Hawkins Genealogy Site
The Western Gazette Friday 27 Jun 1879
Page 6 Column 2
SCALDED TO DEATH. - On Wednesday, Mr. MUNCKTON held an inquest touching the death of G. SALWAY, aged four years, son of Charles SALWAY, labourer. On the previous Sunday, the child fell over a kettle of boiling water, which had been placed on the floor by its mother, and was severely scalded. No doctor was sent for till Tuesday, and on his arrival the child was dead. A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.
CLUB. - The members of the Fivehead and Isle Abbots Benefit Society celebrated their seventh anniversary on Wednesday. They dined together at the Foxhound Inn, under the presidency of the Treasurer, Mr. James BLAKE, Langport. A most substantial dinner was supplied by the new landlord, Mr. PESTER, in the club room, which was prettily decorated. The club numbers 39 members, and all were present. The society was established on January 24th, 1872, and is on the 10 year's system. The funds in hand amount to £191 11s 3d. Sick pay for the past year, £5 11s. There has been on death.