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Courier, Bristol and Exeter Journal and Western Advertiser Saturday
06 Jul 1940
Page 5 Column 3 & 4
JANET TROUT AND JOHN PAINTER of the Council School, were successful in passing part two of the scholarship examination.
VISIT OF THE BISHOP. - There was a large attendance at the Parish Church on Sunday evening when the address was given by the Bishop of Bath and Wells.
AT the Congregational Church the special speaker at the evening service was the Mayor of Bridgwater (Councillor W. J. FARTHING), and the soloist was Mrs. POTTER, of Bridgwater.
METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. - There were large congregations at the Methodist Sunday School anniversary services on Sunday. The speaker in the morning was Mr. J. MANTELL, and in the afternoon a collection of flowers and eggs was made on behalf of the Bridgwater Hospital. A special item, entitled “God's Wonderful World,” was given at this service by F. HANCOCK, B. HANCOCK, I. GUDGE, D. CARROTT, J. CHUCHILL, R. PARKER, R. CARROTT, E. HANCOCK and S. CHURCHILL. Roy PARKER read the Scripture and Doreen CHURCHILL sang a solo. The evening service was conducted by the Rev. HARVEY, Bridgwater, and the singing was led by an orchestra.
The death occurred after a long illness of Wednesday of last week of Mrs. Jessie RUCKLEY (50), of Old-road, who for some months had resided with her sister at Bridgwater.
The Rev. J. ADDY conducted the funeral service at the Cemetery on Saturday. The mourners were Mr. H. RUCKLEY (husband), Messrs. T. and G. RUCKLEY (sons), Mrs. KELLY (daughter), Mrs. MULLINS (mother), Mr. KELLY (son-in-law), Mrs. MAUNDERS and Mrs. PERRETT (sisters), Mr. and Mrs. W. MULLINS (brother and sister-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. KEIRLE (brother-in-law and sister), Mr. and Mrs. MILLER, Mrs. and Miss BURGESS, Mr. DIMOND. Miss MULLINS, Mrs. J. SELLICK, and Mrs. E. PERREN. There were many beautiful floral tributes.
Major R. G. SEYMOUR presided at the quarterly meeting of the North Petherton and district branch of the British Legion on Friday evening. Members paid silent tribute to “Fallen comrades.”
The Hon. Secretary (Mr. R. A. WATTS) presented the accounts in the absence of the Hon. Treasurer (Mr. C. W. CLATWORTHY). Poppy-day receipts showed an increase of over £3. Members who had not paid their annual subscription were requested to do so as early as possible. Letters of appreciation were read from the North Petherton and Goathurst Working Parties for subscriptions to the wool fund.
Headquarters wrote that men serving in the present war and their dependents would be eligible for benefits from the benevolent fund. Following reading of correspondence regarding the resignation of the local A.R.P. Organiser, it was emphasised that no member of the branch was concerned with any petitions, and a minute to this effect was recorded.
It was unanimously decided to send a letter of sympathy to the Rev. and Mrs. P. T. Pryce MICHELL with reference to the illness of Miss Betty Pryce MICHELL, and express satisfaction that a slight improvement in her condition had been notined <sic>.
Mr. A. LAVIS said that no respirators could be supplied by persons who had refused to be fitted, unless the sum fixed by the Home Office Order had been paid.
The quarterly meeting of the Parish Council was held at the Memorial Hall on Tuesday. Mr. J. SLOCOMBE presided, and members present were Messrs. E. J. ROGERS, F. POCOCK, J. M. TOWNSEND, T. J. M. CLATWORTHY, W. FOSTER, A. W. CHIVERS, with the Clerk, Mr. L. H. PALMER.
The Allotments Committee reported that several allotments were in a dirty condition, and the tenants had been communicated with. The Clerk said that since the Committee meeting, there had been a slight improvement, but it was decided to write to the tenants again. It was mentioned that the majority of tenants kept their allotments in a exceptionally good condition, having regard to the fact that the time they were able to spend cultivating their gardens had been curtailed through working long hours.
With reference to the Burial Committee's report, the Clerk stated that a supply of petrol had been obtained for the mower, and the grass at the Cemetery had been cut.
Correspondence from the Small Pig Keepers' Council regarding the formation of Pig Clubs, was read by the Clerk. The Council desire that residents shall do everything possible to increase food production.
It was stated that all the fire appliances in the parish had been tested and found to be in a good condition. The Clerk said he would endeavour to arrange for a member of the Bridgwater fire services to give a demonstration on fire Fighting at an early date.