Muddy Creek Cemetery Transcription

Muddy Creek Cemetery Transcription & Selected Tombstone Photos

Part A of this transcription was made by Virgil Cheney who writes: "About 20 years ago my wife and I made a very incomplete copy of some of the names listed there. A lot of the stones are sandrock and unreadable. The cemetery is prone to flooding as it is on the banks of a creek."
Virgil completed Part B of the transcription in 1999/2000 and adds: "I walked this cemetery with a hand held recorder and there was a very light snow on the ground, so there are possible mistakes for which I apologize in advance."  We extend our gratitude to Virgil for his willingness to do this and permission to share it with us all!

Seven tombstone photos, taken Oct 2002 by Steve Reid, can be viewed by clicking the underlined hyperlink corresponding to the name.

PART A (Transcribed about 1978)
G.W. Fitts born 1862  died 1925
C.W. Rhoades  born Oct 19, 1837 died Jan 18 or 19 ,1924
Mary J.[Stout] Rhoades born June 5, 1837 died Aug 20, 1896
Hulda Rhoades[wife of Richard] June 5, 1816 died Aug. 6, 1857
Infant dau. of Richard and Hulda born July 24 1857 died Sept 26, 1857
Laura Ann, dau of C.W. and M.J.  born Mar. 11, 18-- 2yr.11mo and 29 da.
Infant Rhoades of  C.W. and M.J. [no dates]
Mauda J. dau. of John and Sarah Rhoades Apr. 12, 1885  1yr 1mo and 12 days
Claude A. son of John and Sarah Rhoades Apr. 8, 1885    8 days
Eliza C. Dau of M.M
John Stout born Apr 19 1804  died Dec. 13, 1872
Fanny Stout born May 1, 1809 died Oct 1, 1875
John Stout son of J.and F  born 1827 died 1849
Mahala Daughter of J. and F. born 1838 died 1844
Hiram son of J.and F. Aug 11,1838  died Mar. 13, 1873
James Hiram, son of Stout, Sept 12, 1822  21 yrs 9mo 10 days
John W. Stout son of J.W. and E.A
Lyda, wife of John Stout died Mar. 29, 1861 38yr 2mo and 28 days
John Stout  June 25, 1868  52 or 57 yrs 9mo and 27 days
David[unreadable, bur. by Stouts}
Nancy E [wife of Zephania] born Sept. 17, 1835 died Sept. 4, 1898
Zephaniah Stout born Aug 13. 1832 died April. 11, 1917
Rececca E.[wife of Zephaniah born April 11 1841 died Feb. 24, 1891
James N. Stout son of Z. and R. died May 14, 1882 7yrs and 9mos
Josiah F. Stout son of Z. and R. Died Nov. 18, 1866,  18 days
Cynthia L. Stout Jan. 1, 1872    died Aug 12, 1872
Lucinda Stout wife of Samuel died Aug. 7, 1876  39 yrs 2mo and 27 days
Hulda[Bowman] Stout
Clarence Z. Stout born Feb 26, 1881 died Nov. 23, 1946
John D. Stout    born 1869 died 1922
Rosetta[Rhoads] Stout born 1874  died 1956
John Stout died May 5, 1914  56yrs
Samuel     died Jan. 25, 19---
Jackie C Stout born and died July 11, 1935
Leah Stout wife of Johnathon Bozarth born sep. 1, 1813 died Jan 16 1906 Mother
gone but not forgotten.

PART B (Transcribed 1999/2000)
Lucy m. Easts  died 1890
Tastorius  Unreadable date..
Clara A. Parton 1843-1922
Perry or Terry  son of M. J. Mead died June 11, 18--
Mary ,wife of Taylor McCulley  7-16-1802-to 6-9-1888
Mattie J.  dau. of J.M. and Sara Rhoades died April 12, 1885
Club A. son of J.M. and Sara Rhoades died April 8, 1885
Isaac McCulley 1-28-1835 to 10-24-1910
Mary Frost McCulley 1-26-1834 to 8-24-1912
James McCulley 11-29-1898 age 19 yrs 10mos. 18 da.
David G. McCulley died 1816
Sara, da. of J.M McCulley died 12-24-1866
America J. dau. of J.M. McCulley d. 2-14-1858 11yr. 10mos.
Isaac, son of W.M. and E. Ellis 12-20-1883 died 7-22-1844
Christopher, son of Jos. H and Mary Parker died 8-21-1871
Mary A. wife of J. B. Carpenter 9-20-1863died 3-21-1916
James B. Carpenter, Sr. 1856-1941
Joseph H. Parker 4-22-1836 died 3-12-1923
Henry M. 8-10-1861 died 8-21-1887 [On same stone with J. H. Parker]
Jacob A. son of Joseph H. and Mary Parker died 7-6-1878 age 2yrs. 5mo. 21 da.
Newton, son of Joseph H. and Mary Parker died 6-15-1879 age 7 mo. 21 da.
John W. Amberose 9-8-1835  11-22-1891 66yrs 2mos 14 da.
Icelena, wife of William Armstrong and da. of J. and L. Bozarth died
7-20-1888 age 20yrs 8 mos and 7da.
Clarinda da. of William and I Armstrong age 1 yr. 3 mos 12 da.
Bessie Ambrose 1-29-1864 died 11-13-1910
W.M. Frances Ambrose 2-28-1861 died 12-8-1917
Leah Stout Wife of Johnathon Bozarth 9-1-1813 died 1-16-1906
Emma C. da. of R.A. and E. J. Bozarth 7-26-1906 died 1-23-1907
Mary Lewis died 5-20-1887 rest is unreadable
Clyde F. Bozarth 1887-1918
Stella F. Bozarth 1890-1918
George H. son of Willis and Nancy H. Browning  born 2-26-1870 age 34 yrs.
Willis Browning 2-12-1844 died 2-1-1925
Nancy H. Browning Feb, 30, 1846 died 9-14-1918
Malisha B. da. of Willis and Nancy H. Browning and wife of John Harte
3-31-1872 died 3-20-1904
Joseph Browning 1876-1922
Clyde McCulley 1-18-1900 died 7-7-1948
Paul, son of McCulley died 6-11-1898 6 mos. 26 da.
Darius McCulley 1872-1942
small stone -initials M.J.R.
Alpha C. da. 8-18-1898 age 1 yr. 8 da.[Browning???????
Virgil S. 9-11-1897 age 3 yrs. 11mo. 1 da.[Browning????
small stone initials J.W.C
small stone initials C.G.
John W. Cain 11-24-1862 died 6-20-1903
Sara A. Cain born 8-20-1872[on same stone with John W. Cain]
Velma Cain 8-1-1900 died 10-5-1901
Clifford Cain 11-21-1901 died 3-4-1902
Harley E. Bowman 10-8-1879 died 11-22-1902
Bertha N. Bowman 9-9-1883-------
Francis Ellen Cain Married to F.A. Bowman 3-7-1877 died 8-16-1900
Beulah Lee Bowman died 9-22-1895? 5 yrs 9mos. 8 da.
Edna Ellen da. of G.A and Lucy Brown 5-5-1903 died 8-31-1907
Lucy Brown 11-14-1875 died 1-29-1952
George A. Brown 4-1-1870 died 6-30-1957
Joseph F. Son of Rev B. Lewis 2-5-1889 died 7-27-1917
Harve Lewis 8-22-1878 died----
Miles Frazier 1836-1928
Harry R. Woodring 6-9-1897 died 4-1-1955
Sharlotte M. Woodring 4-11-1898 died 11-23-1942
Bobby Lee Cain Woodring
Willard R. Frazier 8-11-1872  11-5-1981
Ida I Frazier 1-12-1880 died----wife of Willard R. Frazier
Leslie A Stewart 1918
Wallace B. Stewart 1870-1938
Infant Lela 12-16-1897 died 12-19-1897
Ora M. Reynolds 2-19-1900 died 12-10-1900
Harvey E. Reynolds 1-17-1905 died 8-3-1906
Robert H. Dilley 1-17-1878 died 9-21-1948
F.S. Dilley 2-21-1878 died 7-21-1925 [NOTE FEB 2002: As pointed out by Dan Brennan this should be E. S. Dilley, being Etta S. Bowman Dilley]
Orville, son of Dilley died Jan. 1902
Amanda E. wife of David Cain 11-9-1866 died 6-18-1901
Nabsicy wife of S.S Donaldson 11-3-1817 died 4-13-1886
small stone initials N.B.
Charles Meade 1-29-1873 died7-22-1902
Richard Meade died 9-28-1896 age 61 yrs.
J.W. Jefferies 1855-1916
Lettishia Jefferies 1857-1936
Blanche Jefferies da. of Jefferies died 3-2-----age 2yrs
Alpha O. Bowman 1902-1931
Nelia F. Bowman 1869-1952
Louisa Jefferies died 3-2-1888 age 76 yrs 7 mos.
Hegecoa??Wife of T.F. Cartright died 9-9-1878
Sarah Costolo Aug. 1831-- 9-16-1904
James M. Costolo born 10-30-1833-------
Infant son of S and M. Brown 9-16-1879
Infants--twin daughters of Sol and Margaret A brown 12-12-1875
James ,son of S and M Brown
Mary Rhoads wife of Joseph H. Parker died 3-13-1885 age 45 yrs 5 mos 2 da.
Francis Jane Groomer 5-10-1832 died 1-25-1894
David Groomer 3-7-1828 died 3-9-1909
Mary A. McDermont-------
Christopher Reno-------
Martha J. Stockhouse wife of S.S Reno died 12-8-1881
S.S Reno 12-24-1829 died 8-23-1916 age 86 yrs
Roma J da of J. and J. Morris died 7-20-1880 age 1yr 3 mo.
Jannie Palmer 1900-1934
Johnathon  Morris 1844------
Debora J Morris 1843-1919
Andrew M. Newell 11-11-1887 age 75
Mary F. Newell died 10-18-1887  age 27 yrs
Asbury Parker died 12-27-1880 age 72 yr 2 mo.
Mary Parker died 12-14-1888 age 78 yr,
Lester A. son of G.A. and M. I. Parker died 3-17-1895
Snow born 1885
Ida M. Snow----
Hammer Goucher 1897-1935
Robert Goucher Jr. 1901-1935
Swann Goucher 1862-1932
Stewart--small stone
Garrett Bowman 12-21-1889 died 7-10-1907
Dollie Ellen Bowman 10-3-1899 died 11-13-1918 da. of J.N and M.L Bowman
Slyvester Bowman son of J.M. and M.L. Bowman died 5-3-1899
James, son of J.M. and M. L. Bowman died 11-15-1882
James M. Bowman 3-7-1847 died 8-26-1925
Mary L Lewis[wife of James M. Bowman 6-11-1867 died 3-11-1924
Hulda L. Stout 8-14-1886 died 3-11-1982
Emma R. Davidson 1865-1956
George M. Davidson 1865-1936
Mary A. wife of E.N. Hillebrand died 11-22-1896 age 63
Cleo Gene Clevenger Feb 1929[lower half under ground]
S.T. Clevenger born 1-27-1883 died 1-3-1911
E.J. Clevenger 5-4-1877 died 9-2-1908
Marion Elmer Bozarth 1875-19-----
Alice Bozarth 1876-1928
Ezabel C. Cooper 1867-1928
Barney W. Cooper 1865-1923
Ethel Mae Cooper 1887-1906
Addie Cooper 1893-1896
Henry Cooper 1830-1891
Jessie Groomer 9-2-1835  10-17-1909
Mary E. Groomer 7-11-1837  7-30-1908
Ellery James 1893-1928
John T. James 1-28-1868  11-3-1929
Amanda E James 4-3-1873  9-30-1918
Mary E. James 2-14-1898  11-27-1918
Rufus C. [son of D.C and M.J. Bowman]1903-1943
Carl Z. [son of D.C. and M. J. Bowman 11-12-1908  2-25-1915
Opal Guilkey Blair 1905-1994
Garret Hobart Guilkey 1888-1946
Fred Coleman Guilkey 11-20-1935[military stone]
Mary R. [wife of E.F Guinamed died 11-22-187-----
Myrtle L. Bowman 1908-1943
Lewis H. Bowman 1892-1969

Lowell Ray Hutchings 8-11-1941
Charles Jackson 1878-1953
Mary E. Huff[wife of D. Clint Courter 10-6-1887 died 4-20-1956
Emily R. Blair 9-27-1935    8-28-1940
William F. Butcher 3-10-1921[Military stone]
Nellie F. Solomon 1907-1946
Esta Thurber 1896-1972
Albert thurber 1891-1941
Ora L. Butcher 9-12-1895  8-11-1942
Ella Smith 1878-1943
C.A. Smith 1872-1943
Loy Fanning 1912-1953
Madge R. Justice 1-16-1889  8-2-1903
Esta E. Denny[wife of J.M. Bashaw]1-23-1887       6-27-1916
Alva R. Denny 10-27-1881   3-12-1906
Paul F. Duffy 1929-----
Esta Bonar 12-3-1893   5-8-1914
Elizabeth Armstrong 3-16-1889   1-3-1911
Eva Walker died 1-5-1911 age 22mos.
Ellen Rhoades Kirk 4-25-1866   10-24-1931
James M. Lovejoy 1865-1936
Sarah Lovejoy 1872-1931
Jackie Paul Fleming 10-28-1937   8-14-1972
Cleo L. Fleming 1901-1980
Druzilla Fry Fleming 1875 -1945
James M. Fleming 2-9-1872   1-27-1926
Thomas J. Fleming 11-10-1842   7-26-1928
Matilda M. Fleming 7-10-1848   8-2-1941
Mary Jane Reed 1841-1929
Earl Blane Price 1880-1954
Susannah Price 9-1-1845------
James R. Price 2-5-1847   8-30-1928
George L. Cain 4-28-1844   3-11-1927
Lurana Cain 1-`16-1848   8-28-1939
John Groomer 7-28-1860   4-17-1914
Chloey C. Groomer 2-28-1860   10-18-1898
Lucille M. James 1912-1939
Cora James Weaver 1891-1972
Ezeriah James 1884-1957
Solomon Brown 4-8-1838   10-31-1906
Margaret A. Brown 10-23-1841   3-10-1923
Sarah E. Reynolds 1849-1927
John Reynolds 1847-1928
William Collins 3-12-1866   11-9-1928
Rhoda M. Collins 3-21-1868   5-30-1960
Luther T. Teeter 1856-1931
Emaline wife of L.T. Teter died 5-25-1901 age 42
George F. Fleming  1886 --1959
Carey M. Fleming 1890-1943
Infant da. of George and carey Fleming 1928
Infant da. of George and Carey Fleming 1926
Virgil E. Fleming 10-4-1910   5-3-1927
Ellery L.[son of I.E and N.E. Rhoades 8-6-1896   9-9-1921
Charles Creighton Guillians 1872-1952
Margaret Guillian  1876-1957
Maggie McDaniel 1878-1957
J.C. McDaniel 1872-1948
Lola Dale Morris 4-30-1889   4-19-1974
Frank Beeler 1874-1936  [Surname corrected by descendent]
Elsie M. Beeler 1883-1937  [Surname corrected by descendent]
George William age 10
Elva Lee [son of Clarence and Ethel Williams] 11-5-1915   4-19-1922 [Steve's Note:  Helms is surname on tombstone]
Frank A. Yocum 1861-1938
Elizabeth Yocum 1867-1928
Charles B. Downs 1879-1935
Thomas G. Burton 1872-1929
Mary Burton 1881-1961
Mary N. Gibson 2-2-1807  12-3-1897
Lennia[da. of Willis and Lydia A. Burton] 1-9-1887  9-13-1903
Willis Burton 2-20-1841   8-2-1911
Lydia Burton 12-1-1846   6-9-1915
William F. Huff 1-1-1865   3-18-1940
Susie A. Huff 9-5-1869   4-27-1944
Rebecca Blankship 5-12-1861   9-1-1922
George W. Sargent 1895-1988
Carey Sargent 1860-1938
Norman Sargent 1863-1947
Catherine Sargent 8-6-1829   9-10-1908
Leroy[son of W.M. and M. A. Harmond
Ethel A. Youtsey Feb. 1909   9-6-1919
Della Mae Bozarth 5-17-1875   4-13-1952
Mattie Lee Youtsey 2-21-1906   8-23-1936
Jane Casebolt 8-5-1867------
Elva Dale Huff 12-6-1926        1-17-1934
Milford H. Brannen 1887-1928
Wesley M. Jefferies 1902-1949
Goldia Neyer 1902-1991
Baby Jane Lee Huff 1945
William A. Shaw 1872-1940
Elzara V. Shaw 1878-1939
Erma M. Sparks 1896-1991
Edith L. Boyer 1910-1937
Elwood Boyer 1904-1967
Mary J. wife of R.T. James  12-17-1893 age 45 yrs 28da.
Jerry Ahart 1877-1950
Rosa Ahart 1877-1935
Marion Beeler 1876-1950
Roxie A. [wife of William B. Elsey died 1883
Lowell Boyer 1901-1931
Isaac Boyer 1870-1944
Minnie Boyer 1880-1949
France Groomer 1864-1931
Rebecca Groomer 1867-1932
David Leslie[son of W.F and B.F. Groomer 8-23-1896  6-19-1919
William Huntsman Hines 8-12-1851  2-9-1922
Rachel J. [wife of William H. Hines] died 2-5-1899 age 43
Mirinda[wife of W.M. Lewis born 9-30-1878--------
William Lewis 12-25-1871   1-28-1897
Sidney G. Reno 1865-1946
Mary E. Reno 1863-1945
Rev.. S.B. Lewis 3-22-1846    5-23-1921
Hulda J. 2-4         5-2- 1888 76 yrs of age
John W. Ambrose 9-8-1885   11-22-1891
Clyde F. Bozarth 1887-1918
Stella F. Bozarth 1890-1918
The following gravesites are found across the road from the cem. which is 
apparantely just an extension of the Muddy Creek cem.
Harry Ahart 2-16-1899   10-26-1972
Hazel L. Ahart 9-1-1910   5-30-1998
Lila J. Day James 1907-1986
Robert T. James 1905-1967
Grace Tennington 1903-1998
Walter Tennington 1897-1976
Ethel Lee Green 1910-1998
Eddie Green 1899-1979
Florence J. Butcher 9-18-1901   8-30-1988
William J. Huff 4-3-1935-
Ellen Zoe Huff  11-11-1938   12-24-1994

Cindy Sue Huff 12-25-1960   12-28-1960
Infant 9-14-1963
Vilen Blankenship  9-19-1873   2-14-1965
E.L. Blankenship  3-24-1873  2-14-1965

Sarah B. Yocum 1891-1958
Harry[ or Perry] Yocum 1891   1958
Emma J Brown 1885-1960
Charles R. Brown 1882-1967
Edna Pearl Huff 1901-1957
Perry J. Huff 1896-1975

Jewel Brown 1912-1996
Jerard         1905-1986

Last Update:  01/20/2007