 04-04-1986
Married Ralph D. Turner on November 9, 1919. "Mother"
Married George E. Mueller.
Daughter of Merit Greenleaf & Martha Ellen (Couey) Brown.
MUELLER, George F. 1900 1968 06-14-1900 12-00-1968
Veteran - World War I F=WWI
Married Emogene Etta Brown-Turner.
Note: Some records spelled surname as Muller.
NECKAR, Aiden Benjamin 2004 10-01-2004
Infant son of Andrew Benjamin "Drew" & Amanda (Jones) Neckar.
Grandson of Larry A. & Andrea Kathryn "Kathy" (Poimboeuf) Neckar.
NECKAR, Lad E. 1914 1995 06-25-1914 06-20-1995
SGT US Army - World War II F=WWII
MS with Lucille. Married Lucille M. Klienke on June 26, 1937.
NECKAR, Larry A. 1949 2012 05-01-1949 06-07-2012
Married Andrea Kathryn "Kathy" Poimboeuf on September 1, 1973.
Son of Lad E. & Lucille M. (Klienke) Neckar.
NECKAR, Lucille M. KLIENKE 1916 2002 03-26-1916 01-25-2002
MS with Lad. Married Lad E. Neckar on June 26, 1937.
Daughter of Emil & Mary (Wertz) Klienke.
OWENS, Clarence Louvon 1918 1918 04-10-1918 04-29-1918
Son of Clarence & Marie (Powell) Owens.
OWENS, Virginia May 1926 1926 03-28-1926 05-08-1926
Daughter of Clarence & Marie (Powell) Owens.
"Our Darling"
POTTS, Rebecca Margret 1849 1879 09-00-1849 08-00-1879
Married John Andrew Potts on May 18, 1867.
Daughter of Henry Lynville & Elizabeth (Comer) Puckett.
Note: John Andrew Potts 1845-1914 buried in Crawford Co., WI.
Note: Newer marker engraved Margret Potts 1842-1879.
POWELL, Idona TONEY 1872 1957 03-02-1872 09-18-1957
Married Thomas Powell on January 10, 1892.
Daughter of Jesse & Mary Eliza (Wey) Toney.
POWELL, Rosetta 1917 2005 01-21-1917 03-16-2005
Daughter of Thomas & Idona (Toney) Powell.
POWELL, Roy Richard 1897 1955 03-11-1897
Son of Thomas & Idona (Toney) Powell.
POWELL, Thomas 1866 1946
Married Idona Toney on January 10, 1892. "Father"
Son of George & Mary A. (Bolton) Powell.
POWERS, Lafayette "Lafe" 1859 1927 10-23-1859 02-01-1927
MS with Susan. Married Susan Flynn on August 12, 1883.
Son of Charles E. & Jane (Crosset) Powers.
POWERS, Mabel A. 1886 1890 08-24-1886 11-13-1890
Daughter of Lafayette "Lafe" & Susan (Flynn) Powers. Aged 4Ys 2Ms 20Ds
POWERS, Susan FLYNN 1863 1913 06-26-1863 11-10-1913
MS with Lafe. Married Lafayette "Lafe" Powers on August 12, 1883.
Daughter of John Henry & Susan (Woodman) Flynn.
PUCKETT, Cornelius B. "Kiernan" 1860 1901 10-14-1860 10-29-1901
Married Cinda J. Foust.
Son of Henry Lynville & Nancy E. (Wheeldon) Puckett.
Note: Added from Find-A-Grave their source death record. No marker.
PUCKETT, Henry Lynville, Rev. 1818 1888 12-14-1818 10-14-1888
Married Elizabeth Comer on April 14, 1843 in Indiana. "Pastor"
MS with Nancy. Married Nancy E. Wheeldon in March of 1860.
Married Mary Adams-Carpenter-Bartle on April 14, 1886.
Son of James & Margaret Sarah (Lynville) Puckett.
[See Mary Adams-Bartle-Puckett-CARPENTER in the Felton Cemetery]
PUCKETT, Nancy E. WHEELDON 1836 1885
MS with Henry. Married Rev. Henry Lynville Puckett in March of 1860. "Wife"
RANDALL, Elma E. PERSINGER 1906 1998 04-18-1906 01-06-1998
MS with Glen. Married Glen G. Randall on September 27, 1926.
Daughter of Oscar H. & Lena (Hardy) Persinger.
RANDALL, Evelyn M. RANDALL 1933 1963 04-11-1963
1st wife of Logan L. Randall.
Daughter of Glen G. & Elma E. (Persinger) Randall.
RANDALL, Glen G. 1904 1984 11-20-1904 01-05-1984
MS with Elma. Married Elma E. Persinger on September 27, 1926.
Son of Alfred & Winifred (Underwood) Randall.
RANDALL, Leon C. 1896 1968 03-31-1896 05-00-1968
Veteran - World War I
Married Lucille E. Logan on November 2, 1922.
Son of Frank & Alletta (Chitwood) Randall.
RANDALL, Logan L. 1926 1994 10-31-1926 04-18-1994
PFC US Army - World War II F=WWII
Married Evelyn M. Randall.
Married Lynne Bartels.
Married Georgian Wallin on December 31, 1975.
Son of Leon C. & Lucille E. (Logan) Randall.
RANDALL, Lucille E. LOGAN 1906 1934
Married Leon C. Randall on November 2, 1922.
Daughter of Lou H. & Mildred H. (Brown) Logan.
REMINGTON, Bert E. 1881 1939 05-12-1881 02-25-1939
MS with Myrtle. Married Myrtle Mary Jones.
Son of Emmerson Campbell & Martha (Straw) Remington.
REMINGTON, Bessie I. STEINER 1915 2013 07-02-1915 01-31-2013
MS with Keith. Married Keith Val Remington on October 3, 1937.
Daughter of Melvin Arthur & Mary Eleanor "Mollie" (Vance) Steiner.
"Parents of: Val, Richard, Claire, Ronald & Roger"
REMINGTON, Keith Val 1911 2000 11-04-1911 01-19-2000
Married Eleanor Dobbs on September 25, 1932.
MS with Bessie. Married Bessie I. Steiner on October 3, 1937.
Son of Bert E. & Myrtle Mary (Jones) Remington.
"Parents of: Val, Richard, Claire, Ronald & Roger"
[See Eleanor Dobbs-Remington-ROSSING in Richland Center Cemetery]
REMINGTON, Myrtle Mary JONES 1890 1956 05-30-1890 05-10-1956
MS with Bert. Married Bert E. Remington.
Daughter of John D. & Anna Elizabeth "Libbie" (Turk) Jones.
RIEWE, Lutz W. 1944 2003 04-04-1944 08-21-2003
MS with Rosemary. Married Rosemary L. _____ on June 28, 1996.
RIEWE, Rosemary L. 1945 2001 05-18-1945 06-12-2001
MS with Lutz. Married Lutz W. Riewe on June 28, 1996.
SCHELL, Gary Lee 1937 1986 06-23-1937 12-11-1986
MS with Patricia. Married Patricia Ann Martin on June 8, 1957.
Son of Roy R. & Izetta D. (Miller) Schell.
"Parents of Marty, Deanna, Claudia & Stacey"
SCHELL, Izetta D. MILLER-ARGALL 1914 1996 02-26-1914 05-09-1996
MS with Roy. Married Roy R. Schell.
Married _____ Argall.
Daughter of Westley & Lissie I. (Toney) Miller.
SCHELL, Patricia Ann MARTIN 1936
MS with Gary. Married Gary Lee Schell on June 8, 1957.
Daughter of Merlin & Gertrude (Turbin) Martiin.
"Parents of Marty, Deanna, Claudia & Stacey"
Death date pending.
SCHELL, Roy R. 1910 1958 09-08-1910 09-23-1958
MS with Izetta. Married Izetta D. Miller.
Son of Fred A. & Dora A. (Reynolds) Schell.
SHAFFER, Emily COUEY 1865 1933 08-04-1865 09-14-1933
MS with Freeman. Married Freeman Stright Shaffer on August 16, 1884.
Daughter of Joseph P. & Hannah Jane (Jones) Couey.
SHAFFER, Freeman Stright 1859 1938
Married Lillie Lucas.
MS with Emily. Married Emily Couey on August 16, 1884.
Son of Jabez & Sarah Ann (Wade) Shaffer.
SHAW, Christopher Corlis "Chris" 1880 1960 02-18-1880 02-05-1960
Married Mary M. Puttkammer. "Father"
Son of John & Melissa C. (Wood) Shaw.
"Rest In Peace"
SHAW, Joel Eli 1810 1894 03-03-1810 12-31-1894
MS with Mary. Married Mary "Polly" White.
Son of Moses & Catherine Shaw.
"In Loving Memory"
SHAW, John 1855 1918 09-24-1855 10-01-1918
MS with Melissa. Married Melissa C. Wood on September 18, 1876.
Son of Joel Eli & Mary "Polly" (White) Shaw.
SHAW, John W. 1878 1945
Married Emma Lesta Guernsey on August 31, 1905. "Father"
Son of John & Melissa C. (Wood) Shaw.
SHAW, Mary "Polly" WHITE 1816 1893 05-23-1816 10-14-1893
MS with Joel. Married Joel Eli Shaw.
Daughter of Robert White.
"In Loving Memory"
Note: Marker 1816-1893 and death record showed 1816-1892!
SHAW, Melissa C. WOOD-KAST 1857 1931 07-08-1857 11-20-1931
MS with John. Married John Shaw on September 18, 1876.
Married Thomas C. Kast in 1928.
Daughter of John & Mary Ann (Davis) Wood.
Note: Death date not engraved 19__.
[See Mary Ann Davis-Wood-BRUICE]
SHAW, Moses I. 1861 1864 10-21-1861 10-07-1864
Son of Joel Eli & Mary "Polly" (White) Shaw. Aged 3Ys 11Ms
SHUMATE, Margie E. MCDOWELL 1930 07-13-1930
MS with Marvin. Married Marvin H. Shumate on July 4, 1951.
Daughter of Clifford L. & Lena Ann (Miller) McDowell.
"Our Children Andra, Annette, Anita & Alicia"
Death date pending.
SHUMATE, Marvin H. 1930 2001 11-10-1930 05-18-2001
US Air Force - Korea
MS with Margie. Married Margie E. McDowell on July 4, 1951.
Son of Frank L. & Callie I. (Jones) Shumate.
"Our Children Andra, Annette, Anita & Alicia"
SLADE, Bert D. 1858 1926 09-09-1858 10-23-1926
Married Jennie _____.
Son of Alfonso & Frances (Cummings) Slade.
SLANE, Earnie 1889 1971 06-05-1889 12-25-1971
Son of James & Mary Melvina (Dilley) Slane.
SLANE, Irvin E. 1871 1898 05-20-1871 06-08-1898
LS with his parents James & Mary and Infant MORGAN.
Son of James & Mary Melvina (Dilley) Slane.
SLANE, James 1847 1899 02-14-1847 07-07-1899
LS with his wife Mary, their son Irvin and Infant MORGAN.
Married Mary Melvina Dilley.
SLANE, Mary Melvina DILLEY-GARNER 1849 1937 12-10-1849 02-01-1937
LS with her husband James, their son Irvin and Infant MORGAN. "Mother"
Married James Slane.
Married _____ Garner.
Daughter of Edmond B. & Rosanna (McCord) Dilley.
Note: Buried under maiden DILLEY on bronze marker with Infant MORGAN.
SMITH, John Rolland 1846 1922 11-00-1846 03-00-1922
Sergeant Co M 8th Indiana Cavalry - Civil War
MS with Maria. Married Maria Ann Puckett-Hutson on April 2, 1880.
SMITH, Maria Ann PUCKETT-HUTSON 1844 1932 11-04-1844 08-08-1932
Married James Hutson on February 28, 1860. Aged 87Ys 9Ms 4Ds
MS wit John. Married John Rolland Smith on April 2, 1880.
Daughter of Henry Lynville & Elizabeth (Comer) Puckett.
Note: Death date not engraved.
STEINER, Frank G. 1921 2011 01-14-1921 11-09-2011
Married Kathryn Gobin on May 12, 1946.
Son of Melvin Arthur & Mary Eleanor "Mollie" (Vance) Steiner.
STETLER, Enid Ruth 1925 1926 07-23-1925 02-06-1926
Daughter of Jacob LeRoy "Roy" & Huldah Hannah (Brown) Stetler.
STETLER, Delos Warren 1921 1942 11-23-1921 07-08-1942
PFC US Army - World War II F=WWII
Son of Jacob LeRoy "Roy" & Huldah Hannah (Brown) Stetler.
"In Memory of"
STETLER, Huldah Hannah BROWN 1895 1974 10-25-1895 07-13-1974
MS with Jacob. Married Jacob LeRoy "Roy" Stetler on September 23, 1911.
Daughter of Merit Greenleaf & Martha Ellen (Couey) Brown.
STETLER, Jacob LeRoy "Roy" 1892 1984 04-23-1892 12-07-1984
MS with Huldah. Married Huldah Hannah Brown on September 23, 1911.
Son of William Everett & Frances Minerva (Elliott) Stetler.
TONEY, Buford D. 1917 1917
MS with his sister Glennis.
Son of Eldon C. & Florence A. (Mead) Toney.
TONEY, Charley Edward 1863 1937 12-04-1862 02-28-1937
Married Mahala J. Cox on October 15, 1882.
Married Etta Viola Beebe on May 25, 1885.
Son of Jesse & Mary Eliza (Wey) Toney.
TONEY, Eldon C. 1891 1973 11-19-1891 06-14-1973
MS with Florence. Married Florence A. Mead in 1915.
Son of Charley Edward & Etta Viola (Beebe) Toney.
TONEY, Eldon Fay 1931 1985 01-09-1931 06-29-1985
A1C U.S. Air Force - Korea F=Korea
Married Sybil Faith Hartman on September 6, 1952.
Son of Eldon C. & Florence A. (Mead) Toney.
TONEY, Etta Viola BEEBE 1868 1959 06-27-1868 01-13-1959
Married Charley Edward Toney on May 25, 1885.
Daughter of Wilder & Sarah Almeda (Faulkner) Beebe.
TONEY, Florence A. MEAD 1897 1999 06-08-1897 02-02-1999
MS with Eldon. Married Eldon C. Toney on July 1, 1916.
Daughter of Isaac H. & Alice (LeMoine) Mead.
TONEY, Geneva 1896 1896 09-04-1896
Daughter of C.M. & Mahala J. (Cox) Toney. Aged __Ms
TONEY, Glennis O. 1925 1932 10-03-1925 09-16-1932
MS with her brother Buford.
Daughter of Eldon C. & Florence A. (Mead) Toney.
TONEY, Infant Daughter 1890 07-00-1890
Infant Daughter of William & S. Toney.
Note: Added from Find-A-Grave their source death record. No marker.
TONEY, Jesse 1828 1910 03-05-1828 10-06-1910
Corporal Co G 33rd Wis Inf - Civil War
MS with Mary. Married Mary Eliza Wey on March 27, 1851.
Son of William & Sarah (Keene) Toney.
TONEY, Mary Eliza WEY 1831 1908 01-16-1831 06-25-1908
MS with Jesse. Married Jesse Toney on March 27, 1851.
Daughter of Peyton H. & Rachel (Mink) Wey.
TONEY, Mildred D. TURK 1909 1947 07-30-1909 10-13-1947
MS with Theron. Married Theron R. Toney.
Daughter of David Wallace & Deltha Ellen (Day) Turk.
TONEY, Theron R. 1904 1953 07-03-1904 04-04-1953
MS with Mildred. Married Mildred D. Turk.
Son of Charley Edward & Etta Viola (Beebe) Toney.
TONEY, Verlyn Charles 1933 1997 12-22-1933 10-27-1997
Son of Theron R. & Mildred D. (Turk) Toney. "Brother"
TONEY, Willard "Bill" R. 1940 1994 01-18-1940 03-23-1994
Son of Theron R. & Mildred D. (Turk) Toney.
TROXEL, Carrie DAVIS 1876 1910 08-11-1876 11-21-1910
Married Benjamin Troxel on September 7, 1892. "At Rest"
Daughter of James & Louise (Shane) Davis.
TROXEL, David 1863 1955 11-00-1863 08-12-1955
Married Kit Elzora Bolton on September 7, 1892.
Son of Andrew & Barbara (Bowman) Troxel.
TROXEL, Kit Elzora BOLTON 1874 1969
Married David Troxel on September 7, 1892.
Daughter of William & Maryann Bolton.
TURNER, Arthur E. 1921 1982 06-10-1921 02-28-1982
Pvt US Army - World War II F=WWII
Married Dorothy Ann Giltner on September 27, 1946.
Son of Ralph D. & Emogene Etta (Brown) Turner.
[See Emogene Etta Brown-Turner-MUELLER]
TURNER, Dorothy Ann GILTNER 1923 2005 08-25-1923 03-30-2005
TEC5 US Army - World War II
Married Arthur E. Turner on September 27, 1946.
Daughter of George & Lena (Parish) Giltner.
TURNER, Ralph D. 1892 1931
Married Emogene Etta Brown on November 9, 1919. "Father"
Son of D.E. & Effie (Miller) Turner.
[See Emogene Etta Brown-Turner-MUELLER]
WALLIN, Orlan J. Sr. 1921 2005 10-21-1921 11-04-2005
Veteran - World War II F=WWII
MS with Nona. Married Nona Catherine Havens-Bankes on March 10, 1942.
Son of Joseph & Emma (Kelly) Wallin.
"Parents of Pat, Mae, Darlene, Joey, Georgian, Joe, Peggy, Tommy, Mary"
WALLIN, Nona Catherine HAVENS-BANKES 1920 2001 01-19-1920 08-18-2001
Married Ora Bankes.
MS with Orlan. Married Orlan J. Sr. Wallin on March 10, 1942.
Daughter of Clarence & Ada (Powers) Havens.
"Parents of Pat, Mae, Darlene, Joey, Georgian, Joe, Peggy, Tommy, Mary"
WATSON, James 1838 1878
Veteran - Civil War
Note: Listed in HERE THEY SLEEP as Civil War veteran - can not verify.
WEEKS, May Carlton WEY 1863 1931 06-30-1863 09-08-1931
Married William J. Weeks on September 14, 1897.
Daughter of William Henry Sr. & Lillian Abbie Ann (Puffer) Wey.
WEEKS, William J. 1865 1924 11-07-1865 02-04-1924
Married May Carlton Wey on September 14, 1897. Aged 58Ys 2Ms 28Ds
Son of James & Mary A. (Thiede) Weeks.
WEY, Lillian Abbie Ann PUFFER 1844 1915 07-24-1844 02-11-1915
MS with William. Married William Henry Sr. Wey.
Daughter of Thomas & Dorus (Chandler) Puffer.
WEY, Peyton H. 1806 1882 10-30-1806 05-04-1882
LS with his wife Rachel and great-granddaughter Violete Wey.
Married Rachel Mink on November 12, 1829. Aged 75Ys 6Ms 4Ds
Married Mary Mae Dawson-Collins on November 6, 1879.
Son of Henry & Mary Wey.
[See Mary Mae Dawson-Collins-Wey-DUNKIN]
WEY, Rachel MINK 1800 1870 06-24-1800 12-24-1870
LS with her husband Peyton and great-granddaughter Violete Wey.
Married Peyton H. Wey on November 12, 1829. Aged 70Ys 6Ms 0Ds
Daughter of Lawrenve & Betsy (Lowry) Mink.
WEY, Violete 1886
LS with great-grandparents Peyton H. and Rachel (Mink) Wey.
Daughter of Laura E. Wey.
Note: Laura E. Wey married John Jay Lindsay on August 5, 1900.
Note: Granddaughter of William Sr. & Lillian (Puffer) Wey.
WEY, William H., Jr. 1872 1943 01-04-1872 09-19-1943
Son of William Henry Sr. & Lillian Abbie Ann (Puffer) Wey.
WEY, William Henry Sr. 1837 1916 09-22-1837 03-18-1916
Private Co E 50th Wis Inf - Civil War
MS with Lillian. Married Lillian Abbie Ann Puffer.
Son of Peyton H. & Rachel (Mink) Wey.
Note: Death date not engraved!
WHITE, Robert 1787 1859 03-25-1859
Aged 72 years.
WILSON, David 1845 1919 01-19-1845 05-17-1919
Private Co B 77th Ohio Inf - Civil War
Married Mary A. Barker.
Married Rebecca C. Noble-Buchanan on February 9, 1898.
Son of James & Phebe Wilson.
WILSON, Elmer 1869 1871
WILSON, Ettey M. 1871 1873
WILSON, Jessie M. 1871 1920
Married Lewis M. Wilson.
WILSON, Lewis M. 1867 1951 07-05-1867 01-07-1951
Married Jessie M. _____.
Son of David & Mary A. (Barker) Wilson.
Note: Added from death record.
WILSON, Mary A. BARKER 1844 1895 11-25-1844 08-24-1895
Married David Wilson.
YOUNG, Henry W. "Hank" 1925 2003 09-25-1925 06-26-2003
S1 US Navy - World War II
MS with Miona. Married Miona M. "Mona" Dilley on June 1, 1946.
Son of William & Grace (Schoville) Young.
"Parents of Terry, Jeffrey & Susan"
YOUNG, Miona M. "Mona" DILLEY 1925 11-17-1925
MS with Henry. Married Henry W. "Hank" Young on June 1, 1946.
Daughter of William J. & Ethel G. (Copus) Dilley.
"Parents of Terry, Jeffrey & Susan"
Death date pending.
YOUNG, Susan Lorraine 1964 1967
Daughter of Henry W. "Hank" & Miona M. "Mona" (Dilley ) Young.
"Our Baby"
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