William BOYCE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 21 Jul 1800 - Georgetown, Scott, Kentucky, USA 1 2 Christening: Death: 27 Aug 1867 - Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, USA 1 2 Burial: After 27 Aug 1867 - Jacksonville East Cemetery, Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, USA 1 2
Father: William BOYCE Jr. 1 3 Mother: Abby W. 1 3 4
Spouses and Children
1. *Catherine MOSS 1 2 Marriage: 4 Nov 1824 - ,, Kentucky, USA 1 2 Status: Children: 1. Living 2. Living 3. Living 4. Living 5. LivingLiving
Sex: M
Father: Noah J. BOYCE 1 2 Mother: Matilda /Miles TOADVINE 1 2William BOYCE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Abt 1836 - ,, Kentucky, USA 3 6 7 8 Christening: Death: Burial:
Notes• He worked as a Farmer. 9• He had a residence on 7 Sep 1850 in District 2, Scott Co., KY. 10 11• He had a residence on 2 Jun 1880 in Hiawatha, Brown, Kansas, USA. 9
Father: Bartholomew Thomas Manley BOYCE 12 13 14 15 16 Mother: Mary 11 13 17
Spouses and Children
1. *Frances 3 Marriage: 1 Mar 1859 - , Scott, Kentucky, USA 3 Status: 2. America 18 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. William H. BOYCE 3William BOYCE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 5 Jun 1692 - Somerset Co., MD 19 Christening: Death: Bef 1718 19 Burial:
Father: Joseph BOYCE Sr. 1 Mother: Anne 19William BOYCE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1710 - Somerset Co., MD 19 Christening: Death: Bef 1736 19 Burial:
Father: Joseph BOYCE Jr. 1 Mother:
In November 1721, William was bound out to Robert Mitchell. 19
William H. BOYCE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Oct 1885 - ,, Kansas, USA 3 Christening: Death: Burial:
Events• He had a residence in 1900 in Brown Co., KS. 20 Living with his uncle Oscar Boyce
Father: William BOYCE 5 Mother: America 18
William H. Boyce was living with his uncle Oscar Boyce in Brown Co., KS in the 1900 census. Also living in the household was American Boyce, wife/widow of William Boyce. It is not proven that this William H. Boyce is the son of William and American Boyce but it seems likely.
William Henry BOYCE
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 13 Oct 1885 - Hiawatha, Brown, Kansas, USA 21 Christening: Death: 4 Nov 1953 21 Burial:
Father: Elijah BOYCE 11 13 Mother: Caroline Augusta ENGLEHARDT 3 22
Spouses and Children
1. LivingLiving
Sex: M
Father: William BOYCE 1 Mother: Catherine MOSS 1 2Living
Sex: M
Father: John BOYD 23 Mother: Rebecca RANKIN 23Living
Sex: F
Father: John BOYD 23 Mother: Rebecca RANKIN 23
1 James G. Faulconer, The Boyce Family (URL: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~kyscott/boyce.htm).
2 Compiler: Mrs. Luaine Smith Submitter: Audrey Marshall, Family Group Sheet of William Boyce Jr. and Abby W. (Location: Original in possession of Mrs. Luaine Smith, copy in possession of Ronna Dumas).
3 Compiler: Mrs. Luaine Smith Submitter: Audrey Marshall, Family Group Sheet of Bartholomew T. M. Boyce and Mary (Location: Original family group sheet in possession of Mrs. Luaine Smith, copy in possession of Ronna Dumas).
4 Compiler: Mrs. Luaine Smith Submitter: Audrey Marshall (Location: Original in possession of Mrs. Luaine Smith, Copy in possession of Ronna Dumas).
5 1880 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.ancestry.com/search/io/browse.asp?c=5&state=Kansas&county=Brown&township=Other+Townships&ed=16&roll=T9_374&STAbrv=KS&startimg=226&endimg=283&rp=229&hash=1137418242&width=2525&height=3017&levels=5&colorspace=Grayscale), William Boyce.
6 Robert Morris, Morris Family (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), 1850 Scott Co., KY Census lists age as 14.
7 1850 U. S. Census (Location: http://content.ancestry.com/iexec/?htx=View&r=an&dbid=8054&iid=KYM432_218-0443&fn=Mary&ln=Boyce&st=r&ssrc=&pid=17482623), Age 14 born Kentucky.
8 1880 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.ancestry.com/search/io/browse.asp?c=5&state=Kansas&county=Brown&township=Other+Townships&ed=16&roll=T9_374&STAbrv=KS&startimg=226&endimg=283&rp=229&hash=1137418242&width=2525&height=3017&levels=5&colorspace=Grayscale), Age 43 born Kentucky.
9 1880 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.ancestry.com/search/io/browse.asp?c=5&state=Kansas&county=Brown&township=Other+Townships&ed=16&roll=T9_374&STAbrv=KS&startimg=226&endimg=283&rp=229&hash=1137418242&width=2525&height=3017&levels=5&colorspace=Grayscale).
10 James G. Faulconer, The Boyce Family (URL: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~kyscott/boyce.htm), 1850 U.S. Census, Scott Co., KY page 490.
11 1850 U. S. Census (Location: http://content.ancestry.com/iexec/?htx=View&r=an&dbid=8054&iid=KYM432_218-0443&fn=Mary&ln=Boyce&st=r&ssrc=&pid=17482623).
12 Marilyn Schmitt, Cherokee County Kansas Genealogical-Historical Society, Inc, Death record for Margaret Morris (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas), Father listed as B. Boyce, no mothers name given.
13 Robert Morris, Morris Family (Location: Original in possession of Ronna Dumas).
14 Submitter: Information submitted by Audrey Marshall, Family Group Sheet of James Andrew Jackson Morgan and Mary A. Boyce (Location: Copy in possession of Ronna Dumas), Middle names Thomas Manley.
15 1870 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.genealogy.com/cgi-bin/ifa_image.cgi?IN=001391&PN=602&SEC=Kansas&CD=477), B. T. Boyce.
16 Hiawatha Cemetery (Hiawatha, Brown, Kansas), Bartholomew Boyce marker; Photograph, 12 Oct 2008.
17 1870 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.genealogy.com/cgi-bin/ifa_image.cgi?IN=001391&PN=602&SEC=Kansas&CD=477), Mary Boyce.
18 1880 U. S. Census (Location: http://www.ancestry.com/search/io/browse.asp?c=5&state=Kansas&county=Brown&township=Other+Townships&ed=16&roll=T9_374&STAbrv=KS&startimg=226&endimg=283&rp=229&hash=1137418242&width=2525&height=3017&levels=5&colorspace=Grayscale), America Boyce.
19 Roxann Tipp, Morris (Location: Original email in possession of Ronna Dumas).
20 Compiler: Mrs. Luaine Smith Submitter: Audrey Marshall, Family Group Sheet of Bartholomew T. M. Boyce and Mary (Location: Original family group sheet in possession of Mrs. Luaine Smith, copy in possession of Ronna Dumas), US Census, 1900, Kansas, Brown Co., ED 24, sheet 6, line 75.
21 Compiler: Viola Boyce Corn Submitter: Audrey Marshall, Family Group Sheet of Elijah Boyce (Location: Original in possession of Viola Boyce Corn, copy in possession of Ronna Dumas, information from the Elijah Boyce Famiily Bible).
22 Compiler: Viola Boyce Corn Submitter: Audrey Marshall, Family Group Sheet of George Wesley Boyce and Nellie Viola Gibbs (Location: Original in possession of Viola Boyce, Copy in possession of Ronna Dumas).
Heber I. Rankin - edited by Janice Yingling, Frontier Families of Toby Township, Clarion Co., Pennsylvania, or Uncle Heber's family history.
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