Taken from the "National Genealogical Society" Quarterly, March 1976, Vol 64, number 1. By Clifford Neal Smith (594 W. Lincoln Hwy, DeKalb, IL 60115):
Donated by -- Georgia Mathis Cummons
Among the persons transported to the American colonies in 1716 were 637 Scottish rebels captured at Preston, Lancashire, on 14 Nov 1715. The rebels were supporters of the exiled James II of England and his heirs. There were many such adherents among the Roman Catholics of Scotland, and some in Ireland, and among the Nonjurors, a dissident group within the Church of England.
During the rebellion of 1715 the rebel forces entered Preston on 9 Nov and, after proclaiming as their king the chevalier of St. George, remained there for several days, during which the government forces advanced upon them. The town was assaulted, and on 14 Nov the rebel general Thomas FORSTER surrendered his army to the King's forces. Persons shown below, as compiled from ten ship manifests, were taken prisoner and sent to the American Colonies the following spring as indentured servants for a seven-year period. Those who refused to be voluntarily indentured were forced into that condition upon arrival in the colonies.
According to a receipt given to the commissary general of the rebel prisoners, 639 prisoners were transported, but, for reasons unknown to this writer, only 636 were named in the manifest. An additional prisoner (John DALZYEL) has been identified from other documents. In the interest of space conservation, ship names and destinations have been coded. It should be noted that not all prisoners reached the destinations originally designated.
ship destination ship
code code
A Va "Anne", Capt Robert WALLACE, bound for VA from Liverpool 31 July 1716 with 18 prisoners.
Af Bar "Africa". Richard CROPPER, master bound for Barbadoes from Liverpool 15 July 1716 with 1 prisoner.
EA Va/Jam "Elizabeth and Anne". commander Edward TRAFFORD, bound for VA and Jamaica from Liverpool 28 July 1716 with 126 prisoners (128 prisoners listed in manifest).
F Va/Md "Friendship". Capt Michael MANKIN, bound for MD or VA from Liverpool 24 May 1716 with 80 prisoners.
G Va "Godspeed (or Goodspeed).
Capt Arthur SMITH, bound for VA (but leaving prisoners in MD) from Liverpool 28 July 1716 with 54 prisoners on one manifest and 2 additional on another manifest.
H StC "Hockenhill" Capt Hockenhill SHORT, bound for St. Christophers, Leeward Islands, date not given, with 30 prisoners.
S SC "Susannah" Capt Thomas BROMHALL, bound for SC from Liverpool 7 May 1716 with 101 prisoners listed on the manifest, although receipted for 104.
Sc (?) "Scipio" commander's name and destination not given, from Liverpool 30 March 1716 with 95 prisoners.
2B Jam "Two Brother" Capt Edward RATHBON, bound for Jamaica from Liverpool 26 April 1716 with 47 prisoners.
W SC "Wakefield" Capt Thomas BECK, bound for SC from Liverpool 21 April 1716 with 81 prisoners.
Abercromby, John-- EA,VA/Jam
Allen James-- F.Md
Anderson, Robert--EA,Va/Jam
Arnott, David--EA,Va/Jam
Asking, Joseph--SC,--
Aughinbeck, Joseph --Sc,--
Ayre, William--F,Md
Ayston, James --EA,Va
Bagby, John --W,SC
Baine, John--W,SC
Ballintine, William--SC,--
Bane, William --F,Md
Barnet, Thomas --W,SC
Barry, Thomas --G,Va
Barry, William--W,SC
Baton, Alen--S,SC
Bean, Duncan--2B, Jam
Beane, Kenedy--H,StC
Begg, Miles--G,Va
Benerman, Mark--H,StC
Betty, Francis--EA,Va/Jam
Blackwood, James --EZ, VA/Jam
Blare, James--SC,--
Bow, James --G,Va
Boyle, Alexander--A,Va
Brenden, John--F,Md
Briggs, Pau.--Sc,--
Brown, John --EA,Va/Jam
Brown, Ninian--G,Va
Browne, John--A,Va
Browne, Mark--A,Va
Bruce, Alexander--EA,Va/Jam
Bruce, James--S,SC
Bruce, Robert--A,Va
Bruce, Robert--EA,Va/Jam
Burch, Richard--G,Va
Burdis, George--Sc,--
Burfick, George--W,SC
Burne, John--EA,Va/Jam
Burne, John--W,SC
Burtton, Joseph--Sc,--
Cameron, Donald--H, StC
Cameron, Donald--S,SC
Cameron, Finlow--F,Md
Cameron, John--G,Va
Cameron, John-- S,SC
Cammel, John-- S,SC
Campbell, Daniel--Sc,--
Campbell, James--Sc,--
Cane, Hugh--EA,Va/Jam
Cannon, John--2B,Jam
Carmell, James 2B,Jam
Carr, Alexander--EA,Va/Jam
Carr, Alexander--EA, Va/Jam
Chalmers, Patrick--A,Va
Chambers, John--G,Va
Chambers, Joseph--S,SC
Charns, Chriso.--EA,Va/Jam
Charters, Lawrence--H,StC
Chisolme, Adam--EA,Va/Jam
Christye, Archibald--H,StC
Clark, Duncan--EA,Va/Jam
Clark, Hugh--S,SC
Clark, James--W,SC
Clark, Thomas--W,SC
Coblin, Robert--EA, Va/Jam
Conahar, John--F,Md
Congleton, James--H,StC
Congleton, James--H,StC
Cooper, Patrick--F,Md
Cornell, George--S,SC
Coute, Joseph--Sc,--
Cowson, William--W,SC
Cowty, David--Sc,--
Cozens, John--S,SC
Crampton, James--C,Va
Craster, William--EA,Va/Jam
Creighton, James--S,SC
Creswell, Robert--H,StC
Crocket, John--S,SC
Croft, David--W,SC
Cummin, Alexander--A,Va
Cummin, Peter--Sc,--
Cummin, Peter--Sc,--
Cummin, William--F,Md
Cunningham, George--W,SC
Currey, James--H, StC
Daie, Andrew--F.Md
Dalgaty, John--F,Md
Dalketty, Alexander--S,SC
Dalmohoy, Thomas--H,St.C
Dalzell, William--S,SC
Dalzyell (or Dalzele), John----,Va/SC
Davidson, Andrew--F,Md
Davidson, Donald--S,SC
Davidson, William--F,Md
Denham, James--F,Md
Derritt, Peter--Sc,--
Dickinson, George--EA,Va/Jam
Disart, George--W/SC
Dixon, James--G,Va
Donaldson, Charles--F,Md
Donaldson, John--EA,Va/Jam
Donaldson, Thomas--F,Md
Donaldson, William--EA,Va/Jam
Dovice, Daniel--Sc,--
Duckter, David--S,SC
Duff, Donald--S,SC
Duff, Thomas--S,SC
Dunbarr, Jerom--F,Md
Dunbarr, John--EA,Va/Jam
Duncan, Alexander--2B,Jam
Duncan, John--Sc,--
Duncan, John--2B,Jam
Duncan, Robert--EA,Va/Jam
Dunlap, James--W,SC
Dunn, William--EA,VA.Jam
Dutt, Alexander--Sc,--
Eggoe, John--S,SC
Eggoe, William--S,SC
Erwinn, Charles--Sc,--
Ferguson, Alexander--EA,Va/Jam
Ferguson, Donald--EA,Va/Jam
Ferguson, Dun (can?)--G,Va
Ferguson, Finlow--W,SC
Ferguson, Frans(is?)--Sc,--
Ferguson, Henry--F.Md
Ferguson, James--EA,Va/Jam
Ferguson, Lawrence--EA,Va/Jam
Ferguson, Patrick--EA,Va/Jam
Ferguson, Peter--2B,Jam
Ferguson, Robert--A,Va
Ferguson, William--G,Va
Fersyth, Ha.--Sc,--
Finlow, William--EA,Va/Jam
Finney, Robert--EA,Va/Jam
Flint, James--W,SC
Forbess, George--S,SC
Forbess, Thomas--F,Md
Foster, Thomas--EA,Va/Jam
Fotheringam, John--S,SC
Fraizer, John--Sc,--
Frazer, Daniel--S,SC
Frazer, Hugh--S,SC
Frazer, John--W,SC
Frazer, William--S,SC
Garner, Patrick--H,StC
Gartey, George--Sc,--
Gill, Henry--S,SC
Glandy, John --F,Md
Glass, John--Sc,--
Gledening, John--EA,Va/Jam
Glessen, John--Sc,--
Gordon, Alexander--F,Md
Graham, David--G,Va
Graham, James--A,Va
Grant, Daniel--G,Va
Grant, Ludo (wick?)--S,SC
Grant, Robert,--EA,Va.Jam
Grant, William--F,Md
Greame, Fergus--EA,Va/Jam
Guild, Thomas--S,SC
Guttry, John--S,SC
Guttry, Robert--W,SC
Hall, William--Sc,--
Hamond, George--S,SC
Handyside, Robert--2B,Jam
Hardwick, William--H,StC
Harris, John--EA,Va/Jam
Hay, John--F,Md
Heard, John--S,SC
Henderson, Charles,--EA,Va/Jam
Henderson, Robert--F,Md
Henderson, William--H,StC
Henderson, William,--W,SC
Hendrick, James-F,Md
Heys, James--H,StC
Hill, James--F,Md
Hodgson, George--G,Va
Holland, Thomas-EA,Va/Jam
Howard, William--Sc,--
Hume, Francis--EA,Va/Jam
Hume, Thomas--G,Va
Hunt, Ed (ward)--Sc,--
Hunter, John--EA,Va/Jam
Hunter, Patrick--F,Md
Innis, James--Af,Bar
Johnson, William--G,Va
Johnston, James--EA,Va/Jam
Johnston, John--EA,Va/Jam
Johnston, Robert--EA,Va/Jam
Kenedy, Mall--W,SC
Kennedy, Daniel--G,Va
Kennedy, John--EA,Va/Jam
Kenneyday, Alexander--2B,Jam
Kenneyday, John--Sc,--
Kenneyday, John--2B,Jam
Kenny, John--G,Va
Kerr, John--EA,Va/Jam
Kerr, John--Sc,--
Kerr, Robert--EA,Va/Jam
Kidd, Alexander--EA,Va/Jam
Lauder, George--EA,Va/Jam
Lawder, David--G,Va
Lawtey, Alexander--H,StC
Lemon, John--S,SC
Lesley, Alexander--S,SC
Lindsey, James--EA,Va/Jam
Lindsey, John--Sc,--
Londey, Charles--Sc,--
Lowe, Abraham--F,Md
Lowe, James--F,Md
Lowry, Thomas--F,Md
Lumsden, Henry--F,Md
Lyon, Philip--W,SC
Lyon, William--EA,Va/Jam