Sex: M
Father: Hudson ROUSE 1 Mother: Seleta Ann FLURRY 1
Spouses and Children
1. LivingGlenn Charles ROUSH
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 29 Feb 1924 - ,, California, USA 2 3 Christening: Death: 31 Jan 1953 - , Mendocino, California, USA 2 3 Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Lois Mildred PRATHER Marriage: Status: Children: 1. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Father: Glenn Charles ROUSH Mother: Lois Mildred PRATHERLiving
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. LivingAnna Elizabeth ROVIE
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1840-1847 - NY Or IL 5 6 7 Christening: Death: in Alberta, Canada 8 Burial:
Notes• She had a residence on 1 Aug 1870 in Anderson Township, Mendocino, California, USA. 9
Spouses and Children
1. *James S. SMALLEY 10 Marriage: After 1862 11 Status: Divorced Children: 1. Elmore Lawrence SMALLEY 8 2. Abraham Lincoln SMALLEY 8 3. Living
Native American, unknown tribal affiliation. Born and raised in Northern California. Married and divorced James Smalley. Traveled to Rockford, Spokane Co., WA to see James and Elmore; stayed a whort while they is believed to have gone north to Olds, Alberta, Canada where she remarried to a Mr. Law. Her trail has been lost except for cables that were send to Elmore Smalley a week before and after her death in Alberta. 8
Sex: F
Father: Living Mother: LivingLiving
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. LivingLiving
Sex: M
Father: Living Mother: LivingAgnes ROWLAND
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: 1880 - McPherson, Pratt Co., KS 12 Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Alexander PETRIE 13 14 15 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Andrew PETRIE 12Bessie Grace ROWLAND
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Robert Arthur POTEET 16 Marriage: 24 Jul 1900 16 Status:
1 Jerry F. BURR, Descendants of William Flurry (URL:
2 Blanche Brown, Grass Roots of Anderson Valley (1981 AVA Printing Shop, Boonville, CA), p 25.
3 Rootsweb, California Death Records (URL:, ROUSH GLENN CHARLES 02/29/1924 STEWARD ROUSH M CALIFORNIA MENDOCINO 01/31/1953 554-28-9105 28 yrs.
4 Shirley <[email protected]>, My Smalley Family (Location: Original E-mail in possession of Ronna Dumas).
5 1880 U.S. Census (Location: California State Library, California Room, 900 N St., Sacramento, CA), age 40 born in New York.
1870 U. S. Census (Location: CD of M593 in possession of Ronna Dumas
URL:, age 23 born in Illinois.
7 Shirley <[email protected]>, Smalley Family (Location: Original E-mail in possession of Ronna Dumas), says born in No. Calif.
8 Shirley <[email protected]>, Smalley Family (Location: Original E-mail in possession of Ronna Dumas).
9 1870 U. S. Census (Location:
10 Thomas E. Smalley, John Jefferson Smalley (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
11 Thomas E. Smalley, Smalley Family History (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), "James and Maria had two daughters, Hannah and Isabella."
12 Betty Hoge, Petrie Family (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas).
13 Florence (Baird) Warta, Pedigree Charts (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
Gale Ion Harris, F.A.S.G, The Genealogist (Picton Press
Volume: Vol. 13 No. 1).
15 1910 U. S. Census (Location:, Alexander Petrie.
Submitter: Betty Poteet Fellers, Family Group Sheet of James Alexander Poteet (Location: The Miami County Genealogy & Historical Society, Paola, KS).
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