Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 13 Aug 1664 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1 Christening: Death: in Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA 1 Burial:
Father: Ephraim HERRICK 1 Mother: Mary CROSS 1 2Ephraim HERRICK
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 11 Feb 1637 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1 2 Christening: 11 Feb 1637 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1 Death: 18 Sep 1693 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1 2 Burial:
Father: Henry HERRICK 2 Mother: Edith LASKIN 2
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary CROSS 1 2 Marriage: 3 Jul 1661 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2 Status: Children: 1. John HERRICK 1 2. Ephraim HERRICK 1 3. Mary HERRICK 1 4. Lieut. Stephen HERRICK 1 3 5. Sarah HERRICK 1 6. Samuel HERRICK 1 7. Timothy HERRICK 1 8. Anna HERRICK 1 9. Henry HERRICK 1Grace HERRICK
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 4 Jul 1747 - Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA 4 1 5 Christening: Death: Mar 1804 - Salem Twp., Luzerne, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA 5 6 7 Burial:
Father: Edward HERRICK 5 Mother: Margaret Avery CHILDS 1 5 8 9
Spouses and Children
1. *Amos PARK Marriage: 1766 - Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA 10 Status: Children: 1. Prudence PARK 5 11 2. Experience PARK 5 11 3. Joseph PARK 5 11 4. Lucy PARK 5 11 5. Edward PARK 5 11 6. Sarah PARK 5 11 7. Pvt. Amos PARK 12 11 13 8. Moses PARK 11 14 9. Silas PARK 11Henry HERRICK
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 3 Apr 1740 1 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Edward HERRICK 5 Mother: Margaret Avery CHILDS 1 5 8 9Henry HERRICK
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Ephraim HERRICK 1 Mother: Mary CROSS 1 2
Testified at the trial of Sarah Good during the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Brother John was married to Bethia Soulart, a sister of Sarah Good. 1
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 16 Jan 1639 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Henry HERRICK 2 Mother: Edith LASKIN 2
Spouses and Children
1. *Lydia 2 Marriage: Abt 1663 2 Status: 2. Sarah ALCOCK 2 Marriage: Abt 1692 2 Status:Henry HERRICK
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1598 15 Christening: Death: Bef 15 Mar 1670 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 16 17 Burial:
Events• He had a residence in 1629 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA.• Freeman: 1631, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA.• He resided at One of the founders of the church in 1667 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. 18
Spouses and Children
1. *Edith LASKIN 2 Marriage: Abt 1634 2 Status: Children: 1. Thomas HERRICK 2 2. Zachariah HERRICK 2 3. Ephraim HERRICK 1 4. Henry HERRICK 2 5. Joseph HERRICK 2 6. Elizabeth HERRICK 2 7. John HERRICK 2 8. Benjamin HERRICK 2
In 1937 Meredith Colket examined earlier claims that Henry Herrick of Salem was son of Sir William Herrick of Beau Manor, Leicestershire. Colket brushed aside four of the arguments in favor of this ancestry as "not merit[ing] the consideration of serious students of genealogy," and then proceeded to examine more closely a letter of 28 June 1653 sent from Henry Herrick to his brother in Leicestershire, demon~strating convincingly that this Henry Herrick must have been the settler of that name in Virginia, and was distinct from the New England settler [TAG 14:96-98]. In 1993 Philip Howard Gray attempted to resurrect this identification, on the basis of the 1653 letter [Penobscot Pioneers (Volume Three): Billings, Gray, Herrick (Camden, Maine, 1993), pp. 93-98]. His arguments are tortured and ad hominem, and do not overturn the conclusions of Colket. In particular, the 1653 letter includes the lament that "We have not a Preacher in near twenty miles of us." Colket correctly noted that Henry Herrick of Salem and Beverly was only two or three miles from the ministers of Salem and Wenham. Gray engages in a long discussion of the necessity of walking up Bass River to a fording place and back down the other side to Salem when the weather was too bad for the ferry to run. Such a circumstance would not have produced the line in the letter of 1653. More significantly, the social status of the New England Henry Herrick is much below that of the claimed Henry Herrick of Leicestershire. Most secondary sources assert that Henry Herrick arrived in New England by 1629, and had married Edith Laskin by that date. This derives from the mistaken interpretation of the first list of Salem church members [SChR 5-6], which supposes that they were all founding members of the church in August 1629, when this list actually includes only those persons (and not even all of those) who had been at any time between 1629 and 1636 admitted to Salem church and were in December 1636 still alive and residing in Salem.
Henry's will is dated 24 Nov. 1670 at Beverly and proved 28 March 1671. The inventory of his estate was taken 15 March 1671. In the will he mentions wife Edith, sons Henry, Thomas, John, Ephraim, Joseph, Zachry, Benjamin and daughter Elizabeth. His will is reproduced below:
Essex Probate Docket # 13133 I Henry Herick of the Towne of Beverly in the county of Essex in New England being in a decaying estate of body but in perfect mynd and memorye, through the Lords mercy do heerby make my last will and testament, wherby I commiting my body to the earth, and my soule to the mercy of god in Christ Jesus, I dispose of my estate in order following. Impr. I give unto my dear & loveing wife Edith the westwardmost halfe of my now dwelling house, that is the lower roome and leantoo behind it, together with free egress and regress in and out of it, and also the use of the cellar, well, yard, out houseing & garden, these to have & injoy dureing her natural life, further I give to my sd wife foure of my best milch cowes & 4 sheepe which shee shall choose and all my household stufe, these to be at her absolute free dispose, also I give unto my sd wife, the sixt part of the fruits that shall be raysed from the corne lands, & orchard wch I leave with my executor Henry and in the possession of my sonn John. Also I give unto my sonn Thomas all my wearing apparell exsept my best great coate and that 20 acres of land where his house standeth with ten pounds to be paid by my son John when my executor seeth need to supplye his wants. And if in case he live and dye a single pson, the lands shall remaine to my sons Ephraim & Joseph, equally devided & the ten pounds to my sonn Benjamin, if not made use of to supply him. Also I give my sonn Zachery one hundred Acres of land lyeing in Birch plaine which I bought of Francis & Henry Skerry of Salem with 5 acres of meadow lyeing in Wenham meadow belonging to it, and 16 acres of land more or lesse whereon his house standeth & fenced in by him. Also I give my sonns Ephraim, Joseph, and John that farme I bought of Mr. Allford the 20 acres given to Thomas being first measured out to him, the rest to be equally devided betweene them three, yet soe that Ephraim & Joseph may injoy what they have impued(?) , and fenct, and John what is impued by Henry, soe as to pay the sixt part of the produce to my wife before exprest. Also I give to my sonn John the two lotts I bought of Henry Rennolds of Salem & Richard Kemball of Wenham, also my sonn john is to have two acres of meadow in Boukards meadow, also the bedding he lyeth upon and my cart and plow with the chaine therof. Also I give Ephraim moreover one milch cow & my best great coate and unto Joseph I give moreover two ewe sheepe & my timbar chaine. I give unto my sonn Benjamyn all that pasture land, called by english pasture which joyneth on the east syde to Andrew Elliot, lyeing betweene the countrye high way & the mill River. I say all that land lyeing on the southeast syde of the sd country high way, the which pasture land with the apptenances. My will is shall remaine in the hands of my sonn Henry to improve untill Benjamyn be 21 years of age and in case he dye before he be 21 years of age I give the says land to my sonn Henry, he paying unto my children Zachry, Ephraim, Joseph & Elizabeth foure pounds a peece. Also I give unto my daughter Elizabeth forty pounds viz. 14li. to be payd by my sonn Henry within three months after the confirmation of my will and the rest to be made up in 3 cowes & moveables allredy in her possesion. And to John, the youngest yoake of stears, and whatsoever I give to any of my children herein mentioned by his my will, I give them, their heirs, executors, administrators & assignes for ever. And for the rest of my estate, not above mentioned, I give it all to my sonn Henry, he paying unto his mother the sixt part of the increase of the corne land & orchard dureing her life and providing for her the winter of foure milch cows, 4 sheep & her firewood redy cut for fire at the dore for all the year long and liberty to keep 3 swine at the dore, and ( give my sonn Ephraim one acre of meadow in buncars, Joseph 3 acres of meadow in buncars) And to have the uper use of the parlour & leaneto behind it with free egresse & regress to houseing yards for her, necessary occasions as is expresed during her life I say these things premised. I give my sonn Henry my dwelling house out houseing orchard tillage land meadows pasture & woodland with my stock & whatever elce within dores & without, not above excepted makeing this my sayd sonn Henry my sole executor of this my last will. In wittness whereof I have set my hand this 24 Nov 1670. Henry Herick Witness: Robt. Morgan Nehemiah Grover Proved in Salem court Mar 28 1671 by the witnesses.
Inventory of the estate of Henry Herricke of Beverly taken 15 Mar, 1671 by John Rayment, Sr., and Isaac Hull, Sr.
Source: Ipswich Quarterly Court Records, vol 5, p. 136.
2 3
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Bef 1699 1 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: John HERRICK 1 Mother: Bethia SOULART 1Jerusha HERRICK
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 11 Dec 1699 - Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA 19 Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *John HATCH 19 Marriage: 31 Aug 1726 - Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA 19 Status: Children: 1. Elizabeth HATCH 19John HERRICK
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 31 May 1662 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1 Christening: Death: 4 Aug 1729 1 Burial:
Father: Ephraim HERRICK 1 Mother: Mary CROSS 1 2
Spouses and Children
1. *Bethia SOULART 1 Marriage: 21 Apr 1684 1 Status: Children: 1. John HERRICK 1 2. Hilkiah HERRICK 1
1 Thomas J. Daley, The Genealogy of Thomas Daley and Ann (Cronin) Daley (URL: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/d/a/l/Thomas-J-Daley/index.html).
2 Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 (URL: http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4714.htm).
3 Mary Beth Wheeler, The Wheeler's Home Page (URL: http://www.gendex.com/users/rtwgen/mwheeler/d0036/g0000013.html#I52387).
Rootsweb/Ancestry.com Submitter: Melvin Race, World Connect Project
Family of Wilmont Miller (URL: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com).
Family Search Ancestral File v4.19 (Location: Internet
URL: http://www.familysearch.org).
Rootsweb/Ancestry.com Submitter: Melvin Race, World Connect Project
Family of Wilmont Miller (URL: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com), Source says died in 1804.
7 Kristine Hurd, McManigle Family Web Site (URL: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mcmanigle/15047.htm), Says died in Salem Twp., Mercer Co., PA.
Rootsweb/Ancestry.com Submitter: Melvin Race, World Connect Project
Family of Wilmont Miller (URL: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com), This source gives her surname as Childs.
9 Marvin, The Hudson Family (URL: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=marv&id=I3196), This source gives name as Margaret Avery Childs.
10 Kristine Hurd, McManigle Family Web Site (URL: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mcmanigle/15047.htm), Genealogy of the Descendants of William Chesebrough Author: Anna Chesebrough Wildey Publication: New York: Press of T. A. Wright 1903 Media: Book Page: page 38.
11 Last Will & Testament of Amos Parks Luzerne Co., PA, Will Book A, pp. 59-61 (Location: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~paluzern/famwills/aparks.htm).
12 1850 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.ancestry.com/search/io/browse.asp?c=11&state=Ohio&county=Franklin&township=Mifflin&ed=&roll=M432_680&STAbrv=OH&startimg=159&endimg=185&rp=160&hash=1096534880&width=2333&height=2785&levels=5&colorspace=Grayscale).
13 Leona L. Gustofson, Franklin County Ohio Gravestone Photos (URL: http://www.genealogybug.net/Franklin_Cemeteries/riverside/riverside.htm#p), Amos Park.
14 Marvin, The Hudson Family (URL: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=marv&id=I3196).
15 Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 (URL: http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4714.htm), Based on release from training.
16 Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 (URL: http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4714.htm), date of inventory of will.
17 John Farmer, Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, 10th ed. (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998); Original published in 1829 in Lancaster, Massachusetts
18 John Farmer, Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, 10th ed. (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998).
Kaye Hooley, Jacob Hatch His Ancestors and Descendants (URL: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=kae&id=I2371).
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