Joseph Clarence PARSONS
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 17 Dec 1887 - Indian Creek, Monroe, Missouri, USA 1 Christening: Death: 15 Apr 1966 - Mineral Wells, Palo Pino Co., TX 1 Burial:
Father: Robert Francis PARSONS 2 Mother: Susan Mary WINSATT 3
Spouses and Children
1. Living
Suffered a wound in his thigh during World War I. It was in the same leg and the same type of injury as his father received during the Civil War. 4
Joseph Marion PARSONS
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 20 Jun 1839 - ,, Louisiana, USA 6 7 8 9 10 11 Christening: Death: 17 Mar 1901 - Hopland, Mendocino, California, USA 6 Burial: in Hopland Cemetery, Hopland, Mendocino, California, USA 6 12
Events• He had a residence on 1 Jun 1840 in Indian Creek, Monroe, Missouri, USA. 13• He had a residence on 2 Oct 1850 in District 59, Monroe, Missouri, USA. 10• He had a residence on 3 Aug 1860 in Indian Creek, Monroe, Missouri, USA. 14• He had a residence on 29 Jun 1870 in Sanel, Mendocino, California, USA. 11• He had a residence on 30 Jun 1880 in Sanel, Mendocino, California, USA. 15• He had a residence on 11 Jun 1900 in Sanel, Mendocino, California, USA. 16 In 1900 Joseph was living with his sister and brother-in-law Joseph and Elizabeth Buckman
Father: Clement PARSONS III 17 Mother: Elizabeth BLANDFORD 17 18Living
Sex: F
Father: Robert Sylvestor PARSONS Mother: Evelyn I. DROAST 1 19Julette PARSONS
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 2 Jan 1787 - , Nelson, Kentucky, USA 20 Christening: Death: 7 Dec 1848 - Indian Creek, Monroe, Missouri, USA Burial:
Notes• She had a residence in 1800 in , Washington, Kentucky, USA. 21
Father: James PARSONS 20 Mother: Winifred SPALDING 20
Spouses and Children
1. *Thomas FORREST Marriage: 26 Oct 1804 - , Washington, Kentucky, USA Status: Children: 1. Martin FORREST 2. John FORREST 3. James FORREST 4. Horton FORREST 5. George W. FORREST
Birth Notes:
Became Washington County in 1792
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 23 Mar 1804 20 Christening: Death: 20 May 1831 20 Burial: in Old Holy Mary's Cemetery, Calvary, Marion Co., KY 20
Father: Clement PARSONS II 20 Mother: Elizabeth FORREST 20
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. LivingKenneth PARSONS
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt Dec 1909 - ,, California, USA 23 Christening: Death: Abt 1913 24 Burial:
Notes• He had a residence on 27 Apr 1910 in Sanel, Mendocino, California, USA. Living in the home of his grandfather Thomas Parsons with his parents.
Father: George William PARSONS 1 25 26 27 Mother: Annie Laura AUSTIN 28 29 30 31Lucinda Josephine PARSONS
Individual Information
Birth: 12 Nov 1881 - Hopland, Mendocino, California, USA 24 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Christening: Death: 20 Jan 1937 - Davis, Yolo, California, USA 36 42 43 Burial: 22 Jan 1937 - Masonic Lawn Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA 36 42
Events• She had a residence in 1906 in Healdsburg, Sonoma, California, USA. 44• She had a residence on 27 Apr 1910 in Sanel, Mendocino, California, USA. 23 Living in the home of her father Thomas Parsons• She had a residence on 4 Feb 1920 in Marysville, Yuba, California, USA. 45• She had a residence on 2 May 1930 in Marysville, Yuba, California, USA. 46• She had a residence in 1934 in Davis, Yolo, California, USA. 36
Father: Thomas Sylvestor PARSONS 47 48 Mother: Cynthia Agnes CAST 49 50 51
Spouses and Children
1. *John Loyd AUSTIN 52 53 54 Marriage: 14 Jun 1906 - Ukiah, Mendocino, California, USA 55 56 Status: Children: 1. Robert Henry AUSTIN 2. Cynthia Margaret AUSTIN 57 2. Clarence L. HODGIN 20 Marriage: 24 Apr 1913 - Marysville, Yuba, California, USA 58 Status: 3. Charles WELCH 53 59 Marriage: Bef 1930 Status:
Burial Notes:
Section B, Lot 643, Grave 6General:
Josephine was married to Clarence Hodgin in 1913 but she was listed as a widow in the 1920 census. She was living with her brother George Parsons in Marysville.
Woodland Democrat
22 Jan 1937, Page 1
Friends Pay Respects to Davis Woman
Funeral services for Mrs. Lucinda Joseph [sic] Welch, 55, resident of Davis and formerly of Yuba City, were held here Friday afternoon at the McNary Funeral Home with Rev. Irwin Williams of Davis officiating. Burial was in Masonic cemetery in Sacramento. Mrs. L. E. Wraith sang several solos during the rites.
Mrs. Welch had been ill for several days when she was stricken ill with a heart attack.
Besides her husband, she is survived by three brothers, G. W. Parsons of Marysville, Clem of Vallejo and Robert of San Francisco; and a sister, Mrs. M. E. McKoon of San Francisco. Mrs. Cynthia M. Austin of Sacramento is her mother. [sic]
Marysville, Yuba City Appeal Democrat
21 Jan 1937, Page 6, Col. 1
Mrs. Welch, Formerly Hub Resident, Dies
Mrs. Josephine Welch, former resident of Marysville and Yuba City, died at Davis on Wednesday, according to word sent friends in this community. Mrs. Davis [sic], age 55, wife of Charles Davis [sic], is a sister of G. W. Parsons of District Ten. In addition she is survived by her husband, a daughter living near Auburn, a brother in Oakland and a sister.
Funeral services will be held from the McNary Funeral home at Woodland on Friday at 1:30 o'clock. 42 45 60
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Nov 1884 - ,, California, USA 63 Christening: Death: After 2 Jan 1913 64 Burial:
Events• She had a residence on 11 Jun 1900 in Hydesville, Humboldt, California, USA. 65• She had a residence in 1915 in Alton, Humboldt, California, USA. 66
Father: Richard Miles PARSONS 67 Mother: Martha A. O'NEAL 68 69 70
Spouses and Children
1. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Father: James Cosby PARSONS 20 Mother: Mary Elizabeth PIERCEALL 71
Spouses and Children
1. Living
Mary Schumann, Descendants of John Parsons on the Apler/McDowell Home Page (URL:
2 1880 U. S. Census Clifton, Wilcox, Alabama, Obadiah H Dumas (Location:, R. F. Parsons.
3 1880 U. S. Census Clifton, Wilcox, Alabama, Obadiah H Dumas (Location:, Susan M. Parsons.
4 Dennis Long, Re: Parsons (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas).
5 1900 U. S. Census (Location:, Joseph M. Parsons.
6 Grave of Joseph Marion Parsons.
7 1860 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 21 born Kentucky.
1880 U.S. Census (Location: California State Library, California Room, 900 N St., Sacramento, CA
URL:, Age 40 born Louisiana.
9 1900 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 62 born June 1837 Louisiana.
10 1850 U.S. census, Monroe, Missouri population schedule, District 59, p. 112, dwelling 560, family 560, Clement Parsons; digital images, ( : accessed 6 Jun 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M432, roll M432_407.
11 1870 U.S. census, Mendocino, California population schedule, Sanel, p. 230, dwelling 68, family 66, W. E. Parsons; digital images, ( : accessed 6 Jun 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M593, roll M593_74.
12 Phil Carnahan, Mendocino County Cemetery Index (, Parsons J. M. Hopland Cem.
13 1840 U.S. census, Monroe, Missouri, Indian Creek, Clement Parsons; digital images, ( : accessed 21 Jun 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M704, roll 226.
14 1860 U. S. Census (Location:
1880 U.S. Census (Location: California State Library, California Room, 900 N St., Sacramento, CA
16 1900 U. S. Census (Location:
17 Death certificate for Thomas S. Parsons 532 469 22-013452 (Location: Sonoma County Recorder, Santa Rosa, CA).
18 Mary Schumann, Descendants of Arnold Livers (URL:
19, California Birth Index 1905-1995 (URL:, Name: Evelyn I Droast
Birth Date: 2 Jan 1914
Gender: Female
Mother's Maiden Name: Barr
Birth County: Solano
20 Mary Schumann, Descendants of John Parsons (URL:
21 "Second Census of Kentucky 1800," database, (,805,423,833;316,848,424,879;316,891,424,922;1300,1247,1405,1277;1406,1731,1514,1762;1300,1776,1405,1805;1123,2212,1258,2242;1302,2212,1406,2242;1123,2257,1278,2285;321,2295,425,2323;1123,2298,1278,2329;1122,2343,1278,2372;1124,2386,1279,2415;1302,2474,1407,2503;299,2733,405,2763;1280,2735,1386,2764;298,2776,404,2807;299,2823,404,2852&pid=100450&ssrc=pt_t7636459_p-1061966547_g0_r-1061966547_h_l&fn=James&ln=Parsons&st=g : accessed 23 Jun 2009), James Parsons inWashington County.
22 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Kenneth Parsons.
23 1910 U. S. Census (Location:
24 Kitty McKoon-Hennick, Parsons (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
25 Obituary for Mary McKoon (The Richmond Independant).
26 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, George W. Parsons.
27 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, William Parsons.
28 Kitty McKoon-Hennick, Parsons (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), Annie Laura Austin.
29 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Annie L. Parsons.
30 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Annie Parsons.
31 "Mrs. Lucy Austin Passes," (St. Helena) The St. Helena Star, 14 Nov 1941, p. 1, col. 5.
32 Death certificate for Robert Henry Austin 170 (Location: Shasta County Recorder, Redding, CA), Mother Josephine Parsons.
33 Marriage certificate for James Gaskill and Cynthia Austin 48 (Location: Yuba County Recorder, Marysville, CA), Josephine Welch.
34 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Josephine Welch.
35 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Josephine Austin.
36 Yolo, California, death certificate no. 17 (1937), Lucinda Josephine Welch.
37 Death certificate for Robert Henry Austin 170 (Location: Shasta County Recorder, Redding, CA), birthplace of mother.
38 1900 U. S. Census (Location: California State Library).
39 1920 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 38 born California.
40 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 48 born California.
41 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 28 born California.
42 "Friends Pay Respects to Davis Woman," (Davis) Woodland Democrat, 22 Jan 1937, p. page 1, col. 5.
43 Marriage certificate for James Gaskill and Cynthia Austin 48 (Location: Yuba County Recorder, Marysville, CA), Josephine was a wittness at her daughters wedding.
Births, Deaths, and Marriages of California's Mendocino Coast (Heritage Books Archives & Mendocino Coast Genealogy Society
Volume: Vol 1 - 4
Edition: First edition), Vol 1 page 225.
45 1920 U. S. Census (Location:
46 1930 U. S. Census (Location:
47 Death certificate for Minnie Catherine (Parsons) (Dumas) Sarmento 21 (Location: Merced County Recorder, Merced, CA), Father T.S. Parsons.
48 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Thomas Parsons.
49 Death certificate for Minnie Catherine (Parsons) (Dumas) Sarmento 21 (Location: Merced County Recorder, Merced, CA), Mother Cynthia Cast born in Missouri.
Transcription of 1870 U. S. Census (Location: Microfilm at LDS Family Center, Placerville, CA
URL:, Cynthia A. Cast.
51 1860 U. S. Census (Location:, S. A. Cast.
52 Death certificate for Robert Henry Austin 170 (Location: Shasta County Recorder, Redding, CA), Father J.L. Austin.
53 Marriage certificate for James Gaskill and Cynthia Austin 48 (Location: Yuba County Recorder, Marysville, CA).
54 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Lloyd Austin.
Births, Deaths, and Marriages of California's Mendocino Coast (Heritage Books Archives & Mendocino Coast Genealogy Society
Volume: Vol 1 - 4
Edition: First edition), Vol 1, page 225.
56 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Josephine Welch's age at first marriage 24.
57 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Cynthia M. Austin.
58 Marriage certificate for Josephine Parsons and Clarence Hodgin (Location: Yuba County Recorder, Marysville, CA).
59 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Charles Welch.
60 "Mrs. Welch, Formerly Hub Resident, Dies," (Marysville - Yuba City) Appeal Democrat, 21 Jan 1937, p. 6, col. 1.
61 Last Will and Testament of William E. Parsons (Location: Sonoma County Courthouse, Santa Rosa, CA), Mabel Parsons.
62 1900 U. S. Census (Location:, Mable D. Parsons.
63 1900 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 15 born November 1884 in California.
64 Last Will and Testament of William E. Parsons (Location: Sonoma County Courthouse, Santa Rosa, CA).
65 1900 U. S. Census (Location:
66 Leigh H. Irvine, History of Humboldt County, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present (Los Angeles, California: Historic Record Company, 1915), Page 760-761;
67 1900 U. S. Census (Location:, Richard M. Parsons.
68 Source.
69 Leigh H. Irvine, History of Humboldt County, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present (Los Angeles, California: Historic Record Company, 1915), Page 760-761.
70, "California Death Records," database, California Death Records ( : accessed 7 Jun 2009), Zelma K. Baker.
Lillie Riney, Find-A-Grave (URL:, Mary Elizabeth Pierceall.
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