Business Notes 1799 - 1840's

Business Notes
1799 - 1840's

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Records of the Bay of Quinte
Marion Cronk Fonds
Business notes are great sources of information.

Received of Mr Jonathan Bowerman by 
the hand of Philip Dorland, Two pounds ten 
Shillings Currency in full of J Bowermans 
Note to Robert Macaulay, the Endorser,
July 7th 1800 –
N. Hagerman Atty
₤2 - 10 - "

[First note in Folder 1-1]
Note 1801

The notes below are transcribed from images taken of folders from Box 1 of the E.H. Marion Cronk Fonds, 2006-1, held at the Canadian Quaker Archives, Newmarket, ON and posted here with permission. Thanks to Carm Foster and Doug Smith for their diligence in transcribing these notes.
Copyright: © Candian Quaker Archives, 2008
Original spelling retained. The writing was typical of quick business scribble and often was a challenge to decifer. Contact me if you have suggestions. Often a part of the bearers name was torn out creating a hole to confirm that a debt was paid and the note was now worthless. Some notes were countersigned and given to a third party to collect the debt. These notes were created at a time when currency was in short supply and debts were often settled after lumber or animals were sold or crops were harvested.

These notes are mostly from in and around Prince Edward County but range from Port Trent, Kingston and Montreal.  
Folders 1 to 6 are grouped by decade and involve a mix of people. Folder 7 contains notes involving Gideon Bowerman (1775-1810) who was active in the lumber trade up and down the St Lawrence. He died in May 1810 from fever contracted while rafting on the St Lawrence and folder 8 contains the notes that his executors (brothers) used to try collect on his debts. See the accounts of his death on the epidemic web page.
The oldest note is Image 1-7 41, 42 at Holdiman [Haldimand] and dated June 22th 1799. Happy hunting.

The business notes were put in groups of 2 or 3 or more and one image was taken of the front side and a second image was taken of the back side. Thus both sides are listed in the transcriptions for each note.

These links will take you to each section of this lengthy web page.
Folder: 1-1 (Bowerman, 1800 – 1809), 20 business notes, 10 images
Folder: 1-2, (Bowerman, undated), 11 notes
Folder: 1-3, (Bowerman, 1810 – 1819), 78 notes
Folder: 1-4, (Bowerman, 1820 – 1829), 45 notes
Folder: 1-5, (Bowerman, 1830 – 1839), 85 notes
Folder: 1-6, (Bowerman, 1840 – 1849), 23 notes
Folder: 1-7, (Gideon Bowerman 1799 – 1810), 50 notes
Folder: 1-8, (Gideon Bowerman 1811 – c1840), 70 notes
Total: 372 notes

Note: Image 1-1 01, 02 means folder 1-1, images 1 and 2.

Folder: 1-1 (Bowerman, 1800 – 1809), 20 business notes, 10 images

Images 1-1 01, 02 Carm Foster
Note 1 - side 1
Received of Mr Jonathan Bowerman by the hand of Philip Dorland, Two pounds ten Shillings Currency in full of J Bowermans Note to Robert Macaulay, the Endorser,
July 7th 1800 –
N. Hagerman Att.?
₤2-10- "

Note 1 - side 2
[Transcribers note: There is nothing entered on the reverse side of the above note]

Note 2 - side 1
Februray 22 1801
Tiv? T? find your account Twelve Shilling which you will pay upon the order of Richard Jenks
Thomas Morgan Sen?

Note 2 - side 2
Thomas ? Morgan sent receipt

Note 3 - side 1
June 26th 1805
For Value received I promis to pay Unto Samson Striker on order the Sum of Six pound, halifax Currency on or before January Firstvst of Janorey Next, there fore I Bynd My Self my ctves? Exectores in the Sum at Bove Mentioned which is to be paid with a good fanning mill witnes pressent
Barret Defoe L [the bottom right hand corner of the page has been cut out]

Note 3 - side 2
Samson Strikers note

Note 4 - side 1
Received of Mr Stephen Bowerman seventeen Shillings & four Pence in full of his Account with Richardson & Elsworth.
Kingston 4th Jan.y. 1806.
Richard Cartwright, ?
For Arthur Elsworth.

Note 4 - side 2
Richard Cartwright

Images 1-1 03, 04
Carm Foster
Note 1 - side 1
Hallowell April 15th 1806
Friend Cornelieus Mastin please to pay Josiah Bull fifteen Shillings and oblige thy friend
Robert X Pering
N..B. and this Shal be thy receit in full of all demands

Note 1 - side 2
Peling order to Cornelius Masten
Robert Peali ns? Order on Cornelias Mastin

Note 2 - side 1
Recd/Kingston 29th July 1806 from E Washburn Esqr the sum of Five Pounds on account of Stephen Bowerman
p Jos. Forsyth
W. Mitchell

Note 2 - side 2
Forsyth Receipt for Bowerman
Harlen? Michel receipt

Note 3 - side 1
June the 17 1807
record and Setled with Steven bormand all dets dues and demands from the beginning of the world untill this day as witnes my hand.
Martha Casay
Samuel Lewis

Note 3 - side 2
Wm Casey receipt

Note 4 - side 1
I have Credited Stephen Bowerman for Seven dollars on a/c of A. Wyatt
Hallowell 6th Sept 1807
P.E. Washburn
S. Washburn

Note 4 - side 2
E Washburns receipt

Images 1-1 05, 06 Randy Saylor
Note 1 – side 1
April ? 1808 Corvalae? Received
I promise to pay Gideon Bowerman on order
forty five dolers in brrels at two shillings
pr by the first March next
Isaac Camp
Daniel Camp

Note 1 – side 2
D Camp
Note 45 dolers

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell the 1st 1 mo? 1808
Friend Joseph Terwillagar junr please
to pay the bearer John Bull six shillings
without faling and oblige thy friend
Gidoeon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Recd the with in full

Note 3 – side 1
On demand I promise to pay to the order
of Messrs Smyth Humming? Seventeen
Pounds five Shillings & Eleven pence curcy
Hallowell 31st Oct 1808 Value rec’d with
interest till paid
Allan Taylor

Note 3 – side 2
Note Stephen Bowerman
[ciphering on page]

Note 4 – side 1
6 of 1 month 1809 Hallowell
for value received I acknowledge
self in deted to John Mills twelve
pounds five shillings & 1 penny
Halifax currency
Stephen Bowerman

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-1 07, 08 ( 4 notes) Randy Saylor
Note 1 – side 1
Rec’d of Joseph Jenks
5 ½ feet Long Standard Staves three hundred two
Vuortens? & ten Staves
Juneth 28 1809 Aron Carnahan
Julyth 7 also 60 ?

Note 1 – side 2
Aron Carneghan receipt

Note 2 – side 1
Due to Ichabod Bowerman
on the Barret? for Valle?
Recd the sum of three pound
sixteen shillings & /10 Cy
the 17 of thy Mth 1809
witness present Amos Bull
Elij Y Cuningham

Note 2 – side 2
Amos Bull note l3-16-10

Note 3 – side 1
July 5th 1809 paid to
P? D Congar 11.2.4
to Samuel Clapp 7.0.0
to William Hubbs 7.0.0
[additions omitted]

Note 3 – side 2
Acct of Money
Paid several individuals

Note 4 – side 1
Received Hallowell 8th July 1807 of
Stephen Bowerman one pound Eighteen
shillings and nine pence on account of sarah Spencer for ? me?
Stepn Conger

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-1 09, 10 (3 notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Received Hallowell 10th July 1809 from Stephen
Bowerman Eighteen Pounds four Shillings ? ?
On account of Benjamin Leavins for this day in my
Ebenr Washburn
Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side1
£ 18 – 4 – 0
On or before the first day of October next I
Promise to Pay to Ebenezer washburn on his order ––
Eighteen Pounds four Shillings Hallifax Currency
for Value Received at Hallowell thi(s) ??th day of
July 1809 –– Stephen (torn out)
Jacob Baer Lb [ciphering]

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
ans note
£ 18 – 4 - 0
Pay Int
[much ciphering]

Note 3 – side 1
Fredricksburgh the 16 – December - 1809
W Stepheson Boarman Sir plese to Send
by the barer Alpheus Cadman the sum of
Six pound C y and Oblege your Hum, Servt
Abraham Taylor

Note 3 – side 2

Back to Top

Folder: 1-2, (Bowerman, undated), 11 notes

Images 1-2 10, 01 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Eger? John
That note of 75 or 80 dollars Must be Settled or it will be Sued? very Shortly to davis Davis Murphy Sayl?; Sayl? Turner Now would it be better to have it Sued or to Sell thy boat for 75 dollars or even a little less. That A Hudgesy? I hear will give from? where between 60 and 80 dollars for it . S C

Note 1 – side 2
Let us know immediately we shoved it into the water the other day that it ? be the better for it for the Shore had woren away Surprisingly

Images 1-2 02, 03 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Messrs Bowerman
B a/c? of James McNabb
1 ps. Fine Cloth 24 ¾ yd 3 of 3 ₤37. 8.6
1 piece blue oz.? 18 yards 14/- 12. 12 -
2 pieces Callico – 57 yards - 9- 10 -
1 dozen Gloves – 4/? - 2- 8 -
2 quires paper – 4/3 - - 8-6
10 Yellow Shawls – 4/6 - 2- 5 -
To Cash advanced 26- 2. 3
Curry ₤90-14. 3
Total accounted for to Messr. Ft? Wm. Hunter of Quebec

Note 1 – side 2
[much ciphering]

Image 1 – 2 04, 05 (3 notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Recd of James Augustus the full
amount Except fifty Dollars which
he has give his note for one hundred
Acres Land in ameliasburgh
in front a joining parcel
Trumpore At the payment
of fifty Dollars I promis
to give him a Sufficient title
for Jonth [hole] werman
Samuel Walters

Note 1 - side 2

Note 2 – side 1
In Ketchum vs Bowerman &al the Bill of Cost as in Washburn
vs Bowerman –––––––––– £ 10 – 7 – 5
with the addition of 5 / total? Sheriffs fees for service 0 – 5 – 0
& the Roll –––––––––––––––– 1 – 0 – 0
2 / 11 – 12 – 5
half –––– 5 – 16 – 2 ½
half of the Retainer 1 – 5 – 0
£ 7 - 1 - 2 ½
Note 2 – side 2
In Ketcheson vs Bowerman &al
minute of Bolt? of
Cost –––

Note 3 – side 1
Settled up all our accounts between
Cornelius Bowerman and Stephen
Bowerman and this is my receipt
in full of all demands
Cornelius Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2

Image 1 – 2 06, 07 (4 notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 2 – 0 – 9 Wellington 30th April 1830?
Three days after date for value
Received I promise to pay P? ?man Winsar?
or bearer the sum of two pounds and nine
pinc Currency Stephen [hole] owerman

Note 1 – side 2
Note Stephen Bowerman £2.0.9 cy

Note 2 – side 1
Stephen Bowerman Dr
To a note of £ 2 – 12 – 6
Interest of ditto for 23 months 6 – 0
A bag lost two years ago 2 – 0
4 pair of Childrens shoes 6 – 0
2 pair Lidia & John Stephenson 3 – 0
1 pair for Amia 1 – 6
3 - 10 – 0
A pair of soals & jn? of lifts 3 – 0

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Received of Stephen Bowerman the Assignment
of 3 Scholars? having in full of all Debts, dues, and
––– demands ~ 3d Feb 1809 I say
Receiv’d by me,
George And. Hollingworth

Note 3 – side 2
Gerge save? ? Hallow? the receipt

Note 4 – side 1
Mr Stephen Bowerman pleas to pay
John Campt 12 Shillings on my account
& So doing you will a Bluje your
friend ––––––––
Joseph Wiley

Note 4- side 2
Joseph Wiley 7-6

Image 1 – 2 08, 09 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Ichabod X White £ 32 – 14 – 0
5 – 10 – 0
William X Hre?libs? to 23 – 10
Cash £ 6 – 19 - 9 1 - 3
––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––
103 - 17 – 0
Bowlin? X Thurman 50 - 4 – 9 ¼
to Cash £ 4 – 0 – 7 154 - 1 – 4
10 - 4 – 11
164 - 9 - 0
for Stigney H 5 - 2 - 6
Corcy? 169 - 11 - 2

21 of 11 month 1810? Dr
Aaron White to cash
15 Shillings
23 of 11 mo Matury X Bowerman
to cash £ 0 – 10 – 10 ¼
Robert? Halhens? to £ 5 – 13 – 0
Cornelious Blunt £1 – 3 – 0

Note 1 – side 2
John X Halls? £ 41 – 0 – 9 ¾
Thomas Lancfored? £ 5 – 10 – 0
John Hinsuns? X note £ 23 – 4 – 6
paid him £ 23-X 10 – 6
Joseph Dorlen £ 4 – 3 – 8 ½
Ichabod X White £ 32 – 1 – 4?
T Carmond £ 50 – 4 – 9 ¼
Matury X Bowerman £ 1 – 19 – 9 ¾
P D Conger £ 10 – 9 – 11

[right margin verticle]
Crnelious X White
to £ 41 –X 10 – 5 ¾
paid Abraham X Barker
£ 14 X – 1 – 6

Note 2 – side 1
June 6th 1810 received of John Huyck? Jun
twelve pounds ten shullings to bee paid to
Joseph Foresithe received by Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Paid in full for this rate

Back to Top

Folder: 1-3, (Bowerman, 1810 – 1819), 78 notes

Image 1-3 01,02 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Good to E.W. Armstrong or bearer two pounds eleven shillings & 1 penny H.& C.Y.? Hallowell April 23d. 1819
S [Transcribers note: the corner of this page after the S has been torn away]
Note 1 – side 2
S. Bowerman
Note ₤2.11.1

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 17 Sep: 1819
On the first of March next I promise to deliver to Orton Hancox at Demorest’s or Smiths mill one hundred and twenty bushells of good clean merchantable wheat
Geo. Munro Stephen [Transcribers note: a section of the note has been torn away after the name Stephen]
Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 10 th August 1819
Mrs Mary Sheriff
Please to pay unto William Cunningham Twelve shillings and this shall be your Receipt in full from me
David M. Hopkins.c?
Note 3 – side 2
Recd the amt of the within from S.? Washburn
William Cunningham
Note 4 – side 1
On Demand I promise to pay Henry Smith or order the Sum of Three pounds. Nine Shillings and Nine pence H Currency Witness my hand this 30th day of October 1819
Jonth Bo [cut out section] an
Note 4 – side 2
I.? Bowerman
Note L S d
3. 9. 9
cr-012 month
cr 20 received of
Garret Striker
Three pounds twelve
Shillings & 6 pence

3-9-9 3-15 0
2 9 3.12 3
3 12.6 2 9
3. 15
5 3

Image 1-3 03, 04 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
£16.17.3 Hallowell 11th. June 1810
On Demand we Jointly or Severally promise to pay to Ebenezer Washburn.or order Sixteen pounds Seventeen Shillings and three pence Currency Value Received Witness our hands
H? Bowerman [Transcribers note: a section of this note has been torn away to the right of the witness signature]
E? Washburn 16.17.3
Debts 2/6 book a/ct
100? Roper? 1/9 8.15
£ 25.14 9
Note 1 – side 2
Jonthn. &? Thomas Bowermans Note £16.17.3
[Transcribers note: also written on this side of the document are mathematical figures which appear to relate to side one of the document. These figures are written upside down and are as follows]
Note 16-17-3 2-9-0-1
100 ? Roper 25-15-9
at 1/9 8-15 £ 3-13-4?
Interst 2-6
[Transcribers note: next to the torn out section of this document and on this side is written]
Received Payment full

Note 2 – side 1
Halowell 14 of 7 Mo 1810
good to John Richmond or order the sum of six pound three shillings and fore pence. for value received to be paid the first of sixth month next with interest Step [Transcribers note: a section of this document has been torn away after Step]
Stephen Bowerman
Note 2 – side 2
20 of 4 Mo 1811
received on the within note fourteen Shillings and nine pence
[Transcribers note: the following is written upside down on this side of the document]
14 of 4 mo. 1812 the amount
oing E A Washburn £6-13-9 ½?

Image 1-3 05, 06 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Memorandom for Joseph youngs one magnet
one ounce Borax
Six Shets Tin plate
one ounce ?
Received of Rowlin Shearman
Nine pound Nineteen Pound Fifteen Shillings & Elleven pence Cash in Full of all demands in Behalf of Gideon Bowerman for three months & one days work with the Orders that ware Accepted
This 17th day of July 1810
I say Received Per me ₤19-15-11
James Williams
Note 1 – side 2
James Williams Receipt [Transcribers note: Mathematical figures located randomly on this page might relate to side one]
Note 2 – side 1
Rec’d Hallowell March 24-1810
By the Hand of thomas Bowerman for Benjn V? Wiclow? The sum of two Pounds and /3d in full of all accts
A Carnahan
Note 2 – side 2
Benjamin Vanwicken?

Image 1-3 07, 08 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side
Mr. James Beaty
Bot.? of E Washburn
By George Baker
1 patent cord vest £ - 9.-
1 ½ yds. flannel @ 3/6 - 5.3
1 Shw silk & stick twist - 1.-
1 ¾ yds. cloth @ 11/6 1 - 1 ½ d
1 ¾ yds. Shutz? @ 3/- - 3.9
1 Stick twist ditto? - - 6
4 yds cotton check @ 2/6 - 10.-
1 spelling book - 1.8
4 womns horn combs @ 2/- - 8.-
8th. Decr. 1810 ₤ 2.19.3 ½
ditto 3 handkfs @ 2/ea - 6. –
₤ 3”5” 3½
2 ½ yds. flannel @ 3/6 - 8- 7
₤ 3”14” ½
Note 1 – side 2
22-of ? 1811
paid to Gorge Baker on a note of hand 29- 2. 6
4-16-7 ½ 10 00
26 -5 -10
Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 15th Seper 1810
Friend Stephen Boerman please pay Jap.. Blackley Twelve Shillings & Eight pence HC and oblidge yours & ?
Joseph Jencks –
Note 2 – side 2
James Blakley by H Joseph Jenks receipt

Image 1 – 3 09, 10 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Third? Hallowell? of Jonathan Bowerman
O’ Stephen Bowerman twenty five pounds
five Shillings H. C. in full for one
Waggon & two Caggs Tobacco.
Oct 2 1810 Paid by me Daniel Halden

Note 1 – side 1

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 1st Decm 1810
James Betys To george Baker Dr
To cash lent £ 12 – 9 – 8 – ¾

Note 2 – side 2
Jas Betys
Aut ––
[ciphering calculations below]

Note 3 – side 1
Ameliasburgh 16th of Dec 1810
Gidin Barnan Sir plese to let
the Barer have 207 Staves the
one half 2 ½ the other half
2. thick four feet and half long
and you will obligue your
frind Jame––s Cession?

Note 3 – side 2
[Left verticle] James Parson? Order
Resevd one the with in order,
one pound one Shilling and Six
pence £ 1 – 1 – 6

Note 4 – side 1
For value Paid? I promis to pay to Gilbt Dorlan
or Gilbt D Clapp the Sum of Six pounds Eighteen
Shillings and five penc Hlf. Cr to Repaid within
six monts from this Date Hallowell 14 july 1810
Witness James Beatys
Joseph Leavens John Bull

Note 4 – side 2
James Beattis

Image 1 – 3 11, 12 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
We have paid N Sherman? Forty nine
Pounds & five pence an? ?--? ?--? [words scrawled]
Bowerman’s name? 17 July 1810
Parker? of ?--?
Note 1 – side 2
[Ciphering only]

Note 2 – side 1
£ 29 – 8 – 1 Kingston 20th June 1810
On demand I promise to pay Peter Sm [rip]ith or order
the sum of twenty nine Pounds eight [rip] Shillings
and one Pence Currency the same being [rip] for value received
Witness James Smith
[bottom right corner removed]
Note 2 – side 2
Thos Bowerman
Peter Smith
[right quarter fold ripped off , verticle]
J Bowerman
Ew? 17 July 1810
? Artherson? ?-?
£ 0 – 19 – 7

Note 3 – side 1
Received of Stephen Bowerman seven
Shillens in Bell?atth? of the Estate
of Gidion Borman it being in ful of all Demands
Jsdm? Sheard? [John Shepherd]
Halowell Novmbr 28th 1811

Received of Stephen Bowerman Five pounds
tin Shillings
in Behelth? of the Estate of James Beatys
it Being in ful of all demands
Hallowell November 28th 1811 John Shpard? [Shepherd]

Note 3 – side 2
John Shepherd
£ 5 17 0

Images 1 – 3 13 14 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell 15 th of seventh ninth eight
teen hundren & [smear] al even for vallue
receivd I promis to pay unto Stephen
Bowerman executor to the estate of
[smear] James Beatys thirtey nine
good flower barrels to bee maid by
the first of third month next
Daniel Camp Daniel Camp

Note 1 – side 2
1 of 3 month 1812
first of third month eighteen hundren & twelve
receivd on the with in note thentey two flower barrels
Stephen Bowerman Gexec

[on verticle]
Daniel Camp
770 te?
39 flower

Note 2 – side 1
opon Value Recevd I promis to pay unto
Henry Smyth his order the Sum
of Seventeen pounds H.C by the
first Day of June next
Hallowell the 3 of July one thousand
Eight hundred and Eleven
Phebe Galloway Yunth [hole] woman

Note 2 – side 2
Recvd the contents of
the within note July
10th 1812 for Henry Smith
Aurg? With
Jothn Bowerman
Note £ 17
July 3 rd 1811
Note 3 – side 1
March the 10 1811
For value received I promised to pay
Peter Stenburgh or order the Sum of four
dollars HC on demand as witness my hand
Vincent Bowerman G? [ripped off]

Note 3 – side 2
peter Stenborod

Images 1 – 3 15 16 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
1811 Cttr Stephen Bowerman
To Henry Galloway Dr
Octbr 15 ?? To Making a pair shoes - 3 – 6
1812 18 " To a Leather Strap ––––– - 1 – 3
Jan 2 " To a Remnant of Leather –– - 2 – 6
" 4 " To Mending a Bit Harness – - 17 – 6
Feby 22 " To bomuch? paid G Durland – - 1 – 4 ½
£ 1 – 9 – 1 ½
March 28 " To ½ a Calf ?Skin ––– –––– - 5 –
1 – 14 – 1 ½

Note 1 – side 2
Mr B Bowerman
A / C

Note 2 – side 1
April 6 1811
Friend Gidren Boarman I wish
you to Let Vuchs? Williams
have eleven dollars and In
To duing you will much
Abudy yur friend Archie Marsh

Note 2 – side 2
Arche Marsh

Note 3 – side 1
Receivd Hallowell May 8 1811
of [smear] Stephen Bowewrman seven
Shelens & six Curence
for Elieaph Mlias? Supersereperson?
for him and Gideon Bowerman
J Saul? Garratt

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-3 17, 18 (3 notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 - side 1
Recd 11 Mo 19 1811 Jonathan Bowermans Note for
Twenty Dollars & twenty two Cents – dated June 5th 1811
with Intst from Date – handed me by the hand of reuben
Vincent – in full for Balance of John Vincent Junr
A/c with Thorn & Willets
Samuel Thorn

Note 1 – side 2
Samuel thorns Receit

Note 2 – side 1
For value recd I promise to pay John Stickney
on order Forty Nine Pounds One Shilling & four pence
Cuy by the first day of next with Interest witness
my hand this Twenty Second day of April 1811 –––
Cephas Hublent? [corner removed]

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
for £ 49 – 1 – 4
22 nd April 1811
[opposite end]
Recd’ 23rd July 1811 Tewnty two Pounds
Eighteen Shillings & Nine pence

Note 3 – side 1
Good to Jonathan Bowerman or order for
Eighty four pounds nineteen Shillings &
nine pence H. Currency with Lawfull ––
Interest from the Dosh? it being for Value
Receved at Hallowell this 12 Day of 7th month
one thousand Eight hundred & Eleven
Witness Ich [corner removed]
Samuel Hays Ste [ " " ]

Note 3 – side 2
Bowerman [ faded ciphering]
£ 84 – 19 – 9

Image 1-3 19,20 (2 notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
For Value Recvd I Promise to Pay unto
George Moses? or his Order the full and
Just Sum of forty Pounds Lawful money
of the Provence of Upper Canada with
Lawful Interest from this Good? (interest fee? be Paid yearly) Said Money
to Be Paid On or Before the twenty Ninth
Day of December Eighteen hundred and
twelve As Witness my hand And Seal this
Twenty Ninth Day of December Eighteen
Hundred and Eight –––––
In the Presence of
Jothn Clarke Be [corner removed]
David Sager?

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Hollowel april 14 – 1812
I promis to pay Stephen Coman or order
twenty good marchantable flower
barrels on of before the twentyeth
Day of April as witness my hand
Daniel Olmsted
Daniel Camp

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman Dr
to the estate of J beatys
£ 6 – 2 – 1 ½

Images 1-3 21,22 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Firend Jonathan
Bowerman please
to pay the bearer
Joseph Dorland the
small balance Due
me on Gideon Bower-
mans accpt and this
shall be your Receip
in full
Ameliasbourg the
12th of may 1812

Note 1 – side 2
Joseph Dorling
Received on the with
in order Three pound
In full
Joseph Dorland
Ameliasbourg the
13th of 5th Mo. 1812

of Jon n Bowerman
Cred to the
State of G B

Note 2 – side 1
Recd Poughkeepsie May 23 – 1812 of Jacob
Cronkhite Twenty two pounds ten Shillings
& Seven pence Hallifax Curancy ––
Daniel Deen

Note 2 – side 2
Receipt belongs to
Danniel Levens

Note 3 – side 1
For value riev’d I promis to pay John Stickney &
order on demand Five pound Eight shillings and two pence with
Interest witness my hand this 15th Dec. 1812
Lydia Cronk Stephen B [torn out]
exe to the estate of
James Beatys

Note 3 – side 2
Steph Boarmn
£ 5 – 8 – 2

Images 1-3 23,24 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 6 – 13 – 7 ½
On Demand I promise to Pay to Ebenezer
washburn or his order Six Pounds thiren Shillings and Seven
Pence half penney for Value of him Recived, Hallowell
11th april 1812
Ste [torn out]

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
note £ 6 – 13 – 7 ½

[side note]
received Hall [torn out] ll 26th September 1812
on the within [ ] three Pounds Twelve
Shillings and [ ] peny half peng cash
Ebenr Washburn
Received Ha [ ]
within note fo [ ] ell 3d – april 1813 on the
Pounds – Six [ ] Wm Cunningham Two
in Cash ––– [ torn out] hillings and three Pence
E. W

Note 2 – side 1
15 of 12 month 1812
received a note of Stephen Bowerman
to the amount of five pounds eight shillings
& 2 pence that being in full of the este of
James Beaty when paid
John Stickney

Note 2 – side 2
James Beat’s estate
[side note]
John Stigney

Note 3 – side 1
Recd Hallowell April 18th of Jonathan
Bowerman by the hand of Asa Wenden? the
Sum of one Pound Eighteen Shillingd &
ten penc on account of taxes as Witny
my hand
D Ham [right edge torn off]
1810 Oct 8 the him Anlorder?
Toak the mony of Peter Smyth

Note 3 – side 2
Note for
Jonathan Bowerman

Images 1-3 25, 26 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
[Transcribers note: the top portion of this note has been torn away. This part consists of what appears to be pound – shillings – pence]
? ? ? 16-3-11 7-?-7
14.7 ½ 11-8-7 3-15-
4-15-4 11-8-7
of Half Ton? 80 Grains lite – is £13.5.2 ¼
Sent to Thomas Dorland 14th. 1. mo. 1812-
Recd. The above Sum from Jonathan Bowerman for Thomas Dorland
Philip Dorland
Note 1 – side 2
Philip Dorland
Recept from
Thomas Dorland
[Transcribers note: at the bottom of this side of the note the following is written upside down]
6- 8-0

Note 2 – side 1
?-20-14 on demand I promis to pay or pay or cause to be paid unto Judah Bowerman or order for twenty pounds fourteen Shillings H Currency with Intrest it being for Value Received at Hallowell this 13 of 5th month 1812 – Jon [Transcribers note: a section of this note has been torn away after Jon]
30 Creditor D Thi????
13 Nancy Southard of G. Bowerman
Note 2 – side 2
7-12-1 – 17th mc/c?

Interest £
3 2-8-
7.12 6 $
£17.17 9
&? 29

Note 3 – side 1
May The 14 1812 Ichobud Bowerman
Please to Let The Bearer Benjamin Palmer have Three pounds four Shilling Order on Thomas meeting And This Shall Be y Thy Receit from Elizabeth Palmer
Note 3 – side 2
Elizabeth Palmers Receipt for Board towards her loging?
Images 1-3 27, 28 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Friend Jonathan [Transcribers note: the right hand corner of this page is torn away after Jonathan]
I am in want of Some money I wish you wold come and take up your Note that I hold again sto you’re the Date of the Note is in 1813 for three pound thirteen Shillings & 4d.
£ d
Note 3.13.4
Interest 9 years is 1.19.4
Cut on Note 1-5-6
intrest on 1&5.6 12-2 1.17.8
1.17 8 3 15.0
Due me
Gilbert D Clapp
[Transcribers note: On the left hand side of this page written bottom to top is the following]
Jonathan Bowerman
Note 1 side 2
[Transcribers note: this side of the page has numerous calculations in what appears to be pounds, shillings and pence showing interest and amounts due. This may or may not relate to Note 1 side 1]

Images 1-3 29, 30 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received/Kingston 2nd March 1813/ from Judah Bowerman Four hundred & fifteen Pounds Pork at 4 ½ d on acct of Stephen Bowerman
p Joseph Forsyth fa?
415 lb Pork at 4 ½ d = 7”15”7 ½ George Mitchell
Note 1 – side 2
£ 3.16 2
1 10 6
5 6 8

Note 2 – side 1
Recd./Kingston 31st. May 1813/ from Eliphalet Adams the sum of Fifteen Pounds Cy on account of Stephen Bowerman Executor for the Estate of the late James Beaty deceased
₤15”0”0 Joseph Forsyth fa?
Note 2 – side 2
[Transcribers note: on the left side of this side of the page is written]
James Beaty
[Transcribers note: on the opposing side of this page is written]
Joseph Forsyth.f?
Receipt in favor of Stephen Bowerman
₤ 15-

Images 1-3 31, 32 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received/Hallowell 9th April 1813 of Mr. Elisha Cunningham eighteen Shillings and one penny/ on acct. of Mr Stephen Bowerman
Thomas Beasley ?.Ca?
Note 1 – side 2
Thomas Beasley receipt to the 9 of 4 month 1813

Note 2 – side 1
Halowell the 14 of forth month eightteen hundred thirteen for value receiv’d I prommes to pay unto John Shepperd two hundred bushels of merchantabel wheat to bee paid the first of second month next he is to receive it at my own ??? house
Stephen Bowerman [Transcribers note: the corner of this note is torn away after Stephen Bowerman]
Note 2 – side 2
I Sine the within to 3 ? Garratt
John Shepard
[torn section] ???well the 13 11 moth
Received on the within Bushels April 4th 1814

Note 3 – side 1
Received/Kingston 11th. March 1813/p B. Bowerman Six Barrels Flour on account of Stephen Bowerman ,
Joseph Forsyth Ca?
Note 3 – side 2
[nothing is written on this side of the note]

Images 1-3 33, 34 (4 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Halowell 15th – 3 month 1813
receiv d paid of Stephen Bowerman
Eight Shillings and six pence in full of all
Demands against Isaac Garret
Wraby? Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Received / Kingston 6th March 1813 / from Benonia
Bowerman 4 Quarters of Beef on account of
Stephen Bowerman fo Joseph Forsyth ?
2 fore Quarter 297 w @ 3 ½ d = 4 – 6 – 7 ½ George Mitchell
2 hind –––– 294 @ 4 d = 4 – 18 – 0
£ 9 - 4 – 7 ½

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 1st of 2th Mo 1813
Red of Stephen Bowerman payment
in ful of all demands up off to this date
by me –––––––– John Ball

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
Hallowell 23rd of 6 month 1813
for vallue received I prommes to pay
to Stephen Cook seven dollars to
bee paid the the first of second month
Stephen Bowerman St [corner torn off]

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-3 35, 36 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Good to William Christy 2 thousand and
a half of 18 inch shingles on Demand
For Value rec’d at Hallowell the
25th of 10th mo. 1813
[name torn out]
£ 0 – 6 – 3
Due to the boys –––
1815 27th of 5 mo. St Bowerman
Dr to one bushel of sead Corn

Note 1 – side 2

£ 2 - 8 – 9
the wittriss? settelled

Note 2 – side 1
10 of 10 month 1810 Hallowell
for value received I promonis to pay
or cause to bee paid unto Maturey
Bowerman and Vincent Bowerman
the sum of fifty eight pownds seven
teen shillings and a 11 pence H.C.
to bee paid the first of sixth month
enterest til paid
witnes pressent
Josiah Bull Junr Step [corner torn off]

Note 2 – side 2
1 of 5 mo 1814
13 – 1 – 10 yet dos?

note of
£ 58 – 17 – 11

Note 3 – side 1
March 8th 1813 Recevd
of Stephen Bowermn too
Pounds one shillin and six
pence Being in Full
of All Accounts to this
Day By Me Paul Clark

Note 3 – side 2
Paul Clar

Images 1-3 37,38 (2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell the 24 of 6 month 1812
good to Isaac J Smith for the sum of
tenn pownds – one shilling & 5 pence halifax
Stephen Bowerman Stephe [torn out]
the 26 of 7 mo 1814
[some ciphering] over paid 1/5 [smear] enterrest
& prensabel

Note 1 – side 2
[3 columns separated by folds]
[left column]
15 0f 9 mo
to 1 / 5 / 0
26 of 7 mo
to 5 / 0 / 0
[middle column]
recivd on the within fifteen shillings
the 3 mo 15 1814

Stephen Bowerman
Hallowell –––––––
July the 4 of 1813
Receved on the with in Note
Twelve and Sixpence
August th 3 1813
Received the with in
Note £ - 11 – 8
[right column]
receivd – on the with in
sixteen shillings
14 – of – 4 month 1813
receivd on the with in
two pownds two shillings & 5 pence

Note2 – side 1
Recd Ameliasburgh 13 0f 11th mo 1814
of Isaac J Smyth a note against
William Smyth In the united Stats
and what Ever part I shall Cause
to be Collected I promis to assompt?
to him for when the friend(s) Returns
with the Note he is to have the rear
hundred achers of the Lot he now lives on
for five hundred & Sixty Dollars
the note Seven hundred & Eighty Dollars Exclud
uses of the Intrest Recd by me
Joth Bowerman

Note2 – side 2

Images 1-3 39, 40 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
6 of 6 mo 1815
James R Armstrong took a is Note
of Jonathan Bowerman against the
Hunters at Quebec Six hundred
Eighty two pounds 12 / 6 – Dr 16 oct –
1811 to Collect also Recvd –
[bottom torn off]

Note 1 – side 2
An acount
of hunter

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell the 17 of 4 mo 1815
Good to John Striker for the sum of
five pownds five shillings to bee paid in
next mon executor Stephen Bow[torn out]

Note 2 – side 2
£ 5 – 5 – 0
October 27th 1815
then Reseved five pound five shiling
one this with in not 5 / 5 / 0

Note 3 – side 1
good to Isaac Weekes or order for
one hundred and Ninety Dollars
to be paid when he the –– Isaac
Weekes gives up & relinqishes the
farme he Now occupys this
being For Value Recd at Hallowell
this 5 of 4th month 1816 to the Estate of GB
John Bowerman Jon [hole torn] erman Exeto

Note 3 – side 2
Recd on the within
note twelve pownds
ten shillings

Images 1-3 41,42 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd. on this article John
The Sum of five shilling Richmond £
The 18 of 1?M 1816? Receipt 5-0-0
For Mill 10-2-0
Irons 3-2
received on the within note 18=4
ten pound two shillings this 24th of 6 moth 1816
this above sum received of John Richmond
19 of 7 Moth 1816
received of John Richmond ? three pound two shillings

Note 1 – side 2
Recd. of Ichabod Bowerman Mill Irons
1 Crank ----------- £ 7-10-0
other irons wt 210 lb also at 11-10-10-
1 Large cleavesus which I am to get of
Joseph Dorland which weighs 11 lb. or near 11-0
By Paper Cash 6-16-0
take notice that these Irons is in partney with Betwixt me and My Brother Ichabod: Interest from this Date the 1 of 8th Mo 1816?
there is due to said Bowerman £11-15-0 to wards these Irons
John Richmond

Images 1-3 43,44 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
a bill of Money Recd as Jonathan Bowerman
18th April 1816
1 bibb £2-10- Debt Due £111-“-10
1 Daubloon-------- 3-16. 59
1 Do ----------------- 3-15-9 ¾ 70-“-10
½ Jar --------------- 2- “ -9- £ 41 - “
½ Do ---------------- 1-16-9 ¾
½ Do ---------------- 2- “-10 ½
½ Daubloon? ------- 1-17-9 ¾
½ Do ---------------- 1-18- “-
½ Do ---------------- 1-17-11 ¾
½ Jar--------------- 1-11-----
1 Guine?? 1-3-10 ¾
½ Jar 1-6-6
1 Danble? L Don? 2-2-3
2 ¼ Daubloons 1-17-7 ½
₤29-10-3 ¾
30 half ?????? @25/- 37-10-“
10 Dollars------ 2-10-
£69-10-3 ¾
1 of 6 ¾ 10 6 ¼
70- “-10
Note 1 – side 2

Images 1-3 45,46 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
For Value Received I promise to pay or cause to be paid Unto Charles Cuningham Or Order the Sum of Fifty pounds Halefax curency on or before the First day of Ninth Mo Next Executors to the
Estate of G ?
Witness my Hand
Hallowell 19th day of 6th ? 1816 [torn our section]
In presence of
Benja Hubbs

Note 1 – side 2
Recd on the wrMin? Note three honnd eleven shillings & two pence three farthings
Receivd on Note tow Pound twelv Shilling [torn away section] the [torn away section] Day the of ?
[torn out section] five Pound twelv Shillin the 10 Day of October in 1816

Note 2 – side 1
Halowell 24th of 6 Moth
good to John Richmond or barer the sum of three pound two shillings Stephen Bo [torn our section] e [torn out section] n
Stephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Recd of Mary White by the hand of Israel Bowerman twelve Shillings & one penny being in full of all demands whatsoever
Hallowell 23rd April 1816 } Armstrong & Dougall

Note 3 – side 2
James R? Armstrong receipt in full

Images 1-3 47,48 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Mr. Stephen Bower [torn out section]
Bal. of Thos. Bea [torn out section]
2/4 Galls Rum – a 9/2 £1.”.3
Hallowell 26th. July 1816

Note 1 – side 2
2 26 of 9-month 1816
this day setteled all accompts with Isaac Huff H? Pound do him five pounds ? one shilling,
Stephen [torn out section]

Note 2 – side 1
Recd Ameliasburgh the 27th. Apr 1819? Of William Wite for Stephen bowerman one pound Seven Shillings in full of all accounts up to this date Recd by me
Silas Doset?
For Avery Betosik?
Note 2 – side 2
Receipt for carding wool at the consecon

Note 3 – side 1
On demand with Interest I promis to pay John Richmond on order three pounds three shillings H Cyr Being for Value Recd
Hallowell June 20th. 1819 } [torn out section]
Jas. Dougall

Note 3 – side 2
Images 1-3 49,50 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell the 7 of of July 1817
For Value Received I promise to pay John Stinson or his order the Sum of Seventeen Pounds ten Shillings HC on demand With Interest till paid as Witness my hand [torn section of the note]
[Transcribers note: at the bottom of this note are numerical figures in what appears to be pounds, shillings and pence which may or may not relate to it]
1821 3/.18-2
12 6
2/58 1-14-3


Note 1 – side 2
[numerous figures which appear to be in pounds, shillings and pence]
Recd payment in full by J? Stinson

Note 2 – side 1
December the 29th – 1819?
On demand I Promise to pay Daniel McFall and Eligah Cunningham or their order the sum of two pound fifteen Shilling HC it beng for received as Witness my hand
Stephen B [torn section]
In Preasence of
David Stinson

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bow

Note 3 – side 1
Received Hallowell 20th march 1819
From Steven Bowerman Seven Shillings and Two pence in full of Doctor Abbots? Account in Partnership with John’s Nermans?
Ebenr Washburn

Note 3 – side 2
Abbets receitt

Images 1-3 51,52 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Mr Stephen Bowerman pleas to pay Anson Breisten? Ten Dolars And three quarters and you will Oblige your friend
Hallowell 3rd January 1817
Joel Carpenter

Note 1 – side 2
the amount paid that is within
15 of 1 month 1819
receivd on the within eight dollars & a half received of Stephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Halowell the 9 of 4 month eighteen hundred & seventeen for vallue receivd I prommes to pay to David Osterhout or the bearer fifty three dollars on or before the first day of second month next
Royel Belnap [torn section] rman
Sophia Terrell

Note 2 – side 2
July 1th 1819
Then Received on thee witin note forty three Dollars anf fifty Cents –
Stephen Bowerman note 53 dollers
David Osterhout

Note 3 – side 1
Friend Jotnathan Bowerman Pleas to pay the barer Garat Striker one hundred and five dollars and charge the Same to me and by So doing thee will oblige thy friend
Vincent Bowerman
Hallowell 11 of 7 mo 1818

Note 3 – side 2
Recd 16 of 11 mo. 1818
on the within order the Sum of four pound one shillings & ? pene ?66
Recd by me Jonth Bowerman

Images 1-3 53, 54 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
for Value receivd I promise to pay Joseph M Smith or barer Eighteen bushels of good Merchantable wheat to be deliverd at Steven Congars Mill in the sixth town by the first of februray next as witness my hand
this first day of Novemeber 1818
in presence of Stephen [torn out section] an
Parker Smith ?
Note 1 – side 2
Note four
18 bushels of wheat

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell May the 15, 1818
Mr Stephan Bowerman Please to Pay the barer eleven dollars and And a half and this shal by your Dis charge
Justus? Tremain Jun

Note 2 – side 2
Justes Trumans receipt 2-19-6

Note 3 – side 1
For Value received at Hallowell 5 of June 1818 On demand with Interest I promise to pay James Dougall or bearer ten pounds, Seventeen shillings & seven pence H Cy. [torn out section] Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman Notee
₤10 2/9? -7
₤11-6-7 12-10—
11- 6-7
₤1. 3. 5

Images 1-3 55, 56 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell the 3 of 2 month 1818
for vallue receivd I prommes to pay unto William Wilcox or the bearer the sum of fiftey two dollars and sixty sents payabel one day after the pressent date
Stephen Bowerman [torn out section]

Note 1 – side 2
Haloill the 10 of 4 mo 1818
Receivd on the with in seven pounds & fore shillings Hallifx curency
Dollars cents
52 60

13 – 3
7 – 4
5 – 19

Note 2 – side 1
Reced of Stephen Bowerman one shilling in full of all amounts to this date
May 29th 1819 James Dougall

Note 2 – side 2
James Dougal

Note 3 – side 1
Received Hallowell 25th Septr 1819- from William Wilcocks Two Pound and a penny – in full for a Judgment and costs in a Suit in favor of Reubin Bedal Esqr against Stephen Bowerman - Ebenr – Washburn J-P-

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
For Value Receved I promis to pay to Vincent Bowerman Executor as bearrer the Sum of thirteen pounds and? one Shiling and ten pence payable one year after Date with Interest it being far this 1 day of 5 mo 1819

Note 4 – side 2
St. Bower

Back to top

Folder: 1-4, (Bowerman, 1820 – 1829), 45 notes

Images 1-4 01, 02 ( 1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1

This Indenture made August the twenty second, In the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and twenty nine. Betwen Stephen Bowerman of the township of Hallowell in the county Prince Edward midland district and Province of upper canada yoeman of the one part, And Elias Beadle of the township county District and Province aforesaid yoeman of the other part, Witnesseth that I the said Stephen Bowerman for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty pounds lawful money of the said Province Received in full to my satisfaction of the aforesaid Elias Beadle the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath given granted Bargained and sold And by these presents Doth give grant Bargain sell convey transfer and confirm unto the aforesaid Elias Beadle his heirs and assigns for ever, a certain piece of land in the aforesaid township of Hallowell by admeasurement neither more nor less than fifteen Acres of land, Buted and Bounded or may be otherwise known as follows i. e. No 3 where a post is planted of distance fifty two chains sixty three & a half lnks from the front of said lot No 3 where a post is planted then north twenty degrees east fifteen chains eighty links then south seventy degrees east nine chains fifty links then south seventy degrees east fifteen chains and eighty links then south seventy degrees east nine chains and fifty links to the place of Beginning so that the said piece of land may not comprehend nor contain more nor less than fifteen acres of land as may be found or ascertained by the nearer calculation of surveying –– –– –– ––
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with all priviledges and appertenances thereto belonging free of all incumbrances rents and remainders whatsoever unto the said Elias beadle his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof for ever. And I the said Stephen Bowerman do for myself any heirs executors administrators & assigns covenant to and with the said Elias Beadle his heirs executor administrators & assigns that at and until the insealing? of these presents I am well seized of the said premises in fee simple that I have good right & lawful authority to sell and transfer the same in manner & form as above written that they are free and clear of all incumbrances and I will warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims & demands of any person or persons whom soever unto the aforesaid Elias Beadle his heirs and assign for ever In Witness Whereof I the said Stephen Bowerman have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written and in the ninth year of his Majesty’s Reign
Sign’d Sealed and Deliver’d in presence of Stephen [hole]owerman
Nathaniel Brascombe
Alexander . P. Sherriff

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman’s Deed to
Elias Beadle –––––––

Images 1-4 03, 04 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
On demand I promis to pay William
Goouch two pounds twelve shillings and
sixpence H Currency to be paid within
six months from the present Date
with Intirest being For value Recived
Hallowell 15th of 5th mo 1820
Stephen B[hole]man

Note 1 – side2
oald nd

Note 2 – side 1
Recvd of Stephen Bowerman
one Dollr in full of all Demands
up to this date. Like wise of William
William in full of all demands
up to this date
Hallowell 15th Jan 1820
Luke Wallis

Note 2 – side 2
Luke Wallis
receipt for
Stephen Bowern
Wm William

Note 3 – side1
On demand I promise to pay W C Barker or Bearer
the Sum of Five pounds Eight Shillings & 1 ½ d for
Value Recvd March 23 1821
W-m Barker Stephen Bo[torn out]
paid by cash 5 – 13 – 1 ½ £ 5 10 -0 paid by Strsk?n?

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Images 1-4 05,06 (4 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
For value recvd I promise to pay John Stickney or
order on demand Two pound four Shillings H Cncy
with Interest witness my hand this 15th March 1821
Stephen [hole]werman
executor to J Beatys
Interest 8 years 1 month £ 1 – 1 – 2 ½
Note 2 – 4 – 0?
May 1st 1829 £ 3 – 5 – 2

Note 1 – side 2
Recvd on within Note
three pounds May 1st 1829
from Stephen Bowerman
Recd on withn Note
four Shilliy May 22 . 1829
from [hole]tephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Kingston June the 29th 1821
Recevd of Stephen Bowar- two
pounds Curency which is Endorst
on a note which I hold against
James Holland
Daniel? Townsend?

Note 2 – side 2
[ some ciphering]

Note 3 – side 1
Is Value Recevd I promis to pay James
Garrett or barer three Sume att three
poundes Sevene Shillings and Six
pence In flomes? on parte Deliverd
at there Sinerenes? hause? In Hallowelle
April th 26 1821
to Bepaid ?ice Stephen B[torn out]
first day att January?

Note 3 – side 2
[torn out] in Aprile 4 26 1821
[ " ] Shillings and Six pence

Note 4 – side 1
Kingston, Sept. 13th 1821
For value received I promise Marshall S. Bidwell to pay him
or bearer [torn out]ven pounds one shilling & two pence half penny with in -
trust . Witness my hand Israel Bowerman
B. Bidwell

Witness? If Stephen Bowerman has not aperd with Ketchum to pay one half of the Ret.? fee, part? £1.5 Chatam? ?he interest? devete?

Note 4 – side 2
Israel Bowerman
£ 7 – 1 – 2 ½

Recived on the within note the Sum of
five pounds nineteen shillings, one pound
five shillings being deducted according to
agreement made with W. Bowerman when
the note was given
M. S. Bidwell
received in full on the with in

Images 1-4 07,08 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
May the 10 1822 Recevd of
Steven Bowerman ?...? ?..her [scribble]
£ 3 – 5 – 0 Shillings twenty Shillings
In Dojt? enthsa ne? James Palmer? [coarse hand]

Note 1 – side 2
paid to Roxanna foster [ciphering]

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowele Recd of Mr Stephen
Bowerman on Order on William
Clarke for the sum of £ 1 – 6 – 9 ½ H Ce
James Chesis?
3rd June 1822

Note 2 – side 2
Wm Casey

Note 3 – side 1
Amount recd of Young –– £ 8 – 7 – 4
Costs of Bowerman is You Huyck 2 – 7 – 4
Balance owe W. Bowerman £ 6 – 0 – 0

Bath, 1 Feb 1822
Paid the amount to W. Israel

Images 1-4 09,10 ( 4 Notes ) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Received Kingston 22ond Oct 1822 from
Stephen Bowerman Seven pounds Ten
Shilling Currency in part of his account
by William Clark – for Neal McLeod
William McDonald
£ 8 – 13 – 7
7 – 10 – 0
£ 1 – 3 – 7

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Recvd by the hands of Wm Clark one pound
Ten Shilings HC For Jthins? Boman? For
the Inves? of Hrs? it Being in full
Marysburgh? April th 15 1822 Alan Stephens

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
£ 4 – 15 – 7 ½
4 – 6 On demand with interest I promise to pay E.
4 – 11 – 1 ½
W. Armstrong four pounds fifteen Shillings d 7 ½
curency for value recd or to his order [cipher]
Kingston 14th March 1823
[bottom torn off]

Note 3 – side 2
2 ? Cham? 6 1 – 0
Astsiny? Powden? 1 – 6 [very faded]
Armige? 2 – 0
4 – 6

Note 4 – side 1
£ 4 – 11 – 0 On demand with interest I promise to pay
E. W. Armstrong or order four pounds eleven
shillings currency for value recd
Kingston 14th March 1823 Stephen B[hole]werman
Amt of note 4 – 11 – 0
Interest 0 – 13 - 0
Int on this Sum for 5 years 20 days 3 – 18 - 0
is 23 / 7 – –– –– £ 1 – 3 - 7
Bal due on note £ 5 – 1 - 7

Note 4 – side 2
S Bowerman
£ 4 – 11 – 0

5 from L Norton

Images 1-4 11,12 (2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
In Six Months from the Date I Promise to
pay unto Caleb Platt the sum of Seven pound
ten Shillings H. C. As Witness our hands this
twenty Sixth Day of Feby in the year one thousand
Eight hundred and Twenty Three
Caleb Platt Jnr Stephen B[corner torn off] man

Note 1 – side 2
Paid £ 9 – 16 – 2
10 - 6 - 2

£ 7 – 10
C[corner torn off] Bowermans

Note 2 – side 1
18 of 8th mo th 1823
Received from
Stephen Bowerman Ten Dolls
Due Twenty Six three Shillings
& four pence
C Valentine
Paid by T Nash
Eleven Dollars Feb? 19th 1823
[torn out] o four Pound seventeen shillings
I [smear] ––––––––––––––––––––––

chd in a/c of Stn Bowerman
£ 7 -1- 0
10 £ being 2 /6 left than the Intst ––
due to this ?pay as I aught to have paid
it before T Nash

Note 2 – side 2
Hallowell the 10 of
fifth month eighteen hun
dred and twenty two
for value receivd
I promes to pay
Charlotte Valentine
thirty six dollers &
three shilling & fore
pence on demand
enterest til paid
Stephen Bow[torn out]

Images 1-4 13,14 (4 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Good to Gilbert I Clapp or Barer for two pounds
four Shilling H. C With Interest being For
Value Recd as Witness my hand at Hallowell
this 1 Day of 3? month 1824 Exeter to Etat G. B.
Johnathan [hole]owerman

Note 1 – side 2
Johnath Bowerman
Note for
£ 2 – 4 – 0

Halowell Novm 1828
For on the within Note
one pound five Shillings Cr
By me Gilbert I? Clapp
Recd payment in full
28 of 4 mo 1828

Note - 2 – 4
Interest – 0 – 7 ½

Note 2 – side 1
September th 14 1823
Friend Stephen Bowerman please to
Pay William White or Bearer the sum
of Fifteen Dollars and Charge the
Same to me Levi West and Nancy Vit?

Note 2 – side 2
Levey West

Note 3 – side 1
Hollowell Dec 9 1834
Recd of Steven Bowman $ 9 – 1 – 5
for Thrashing in ful of all demands
Bey,eh,? Loomis

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
On or before the tenth day November next for value
receivd I promise to pay Daniel McFall or bearer
one pound six shillings and three pence Hx Cy as witness
my hand this: the first [hole] of September 1824

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-4 15,16 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 21 – 17 – 4 I promise to pay James Dougan
or bearer twenty one pound seventeen shillings
& four pence H Cy sun day after date Value
Recd at Hallowell Dec 8th 1824
Stephen [corner torn off]

Note 1 – side 2
Recd 11 Nov on the within [ corner torn off]
Received 16th Nov 1825 on the wit[ " " ]
two pounds two shillings it being [ " " ]
den? on Book –––––––––
Recie on the within £ 2 – 16 – in Pock?

Stephen Bowerman
£ 21 – 17 – 4
[ ciphering down note]
[bottom line]
£ 20 – 16 – ½

Note 2 – side 1
Mr Stephen Bowerman Senr
1821 To Thomas Beasley Db
Mar 12 To balance due paid
delivered ––––––– £ 1 – 4 – 2
Interest on the above from
the 12th March 1821 till the } 0 – 4 – 6
12th March 1824 – 3 years ____________
due Thos Beasley £ 1 – 8 – 8
Hallowell 14 th March 1824

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
1 of 6 month 1825 at Hallowell
for vallue receivd I prommes to pay
Israel Bowerman five pounds
twelve shillings & 4 pence H C
Stephen Bowerman Stephen [torn off]

Note 3 – side 2
Images 1-4 17, 18 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
on Demand I promise to pay –
Thomas Eyre or Bearer the Sum of one –
Pound Two Shillings and Six Pence Value
Received Hallowell} Stephen [torn section]
Octr. 11th 1825 -

Note 1 – side 2
Stephn Bowerman
Note ₤1-2-6

Note 2 – side 1
First Principle on a note Signed by Stephen Bowerman, in favor of R. Clark. was ₤35. of which sum ten Shillings ? – The Interest to the 2d May 1825. is ₤5”19”8 H. Cy John C. Clark
Ernest Town, 14th May, 1825.
40 19-4
35 1
5-19-4 39-19-4
Note 2 – side 2
To; S. Bowerman

Note 3 – side 1
For value Received in a pri? I prommise to pay Truman Card or Barror the Sum of three pound ten Shillings one year from next January
June the 10-1826
Janiel Mcfall Stephen [torn out section]

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman Note

Images 1-4 19, 20 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Frinds Stephen and Judah Bowerman pleas to pay Benjamin C Colby – five Shillings and Nine pence and Intrict? Returne the mony as soon as I can. and oblige Jonathan Bowerman
Hallowell 17 of 7 mo. 1826

Note 1 – side 2
Jonathan Bowerman
S d
order for 5 - 9
five shillings receivd on the within

Note 2 – side 1
Halowell the 2 of 2 month 1827
this is to sertify that I have receivd of Stephen Bowerman sixtey fore bushels of wheat H Twentey two garts and twentey one burshels & 3 pecks which Danniel Levens has got the accompt of
Job Huff

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Bal Due Thos D H Penrose} ₤
up to 11 mo 29th 1817 6.5.6
al??? - 1 –
₤ 6.6.6

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
hallowill the 7 of third month 1827 for Value Received I promis to pay Nathanel Brancomb or order the Sum of twenty Six pound halifax Currency on demand with in tres tel paid as witness my hand
Stephen [torn section] owerman

Note 4 – side 2
20 of 8 month 1829 33?
the interest on this note 25 14-6
paid except ten shillings 25.14.6
receivd on the with in 2 10
twelve shillings & 6 pence 28.4.6
1-13-[torn section]
1 12 6

Images 1-4 21, 22 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Stephen Bowrman
Oct 6th Wilson Conger to Hubbs & Williams
1826 to Dressing 18 yds – at 1/3 ₤1=2=6
Nov 15th Ditto 15 ¼ yds – at /9 =11=7
Dec 1st Ditto 12 ½ yds – at /9 =9=4 ½
1827 Ditto 11 ½ yds – at 2/ 1=3
Credit by flower and Little Wheat ₤3=6=5 ½
3=0=2 ½
Credit in full up to this Date ₤ =6=3
6 3

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowrman 2-2-5 4-3
6/3 16-1 6 10
1-6-4 5

Note 2 – side 1
Stephen Bowman
Please to the Bearer 20 Shilling in Cash
And Charge the same? to Me
And Oblige yours?}
Novembr 22 1827 }
benjamin Ferguson

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Three days after date I promise to pay James Noxon Executor to the Estate of the Late Willet C Barker or order three pounds four Shillings and one penny Currency For Value Rec,d I Witness my hand
Hallowell, 26 of 3 mo 1829
Stephen [torn section] Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Interest 4-6

Note 4 – side 1
Recd Hallowell May 16th 1829
of Samuel Mirnells? A note against John Murney for eight pounds eight Shilling on a/c of Stephen Bowerman
Barker &? Stevenson

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-4 23, 24 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Nanty Days after Date I Promise to Pay Adam Hubbs or Bare two Pounds Seven Shillings and ? fa? Value [torn section] eived
Hallowell 6 may 1829
Stephe [torn section] Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
S Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Recd of Stephen Bowerman two pounds currency on a/c
Hallowell 3d day oct-1829-
L Wallis

Note 2 – side 2
L Walleses
£2-0 0

Note 3 – side 1
Recd from George Penrose on act. of Stephen Bowerman goods to amount of Twelve Shills. & 8? [torn]d –
Hallowell 1st. June 1829 W. Conger

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
for vallue receivd I promes to pay Wm Ballard or bearer the sum of three pounds nine shillings HC
Halowell the 28 second month eightteen hundred and twentey nine
Stephen Bowerman Stephen [torn section] owerman

Note 4 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Images 1-4 25, 26 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell 23rd June 1829
₤1”3”0 three days after date for Value Recd I promis to pay to Geo Munro or bearer the Sum of one Pound three Shillings H/Cy with interest from the date as witness my hand –
Stephen [torn section] owerman
To 1 Gall Whiskey 2/6 To 3 qts Whiskey 1/10 ½ 6d By ½ Bushel Barl? [torn section]

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Recd from Stephen Bowerman by the hands of Geo. Penrose –
The Sum of four Dollars –
Hallowell 29 June 1829-
W. Conger

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Wilson Conger 5 month 27-1829 By surveying 2-15s.0
By survey bill 15/ 0-15 0
to 14 burshels of potatoes 1-3-0
to 3 burshels of corn 1-9 0
to trade at penroses on my accompt 10/ 0-10-0

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-4 27, 28 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Stephen Bowerman
To George Penrose Dr
6 mo 2nd. T Goods pr Wilson Conger
1 dozn Studds - .4 ½
1 lb. Pepper - 1.6
1 Gimblett 3d - ..3
Knife - ..7 ½
½ lb. Powder .1”
1 ¾ lb. shot - “1”2
1 Bottle - “. ”5

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Whereas Stephen Bowerman has so far deviated from the good order of Friends as to neglect our meetings and attend seperate meetings set up by those who have identified themselves with Elias Hicks who we believe holds forth doctirines of Unbelief and Infidelity our labours of love being extended and not appearing to recliam we therefore testify against his being any longer a member of our Society ‘till he by amendment of life may make Satisfaction which that he may be favour’d to do is our desire
Signed in and by direction of West Lake Monthly Meeting held 15th of 1st month 1829
A Copy. Gilbert Dorland. Clerk.

Note 2 – side 2

Images 1-4 29, 30 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
For Value received, on demend, I Stephen Bowerman promise to pay Rueben Clark or order, the sum of Fifty four pounds, twelve Shillings and Six pence Halifax Cy As Witness my hand at Ernest Town this Seventeenth day of August, 1827.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above named Stephen Bowerman Shall procure or cause to be procured, a power of Attorney from Jonathan Bowerman of the Township of Hallowell to the above named Reuben Clark, to Collect a certain note of Hand, Signed by Samuel How, and bearing date the twenty eighth day of the first month, 1820. for the Sum of fifty pounds Currency. With Interest. or to procure of the said Jonathan Bowerman a ?ationable note of hand, for the above mentioned Sum of money payable to the said Reuben Clark on demand. and to have the said Power of Attorney or Said Note of Hand, conveyed to the Said Reuben Clark within the space or term of ten days from the date hereof. Then this obligation to be null and void. otherwise to remain and continue in full force and virtue –
In Presents of S [torn section] owerman
John C. Clark

Note 1 – side 2
Note from Stephen Bowerman to Reuben Clark with a Condition

Images 1-4 31, 32 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
[This document is badly faded]
This Indenture Made and Executed this Seventeenth day of September In the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty there by and Between Gideon Vincent of the Township of Beekman County of Washington and State of New York of the One Part and Isaac Weeks of the Township of Ameliasburgh Midland District and Province of Upper Canada of the ???? Past Witnesseth? that the Said Gideon Vincent for and In the Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred and Seventy five Pounds Lawful Money of the Province of Upper Canada to Him In hand Paid All? Or before the Finding? [stain on paper] ???? of their? Presents the ? ? Is Hereby Acknowledged An Confered hath Granted Bargained Sold Ali? Released and Conferred On by those Present Do Grant Bargain Sell Ali? Release and forever Confirm Unto the Said Isaac Weeks and to his Heirs And Assigns forever All that Certain Part or Tract of Land Situate Lying and Being In the Township of Ameliasburgh Midland District and Province of Upper Canada Containing by a measurement One Hundred Acres be the Same More or Less Being Comprised of Lot Number five on the East Side of Hillair lake Being Part of the land Granted to John Stinson Commencing at The Waters Edge of Hillars Lake at a Post Planted by Him ? Adjoining Rowland Shearmans? Land then Runing South thirty one Degrees thirty Minutes East Sixty five Chains Sixty links More Or Less to the Corner of Gideon Bowermans Land and at a Post Planted by Henry Smythe then South fifty Eight Degrees thirty Minutes West fifteen Chains Twenty Seven Links to a Post Planted By Henry Smythe and At the Limit Between Lots Number five and Six then North thirty one Degrees thirty Minutes East Sixty five Shains Sixty Links Mor Or Less to the Waters Edge of Hillars Lake then Along the Waters Edge to the Place of Beginning to hand and to Hold Said Parcel of Land Hereby Granted to Him the Said Isaac Weeks With all and ? the Priveledges and apperturances Hereunto Belonging or in Any ware appertaining and the Said Gideon Vincent Doth for Himself his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns forever Warrant and Defend? The Within Mentioned Premises to the Said Isaac Weeds and to his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns In Witness the Said Gideon Vincent Hath Hereunto Set his Hand and said?
In the Presence of
Hollott? Clarke
William Beach Gideon Vincent

Note 1 – side 2
Received on that Day and In the year within
? the Within Mentioned Sum of One Hundred
and Seventy five Pounds Lawf Money of our Said
Province of Upper Canada
Gideon Vincent

Images 1-4 33, 34 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these Presents that I Stephen Bowerman of the Township of Hallowell in the County Prince Edward Midland District and Province of upper Canada yeoman am held and firmly bound to James T Lane his Heirs Executors administrators and Assigns in the penal Sum of Six hundred pounds good and lawful Money of this Province aforesaid for which payment will and truly to be made and done I bind myself my Heirs Executors and administrators jointly firmly and Severally firmly by these Presents Seal,d with my seal dated this Eigth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two
The Condition of the above obligation is Such that if the above bound Stephen Bowerman his heirs Executors or administrators or either of them shall and do give Grant and exicute a good and sufficient Deed or Conveyance unto the aforesaid James T Lane his heirs and assigns for the west half of Lot No Nine in the first Concession Lake Side in the Township of Ameliasburgh in the County and District aforesaid within one year after the date of this Bond then this obligation shall be null and Void otherwise to remain and stand in full forse and Virtue
Signed Sealed and Delivered St [torn section]
in Presence of
Robt McCartney Executor [torn section]
Isaac Bull Giddeon [torn section]

Note 1 – side 2

Images 1-4 35, 36 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these Present that I James T Lane of Hillier in the County of Prince Edward have assigned and made over and of these Presents do assign and make over unto Joseph Shuter of the City of Montreal merchant Robert C. Wilkins of Township of Ameliasburgh merchant all my right title Interest claim and demand whatsoever to the annexed Bond or obligation given by Stephen Bowerman to me, conditions for the ? of a deed of a certain Lot of Land therein mentioned. In consideration of the sum of fifty – pounds to me in Land paid by the said Joseph Shuter and Robert C. Wilkins at or before the sealing & delivery of these presents – and the better to enable the said Robt C. Wilkins and Joseph Shuter offically? to receive and receive the said premises hereby assignd for their own use & benefit I do hereby appoint them my true and lawful Attorneys to demand and receive? due for recover the same to ? for their sole use and benefit – and I do hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Robert C Wilkins and Juseph Shuter that I have not received or discharged any part of said Bond – no shall nor will release nore? suit vacate or disavow any suit or other legal proceedings to be had for recovering the same – In witness where of I have hereunto let my hand & seal the day of 1832

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Images 1-4 37, 38 Carm Foster
Mr Washburn Sr
I am A Poor Condemned Criminal But no Pennetance I acknaledg my fault and feel determined for to do so no more and Leed a different life from What I ever did before god being my helper I feel it to be my duty to make restetuition to all those that I ever ronged and pray their forgiveness I nevr ronged you but I no who did and as far as in me lies I will make you restetution now Sir at the time that you lost your money I was in York Jail But last febuary January I received a letter from the man that took your money he told being an acquaintance of mine and he rote to me that he was in jail and did Expected to go to States? Prisan and he rote to me and said that he had left all the silver that he took from you deposed deposited not far from your place he gave me the discription of the place and desired me for to go and see if I coud finde it I nevr made serch yet for it and do expect it is as he told me I will now give you the discription as he rote them to me and it will not be much troble for you to go and see and I hope you may finde he told me for to go up the marsh above the bridg untill I came to ware a small streem came in from the est he said I must pass an old clering he did not say wether the cleering was before I came to the small streem or not he then told me for to go up the streem a little ways and I would finde a hemlock log laying with the top from the streem I must take a direct line with the old log a small distance and I would come to a leening Elm tree he told me to serch till I found the tree and then take a streight line by the tree from the circk one hundred pasies and I would come to A large rock standing alone in A cleere spot and on the est side of that rock the money was deposited now this is the Discription exactly as it was [torn section] en to me I am not aquainted with the [torn section] lace nither do I no wether it is so or not but [torn section] ave reason to Doubt it sire I rote this description on friday nite that I expected to die on Saterday and what I rite it is just as it was rote to me

Note 1 – side 2
Now Sir the troble of serching is not much and I feel in hopes and have some Reason to blieve your troble will not be in vain Sir I Pray that you will not expose me nor my to images? me to you and all other well meaning and well desand People I Moste Humbley acknaledg my formor faults both to the Publick and to sosiety I and Pray their forgiveness So no more at this time but would be glad if you meet with success in finding it you would take the troble to wright to me and let me no I am Sir your Moste Humble and obedent and Penetent Servent in Kingston Jail
December the 16 1824 Nathan DW Osbourn
I once more beg that you will not let me be exposed by this not let it go about for my case and cuvicton is allreddy bad enough

16 Decr. 1824
Mr Simeon Washburn
Nathan W. osburns
Letter respecting
My money [Transcribers note: initials follow which I cannot make out]

Images 1-4 39, 40 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
[Transcribers note: the scrawl of the writing on this page makes most of it unreadable]
? ? ? from? from? the first day of Januyr next for ? ? ? I promise to pay Jacob Patin?? or Barer Six? Pounds five Shilings ? ? use pay wh?? ? ? first his ? what it cost him ? at J???? ? ? in ?
The above note was ? for a fanning mill wich is wann???
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Holwell the ?? 1827
? ? Stephe [torn section]
Clark Winslow

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowrmans Note £ 6-5 in wheat payd ? James ? mill fire? the first of January 1829

Images 1-4 41,42 (1 Note 2 sides) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
This Indenture made the [hole] day of may in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight [hole] undred and Twenty Seven Between Gideon Vincent of the Township of Beekman, County of Washington and State of New York And Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowerman of the Township of Hallowell Prince Edward County and Province of Upper Canad Yeoman of the first part and Isaac Weekes of the Township of Hillier Midland District and province of Upper Canada Yeoman of the second part Witnesseth that they the said Gideon Vincent Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowerman For and in Consideration of the sum of One Hundred pounds of the Lawful money of the province of Upper Canada to them in hand paid by the said Isaac Weekes the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have Given Granted Bargained Sold Assigned Released Transfered Conveyed and Confirmed and by these Presents do give Grant Bargain Sell Assign Release Transfer Convey and Confirm unto the said Isaac Weekes His Heirs and Assigns All that Certain Tract or parcel of Land Situate Lying and being in the Township of Hilier Midland District and province of Upper Canada Containing by Admeasurement One Hundred Acres of Land be the same more or less Being Composed of Lot Number Five

Note 1 – side 2
on the East Side of Willars Lake Being part of the Lands Granted to John Stinson Commencing at the waters Edge of Willars Lake at a post planted By Henry Smith adjoining Rowland Shearmei[hole] Lands Then Running South Thirty one Degrees Thirty Minutes East Sixty Five Chains Sixty Links More Or Less to the Corner of Gideon Bowerman’s Land and at a Post planted by Henry Smith Thence South Fifty Eight Degrees Thirty Minutes West Fifteen Chains Twenty Seven Links to a post planted by Henry Smith and at the Limit Between Lot Number Five and Six Thence North Thirty one Degrees Thirty minutes West Sixty Five Chains Sixty Links More or Less to the Waters Edge of Willars Lake Thence along the Waters Edge to the place of Begining To Have and to hold the said above granted Premises with all the priviledges and appertinances Thereof to Him The Said Isaac Weekes his Heirs and assigns to their own use forever and the Said Gideon Vincent Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowewrman For themselves and their Heirs do hereby Covenant with the Said Isaac Weekes his Heirs and Assigns that at the time of the Delivery Hereof that the Said Gideon Vincent Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowermanwere Lawfully and and actually seized of the above granted Premises as the true and Sole owners thereof in fee Simple and have good right and authority to Grant Bargain selle and Transfer the Same as aforesaid that they are free and clear from all incumbrances that the said Isaac Weekes his Heirs and assigns shall and may at all times hereafter quietly possess and enjoy the same and that the said Gideon Vincent Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowermanand their heirs will Warrant and defend the same to Isaac Weekes his heirs and assigns against the Lawful Claims of all persons whatever Subject however to the Reservations and Conditions con[hole] in the Original Grant thereof from the Crown In testimony whereof the Said G[hole] Vincent Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowerman have hereto their [hole] ds and seals the d[hole]nd year first aforesaid
Signed Sealed and H? ?act?
Delivered in David [torn off]
presence of

Images 1-4 43,44,45,46 (1 Note – 4 sides) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Lex? Date 10th July 1829
The Plan of Survey enclosed to me in your letter of the 6th Instant has been laid before the Council, with the Report of the Surveyor General ; and on the 2nd Instant the following answer was given to your Petition, viz
“It does not appear from the Report of the Surveyor General of the 22nd June last, that the Petitioner has established a case requiring the intervention of the Government”

The Report of the Surveyor General of the 22nd June, is, “that having examined the several Plans of the Township of Hallowell in the Surveyor General’s Office, viz, the Quebec Plan & Mr Alen Aitken’s, & Mr ? Rider’s, Plan, who was employed to complete the said Township in 1840 it appears that on all the said Plans the Line of Division between Lot No 18 in the 1st Concession on West lake belonging to the Petitioner, and Lot No 1 in the 1st Concession of the Military Tract, belonging to Henry Young, adjoining thereto, the said Line has been laid down as a direct Line and perpendicular to the front of the said Lake, and not as Wm Elmore has returned it on his Plan in the first instance, neither as Wm T Conger and Elmore have returned it on their Plan in the Second instance, neither have they”

Note 1 – side 2
“they brought forward any Testimony to prove that the Line operated upon by them is a Line that was run by Mr Aitken, or by any authorized Surveyor, and, further, by the report on their Plan, it doth not appear thay they have commenced their operation on the Western Boundary Line of the 1st Concession, from which the Lots are numbered, at , or near to the outlet of West Lake into Lake Ontario, and there ( as the 4th Clause of the Act Cap. XIV passed 27th November 1812 directs) should have taken a true Meridian Line by observation of the course of the said Line and have transferred it, by another Meridian Line, by observation made on the East side of Lot No 18 in the 1st Concession; and then, had they reported that the Courses of the said Lines coincided, it would have been proof positive that the first operation by Mr Elmore, and the Second operation by Messrs Conger and Elmore, were correct, and the Line by Mr Aitken, who has not, however made any Report of the same to the Surveyor General’s office – and the Surveyor General therefore submits , that you will not lose a single Acre of Land thereby, in whatever manner this difficulty may hereafter be determined ( altho you state you will lose nearly 80 Acres) for whatever number of Acres may apparently at present be cut off from the East side of your”

Note 1 – side 3
“your Lot, you will receive the same quantity on the West side thereof, as the side Lines in the description of the Patent to the original nomimee, Lieut Wm Moore are parallel to each other”.
I am Sir
your obed Sevt.

A Mercey

Mr Stephen Bowerman

Note 1 – side 4
Mr Stephen Bowerman
Wm? David

Back to Top

Folder: 1-5, (Bowerman, 1830 – 1839), 85 notes

Images 1-5 01,02 (2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Nov 1st Stephen Bowerman Dr To B Higgins Cr
To 116 ¾ lbs Rolls Corded /6 2 – 18 – 4 ½
Sept 1st Cr By Note against L Knapp 0 – 10 - 0
July 4th To 14 yr ? Dress? 1 / 9 1 – 4 – 6 ½
" 12 " Dress 1 / 6 0 – 6 – 0
Nov 1st To 84 ½ lb Rolls Cord /6 2 – 2 – 3
1836 " 18 ¾ hwl Broke /3 0 – 5 – 5
July 1st " 11 ¼ yr Dr or pressd 1/3 0 – 14 – 0
" 11 yr fulld? / 6 0 – 5 – 6
" 24 ½ yr Dressd Bolt Green 2/3 2 – 16 – 1 ½
" 7 ½ yr Dress Bluish? 1/10 0 – 13 – 2 ½
Nov 17 To 103 ½ lb /5 2 – 3 – ½
July 20 " 11 ½ yr Butt full Sh pt / 8 0 – 7 – 8
" 3 ¾ " Butt full / 5 0 – 1 – 6
" 8 " Dressd Drub? 1 /9 0 – 14 – 0
£ 14 – 10 – 7 ½ 0 – 10 – 0
" 13 " full ? /5 0 – 5 – 5
" 4 " Dr ful? press 1/3 0 – 5 – 0
" 4 " Dr hud? 1/- 0 – 4 – 0
To 1 lb of allum /9 added in £ 15 – 5 – 9 ½
May 4th Received Payment in full By Note 14 – 15 – 9
Bennet Higgins

Note 1 – side 2
Benne Higgens
hill Clothing

Note 2 – side 1
This may inform all whom it may concern
that I was at George Penroses when an
amount of Settlement took place between Ste-
phen Bowerman and Wilson Conger and
of then understood that the amount of Certain
Goods which Said W. Conger got then, together
with four Dollars in Cash all an amount
of Said Stephen Bowerman, was considered
by Said W. Conger as being in full of all
demands by him against Said Stephen
Bowerman – Given under my hand at
Hallowell this 6th of 3rd mo / March 1830
Saml Baker

Note 2 – side 2

Images 1-5 03, 04 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell May 22nd. 1830
Received of Stephen Bowerman seventeen shillings and six pence in full of all demands up to this date
John Sherriff

Note 1 – side 2
J. Sherriffs

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 15th November 1830
₤16..1..0 on or before the first day of may in the year onethousand Eight Hundred and thirty two for Value Recd I Promis to Pay to Geo Munro or – bearer the Sum of Sixteen pounds fifteen Shillings HfCy with interest from the date hear of, as witness my hand -----------
Stephen [torn section] owerman
Stephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Note 3 – side 1
Recd of Mr. Stephen Bowerman the under mentioned Hcy
1 200
1 220
1 229
1 211
860 ? C 25/ - £10 15 “
David Smith
22d. Nov. 1831

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-5 05, 06 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Three days after date for value Receivd I promise to pay Norman Ballard or bearer Eight pounds Sixteen Shillings 9d Cy with interst
31 May 1831 a balance on accounts
Stephen [torn section] owerman

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
the Elder
Noet 2 – side 1
₤14-15-9 for value Received I promised to pay Bennet Higgins or Bearer the sum of – fourteen pounds fifteen Shillings 19d – H.C. to Be paid By the first Day of feby.. Next With Inst.. as Witness my hand
Hallowell May 4th 1831
Stephen [torn section] werman

Note 2 – side 2
Hallowell ? to July? th 1833
Settled this Day and found Due Stephen Bowerman the sum of 7/9d –
Bennet Higgins
[the rest of this note contains cipherings in what appears to be pounds, shillings and pence]

Note 3 – side 1
Wellington October 17 1831 –
₤3.0-0 Cy. –
On the first day of October Next for value Received I promise to pay John Driscole or bearer the Sum of three pounds Currency with Interest from the date –
Stephen [torn section] erman

Note 3 – side 2
Recd on the within
5/2 ½
Jany 21. 1833

Images 1-5 07, 08 Carm Foster
Recd. from Stephen Bowerman four Pounds 19/7 being the amounts in full of my account against him
John Jones
Hallowell 15 of 11 Mo 1831

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 5th mo 5th. 1831
Received from Stephen Bowerman Four pounds eight Shillings & six pence being in full to this date
George Penrose

Note 2 – side 2
Merchents Merchents
Bills bills

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 11th May 1831
Received of Stephen Bowerman one pound Eleven Shillings and Six pence Cureny in full of Acct to this date
For A. T??ea?l
S. Stoughton

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-5 09, 10 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd. of Stephen Bowerman Ten pound Twelve Shillings two pence Currency in full of Acct. to this date
Hallowell Oct 29 1831
Stoughton & Thirkell

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Rec’d from Stephen & Isreal? Bowerman thirty four pounds nine Shillings & Eleven pence being the amt in full of their partnership Business with me on a/c of the Salt works
This 4th of 8 Mo 1832 John Jones

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
£1-12-5{ Hallowell February 21st. 1832
for val received I promise to pay to Benet Higgins or barer the Sum of one pound twelve Shillings & five pence H.C with Interest
Stephen [thorn secion] owerman

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
Note ₤1-12-5

Images 1-5 11,12 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
1832 Stephen Bowerman
Sep 25 To Hubbs D Williams Dr
£ - S - D To 83 lbs spools? corded a / 4 1 – 8 – 6
25 6 ¼ yds fulld a / 5 0 – 2 – 7 ½
13 ¼ yds fulld Dy sinff? Drest 1/8 1 – 2 – 1
8 ¼ yds fulld shear Pressed a / 7 ½ 0 – 5 – 2
ll –––––––––––
Credit by one Bushel of Corn a 2/6 2 – 18 – 4 ½
0 – 2 – 6
Balance £ 2 – 15 –10 ½
0 - 18 - 4
£ 3 – 14 – 2 ½

Note 1 – side 2
£ 2 – 15 – 10

£ 2 – 4 – 5

Received payment in
full paid By Note
April 6th 1835
Hubbs & Williams

Note 2 – side 1
£ 5 – 0 – 0 Hallowell 20th Novr 1832
Ten days from that date I promise
to pay to Stoughton & Thukull? or order
the Sum of five pounds being Money
Cash St[torn off]man

Note 2 – side 2
S. Bowerman
£ 5 – 0 – 0

Note 3 – sIde 1
£ 1-19 - 3
Good To Stoughton & Thukell? or
order for the Sum of one pound
Nineteen Shillings and three pence
the Amount of Stewart Christys
Account Stephe[hole]owerman
1 – 19 – 3
_ 9
£2 – 0 – 0i
Due on Strikers Acc

Note 3 – side 2
S. Bowerman
£ 1 – 19 – 3

Images 1-5 13,14, (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Recd Hallowell May 9th 1832
from Elias Bedal thirteen pounds
one shiling & three pence for Stephen
Bowerman Barker Stevenson

Note 1 – side 2
receipt £ 13 – 1 – 3

Note 2 – side 1
£ 1 – 19 – 3 Hallowell 11th Nov 1832
Received of Stephen Bowerman
a Due Bill for one pound Nineteen
Shillings and three pence for
Stewart Christys Account
Stoughton & Thishell? (Thistle?)

Note 2 – side 2
Stouten in Co
receipt £ 1 – 19 – 3

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowe November the 22 th 1832
Received the full amount of payment
William Lauder Junier and Francis
Rutherford and William Lauder senor
William Lauder

Note 3 – side 2
Scock men? Receipt

Images 1-5 15,16 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Received of Stephen & Israel Bowerman Twenty nine pounds
H. Cy for work done in their Salt well and all other demands
whatsoever up to this date
Hallowell 26th April 1832 John H. Covell

Note 1 – side 2
John H Covell receipt for
£ 29

Note 2 – side 1
£ 11 – 0 – 0 Hallowell 9 November 1832
two years after date, I promise to
pay Garret Striker or bearer, the sum
of Elevan Pounds Shillings
and Pence, Halifax Currency, with Interest,
for value received.
Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Received of Stephen Bowerman
one pound fifteen Shillings & three
pence Curry on a/c & to the audet of
Jonathan Striker with us
Hallowell 10th Jany 1833
Stoughton& Thiskell [!]

Note 3 – side 2
Jonathan Striker

Images 1-5 17,18 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 2 – 15 – 11 ½
Recd of Stephen Bowerman
the Sum of two pounds fifteen Shillings
and 11 ½ in full of his account
David Smith

Note 1 – side 2
David Smith
receipt in full
9 of 5 mo 1833

Note 2 – side 1
November 2nd 1833
fourteen months
after date I promise to pay H Well?
or Bearer the Sum of four pounds
fifteen Shillings Curency being For Value
Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 2 – side 2
S Bow[scribble]
4 – 15

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell March 1st 1833
£ 29 – 17 – 8 Three days after date I
promise to pay Barker Stevenson or
bearer twenty nine pounds Seventeen
Shillings and eight pence curcy value
no 3 Stephen [hole] werman

Note 3 – side 2
Recvd on within note May 4 1833
42. 23/60 Bus Wheat at 4/9 amed? £ 10 – 1 – 4
Baker Stevenson

Reced on within note May 18 1835
£ 10 – 13 – 9 per book account D B Stevenson

Receed on within Dec 1st 1838
£ 2 – 10 – 1 per Book account D B Stevenson

1833 March
Note –––––––––––––––––– 29 – 17 – 8
May 4 Paid ––––––––– 10 – 1 – 4
19 – 16 – 4
Int to 10 April 1839 _ 6 - 2 - 9
£ 25 – 19 – 1

May 18 Paid 10 – 13 – 9
1838 Int 2 – 9 - 10
Dec 1 Paid 2 – 10 – 1
Int _ 1 - 0 15 – 14 – 8__
£ 18 – 04 – 5
April 12
4 Bbls flour 37 / 6 _ 7 – 10 – 0__
£ 2 – 14 – 5
Cash ––– [hole] – 14 – 5

Stephen Bowerman
£ 29 – 17 - 8

Images 1-5 19, 20 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
£9.13.8 ½ Wellington 2 Oct 1833
Two years after date I promise to pay to Archd? McFaul or Bearer the sum of Nine pounds thirteen Shillings and 8 1/2d Currence with Interest after One year Value Received
Stephen [torn section] owerman
(B? 13) No. 14

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell March 29th. 1833
two months arfter date I promise to pay J P Wiliams or Bearer the Sum of ten pound Curency
Value Receivd
Stephen [torn section]

Note 2 – side 2
Note £

Note 3 – side 1
Good to Stoughton & Thirkell? or order for Twelve pounds three Shillings and three pence Curcy being balance due them on Settlement this day. payable 1st June next -------
Hallowell 10th may 1833
Stephen [torn section] owerman

Note 3 – side 2
Stepn. Bowerman
₤12 .3 .3
2. 4. 6
Recd on the within note
₤3- 1- 1 17th. May 1833
2.10..0 3d July – 1833
₤5.11..1 17 Oct – 1833
4..7 ..8 By wheat 19/3 - 28 lbs

Images 1-5 21, 22 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Reced Wellington 21 January 1833
From Stephen Bowerman Senior? The sum of Nineteen Shillings and four pence Cy in full to this date
Archd McFaul

Note 1 – side 2
Mc fall
Receipt for 21 of 1 mo 1833

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 23 Feby 1833 Recived of Stephen Bowerman one pound Three Shillings and Ten pence being the amount of Israel Bowermans Account -
Stoughton & Thirkell

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Recd from Elias Bedell the Sum of Nine pounds on a/c of Stephen Bowerman
4 July 1833
Archd McFaul

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-5 23, 24 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowel March 29th 1833
on or Befor the first of November next I promise to pay J P Williams or Bearer the Sum of fifteen pounds Curency with Interest Being for Value
Stephen [torn section] werman

Note 1 – side 2
£ s d
Elias Bedle note 11-15-0
interest on the same . 13-0
to cash 2-19-3
15- 7-11

J P Williams
Note £15- 0- 0
entered 15-10 6
£ s d
for sevn months 0-10-6
2-7 currency?
erman S Bow
[this note appears to have been folded in such a way as to line up the above name so it would read S Bowerman]

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 9th. Oct. 1834
£3 15 4
Recd. of Stephen Bowerman the Sum of three pounds fifteen Shillings Currency on his account –
C Smith

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 30th December 1834
£7..10/10 ½
Three days after date I promise to pay to Anderson Austin or the Bearer the Sum of Seven pounds Ten Shillings & Ten pence ½ d Currency For Value Receivd –
Stephen Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman’s
£7..10/10 ½
[the remainder on this side of the note consists of ciphering]

Images 1-5 25, 26 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
£15..8-1 Bloomfield 21st April 1834
Three days after date I promise to Pay to John Thirkell or order the Sum of Sixteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven pence Hy Currency for Value Received
Stephen [torn section] werman

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
1834 Decr 31 By this acct? on the within Note £4..3..4
[the rest of this side of the note consists of ciphering]

Note 2 – side 1
For £33.10.0 Cy Hallowell Oct. 7th 1834
Ninety days after date I promise to pay Israel Bowerman or order at the office of the Bank of Upper Canada Kingston [torn section] Thirty three pounds ten Shillings Currency Value received – Stephen [torn section] werman
[ciphering] 2023
& Fauy?

Note 2 – side 2
B.S. 429
Israel Bowerman
X Wm. Rorke

Note 3 – side 1
the twentey sixth of third month eighteen hundred & thirtey three fore
for vallue receivd I promes to pay to Charles kinney or the bearer two pounds three shillings & 4 pence payable the the twenteyeth of tenth month next at Hallowell cirrent munney Stephen [torn section] owerman

Note 3 – side 2
S. Bowerman
Images 1-5 27,28 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 35 – 3 – 2 Currency
Hallowell 28 of third month 1834
Thirteen months after date I promise to
pay James Striker or bearer the sum
of Thirty five Pounds three Shillings
and two Pence, Halifax Currency, with interest,
for value Received. Stephe[hole] Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
5 of third month 1836
receivd on the with in
seven pounds [hole]
8 of seventh month
eight hundred &
thirty six
received on the with
twentey six pounds
ten shilligs

Note 2 – side1
Halowell 13th of 1 month 1834 for vallue receivd I promices
to pay to Thomas Morrisson or the bearer eight pownds
fifteen shillings payabel the twentyeth of tenth month
eightten hundred and thirtey five
Stephen [hole]owerman
Charles Kinney junior

Note 1 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 7th of 6th Mo. 1834
For Value received I promise to pay to Dennis Rea
gan or bearer at or before the first day of Eleventh
Month ensuing the sum of six Pounds five shillings
Cy. with Interest from the date hereof
Stephen [torn out]werman
William [ torn out] Thomas

Note 3 – side 2
[several ciphers]

Images 1-5 29,30 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Receivd of Stephen Bowerman Eight shillg
currncy in full of all Demad of tis Not
present Date
Haldimad Oct 15th 1835 Davd. B. Alarich

Note 1 – side 2
D B Alarich

Note 2 – side 1
Wellington 12 March 1835
Mr Stephen Bowerman
Send me to? the
Bearer two or three Bushels of the
Best apples you have
Archd McFaul

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 14 May 1835
£ 3 – 10 – 11
Rec’d of Mr Stephen Bowerman
the Sum of three pounds ten Shillings & 11 d
Currency in full of all demands up to this date
D. Smith

Note 3 – side 2
Amt of Noed

Images 1-5 31,32 (4 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
I am to pay Stephen Bowerman note for
Twenty Pounds now in the Upper Canada
Bank. Nov 28 1835
Wm Rorke
[ on verticle]
11 – 10 – 0
11 – 6 – 4 ½
3 – 7 ½

Note 1 – side 2
Received of Stephen Bowerman Eleven pounds Six Shillings
and four pence ½ Currency being in full of all debts dues
and demands Hallowell Novn 28 1835
Wm Rorke

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 21st of November 1835
Receivd of Stephen Bull Bull one pound
Six Shillings and three pence by the hand
of Sephen Bowerman
David Stinson

Note 2 – side 2
David Stinson
receipt to Stephen

Note 3 – side 1
Recd of Stephen Bowerman fifteen shillings
In full of all Demands up to this Date Hallowell
16th May 1835 –––––––––– Luke Wallace

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
Received payment to the amount
of eight shillings from Addam
Emnonds on account of Stephen
Bowerman in full up to this date
May 30th 1835 Daniel Morgan

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-5 33,34 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
the Halowell the 31 of the twelfth month
eighteen hundred & thirty five for vallue
receivd I prommes to pay Timothy Drisdale
or bearer the sum of fore pownds seven teen shillings
& six penc payabel the first of forth month
is now Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 1 – side 2
Gideon Bowerman
You will Pay the Bearer
Timothy Drisdale the amt of this
Note and Interest
£5 – 1s 9d
Stephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
twelve Mons after Date I pomes to pay
Stephen White or barer the of five pound
one Shilling and nine pence H C
With interest from date
as witnes My hand this
9 of 6 Month - 1835 Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 2 – side 2
20 of 7 Month 1835 Received on the
Within knote five Shillings
17 of 3 Month – 1839 Received on the
Within knote thirteen Shillings and Six pence

Note 3 – side 1
For £ 40 – Cr Hallowell June 27th 1835
Ninty days after date I promise to pay
Stephen Blunt or order at the office of the Bank
of Upper Canada Kingston Forty Pounds Currency
Value received ––– X Stephen [hole]owerman
1 Aug.+ ap 36 ? / 28 Sept 448
S W [scribble]

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Blunt
Stewart Wilson

Conk? notes

Images 1-5 35, 36 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
₤3 -14-2 ½
twelve Months after date I promist to pay Benj Hubb or Barer the sum of three pound fourteen Shillings & /2 ½ Cy for Value Received with intrest from the date as Witness My hand this 6th day April 1835
Stephen [Torn section] werman

Note 1 – side 2
₤3-14-2 ½
Stephen Bowermans

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell August 13th 1836
Received of Stephen Bowerman the sum of six pounds five shillings fore building a sicern? which I wannent for three years
John Cunningham

Note 2 – side 2
John Cunningham receipt for building asistenis

Note 3 – side 1
April 7 1836 R Received
Of reubin Burlingham By the hand of Stephen Bowrman £1 5 0
Jonathan Striker

Note 3 – side 2
[this side of the note has been scribbled over in such a manner as to indicate it is void]
April 7 1836 Received
One pound fiv shilling By the Hand of Stephen Bowrman
Jonathan Striker

Images 1-5 37, 38 Carm Foster
Friend Steven Bowerman I have endorsed on thist note the Eight pounds that thou Received from Josiah Bowerman and as hee ware one of three parties – I did not leave any Reciet with Pheby Blunt – least it might lead into trouble please to Satisfy Josiah in Shewing him the above – for when To Sari? Josiah told him that it Should bee ? done –
Sophiasburgh the 21 of 5 Month 1836
30 15 3 4/3
9 15 3 4/3
22 T Jacob Cronk
11 5 9?
11 9 7

Note 1 – side 2
Date of Joseph Bowerman note 16 2 mo 1833
given £69-2-9
Date of Peter Chron Hite note
17-of 6 mo 1839. £50-8-3 1 10
Date of John Cronkhite note
23 of 3 month 1838 £68 -10-10
68 1
5 5
6 9
£ s d
interest on the amount 11-5 9
the interest on Joseph Bowermans note 30 15 3 4/3
cr pounds interest paid

30 15 3 4/3
11 5 8 ¾
19 5 9? ¾
11 9 7

Jacob Cronk notes £ S d PER JC
The amount of 69 .2 .9
50 .8 .3
68.10.10 £ s d
188. 1.10 11-5-8

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell March 8th. 1936
Mr Steven Bowerman Sir please to Let Wm Thomson have the five Bushels of apples that I was to have and oblige yours ? ?
John Murney

Note 2 – side 2
John Murney
Order for
5 bushels of

Images 1-5 39, 40 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Halowell the twintey at seccent of fifth month eighteen hundred & thirtey fore for vallue recievd I promes to pay Isarel Bowerman seventey fore pounds fourteen shillings pay a bet? The first of first month eighten hundred and thirtey six interest toll? paid
Stephen [torn section] werman

Note 1 – side 2
16 of second month eighteen hundred and thirtey five receivd on the with in seven pounds ten shillings
receivd on the with in one pound ten shillings
the 23? ? 1835?
Receivd 5/4? on the within

Note £74=14

Note 2 – side 1
Picton December 9th. 1837 Recived from Stepn. Bowerman Three pounds thirteen Shillings and eleven pence in full of all demands
David Barker
£3.13.11 ? N Steck?

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Received Wellington 27th May 1837
from Stephen Bowerman Sum Eight pounds Curncy In full of all demands to date
Richd Mcfaul
Pr Carrok?

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-5 41, 42 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
£1..5..0 Hallowell September the 9 1837
Nine months after date I promise To pay Elijah Y Cunningham or bearer The Sum of one pound five Shillings H Currency F Value Recevd
Witness Thom [torn section] Bowerman
[Transcribers note: the bottom of this note has been torn away. It appears there was something written on the torn piece]

Note 1 – side 2
Thos Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Received of Stephen Bowerman
£1 0 8
the Sum of one pound and Eight pence in full of his accounto to this date
David Smith
Picton 25th July 1838 for Thos Baker

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Pict December 31th 1838
Received from Stephen Borman Seventeen Shillings and Six pence to be given to Steven B. Henry Lambert when cald for
Alonzo Brown

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-5 43,44 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 70 – 5 – 0 Bloomfield 7th June 1838
Three days After date I promise to pay
John Thiskell or Bearer the Sum of
Seventy pounds Five Shillings Curcy
For Value Recd Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 1 – side
2 S Bowerman
24th Novr paid on the

Note 2 – side 1
£ 26 – 5 – 7 Bloomfield 28th Novr 1838
Three days After date I promise
to pay John Thiskell or Bearer Twenty
Six pounds Five Sjillings and Seven
pence Currency For Value recd with
Interest Stephen [hole]werman

Note 2 – side 2
S Bowermans
paid on the within Twenty Five pounds
Bloomfield 6th April 1839

Note 3 – side 1
Halowell 2 of 9 Mo, 1839
On or before the first of 6 Mo, 1841
For Value Receivd I promis to pay
D. B. Hill or barrer twenty two pounds
ten Shillings with interest
Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 3 – side 2
Recivd on the
within noet twelve
pounds five Shilings 19 of C. maittio?

Recivd on the with
in two bushels of
clover sead three
pounds ten

Stephen Bowerman
Note Reced ? ?
1841 for tolo? - 1 dns?

Images 1-5 45,46 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 1 – 6 – 8 ½ Cy Picton July 20 1839
On or Before the 15th of September
Next I promise to pay Chls Bockad or
Bearer the sum of one pound six shillings
eight pence half penny Currency Value
Received Stephen [hole]werman
Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
Note £ 1 – 6 – 8 ½
due 15 Sept 1839

Note 2 – side 1
£ 2 – 18 – 4 Cy Picton Augst 9 . 1839
On or before the fifteen day
of September I promise to pay Chls Bockad
or Bearer the sum of two pounds eighteen
Shillings four pence Currency Value Recd
Stephen [hole]werman

Note 2 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
Note 2 – 18 – 4
due 15 Sept 1839

[some ciphering]

Note 3 – side 1
Received of Gideon Bowerman Seven Shillings and six Pence
on Acct of Stephen Bowerman
R S Chapman & Co
Picton 25th March 1839 Gideon Striker

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-5 47,48 ( 3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell April 11th 1839
Received three pounds ten shillings from
Stephen Bowerman Leger? in full of all
accounts up to this date
Daniel Morgan

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Bloomfield Sept 7th 1839
Receiveed of Steven Bourman
thirteen Shillings and nine
pence it beeing in full of
all demands as to this date
C C Haight

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
1839 July 2 Stephen Bowerman to J T Law
to 500 Brick 3/ –––– £ 0 - 15 – 0
Sir Pleas pay the above amount
to S. L. Harvy and oblige yours etc
J. T. Law

Note 3 – side 2
S Bowerman
A/C – 15 –

Received on the within
a/c 15 it being in full
of all a/c Hallowel July 26 1840
Simon L Harvy

Images 1-5 49,50 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side1
Received Picton 3rd May 1839 from
Stephen Bowerman the sum of fifteen shilligs
H Cy in full of all accounts up to this
date Wil[blot] Casey

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 4th of 3 month 1839
recevd of Ralph Hills a note of hand
agains Thomas Clark for twenty
Stephen [hole]werman

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
For value receiv,d I promes to pay
William Bricklay or bearrer the
Sum of five pounds the first of
October with intrest from the
Hallowell January 7th 1839
Stephen [torn out]werman

Note 3 – side 2
thirteenth 12 month
received on the with in
fore pownds five shillings
H C [ciphering]

Images 1-5 51, 52 Carm Foster
[Transcribers note: It took two photos to complete the image on this page]
This Indenture Made and Executed this Ninth Day of July one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two By and Between Stephen Bowerman of the Township of Hollowell County of Prince Edward and Province of Upper Canada Yeoman of the One Part and Elias Beadle of the Township of Hallowell County and Province Aforesaid Yeoman of the other Part Witnesseth that the Said Stephen Bowerman for and In the Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds Lawful Money of the Province of Upper Canada to them unto and Paid at or before the Inspecting? and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt where of Is hereby Acknowledged and Confered hath granted bargained Sold and by these Presents Do Grant bargain and Sell Unto the Said Elias Beadle and to his Heirs and Assigns all and Singular that Certain Parcel of Tract of Land Lying and Being In the Township of Hollowell Midland District and Province of Upper Canada Containing by Admeasurement fifty acres of Land be the Same More or less being Composed of the Rear Part of the West Half of Lot Number three In the Second Concession of Millitary Tract In the Township of Hollowell aforesaid Said fifty Acres of Land is Butted and Bounded or May be Otherwise Known that is to Say Commencing Where a Post Has Been Planted In the Center Line between the East and west Halves of Said Lot Number three And at a Distance of fifty two Chains [torn section] Forty Nine links and a half from the front of Said Concession Then North Twenty Degrees East fifty Two Chains Sixty three and A half links More or Less to the Allowance for Road In the Rear of Said Concession then North Twenty Degrees West Nine Chains fifty Links More Or less to the North West Angle of Said Lot then South Twenty degrees west fifty Two Chains Sixty Three And a half links More or less to where a Post has been Planted at the South west Corner of the Piece of Land Hereby Granted then South Seventy Degrees East Nine Chains fifty links More or less to the Place of Beginning To have and to Hold Said Parcel of Land Hereby Granted Unto them the Said Elias Beadle and to His Heirs and Assigns with All the Privileges and Appurtanances Hereunto Belonging Or In Anywise Appertaining Also All Buildings Woods ways waters and Water Courses to the Only Proper Use and Behoof of him the Said Elias Beadle and his Heirs and Assigns forever and the Said Stephen Bowerman his Heirs and Assigns Shall and will Forever warant and Defend the within Mentioned Premises Unto the Said Elias Beadle and his Heirs and Assigns Subject However to the Reservations and Conditions Contained in the Original Grant from the Crown -----------
In Testimony the Said Stephen Bowerman hath Hereunto Set his Hand and Seal on the Day and In the Year above Written --------
Signed Sealed and Delivered -----------------
In the Presence of
Alex McDonald Stephen [torn section] owerman
Nathaniel Branscomb

Image 1-5 53 Carm Foster
Deed of Conveyence
Stephen Bowerman
Elias Beadle

Image 1-5 54 Carm Foster
Midland District
To Wit Be it remembered that on the twenty fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thiry three at the Township of Hallowell, in the District aforesaid, Gilbert Orser of the Township of Hallowell aforesaid Yeoman, personally came before me Simeon Washburn Esquire one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the District aforesaid, and informed me, that Gideon Bowerman of the Township of Hallowell aforesaid Cabinet maker did commit a profanation of the Sabath day, commonly called Sunday, being on the twenty fourth day of this present month of March, by labouring on the Said Sabath day, in and about his Saw Mill in the Township of Hallowell aforesaid, contrary to the Statute in Such case made and provided. Whereuppon the Said Gideon Bowerman after being duly Summoned to answer the said charge, appeared before me the Said Simeon Washburn on the twenty Sixth day of this present month of March, at the Township of Hallowell aforesaid, and after having heard the charge contained in the Said Information did acknowledge, and voluntaryly confess the Same to be true. Therefore it manifestly appearing to me the Said Simeon Washburn the Justice aforesaid, that he the Said Gideon Bowerman is guilty of the offence charged upon him in the Said Information I do hereby convict him of the offence aforesaid, and declare and adjudge that he the Said Gideon Bowerman hath foreieted the Sum of five Shillings of lawful money of this – Province for the offence aforesaid, to be distributed and paid according to Law.
Given under my hand and Seal the
26th day of March 1833.
S Washburn J.P.

Image 1-5 55 Carm Foster
Gideon Bowerman

Sabath Breaking

Dated 25th March 1833

Images 1-5 56, 57
[Transcribers note: It took two photos to complete the image on this page]
This Indenture, Made the Eleventh – day of May – in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hunderd and thirty, two – Between Stephen Bowerman, of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward in the District and Province aforesaid Yeoman – of the second part, Witnesseth, That the said Stephen Bowerman for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Pounds – of the lawful money of the Province of Upper Canada, to him in hand paid by the said Elias Bedal – the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained, sold, assigned, released, transferred, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these Presents do I give, grant, bargain, sell, assign, release, transfer, convey and confirm unto the said Elias Bedal – his heirs and assigns, All that certain tract or parcel of Land, situated in the Township of Hallowell aforesaid and containing by admeasurement fifty Acres of Land be the same more or less being comprised the rear part of the west half of lot number three in the Second Concession of the Military tract in the Township of Hallowell aforesaid and is butted and Bounded and maybe otherwise Known as follows that is to Say Commencing where a post has been planted in the Center line between the East and west halves of said lot number three and at a distance of fifty two Chains Sixty three and half links from the front of said Concession thence North twenty degrees east fifty two chains Sixty three and half links more less to the allowance for Road in the Rear of said Concession thence North Seventy degrees west Nine chains fifty links more or less to the North west angle of said lot then South twenty degrees west fifty two chains Sixty three and a half links more or less to where a post has been planted at the South west Corner of the piece of land hereby intended to be granted thence South Seventy degrees East Nine Chains fifty links more or less to the place of beginning –
To have and to hold the said above granted Premises, with all the privleges and appurtenances thereof to him the said Elias Bedal his – heirs and assigns, to their own use for ever; and the said Stephen Bowerman – for himself and his heirs doth hereby covenant with the said Elias Bedal – his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the delivery here of He the said Stephen Bowerman – was lawfully and actually seised of the above granted premises, as the TRUE and SOLE owner thereof, in fee simple; and hath good right and authority to grant, bargain, sell and transfer the same as aforesaid; that the same are FREE and CLEAR of all incumbrances; that the said Stephen Bowerman his heirs and assigns, shall and may at all times hereafter quietly possess and enjoy the same, and that the said Stephen Bowerman and his heirs will Warrant and Defend the same to the said Elias Bedal – his heirs and assigns, against the LAWFUL claims of all persons whatever; subject, however, to the reservations and conditions contained in the original grant thereof from the Crown.

In Testimony Whereof, The said Stephen Bowerman – hath hereunto set his Hand and Seal the day and year first aforesaid. –
Signed, Sealed and Delivered,
In the Presence of us
The word two being first interlined –
Israel Bowerman
Wm. Rorke Stephen [torn piece] owerman

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Folder: 1-6, (Bowerman, 1840 – 1849), 23 notes

Images 1-6 01,02 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ - 0 – 10 – 0 Picton 19 March 1840
Recd of Mr Stephen Bowerman the Sum
of ten Shillings in full of his account
D Smith

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Mr Stephen Bowerman
To Charles Bockus?
June 16 To 4 ½ yds Morins? @ 5 / 2 yds Cambrick @ 8d £ 1 – 3 – 10
" 1 p?klanes? 2 / 6 2 ½ yds Ribbon @ 4d 0 – 3 - 4__
Recd Payment £ 1 – 7 - 2
Picton Oct 27 1840 Chls Bockus
p? ?rd James?

Note 2 – side 2
C, Bockus
Hallowel Oct 28

Note 3 – side 1
£ 5 – 13 – 9 Hallowell Nov 25th 1840
For value received I promis to pay to
Adam Amans or beare the sum of five pounds
thirteen shillings and nine pence halifax
currency. Payable the first day of may
eighteen hundred and forty one with one
years interest, Stephen [hole]werman

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-6 03,04 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
26 of 10 mo 1840
receivd in full for s note of hand
tenn pownds tenn shillings Due the first of 10 month 1840
Archelous [torn out]ivms?

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
£ 5 – 14 – 10
Received of Stephen Bowerman the
Sum of five pounds fourteen shillings
and ten pence in full of all demands
upto this date 12th April 1841 Wm Hubbs

Note 2 – side 2
Recipt from
Hubbs & Williams

Note 3 – side 1
Stephen Bowerman
Note for
£ 56 – 13 – 8

Received on the within three
years Interest which is £ 10 – 4 – 0
Receved on the within eight
pounds fourteen Shillings
and Seven pence 6 of 4 mo
Received on the within
three Shillings and Sic pence
6 of 5 mo

Note 3 – side 2
Six years after Date I promise to pay to Cornelius
White or bearer the Sum of fifty Six pounds thirteen
Shillings and eight pence H Cy with Interest from
the Date it being for value received
witnes my hand this fourteenth day of fifth month
one thousand eight hundred and thirty five
Stephen [hole]owerman

Images 1-6 05,06 (3 Notes ) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
£ 6 – 5 – 0 Picton Feby 13th 1841
Thirty days after date, I promise to
pay AYY? Pecey? or bearer, the sum
of six Pounds five Shillings
and –––––––– Pence, Halifax Currency, with
interest, for value received. [torn out]man

Note 1 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman

Note £ 6 - 5 – 0
Interest £ 1 – 4 – 1_
£ 7 – 9 – 1
Acct _ 17 – 6_
£ 8 – 6 - 7
Received payment
in full of the within
Note and all accounts
up to this date
A Y Y Presyn?
Tutor? May 4th 1844

Note 2 – side 1
£ 10 – 12 – 9 Nov the 16th 1842
Three days after date I promis to pay
Adam Amans or bearer the sum of
ten pounds twelve shillings and nine
pence H. C. with interest,
for value received,
Gideon [hole]werman

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
£ 9 – 0 – 0 Bloomfield Febuary 23th 1842
On the first day of November Next I promise
to Pay George A. Sargents or bearer the
Sum of Nine Pounds Currency with Interest
for Value Received Stephen [hole]werman

Note 3 – side 2
Stephen Bowerman
Note of £ 9 – 0 – 0
due 1th November

Images 1-6 07,08 ( 2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell, April the 11th 1842
Good to Adam Amans, for v
for eleven shillings and nine pence
Stephen [hole]werman

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Adophuston 6 Mo 2 D 1842
Respected Freind I have fixed
our Businys So that Peter Smith
will pay £ 38 pounds ( before thee
will get to Montreal) to P Gerod
Ogekle? in Coppy?
from John Dorland
Jonanan Boreman

Note 2 – side 2

Images 1-6 09, 10 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received of Gideon H Bowerman the Sum of one pound – and four pence being the taxes for Stepen Bowerman
B Simpson
Oct? 1842

Note 1 – side 2
B. Simpsons Receipt for rates

Note 2 – side 1
Ten days after date for Value recd Pae? Samuel Hart one pound as witness my hand
Gideon H. Bowerman
Hallowell March 5 1843

Note 2 – side 2
Gideon H Bowerman
1 0-0
Recd in full
S Hart

Note 3 – side 1
[Transcribers note: This image is a pre-printed note where one would just fill in the blanks]
£ 3 1 3 Currency. October 28th 1843
eight months after date, I promise to pay Dennis Duggan or bearer, the sum of three Pound one Shillings and three Pence, Halifax Currency, with interest, for value received. Gideon [torn section]

Note 3 – side 2

Note 4 – side 1
Picton July 10th 1843
Receid of Stephen Bowerman five pound Cash to apply on his act ₤ 5,0,0
Stuart Wilson

Note 4 – side 2

Note 5 – side 1
Recd in full for Horse service it Being two pounds as witness my hand
Hallowel March 5 1843 Samuel Hart

Note 5 – side 2
Recd of Steven Bowerman
one pound

Images 1-6 11, 12 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Picton 17th January 1843
£ 2.4.0 Cy
On or before the fifteenth day of May Next I promise to pay Charles B? Osburne the Sum of Two pounds four shillings Curny for value Recd
Gideon. H. [torn section]

Note 1 – side 2
Gideon H. Bowerman
Note £ 2.4.0
Due 15th. May 1843

3 Bag . 17/6 2.12.6
£ 0. 8. 6

Note 2 – side 1
Mr Stephen Bowerman &
Mr RD Chapman
1841 July 5. 2 11 ¼ LoafSugar 9d 8.5 ½
1842 Nov 26. 1 oz OlPeppermint 2.6
1844 July.8. Bottle Moffats Bitters 5.0
Box Life Pills 2.6
3 oz Fol Senna – 6d 1.6
.19.11 ½
1841 Septe 2d By 1 Bush Peas 5-0
1843 May 27th. 29 ¼ ? Cheese 5d 8.8 13.8
½ Bush Peas 5/- 6.3 ½
Recd payment 3.9 ½
RD Chapman

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell May 16th 1844
Received of William White the amount of my Judgement against him in the Court of Kingston
Costs of Nov 20th. 1841
Daniel Leavens

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-6 13, 14 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Mr. Gidn H Bowerman
1844 Bot? of D lu? Lake
Feby 8th To 1700 lbs of Plaster ₤ 1..16.0
23 “ 1125 “ “ do 4- 1.. 2.6
26 “ 1175 ------ do 4- 1.. 3.6
Cr ₤ 4-9? -0
Feby 8th By Cash----------- 1..5 -0
₤ 2.15 .0
Stove? bib?
Recd pamt On 26th Feby 1844
full of this acont
Picton Mar 22..1844
D lu Lakes

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Receiv,d of Gideon Bowerman five Shillings for Jonathan Bowerman
Stephen Blunt
Hallowell 2nd Mo 24-1845

Note 2 – side 2
S. Blunt

Images 1-6 15, 16 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd of G.n Bowerman Eight Shillings & 4d on a/c of ?
Swain? & Hick
? 28th 1846 per JWetherald?

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Received of Stephen Bowerman the Sum of four shillings and one penny halfpenny being his amount of school Rate Bill for the Six month ending Jan December 31st. 1847
Dated Bloomfield May 11th} David Denton
1848 }

Note 2 – side 2
Images 1-6 17,18 ( 1 Note – 2 sides) Doug Smith
Note 1 - side 1
Raisin 3rd Mo 3rd 1847
Dear Brother & Sister Nephew & Neice
I take this opportunity to write to you a few lines to let you know how I am I have been quite sick this winter with a kind of chill fever so that I was confined
pretty much to my bed for two weeks or more but through the blessing of Divine Providence I am mow much better so that I can get about pretty well. I am living with my son William and keeping house for him He has built him a snug log house and we get along tolerably comfortable although I am pretty feeble
Levi & Nancy live within one quarter of a mile of us They and their family are all pretty well. William’s health is pretty good The rest of our friends as far as I know are generally pretty well I have been informed by some of my friends that that money which was paid to William Eldridge after Deborah’s death rightfully belongs to me and that it can be collected with interest and I wish Brother to write me, how much money he let Edridge have after Deborah’s death and also to send me certified copies of any and all reciepts that Eldridge gave him for that money. I also want a certified copy of the will from the Surrogate’s office
and any information that you can give me in regard to it, I wish you to do it I understand that Eldridge is abundantly able and if the money is mine I want to

Image 18 Doug Smith
Note 1 - side 2
have it and if is not mine I wish to know whose it rightfully is for I do not think that Eldridge ought to have it I wish an answer to this immediately
Please direct the letter to Mary Jennings
Care of B. G Walker, Tecumseh, Senawee
Co, Mich
Write about William’s Children as we are anxious to hear how they are doing
Give my love to all enquiring friends and reserve a good share to yourselves
Yours affectionately
Shary Jennings

To Stephen Amy, Gideon & Ellen Bowerman

Images 19, 20, 21, 23 (1 Note – 4 sides) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Stephen Bowerman
To John Thirkell Dr
1840 @ March 14 To Shaving Soap 6d, Bal owen us? in Eggs 8d 0 – 1- 2
25 10 yds of Cottens @ 6 ½ d 0 – 5 – 5
1 Box Lea’s? pills 0 – 1 – 3
April 14 ¼ lb of Tobbaco 1/6 0 – 0 – 4 ½
18 Silk pocket Halless? p Gideon 0 – 6 – 3
20 ¼ lb of Indija @ 15/ 0 – 3 – 9
22 2 lbs Hyson Teas 4/3 8/6 ½ lb Tobacco 7/ 0 – 9 – 1 ½
27 postages on Letter Rec 0 – 0 – 9
May 7 2 Straw Hats 2/3 4/6 Cash 80/ 4 – 4 – 6
1 pr Large Hinges 0 – 9 – 4
1 Gallon Jug 0 – 2 – 0
8 1 Straw Hat 0 – 2 – 3
12 1 Straw Hat 2/3 2 Sticks Salve 1/2/ 0 – 4 – 3
13 1 Tea pot 0 – 2 – 0
18 92 lb Cut Nails @ 5d 1 – 18 – 6 ½
20 lbs Wrought Do @ 6 0 – 10 – 0
31 ¼ lbs Strap Hinges 5d 0 – 17 – 2 ½
23 10 lbs Cut Nails 5 0 – 4 – 2
2 ½ doz 2 ½ inch Screws 0 – 1 – 1
7 lbs Strap Hinges @ 5d 0 – 3 – 9 ½
27 4 lbs Wrought Nails 5d 0 – 2 – 2
28 24 ¼ lbs Strap Hinges 5d 0 – 13 – 1?
8 lbs Wrought Nails 5d 0 – 4 – 4
June 2 1 Cotton Halless? 0 – 1 – 3
3 5 yds Linen 1 / 10 0 – 9 – 2
4 1 " Do 0 – 1 – 10
8 1 Shovel 0 – 4 – 6
10 1 lb Black pepper 0 – 1 – 0
13 postage on Letter Rec 0 – 0 – 9
15 penknife 2/3, 3 yds Ribbon 10d 2/6 0 – 4 – 9
1 yd of Calico 0 – 0 – 11
16 1 " Ribbon 10d 3 yds Lace 3/6 0 – 4 – 4
3 Skeins of Silk 3d 0 – 0 - 9
20 pit ? ? 1/3 Cot. Halles? 1/3 0 – 2 – 6
2 pieces? of Bobbin 3d 0 - 0 – 6
23 4 yds of Loom 1/1 4/40 Tape 4d 0 – 4 – 8
26 Pay the Rifle? 0 – 0 – 7
Carried forwards £ 13 – 4 – 5
[in margin] Thiskels bilt
for 5 mo 10 1841
£ 9 – 2 – 8 Den? him

Image 20 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 2
Brought forward £ 13 – 4 – 5
July 1 To 6 ½ yds Bobbinette 1/6 0 – 9 – 9
4 " Book Muslin 1 / 4 0 – 5 – 4
3 pieces Tape 3d 0 – 0 – 9
1 pr of Scissors 0 – 2 – 0
1 Sett Waggon Boxes by Thomas 0 – 8 – 9
7 Cash 0 – 10 – 0
11 1 lb Tobacco 1 /3 postage on Letter Rc 9 0 – 2 – 0
13 1 Peyton? Stone? 6d, Ind Rubber Bras? 3/6 0 – 3 – 0
14 26 yds Cotten @ ? 3d? 0 – 12 – 0
1 Hair Comb / 5 1 yd Sence? 1 /3 0 – 1 – 10
1 lb Tobacco 1 /4, 6 yds Iac Muslin 2 /6 15/ 0 – 16 – 4
8 yds of Calico @ 11d 0 – 7 – 4
2 Gingham Helles? 1 /3 0 – 2 – 6
1 ¾ yds Cambric 10d 0 – 1 – 5
Cash 5 / Hooks & Eyes 1 / 0 – 6 – 0
2 Spools @ 4d 0 – 0 – 8
18 1 lb of Sateratus? 0 – 1 – 0
1/3 a Fustian 0 – 1 – 9
21 1 ¾ lbs Scotch Hinges 10d 1 /5 Lorens? 4d 0 – 1 – 9 ½
24 1 /4 White Silk gloves 0 – 2 – 6
2 yds Ribbon 2d 0 – 0 – 4
Aug 3 1 pocket Knife 2/9 1 lb Horse Nails 1/3 0 – 4 – 0
2 gimblet? 4d 0 – 0 – 8
4 1 lb ground Coffee 1 /4 1 ln Raisins 1 / 0 – 2 – 4
12 1 green Veil 7/ Ribbon 1 /8 0 – 8 – 8
22 Halter Rope 0 - 1 – 6
24 10 lbs Steam Loom 1 /3 0 – 12 – 6
3 Cambrics 1/ 3/1 1 yd Ribbon 8d 0 – 3 – 8
Silk Cap 5d 2 Helkss? 1 /3 0 – 1 – 8
25 16 lb Wrought Nails 5d
27 1 pr Braces 0 – 1 – 0
31 1 pr Braces 1/ Hellass? 16d 0 – 1 – 10
¼ lb Snuff 7 ½ d pipes 2d 0 – 0 – 9 ½
Sept. 2 2 Vials Futinter’s? Balsam 1/ 0 – 2 – 0
2 Do Do Do 3 / 0 – 2 – 0
1 Doz? plates 0 – 4 – 0
15 6 panes glass 1/ 6 1 lb putty 6d 0 – 2 – 0
£ 20 – 10 – 2 ½

Image 1-6 21 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 3
1840 Brought forward £ 20 – 10 – 2 ½
Sept 23 To 8 lbs Steam Loom 1 /1 0 – 8 – 8
½ yd Bobbinette 2 /9 0 – 1 – 4 ½
5 yds Quilliy? 5d 2 /1 1 pr Silk Gloves 2/8 0 – 4 – 9
1 gause Helkss? 2/ 6 1 yd Ribbon 8d 0 – 3 – 2
½ quire of paper 1/ 4 0 – 0 – 8
Bill of Sundirs? to girl 0 – 16 – 2
Oct 7 6 lbs Sugar fo(r) S. H. B. 7 ½ d 0 – 3 – 9
12 postage on 2 Letters Rec 0 – 1 – 6
13 1 quatr Ry? 1/1 Contents @ ry? 1 /3 0 – 2 – 3
Bill of Sundus? 1 – 10 – 0
4 yds Steam Loom 1/ 4/ 1 Tea pot 1/ 9 0 – 5 – 9
9 printed plates 4/ 1 ½ Milk pot? 4d 0 – 4 – 5 ½
1 gilt Regi? 1/ 10 ¼ lbs Refined Sugar 10d 8 ½ 0 - 9 – 7 ½
24 1 lb pepper 1/ ½ lb ginger 9d 0 – 1 – 9
1 ½ yds Ribbons 7 ½ d 1 yd Do 7 ½ d 0 – 1 – 3
½ yds Insertions 0 – 0 – 2
26 2 lb fine powder 1/ 10 3/ 8, Blackey 1/ 0 – 4 – 8
Nov 5 2 gingham Helkss? 1/1 2/2, 1 ½ d S Loom1/ 1/6 0 - 3 - 8
1 Bowl 9d, 8 Tea Spoons 1/ 8 0 – 2 – 5
½ doz Spoons 2/ 1 ½ doz Do 3d 1/ 6 0 – 3 – 6
1 paper hex’d? pins 1/ 3, 1 paper pins 9d 0 – 2 – 0
1 paper pins 7 ½ , 6 Balls thread 3d 0 – 0 – 10 ½
25 2 yds Ship’d Lane 1/ 0 – 2 – 0
28 2 lbs Cut Nails 6 0 – 1 – 0
30 2 Cakes Soap 3d 0 – 0 – 6
Oct 4 paid your order to patienc? Chois? 0 – 10 – 0
Bill of Sundus? after? hadey? out
The order? 0 – 6 – 7 ½ 9 2 ¼ yds Apron Plaid 1/ 3 0 – 2 – 10
18 Bill of Sundus to Woman pr forde? 0 – 16 – 1 ½
1841 Jan 19 4 yds of Calico 0 – 4 – 0
4 yds Do 10d 3/ 4 Spool 4d 0 – 3 – 8
2 ½ y Gingham ½ 2/ 11 fine Comb 10d 0 – 3 – 9
2 ½ Calico 1/ 2 0 – 2 – 11
Feb 4 ½ lb Shoe Nails 10d 0 – 0 – 5
19 Cash 3 – 15 – 0
23 Cash 12 – 10 – 0
£ 45 – 1 – 5 ½

Image 1-6 22 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 4
1841 Brought forward £ 15 – 1 – 5 ½
Feb 26 Cash 4 – 5 – 0
27 Boot Laces? 0 – 0 – 4
March 5 Essence of peppermint 7 ½ 1 quart oil 1/ 3 0 – 1 – 10 ½
12 Cash paid for G Farnum? 0 – 2 – 6
Halter Rope 0 – 0 – 6 ½
20 Cash 9 – 13 – 9
1 lb Wrought Nails 0 – 0 – 7 ½
23 1 lb of pepper 0 – 1 – 0
April 10 1 Earthen Ian? 2/ 9 Milk Cup 10d 0 – 3 – 7
that? Atut? over adad? on Butter 0 – 1 – 7 ½
21 Earthen 2/ 9 2 Shaid Hats 7/ 0 – 7 – 9
24 4 lbs White Ocke 4d 1/ 4 Tea 2/ 1 0 – 3 – 5
2 lbs Madden 1/ 3 2/ 6, Coopers Knife 2/ 6 0 – 5 – 8
28 ½ B Lime 7 ½ Cash 20/ 1 – 0 – ½
2 yds of Calico 9d 0 – 1 – 6
30 ½ lb Tobacco 10d 0 – 0 – 5
2 lbs Spanish White 4d 0 – 0 – 8
May 1 4 lbs Spanish Brown 4d 0 – 1 – 4
6 1 ½ gals R Oil 5/ 0 – 7 – 6
2 lbs old H Tea 5/ 6 0 – 11 – 0
Cash 3 – 10 – 0
£ 66 – 1 – 6 ½
1840 May 7 ON? Cash £ 4 – 0 – 0
25 " Bal on Due Bill 2 – 8 – 2 ½
Feb 19 " 103 56/60 B Wheat 4/ 20 – 15 – 8
22 " Cash Due on Change 0 – 2 – 6
March 1 " ½ B Clover Seed Sold
" Ez Cunningham 1 – 0 – 0
20 " difference of 3d per Bushel
" or 103 56/60 Wheat 1 – 5 – 10 ½
" 47 13/60 Do 4/ 3 10 – 0 – 9
27 " Bal on Due Bill 0 – 13 – 9
31 " 4 lbs Clover Seed to opn? 0 - 2 – 8
April 5 " 1 B Clover S Sold W Hall? 2 – 0 – 0
7 " 1 19/60 B Do Sold 2 – 12 – 8
16 " 5 doz Eggs 6d 0 – 2 – 6
21 " 14 lbs Butter 8d 0 – 9 – 4 £ 45 – 16 - 8
Bal carried forward 20 – 4 – 10 ½
Commisson on Selling L?? 3/ 9 _ 0 – 3 - 9_
20 – 8 – 4 ½

Images 1-6 23 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1

To all to whom these Presents shall come.
William Rorke, Jeremiah Hernington, and David Barker Stevenson send greeting. Whereas divers suits and differences have arisen, and are now depending between Joseph Terwilliger of Hallowell and William White of the same place for the ending whereof the said parties have bound themselves to each other in the penal sum of four hundred Pounds by several bonds or obligations bearing date the fifth day of February now last past, to perform and keep the award and determination of the said William Rorke, Jeremiah Hernington and David Barker Stevenson arbitrators indifferently chosen on the part and behalf of both the said parties in difference to arbitrate and judge of and concerning all suits and controversies and demands whatso[torn fold] thereto [torn fold] had[torn fold] depending between the said parties; so that the said award should be made in writing under the hands and seals of the said arbitrators or any two of them ready to be delivered unto the said parties in difference on or before the day of first day of March next: Now know ye that the said William Rorke Jeremiah Hernington and David B Stevenson taking upon them the charge and burden of the said award and having deliberately heard the allegations and proofs of both parties do by these presents order and decree concerning the premises in manner and form following that is to say; the said William White shall pay to P Low Esq the sum of one pound five for cost. The said Joseph Terwilliger shall pay to the Arbitrators one pound ten shillings for their cost, and shall pay to P Low Esq one pound five shillings cost and also shall give his note to William White or bearer for the sum of s[hole] pounds five shillings payable on the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty seven, and shall also return to William White any articles he has of his yet in his possession except those included in the bill of sale
And also the said arbitrators do hereby further decree that all actions commenced and depending between the said Joseph Terwilliger and William White for any matter whatsoever at the time of or before their entering the said bonds of arbitration shall be no further proceeded in by them or either of them or by their consent or procurement.
In witness whereof the said arbitrators have hereto} sign’d William Rorke
set their hands and seals, this 9th }
day of February in the year of our } sign’d Jeremiah Hernington
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty forty }
one in the presence of } sign’d D B Stevenson

sign’d Eliphalet Leavens

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Folder: 1-7, (Gideon Bowerman 1799 – 1810), 50 notes

Images 1-7 01, 02 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell february the 17 1807
William White pleas to pay to giddian Bowrman the Sum of twenty Shillings and by so doing you will oblege your friend H?C
Silvenus Knap

Note 1 – side 2
Wm White order

1.3.8 ½ Sylveneas Naps Order
1 3 8 ½
1 3 8 ½
1 3 8 ½
4.14 10 0

Note 2 – side 1
for valu Receivd I promes to pay or Caus to be paid to Samuel rogers or order the sum of one pound ten shiling and three pence on demand the 9-of the tenth month 1802 Gideon Bowerman
Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Received on this note the 8 of the 11 month 1802
tenn shilings

Recd payment in full
[also on this side of the note is a number of cipherings]
Note 3 – side 1
Mr Gideon Bowerman
Interest on £ 19.14.3 from 30 Nov. 1801 to Jan. 1804
₤ 3.8.6
Interest on £ 10.13.3 from Jan. 1804} 9.6
To Our following
Interest on £ 4.15.9 from Feb} 15.7
1802 to Oct 1804
Interest on £ 2.14.5 from Oct 1804} 2.3
To June 1805
Debt 2.14.5
£6.10 1
Received Payment of the above Account
Per/ William Robins
Kingston 5 July 1805 Allan McLean

Note 3 – side 2
L Harkmier

Image 1-7 03, 04 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
qubec 16th. August 1805
Received of Gedian Boarman Twenty nine Pounds Eleven Shillings and Some pence not knowing the Just Sum of the Pence Being the note was Lost in qubec on the fourteenth or fifteenth of of august the note being given or dated Somwares about the Eleventh or Twelfth or Thirteenth of August? [note torn]
Witness My hand – Isaac J. Valyntine
John German)

Note 1 – side 2
Receipt again
It? a Note of hand
lost at Quebeck

Note 2 – side 1
Hollowell 23 of 3rd mo 1807
For value Received I promis to pay Gideon Bowerman or order the sum of One pound Eleven Shillings and three pence H Currency to be paid by the first of Second month Eighteen hundred and Eight
Witness Present Philip Dorland Ju
Judah Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Phillip Dorland Note
£ 1-11-3

Note 3 – side 1
April the 5 1808 for value Received I promis to pay Gideon Bowerman or order twenty three gallons of whiskey Jacob Bow [different handwriting]
Not Invetored? [different handwriting]

Note 3 – side 2
Jacob Bowe,r

Images 1-7 05, 06 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
May 14 1808 for value Received
I promis to pay Gideon Bowerman or order the sum of one pound foreteen Shilings & forepence
Owen Richards? Jdue Darling

Note 1 – side 2
Jonth Bowerman
Recd on this note five Dallars 16th Decr 1826?
SF? [faded]
John Darling Note

Note 2 – side 1
March 2?.3th 1809 Received of Gideon Bowerman five pound Eighteen Shilings & 5D Received by me
Josah? Willoughbby

Note 2 – side 2
Willabys Receipt
[some ciphering also appears on this side of the note, along with some partial writings on the left edge towards the bottom. This writing has been torn away]

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell the 1 of March 1809
For Value Received I promise to pay John Stinson or his order the Sum of one hundred and twenty Five pounds Hallifax Currency on or befour the first day of March one thousand Eight hundred and Eleven with Interest paid yearley as witness my hand
Gideon [torn section] Bowerman
Witness John Stinson Junr [torn section] cipal 125.0.0
Interest 18.7.3

Note 3 – side 2
Gideon Bowerman

Note 4 – side1
July 6th 1809 Received of Abraham Hyott the full amount of anote of two hundred dolars
Received by me Gideon Bowerman

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-7 07, 08 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hollowell 23rd of 12th mon 1809 ---
This agreement made betwixt Gideon Bowerman & Samuel Talor that is to say the said Talor agrees to Deliver one half a thousand standerd staves to the said Gideon Bowerman at Bay quinty near Hallowell Bridge were it will be convenient to Raft them to be Delivered in the month of may next
The condishons of this agreement is such that The said Gideon Bowerman agrees to pay after the Rate of thirty pounds a thousands to the said Samuel Talor when deliverd as above mentioned
Gideon Bowerman
Stephen Bowerman Samuel Taylor

Note 1 – side 2
Gideon & Taylors

Note 2 – side 1
Hallawell March 7th 1809
Friend Gidden Borman please to pay Gilbt. D? Clapp the sum of five pounds
Eleven Shillings & 7 HC. Curr and you will Oblige your friend Being for Valu Recd
Jacob Terry

Note 2 – side 2
Jacob Terry
for £ s d
Images 1-7 09, 10 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Percy? febuary the 9the year 1809 receivd of gidian Bowerman forty dollars In cash for which I proms to deliver one crib of Standin Staves in the bay of canty at the mout of the river trent? the crib to contai two thousand and ahalf or upwards to be delivered by the fifth day of June next at the rate of twenty five pounds pr thousand for which I promis to pay September next
Ichabod Richmond Ichabod Richmond
Gideon Bowerman Gideon Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
Ichbod Richmond Contract

Note 2 – side 1
March 4th 1809
Received of Gideon Bowerman [torn section]
£ s
Seventy Eight dolars 19.10 toards two thousan staves which is to bee 5 feet long and ahalf inch and ahalf thick five broad Cleer of Sapp which is to bee delivered on the bank at Willars at the carring place by the midel of may next to bee ninety Dolers pr thousan Josiah Willoughby
Isaac Hecke

Note 2 – side 2
Josiah Willebey contract

Images 1-7 11, 12 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
July 6th 1809 fro? value Received I promis to pay Gideon Bwerman or order two pounds fifteen shilings to bee paid in staves next winter his mark
Benjamine X Holly
Murry? Andres

Note 1 – side 2
Benjaman Hollys Note

Benjamin Holly
Note 2.15 0

Note 2 – side 1
Received of Gideon Bowerman twenty Dollars 14th Day of 2nd Mo. 1810 – on a Note of hand I hold against Daniel Cemfr? For one Barrel of pork
Gilbert Dorland

Note 2 – side 2
Receipt against Daniel Cemfr?

Receipt of Gilbert Dorland against Daniel Cemfr?

Note 3 – side 1
March 27th 1810 when? ? Jonsens? Carmand? and Gideon Bowerman seteled townsend? To hav whot staves that is now on the banks alowing that their no more than three thousan and he is to hav two hundreds and forty dolers January next Gideon Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Received the 3 of 1 moth 1812 of Ichabod & Jonathan Bowerman Exectors in acompts in full of the with in Settlement Recd by me
Townsend Carman

Images 1-7 13, 14 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell 20th. March 1810
Sir Please pay Mr. Timothy Hart thirteen pounds nine Shillings and ten pence and you will oblige
Your ? Servt.? -
Mr Gidieon Bowerman Isaac Bedal

Abraham Barker 13 9 10
11 8?
14 -1 -6

Note 1 – side 2
Gideon Bowerman Isaac Bedal order
June the 21 1810
? in the within to pay to Joshua Daynard
Timothy hart

Note 2 – side 1
Received Hallowell 26th April 1810 from Gideon Bowerman, a note Signed by Kay and Smith Merchants at Montreal dated 2d December last for Six hundred and Eight Pounds, Eleven Shillings and Six Pence – to bring Payment for to him on my return from Montreal, or have the Same Conveyed for him to Peter Smith in Kingston, or leave Said note with Messrs Parker Garrard? Glvey? & lo? At Montreal, to Collect and Send the Payment to him, and Bring their receipt for Said note, which business Shall, be Transacted, Should no accident befall me on my Intended Journey –
Ebenr. Washburn

Note 2 – side 2
Ebneze Washburn

Images 1-7 15, 16 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Friend Townsand Carman
Please to Pay Jonathan Clark £ 3..16..4 and Oblige thy Friend
Gideon Bowerman
20th. of 3d. Mo. 1810

Note 1 – side 2
Jonth Clarks order J Clark
[also on this side is some ciphering]

Note 2 – side 1
Holowell March 23th 1810
for value received I promis to pay Jacob Cronkhite or order fifty pounds HC to bee the first of Janary next with interst
Gideon Bowerman Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Recd 24 of 6 month 1813 1814
On the with in note Recd on this twenty nine pounds with in thre Dollars
Eighteen Shillings & 2 ½ Recd phila? On act foreSyth Estate?
g. Bowerman
23 ? 1821 receivd in full a pose? the with in note
Gideon Bowerman
Not 50

Note 3 – side 1
Cramahe May 15 1810
Gidien Bowerman please to let the Baren? The Hezekiah? Beatys have what is coming to me
John Beatys?

Note 3 – side 2
th 14 of 4 mo- 1812 Jonathan Bowerman has paid the within to Hezekiah Beatys 17/7
Hezekiah Beatys

Images 1-7 17,18 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Good to Joseph Dorland one pound six S
three pence Hallowell the 12th of 5th Mo 1810
Gideon Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2

Reciev’d on the within
two & six? pence

Note 2 – side 1
May 15th , 1810 For Value Re’d I promise to pay
Reuben Tisdale or his order Seventy Six
Dollars to be paid in the month of November
Next and Interest after that it is payable
witness Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Gideon Bowerman
Reuben Tisdale

20 – 2 – 9 ½
Rec’d 16 of oct 1811 twenty
pounds tow Shillings and
nine pence ½ in full
for the fase & intrust of this

Note 3 – side 1
v. Gideon Bowerman Montreal 2 June 1810
McKay paid us a few days ago
Two hundred and fifty Pounds on acc’t of his note
to you & by this conveyance? are forward it to the
order of N W Smith –– We are for Yrs ?? Sons
Parlter Girard Ogilvy HC?

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-7 19,20 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Good to Thomas Eyre or order for
four Shillings & three penc
Value Receved Gid Bowerman
June 8th 1810

Note 1 – side 2
G. Bowerman
3 – 16
3 – 16
1 – 15 – 6
1 – 11 – 6 ¾
1 – 10 – 8 ½
1 - 11 –
14 – 0 – 9 ¼
1 – 16? 0
15 – 16 – 0?

Rec’d in full
by Jonth Bom

Note 2 – side 1
June 7 th 1810 Receiv’d of Isaa
Weeks fifty pounds H Curency
towards one hundred acres of land lying
on Wilers Lake Jinning it C Huyik
land Receiv’d by me Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
?oslet shoes
to shoeing
[faded] [Column of x’d ciphering]
To harp? topatet?

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 4th of 6th mo. 1810 County & province
of Upper Canada
For value Recevd I promis to pay Judah
Bowerman or Barrer the sum of Eightty four
pounds seven shillings Halifax Currency
to be paid the first of seventh month one
thousand Eight hundred and eleven If not paid
then Interest until paid
as Witness my hand Gideon Bowerman

George Elor?enth
Ichabod White

Note 3 – side 2
Received on with in Seven pounds
towo Shillings & Six penc Currency
this 25 Day of 2nd mo 1811

Interest Due on this
note £ S D £ &?
_18 9 - 18 – 9
23 of 2nd mo 18 15 £ 1 = 14
Deduction Interest


Images 1-7 21,22 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Good to Joseph Dorland fourteen
Dollars & one peney For value Rec’d
at Ameliasbourgh the 19th of 6th Mo
Gideon Bowerman
Re’d on the above Note Eleven Dollar by
Stephen Bowerman the 23rd of 6th Mo 1810

Note 1 – side 2
Gideon Bowerman
Jonathan Bo

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 1st June 1810
freind Gideon Bowerman Please to pay
the Barrer George Baker fore Pounds ––
fifteen Shillings H. . Cuy and Charge the
Same to my acount and you will ––
oblige your friend
Russel Tyler

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Recd 4 of June 1810 of James pars
– ons 169 2 Inch Staves five & half
169 – 1 ½ Do Do Do
–––––– –– –– ––
469 – 2 ½ Do 4 ½ ft Long
449 – 2 Do Do Do
Re’d by me for gideon Bowerm

Ron len Sherman

Note 3 – side 2

Images 1-7 23,24 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
June 6 th 1810 good & G Huyck James
for Eighteen Shelings & 3 pence
Gideon Boworman

Note 1 – side 2
John Huyck
[additions & ciphering]

Note 2 – side 1
Friend Gideon Bowerman Please to pay
The Barrer George Baker one
Pound Six Shillings & three pence and
Charge the same to my acount and you
will oblidge your freind
Hallowell 1st June 1810 } John Mills

Note 2 – side 2
Hallowell 12 January 1810
Gideon Bowerman Dr
To C one order on –––
Joseph Jinks £ 2 – 6s – 11d
John Mills

Note 3 – side 1
June 8th 1810 received of
Gideon Bowerman fifteen pounds
in full of all demands against
Ichabod Richman received
by me Russel Tyler

Note 3 – side 2
Receipt of
Money paid
Tyler on A’ct
Ichabod Rich

Images 1-2 25, 26 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
4-012-1810 receiv on the with in obligashen forty one pounds tenn shillings 5 pence 5/4
[written sideways on this side of the note is the following which runs off page]
this note is paid in full by the Exun? W [off page]

Note 1 – side 2
June 7th 1810 for valu received
I promis to pay Cornelious White or order Eighty eight pounds sixteen shillings & eleven pence in the month of october next H Curency
Gideon [torn section] Bowerman
Ichabod Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
July 8th 1810 – Gideon Bowerman To F.. Ferguson Dr
To pork Flour and Butter at Montreal
₤ 3 - .. -..
Interest on the same from the 8 July } - .. -10 -6 ½
1810 – to 19 June 1813 is ------- £ 3 –10 - 6 ½
Received on order on Joseph Forsyth HCo for the above Sum Hallowell 19th June 1813 –
F.. Ferguson

Note 2 – side 2
Mr Bowermans Fergusons
Account Recd for
The Estate of G.? B Vest?

Note 3 – side 1
Mr Gideon Bowerman
Please pay to James Cummings or order nine pounds and a half penny Currency value recd at Montreal this – 7th July 1810 – and oblige John Striker
₤ 9-0-0 ½
Recd payment
James Cummings

Note 3 – side 2
Order J Striker on G Bowerman ₤ 9-0-0 ½
John Striker

Images 1-7 27, 28 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Rec’d Montreal July the seventh 1812 of Elijah Young Cunningham two Cribbs and a half of Staves which I Promise to take to Quebec and dispose of to the best advantage in my power and pay to the Said Cunningham within ten Pounds of what I sell them for Pr thousand and bring a regular Culling? Bill of the Quantity the Said Staves are to be sold when I dispose of my own as witness my hand in prisoner of John Striker Gideon Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
We the Subscribers do acknowledge the Sum of Forty pounds twelve Shillings, three pence three gs’- to be Our determind Judgement as Arbitrators due Charles Cuningham in the Settlement of Staves as Contracted by Gideon Bowerman Deceased – as expences on Six Thousand two Hundred Staves
Gilbert Dorland
Hallowell 28th day of 6th M 1816 Wilm Clark
Cornelias White
Benjamin Hubbs
Jame Armstrong
Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Rec,d Augst 6th 1810 at Quebec of Asa Werden Five thousand Six hundred & 28 Pairs? Of Staves ?? which I am to Sell & acct? for to him as
Witness my hand Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
G- Bowermans

Images 1-7 29, 30 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd 6 Sept 1810 of Gideon Bowerman Seven Pound twelve Shilling for which I Promise to Pay him interest for ? the Sale of my Staves as witness of my hand
A Werden
Recd also an order on Peter Smith of Kingston for no certain Sum which I am accountable for as Witness my hand
A Werden

Note 1 – side 2
Asas Wirden receipt
132-15-42 249-11-9
22 - 4- ? 112-11-4
112-11-0 136- 0- 9

Note 2 – side 1
Quebeck Septr the 20 1810
Received three hundred and fifty pound of Gedion Bowman halifax Currency ? ? received by ? Paul Trumpour and Cole
Reuben Clark ? [this surname could also be Cronk]

Note 2 – side 2
Receipt of Money paid Trumpore & Cole at Quebeck

Images 1-7 31, 32 Carm Foster
Image 1 – side 1
Rec,d Montreal July 8th 1810 of Farrington Ferguson and Rowland Parkson two Cribbs of Staves Supposed to Contain Five thousand be the Same more or less which I agree to take to Quebec and Sell to the best advantage in my power at the same time I sell my own and promise and agree to pay to them uppon the Sale of the Said Staves within ten Pounds pr thousand of what they sell for in Quebec and am to bring a regular Culling bill from Quebec of the Quantity which they are to abide by in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand this day and date as above in presence of Gideon Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
Note 2 – side 1
1810 Gideon Bowerman Dr
Augst 6th to 5628 Staves ? £ 45 ? M £ 248-11-9 ¾
Jan ? 15 Cash £ 6-5-10 ½ {
Feby 14 - Do 5-17-6 ¾ {------------ 12-3-5 ¼
Paid on ? note Joseph W? 2-5-3
By in hand £ 7-12-
By Do Paid JC 7-12-
Do of P Smith 117-11-4 ½
₤ 132-15-4 ½
Septr 7 – 1811 to Cash pr your Note - 5-15-8 ½
268-16-2 ½
132-15-4 ½
136- “ -10
Discunt? 25
£ 111 -10
Note 2 – side 2
G Bowerman

Images 1-7 33,34 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Gideon Bowerman [blot] of Thomas Dorland
fourt[een] pound one shilling and six penc
Quebeck Septr the 20 1810 Gideon Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Montreal 29 of October Ad 1810
Receivd of Thomas Dorland the Sum of one Hundred
and Sixty four Pounds Sixteen Shillings & four Pence ½ Penny
H Curency. it being the Sum Specified in a Note that
Thomas Dorland gave Jonathan Boreman at Quebeck
Witness my hand the above Date G[corner torn off]

Note 2 – side 2
£ 164 : 16 : 4 ½

Gedions Boremans

Note 3 – side 1
1810 Oct 8th Recd Mr Peter Smyth
one hundred & Seventeen Pounds Eleven Shi
– lklings & 4 ½ on act of Gideon Bowerman
alsso Recd £ 100 – 0 – 0 for Thos Bowerman
[end torn off]

Note 3 – side 2
of G Bormns

[ciphering below]

Images 1-7 35,36 (2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Montreal Oct 31st 1810
Received of Gideon Bowerman a Note of hand for
Eighty Eight Pounds 12 S and 1d against Simon Wood
Richd Day and Wm Patterson, for which he Once
gave a Receipt but now not to be found for
Which the Present is Written as his Security
Present Dane Daerne Coonrad frederick
[inverted scribble]

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
pl 710 – 12 – 6 Cucy Quebec 16th Oct 1810
Twelve month after Date
We promise to pay Mr Giden Bowerman
or order Seven Hundred & ten pounds
Twelve Shillings & six pence Currency
value Received in Staves with Lawful
Interest from the Expiration of – M Wm Hunten?
Twelve Month until paid [quill flourish]

Note 2 – side 2
Recd of the within Twenty Eight
pounds ten shillings –
Quebec 20th Oct 1810
M W H Gideon Bowerman

please to pay the bearer of the
within Note
Jonathan Bowerman

Images 1-7 37,38 (2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Mr Giddian Borman Dr
for vallue Recvd Pleas to
pay on Demand withe Intrest
To E Weller or barrer thirteen Dolers
It being for timber had of E Mille–
June th 12 AD 1810
As witness our hands
Joseph Kemp
Cornilus Houck
Not Invderryed?

Note 1 – side 2
I Except the with In order for
Giddeion Borman
Mr Gidian Boraman Dr
for value Recvd Pleas to pay the
with in order to Robbert C Wilkins Pay
and the ?? you E Weller

E Wellers order

Note 2 – side 1
£ 11 – 10 /- I Promas to Pay to Isaac Garratt order
a Seven Pounds ten Shilens half for Curency
for value Recived with interest from the Date
this Seventh Day of June 1810
allso five Shilen & four pence
Ge[torn out]
Isaac Garratt
p’d the 11th Nov
[note X’d corner to corner]

Note 2 – side 2
11 – 15 – 4
Isaac Garr
et receipt

Image 39 1-7 ( 1 Note) Doug Smith
[It is the view of the transcribers that q stands for ‘quarter’. There are never more than 3 q’s. Thus 2 Cwt 3 q would be 175 pounds. It may be that the author was recording the weights used on the scale so that no argument would result from the owner of the grain who may not have been able to translate the math into pounds.]
For Gideon Bowerman

Wm Hubbs 3 Cwt brand Lacking 16 lb
Daniel Ronels 1 – Cwt 2 q Lacking 14 lb flower
Isaac Begle 2 Cwt brand
Adam Zeufelp 1 Cwt flower 10 bus brand
Henry Girond 3 bus. brand
Isaac? Weeks 3 Cwt 3 q 19 lb brand 1Cwt 3 quints midling
Cornelius Huyck 2 Cwt 0 q 6 lb flower
to 1 Cwt 0 q 25 lb of std by Honery Huycks
to the brand out of 3 bus wheat the same time
to 1 Cwt brand Lacking 5 lb brand
Robert Huyck 1 Cwt 0 q 3 lb flower
Adam Zufelt 3 Cwt flower
John Short 2 Cwt 2 q flower 3 bus brand
George Follok 1 Cwt flower
Nathaniel White 2 bus brand
Henry Henry Girond 1 Cwt brand 3 ½ bus Do packd
Nathaniel White 2 bus of Do

fine flower ? ? for 20 / per Cwt
4 / for brand / 7 ½ per bus.

Image 1-7 40 ( 1 Note) Doug Smith

Jacob Bare to Gideon Bowerman Dr
to 46 bus Rye
John Mills 4 Cwt 2 q Lacking 12 lb brand
Wm Cunningham 1 Cwt brand
Honu Huyck 1 Cwt Common flower @ 17 / 6
Isaac Smyth 1 Cwt 1 q 6 lb midlins
Benone Bowerman ½ Cwt flower
1 order from Joseph Dorland for
of 1 Cwt 3 q flower which was packd
Isaac Weeks 3 q Cwt of Common flower @ 17 / 6
Daniel Ronels 6 Cwt flower
James Beatys 2 Cwt flower
Johns? Carman 2 Cwt 1 q 17 lb flower
to 19 ½ bus wheat
Cornelius White 4 / 6 worth brand
Henry Girond 11 bus wheat
Stephen Bowerman 5 for Whiskey?

Images 1-7 41, 42 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Holdiman June 22 th: 1799
For value Received I Promis to Pay or Caus to be Paid to Gidion Bowerman or order the Sum of twenty five Pounds Hollyfax Currency in Neet Cattle by the first Day of July one thousand Eight hundred as witness my hand
In Presants of George Mc ?
Joseph Phillips
John G?
Holdiman June 22th: 1799
For Value Received I Promis to Pay or Caus to be Paid to Gidion Bowerman or order the Sume of twelve Pound . ten Shillings Hollyfax Currency by the first Day of November one thousand Eight hundred to be Paid in Grain
as witness my hand George Mc ?
Joseph Phillips
John Graves? [this surname might also be Grover]
[written very lightly in the bottom right is the following]
Not Investi??g?d

Note 1 – side 2
George Mc alp??

Images 1-7 43, 44 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Quebec 21st Nov 1807?
Acct. of Staves Mr.? Bowerman
Culled at the Cove for Mr Usborn
Feet Inch M11 Run
2 d Parcel 3----------- 1-29
2 ½ ------- 2-16
5 ½ 2 ---------8-3-21
Ships on Board 1 ½ ----2-5-2-0
the Aurora 2 ½ -----------4
4 ½ 1 ½ ---------2-6
Economy &? 1---------------15
3 ½ 1 ½ ---------2-12
2 ½ -----------25
the [torn piece]pid 2 ---------2-3-10
[best guess] Intrepid? 2 ½ 1 ½ ------8-3-29 M H ???s
1----------3-0-14 6-1-2 5
3d Parcel Shipd 5 ½ 2------------1-24
1 ½-------6-0-4
on Board the
Brothers 4 ? 1----------3-0-10
2 ? 1 ----------- 2-12 1-0-0-2 [torn section]
Carried over 7-1-2-? [torn section]
[also on the right side of this page aligned with the entries are numbers written very faintly which appears to be a tally]

Note 1 – side 2
M ? ?
Brt. Forward ----- 7-1-2-23
Feet .. Inch M H Run?
2 ½ -------------1-3-28
Remaining 5 ½ 2--------------1-9-3-18
1 ½ ----------2-9-1-14
in Piles 4 ?--------------------------3-0
at the Cove 3 ?----------------------11-0-17
2 ½ 1 ½ ------------9-2-13
---------3-0-1 8-6-0-6
5 ?----1-7-0-5 Arch Campbells all 15-7-3-1
2 ? 8-3-10 [written faintly] 23.3-0-4?
Culls 2-5-3-15 Culls

Haus? N.? Bowerman
Culld for Mr Usborn
Have Bill [written at the bottom of this note near a fold]

Image 1-7 45 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Know All men that by these Presents that I Gideon Bowerman of the township of amelious burgh and County of Prince Edward and provence of Uper Canady am held frimley bound to Andres C Huyck of the same to giv him a good deed for a cartain peece of Land Lying beetwene his land and Isaa Wickes’s Land and runing back to the roade Containing twenty two acres bee it mor or less at the payment of twenty pounds 20s HC wi [the corner of this note is torn]
the tenth of Aper? [torn corner]
hundred and ten [torn corner]
Rowlan Sherman

Image 1-7 46 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these prsents that i Gideon bowman of amelious burg prince edward in mid land destrict and provence of upper Canaday are held and firmley bound under the penal Sum of five hundred pound H.C. unto Joseph Youngs of the town County and provence afore Said to be paid to the said Joseph youngs or his heirs Exacuters Adminestraters or asines for which payment well and truly to be made and done I bind my self my heirs Executers adminestraters or asines any or ither of them where unto i set my hand and seal this 7th June – 1809

The Conditions of the above obligations are such that if the above bound gideon bowarman he or his heirs Executers adminestraters or asines or any or i thir of them Execute and deliver or Cause to be done unto Joseph youngs him or his heirs Executers adminestraters or asines any or ither of them as good a deed as government will grant free and Clear of all incumberence of that partin ? or parsel of land being in the township of amelious burg County and provence afore said beginning on the Sowwest Corner of andrew huyck fharm to a pine saplen standing on the bank of lake antery? thence runing East and pararel with the Concession line sixty Chains thence twenty five Chains southerly on a square with the ? line thence west and pareral with the consession line to the lake antery thence northerly along the lake to the place of beginning Containing one hundred and fifty acres of land which deed is to be delivered at the payment of the land then this obligation is avoid otherwise to-stand in full force and vurtur
Witness present Gideon Bowerman
Abner Enos
Hugh X robertson

Images 1-7 47, 48 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these Presents that I John Striker of Hallowell in the Province of Upper Canada have hire? at Montreal in Lower Canada deliverd to to Gideon Bowerman two and a half Cribbs of white Oak Staves Supposed to Contain Six thousand when Cull,d by the Same more or less which Said Cribbs the Said Bowerman is to take to Quebec and bring a true and regular Culling bill of the Quantity to the Said Striker and agrees to Pay to him the Said Striker the Sum of Forty Six Pounds Per thousand Staves which Payment the Said Bowerman is to make in all the month of Octr Next in???g the date hereof in witness of the true Performance of the above written agreement we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this Seventh Day of July 1810 at Montreal in Presence of
A Werden John Striker
Elijah Youngs, Cuningham Gideon Bowerman
2- ½
4- ½

Note 1 – side 2
Rec,d at Montreal July the Seventh 1810 on the within written agreement the Sum of one Hundred Pounds four Shillings & ten Pence CY in Part Payment as witness my hand
John Stiker
Also Rec,d at the Same time an order on Peter Smith of Kingston for the Sum of Seventy five Pounds Cy which is in Part Payment if Sold as
Witness witness my hand John Striker
A Werden

Recivd payment by me 29 of 11 mo – 1810-
John Striker
[written at the bottom and sideways on the page is the following]
G Bowerman
& John Striker
Image 1-7 49 (1 Note) Doug Smith

Know all men by these presents that I Gedion x x x
Bowerman of of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince
Edward and Province of Upper Canada Am held and firmly
bound unto Isaac Smith of the Township of Amiliasburg
in the County and Province aforesaid. In the sum of £ one
Hundred pounds Current Lawfull money of the Province
of Upper Canada To be paid unto the said Isaac Smith or to
his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns To which payment
well and truly to be made I bind myself my Heirs Executors &
Administrators unto the said Isaac Smith his Heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns Jointly and severly, firmly
by these presents Sealed with my seal dated at Ameliasburg
this sixth day of March one Thousand Eight Hundred and
seven –– 1807
This Condition is such that if the above bounden
Gideon Bowerman his Heirs Executors or Administrators him
or either of them shall or do well and Truly deliver or came
to be delivered unto the above mentioned Isaac Smith his
Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns a good and suffi
cient Deed for the front half ot Lott number six in the
first Concession Ameliasburg Lakeside with all the Buildings
and other improvements thereon being one Hundred Acres
upon his proper cost and Charges – Then this Obligation
to be Void and of none effect Else to Remain an be in
Full Force
Sign’d Seale’d & Deliverd } Gideon [hole]owerman
In Presence of }

Philip Dorland Jun
Philip Dorland

Images 1-7 50,51,52 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side1
Flour sold by James G Andrew McGill at Mon
-treal and Quebec belonging to Gideon Bowerman
bbls £ S d
By Till. Hupe for? –––––––––––––– 31 Refecd 25 / 38 – 15 – 0
" Austin Cavellier –––––––––––– 6 Fine 30 / 9 – 0 - 0
" James Dunlop –––––––––– 3 Refecd 25 / 3 – 15 - 0
" Cash –––––––––––––––––––– 7 ditto 25 / 8 – 15 – 0
" taken to acct –––––––––––––– 15 Fine 27/6 20 – 12 – 6
" Cash –––––––––––––––––––– 1 Refecd 25/ 1 – 5 - 0
" Consigned to H.C. Hossack } 21 Refecd 24/4 24 – 10 - 0
" at Quebec ––––––––––––– }
" ditto –– ditto ––––––––––– 6 ditto 25 / 7 – 10 – 0
" ditto –– ditto ––––––––– 33 Fine 30 / 49 – 10 – 0
" ditto –– ditto ––––––––– 2 Refecd 25 / 2 – 10 - 0
" ditto –– ditto ––––––––– 3 Fine 30 / 4 – 10 - 0
" Cash –––––––––––––––––––– 1 Refecd 25 / 1 - 5 - 0
––– ––––––––––––––
129 –– £ 171 – 17 – 6
Freight 15d Inspection 4d Storage 3d } 1/10 £ 5 – 19 – 2
on 65 barrels sent to Quebec }
Cooperage & Labourers Etc –– 4d 1 - 1 - 8
Cartage of 65 Barrels –––––– 2d " 0 - 10 – 10
Commission 2 ½ per cent on £ 88 – 10 2 – 4 - 3
Storage of 131 barrels Flour at } 6d 3 – 5 - 3
Montreal –––––––––––––––– }
Cartage of 131 barrels Flour from } 2d 1 - 1 - 10
Scows –––––––––––––––– }
Carried Forward £ 14 – 3 - 3 171 – 17 – 6

Image 1-7 51 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 2

Amt brot Over £ 14 – 3 – 3 £ 171 – 17 – 6
Cartage to vessel of 65 barrels 2d 0 – 10 – 10
Inspection of 66 barrels at Montreal 4d 1 - 2 - 0
Cooperage of ditto in Montreal 0 - 5 - 6
James g andw McGill Hogs? } 4 - 6 - 0
Commission on £ 171-17 -6 at 2 ½ per cent }
–––––––––––– 20 - 7 - 7
This sum bearing Interest from 15th October last ––––––––––––––
£ 151 - 9 - 11
N. B. freight in Scow from Kingston }
to Montreal charged in acct }
Prrocsg outstanding Debts Excepted

Sold ––––––––––– 129 bbls
Remaining in Montreal 2 ditto
Total 131 barrels

Kingston 1st Jany 1808

Image 1-7 52 Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 3
Mr Gideon Bowerman
a/c Sales of

Image 1-7 53 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Know All Men by these Presents that I Gideon Bowerman of the Township of Amelesburg Conty of Prince Edward in the Midland Destrict and Province of upper Cannada Am held and firmly Bound unto Paul Trumpore Juner of the same Township Conty Destrict and Provernce above menes in the Pennelty of five hundred pounds Halfax Curncy to the Payment of wich Sum well and truly to Be mad I bind myself my Hiers Executors Administrators or Asines firmly By these
Sealed with my Seal and Dated this forth Day of july in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Nine

The Condition of the above Obligation is such that if the above Bounded Gideon Bowerman his Hiers Executors or Administrators or Asines Doth bind or Cause to be Given unto PaulTrumpore jun His Heirs Executors Administrators or Asines a good and A suffishent Deede for the Lot No Eight in first Conceson
on Lak ontario it being too hundred Acors to Be given in one year from this Date and then this Obligation to Be Nul an Voyd Otherwise to remain in full forse an Virture
Sined Sealed and delivered In the Presets of
Witnesse Present

Joseph Dorland Gideon B[hole]werman
Uyak? Mcokoy?

Image 1-7 54 ( 1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these presenc that I gideon bowerman of ameliousberg prince edward in midland Destrict and provence of upper Canaday am held and
firmly bound under the penal sum of five hundred pounds H.C. unto Luey robertson him his heirs Executors administrators or asines now living in the township and province above said on which payment well and truly to be paid and done for which i bind my heirs Executors administrators or asines any or either of them whereunto i set my hand and seal this dated the seventh day of Jan Eighteen 8 nine

the Conditions of the above obligation are such that if the abov bound gideon bowerman he or his heirs Executors adminestratirs or asines or aney or ither of them Exceute? and deliver or forse to be done unto Luey robertson him or his hiers Exertirs administrators or asines any or ither of them of good deed as government will grant free and Clear of all incumbrence of that peace or parcel of land lying in the township of ameliousburg County and provence afore said begining on the southwest Corner of Joseph Youngs pharm on the bank of lake ontery thence runing eastard parerel with the Consession line
sixty Chains thence southerly sixteen Chains twenty links on a survane? thence westard parerel with the Consession line to the lake ontery thence notherly along the lake to the place of beginen Containing one hundred acors of land which deed is to be deliverd at the payment of the land then this obligation
is avoid otherwise to stand in full forse and vurtur
witness present
Joseph Youngs Gideon Bowerman
Abner Enos

Image 1-7 55 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these presents that I Gideon Bowerman of Hollowell County of prince Edward midland Destrict and province of upper Canada am Held and firmly bound In the penal Sum of five hundred Pounds HC. Unto Andrew Huyck of the Town of Amelias bourgh County and province afore Said to be paid Unto the Said Andrew Huyck his Hiers Executors Administrators or Assigns for which payment well and truly to be made and Done I bind myself my Heirs Executors administrators and Assigns or Either of them firmly by these presents Sealed with my
Seal Dated June the Second In the Year of our Lord Eighteen
Hundred and four

The Condition of this Obligation is Such that that If the Above bound Gidion bowerman his hiers Executors Administrators or Assigns or Either of them Shall well truly Execute and Deliver or Cause to be Deliverd Unto Andrew Huyck his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or Either of them as Good a Deed as Government Shall Grant of all That part or parcell of Land Lying and being In the Town of Amiasbourgh County and province Afore Said Bound on the wist side on wellars Lake North on the Same South on Lake Ontario thence East to Contain Two Hundred Acres which East Line is the west bounds of Philip Waldrons Lot
Gideon Bowam[torn off]
Jonth Bowerman
Philip S Waldron

Back to Top

Folder: 1-8, (Gideon Bowerman 1811 – c1840), 70 notes

Images 1-8 01, 02 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
For Value Received We Jointly or severely Promise to pay or Cause to be paid unto Thomas Dorland or his order the sum of fifty seven pounds & fifteen Shillings and seven pence / with the Interest from the date / payment to be made in three Months – Witness our hands at Adolphustown this 16th. of 10th month 1811
Ichabod [torn piece] owerman
P Hunt?- and Jonth [torn piece] ermas? one Execut
Aron Van? Dyck to the Esta [torn piece] of Gedon Bowerman ?

Note 1 – side 2
Recevd on the within note thirteen Pound five Shilling and two Pence by the hand of Philip Dorland Januay 18th 1812
Th P Dorland
Balance on the within note – 3.44..10.5
Interest due 4. 17.6
₤ 49.. 7.11
Recd payment
Th P Dorland

Note 2 – side 1
[this page has been folded in half and the following is written on one side]
Mr. England
Receipt for
₤ 2-11-8
[the following is written on the other side]
Recd. from Mr. Stephen Bowerman the Sum of Two pounds Eleven Shillings and Eight pence on act. of the Estate of Mr. Gedn. Bowerman being in full for my fees as Register
R ? ??rb England
10 July 1811 –

Note 2 – side 2

Images 1-8 03, 04 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received from Ichabod Bowerman two pounds six shillings and eight pence as fees the probate of the will of the late Gideon Bowerman and receiving Inventory of the Estate amounting to upwards of £ 3000.
Alex. Fisher

Note 1 – side 2
Fisher receipt
£ 2-6s-8d
[written upsidedown on this same side of the note is the following]
Receipt of GB.

Note 2 – side 1
Recd Hallowell th 11 of 7 moth 1811 of Jonathan & Stephen Bowermans Executers? one hundred thirty five pounds six shiling & 5 pence HC. In full from the Estate of G. Bowerman dead?
Recd by Jonant Bowerman
Stephen Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Recept for Stephen & Vincent
The Estate Bowerman Recd
Of G Bowr of G Bowerman
₤ 135-6-5

Note 3 – side 1
Received Hallowell the first of December 1811 from Jonathan Bowerman on account of Gideon Bowerman Deseased – one Pound three Shillings and one Penny
Ebenr washburn

Note 3 – side 2
E. Washburn

Images 1-8 05, 06 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd. from Jonathan Bowerman Executor One pound Twelve Shillings and Two pence half penny Currency being my amount against the Estate of the Late Gideon Bowerman in full to this 15th. July 1811 at Hallowell
James Cummins
Note £ 1- 1-2 ½
1-12-2 ½ Jonth Bowerman
£ 2-9- -0 ext?

Note 1 – side 2
J Cumming
On acompt of Estate ?
G. Bower
1-12-2 ½

Note 2 – side 1
Recd Hallowell 11 of 7th month 1811 of –
Ichabod & Stephen Bowerman Executors to the Estate of Gideon Bowerman Deceased the Sum of Eighty four pounds nineteen Shillings & nine pence H.C
Recd by me Jonth Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Jonth Bowerman
Recpt from the Estate of G Bowerman

Images 1-8 07, 08 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell the 5 of first month 1811 friend Thomas Dorland please to pay Joseph – Camp eight pounds tenn shillings & 11d pence & thou will oblege thy friend
Gideon Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
I order the Contents of this order to Be Paid to the Barers
Joseph Kemp
? january 22 1811 VW.? Dorland
Recd the Contents his
Will X Sermahorn?
Philip Dorland Mark

Note 2 – side 1
Jonathan Bourman To C Hulbert ? 14? May 1811 To ? & ? 4?/7
“ Bitters 2- 6
“ on Gideons- act - £4?=14? “
5 “ - 3
Cr By Cash ₤ 2-10 order 1-3-9 3 - 13-9
Balance Due me - 1 = 6=6

Note 2 – side 2
Recd Hallowell 7 of 2 mo 1811? of Jonathan Boreman Exectr to the Estate of G Borema Decest four pound fourteen shillings in full
Ci?has Hulbert

Note 3 – side 1
Holowell the 18 0-12 month 1811 receivd of the estate of Gideon Bowerman fore pound aleven Shillings & 2 pence HC it being in full of all accompts
Robert hubbs

Note 3 – side 2
R. Hubbs
Robert Hubbs receipt
of £ 4-11-2

Images 1-8 09, 10 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd this Day Hallowell July 3rd. 1811 of Jothn. of Jothn. Bowerman the Sum of twenty eight Pound 15 it being in ful for my Demands against the estate of Gideon Bowerman
Henry Smith

Note 1 – side 2
H. Smythes Receipt
Doctor Smythes this Recipt for 28-15- on acount of the Estate of G Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
March 6th 1811
For value receaved I promise to Pay to James Farley or order fore hundred and fifty dolers Somtime in the month of november next with the interest from the first of may next witness my hand Gideon [torn piece] werman in the Presents of
Josiah Bull Junr
[on the left margin of this page is show the principal and interest as follows]
Principal ₤ 112:10:0
Interest 15:8 :2
127:18 2

Note 2 – side 2
Recd / Kingston 14th Augt 1813 / the amount of the within Noted? By the hands [torn piece] J. Forsyth ?
James Farley

Gideon Bowerman

Note 3 – side 1
Good to Hannah Butts or order for Seventeen pounds two Shillings and four pence H.C with Lawfull Intrest from the Date on
Witness our hands at Hallowell this 11 Day of 7 month 1811
Jonth [torn piece] werman { Executers
Stepn [torn piece] werman { W the Estate
of G. Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Reced payment in full

Joth Bowerman Stepn Bowerman note of £ 109-2-2

Images 1-8 11, 12 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Will Gideon Bowerman Please pay Mr. Joh Huyk the small sum of thirteen Shillings & five pence & Oblige your humble Servant
Henry Smith
Hallowell Feby 12th. 1811

Note 1 – side 2
Order paid John Huyck per Henry Smith

Note 2 – side 1
R W Hallowell 11 of 7 month 1811 of Jonth & Stephen Bowerman Executors to the Estate of G. Bowerman Deasd the Sum of Seventeen pounds two Shillings & four pence H.C. In full from the ? Estate Recd by me
Hannah X Butts

Note 2 – side 2
Hannah Butts Receipt
Hannah Butts is
receipt of 19-2-4
G Bowerman estate

Note 3 – side 1
₤ 4-17-1 ½
On Demand I Promise to Pay to Ebenezer washburn or his order four Pounds Seventeen Shillings and one penny half Penny for Value of him received at Hallowell 1st December 1811
to the Estate of G Bowerman Deceased
Jonathan [torn piece] owerman Exe

Note 3 – side 2
Jonathan Bowerman 6-0-0
5-5-9 ½
note ₤ 4-17-1 ½ 14-2 ½
Int 0- 8-8 en? Credited in book
5-5-9 ½
Recd payment in full May 26 – 1811

Images 1-8 13, 14 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Gideon Bowerman to Sarah Ingorsol Dr
To 2 Cribs at ₤ 7.10 Each ₤ 15.0.0
Cr by Cash paid Mr Ingorsol 7.10
Do paid Thorp? 4.10
Do paid Isaac Westover 5
Balance Due ₤ 2..15.0
Sarah Ingersol

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
March Gidian Boardman To C.. Hulbert Dr
25 1811 To Visit and P Perganda? “=5=0
27 “ Visit and 36 F??t Pills “=8=0
April 1 “ Visit and a ct? “=8=0
“ emt? and pills “=3=0
“ Bot Cordial “=6=0
“ Bitters and ? phisic “=5=0
3 “ Visit and pills “=7=6
“ Vitriol Acid and nut Mg “=3=[torn]
13 “ Visit and epicak? “=7=[torn]
“ 16 tp Digitolas “=10=[torn]
16 “ 22 tp Digitolas “=15=0
18 “ Visit and Opium “=6=6
22 “ Visit CC ? “=6=6
May 27 “ Vitriol acid “=2- 0
30 “ Vial acid Drops “=1=6
₤ 4=14=0

Note 2 – side 2
G- Boardman acct
₤ 4=14=0

Holberts Acct
Against the Estate of Gideon Bowerman

Images 1-8 15, 16 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
In one year after Dattd For Valu Recd we promis to pay or cause to be paid unto Maturah and Vincent Bowerman or there order for one hundred thirty five pounds Six Shillings & five pence H.C. with Lawfull Intrest from the Date as witness our hands this 11 Day of 7th mon one thousand Eight hundred & Eleven
Witness Jonth [torn piece] werman } Excutor to the Estate
Steph [torn piece] owerman } G. Bowerm-
John Richmond

Note 1 – side 2
[information on this side of the note has been written at various angles to the page]
Receivd on the within Note 10th of 10 mo 1818 £ 22..3..10 twenty two pound three Shillings and ten pence
this Note paid in full
15 of 2d month 1815 Recd on the with in one hundred pounds H.C.
Recd 27 of 4 moth 1815 on the with in ten pound HC – 10-0-0
J. & Stephen Bowermans note for £ 135-6-5 on acompt of The Estat of G Bowerman
17 of 2 mo Intrest and principal 38..12..2

Note 2 – side 1
Friend Gideon please to Let the Bearer Ira West have Eight Dollars worth on my accpt [torn section]rland
Ameliasbourgh the 11th. of 2nd Mo 1812

Note 2 – side 2
Johntohn Bowerman his hand Thomas Anderson?
To Gide [torn piece] Bowerman ?? Howell?
Joseph Dorle? [torn piece] order
[the above is written at various angles to the page and the rest of this side of the note consists of ciphering]

Images 1-8 17, 18 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Gideon Bowerman disseased
To Henry Smith Dr
To 17 Visits Attendance prescriptions W.t?
Operations £ 28-15-
Hallowell June 7th. 1811

Note 1 – side 2
G Bowerman
Disseased Acct.
With HSmith

Note 2 – side 1
good to Israel Bowerman or order for three pounds Eleven Shilling & Six pence HC with Intrist it being For Value Recd at Hallowell the 13 of 5 month 1812
Jonathan [torn piece] werman
Execute State of G.B.
Joseph Dorland
this note is to pay a Dept of John mc gra??
Note Israel Bowerman Haldamand? 0-14?-0

Note 2 – side 2
Jonathan } Bowerman
Israel Bowerman }[written upsidedown next to the bracket and in very small letters is the following] EEEbenezer
Recd payment in full
[the balance of information on this page consists of ciphering]

Images 1-8 19, 20 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd. of Mr. Jonathan Bowrman for and on acct. of his Brother Gideon Bowrman Estate two pounds thirteen Shillings & two pence C??? in full of all Demands
Kingston 10th. July 1812 – Peter Smith
₤ 9.13.2

Note 1 – side 2
Peter Smyth Recpt

Note 2 – side 1
good to Cornelius White or order for forty Six pounds fourteen Shillings & Eleven pence ½ H.C. with Intrest it being for Value Received at Hallowell this 30 of 11 month one thousand Eight hundred & twelve witness } to the Esate of G M ?
Anthy Terrill Jo [torn section]
[the rest of this side of the note consists of cipherings]

Note 2 – side 2
August 19th 1813 Received upon the within Six pound five Shillings ? H.C.
June – 15th . 1813 Received upon the within Twenty four pounds Six Shillings and ten pence H.C.
May 28th. 1814 Received upon the within Note one pound one Shilling Cy
Jonathan Bowerman Note for £ 46 14 11 ½
[the rest of this side of the note consists of cipherings]

Images 1-8 21, 22 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
The late Mr. Gidion Bowerman for Isaac I. Smith
To Lawrence? Herchman? Dr
October 1 To amount per acct. Un???d - ₤ 4-8-0
6 Months Interest on ditto 2-7
₤ 4-10-7
Rec. payment of the above account from Mr. Charles Cunningham – Kingston 27 March 1813.
Lawce. Herchman?

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Know all men by these presents that I John Stinson of the Township of Hallowell in the Midland District and Province of Upper Canada do by these presents constitute and appoint Thomas Jones of the Township of Sydney in the Midland District my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to ask demand, receive sue for and recover from the heirs Executors or administrators of the late Gideon Bowerman the amount of a note of hand given by the said Gideon Bowerman to me in amt? of five hundred dollars, and for the purpose of procuring payment of the said note one or mor attorneys under him to substitute and appoint and the same again at pleasure to revoke hereby allowing and confirming whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do to obtain payment of the said note. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 13th. day of October 1812
Signed Sealed ? D John Stinson
delivered in presence
of M. ???ters
DM? Buyers?

Note 2 – side 2
Recd. at Kingston 14th. Augt. 1813 / from Joseph Forsyth of the amount of the within specified Promissory Note with its Interest
Thomas Jones
Powr Atty
John Stinson to Thomas Jones

Images 1-8 23, 24 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd Hallowell 26 of July 1812 of Jonathan Bowerman Executor to the Estate of G B. in full for an order given to me by the ? Jonathan Bowerman for three pound fore Shillings & Six pence H.C. upon Andrew C Houyks & John Yongs the?
£ 3-4-6 by me Gran??els Huycks

Note 1 – side 2
Granoles? Huycks
Recept –
₤ 3-4-6

Note 2 – side 1
Recd Hallowell 29 of 11 mo – 1812 of Jonath Bowerman Exect to Estate of G.B. Decst his note of forty Six pounds fourteen Shillings & Eleven pence ½ H.C. Receid by me
£ 46-14-11 ½ Cornelius White

Note 2 – side 2
C White
46-14-11 ½

Note 3 – side 1
Recd 4 of 3 month 1812 of Jonathan Bowerman Exetor to the Estate of GB Decst thirty four pounds H.C which is to be Intrest? On his and Stephen Bowermans note
Charles. Cunningham
₤ 5 -8-10

Note 3 – side 2
C. Cunningham

Images 1-8 25, 26 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Mr Jonathan Bowrman please to pay Hannah Butts twenty one Shilings and seven pence and it shall answer on your account with me
Oct 17 - 1812 Cephas? Hulbert

Note 1 – side 2
Excepted by Jonathan Bowerman { Executor to the Estate of G Bowe
Recd payment in full

Note 2 – side 1
23 of 7? Mo 1821
receivd of Stephen Bowerman three pounds tenn shillings & 10 pence it being a trust of his legacy from Gideon Bowermans estate
Joseph Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Joseph Bowerman receipt in Gideon Bowerman estate
£ s d

Note 3 – side 1
For Valu Receved I promise to pay or cause to be paid unto Geoge Baker or Order the Sum of thirteen pounds nineteen Shillings and Eight pence half penny to be paid on the first day of 6th Mo 1813 Witness my Hand
Hallowell 27 day of 11th M 1812
In presence of Stephen Bow [torn piece] an Act Executor
John Stinson
Gilbt D Clapp

Note 3 – side 2
Stephn Bowerman Note hand
₤ 13..19..8d ½
in James Bettes estate

Images 1-8 27, 28 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd of Gideon Bowerm Decest & by the hands of Jonathan Bowerman Exctor four pounds two shilling & sevenpence HC Cy Hallowel 26th of May 1813
Recd By Me Gilbt D Clapp

Note 1 – side 2
G Clapps Rec.d. 4-2-7

Note 2 – side 1
From the within of ? Bowerm one ? Seven shilling July 1813
Recd on the within Note The Barrels at 31 s per Barrel witch make Eighteen shilling in? 1814
Recd 1 of 3 month 1824 the with in Sum in full
Jo [torn piece] an Bowerman Exector
[the following on this same side of the Note appears to be written by a different hand]
Jonathon Bower
Due on this Note ₤ 3-11-
Up to March 1823
Due on this not ₤ 3-12s ? ? ? ?

Note 2 – side 2
On dmand I promis to pay Gilbt D Clapp or order the Sum of three pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence H f Cr.? It Being for Value Recd as Witness My hand at Hallowell this twenty six Day of May 1813 – to Exut?
Jont Bowerm Jonth [torn piece] werman Exr to GB

Note 3 – side 1
good to James Parsons or order for twenty two pounds five Shillings H.C.. with Intrest it being for Value Recd at Hallowell this 3 of 7th mont 1813
Jonth [torn piece] werman
Exector to the Estate
Ichabod Bowerman of G Bowerman Decst

Note 3 – side 2
Friend Joseph
? ? to pay the with in to the barrer
Jonth Bowerman

Images 1-8 29, 30 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received Hallowell 13th May 1813
Of Jonathan Bowerman his Power of Atty favor of Robt Morrogh? To receive from I? T? Campbell seven hundred & seventy one pound 2/10 S HF? for which we will account when rec Jos Forsyth Co

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
£ 28-4-1 ½
On or before the Twenty fifth day of July next I Promise to Pay to Rowland Jackson or his order Twenty Eight Pounds four Shillings and One penny half Penny, for Value of him received at Hallowell this 19th day of June 1813
Jonth [torn piece] werman
Witness Exetor to the Estate of
Ebenr. Washburn of G Bowerm Deceast

Note 2 – side 2
Recd 2? of 7 month 1813 on the with in four Dollars [this was written very faintly at the top of the page]
Recd 25 of Sept 1813 on the with in ten Dollars
Hallowell 25 Sept 1813
Friend Wm Mitchel please to to pay the barrer the principle & Intrest of this note and Oblige
Bal £ 24.19.9 Jonth Bowerman

Note 3 – side 1
Recd Hallowell 3 of 7th mo. 1813
Of Jonth: Bowerman Exec to the Estate of G. Bowerman Decest twenty two pounds ten Shillings in full Recd by me
James Parsons
[at the bottom of this side of the note is a number of cipherings]

Note 3 – side 2
James Parsons Recd for?

Images 1-8 31, 32 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Recd 10 of 5 month 1813 of Jonathan Bowerman Exector to the Estate of G. B.wern the Sum of fifty six pounds three Shillings & nine pence H.C. Recd by me Mary White

Note 1 – side 2
Mary White Recd for 56-3-9

Note 2 – side 1
Received Hallowell 19th June 1813 from Jonathan Bowerman Executer to the Estate of the late Gideon Bowerman a note of hand for Sixty Six Pounds Eight Shillings and three Pence in full of their Demands against, the Estate of the Said Gideon Bowerman - Farrington Ferguson
Rowland Jackson

Note 2 – side 2
Ferguson & Jackson note
₤ 66-8-3
to the Estate of G.B. Decst

Note 3 – side 1
On or before the Twenty fifth day of July next I Promise to Pay to Farrington Ferguson, or Order thirty Eight Pounds four Shillings and one penny half Penny for value of him Received at Hallowell this 19th day of June 1813
Witness - Jonth [torn section] werman
Ebenr. Washburn Exector to the Estate of G. Bowerman Decest

Note 3 – side 2
Recd payment of hs? Forsyth? Mo
F Ferguson

Images 1-8 33, 34 Carm Foster
Note 1 side 1
Gideon Bowerman Dr to John Stickney
29 Nov. 1810 To Pint OMedium 1-0-0
11 Decr 1810 To Pint OMedium 1-10-0
4 “ “ To Pint Medium &
Attendn } 2-0-0
7 “ “ To Pint OMedium 1-5-0
23 - - To Medium 0-10-0
25 “ “ To Medium 0-7-6
4 Jany 1811 To Medium 0-7-6
10 “ “ To Medium 0-5-0
25 “ “ To Medium 0-7-6
31 “ “ To Medium 0-5-0
13 Febuy “ To Medium 0-7-6
12 April “ To Pint OMedium 1-2-6
18 “ “ To Pint OMedium 1-5 0
22 “ “ To Pint OMedium 1-5 0
1 May “ To Pint OMedium 1-7 6
6 “ “ To Pint OMedium 1-2-6
17 “ “ To Pint OMedium 1-2-6
Intrest 2-1-6
14 July 1814

Note 1 – side 2
Recd. Hallowell 6 June 1814 the within acct in full by the hand of Jonathan Bowerman
John Stickney
Gidn Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Received June 2th 1814 of th estat of Gideon Bowerman three hundred Dolers I say Received By Me
Reuben Vincent

Note 2 – side 2
Jonathan Bowermans Receit

Note 3 – side 1
Recd 5 of 6 mo. 1814 of Jonth Bowerm Extor to Estate of G. Bower Decest Eight pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence HC on acompt of a Legacy Left me by G. Bowerman Rec. by me
Vincent Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Vincent Bowerman Recpt

Images 1-8 35, 36 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received of Jonathan Bowerman three pound Eight two Shilling and Eight pence on a Settlement In full with the Estate of Gidion Bowerman Deceased
Hallowell the 7th of 4th Mo 1814
Joseph Dorland

Note 1 – side 2
Joseph Dorland
Receip on A/C Gideon Bower

Note 2 – side 1
£ 75-00 Recd of Jonathan Bowerman Executor to Estate of G Bowerman Decest in year of 1814 the 6 of 5th month Seventy Five pounds It Covering? in full of a Legasy Left me of Sd GB -
Hallowell 3 Day of 3 month 1832
Israel Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
J Bowerman Recpt 75-0-0

Note 3 – side 1
Recd 6 of 5 month 1814 of Jonathan Bowerman Exu to the Estate of G.B. Decest twenty one pound Six Shillings and five pence H.C. by me
21-6-5 Mary White

Note 3 – side 2
Mary White

Images 1-8 37, 38 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Receved September 10th 1814 of the Executor of Gedean Bowermans Desesed Estate the Sum of one hundred Dollars By the hand of Reuben Vincent it Being in full of his legasy
Willier Dewet?

Note 1 – side 2
Willier Dewits? Recit

Note 2 – side 1
good to Jonathan Bowerman Exutor to the Estate of G.B. Decst for – three Hundred and Seventy two Dollars with Intrest being for Value Rec.d at Hallowell this 21 of 7th month 1815 what part of this note Shall pe paid by the first of September next Shall be four years Intrest Deducted from the same
Caleb Coon
Cornelius Bowerman
Sophia Terrill

Note 2 – side 2
Recd the 1 of 4th month 1816 the Sum of three hundred and thirteen Dollars on the with in Note
Caleb Coon
Note 372 Dollars

Images 1-8 39, 40 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Received of Stephen Bow [torn piece]rman being of the Exe [folded edge] of Gideon Bowermans Estate Deceased seventy five pounds Hallifax Currency in part Due to Judah Bowerman
Hallowell 22nd of 2nd mo 1815 Judah Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
J. Bowerman
Rept for his Legicy
Judah Bowerman receipt
HC 75/

Note 2 – side 1
Rec.d Hallo [torn piece] ell 9 of 3 mo – 1815 of Jonth Bowerm [torn piece] n Exetor to the Estate of G.B. Decest the Sum of Nine pounds Sixteen Shillings and ten pence HC – on accompt of amis? take maid. by G.B. Certifyed by Joseph Dorland Recd by me
Sarah Carman

Note 2 – side 2
Rept for mistake
of Townson? Carman

Note 3 – side 1
Received of Gideon Bowermans Estate 29 of 4 mo 1815 the Sume of one pound ten shillings and 4 By the hand of Sephen Bowerman
Cornelius Blount

Note 3 – side 2
C Blount Recpt

Images 1-8 41,42 (4 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 2
Recd 1 May 1815 of Jonth Bower
Exes to the Estate of G B. the
Sum of four pounds Five Shil
lings & 1 penny HC.
Rec by me Abraham Hartt?

Note 1 – side 2

Note 2 – side 1
Hallowell 24th of 6 Moth 1816
received of Rebecha Bowerman ten pound
two shillings by me Stephen Bowerman
exacutor to the estate of Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2

Note 3 – side 1
Recd of Jonth Bowerman Exetr
to the Estate of G. B- last the
Sum of four pounds nine
Shillings & Six penc H. C
17 of 6 mo 1816 Jacob Tierry Ju

Note 3 – side 2
Jacob Terry

Jacob Terry
Recept for
4 – 9 – 6

Note 4 – side 1
Recd Apral 18th 1816 of Jonathon Bowerman
one Hundred and Eleven pounds and ten pence
in full of all Demands against the Estate of
the late Gideon Bowerman disceassed as Witness
my hand A Werdon

Note 4 – side 2

Images 1-8 43,44 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Hallowell the 7 of 4 month 1814
receivd of Jonnathan Bowerman &
Stephen Bowerman executors to the
estate of Gideon Bowerman dsseast
in cash tewnty five pounds Hallifax
curracey Nancy X Elsworth
hir cross

Note 1 – side 2
£ 25

Note 2 – side 1
Recd Hallowell of Jonth Bowerman
Exetor to the Estate of G B. Decst the
Sum of five pounds Eight Shillings
H.C. which is the full amount of
his & Stephen Bowermans Note
given to Charles Cunningham
1 of of 3 month 1817 Charles Cunningham

Note 2 – sdie 2
To Tulley 2 Rod
1815 Thomas Morgan
to 3 bus: of peas of Ichabod
Bowerman 7/ 6


Note 3 – side 1
On demand I promis to pay Judah
Bowerman or Barrer one hundred and
five pounds three shillings and nine pence
H. Currency with Lawful Interest from
this date as witness my hand at
Hallowell first of seventh month
Eighteen hundred and Eighteen
Jonth [hole]wman } exctors
to the
Phila Cronkhite of G B Dest
106 – 11 – 13?

Note 3 – side 2
Recd 15 of 11 month 1819 of
Jonth Bowerman Executor to
the Estate of G. Bowerman Decst
the Sum of with in Discreb?
for a Debt Due me
Recd by me
Judah Bowerman


Images 45,46 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Recd of Jonth Bowerman Execto to
the Estate of G. B Decst Seventeen
Shillings & six pence H.C towards
my Legecy Recd by me
15 of 1 month 1820
Judah Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
£ S d
My Note –––––– 186 – 11 - 3
J. Dorland do – –– 61 - 5 - 6
J. Dorland do –– –– 20 - 10 - 0
J Clarks do –– ––– 15 - 15 - 9
this Recpt –– –– - 17 - 6
£ 205 - 0 - 0

Note 2 – side 1
Recd 18 of 4 month 1820 of Jonathan
Bowerman Exetor of the Estate of G –
Bowerman Decd Eight pound Six Shillings
& Eight pence in full. Recd by me
Stephen T Bowerman
Note 2 – side 2
£ 8 – 6 – 8

Note 3 – side 1
For Value Received I promis to pay
Vincent Bowerman Executor or bearnl the Sum of
thirty eight pound twelve Shillings with
Intrest payable in one year after date
as witness my hand this 17 of 2d mo 1821
Given at Hallowell Extor
[rectangle cut out] to the
of G Bower
Reuben Reynolds

Note 3 – side 2
£ 40 – 0 – 2
Recd payment
in full

Johnathan Bower
mans Executor
Note £ 38 – 12 – 0
[more ciphering]

Images 47,48 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Twelve Months after date, Value received, I
Stephen Bowerman, Executor of the late Gideon
Bowerman, deceased, promise to pay Robert Clark
Esquire, or order, for Elijah Ketchum, the sum
of Forty Thirty five pounds Halifax Cy
With lawful Interest from the date hereof
until paid –– As Witness my hand at Ernest-
Town, this Seventeenth day of August, 1821
In Presents of
John, C. Clark Stephen [hole]owerman

Note 1 – side 2
Recd May [rip]th 1824 on the Within Note
one pound five Shillings Cy
J. C Clark
Recd June 18th 1824 on the within, five barrels
flour and six Bushels of potatoes £ 8 – 5 – 0
Recd August 2d 1824 on the within Note £ 25 – 0 – 0
from W. neil McLeod

Note from
Stephen Bowerman
Robt Clark Esq
£ 35 – 0 –

Interest on the
within Note to
the 2d May 1825
£ 5 – 19 – 8

Note 2 – side 1
Recd 31 of 3 month 1824 of Jonathon
Bowerman Exetor to the Estate G B
Decased the sum Eight pounds six
shilings & Eight pence H. C in
full for a Legacy Left me by
Gideon Bowerman Deceasd
Thomas Bowerman

Note 2 – side 2
Thomas Bowerm

Note 3 – side 1
Recd 31 8 mth 1825 of Jonathan
Bowerman Exetor to the Estate
of G. Bowerman Decst in full
which is Eigh pounds Six
Shillings and Eeight pence H.C.
Josiah Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
8 – 6 - 8

Images 1-8 49,50 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Received of Jonathan Bowerman
Received thirty Seven Pound ten Shillings
being the portion of moneys due Jane
Ball from the Estate of Gidion
Bowerman of Hallowell Decessed this I have
Received from Johnathan Bowerman
Executor which I promis to account to
Jane Ball for both me my heirs assigns
Executors and administrators
when Called for
as witness my hand this 19 day of Sixth
month 1827 at Hamilton
Cyrus Richmond
Jonathan Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
Cyrous Richmond
to Jane Ball

Images 51,52 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Recevd Hamilton the 19 of 6 m
onth 1827 of Jonathan Bowerman
Executor to the Estate of G. Bowerman
the Sum of thirty Seven pounds
ten Shillings H. Currency in full
of the Leggecy Left me or my ––
Children by Gideon Bowerman
Recd by me her
Jane + Ball
Witness cross
Cyrus Richmond

Note 1 – side 2
J Ball
37 – 10

Note 2 – side 1
Rc’d 12 of 5 month 1829 of
Jonathan Bowerman Ecx. to the
Estate of Gideon Bowerman Da’s
Eight pounds Six shillings
and Eight pence in full
A. P. Sherriff

Note 2 – side 2
A Sherrif
for the Estate
of G Bowerman

Note 3 – side 1
Received in full of Stephen Bowerman
a legacy from Gideon Bowermans estate to
Amos Bowerman on this the 4th of 6 mo 1829

Note 3 – side 2
the receit of
Gideon Bowerman
estate from
Amos Bowerman
the sum of 8£ - 6S – 8D

Images 1-8 53,54 (3 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Recd 8 of 3 month 1830 of
Jonathan Bowerman Executor to the ––
Estate of G. Bowerman Dest Eight
pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence
Lydia Bowerman

Note 1 – side 2
L Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
£ 1 – 9 – 2 ½ Six Months after date I promise to pay
to the Estate of Gideon Bowerman the sum of One
pound Nine Shillings and two pence half penny
it being a Balance Due on his Books – with Interest
Picton May 21st 1842 Stephen [hole]werman

Calvin Pier Jun

Note 2 – side 2
Receivd Nov 30th 1842 On the within Note one pound
Eight ten Shillings and one penny in full
C Pier

Note £ 1 – 9 – 2 ½

Note 3 – side 1
Hallowell 2 nd of 3 mo 1846
Settled this day between Jonathan
Bowerman and Stephen Bowerman
the accounts between them and
Gidion Bowermans Estate in full
and find no Difference in our
accounts Jonathan Bowerman
Cornelius Bowerman

Note 3 – side 2
Jonth Bowerman

Images 1-8 55,56 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
An Inventory of the Propperty of the late Gideon
Bowerman Deceased taken by Those whose names
are hereunto set this 18th day of 6th Mo 1811 Amount
£ S D 0/0
three Hundred Acres of land in the Town of Ameli
as Burgh one Hundred Acres being the rear part of
Lot No six and Lot number seven at ––––– X 500
one Hundred and Fifty Acres in the afore mentioned
Township lying in the rear of Lot No six seven and
Lot number Eight ––––––––––––––––––––– X 217
also two Hundred acres being Lot number nine in the
preceding Township at ––––––––––––––– X 181 3
two Hundred Acres in the Town of Haldiman No
seven in the Second Consession –––––––––– 50
two Hundred Acres likewise in the last named Town
the Number not ascertaind ––––––––––––– 68 3
two Hundred Acres in the Town of Scarborough the
Consession and number not known ––––––––––– 50
one Note of Hand against John Young Sixty six pounds
one Shilling three pence Bearing date 10th day of June
1809 with Intrest from the date an Endorsment on sa
id Note 14th of First Mo 1810 twenty pounds Seven
Shillings & one penny [above 4 lines struckthrough?]
one Fanning Mill –––––––––––––––––––––––– 5
one set of Harness –––––––––––––––––––––––– 5 10
one Iron shod Slay ––––––––––––––––––––––– £ 8
one plow share ––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 10
an Ox Slay ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 0 5
an Ox Chain ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 0 10
Cross Cut saw 20 Shillings two Coolers £3 –
one Iron Pot S10 ––––––––––––––––––––– 4 10
one Bake Cettle & small pot S15 Cemp Cittle S10 – 1 5
one Lanthorn S2 – 6 one round trunkS20
one tin chest S4 –––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 6 6
one Fowling peice £5- and pocket Book S1 – 0 –– 5 1 3
J S Campbells Receipt For Forty Thousand Five
Hundred and twenty seven peicees of staves Bearing
date Quebec 25th of Sept 1810 Estimated at ––––– 1350
one Note of Hand against Francis and William
Hunter to the amount of Six Hundred Eighty
two pounds two Shillings Bearing date Quebec 16 mo 454 14 8
of October 1810

Note 1 – side 2
two pounds Four Shillings & seven pence 3 S Cash 2 4 7 ¾
seven barrels of Flour £1-5 – /3d Gold Scales £12-6 12 17 6
two Beaver Hats £1-5– one Gallon Botl S5 1 10
Sixteen Dozen coat Buttons £1-7-6 one lb three ¼ of ? ? ning
thread £1 -/10 twelve Wains of sewing Sett? slief? of h? /5 3 2 6
one case and Rasor Shaveing Bone /5- one Brasleader brush?
/2-6 four two Inch augers /77 6 Inch ½ auger /2 -6 ––– 1 7 6
twenty seven yds of striped Cotton £5 /8 twenty four yds
¾ of Grey Cloth £12 /2-6 Fourteen ¾ yds of Jacket
patterns £8-8-6 nineteen ¼ yds of Grey Broad Cloth £15 /12 41 11 0
Seventeen ¾ yds of ben gatt? Stripe £8- /6-6 1 6 6
twenty three pair of Cotton and Worsted socks £4 /0-6 4 0 6
Fifty one cross bard Handerchiefs £15 - /6 ––––– 15 6 0
twenty two yds of Brown Holland £2 /7-8 –––––– 2 7 8
ten yds of lining Cloth £1 / 6 – 9 ¼ ––––––––––––– 1 6 9 ¼
Bedding to the amount of ––––––––––––––––––––– 3 2 0
a few pewter and tin dishes one jug of Black ball three
Brushes Marking Hamer and saw set –––––––––––––– 0 7 6
Frying pan two Barrels are? and Sauce pan 0 16 9
one Hundred sixteen pocket Handkercheifs –––––––– 2 8 4
Eighteen Dozen vest Buttons / 12-4 4 yds Black Muslin £2 2 12 4
twenty five ¾ yds of Bengal Stripe £1-18-6 two yds Brown
Broad Cloth £2-5 Four yds Gray Broad Cloth £3 7 3 6
one six Gallon Cag –––––––––––––––––––––––––– 0 5 0
Forty one Jack knives ––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 13 4
5 Notes against Samuel Saeler & Intrest
for wheat pork or flower 13 8 9
5 Notes against Abraham Huyett for
Cattle & produce the the amount 74 13 3
1 Note against Adam Zuflgo? & Intrest 1 19
2 Notes against Isaac Smyth & Intrest 112 3 11
1 Note against Cornelius Huyck & Intrest 6 1 7
1 Note against Joseph yong & Intrest 58 12 4
1 Note against Cornilus Blunt & Inter 16 13 7

Image 1-8 56, 57 Carm Foster
Note ? – side 2
two pounds four Shillings & seven pence three Qrs? Cash 2 4 7 ¾ ?
seven Barrels of Flour £ 12-/3s? Gold Sealer £ 12-6 12 17 6
two Beaver Hats £ 1-5- one Gallon Botll /5 1 10
Sixteen Dozen coat Buttons £ 1-7-6 & one lb three ¼ of shintz?
thread £ 1-/10 twelve Hains of sewing felt slick? of liver? 1/5 3 2 6
one case and Rasor flavering Base /5 – one Brass leader Brush
12-6 four two Inch augers ? 7-6 Inch ½ auger 12-6 1 7 6
twenty seven yds of Striped Cotton £ 5/8 twenty four yds ¾ of
Grey Cloth £ 12/2-6 – Fourteen ¾ yds of Jacket hatterns? £ 8-8-6
ninteen ½ yds of Grey Broad Cloth £ 15/12 41 11 0
Seventeen ¾ yds of ben gall Stripe £ 1-/6-6 1 6 6
Twenty three pair of Cotton and worsted socks £ 4/0-6 4 0 6
Fifty one cross? band Handkerchiefs £ 15-/6 15 6 0
twenty two yds of Brown Hattand? £ 2/7-8 2 7 8
ten ¾ yds of lining Cloth £ 1/6-9 ¼ 1 6 9 ¼
Bedding to the amount of 3 2 0
a few pewter and tin dishes one jug of Black ball three Brushes
Marking Hamer and saw set 0 7 6
Frying pan two Barrels axe and sauce pan 0 16 9
one Hundred sixteen pocket Handkerchiefs 2 8 4
Eighteen Dozen Vest Buttons /12-4 ten yds Black Muslin £ 2 2 12 4
Twenty five ¾ yds of Bengal Stripe £ 1-18-6 two yes Brown
Broad Cloth £ 2-5- four yds Grey Broad Cloth £ 3 7 3 6
one Six Gallon Jug 0 5 0
Forty one Jack knives 1 13 4
One pen knife 0 1 3
5 Notes against Samuel Tailor & Intrest for wheat pork or flouer? 13 8 9
5 Notes against Abraham Huyett for Cattle & produce the the
amount 74 13 3
1 note against Adam Zufolp? & Intrest 1 19
2 Notes against ?ade Smyth & Intrest 112 3 11
1 Note against Cornelius Huyck & Intr 6 1 7
1 Note against Joseph yong & Intrest 58 12 4
1 Note against Cornilus Blunt & Intr 16 13 7

Note ? – side 3
£ s d
1 Note against John Trumpore & In? 7-18-7
2 Notes against Hugh Robberson & Intr 27 15 3
1 Note against John Darling & Intr 2- 1-10
1 Note against John yong & Intrest 46-11-2
1 Note against Cornelius Borden? & Intr 1- 2- 3
1 Note against Paul Trumpore 2- 0- 0
1 Note against Philip Dorland Junr & Intr 1-17-7
1 Note against John Hokenert? & Intr 11-8 -10
[the rest of this page consists of cipherings]

Image 1-8 58, 59 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Mr. Gideon Bowerman
1810 To Parker Gerrard Ogilvy H.g?
Octr. 31 To amount of Sundry Goods & Invoice deliverd you} 193.10.6
To ditto – ditto – deld John Dorland } 42.13.4
To forwarding 3 Barrels bulk
G.B. and ½ or.? I?.D.W
17/6 & B?/3r.? 3.1.3
less Freight? twice?
Charged on 12 may 15.- 2. 6. 3
1812 dur 1st. Augt. 1811 238.10.1
June 29th. To Interest on Balance of Amount to this date} 13. 2. 6
Is 11 months } ₤ 251..12/7
Errors Excepted
Montreal 29 June 1812
Recd in full of Mr I. Bowerman Mont. 6 July 1812
Gerard? Gerow? and Gillespie? ?

Note 1 – side 2
Givto ? P G? O ?
Gideon Bowerman

Images 1-8 60, 61 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
£ s d
2 Bever hats £ 1-5 1 gallon Bottle /5 1 10 -
16 Dozen Coat Buttons £ 1-7-6 one lb ¾ of lining thread
£ 1-10 twelve Skains of Sewing Silk thick twist 3 2 6
A lot of goods to the amount of 67 5 11 ¼
Beding to the amount of 3 2 -
A Lot of house hold goods and farming utentials at 15 8 -
5 Notes against Abraham Hyatt at 75 - -
1 Note against Joseph Yongs £ 52-5-2
Discount from said Note 18-3 51 6 11
1 Note against Rowland Shearman £ 4 - -15
Interest on Sd Note 11 5 6 -
1 Note against Andrew C Huyck 238-7-4
Discount on Sd Note 6 38 1 4
1 Note against John Youngs £ 40-14-2
Interest on Sd Note 7- 0 -6 47 14 8
1 Note against John Trumpour £ 7- 9 -3
Interest on Sd Note 15- 3 8 4 6 ?
1 Note against Hugh Robertson 23 5 4
2 Notes against Isaac Smith £ 30 -8 -4
Interest on Sd Notes 3-12-2 33 15 6
1 Note against Philip Dorland jur £ 1-11-3
Interest on Sd Note 7- 5 1 18 8
1 Note against Cornelias Blunt £ 15-12-6
Interest on Sd Note 1-19-8 17 12 2
1 Note against Jacob German By the way of s d
Ruben Cronk £ 13- 1 Interst 3-4 13 4 4
1 Note against Cornelias Bonter? £ 1- 1
Interest on sd 1.11 1 2 11
1 Note against John Darlin £ 1-15-4
Interest on Sd 5-1 2 0 11
409 2 2 ¾ ?
A True Copy of the Invotary 1822 7 9 ¼
Of the Property of Gidion £ 2231 10 00
Bowerman Deccased
Gilbert Dorland
Aaron White
Jacob Cronkhite

Note 1 – side 2
The Whole amonts being put forward is £ 2231 – 19
The amount of the Demands against the
Estate is ouing? of one Thousand Pounds 1000 – 0
Which is found by the Executors £ 12.31. 10

The Invotary of the Property of
Gidion Bowerman
or true Coppy

Images 1-8 62, 63 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 3
An Invotary of the Property of the late Gidion Bowerman Deceased taken by these whos names are hereunto set this 22th of the ? month 1812
Three hundred acres of Land in the Town of Ameliasburgh
one hundred acres being rear part of Lot No six and £ S D
Lot No Seven 425
also 150 acres in the same town lying in the rear
Lot No 6, 7, and 8 at 11s – 3d pr acre 104 12 6
200 acres of Land in Holderman No. 7 in the
2 Concession at 50 -
also two hundred acres in the last Named Town
the Number not ascertained 68 3
also 279 acres of Land Ameliasburgh at the Consecon
at 15s/pra 209 5
one Note against the Hunters at Quebeck 484 14 8
one horse cart at 2 8
2 horse blankets at - 13
2 Sitting Chairs at 2s/ - 4
1 Small frow at - 2
abought 18000 Staves at Quebeck at £ 22/ 5s pr Thous
per Thousand 400 10
also 3000 Staves Sold in Quebeck at £ 22 – 5s pr
Thousand Clear of ground Rent and Assurance 66 15 -
1 Faning mill at 5
1 Set of harness at 5 10 -
1 Old Iron Shod Sled at 10 -
1 plow Shear at 1 10?
1 Ox Sled at 5
1 Ox Chain at 10
1 Cross cut saw 20s 2 Coolers at £ 3 4 - -
1 Bake kittle and small pot 15s Camp kittles s10 1 5 -
1 Canthorn? 2s/6d a round trunk 20s 1 tin Chest s4 1 6 6
1 Towling? peice £5 and pocket Book s1-3 5 1 3
By Cash in hand 2 4 7 ?
Seven Barrels of Flour £12-5- [torn piece] S12-6 12 17 6
A true Copy of the Invotry [torn piece] 1.8 ? ? ?

Images 1-8 63, 64, 65, 66 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
Quebec 19th October 1814
Jona ? Bowerman
Dear Friend
We have received your letter by James McNabb and are happy that you and he are likely to make an arrangement for the Debt Due to you an late worthy Brother Gedion Bowerman whom had it pleased the almighty to have preserved, we have every Confidence from the Sincere friend Ship and reciprocal good offices that had Existed between us for years that he would have, under Existing Circumstance, Corupromised? matters with us or as easy terms as possible – we have met with heavy losses in Europe and Canada.

Note 1 – side 2
Such as have caused us much Embarrassement – and the Staves we purchased from your Brother, we sold at a loss of nearly one half indeed under every Circumstance we are induced to ask you, and the Concerned of your late Brothers Estate, for a Discount of 5/- in the pound on the Original note without interest with a reasonable time for the payment of some part thereof – by our Mutual friend Mr. McNabb leaving however the matter between you and our Mutual friend we are very
Sincerely, your Friend
and well wishers –
? Wm Hunter

Note 1 – side 3
NB. we are not unmindful that your goodness had already given directions to accept of £ 600 – in full for £ 710.12.6 ??.W.H

Note 1 – side 4
Jona. Bowerman Exectr to the Estate
of the late Gedion Bowerman
favd. by Me } Hallowell
Jas. McNabb } Upper Canada

Image 1-8 67,68 (2 Notes) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1

Know all men by these presents I Elijah Ketchum of the Township of Haldimand County of Northumberland and Province of Upper Canada have Remissed Released and forever Quit Claimed for my Heirs Executors and Administrators and by these presents Do Remiss Release and forever Quit Claim the sale unto Gideon Bowerman of Hallowell Deceased his Heirs Executors and Administrators All and all manor of action and actions cause and causes of actions Suits Bills Bonds writings Obligations Debs Dues Duties Reckonings accounts Sum and Sums of Money Judgements Executions Extents Quarrels Controversies trespasses Damages and Demands whatsoever both of Laws and in – Equity or other wise hows(o)ever which against him the Said Gideon Bowerman Deseased. I ever had Now have or which I my Heirs Executors or Administrators can shall or may have claim challenge or demand for by Reason or means
of any Act matter cause or thing from the begining from the begining of the note to the Day of the Date of these presents – In witness where of I have here unto Set my hand at Ernest Taken in the Province of Upper Canada this sixteenth Day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and twenty one and Second year of His Majestys Reign ––––
Signed and Delivered }
In presents of } Elijah Ketchum
John C. Clark }

Note 1 – side 2
the 17 of 8 mo 1821
of jinna relreleas ?
from Elijah Ketcham
to Gideon Bowerman

Note 2 – side 1
Halowell 8th of 4 month 1813
receivd seven and six pence of
Stephen Bowerman it being in
full against the estate of Giden
Bowerman it beeing in favour
of Danniel McDannil
John McDonald

Note 2 – side 2
MacDannie[torn off]
for 7 /6

Images 1-8 69,70,71 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Know all Men by these presents that
I Stephen Bowerman of the Township of Hallowell in the County of Prince Edward Midland District and Province of Upper Canada yoeman am held and firmly Bound to Robert McCartney his heirs Executors and Administrators and Assigns in the penal Sum of Six hundred pounds Lawful Money of the Province aforesaid, for which payment will and truly to be made and done I bind myself my heirs excuters and Administrators jointly and se[torn]erally firmly by these presents Sealed with my Seal dated this Eighth day of February in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight
Hundred and Twenty ––– The Conditions of the Above Obligation is Such that if the above Bounden Stephen Bowerman his heirs Executors or Administrators or either of them Shall and do give Grant and Execute a good and sufficient Deed or Conveyance unto the aforesaid Robert Mc Cartney his heirs and assigns for the West half of Lot No Nine in the first Concession Lake – side in the township of Ameliasburgh in the County and District aforesaid and

Note 1 – side 2
as soon as he the said Robert McCartney shall pay for the same then this Obligation Shall be Null and Void otherwise to remain and Stands in full force and Virtue
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of ––––––––
Henry Smith [hole]tephen Bower man
Executor of the Estate of late
Garnet Striker Gideon Bowerman
Deceased –––––

Note 1 – side 3
Stephen Bowerman
To McCartney
Robert Striker

penal Bond

Images 1-8 72,73,74,75 ( 1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1

January [torn] Then Bo Bower began to work
to 13 Least? Days Jan 5 1 1 1 1 1 - 5 + -
6 0 0
Yikrumn? 6 by Working 8 /6
[some skattered ciphering]
Bo Bowermn Dr £ S d
1 pare shoes 0 11 6
Striped Cotton 0 10 0
Broad Cloth 1 11 0
Cash 8
White Cotton 1 5 0
knife 0 1 2
[obscured by fold]
1 hat 1 lb tobacco 1 2 3
paid of Clark 0 12 6
tobacco 0 5 0
1 knife Clark 0 3 6
Cash @ 2 times 0 12 6
paid Joseph Dorland 1 2 6
paid of yongs 1 /7 0 1 3
paid John Magraw 1 0 0
paid yongs for Whee? 0 15 0
Cash 6 to pidlin / 7 1 3 0
Shoes 0 6 6
paid to Morgan Note 3 17 8
Note of Washbourn 5 & 8
1 knife 1 /3 pork 15 0 16 3
old pare boots –––––––––––––––––
21 10 6 carried forward

Note 1 – side 2
Benam Bowermn 6 six? month?
£ S d
by 5 month 11 Day Work @ 5 pound 26 2 9
by 10 bus potatoes @ 2 1 0 0
by 1 pare Leather Ironesses? 1 2 6
by Working 0 8 4
by 4 months lacking 3 Days of kah Rife? 5 11 8
by an acompt? of mabe ½ Day 0 6 0
£ 34 10 9
[blank space]

[obscure] 21 10 6
to 2 bus Corn @ 5 0 10 0
to 2 bus Wheat 0 10 0
to 1 note from James Barker 3 0 0
to 2 ½ yds brown Cloth @22 /6 per? 2 16 3
to 1 yd Cotton 2 / 2 1 y flannel @ 2 /10 0 5 0
to 1 ½ lb tea at Carnehans 0 11 3
Do towards a Cow 0 5 0
to 1 Cow Rothen? In Desspite? 5 10 0
34 18 0

7 / 6 - pr ??

Note 1 – side 3

[disconnected bits of ciphering]

Note 1 – side 4

[some 5 lines of ciphering]
Images 1-8 76, 77 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
[the upper left corner of this note has been torn away]
5 thousand staves by 5 thou Staves
ground Rent 8 – 8 – 0 125 – 0 – 0
Insurance? 3-15 – 0 13- 13 – 0
power Attir? 1-10 – 0 111 – 7 – 0
13-13 – 0 by bus? Of A.D.? 5- 14 – 0
[torn] ? Subtract out £ 117 – 1 – 0
[torn] ? X 11 45 -10 - 7
Do Estate GB £71- 10 – 5
James Cummings// 1- 12- 2 ½
? off? ???????
to Cont? out? Kingston £70- 18- 2 ½
0 – 5 – 0
Sept 6 to my lending? in Settemen? of Cummings
& Grants? 0 – 3 – 9
to my attening to Lastte? Locke? - 3 – 9
to my going to ?Port? Town - 3 – 9
to my going to Quebec 5 – 5 – 0
to Cash to Docter – Holbert? 6 – 1 – 3
2- 10 – 0
to Do – to tisdall? Note 20 - ? - ?
to Cash paid out for Expenses 16- 10 – 4
to Cash paid out Expence to forth town// 6 – 3
45- 10 – 7
[the rest of this note consists of cipherings]

Note 1 – side 2
[written in the centre of the page is the following]
Estate G. Bowerman
[covering the rest of the page are cipherings and some writing which is unreadable]

Images 1-8 78, 79 Carm Foster
Note 1 – side 1
This Indenture made the Twenty sixth day of August, in the Year of Our Lord; One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Between Thomas – Ichabod – Jonathan – Stephen – Inrael – Judah Bourmans. Lydia Blount – Mary White – Deborah Vincent Nancy Elsworth. Thimothy, David – Elisabeth Palmer, Jane Ball Hannah Butts and Sarah Bowerman: all personally named in the last Will and Testament of Gideon Bowerman of Hallowell Deceased, of the One part. And Gideon Bowerman Son of Ichobod Bourman of Hallowell, County of Prince Edward Midland District and Province of Upper Canada of the Other part. Witnesseth. That the said party of the first part for and in Consideration of Five pounds Good and Lawful money, paid to our full Satisfaction by him the said Gideon Bowerman, before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents; hath bargained, Sold, Remised, and Quit Claimed, and by these presents, doth bargain, Sell, Remise [torn] nd Quit Claim unto him the said Gideon Bowerman [torn] his actual possession, and to his Heirs and Assigns [torn] for ever, all and Singular that Certain parcel and Tract [torn] of land and premises in the first Concession on the Lake [torn] Ontario Side in the Township of Hillier in the said County [torn] of Prince Edward, Containing by Admeasurement Ninety [torn] Eight Acres of land be the same more or less, being composed [torn] of Lot Number Thirteen in the said first Concession, and is [torn] utted and bounded as follows, that is to say. – [torn] Commenceing at the South west Angle of the said Lot [torn] Number Thirteen, at the side of Lake Ontario. Then [torn] North Fifty Eight Degrees thirty Minutes East, Fifty one [torn] Chains – Then South thirty one Degrees Thirty minutes East Fifteen Chains Sixty links. Then North Fifty Eight Degrees Thirty minutes East to the land belonging to Rowland Shearman or to Lot Number Four; Then South Thirty one Degrees Thirty Minutes East more or less to the land blonging to John Young Then South Fifty Eight Degrees, Thirty minutes West Eighty [torn] Six Chains fifty links more or less to Lake Ontario –

Note 1 – side 2
Thence following the Lake Side more or less to the place of beginning. – Together with all and Singular the Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Roversion and Reversions, Remainder and Reaminders Rents, Issues and Profits thereof; and all the Estate; Right Title, Interest, Claim or Demand whatever of us the said party of the first part either at Law or Equity, of, in an [torn] to the above bargained Premises, and every part and pa [torn] whereof to him the said Gideon Bowerman and his Heirs and Assigns, to his, and their own benefit and beho [torn] forever.
In Witness whereof – we have set our hands and Seals hereunto - - - -
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of. - - - -}
David ??utts
Vincent Bowerman
Israel Bowerman
Stephen Blunt
David X Bowerman
Jonathan I Bowerman
Mary X Jennings
Joseph Bowerman
Sarah Garratt
Jonathan Bowerman
Stephen Bowerman
Josiah Bowerman
Lydia Bowerman
Patience Bowerman

Images 1-8 80,82 (1 Note) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
Know all men by these presents that whereas Gideon Bowerman deceased formerly of Hallowell by his last will among other Legacies therein contrived did give and bequeath to me Gideon Bowerman his nephew a Certain parcel or tract of land and authorised his Executors Jonathan and Stephen Bowerman to give a deed for the same to me or my assigns Now Know ye that I the said Gideon Bowerman do hereby confess and acknowledge that I have had and received from said Executors a deed for the aforesaid land in the name of Hugh Archelous? ( to whom I assigned my right in Said land) given & bequeathed me by the said Gideon Bowerman deceased, I therefore do by these presents aquit release and discharge the Said Jonathan and Stephen Bowerman of and from all legacies dues duties and demands whatso ever which I or my heirs may have Claim or demand whatsoever which I or my heirs may have Claim or demand of in against Said Executors

Note 1 – side 2
by virtue of said last will
In witness whereof I have hereto
set my hand and Seal this 6th february
In presence of } Gideon Bowerman
Wm Rorke }

Images 1-8 82,83,84 ( 1 Note ) Doug Smith
Note 1 – side 1
This Indenture Made And Executed this twenty third Day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred And Seventeen between John Stinson Jur at law to the Estate of John Stinson Deceased of the Township of Hallowell County of Prince Edward And Province of Upper Canada of the One Part And Jonathan Bowerman And Stephen Bowerman Executors to the Estate of the late Gideon Bowerman Deceased of the Town County And Province Aforesaid of the other Part Witnesseth that the Said John Stinson Junior for And In the Consideration of the Sum of One Thousand Pounds Lawful Money of the Province of Upper Canada Paid to the Said John Stinson Seigniour In his life the Receipt Whereof Is Hereby Acknowledged And Confessed Doeth Alien Release And Forever Confirm Unto the Said Jonathan Bowerman And Stephen Bowerman And to their Heirs Executors and Administrators Or Assigns All that Certain Parcel Or Tract of Land Situate Lying And Being In theTownship of Ameliasburgh Midland District And Provence of Upper Canada Containing by Admeasurement Sixteen Hundred Acers be the Same More Or Less Butted And bounded Or may be Otherwise known that is to say Commencing On the South Eastern Shore of Willers Lake At a Post Marked three and four And Planted By Henry Smith and At the North East Angle of Said Lot or Tract of Land then Runing South Thirty One Degrees thirty Minutes East One Hundred thirty one Chains fifty links More Or Less to the Allowance for Road In Rear of the third Concession from Lake Ontario Run by Wilmot Surveyor then South Seventy Degrees West Eighty two Chains Along the Concession line to Lake OntarioMore Or Less then North Westerly Along the Shore of Said Lake to a Point at the Commencement Of a Sandy Beach then Acros the Said Beach then North fifty Eight Degrees thirty Minutes

Note 1 – side 2
East to the Aforesaid Willers Lake then Along the Waters Edge to the Place of Begining to have And to Hold Said Parcel or Tract of Land Hereby Granted Unto them the Said Jonathan Bowerman And Stephen Bowerman Executors as Aforesaid to the Late Gideon Bowerman Deceased And to their Hiers and Assigns for Ever With All the Priviledges and Appertenances thereonto belonging Or in anywise Appertaining Rents Issues and Profits Woods ways Waters and Watercources Houses Out Houses and All Buildings and Improvements whatsoever to the Only Proper Use And Behoof of them the Said Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowerman and to their Heirs And Assigns Only Saving and Reserving the Original Reservations of Minds Minerals and
White Pine timber and So fourth Reserved by the Crown and the Said John Stinson Junior Do it for himself his Heirs Executors Administratos and Assigns Forever Warant and Defend the Within Mentioned Premises Unto the Said Jonathan Bowerman and Stephen Bowerman And to their Heirs and Assigns Forever In Witness the Said Johan Stinson Junior hath Hereunto Set his Hand and Seal On the Day and In the Year Within Writen
Signed Sealed and Delivered

In the Presence of
Chauncey Clark John Stinson
Stephen Ferguson

Note 1 – side 3
I Acknowledge My Father John Stinson Seigniour to have Reserved the full
Consideration Money Mentioned In this Deed in his life time of One tousand Pounds
John Stinson

Deed from Jn Stinson
To Jonathan and Stephen
Bowerman –––
No L 87
A Memorial of the within deed
of Bargain and Sale was Registerd
in the Register Office of the
County of Prince Edward the
18th June 1817 at 11 oClock
forenoon Book E. page
157 – 158 by one
Danl Wright
Dep Regstr
C. P. E

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