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My name is Satima Flavell Neist and I am the list administrator. (The photo was
taken in 1947, when I was better looking.) |
Anyone with an interest in a �F(l)av� type name - such as FLAVEL, FLAVELL, FLAVELLE, FAVEL, FAVELL, FAVELLE etc - is welcome to join us.
These probably derive from what were originally two separate names - in Norman
times, there were families called de FLAMVILLE and de FAUVILLE. Over the
centuries, however, these names have taken many forms and have become confused,
as anyone bearing one of them will testify!
Some notes towards a consideration of theorigin of the FLAVELL name
Today, FLAVELL is predominantly a West Midlands name, but all common variants enjoy a worldwide distribution.
Here�s how to subscribe to the Mailing List:
Send a message to[email protected] with the command subscribe and nothing else, in the body of the message. This will subscribe you in what's called "mail mode" - you will receive every message that anyone - including you - sends to the list as a separate piece of e-mail.
If you would prefer digest mode - which means that you'll receive a bundle of messages all together, about once a day, then you should send the message instead to [email protected]
It isn't a terribly busy mailing list - maybe four or five messages a day, or one digest. It�s a happy, friendly list, supported by some very keen researchers from all parts of the UK and other countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. and support Message Boards for Surnames. They come under the Ancestry banner, and there are several of them pertinent to �our� names. Check them all out, each one seems to attract its share of folk who are looking for any of the names we are interested in.
FLAVEL Message Board
FLAVELL Message Board
FAVELL Message Board
FAVILL Message Board
FAVILLE Message Board
All Rootsweb Mailing Lists are archived: you can look at old messages here.
Even if you live in another county, sooner or later, your research will take
you to the UK.
You will benefit enormously from the wonderful Genuki website.
If you�re a newcomer to genealogy � or even if you�re not � you can learn a lot
from two downloadable booklets on the Genuki site:
Roy Stockdill�s Newbies' Guide to Genealogy & Family History. This is especially geared towards research in Yorkshire, but it is useful for all English research. Easy to read, too!
The other booklet is the A-Z of British Genealogical Research by Dr Ashton Emery This is another very comprehensive and easy to follow paper, with references to just about everything you might ever need to look up!
Ian Beach has a lovely site called the Ancient Manor of Sedgley. Many of our list's members have ancestors from this part of England. Ian also manages a Rootsweb mailing list for the area - read all about it on his page!
My personal site has photos of my family, past and present.
Herbert Flavell�s web site has stunning aerial photos of his lovely property in Pennsylvania, where he and his family are involved in conservation projects.
Steve Favell is interested in military history as well as genealogy. His site has interesting info on Favells in military service, as well as his family tree and lovely old photos.
David Young has created a web site outlining the history of the Sidney Flavel company of Leamington Spa, including some genealogical information.
Yampy, a site devoted to the Gornal area in Sedgley, Staffordshire.