Glen Raymond INGHRAM
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 6 Sep 1907 - Whitewood, Lawrence, South Dakota, USA 1 Christening: Death: 12 Dec 1968 - Faith, Meade, South Dakota, USA 1 Burial: in Bear Butte Cemetery, Sturgis, Meade, South Dakota, USA 2
Father: Raymond Augustus INGHRAM 1 Mother: Margaret Melinda FOLEY 2
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. Living Children: 1. Living 2. Marlene Ann INGHRAM 1 3. Raymond Allan INGHRAM 2
According to information given to me by Velva Retzlaff, Glen Inghram went to Portland Oregon in 1924 to help care for his grandmother Margaret (Davis) Inghram. He became involved with his cousin Caroline Abbott, his aunt Daisey's daughter and they had a child together. The child's first name was Barton, but no on is sure what his last name is. Glen returned to South Dakota in 1930 or 1931. This caused dissention withn the family.
In 1965 Glen received a letter from Aunt Daisy, but never discussed his son.
Glen never knew what became of his son. It isn't known if he goes by Inghram, Abbott or possibly by the name of a stepfather.
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 11 Dec 1859 - , Missouri, USA 2 Christening: Death: 25 Sep 1943 - Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA 2 Burial:
Father: William S. INGRAM 3 4 Mother: Margaret Elizabeth DAVIS 2
Spouses and Children
1. *Johnnie THOMPSON 2 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Living 2. Van Barton THOMPSON 2Living
Sex: M
Father: Eldon York INGHRAM 2 Mother: LivingLiving
Sex: M
Father: Living Mother: Living
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. Living 3. LivingLiving
Sex: M
Father: Living Mother: LivingJennie INGHRAM
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 4 Apr 1863 - , Missouri, USA 2 Christening: Death: in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA 2 Burial:
Father: William S. INGRAM 3 4 Mother: Margaret Elizabeth DAVIS 2
Spouses and Children
1. *Joseph MITCHELL 2 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Helen Elizabeth MITCHELL 2 2. Hazel Oklahoma MITCHELL 2 2. Daniel HARBIN 2 Marriage: 15 Apr 1896 - Beaver Station, ID 2 Status:Living
Sex: F
Father: Eldon York INGHRAM 2 Mother: LivingJohn Foley INGHRAM
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 23 Dec 1904 - Whitewood, Lawrence, South Dakota, USA 2 Christening: Death: 21 Apr 1980 - Fort Meade, Meade Co., SD 2 Burial: in Fort Meade, Meade Co., SD 2
Father: Raymond Augustus INGHRAM 1 Mother: Margaret Melinda FOLEY 2John William INGHRAM
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1865 - , Missouri, USA 2 Christening: Death: in Pharr, Hidalgo Co., TX 2 Burial:
Events• He had a residence in 1889 in Butte Co., SD. 1• He had a residence in Mar 1905 in Perkins Co., SD. 1
Father: William S. INGRAM 3 4 Mother: Margaret Elizabeth DAVIS 2
According to a family legend passed on by Velva Retzlaff: "When John had built up a good herd of Herefords he needed a good bull. He got word to his brother George who was now out in Montana. George walked and led the bull all the way from Zortman, Montana to Bixby, South Dakota." 2
Sex: M
Father: Living Mother: Living
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living
1 Velva Retzlaff, Descendants of William Ingram (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
2 Velva Retzlaff, Descendants of Barton Hudkins (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
3 Velva Retzlaff, Descendants of William Ingram (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), William S. Ingram.
1850 U. S. Census (Location:, William Ingram.
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