Sex: F
Father: Eugene SHANK 1 Mother: Living
Spouses and Children
1. LivingSilas Edwin WILMORE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1895 - ,, Kentucky, USA 4 5 Christening: Death: Burial:
Notes• He had a residence on 12 Jan 1920 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USA. 3 3234 Thompson• He had a residence on 10 Apr 1930 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USA. 6 3234 Thompson Ave
Spouses and Children
1. *Izma Eugenia MILLS 7 8 Marriage: Abt 1927 9 Status: Children: 1. Eugene SHANK 1
1920 U. S. Census Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO, ED 118, Sheet 7B 12 January 1920 Line 56-58, Dwelling 125, Family 125, 3234 Thompson Wilmore, Silas E., Head, O, M, M, W, 25, M, yes, yes, Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky, yes, Salesman, Flour Mills, S Wilmore, Izma E, Wife, F, W, 29, M, yes, yes, Kansas, New York, Kentucky, yes, none Wilmore, Eugene, son, M, W, 11, S, yes, yes, yes, Missouri, Kentucky, Kansas, yes, none 3
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Living 2. LivingLiving
Sex: F
Father: Arthur Thurman WILSON 10 11 12 13 14 15 Mother: Elsie Odessa BURNGARDNER 12 16 17 18Living
Sex: F
Father: Arthur Thurman WILSON 10 11 12 13 14 15 Mother: Elsie Odessa BURNGARDNER 12 16 17 18Living
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Grace RAGIN 19 Marriage: Status:WILSON
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Bef 6 Feb 1974 23 Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Glendolyn D. BALL 24 22 25 26 Marriage: Bef 16 May 1968 22 Status:Living
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. LivingLiving
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. Living Children: 1. Margaret WILSON 27 28Living
Sex: F
Father: Leroy P. WILSON 11 Mother: Virginia S. RINEHART 11
1 Audrey Marshall, Izma Mills (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas).
2 Dawn Lindsey Mills, Beloved Family - Known and Unknown - Lindsey, Lockett, Hamilton, Shipp, Chace, Johnson, Thompson, Fogg, Mills, Golish, Perry (URL:, Wilmore.
3 Submitter: Sent by Audrey Marshall, 1920 U. S. Census (Location:
4 Submitter: Sent by Audrey Marshall, 1920 U. S. Census (Location:, Age 45 born in Kentucky.
5 Audrey Marshall, 1930 Missouri Census (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas), Age 47 born Kentucky.
6 Audrey Marshall, 1930 Missouri Census (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas).
7 Audrey Marshall, Descendants of Eudora "Dora" Morris (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), Isma Mills.
8 Dawn Lindsey Mills, Beloved Family - Known and Unknown - Lindsey, Lockett, Hamilton, Shipp, Chace, Johnson, Thompson, Fogg, Mills, Golish, Perry (URL:
9 Audrey Marshall, 1930 Missouri Census (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas), Silas married at age 32.
10 Mary Lamp - [email protected], Slaven/Ingram (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
11 Velva Retzlaff, Descendants of Barton Hudkins (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
12 Ron Moore, Oran Wilson son of Arthur and Odessa (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas), Son of the late Arthur and Odessa Bumgardner Wilson.
13 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Arthur T. Wilson.
14 1920 U. S. Census (Location:, Arthur Wilson.
15 1900 U. S. Census (Location:, Arthur Wilson.
16 Velva Retzlaff, Descendants of Barton Hudkins (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), Elsie Odessa Burngardner.
17 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Dessie E. Wilson.
18 1920 U. S. Census (Location:, Dessie Wilson.
19 1930 U. S. Census (Location:, Grace Gaskill.
20 Rootsweb, California Death Records (URL:, WILSON GLENN D 01/14/1892 F CALIFORNIA YOLO 12/06/1974 572-10-1171 82 yrs.
21 Roots Web, Social Security Death Index (URL:, GLENN WILSON 14 Jan 1892 Dec 1974 95628 (Fair Oaks, Sacramento, CA) (none specified) 572-10-1171 California.
22 Raymond Ball (Mendocino Beacon).
23 Death certificate Glenn D. Wilson (Location: Yolo County Clerk Recorder), Glenn Wilson was a widow when she died.
24 Submitter: Abstracted by Ronna Dumas 16 November 2001, Death certificate for Lola Marion Wheeler (Location: Sacramento County Clerk-Recorder, Sacramento, CA).
25 1920 U. S. Census (Location:
26 Ball, Hazel (Sacramento Bee).
27 Marilyn Heitz, Descendants of Joseph Rawles.
Phil Carnahan, Mendocino County Cemetery Index (, Singley, Margaret Wilson 3 14 1905 11 19 1992 Russian River Cem., Ukiah.
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