Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Lelia WILSON 1 Marriage: Status:Living
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Ida Mae FLICK 2 3 Marriage: Status:Living
Sex: M
Father: Living Mother: Living
Spouses and Children
1. *Roselind SMALLEY 4 5 Marriage: 1 Feb 1936 - , Sonoma, California, USA 6 Status:Edward F. GATES
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: of Florida 7 Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Euphemia Thurisa/Theresa HIBBARD 7 8 Marriage: 8 Dec 1856 7 Status:Living
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. Living 3. Living 4. Living 5. Living 6. Living 7. Living 8. Living 9. Living 10. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. LivingLula L. GATEWOOD
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 10 Apr 1861 9 Christening: Death: 18 Jan 1884 - Lee Co., AR 9 Burial: in Spring Creek Cemetery, Lee Co., AR 9
Spouses and Children
1. *Thomas E. THOMASON 9 Marriage: Bef 1879 - ,, Arkansas, USA 9 Status: Children: 1. Mattie G. THOMASON 9 2. Milton Greenwood THOMASON 9GATLIN
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1842 10 Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary F. THORNTON 10 Marriage: Status:Ada Zoe GATRELL
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1886 11 Christening: Death: 1919 - Pleasants Co., WV 11 Burial: in Old St. Mary's 11
Spouses and Children
1. *John D. OUTWARD 11 Marriage: 12 Jan 1907 - Pleasants Co., WV 11 Status:
1 Ronald M. Dumas, Wilson (Location: Original E-mail in possession of Ronna Dumas).
2 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Ida M. Flick.
3 "Burial Database," database, Eccles-Lesher Memorial Library ( : accessed 7 Oct 2008), Herman Loyd Flick March 3, 1992 Toby Township West Kittanning, Pa. 87 yrs Adensicarcinoma Rimersburg.
4 Jefferson Smalley (Press Democrat).
5 Funerals: Smalley (Press Democrat).
6 Source.
7 Frederic Andrew Hibbard, Genealogy of the Hibbard Family who are Descendants of Robert Hibbard of Salem, Masschusetts (Higginson Book Company).
8 1850 U. S. Census (Location:, Euphemia Hebbard.
9 Compiler: Richard Thomason Submitter: Richard Thomason, Descendants of Arnold Thomason (Location: Copy in possession of Ronna Dumas).
10 John Flynn, Flynn Ancestors (URL:
Velva Retzlaff, Descendants of William Ingram (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
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