S.S.La Provence,Havre4Mar1911
S.S. La
Havre 4 Mar 1911 to NY
11 Mar 1911.
Just a note for
veiwers ..... I am NOT in anyway
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Thank you for visiting my pages.
S.S. La Provence, Havre
Lines 19-30 of pg4,
S.S. La Provence, Havre
4 Mar 1911 to New
York 11 Mar 1911.
Not being familiar with all the
names and towns, I've spelled
the names and place the
best I could understand.
Placed a ?
where I wasn't sure, sorry
for spelling errors. Surnames
of the passengers are in caps.
If you see someone or someplace
you might have a question
on - just e-mail me at:
[email protected]
LDS Film #1400322, v. 3608,
New York Passenger List
10/11 Mar
Line #; Last name, First name;
Age; Sex; Marital Status;
Calling or Occupation;
Country from; Race;
Country leaving from; Last
town; Closest relatives
in that town; Destination;
To whom and where going;
Birthplace of passenger.
Page 4, lines 19-30:
19. GILARDI, Enrico; 26; m; s; blacksmith;
Switzerland; Italian;
Switzerland; Mogadino;
mother Rose Gilardi, Magadino
Switzerland; Nev. Gardnerville;
friend Fame Bros Blacksmithing,
Gardnerville Nev.; Switzerland Magadino.
20. (GRANI - scratched out)
GRASSI Francesco; 23; laborer;
Italy; Italian; Fulmenta;
mother Delci Teresa, Falmenta; Cal.
St. Cruz;
Friend M. O. Ribaga, Santa Cruz Cal.;
Italy Falmenta.
21. GALLAND Alfred; 26; m; s; -;
Switzerland; French; France;
Paris; father Alfred Galland,
Paris; (NY New York - scratched
out) Ind. Ft. Wayne; Uncle Fernand
Galland, Fort Wayne Ind.;
Switzerland Chaux di Foude.
22. GUSMEROLLI Giovanni; 30; m; m;
laborer; Italy; Ital N;
Italy; Tartana; mother Gusmsrolli Maria,
Tartano Sondrio; Cal.
Scotia; Friend Antonio Milani,
Scotia Cal.; Italy Tartano.
23. FAGININI Petronilla; 29; f; m;
housewife; Italy; Ital N;
Italy; Tartana; mother Gusmsrolli Maria,
Tartano Sondrio; Cal.
Scotia; Friend Antonio Milani,
Scotia Cal.; Italy Tartano.
24. GERLOLI Pietro; 29; m; s; laborer;
Italy; Ital N; Gumafino;
mother Gumafino Anna, ?Corsio; Cal.
Eureka; friend Albini
Baldafrare, Eureka Cal.;
Italy ?Gunafino.
25. GLAUZMANN Emile; 40; m; m;
hotelkeeper; Switzerland; German;
Switzerland; Delemont; father August
glaufmann, Delemont; Cal.
S. Francisco; brother Francis Glouzmann, S.
Francisco; France
26. GLAUZMANN Louise; 36; f; m;
housewife; b. Switzerland
27-30. children of Emile & Louise:
Martha, age 11 b. Andermatt;
Cecile, age 10 b. Italy Milan;
Emile, age 5, b. Italy Salze
Maggiora and Auguste, age 2 b.
Italy Maggiora
S.S. La Provence,Havre
4 Mar 1911 to New York 11 Mar 1911.
LDS Film #1400322, v. 3608,
New York Passenger List 10/11 Mar 1911:
Lines 1-30 of pg 17, S.S. La Provence, Havre
4 Mar 1911 to New York 11 Mar 1911.
Line #; Last name, First name; Age;
Sex; Marital Status; Calling
or Occupation; Country from; Race;
Country leaving from; Last
town; Closest relatives in that town;
Destination; To whom and where
going; Birthplace of passenger.
1. SAVORETTI Domenico; 23; m; s;
joiner; Italy; Italian No;
Italy; Azzeglio; mother Savoretti Angela,
NY New York;
--? Donatelli Emma S. Domenico --?,
New York; Italy Azzeglio
2. SARTORI Francesco; 46; m; m;
laborer; Italy; Italian No;
Farini d'Olmo; wife Sartori Rosa,
Farini d'Olmo; NY New York;
cousin Pegliclmetti Giuseppe,
New York; Italy Coli
3. TRAVAGLINI Luigi; 22; m; s;
laborer; Italy; Italian No;
Italy; S. Costanza;
father Travaglini Lucca,
S. Costanza; Mass
Milford; brother Travaglini Fortunato,
Milford Mass.; Italy S.
4. VALERI Mariano; 39; m; m;
laborer; Italy; Italian No; Italy;
S. Giorgio; wife Valeri, S. Giorgio;
Conn. New Haven; brother
Freneo Falcon, New Haven Conn;
Italy S. Giorgio
5. ZANCHI Battista; 32; m; m;
laborer; Italy; Italian No; USA;
Bentton ILLS;
father Zanchi Eustachio, Itabello;
ILLS Benton;
friend Giuseppe Esvaldi,
Benton ILL; Italy Itabello
6. ZANCHI Pietro; 29; m; m;
laborer; Italy; Italian No; Italy;
father Zanchi Pietro, Itabello;
ILLS Benton; friend
Giuseppe Esvaldi,
Benton ILL; Italy Itabello
7. ZANCHI, Giacomo; 34; m; s;
laborer; Italy; Italian No; Italy;
father Zanchi Pietro, Itabello;
ILLS Benton; friend
Giuseppe Esvaldi, Benton ILL;
Italy Itabello
8. AGLIETTA Maddalina; 26; f; m;
housewife; Italy; Italian No;
USA; W. Hoboken;
father Francesco, Montforte d'Alba;
NY W. Hoboken;
husband Aglietta Giuseppe, W. Hoboken;
Italy Monforte
9. ANTONIETTA Maria; 42; f; m;
housewife; Italy; Italian No;
USA; New York;
father Gregorio Grazio Pietro, Agliana;
NY New
York; husband Antonietta Domenico,
N. York; Italy Cigliano
10. BACIGALUPO Vittoria; 20; f; _ ;
housewife; Italy; Italian
No; Italy; Cicagna;
m. Bacigalupo Antonio, Cicagna;
Cal. San Francisco;
brother Eugenio Bacigalupo,
Cal. San Francisco; Italy
11. BACIGALUPO Virginia; 23; f; _ ;
housewife; Italy; Italian
No; Italy; Cicagna;
father Bacigalupo Francesco, Cicagna;
Cal. San Francisco, aunt Arata Rachale,
Cal. San Francisco; Italy
12. BANDUCCI Caterina; 22; f; m;
housewife; Italy; Italian No;
Italy; Capannori;
father Natale Banducci, Capannori;
Cal. Eureka;
husband Francesco Banducci,
Eureka Cal; Italy Capannori
13. BANDUCCI Marino; - 8 (months); m; s;
none; Italy; Italian
No; Italy; Capannori;
Natale Banducci, Capannori;
Cal. Eureka;
Francesco Banducci, Eureka Cal;
Italy Capannori
14. BROCCOLI Ester; 23; f; s;
housewife; Italy; Italian No;
Italy; S. Costanza;
mother Broccoli Anna, S. Costanza;
NY Bronx;
brother Broccoli Antonio,
Browen Station; Italy S. Costanza
15. BELFI Maria; 26; f; m; housewife;
Italy; Italian No; Italy
Vado Cadori; Uncle Tioso Antonio,
Venezia; Ohio Cleveland;
husband Belfi Luigi, Cleveland Ohio;
Italy Vado in Cadori
16. BAN Monica; 24; f; s;
housewife; Austria; ?; Austria; ?;
father Storna Pan; Lucerzan;
ILLS Chicago;
brother John Ban,
Chicago ILLS; Austria --?
17. BANDERA Angela; 24; f; m;
Italy; Italian No; Italy;
Inveruno; mother Ferrazio Rosa,
Inveruno; MO St. Louis; husband
Bandera Martino,
Illinois; Italy (? St. Louis?)
18. BELFORTE Palmira; 18; f; s;
housewife; Italy; Italian No;
Italy; Albera;
father Belforte Giovanni, Albera;
Cal San Franciso;
friend Borghelo Arcangelo,
San Francisco Cal; Italy
19. BAREA Lucia; 30; f; m; housewife;
Italy; Italian No; Italy;
father Castegnano Antonio,
Montebello; Mass Lee;
husband Barea Pietro;
Lee Mass; Italy Montebello
20- 22. BAREA Arnolfo age 6;
Arturo age 4;
Attilio age 2; m; s;
none; Italy; Italian N;
Montebello; Castegnano;
Mass Lee; Barea Pietro, Lee Mass;
children all born in USA Lee
23. COLLA Angela; 36; f; m;
housewife; Italy; Italian No;
Italy; Torino; sister Omodeo Rosa,
Torino; Pa Irwin; husband
Colla Emilio, Irwin Pa; Italy ?Bamignano
24-25: COLLA Maria, age 7;
Teresa, age 4, f; s; none; Italy;
rest of listing same as line 23
26. CUNEO Serafina; 26; f; s;
housewife; Italy; Italian No.;
Italy; Coreglia;
father Cuneo Antonio, Coreglia;
Cal ??Martinz ??Pasteco;
Cousin Luigia Guainasco - Martinez Pachero
Cal (again spelling ?); Italy Coreglia
27. CAVAIANI Maria; 21; f; s;
housewife; Italy Italian No;
Italy; Turbigo;
mother Capelletti Carolina,
Turbigo; MO St.
Louis; cousin De Dionigi Calara, MO;
Italy Turbigo
28. FANUCCHI Carola; 30; f; m;
dressmaker; Italy; Italian No;
father-in-law Faunncoli Luigi, Capannori;
ILL Chicago;
husband Alessandro Faunucchi,
Chicago ILL; Italy
29. FANUCCHI Luigi; 2; f; s;
none; rest of listing the same as
line 28
30. DRAGAN Maria; 18; f; s;
housewife; Austria; Slovenian;
Austria; ?Hrastulze;
mother Maria Dragan, ?Hrastubjen;
sister Josephine Dergan; Austria
Tried to interpret the spelling on
names and places the best I
could understand, please excuse
the errors. Corrections welcome.
If you see someone or someplace
you might have a question on -
just e-mail me at: [email protected]