Transcription of Meyers Account Book

Dr. William Canniff Papers

1790 Sydney Account Book by Capt John W Meyers


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In 1790, Sidney and Thurlow were just beginning to be settled and it is quite amazing that this early account book has survived. It is enlightening to see the kind of items that the merchant took in trade to re sell and items that would have come through Kingston or New York State.

The merchant is not named. An examination of the handwriting has led to the conclusion that the book was written by Capt John W. Meyers.

This account book is first dated in Sidney from July 29 1790 till 20 Feb 1792 in Sydney. There are no entries until 25 Nov 1795. The entries resume and are noted as located in Thurlow and they continue till 7 Jan 1796. There is no cover and it is 31 pages long. The front part of the book is a ledger of items given on account to be settled at a later date and some settlements are noted. The author used pages 27 onwards for notes about items borrowed and returned.

The book is transcribed as spelled and formatted roughly as the original. Note the change in spelling over time of some of the family names; Launsbury becomes Lownsberry and Gouldsmyth becomes Goldsmith.

At the very bottom of this page is a section for researchers to add comments about the names in this account book. Feel free to contact me to have your comments added.

As an aside, there is another very early account that has been transcribed. It is Samuel Sherwood's Account Book, 1785 - 1810, Dr. H.C. Burleigh, Kingston, 1975.

Source: Dr William Canniff Papers, F1390, MU490, E2 Archives of Ontario, 1790 Sidney Account Book

© Randy Saylor, Feb 2014

[Page 1]


Day Book No 2 fro[fold]

This 29th July 1790


Martin Butler Cr [credit]

by 3 Days work @ 2/

---- 30th ----

Mr Jno German Snr  Cr

by a Gallon Spirits Bo


for 10 ½# Fine flour lent

---- 31st ----

Thomas Colquham C[tear]

by 3 ½ days work @ ⅛  /6?


Jno German Snr D[torn]

for 3 ½  yds Callico @ 5/


Mr Jno Fairman Dr [debtor]

for ¼ hundred weight flour ?

the 28th July


Wm Launsbury  Cr   [Lownsberry]

By the Vemfor? and Quarters

for a pair of shoes  3/6


Wm Bell

for leather for shoes  3/6

??in Launsbury

for Ditto for MacKensons  2/6

from Mr Fairman }


August the 2nd [1790]

Martin Butler  Cr

By wheat, Potatoe & Indian

Corn which is now on

Mr John Crysdells Land [Crysdale]

and to be delivered to

Ferguson & Bell  £5/0

when they are ready to [torn]

taken off --

[Page 2]

Sydney 2nd August [1790]

Martin Butler Dr

paid Jno Fairman

for you at your Request }  26/6


Mr Jno Fairman  Cr

by Martin Butler  26/6


Martin Butler Cr

By True R-----?  5/-

---- Ditto ----

[tear on left side]

?2 ½ yards Strands @ £9/   22/6

? ½ yds Linnen @ ⅗    3/5/10 ½

for a Black Sh ??         7/

? 4 yards indian? @ 9/6 14/

?? ¼

bread /9 ½


Mr German  Cr

by 1 Quart Spirits Barrd


C Martin Butler  Dr

for 1 pair of shoes  9/


By 9th Butler from Mr Smyth 9/


Widdow Smyth Dr

for paid Martin Butler for you  9/


Mr Jno German  Cr

by a bottle Spirits to Bor


Mr Ostrum  Cr

by 5# porke @ 7 ½

?? Tobacco pipes

[Page 3]

Sydney 6th August 1790

Mr Jno Fairman  Cr

by cash 15/


Mr Jno German  Dr

for 1# Powder

---- 17th ----

Mr Samuel Sherwood  Cr

by 8 ½ # Sugar @ --

---- 10th ----

Mr Jno German  Dr

for ½# Soap (per Polly or Lewis)  /7


Joshua Gould Smyth [Goldsmith]

by a Sickel  3/

---- 15 ----

Wm Johnson  Cr

by one days work   [torn]


Mr Jno Crysdell

by 1Gall 1Qts  1Pts Rum Borro

at Harvest time

---- 10 ----

Wm Launsbury  Cr

By a Drawing Knife  10/


Private E  Dr

For 2# Tea  1/

a gun paper


Wm Bea  Dr

For Pd Vandusen  31/

---- 17 ----

John Ferguson  Dr

For 3yd Callico

1 P?  ?? ??

[Page 4]

Sydney 17th Nov 17[90]

Mr Jno Fairman  Cr

by 2# Butter @  2/

---- Dr ----

for 1# sugar  2/

for 1# Soan?  11/2

for 4 Skeens Thread  /4


Mr Archd Chisholm  Dr

for 1# Loaf lent}

by Joney Fairman}   ½

---- 20 ----

Mr Wm Launsbury  Cr

by Leather for the

uppers of one pr Shoes  3/6


for 2 raccoons  2/6

for 6 nok Hats  1/


Mr Osbrum  Cr

by 17th Gammon @  1/17

---- 22 ----

Mr Jno German Dr

for 6 Fusil Flints  /6

---- 24th ----

Mr Jno Crysdel  Cr

by 13 days boarding

at Harvest time @

5/ per week }  10/


Joshua Goldsmith  Cr

By a Cunch? Shell  5/


Mr Crysdell  Dr

for 2 ½ yds Malton @ 4/  10/

[Page 5]

Sydney 26th August 90

Mr Jno Crysdell  Cr

by Drawing in wheat for

mo 2 days work of one man


for 2 days works paid

25th & 26th at Logging

---- 29th ----

Mr Fairman  Cr

by 2# Butter @ 1/  2/

---- 31st ----

Mr Jno Stalker  Dr

for 1 pair Shoes  8/


Mr Jno German Snr

By 10 ½# flour return


Mr Smyth  Cr

by 1# Butter  @1 [torn]

pr Polly German


September 5th 90

Mr Jno Fairman  Dr

for 1# Gun Powder  5/

---- 6th ----

Mr John German Senr

for 1# Gun Powder  5/

---- 9th ----

Capt Isaac Servens  Cr

by cash   1/1


Mr Jno German  Dr

for 3# Powder @ 5  15/

6 Oct for Ditto  2/6


Caleb Gilbert

for 1# Butter from Mr Smith  1/1

[Page 6]

Sydney 9th Sept 9[0]

Wm Spencer[s?] negro  Dr

for ½# Tobacco  1/9

for ½# powder   2/6


---- 12 ----

Mrs Smith  Cr

by 8# Butter @ 1/  8/


Mr Jno Blacker  Cr [Bleecker]

by a Gallon Rum Returned

---- 14 ----

Mr Jno Fairman  Cr

by 2# Butter @ 1/  2/

---- 16 ----

Mr Jno Crysdel  Cr

[torn]y Leather for a pair

of moucinsons for }  ⅙  [moccasins]

Alexander Ferguson}

by finding Stalker and}

Lott when Theshing}


Mr’s Dodds & Johnston  Dr

for 1# powder  5/


John Ferguson  Dr

for moucinsons for Alexander  ⅙


John Lott  Cr

by Days work Thrash

[Page 7]

Sydney 16th Sepr 1790

Jno Stalker  Cr

by Thrashing

---- Oct 2nd ----

Wm Bell Dr

for cash when going to Kingston 22nd Sepr }  7/6

for for paid McAuleey & Markland }  47/10


by Vandusen 1/

by a pepper bon?  /9

by 1# mustard  ¾

---- 9th ----

Orry Rose  Cr

by 2 ¼ Days work with your fence 1/


Stephen Gilbert Esqr  Cr

by 2 Basketts wheat @

---- 12th ----

Ralph Osterum  Cr

by 4 /2 Bas Whet @

to be Pd in Cash, wheat or [torn]

---- 10th ----

John Chisholm  Cr

by ¾ days work of your Horses and Sen Herd?  ¾

---- 21st ----

Mr John Crysdell  Cr

by 1 ½ Bushells wheat@

---- 2 ----

Widdow Smith  Cr

by 2# Butte @ 1/  2/

---- 9th Nov ----

Wm Spencer Capt ???  Cr

by cash  4/3

---- 11th ----

Wm Sherhard  Dr [Sherrard]

for 2 Skeens Thread  /2

[page 8]

Sydney 11th Nov 1790

Wm Sharrard?  Cr

by your son one day threshing  ⅛

[page 9]

Inventory taken 29th Novemeber 1790

26 pp gartering   7/6

19 Looking glasses  

5# Vermillion 10/

105 yds Linnen lace @6

1 pp Bed Lace 12/6

7 ½ pp None so pretty 1/3 [decorative braid or tape]

3 prs Scarlet garters 3/

80 hanks mohair @6

90 flints @1

4 prs W. Worsted/ Gloves 2/6

5 yds Blue Coating 6/6

5 packing needles -

2 Beaver Spears 2/6

5 dow? Buttons 1/6

6 Crapes -

76 Gun worms @6

90 Canoe awls @4 - @3

50 FireSteels @6

2 Razors 1/6

23 Clasp Knives 1/2

10 Couteaux 1/

15 Scalping Knives 1/6

4 Brass Tomahawks 5/

2 ½# Thread -

4 Blk Slk Handkerchief 7/6

12 yds Indian Ribbon 1/

4 ½ yds Broad Do [Ribbon] 2/

9 yds Callicoe 5/

1 pattern Molton Leggings 5/


Wm Launsbury Cr

By Sundries to Jno Ferguson 17/6

[page 10]

Sydney Dec 2 1790

Samuel Reid Dr

For 4 skeins Thread @4


Eliza Reid Dr

For 4 skeins Thread @4

---- 4th ----

Eliza Reid Dr

for 1 ½ yd Bead Law @4d - /6d


John German  Dr

for 3 skeins Thread /3d


John Reed Dr

for thread /6d

---- 11th ----

Wm [Mr?] Crysdal  Dr

for a black Llk? handkerchiff for Elow? /10

---- 13 ----

Caleb Gilbert  Dr

for a Stick Mochair /6d

---- 20th ----

Ory Rose Cr

by going to mill 10/

---- 21st ----

Mr Jno Crysdall Dr

for 1 pew? nonesopretty 1/10

for 1 stick Mochair /6

---- 22 -----

Mr Jno German Dr

for 6 Skiens Thread /6

---- 27th ----

Wm [Mr?] Crysdal Cr

By a Black Silk Handkerchiff Returnd

[page 11]

Sydney 11th Jany 1791

John German   Cr

By Sundries 12/6


Wm Bell Dr

for Sundries 12/6

---- 14th ----

Wm Bell Dr

for a pattron of Indian Leggings Red Molton


Wm German Cr

by a Glass Rum to David the Mohawk   2d


Wm Bell Dr

for 1 Stick Green Twist

for 1 Skein Thread

---- 16th ----

Mr John Crysdal Cr

by a pair buckskin Briches 27/


Wm Bell Dr

for Briches 1-7-6


Mrs Rebeca Crysdal Cr

By Ballance of account this day at Settlement   11/2

---- 12 ----

Mr German Dr

for 1 Skein Thread /1


Old Currotte Dr

for 3 Skeins Thread one

muskrat skin

[page 12]

Sydney 22nd Jany 1791

Eliza Reid  Dr

for 1 ½ yds Broad Ribbon @ 2/6 - 3/9

for 2 Skeins Thread /2


Duncan Mcaurther [McArthur]

by a pair moccinsons  2/6


Wm Bell  Dr

for moccinsons  2/6

Duncan MacAurther  2/6


Old Currotte  Dr

for 6 fishing rods last summer  /9


Wm Bell  Dr

for 3 yds Less one nad? of Broad Ribbon


Mr Jno German  Cr

by a bottle rum at Freol? Noure? Bearings  2/6


Mr Jno Fairman  Dr

for a Bottle Rum  2/6

---- Feby 5th ----

Wm Bell  Dr

for a Black Handkff

---- 14th ----

Private Expense  Dr

for 1# Best Green Tea  6/6

for 1# Common Ditto  4/6


[page 13]

Sydney 16th Feby 1791

Mrs Fairman  Dr

for one pattron of a Shirt Callico  12/6

---- 27th ----

Orry Rose  Dr

for one Clasp Knife  1/6


Mr Germain  Cr

By a pint Rum  1/3


Wm Bell  Dr

for one Claspp Knife


John Reed   Cr

by bring in the Turnips for Caulquhum Fredericks  1/8 [Coonrad Frederick?]


for one Clasp Knife  1/8

---- 28th ----

John German  Cr

by 5 ½# Gun Powder Returned £1-7-6


By a watter bucket  3/6

By 2# Nails  2/6

By washing Bill & ea?   2-13-8

---- March 4th 1791 ----

Wm Sherrard Senr  Dr

for one pack knives  1/6


Wm Sherard Junr  Dr

for one pack knives  1/6

[page 14]

Sydney 6th Mar  1791

Wm Sole  Dr

for a Stick Brown Twist  /6

---- 16th March ----

Wm Sole  Dr

for 6 yds gartering @ /3d  1/6

---- 22nd ----

Josua Goldsmith  Cr

by Cash  2/7


Mrs German  Cr

by 2# Butter borrowed and omitted when the account was settled  2/

---- 29th ----

Widdow Smyth  Cr

by ½# Butter per Mr Launsberry  /6

---- Apr 7th ----

Mrs German  Cr

by 4 ¾# Maple Sugar @


Wm Launsberry Dr

for a Clasp Knife  1/6

---- 9th ----

Wm Launsberry  Dr

for one Looking Glass  1/6


Borrowed from Mr Launsberry 6# Small Duck Shott

[page 15]

Sydney 20th April 1791

Widdow Smith  Cr

by Butter Left at Crysdales  18# Inst?  2/

---- 25th ----

Josua Goldsmith  Dr

for one Looking Glass  1/6

---- 24th ----

Duncan McAurthur  Dr

for ½# Powder  2/6

---- May 2nd ----

John Lott Senr  Cr

by 4 By: fall wheat @ 3/6  - 14/0

by 2 Do Spring Do @ 3/4 - 6/8



Wm Sherard Senr  Dr

for 1 Days work Credited to you for your son  1/8


Wm Sherard Junr  Cr

By 1 Days work  1/8

----- 3rd ----

John German  Dr

for 6 fusil flints  /6

---- 6 ----

Josua Goldsmith  Cr

by 2 ½# Leather @ 2/6  6/?

---- 8th ----

Mr Fairman  Cr

by 2# Butter @ 1/2?


Mr German  Cr

by 15 ¾# Maple Sugar @ /7 ½

9/10 ¾

[page 16]

Sydney 11th May 1791

Mr German  Cr

by ¼ yd R??hio? Shecting? Borrowd


for 4 Skeins white Thread Lent

---- 12th ----

Wm Dougan  Dr

for 1 pair Dearskin moccisons  2/6

For ¼# Tobacco  /6

for 1/2? a Day Lost  12th first

---- 10th ----

Settled with David Sagar [Sager]

this day and is Dr to him  5/6

---- 16th ----

Wm Dougan  Dr

for ½ day to go to Sherwood

---- 19th ----

Mr John Germain Senr  Dr

for 4 bu potatoes @ 2/   2/

for 6 bu Ditto @ 2/  12/


Wm Dougan  Dr

for one day lost

---- 21st ----

Wm Dougan  Dr

for ½ day lost

---- 23rd ----

Settled with Wm Dougan in full and paid him 8/9

[page 17]

Sydney 24th May 1791

David Sagor [Sager?] Cr

by Repairing a Hroc? which was not Settled for at Settling  /6

---- 30th ---

Mr Germain  Dr

for 2 Skeins Thread (per Polly)  /2d


W. Bell  Dr

for 1 ¾ yds Callico @

for 3 Skeins Thread

---- 31st ----

John German Junr

for a [hard to read - crossed out] Callico

---- 31st ----

Thomas Calquhune  Dr

for 2 Skeins Blue Thread pr Little Motte Ostrum  /2

---- June 2nd ----

Will Lownsberry  Dr

for ¾# Bavor? Stones @

---- 5th ----

Wm Lownsbery  Cr

By 2 papers Cut Tobacco

---- 17th ----

Mr German  Dr

for 4 Skeins Thread  /4


Eliza Smith  Cr

by 2#  Butter from Mrs C  2/

[page 18]

Sydney 18th June 1791

Mr German  Dr

for ¼# Pepper Lint  1/6

---- 24th ----

John Germain  Dr

for 4 bushels ? wheat Lent which is to be return

after Harvest with one peck for Bus Intrest

---- 25th ----

Mrs Fairman  Cr

by 1 ½#  Butter @ 1/   1/6

---- 29th ----

Mr Germain  Dr

for Gun worm (to Jacob)  /3d


July 16th 1791

Mrs Fairman  Cr

By 1#  Butter  /10d

---- Aug 7 ----

Mrs Fairman  Dr

for a pair worsted Gloves  2/6


Mrs Germain  Dr

for a pair worsted Gloves  2/6


Mrs Fairman  Cr

by 1# Butter  1/

[page 19]

Sydney 27th Augt 1791

Josua Gouldsmyth  Dr  [Goldsmith]

for 6 flints

---- Sepr 1 ----

Stephen Gilbert Esqr  Cr

By one Days work of your oxen and a Driver  ?/

---- Octr 4th ----

Wm Lounsberry  Dr

for 6 flints  /6

for a vornctiss?  2/


John Lott Junr  Cr

By 2 days work of your oxen and a Driver  8/


Widdow Smyth  Cr

By 1# Butter  1/

---- John German  Dr

14 Flints

for 3 fire steels @?d  1/0

---- 5 ----

Josua Gouldsmith  Dr

for ½ Bushell Potatoes  1/

---- 6 ----

John Crysdell  Cr

By Ballance of your acct to this Day at Settlement for self & wife £ 2-8-3?

[page 20]

Sydney 15th Oct 91

Josua Gouldsmith  Dr

for 3 half bushells of potatoes  3/

---- 18th ----

Wm Johnston  Dr

for a Clasp Knife  ⅙


Josua Gouldsmith  Dr

for 3 yds Gartering  1/

---- 23rd ----

Ralph Ostirum  Dr  [Ostrum]

for your acct paid in full this date


Thomas Colquhum  Dr

for your acct paid in full to this date


Wm Johnston  Cr

By 25th Buff @ 4  8/4

----  27 ----

John Crysdell  Dr

For your acct paid in full   2-8-3


Wm Johnston  Dr

for 2 Days work at Building your Chimney

for 1 Ditto Laying your floor

1 Ditto Roofing the House

1 Ditto Gable Ends

[page 21]

Sydney 20th Feby 1792

Wm Sherard Junr  Dr

for a pair of garters  1/

---- March 10th ----

John Macarthur  Dr

for 6 Bushells potatoes @  2/6

---- 22 ----

David Palmer

for a Small Stack of Hay  12/6


John Ferguson

for Lamann  }  Dr

for 1 ½ Ton Hay in the meddow Back of Mr John Harmans?

20 bushells wheat  @ 3/6

3 ½ Do  Do  @  3/9

---- 12th August ----

for 2 bushells wheat @  3/9


Wm Johnston  Cr

By one Day Cutting Brush at Landy Point


David Palmer  Dr

for 3 hundred and fifty weight of Timothy Hay @ 2/  }  7/6

[Note the gap from 1792 to 1795 and the change from Sydney to Thurlow in the year 1795.]

---- 1795 Novr 25th Thurlow ----

Wm Yerns [Yearns] Dr

for 1 pair pair of Britches  25/6

[page 22]

Thurlow 25th Novr 1795

John Ferguson  Dr

for 4 days Work at Building a Chimney  16/

@ 4/ - in Pine?


David Palmer  Dr

for Difference in a change for a Cow -

Laying of 2 axes and a cow bell


John Fairman  Dr

for 2 ½ yds of Green Bean? @  3/3  - 8/1 ½


for 7lbs of Shingles

nails @ 1/2  - 8/ - 2


Archd Chisholm  Dr

for 1 Day plowing with my oxen  3/6

for 4 ½ Days in Harvest @ 4/18/-


By a pair of How? Packs  2/6

By a pig 5

---- Dec 1st ----

Wm Yerns  Dr

for an ax  4/6

for a pair of Legins making  1/3


John Yerns  Dr

for an ax  4/6

---- Cr ----

by 2 Days work @ 1/6  3/0

By 2 Dittto Ditto  3/

Carried over  6

[page 23]

Thurlow 12th Decr

Wm Yerns  Dr

for 1lbs Tobaco  ⅙

---- 26th ----

John Yerns  Cr

by 2 Days work  3/

Brought forward  6/

---- 7 Jany 1796 ----

Wm Yerns  Cr

[page 24]


[page 25]

Philip Zwick  Cr

by 7 ½ Days worked  2/   15/

[large empty space]


for getting your ax Laid by Seagar    3/6

For 200 cart  Cannell    10/



Potatoes 1/6

£0 - 15/0


Still Dr } for paid Sagar for the ax again 1-0

John Reid Dr

for a pair half Totes? of English Leather}

one Days worked} 2/6


Philip Zwick  Dr

for making a pair of Thou patks   1/

[page 26]

Mem: of things out

At MrGerman

a tin pudding pan { Mr Fairman

2 tin Milk pan       } Brought

a Ginter? Tea pot} Home


Sauterday 8th January 91

Lent Mr Germain ½ a Bus Flour Loosley put in - paid

---- 24th ----

Borrow from Mr Sherard

4 Small Candles Equal to 2

mold  Ditto

---- 27th ----

Borrowed from MrGermn

the Small Bark Bottle full Green Tea  - paid


A Small Tea Cup full Tea from Ditto

1st Feby


paid Germain the 3 ½ Days work which he had my Bond for

and in the whole of what work I owe him

---- 25th June ----

Borrowd from Mr German

2 Small White Tea Cup full Tea

9 Ounces Maple Sugar

¼# Butter

[page 27]

29th Novr 1790

Borrowed of Caleb Gilbert

One Candle

---- 4th Decr ----

Borrowed of Mrs German

One Candle


Borrowd of Joshua Goldsmith

six quarts cane? flour

---- 5 ----

Borrd of Mrs German

tho full of one ?? small China Tea cup of B. Tea

Also two full of the largest Bowl of Flour

---- 12 ----

Lent Mr German

1 Copper Kettle}

½ a Bushell      } potatoes

---- 23rd ----

Lent Mrs Germain a Tierce? of Bran - Looley put in

Returned 2 Large boles of flour - settled

---- 26th ----

Borrowed of Mrs Germa[torn]

One candle


1791 January 2nd

Lent Mr German the Lar[torn] tub full of Bran thru[torn] as Hard as it could  -


Lent Mr Lan  M [torn and faint, hard to read]

one bushell flou[torn]

[page 28]

Sauterday 18th Septr 1790

?? Wheat Ground

½ Ditto at Home

The 5 ½ bus out of 101 Sheaves wheat

---- Novr ----

22 ½ Bushells Ditto Ground being the whole


April 8th

Lent Mr Crysdale

54? nails 8 which was long ones - for his sons Coffin


Sole Commenced Reaping hoold? the 9th May 1791


Wm ?ougan Commenced to w?? the 6th May 1791

@ 30s  pr month and to be found Bed Board & Washing

---- Aug 11th & 21st  ----

Lent Germain

1? Paid -- Returned 18 Oct

[page 29]


Lent MrCrysdell 9th Oct

2 Lin Linnes full Sault?

Lent Mr German 5 Wooden Boles full flour 23rd Sepr 90

21st Nov the above 5 wooden Boles flour Returned


Sydney 20th Feby

2 fine steels

2 Clasp knives

1 Coteau

2 Scalping Kni[torn]

4 Gunn worm

8 Flynts

20 Bolls

1 pr Scarlet [torn]

and was ????????

for the Bolls 10 M. Rats and one Martin Skin  ??

Matiurunks Wife is D[torn]

for part of the Garters [torn]

pair of Leather Mitt

---- 27th ----

Lent to old Mr Reeds for [torn]

Veneson  2 ½# Powder

25 Bolls


Sole Got Venneson for the powder? whilst I was at Kingston.

the Bolls remains thes? yd

[page 30]

Sydney 1st Sept 1790


1 ??? @ 6 1/4

1 Ditto Ditto  6 1/16

1 Ditto Ditto 6 3/4

Mr German 19# - 2


From Mr Fairman Borrowd

1 Loafe Bread 7 ¼#  14th Sept 90


[torn] owd from Mr Crysdell

[torn] ts Rane? which is take

[torn] and ????

[torn] ne J had a Bee



the 23rd Sept 9 tin

?? full flour

-- the above flour

[torn] is Returned by Gouldsmith


[torn]ole went to Launsbury

[torn]6th Apr 1791 he C?

[torn] this house about the

[torn] on 20th Jany


Wm Dougan Conu?

worked 6th May 1791

fix from 13 onward

ADDITIONAL COMMENT SECTION - email your comments to add to this section.

Rambling River, History of Thurlow Township by Mary Plumpton
Lorene Sinclair noticed Plumpton quoted a few passages from "an old day book of William Bell's dated 1790, found in the Archives of Ontario." The transcribed sections are dated and all match perfectly with the above account book. William Bell is not the owner of this account book given that he is frequently entered as a customer of John W. Meyers.
Source: Rambling River, History of Thurlow Township, Mary Plumpton, Thurlow Township Council, Ontario Intelligencer, 1967, 20-22; email Lorene Sinclair, July 2014

Gerry Boyce, in the book, Historic Hastings, 1967, 32, repeats the story of William Bell authoring this day book.

From Lorene Sinclair, June 2014
I have a small bit of information that may help support your conclusion that the owner of the ledger was Meyers.
Sager/Segar/Seager is mentioned a few times. My ancestor, David Gilbert Sager, was Waldenmeyer's nephew; David's mother being Waldenmeyer's sister. This history is outlined in Mildred Sussell's work on your site.
David Sager was a blacksmith. The story goes that John brought his nephew up to the area about 1787 because smiths were needed and he made, with Cornelius Benson, many of the early implements used in the area, including survey tools.
In this account ledger, mention is made several times of  "settling" with Sager and paying him for axes. Though this does not prove identity, the fact that a Meyers is dealing with a Sager rings true.
I also noted with interest the mentions of Eliza Reid, Samuel Reed, John Reed and "olde Mr. Reeds" - maybe William Reed Sr, very few records exist about him!