Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Ellen ANDERSON 1 Marriage: Status:Lucy A. STRAIT
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1870 - ,, West Virginia, USA 5 Christening: Death: Bef 2 Jan 1920 6 Burial:
Notes• She worked as a Housewife. 3• Police Jury Minutes: Police Jury Minutes. 3• She had a residence on 2 Apr 1930 in Anderson Township, Mendocino, California, USA. 7 8
Spouses and Children
1. *Charles Lee McGIMSEY 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Marriage: Abt 1888 20 Status:STRASSER
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Izma Eugenia MILLS 21 23 Marriage: Status:Elizabeth STRATTON
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *John THORNDIKE 24 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Elizabeth THORNDIKE 25Susanna STREET
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1625 - Of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA 27 Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Lieut. George MACEY 26 27 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Deborah MACEY 26 2. Rebecca MACEY 27 3. Mary MACEY 27Living
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. LivingAnna STRICKLAND
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: 31 Jan 1741 28 Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Dr. Joseph HIBBARD 29 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Rev. Augustine HIBBARD 29 2. George HIBBARD 29 3. HIBBARD 4. HIBBARD 5. HIBBARD 6. HIBBARD 7. HIBBARDLiving
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. LivingLiving
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. Living
1 Teresa Streiffert, Out On A Limb - My Family's Branches (URL:
2 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Lucy A. McGimsey.
3 Phil Carnahan, 1930 Mendocino County Great Register (URL:, McGimsey, Mrs. Lucy A. Anderson Dem Housewife Boonville.
4 Blanche Brown, Grass Roots of Anderson Valley (1981 AVA Printing Shop, Boonville, CA), Page 38-53, Lucy Strait.
5 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 60 born West Virginia.
6 1920 U. S. Census (Location:, Charles L. McGimsey was a widow in the 1920 census.
7 1930 U. S. Census (Location:
8 Phil Carnahan, 1930 Mendocino County Great Register (URL:
(Location: Copy in possession of Ronna Dumas
Owner: unknown), Charley McGimsey.
10 Rootsweb, California Death Records (URL:, MCGIMSEY CHARLES LEE 08/12/1866 WILLIAMS MCGIMSEY M CALIFORNIA MENDOCINO 11/10/1942 76 yrs.
11 Phil Carnahan, 1930 Mendocino County Great Register (URL:, McGimsey, Charles L. Anderson Dem Farmer Boonville.
12 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Charles L. McGimsey.
13 1880 U. S. Census Clifton, Wilcox, Alabama, Obadiah H Dumas (Location:, Charles L. McGimsey.
14 Phil Carnahan, 1890 Great Register Mendocino Co., CA (URL:, 25 McGimsey Charles Lee 21 CA Farmer Booneville.
15 Phil Carnahan, 1902 Mendocino County Great Register (URL:, 72 McGimsey, Charles Lee Anderson 36 Boonville.
16 Phil Carnahan, 1910 Mendocino County Great Register (URL:, 71 McGimsey, Charles Lee Anderson 43 Rancher Boonville.
17 Phil Carnahan, 1920 Mendocino County Great Register (URL:, 51 McGimsey, charles Lee Yorkville Rancher Yorkville.
18 1920 U. S. Census (Location:, Charles L. McGimsey.
19 Mendocino County Early Marriage Index 1859 to 1893 (Location:, McGimsey, C. L. Keithley, Nora 1911 11/105 Cty Record.
20 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Cherles was 22 and Lucy was 16 at time of marriage.
21 Dawn Lindsey Mills, Beloved Family - Known and Unknown - Lindsey, Lockett, Hamilton, Shipp, Chace, Johnson, Thompson, Fogg, Mills, Golish, Perry (URL:
22 Eakin (The Holton Recorder).
23 Audrey Marshall, Descendants of Eudora "Dora" Morris (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), Isma Mills.
24, Proctor Family Forum (URL:
25 Kindred Konnections Inc, Family Group Sheet of John Proctor Sr. (URL:
26 (URL:
27 Francis Cooke, Early MA & New England Families (URL:
28 Kimball Family Association, Kimball Family Online (URL:
Frederic Andrew Hibbard, Genealogy of the Hibbard Family who are Descendants of Robert Hibbard of Salem, Masschusetts (Higginson Book Company).
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