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William Canniff Papers - Main Page This manuscript contains a hodge podge of items. It was made by hand sewing large sheets of paper so that pages of about 8.5 by 14 inches were available for note taking. The pages were not numbered by Canniff but numbers have been added for the transcription. A few extra sheets were glued into the manuscript and the whole is about 71 pages. All but a few pages have been transcribed. Canniff appears to have made this manuscript after his 1864 interviews to assemble his notes from newspapers, books, his interviews and other sources into some coherence. This is a working document, not a draft of his later book. Some key words are presented in bold type but the reader is left to search the document for things of value. Thanks to Carm Foster and Doug Smith for doing much of the transcription work. Transcribed as spelled with some punctuation added for clarity. � Randy Saylor, March 2014 |
Dr William Canniff Papers, F1390, MU492, G4 Archives of Ontario A small red bound note book included in this folder. Not transcribed. [page 1] Prince Edward Hallowell Free Press (Refer to note book) A writer in second ??? on the necessity of Sophiasburgh form a distinct district. “A County Lad” writing in the F[ree] Press, Feb 1st 1831 says “There are several new roads required but the one of most essential benefit to the inhabitants would be that which would lead Wellington Village in Hillier across the peninsula to Belleville. But while improvement of this description are in contemplation, it must not be forgotten that the period is not far distant when the East Lake in Hallowell must be cleared out, and a canal suitable for the passage of the Lake Ontario Steam Boats cut from thence to Hallowell village. Such an improvement as this would in our opinion, not only lessen the distance from Kingston to York, and make the navigation less dangerous but would afford a safe and commodious harbour” etc (For a letter see scrap book. W.C.) Literary Note “A meeting of the inhabitants of the village of Hallowell is requested tomorrow Evening at Striker’s Inn at 7 o’clock to take into consideration the propriety of establishing a Reading Room in the village” (Feb 15 1831) Free Press took no side in the contest between Paul Peterson and Asa Werdon, Both parties wrote in the journal. “Prov. Parliament Prince Edward Division Bill. Mr Roblin moved the adoption of the Preamble in a few remarks, stating its geo frontier, the population being 10,000, the remoteness of the inhabitants from the location of the District Court House and fort at Kingston, - the earnest desire of a people for reformation. Mr Samson moved an amendment, rather addition that the village should have a number when it contained 1000 souls. MacKenzie supported it. Over it there was a quarrel between Mac [Kenzie] and the ??? General Bill passed We are glad to see that our friends have established a Reading Room - Joseph Wilson Sec. & ... Stinson Trea. [page 2] The Press says there were plenty of office seekers after the bill passed. 16 for sheriff. - A meeting held on Sat 12th Mar 1831 at Mr Jas Dougall’s various resolutions formed to put down the Free Press. Immediate result 4 Subscribers lost, 12 gained - Among bills passed in the “Session of 11th Par - [parliament] were to incorporate The Bay Navigation Corp and the mariners Foundry Corp. (1851) Separation of P Edward [Prince Edward] . The marriage act sent house for sanction became law. In the bill formed to erect P. E. [Prince Edward] into a separate District the site in the statute was the present one. The people of the village on the other side of Asa [Asa Werden?] Creek wished to have it near St John’s Hall. The present site is remote from the village, and near the marsh & it will process?. But a Farmer recommends to avoid monopoly and by erecting the Jail “on the primitive Site in Picton afford opportunity and encouragement for another village (!!) (Rev Macauly is at the bottom S Church?) The Magistrates by ??? had the knows? of selecting the site for the Court House. I know not when the P. E. Agricultural Society was founded. But in the Press May 31st/31 I find that the annual meeting of the P-E-A S was held at S. Strikers Inn in H- [Hallowell] on Thursday the 28th. The following officers were chosen for the following year. Steph. Niles Pres. Jas Cotter Wm Cunningham and Paul Clapp Vice Pres. L P McPherson Sec. B Dougall Asst. Sec. David Smith Jr Trea[surer]. The Government offers a bounty to Societies which could raise �50 of �100. At this time the PE Society raised the necessary amount. But it seems from a communication in the Free Press Jan 14 [page torn] signed “A member of the society” that ind[icates] their surprise upon hearing that Hallowell ... and H[ill]ier alone had paid about £46... [page 3] The Hallowell Free Press the 1st Paper published between Kingston & Toronto. Continued for 5 years - It was commenced in 1830. 1st Editor W. A. Welles not long. Picton, J Wilson speaks of the naming of the town. It had been called Hallowell, and that the inhabitants wished it still to be but Rev. McAauly desired it to be Picton. After the general in Wellington’s army. Owning property on the South side of the creek he called it Picton. Then being chaplain to the Legislators? he managed to get the town altogether called Picton. In 1799 Dr Dougal settled 2 miles from Hallowell Bridge. At that time the ground on which P [Picton] now stands was covered by a dense forest of pine and hemlock and in the low land cedar. Previous to that Johnson had cleared a little on his farm. The stone mills were built - by Mger Vanalstine. He had a good deal of property. Settlement of P. E. @ Haight Scraps Page 23 The settlement of the 5th Town commencing at the point or near it extended up to within about 2 miles of the stone mills. The land thence upward being inferior it was not taken up. The only house was that at Vanalstine’s mill occupied by the millar. At first up Picton bay there settled the two Congers, Peterson, Spencers, J Johnson. These were on the west side of the bay. The settlement there took place at little Lake on account of the advantages of fishing, having to carry provisions on their back. Anyone could take the lot be ??? there.was no reason. The point of 5th Town was settled at first by the Hessians. Was said that these mercenaries were allowed to go here, or where directed here because of their ignorance of agricultural pursuits. The opportunities for fishing being so good. These settlers were did not stand high in the estimation of those of 4th towners. They were not U. E. L. They fought it is true for Britain but but they were really mercenaries. At the close of the war they had offered to them a passage to their homes or free grants of land in Canada. The most of them chose to stay in the new world. Probably this was the cause of standing they held in the eyes of the 4th towners. The writer remembers to have seen the [page 4] Those turned up after 5th Towners. They got what was called family lands, but not so much as the U. E. L’s. The quantity depended on the men in the family. The Gov treated them well says Mr Wm Dougall. They could choose any land they pleased They were not alone in wishing to get good fishing grounds. [NOTES FROM VARIOUS INTERVIEWS] Mrs Paddy Dorland removed to Prince Edward where is Picton was then but 2 houses on either side of the bridge. But few had, then settled along the Lake. She remembers when the York road was along the lake crossing at stone mills. But it was first called the Dandford [Danforth?]road, after the man who laid it out. Where she settled there, near Wellington there was no house till got to Consecon. The 5th Towners was a Company that came late, and they were called the Late Loyalists - [ ed. note needed? This is an historical term ] Jacob Cronk 1st waggon in U.C. from Dutchess Co. James Way the 2nd. R. [Richard] Solmes father built a waggon see Bay Quinte. Mr Wordon says that Major Young who was ensign in Johnsons Reg. at an early date started from a land pillar, situated to the east of the present Picton Bridge, for South Bay but deviating from the direct course stumbled on East Lake (see sketches) He was so pleased? with it that he settled there - East Lake is 5 miles long and 1 � broad. - Mrs Roblin after her husband died in 4th town moved to Sophiasburgh, bought 100 acres of land at ⅓ an acre paying for it in weaving. She cut down the trees for her house. And chinked it in and plastered with mud after the neighbours had erected it. Smith surveyed the whole of 6th Town (He lived between Carrying Place and Brighton) (Smitten to I suppose) The inhabitants were subsequently dissatisfied and the land was again surveyed. - Muskietoe, or “miscoete” Bay situated between Huff’s island and the Big Bay and the High Shore so called from the myriad of mosquitos that there existed. Big Island was at first a great place for lumbering. It was so well wooded. The lumber cut was sent by raft to Montreal. [page 5] The Cronks and Ways were the first settlers habitating Northport. Mrs Ferguson widow of Lieut Ferguson who was associated with Capt Singleton was married to A. C. Cronk. At the time there was no settlers down the bay until came to John Trumpour. The marriage referred to took place in 1796. After this other person of the Cronks and WAys came in from the States and Settled in 6th town. - The settlers in Hallowell in the neighbourhood of where Picton now is before 1800, were Richard Hare moved to Haldimand. Capt Richardson; related to Henderson, Ebenezer Washburn came a year after (1800) Johnsons and below. Nich. Wessels, who came in by U. S. settled near Barlhert? ferry with a large family - For down South side of bay see Auto p. 28. For visit Lake on the mountain see Autobig page 32 & 33, the ??? around “The Traveller, or Prince Edward Gazette see paper Oct 7 1836 Vol 1 no 36 The Traveller or Prince Edward gazette was issued 1st 4 Feb 1836 on Friday by Cecil Mortimer? Editor and Proprietor (John Silor Printer) Mr L [Lambert] - tells that in 1802 the town meeting of 6th town was held at Grassy Point at John Trumpour’s Pers Cole was no doubt Town Clerk. He kept a Registrar for Cattle marks of the different persons - In 1810 Mr. Lambert bought a farm of Huff in 6th town: for $4. an acre. The oldest graveyard, & the one more generally used in 6th town is on Cronk’s old place now belonging to Lazier the place is very beautiful. Old Maps C. L. D. - “Surveyor General Dd?. Wm. Smith farmed the township of Hallowell out of the townships of Sophiasburgh Marysburgh & Ameliasburgh” In 1797 there was an Act passed for the better division of the County of Prince Edward into Townships. Sir P. Maitland had as Secretary Major G. Hillier in 1827. Was the Township named after him? [Note - Hillier Township given that name in 1823 honouring Major George Hillier] [Source: Province of Ontario—A History 1615 to 1927 by Jesse Edgar Middletown & Fred Landon, copyright 1927, Dominion Publishing Company, Toronto] [page 6] Demorestville Guillaume Demorest - (Demeray?) was the first settler in that region. The college is on lots No 38 & 39 by order of government in 1828 [page 7] Cronks of P. E. was bought for half a barrel of salmon. The Foster place, where Benjn Way used to live was sold for an old horse. This is one of the best farms in P. E. was probably valued at 7 or 8000 dollars. Now and then a holder of a lot but he compelled to sell or wish to change a place of residence, to one and then a block probably 8 or 9 miles in extent might have been bought for �500.
See under Marysburgh Account of one lot In 1793 Nicholas Lazier paid in 6th town to Tobias Ryckman for 200 acres 25 dollars (Mrs Bogart) Mr Dougall of Picton says that every one took the lot he wished not previously taken. Dr Dougall had granted to him 600 acres in Rawdon, also a brother and 2 sisters 200 acres each (I suppose) Occupation of land - The town, by whom all History of Dundas chap [chapter] 6 Family land page 130. Family lands were granted to the Hessians - or Late Loyalists. It seems that they only received so small a number of acres at 50 or 100. The U E’s drew, and minor children received 200 (WC.) Elijah Wallbridge 60 years old bought 1200 acres on Mass [Massasauga] Point in 1804. All yet belonging to his descendants. Moved family in 2 years often. There are then but few settlers there. W. Ketcheson came to 3rd Town in 1776, worked a farming belonging to John Miller. Afterward when he got a little a few things and a team to work with, removed to Spencer’s farm which he also worked on shares. Drew the Dunham farm. Drew land for himself his wife and what was called family land, left 3rd Town and moved to 8th Town [Sidney Township] in 1800 settling in 5th Concession, lot 27; bought 400 acres of Martin Hambly who lived on Napanee River, $6.00 an acre. The family moved in batteaux landed Jacob Jones place. Mr Richardson says the U E’s had to show their certificate of discharge. But these were sometimes lost. To examine the claims of those who professed to have had certificates, as well as others who might deserve grants of land a Board was appointed by Government. Thinks there was a Board for each Township. [page 8] It may be that one Board did for several towns. The ticket conferred by this Board was called location certificates. These Boards may have been in existence for a year or two. These Certificates were often sold by the holder. One be sold several times. Thinks likely the transferences may have consisted simply in writing the name of the one selling it upon the back. Some confusion arose out of this, where parties presented their Certificate to Government. The Certificates were often sold for little or nothing - perhaps a calf, or a sheep, or even less. Capt Myers drew a good deal of land and Mrs Ashley says each of his children drew 600 acres - Billy Foster of Sophiasburgh bought his farm for a horse, and who had not for years after married, any chairs nor blanket, and the bedsteads were made of poles inserted into holes bored in the logs of the house. Basswood bark was then twisted and for bed cords. Those who belonged to the Hessian troops were not all Dutch there were some Scotch and a few Irish. So says Mrs Peterson whose father John Dunham lived on Major Van Alstines farm for a year. “All of those who came to the Bay met at Major Vanaltines at the Lake of the mountain to sign a document. This was in 1784 or 5. They were summoned there in order to secure land for their children”. Mr Roblin says he saw this list. For the settlement of Fred, [Fredericksburgh] by Major Rogers Reg See autobi page 7 Mr John Bleeker says that a good many of the old soldiers when getting their discharge, and certificate of land, called “location ticket”. would soon sell them for a few dollars and quarts of rum. Certain persons were in the habit of buying up these tickets. Hence it was that some were patentees for so much land as Judge Cartwright. At last the Land Board that set at Kingston decided that thereafter every lot should be patented to the person whose name appeared on the map. See last of Auto. and also extract from record? govern? See again war close. About Favouritism etc See about Hallowell American Loyalists page 501 (1st vol) The first survey of land made by order of General Clarke Acting Governor in 1781, or Military Commander - Mr Desire? of Crown Lands says that the surveyor [page 9] in laying out the lots - would chain out the width of 100 acres in meters. This would be on the ice. In summer a straight line would be cut through the woods (It followed that the stakes marking the original survey were in places to be found at the waters edge, in others some distance from the shore.) The front would be chained off first and often side lines were surveyed after. The lots hence were often numbered from west to east. In Fredericksburgh, it is seen that some lots are thus numbered and others from east to west [page 10] Hay Bay Among those who settled on the south shore was a family one member at least of which had distinguished herself in the Rev war. This heroic female was wont to travel a distance of 7 miles to the Front to get the flour and then to carry it on her back, that in the meanwhile her husband might continue his labours in felling the forest and in preparing to saw.
The first woman who took up her abode on the north shore was Mrs Bogart. Of this she was accustomed to boast. A visit to the Bay with Dr Grange in fall of 1864 from Napanee - See 2nd and 3rd page statement of Mrs Bogart ibid Accident on Hay Bay at Quarterly Meeting also the warning knock WC The sad accident on Hay Bay when on a bright Sunday morning so many young persons were hurried away, is well remembered. The father says that his longest? steelyards were used to grapple for the bodies. The hooks being fastened to a pole. On the south shore of Hay Bay lived and died some families who acted venturesome part in the war. Davids, Miss Loyst that was, and Ryckley. They had narrow escape; see under Gen Burgoyne & Refugees. There on an unoccupied lot of land between Andrea Ryckley John Embury was a log school house. The Doctors name was McDougall. Here lived also Andrew Embury, Henry Loyst and a brother both with his son Johnson at Hungry Bay, etc. Then in Adolphustown there lived Judge Fisher, Squire Rhuben Bugle, Seward Knox Quaker preacher. On the north shore settled David Embury brother of Philip the first Methodist preacher in America. It was here also where Huick [Huyck] shot himself. Then in the infant state of Colony a tragedy of great interest. [page 11] Mr David saw the drowning. Was in the church when it took place. Heard the cries, ran out, saw them clinging to the boat which would turn over and precipitate all in again & again as they would clutch up; their number gradually decreased. Lieutenant Governor Hay died at Detroit 1785, (Aug 29 the statement is dated but whether it is the date of his death cannot understand W.C.) after 29 years of service. He left a widow and family in great distress (M. M. S.) An old Plan of Fredericksburgh in District of Mecklinburgh and surveyed in 1784. The commencement of Hay Bay is narrow and is called “Long Beach” Near the North shore of the Bay is Hare Island. Near the east end are two islands. The north one is Nut Island, the south one is Wappose. [page 12] Adolphustown On the 4th Jan 1850 Rev Job Deacon delivered an address, after which “a respectable majority” (was 3 out of 5 magistrates) adopted Resolutions condemning the use of ardent spirits and ? determining? not to use forthwith drink for Raisings, Bees and Harvest work. At the same time a Temperance society was formed and a “Constitution” adopted under the “of Adolphustown Union Sabbath School Temperance Society”. Pledged not to use Ardent Spirits for one year. Among the very first settlers in 4th town were three Petersons - Judge Fisher (Judge of the County). On Huffs Point, Angel Huff, William H. and John H., Richard Bugle, James Knox, a Quaker preacher, Philip Dorland, Thomas and John Casey, Benj Clapp, George Rutledge, Cornelius Vaughan, David Barker, Owen Roblin. (Some of those came by way of New Brunswick WC) Afterward came “Old” Paul Trumpour, “Billy” Munroe, John Roblin, Isaac Canniff, Philip Flagler, Carnahans, Robert Short. Willet Casey born in Rhode Island near Port. [Portland] Settled first at Lake Champlain. Happened to be on Yankee side. Although had cleared land his feelings too much British and he removed to the Bay - 4th town. His father had been killed during the war. His mother accompanied him; but died 13 weeks after arriving in 4th town. When they arrived they occupied a blacksmith shop for a while (belonging to Dorland, I think) until a log house was put up Mrs Wm Ketcheson - Nancy Roblin, daughter of Elizabeth Roblin - afterward Mrs John Canniff, was born in 4th town in 1784 (she must have been the first born)
Paul Huff, from Long Island (Mrs Sal H.) was the first to erect a frame barn in 4th town. As many as 60 persons came to see it. It was such a curiosity. When John Dunham came in 1811, he took the farm where Major Van Alstine had land, who was dead, for one year on shares. He had built a large house. The principal settlements were [page 13 - most of page cut off] on the Front. The Court House was built. The Methodist Church on Hay Bay and a Quaker Meeting House.
Willet Casey said his farm was so productive that when first cleared, after the first sowing and reaping the grain sprung so thick that he let it alone and the second crop was greater than the first. [page 14] the courage of the royalists and arrest the machinations of the Rebs. Bourne proceeded to Bennington where was a strong Reb force under General Stark. Here was their chief ??. Bourne paid the penalty of his temerity with his life as well as the total destruction of his 500 devoted men. For two hours they fought against great o but at last few only were left to escape and tell the tale. This disaster was followed by a second. Col. Bregnan sent to his aid was attacked by the encouraged rebels. He fought until his ammunition was exhausted, when he was compelled to flee leaving his artillery behind. Thus it was that Burgoyne who, ignorant of these reverses, was marching onward toward Albany had in his rear to the right on the Mohawk Gen Herkimer, who had caused the dispersion of Col St. Leger, and on the left Gen Stark, who was also flushed with his victory over Bourne and Bregnan. Burgoyne met Gates on Braemar Heights and after a closely contested battle the British were victorious. (This was the last success of Burgoyne) Already had the posts taken by him from Tyconderoga upwards been retaken, with a brig armed, gunboats and upwards of 200 batteaux and very often inhabitants ready to go with the winning party were recruiting for Gates. Burgoyne remained before the entrenchments of Gen Schuyler until his provisions were exhausted, when he made an assault (7th Oct). His army fought bravely but at length were driven back until nightfall, which saved him for the day. Only now made acquainted with St Leger’s defeat, he felt that his only safety was in flight. So leaving his tents standing, his sick and wounded with the enemy, he sought to retrace his steps. On the 11th he was surrounded at Saratoga and with his army of 5,800 compelled to surrender. And the whole were sent prisoners of war to Boston, there to languish in prison. The various stories often United States supplies no reliable facts on these several points while the various American school books in general use even in the British Provinces are notoriously one-sided - Is it a matter of rejoicing that out Canadian province is becoming possessed of [page 15] school books which will supply to the young ones truthful knowledge as far as relates to their own Colony and which will not be detectable from their culpable exaggerations not to use a stronger expression of ?? valour. The American nation is great and possesses the elements of greatness to an extent which ought to satisfy the most boastful of their sovereign people - and they ought not to rest their origins on the false picture and exaggerate drawing of the scenes of the Revolutionary war. The battle of Bennington, looking at the plate for n? in Marnes Geography, it represents as a content gained by the Green Mountain boys over the British. Possibly many Vermont men may have formed the strong garrison under Stark? to protect their ??; but to represent 500 men on a raid as the British is at once erroneous and disgraceful. The men under Bourne although few in number fought against o and only fled when they were deconnected. It was a few such heros who were the first to seek refuge in Canada. The inhabitants throughout the region wherein Burgoyne figured were placed in a trying position no doubt a majority were decided for or against the rebels. Many were undecided, worked for place some stood ready to go with the winning party. Under such circumstances the presence of a victorious party would be likely to acquire the direct or indirect support of the wavering. Burgoyne at first victorious no doubt in consequence secured not only such inhabitants as from principal adhered to the British but indirectly as well the peace loving and the double minded. The succession defaults of St Leger, Bourne, Bregnan and Burgoyne, left all such to the mercy of the rebels, who with ruthless hands appo- [page 16] -priated the available goods of such. Many were with but an hours warning left their native spot never to return, with nothing on the back. The women and children left unprotected to the merciless rebels suffered insolence with robbery abuse with wanton attacks. This was in 1777 and some thus driven away were induced to enter the British service in Canada and subsequently took an active part in the struggle either with the regular army or as scouts and spies.
Among those who took part at the battle of Bennington was Alexander Nicholson, a Scotsman by birth, who came to America just before the war broke out. He joined the British Service as a private and ultimately became an adjutant (?) At the Battle of Bennington his company was annihilated. (he must then have been Capt.) He remained with his Col in that ?? conflict until he was shot and fell from his horse. Nicholson tried to get him horsed again but the officer told him it was no use and requested him to look out for himself. The day being evidently lost he proceeded to escape as but he might. Running he leaped over a fence into a cornfield and as he did so, one of the many balls flying after him struck his hand. Came to Casock river. An Indian on the opposite side supposing him to be a rebel fired at him. But being being undecided he allowed Nicholson to ford the river. He finally escaped But with many others he was in the woods for days undergoing great suffering, as scouts were searching everywhere to find them. Friends however would manage to bring them something to eat for miles through the woods. Remembers waking mornings to find hair frozen to the ground. This Nicholson settled in Fredericksburgh and afterward in 1809 in Thurlow.
George Parliament, living at Smith’s Close, when the Rev War broke out, Orange Co. New York. Washington’s army took winter quarters in his neighbourhood in 1781. The grain and produce necessary for his army was [page 17] taken principally from those who favoured the British Cause and they received no compensation for it. His father and brother lose heavily by them. The provision was collected at one Stephen Sloat. See - his communication But the thought strikes one that the American party were guilty of that which their historians, some at least, have laid to the charge of the British. This ill treatment of peaceful inhabitants and refugees?. There are too many instances faithfully handed down by the U.E.L where in the most vindictive passions of the combatants? were allowed to govern even those in authority. The treatment of Israel Stone is another case in point. Mrs Ackerman tells of a party of Quakers, including her father’s Dunham family, who came to Canada in from NIne Partners in winter by sleighs leaving Feb. Stopped at Albany first night. All children went to a dancing school. There was a train of lumber sleighs and a cutter. Brought clothes and bed linen. Remembers passing over a bridge that was condemned, the water being very deep. The (“Shenandoya” river) Through 10 miles of woods. Arrived at Cornwall. Stayed there 4 weeks renting a room in an inhabited house. The children went out to work. After navigation opened, they all started in one large batteaux drawn by 7 or 8 men. The horses were sent on by one of the sons by land. Harnesses brought by the boat. The sleighs left at Cornwall till following winter. Took, she thinks, nearly a week to reach 4th town, their destination. This was 1799 Mrs Dame tells of her father’s mother (Lucas) who escaped from the ruffian rebels with 3 children. The eldest was left behind in the army and never came into Canada. She walked all the way carrying a baby 8 months old. Her feet sore and blistered. He hid her dishes and plates in the cellar before starting hoping some day to get them; but never did. The rebels drove away all their stock and destroyed they could not take. She managed to conceal about a quantity of jewelry and lace, gold beads, earrings & rings, very valuable. The husband was in the army till the war closed and then joined his family. Lived in 3rd town, where [he] drew land. Before they fled the Rebs came to her house. The eldest daughter fought like a hero to prevent their carrying off a splendid powder horn belonging to her father. She took it from one... Mrs Yoemans says her mother’s father, Purdy, was a ships Carpenter during the Rev. war and was killed. And his family lost everything by the rebel army. Their stock was all driven away and they had to make their escape. Those Herkimers are of the same stock which gave name to Herkimer Co. N.Y. See sketches about Carscallion [page 18] D. L. Carscallion has heard his mother tell, whose name was Fraser, about coming up after tarrying at Sorel to Kingston, where were only 3 houses. There were none along the Bay of; but the refugees were encamped along the Bay and were finding out their lands and making ready to build their shanties of logs. They landed at Mill Creek and camped there until their shanty was ready. See statement of Walter Ross sketches The Bell family moved to this Co were from Jersey. They suffered much during the Rev war from the Rebels. Their beds were ripped up by ruthless soldiers. They had some money which they saved from them. The women concealed it with pieces? in their hair, which were then woven in rolls on the head. In Sophiasburgh lived Bill Foster, who married a sister of the Reeds living in Thurlow. For years after they were married they had nothing in the house. The farm was bought for a horse. They had no chairs. Holes were bored in the logs of the house and poles inserted. The under and tougher part of the Basswood bark was twisted and interwoven with the poles. A straw bed with pillow of the same constituted their whole furniture. They had no blankets. She was want to say to her children that she never had any pillow to have had, much less for her body (of follows?) The first blanket she had she made out of a kind of hemp that grew in the yard and hair from the Farm yard. The hair was first cleaned by whebbing it. It was then carded and worked with the hemp and the spin and doubled and worsted. And finally made into a blanket bird’s eye style. (Sheets were made of hemp and flax) For an account thrilling of Mrs McCurdy’s grandfather and family living in Penn at Rev. see autobiog page 4 For an account of a most thrilling escape etc of the Loyst during Rev. see 6th page Autobiography - also 7th page about Capt. Myers & Mrs Loyst and hardships For account of Capt Myers and Drummond? see Autobiog. page 11 about adventures as spurs? etc. Also ho Brit. officers compelled Capt. M B return plate he had brought away. For account of Simmonds with others tied to a long rope page 14 Aut. also see last of Auto. [page 19] Now and then learn of some who, after living for a time on the Bay, returned to the old home in the States but in many of these cases the eventually came back to Canada. Stocker, who married a sister of Judge Fisher may never have been a U.E.L. But he moved to the front of Sidney near Chryslers & Gilberts and lived a while and then went to the States. [page 20] Belleville - Persons living in Belleville in 1809 (about) McIntosh, Johnson,Dr Spareham, Major Thompson, P Holmes, Mrs Simpson, R. Leavens, I Simonds, A. Cooper, S. McNab, Ames, Ackerman, Stewart, Maybee. At least these had houses. Stewart and Maybee occupying the same on Pinnacle St. This would give the number of houses at that date. Among the 1st to hold religious services in Belleville were the Methodists. The Ministers stationed on the Bay of Quinte occasionally visited the place and preached in one of the houses, generally that of Capt McIntosh, who sailed a small schooner. (This same McIntosh came to a tragic end by jumping to swim ashore down by ox’s point and was drowned.) Belleville appears first in the Methodist Conference minutes in 1817. The stationed minister was Israel Chamberlain. (This was the year after Belleville received its name and hence its assertion as such. No doubt the ground worked by the preacher was no different from that of the preceding year. W.C.)
This 1st Church was erected on lot 18. The lot was bought in the name of Wm Ross & was applied for to Government in 1818. Half sold to S? 1824. It was bought back again when the Church was built 1831 [incomplete sentences] The frame was erected on Preaching in it the following It was never completed The seats were of boards on rough blocks etc. The land was granted to Wm Ross (� acre) Recoded 7 Jan 1819. An application was made in 1818. In 1824 half of the lot was deeded to John Turnbull. In 1831 it was deeded back to Wm Ross. At this time probably the 2nd church was commenced. (Father says there used to be a early preaching in old Mr Mity’s house. Thinks by Methodists) Israel Chamberlain was once preaching at Hayden’s Corners. He failed to pray for the King. Whereupon on Mr Thompson, who made boots for father (the 1st made for him in 9th town) stood up, after praying, and told the preacher to pray for His Majesty or leave his Territories. My father was present. WC In 1817 one James Potter taught school in the little school. A man by name of Lesslie had taught before him. The “Anglo - Canadian” commenced about 23 Feb 1831. “Printed and published Alexander J Williamson, Editor and Wm A. Willes, Printer; at 4 dollars per annum, payable in advance.” [page 21] The 1st English Church was commenced in 1819. The Rev. Mr Campbell was the first clergyman. He came just before the church was completed. This building by mostly all (1865) was, when erected, an ornament to the town. Mr Campbell did in 1835 and was succeeded by the Rev. John Cocheran, who was the pastor for some 3 years, when the Rev Mr Grier took charge of the Church. In 1858 the old church was taken down. The present handsome structure being completed. Roman Catholic Service was first held in Belleville in _______ by Rev Mr McDonell afterward, Bishop McDonell of Kingston, from St Raphael Glengarry. He visited Belleville about once a year (M.B.) The Rev Michael Brennan was the first Priest located in Belleville. He arrived in 1829. The frame of the building previously standing on an adjacent lot was removed to the former now occupied by their church. (This building had been for a Free Masons Lodge) It was converted into a place of worship. The present church was commenced in 1837 and completed in /39 The first settlers of the Bay subsequently regarded newcomers with suspicion, regarding them as Yankees. Belleville was no exception. A. Yoemans because from the States was opposed in Belleville by Caleware? though [he] taken no part in the Rev war having come direct from England. Yeoman’s father was a Capt in the British, under George 3rd. In the Rev war he purchased the privileged to be neutral at a large price from the Rebs. In the early history of Belleville it was thought the proper place for the construction of a bridge was on a line with the Kingston road. No doubt the heart of the town being there it would have been the most connected. Wallbridge was anxious to have it there. His farm building at the corner and built for Mrs Simpson, town keeper by A Youmans for a time one part of the store. ?? Hotel was built upwards of 50 years ago about 1818. [ page 22] The Hastings Chronicle at first called Picton Chronicle was founded in 1841. S. W. Washburn and Sutton, remained co-partners about 2 years. In 1849 the establishment was purchased from Washburn by E. Miles. It is now published by E. Miles and J.K. M?? A. Domand being Editor. The Belleville Independent was first issued in 18_ as the organ of the party who supported B. Davy? who contested the riding of South Hastings against L. Wallbridge. The first Editor was __ In Sept 1841 Mr Joseph Wilson issued the first number of the Victoria Magazine, Sheriff Moodie and Mrs Moodie being Editors. This monthly and continued for one year and was succeeded by Wilson’s Eclectic magazine of which Wilson was the sole Editor. This was continued also only one year. Mr. Wilson again commenced a “family” paper called Wilson’s Experiment; and soon after, in connection with it Wilson’s Canada Casket. These were issued alternately every two weeks and were continued 2 years. They had a large circulation, at the last about 6000, not only in Upper Canada; but in Montreal and the Eastern Provinces. Wilson says they were discontinued not because they did not pay but because of embarrassment due to other causes. [see also page 69]Mrs Maybee In the little school house in 1811 where now stands church used to be service. McDowell of Ernestown used to come up and preach, marry and baptise. Leavens, Quaker opened a room in the upper part of his store home for Josey Seavers a Hicksite preacher. Rev Mr Turner, Baptist, was in the habit of preaching in Capt. McIntosh’s house. He also ascended the E? and held services with the Reeds, who were baptists. In about 1828 the 1st conference of Methodists was held in Belleville. The 1st chapel unfinished, the pulpit of rough boards, the seats of blocks [dup] Long ?? to that Puffer and Healy used to visit the neighbourhood preached at Co. Bell’s once a fortnight of a week evening. Elder Hubbs used used to preach all around. He appointed [page 23] Capt. Singleton & Lieut. Ferguson The person, who first located in the neighbourhood of Belleville was Capt. Singleton. His history is one of no little interest and his life was abruptly and sadly brought to close. (He and wife & Ferguson were Presbyterians)
Capt. Singleton had lived probably years in 3rd town where he had built a comfortable house with several rooms. Not unlikely he removed to Belleville to open a house for trading with the Indians. He reserved a room at 3rd town at which he might stop as he went up and down the Bay. He had drawn 200 acres in 3rd town & 400 in Thurlow. Lieut Ferguson and Sargent Johnson each with a wife all came to Thurlow. Ferguson had taken part in the war. Escaped from the Mohawk to Lower Canada. Lived for a time at Sorel. Moved from there with Singleton to 3rd town. A log house with two good sized rooms was built. One part was the trading house for traffic with Indians. In Sept 1789 Capt. Singleton his wife, child some 8th months old and Lieut Ferguson & Johnson with their wife started from Thurlow in a batteaux for Kingston. The women were going as far as 3rd town. when crossing Bib Bay Singleton was taken ill. Stayed with Capt John, Indian, all night. His wife gave him some medicine and the following morning he seemed better. They went on & Capt singleton stayed a 2nd night, when he was worse. The next [followed by upside down writing] [page 24] day they reached Singleton’s house in 3rd town. Capt. Singleton became steadily worse, procured a Doctor from Kingston but in 9 days time he died would seem to have been some malignant fever. Where on the faithful servant took the disease and died a few days after. Thus Ferguson was left with the two widows and child to care for. (Capt. Singleton was a pleasing gentleman and beloved by all who knew him) Ferguson it seems took the boat load to Kingston, at least he procured a barrel of flour, which with the women were brought back to Thurlow. Provision was now very scarce. It must have been the commencement of the Hungry year. The barrel of flour cost a great deal. It proved to be a precious article, not only for the afflicted family, but the more immediate neighbours to whom a quart would now and then be sent. Some did not be so extravagant as to bake bread, it was only in cakes. But still greater affliction awaited this household. Just 3 months after Capt Singleton & Johnson died the only remaining male of the family was seized with pleurisy and was carried off & buried in soilers?. Here was left 3 widows an infant with provisions scarce and dear. Under such circumstances the barrel of flour became of more value than gold. John Tailor the next settler has a history full of interest. The statement of Geo T. will gain particulars. Mrs Maybee says that John Tailor’s mother was 90 when she died. That she was spinning hemp the day she died. That suddenly she stopped & told them to put away the wheel as she was done spinning and soon after died. (A) Mrs Maybee remembers visiting Myers Creek about 1790. All was a cedar swamp except the plains upon which were many Wigwams. One log hut occupied by Asa Wallbridge. This was the only place to call except church? Myers brick house was probably built about 1790. [page 25] (B) Capt Myers [Meyers] was a man of great hospitality and served his friends always with an excellent board. At the old brick house has many distinguished travellers between Montreal & Toronto stayed among whom many he mentioned - Bishop Strachan etc. The settlers, who had come for many many miles by boat or sleigh to get grinding done at his Mill were freely entertained perhaps for days. His short German wife would give her attentions all alike. In 1809 A. Nicholson came up to Thurlow. There was nothing like a village where Belleville now is. They settled in the back concession. They spoke of the Front, when they alluded to the Bay. Samuel Nicholson tells that he remembers when Belleville was named his father A. Nicholson was present. The naming took place at Mrs Simpson’s tavern. Capt. McMichael named the place. There were present the McNab, Wallbridge, Slomes, Nicholson. ( C ) The 1st Sabbath School in Bellville was organized by John Turnbull, Dr Marshall and Dr Cooper. These gentlemen taught in the School. This was in about 1826. There was a Society from abroad, which gave tracts on condition that a School be established. The first prizes given in connection with School were 4 in number, consisting of 2 Bibles & 2 Testaments. They were awarded, the 1st to H. Meacham 2 Miss Anne Meacham, Matilda McNab and Albert Tailor. These prizes were given for regular attendance and good behaviour. (H. Meacham) (D) The old racing ground in Belleville was on the Plains on Tailor’s. The meeting place was a clump of plum trees. The entrance just by Herkimer’s where stood a barn. Capt Myers removed his grist Mill from near Trenton to Belleville. It was the first grist Mill. Capt. Meyer’s house was only the house of note between Kingston & Toronto. He often had visitors there, who came to get grist ground & would wait at his house until the grist was ground. (Men often used to calculate to stop there.) Wm Wallbridge father of Lewis lived 7 years opposite? Belleville, then moved to Belleville. Made Volerh? had a distillery. He lived first, where the Empire Hotel stood. Mrs Maybee W. Ketcheson moved to Sydney in 1800. Says there was then no houses in Belleville; a few shanties. simpson lived in a log shanty, which had no floor. MrsK remembers staying there. Simpson had a barrel of home brewed has intoxicating. Sat by it all night drinking. [page 26] A. O. Petrie came to Belleville in 1809. Down the Lake by schooner up the Bay by batteaux. Buildings in Belleville at that time. Capt McIntosh John Johnson, a saddler, brother to the celebrated Bill Johnson. He lived a little below where Petrie now lives Just by on the shore lived a Dr Spareham. He left shortly after for Waterloo, thinks. Next was Major John Thompson, a Major of Militia. But has been a soldier in the Kings Rangers. He lived near where Chas Coleman now lives. Next was Peter Holmes, a carpenter. He also had been in the Rangers. Then came Mrs Margaret Simpson. She lived on the site of Clark’s blacksmith shop. Kept a tavern. She had come to the river in 1798. Passing up the river came next Rossville Leavins, by trade a blacksmith but kept a tavern for a while. There may also have been a house at the end of the bridge. John Simons lived above where is now Fammys? [Fannings?] tavern. A little further was a house occupied by a Cooper. (The only street was a road along the river.) Capt. McIntosh kept a shop. Also a Hugh Cunningham, an Irishman, kept one in a small room at Mrs Simpson’s. Had a few dry goods ? tea & sugar. Simon McNabb lived somewheres near the Victoria building. He was the first Past Master and was Capt. of Militia. His brother had mills where afterwards stood Soiles [Sales?] house. Here were two cooper shops. One owned by one Ames, the other by Ackerman. Benj[amin] was sawyer in McNabb’s Mill. There was a large frame house at the foot of the hill near Wallburgh’s Foundry occupied by Wm Maybee and and Abraham Steinert. These constituted the inhabitants of the place, Myer’s Creek. But in the neighbourhood lived John Tailor, who was married to a daughter of Mrs Simpson’s, lived on Lot 5 in a log house. James Harris, hatter, lived near Tailor’s, where now lives George Henderson. His shop was by the river side near the Mill. Up the river were Myer’s Mill and house. On the west side of the river was a two story house occupied by James McNab. Thinks this house had been built by Brian Crawford. Many may been? a little cloth factory opposite Myer’s Mill. There was no place of Worship in Belleville then. A little frame school howe[ever] so small etc, now the Wesleyan Church. John Mathews was the teacher. Poor man died old and a pauper. There was preaching now & then by Methodists. The first English Church was erected in 1819. The Rev Mr Campbell just before it was finished in 1820 [page 27] According to Mrs Maybee, Capt. Myer’s house must have been built about 94 or 5. She visited Captain Myers in ‘96, when the scaffold was still standing. Mr Petrie formerly cut hay on the island where stands Bogart’s Mill, also on an adjacent one. Capt Myers bought his land of J. Tailer [Tailor]. Tailer had not yet taken out a deed consequently the first deed was to Myers. He went to York to get it. Mrs Ashley in 1864 is 63. Her parents were married in the brick house. The brick ? up on the plain near Trenton. The log cabin built first by the Captain had only one room. Mrs Ashley was at Church when Campbell first preached; but few attendants. Captain had 7 children. Lost 2 during war.
A Youmans thinks Everett built the old Hotel. This Everett youngest son of Everett, who settled in Kingston during Rev War. Made money by selling rum up the country by batteaux & crossing the Carrying Place. This was during the War. The 1st Missionary Meeting, Wesleyan, in Belleville had about 20 at it. The Coleman property was owned by the McNabs, who came here about 1790. James McNab was Collector of Customs, Post Master and Registrar. The McNabs got embarrassed and sold this property to Crawford, a drunkard, who soon wasted it and sold to Coleman. The McNabs were from Scotland, strong Tories, officers in the Militia. Those who drew town lots had to build on it 18 x 34 a story and a half high. The Potters, Jonas C and Lewis Wallbridge and Jake Reynolds came to Belleville the same year. (1812 I think) The first UELs who came up the Bay of whom George Sills was one aged 15, say [saw?] at the mouth of the river Indian wigwams. The party landed and shot a Blue Jay, which they roasted to eat. “Sacred to the memory of the Church of England, Departed this life Sept ? 1835 Aged 47 years” Mrs Simpson’s house was a size 20 x 12 floored with slabs. Maybee built the stone foundation for Myers from mill he thinks in 1803. Mrs Maybee thinks 1805 John Tailor’s house stood on the ground now occupied by Benjamin’s house. It was 18 or 20 feet long Mrs Maybee thinks Myers came to Belleville the later part 1790. [page 28] The Tailor Burying Ground and Others The Settlers at first buried on their own farms. Those who first lost friends first found it necessary to set apart a spot wherein to consign the departed one. Thereafter the more immediate neighbours, instead of appropriating a spot on their own farm, would bury on their neighbour’s farm where already dead were buried. Thus it arose that here and there along the Bay are to be found burying grounds here and there on the farms. In these rest the war-worn remains of the lived. How came it that Tailor’s lot was first laid ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Turn to the history of Jno Tailor and it will be seen that his old mother was unexpectedly, although old, called to set aside her spinning wheel and that soon after her body was to be laid aside for the wheels of life stood still. This it would seem occurred some time before the terrible losses which came crushingly on the Singletons & Fergusons, consequently when Lieut. Ferguson died his body was placed out far from that of the first one who had died. I have walked over the old Tailor burying ground and vainly wondered where and sighed that I did not where those two were laid and when their peaceful ashes have commingled with mother earth. The Methodist burying ground bought of John Cannliff was got for £20. Petrie shows me the stone of the first one buried here. Before the leaning slab I find: “In Memory of Jane E. daughter of D. B. & Hannah Sale who died March 18th 1828 aft 8 y 9 m 5 d” Tailor, one of the builders of the 1st English Church died before it was completed and he was buried under the building In the Kirk burying ground in the S. E. corner is the grave of a lumberman, the 1st one buried in that yard. The coffin floated in the water in the ground. The 1st person buried in the churchyard was a young Engle Sherman, a clerk in Coleman’s store. It is in the North East corner. [page 29] River Moira Billa Flint says the Indians called the river “Sagonoscokou”. The pagan Indian, when starting for the hunting grounds up the river were accustomed to deposit in the river just below the pier of the lowest bridge on the east side a piece of tobacco, as an offering to his god. The offering was repeated on his return. Mrs Maybee remembers the 1st bridge across the river at Belleville. It was a kind of floating bridge. It was carried away [in the spring ice] Probably built in 1800. Prior to that crossed in canoes. When Wm Ketcheson came to Sydney in 1800 or soon after, built a scow with which to cross the river up near where now is Smithville. Sometimes on going there would find it on the other side of the river. Mr Petrie thinks the river is named after Earl Moira Governor of India. George Bleeker says that he always understood that Moira was so called because of its resemblance to Myer. (Rather the name Myer was euphonized by being changed into Moira (doubtful)) When the 1st dam was built by Capt. Myers, the Indians called the place Cobo-junk, signifying first-stoppage in the river. McCown says he thinks the river was named after Lord Moira, who took part in the Rev war. That this belief is confirmed by the fact Rawdon was the surname of the Moira family. Lord Moira came from Ireland Co Down, McCown’s native place. The above Lord Moira was the last male member of the family See about belief p15 Auto See Miss Murray’s impression near last of Auto. (7) Among the 1st who settled up the river Moira were Richard Smith, Caselbury?, Rob Wright, John Longwell, Sherad, Zedic Thrasher, Asa Turner, Paul? Hazelton, Wm Ketcheson (Sidney 1801) John Reed, Arch Ross, Laurence Badgley, Stephen Badgley, Alex McKenzie, McMichael, Wm Cook, Russel Pitman, Richard Cannliff, Rob Thompson, who is my informer aged 78. Reed procured for his Mill st first stones off Ketcheson’s farm see Auto about Earl Moira C. L. D. The river is called on old map Saganasaka [page 30] Belleville “Belleville” June 1836 “The members of the Board Police met this day. The return made was Wm McCarty and Asa Yoemans for first ward, Zenas Dafoe, Wm Canniff for 2nd ward and Billa Flint Junr. was duly elected President. Resol. George Benjamin be Clark to the Board, that Daniel B. Sale be Surveyor, that Alex O Petrie be Assessor and Collector. Z. Dafoe, Treasurer, James Smith Bailiff for 1 ward Wm Dafoe 2 ward Smith, A O Petrie, D B Sale Herum? Fulford” From minutes of 1st meeting Roswell Leavens came to Belleville in the spring of the same year that Farley came to Sydney, which was 1799. At that time Asa Wallbridge had a ash house at the mouth of the river. sold the ashes to M Wm Hennessey. There was then perhaps a log house between this place and Myer’s Mill. Myer’s then had a saw mill and grist with 2 run of stone. Mr Farley thinks the Brick house was built the year before. (In this he is mistaken, but it shows it had not been standing long. There was no house on the west side of the river. The next summer Brian Crawford built a house, the McNab’s place. The first town meeting was at Gilbert’s tavern. Mr Farley attended and was appointed Clerk. But thinks Surveyor Smith, the meetings for him. (This must be Sidney and even then perhaps there is a mistake) The 1st Annual record of Thurlow extant is 98 and there would seem to have been one before at least. George Bleeker, whose father John was married to Capt Myer’s eldest daughter says that Capt Myers, when he came up the Bay squatted at first upon Lot no. 7, where he stayed for perhaps a year. He built a log hut. About 1824 McCurdy bought a quarter acre where the family now lives of Chars Willard, for laying the stone foundation of the house now occupied by Dr Lister. The buildings then upon the hill were; a square house of Everett’s, Ward’s, where is the new Methodist Church. Dames, though before he came. A house where B? lives and one on the side hill, ur own I suppose, then [page 31] the R C Church which had been a Masons Lodge Mrs Benj Ketcheson born Zurick remembers when a small girl coming to school to a Rev Mr Wright, Presbyterian, who taught just below Mrs Simpsons. He preached occasionally. The ground just below the old Methodist Church was covered with large oaks indicating a deep soil but by the church it was rocky. (No doubt along here was at one time the bank of the River. At some time long or short the river has carried down the rich material which now forms the rich soil.) For names of those who drew the land at the front at B see page 16 [page 32] Huff’s Island Mrs Huff nee Sarah Alger, aged 90, says her father’s family went to the island about 1825. There was no other inhabitant on it. They all got in the ice going. The nearest neighbour was Elijah Wallbridge on Mass[assagua] Point died at Demorestville. She came in when 24 years old. Her husband Solomon H. [Huff] had been in Canada from a boy 10 years old. Came right after the war with father, Paul Huff [page 33] The Bay of Quinte Quint�e Reuti Doct Hist Baye des Comis One of the first navigators up the Bay in batteaux was Asa Wallbridge and American peddler. He was a bachelor and would stop along here and there to dispose of his wares. It was he who brought in some of the fruit trees, which now enrich so many farms especially in Prince Edward. He had a log hut in Belleville where Ridly’s now is. A great Speculator. Rice formerly grew on the Bay. The Indians would collect it and sell to the settlers, who found it serviceable and tasty in soup. The Townships up the Bay and around it were numbered, as were the townships along the St Lawrence below Kingston. And it [is] only within the last few years that the inhabitants have continued to call the townships first, second, third towns etc., although long ago named. Even now older inhabitants may be heard using the old style. Paris Doc. viii 1736 “The Mississagu�s are dispersed along this Lake (Ontario), some at Kente, others on the river Toronto and finally at the head of the Lake to the number of one hundred and fifty in all and at Matchedock. The principal tribe is the Crane.” Travels of Isaac Weld June 1795 - 96 - 97 A map therein has the Bay Quinte called S. Lion Lake, Rice Lake called Toronto Lake & Simcoe, Toronto Lake. But as the writer speaks of the extensive settlement at the Bay of “Canti”, the map must be respected. Looking at a maps of Wallbridges book. French representing the Bay. One has the mark of an Indian village near Hay Bay called Kente. Another with the same name on the south shore of Marysburgh - South Bay. I also see the Bay designated as Lionel. Also Rice Lake called Quentico. [page 34] (Quint�) Herald’s Travels speaks of island in L. Ontario called Isle de Quint� May we look for the origin of the word Quinte in the Trent, which was at one time called Quint� or in the whole line from L Simcoe to Ontario. Or as C Wellbridge says is it, map, the Seven Bays forming the Quint� For the account of the discovery of the Bay see inder “The Indians” Capt. Myers of Belleville used to keep a batteaux to carry not only his own freight, but for the accommodation of others. He frequently went to Kingston and now and then to Montreal. He would charge for freight down and give the person a free passage back. This was followed for many years with profit. The Capt treated hs passengers and crew well. He always kept his grog in his “Cabin” and would deal it out to all. Mr Maybee says that Jacob Stevens ran the batteaux for Capt Myers. (When Mr M [Meyers] first came into Canada there was a schooner on the Lake commanded by Capt Steadman. It was this schooner that was lost with all on board- /99 I am disposed to give the Bay of Quinte the pre-eminence in the settlement of Upper Canada. Among reasons this is a sound one. Losee was the first Methodist preacher sent into Canada or as it was called in the Methodist Conference, Ministers Cataraqui Circuit. After having established classes and built two meeting houses, returned to Conference. The Conference, at his recommendation, sent an ordained minister, Darius Dunham. Immediately, on his arrival, a Quarterly Meeting was held in Ernestown and notice sent to the six towns then to any extent settled. Now it is after this meeting and when Dunham is established in this Cataraqui circuit that Losee again goes as a Missionary, as it were, down the St Lawrence to establish the Aswegatchi Circuit. It must be remembered however that a Lutheran preacher was working here before. (See Hist Dundas) It must not be forgotten that a spirit of emulation gradually arose among the settlers. We may suppose that the U.E.Ls considered themselves a little better [page 35] than the Hessians, while perhaps those unfortunate Germans thought of nothing more than the means wherewith to procure their daily bread. The later comers to Canada, always suspected as being wanting in loyalty soon learned to display all necessary attachment to their new country. But as the more fortunate pioneers began to experience comforts and means for show a spirit pride manifested itself in various ways and this family was regarded with slight destain and that was spoken of as having been this and been that. These however were the superficial exhibitions and indicated not the deeper feelings of the soul, rather these instances - instances of deep seated pride were the striking exceptions of a great general Rule (From the first there were a few persons of education and refinement scattered among the settlers. Naturally more of these would be found at Kingston but they were also elsewhere to be noticed?. There has always been a few of class of emigrants of a higher although of no nobles type, who were induced to leave the refinement of their English or Irish homes to traverse the ocean and seek out a new sphere with a wider scope for stemming energy, where a slender income it may be could be turned to better advantage. Canada has received her quota of these gentler emigrants. The contact of these cultured ones with the older settlers who possess no education has a leavening effect. And their children growing up together alike received to some extent the advantages of the more educated parents.) Solmes says that Jacob Cronk brought the 1st waggon to Upper Canada from Dutchess Co. His father manufactured a waggon. An oak tree cut in foot lengths to make an axle. The waggon could haul 150 sheaves. But as a general thing they all drew in their grain - drew everything on sleighs, both summer and winter. Mrs Devlin knows of 4 Roblins that originally settled on the Bay. John and Stephen brothers all related. They used to call Oswego, Oswaygo. Shubal Huff used to go around through 6th town every fortnight with newspapers. He also peddled brought tea. (to the old ladies). Mrs Maybee thinks this was before 1805 [page 36] Wm Ketcheson says his father drew family land. He had been in Nova Scotia. (Did all the the U.Es have their grants that called?) All were supplied with rations of pork peas principally and a little flour for 3 years. The year following was the “Scarce year”, so called, Wm Ketcheson says, because the settlers had not been induced to make the necessary effort to raise grain - to seek their living. They thought the Government would continue the supplies; but were grievously mistaken. The Gov. had plainly told them at the first that should have for only 3 years. The Princess Sharlotte [Charlotte] came up the Bay first in 1818. Commanded by old Capt Guilderslieve. ? in the middle of summer. Petrie who was then purser on the Frontenac (the first steamboat in Upper Canada) commanded by McKenzie says the Frontenac accompanied the Sharlotte up the Bay as far as the upper gap and then went out on her way to York. Petrie says the water in the Bay is considerably higher than it used to be. Capt Myers, Mr Youmans says, owned a schooner on the Bay. There is a place called Devil’s Hill near the ferry in 6th town. The old Dutch settlers in their superstition believed that money was here concealed and often digged for it. There was a large rock, which was supposed to hide the precious metal. By the united efforts of many the rock was turned over but no gold was found. (Can this have something to do with the tradition about Col Quinte WC) Jacob Ackerman family left Adolphustown for Caniff’s Mills in Apr 1815. Started near Dorland’s Point came the first day to between Blunt Point in the Reach and Brighton. At night it thundered lightening and rained. The boat leaked and she had to bail most of the time. Reached B the second day. Brought with them clothes and furniture. On the journey the children were put in a cupboard still existing.
Mrs Ackerman walked to Canniff’s Mill along Myers Creek and carried 2 children most of the way. During the scarce year or at the commencement a party was made up of many families. Male or female, wife of husband as the circumstances of each would allow. Mrs J. Ackerman tells of her mother- in - law, who went with a party. All she got was 100lbs of flour. She had one child with her and left her husband with two at home. When she returned she found them half starved, frail and emaciated. They lived on on the milk of one cow and a ladle of flour a day, which had been borrowed from Capt. Van Alstine. It was stirred in boiling water. This cow subsequently got mired [page 37] and died in a marsh. And she has seen the old lady in visiting the place cry to look at old ? bodes for she had preserved the life of her husband and children. The earliest account we have of navigation by the U.E.L is that of Geo. Sills an Epis[capalian] Meth[odist] Minister. Subsequently, when he was at the age of 15 he with 2 men left Fredericksburgh to explore for curiosity the Bay. They passed up the south shore in a bark canoe. They carefully examined every bay, creek run etc up other points and then down the north shore. There were then no houses to be seen along the shores. The Sharlotte was not acceptable to all, that is, to the owners of schooners it was a day of tribulation. She was very accommodating to passengers along the Bay. Stop anywhere if a sign were exhibited. Petrie (who was Purser on the Frontenac, the Capt. of which was McKenzie of the Royal Navy, yet who was not willing to mess with his Purser) says that the Sharlotte was principally built of the timber left from the construction of the Frontenac in Fredericksburgh. The father of the Mathews which was hanged in 1857 used to take a sloop plying up and down the Bay. Maybee tells me that batteaux passed up to York and back once a week. Were taken across Carrying Place by Asa Welles, a tavern keeper, on tracks drawn by oxen. Maybee came to Belleville to live in 1806 or 7. There were not many clearings then along the Bay from Hallowell up. Old Mr Cronk, Daniel May in Sophiasburgh. Says at Napanee The later comers up the Bay would stop it would seems at certain places, perhaps to rest perhaps to procure article of food or directions. Philip Dorland’s was a conspicuous place and those repeatedly heard accounts of their stopping at the place, less frequently at Wm Casey’s. Small islands along the Bay seem to have received the name of him , who owned the adjacent land. At least it was so with respect to Zurcks island [Zwick's], Smiths Island and Myers Island. Capt Myers paid the Indians [page 38] [Not transcribed: Canniff speaks about early towns which appear to have Indian names, He talks about the naming the the Bay of Quinte. About LaSalle and the land he was granted on the Bay of Quinte. He mentions Governor le Marquis de Denonville coming to Fort Frontenac, Lake Huron, Lake Simcoe and about the present site of Toronto, Ont. The information might have come from a book.] [page 39 - 40] [This consists of one manuscript page and a smaller leaf glued to the page. The manuscript page was not transcribed; it consists of scribbled notes by Canniff.] [page 41 - this is the leaf glued to the previous page]] Crysdale was the first man that came up Bay of Quintee [Bay of Quinte] as it is called he landed on the north bank in Indian Woods 10 miles east of Belleville at the mouth of Mud Creek where through want of provisions he and his men were obliged to eat a portion of a dead Sturgeon for which reason he called it Hungry Bay. Afterwards when the English captured Quebec the forces withdrew from Upper Canada and among others Colonel Quentee started from Fort Molden to Reach Quebec on some of the lower ports by means of canoe? ?? [paper crease] which they carried from Lake Ontario across the Carrying Place (a small neck of land that connects Prince Edward with Hastings County) into the Bay of Quintee as it was afterwards called they then coasted down its shores as far as Bluff Point - in Indian Woods about 12 miles East of Belleville where their provisions gave out and all perished excepting two men who succeeded in Reaching Kingston part of the men perished at Green Point two miles [page 42] below Bluff Point on the opposite side of the Bay some of the cannons can be seen to this day sunk in the Bay abit from Bluff Point and Bones Canon Balls. And even epaulets have been ploughed up on the Banks. The Boats in which they came were seen by some of the oldest settlers. They were Enlish troops and numbered from one to two thousand. From Dr Burdett - D. H. Demorest The above cannot be in any respect true W..C. [William Canniff] [page 43] [the right edge of this page has been torn and worn] I am told by Dr Cartell concerning his grandfather I think, who was a favorite of Major Ross. A[t] the close of the war before even the land in 3rd town was drawn. Major R. gave this person (I forget the name) to take a batteaux and explore the Bay an[d] ??? a lot of land. Consequently with a crew of 12 Frenchmen he passed up and around ??? ???. Among other places he stopped at the mouth of the River Moira on the plains?, then caught some fish in the river. He said i[t] seemed like a rocky place, and he had no idea of petitioning there. He found no land to suit him any where. Major R Told him he was he was hard to please, and must take his claim with the others in the drawing. He [page 44] Education See Belleville about little school house - In 1807-8 one James Potter taught in that - One Lesslie taught before. Mrs Calnan born Maybee next to Potter. About 1800 the Kingston Gazette was brought by one Huff on foot through the region of the Bay. Once a fortnight. He also carried for sale, pamphlets all of which were eagerly looked for. Mrs Maybee says that Shubal Huff went through Sixth town once a fortnight with newspapers. He also peddled tea &c. Thought this was before 1805. A. Diamond tells of a log school house on south shore of Hay Bay 3rd town where he would go to school. The teachers name was McDougall. About Education of farmers see news? ??? of Auto. - One the first teachers up the Moira was John Gibson. One Salisbury taught school on the High Shore about 1804 or 4. The first teacher near Grassy Point was John Janes (by Sclures’?) [Schoulers?] the next teacher was [no name given] One of the first Schoolmasters in Kingston Jer Austin? There were evidently some books carried in by first-settlers - no doubt the officers. A letter dated 3rd Township 5th March 1791 from John Ferguson to Mr Wm Bell Sydney request that “some books be sent down viz” Five volumes of the History of England by Horne Thorne, and the two volumes of Andersons History of France. [page 45] The Indians The first settlers were had not added to their other hardships that of apprehended attacks from the Indians. With one exception there was now? and alarm or distrust. The circumstances of the one alarm was as follows - Since writing the above I learn from Dumpry? that in 6 & 7 Town at least they were in terro? [off page] The Massasauga Indian Reserve of 200 acres at B was for them to encamp on their way up and down to the hunting grounds - My father tells of his lending his gun to an Indian. He doesn’t know how he came to do so. But he brought it back safe; and then wanted to buy it because it was a good one (Honesty) But the U.E.L. unlike the Americans were not regardless of the Indians rights - See Rev John Stuart the last Missionary on the Mohawk pg 338 2 vol The Massasauga tribe is a branch of the Algonquin. The Massassauga tribe was converted in 1825 or 6 = see Doc.? Histo See Documentary History of New York about the Iroquois and their armarial? bearing. II The history of the Mohawk Indians is the history to a great extent of French and English Colonization - strife and terrible blood shed. To look at the few peaceable converted ones who inhabit the Indian woods one would easily think they were the remnant of the mighty Iroquois Mohawk. The Mass [Massasauga] Indians along the bay were principally noted for their worthlessness drunkenness and laziness. Mrs Maybee has seen them lying about Cal Clustedlaus? 1890 Belleville quite drunk after having received their annual presents from the Government at Kingston, consisting of blankets brass Kettles. Mrs Maybee has seen a 100 birch canoes going to K [Kingston] for Chris presents - put up a blanket for sale? [off page]. These were invariably disposed for liquor, and when winter came they were destitute. They were ingenious in making baskets and in ornamenting with porcupine on birch bark. They in the spring made sugar and brought it for sale in little bags made of basswood bark. Rice was also collected and carried in them. Wilds in his travels remarked that the Massisa? Iroquois were of a much darker countenance he saw (1795) Mrs Ackerman Davis remembers to have seen the Indians camped along the bank of the river; both before and after their conversion. She marked a great change in their habits. Before were exceeding drunken, especially after getting their presents from Gov. These were often very valuable, yet to them useless, as fine linen & brass kettles. Wood give anything for drink - a gun for half pint of whiskey. She says their presents were [continues at the bottom of page 48] sent to Belleville and given out. When the[y] would begin their carnival one would be appointed to keep order - sober he would hide tomahawks ammunition &c. [page 46] [Through the history of Garneau (Francois Xavier Garneau) speaks of Champlain being defeated by the Iroquois, Lake Nippising, Georgian Bay, the French River, Severn River and Lake Simcoe. Tells of Father Charlevoix. It comments on the war between the Huron and Algonquin Indians who battled it out with the Iroquois.] [page 47] (B) The Mohawks Mr. R [Richard] Solmes says were settled directly across the bay from his fathers. There was an Indian village composed of about 50 log houses. There were 2 tribes the bear and the wolf - Captain Isaac was the Chief of the wolf tribe and Capt John of the bear tribe. There was a feud between these two tribes; and at last a meeting was arranged to settle the matter. All met together - men women and children. But no specific settlement could be effected, and they finally came to blows. Capt Isaac’s and his son were killed. The son had his abdomen cut open, and lived only six hours after. But he said in dying that his father was to blame. In this last (which seems to have been the last indian battle on the bay) the women took an active part by pulling of hair and scratching face. The Indians gradually retreated from the shore, as would become scorn. Charlevoix says in speaking of Fort Cahiagua that were some Missessagian indians there, an Algonquin nation which still have a village on the west side of L. Ontario. Mrs Dorland tells of a fright among the settlers at an early date. The word circulated that the Indians were going to attack them. But they perfectly innocent saw with suspicion certain occult proceedings on the part of the whites, and in turn were frightened, telling her about the circumstance of John Sailor of Thurlow having to leave his place up the Moira. She thinks it all arose out of their mutual distrust. With this exception the Indians never gave any trouble is alarm. - (Mrs Dame has often seen John Sunday drunk streched on the grass. The Massassagua would never do that - Morals good. Remembers on occasion when an Indian was drowned while drunk. She seeing his body remarked to the Indians present that it was wrong to drink and here was the result. One Indian streched his neck and observed that it served Indian right he ought to know better and would next time.) The Mohawks and Massassagua used to be at bitter ???. Tobias Bleecker told her he saw a roll of birch bark on which was recorded the principal events in the history of the Mass. [Massasauga] and their wars. In it was an account of a bloody battle on Zwicks island and a more bloody one on Indian Island. She says this was for extermination they would go on the island and stow the boats and fight it out to the death. There is a hatred between the Mohawks and Mass. even in later days and nothing offended one more than to be mistaken for the other tribe. Jonas Canniff my father says that the Mass Indians were not so fair looking as the Mohawk. Many were a drunken dirty set. Same John Sunday [page 48] when he was anything but a prepossessing boy. But Peter Jacobs was a fine intelligent boy, was at 4th town, at a Camp meeting when Peter was converted Elder case first time on Grape Island - and built homes for them. The lumber was sawed by father. (the logs having been cut in Tyendinaga WC) One time when going home from Belleville he saw Peter Jones preaching his first sermon near to the present residence of Wm Alford. Often Indians whom he had collected together, probably a dozen - They seemed dubly impressed with the Sermon. He stayed a lot listen. The Mass. Indians owned not only the land on which B [Belleville] is now situated but likewise lot no 4 known as the Park Lots. My father has seen the Indians camped near the wharf they come about the holidays and stayed until last of March. When they would go back to make sugar. But not always camped at wharf. (3) (One year where my brother James house now stands, another year above - where Welsh house stands). The Six nations - Mohawk, Oneida, Tuscarorus, Onendagas Cayugas, Senecas. Mrs Case says the Mass. Ind. are often Chippewa. The word signifies the fork of a stream. A place of settlement. Jno Bleeker says the Mass. had then several tribes which were small they called it their Totures?. Each had its symbol as the muskrat, Beaver Cow Crow &c. The Indian Island was occupied by the Mohawks. The Mass came when they were absent. (I have some doubt about the Mohawk having took any part in this bloody battle. It must have been long before the Mohawks came to the Bay, yet they may have been on an expedition. here was a similar massacre in Madoc at Stoco Lake under a chief called Storycory For account of visit to Mohawk - Mill Point see Autobiog page 18. Statement of one of the Calbertsoris? made 19 Sept 1865. See autiobiog page 30 About the Chiefs, new? battles & c. See Charlvoix Auto, war lost about Mass. For remarks about Mohawks and Brant see Auto, war lost The old Allies of the French were the Pictawas? the Hurons, and the Algonquins. The allies of the English the Iroquois. See war close of Auto about the Bay being the Hunting grounds of Iroquois. [page 49] Dress of the Early settlers Mrs Maybe gives a very interesting account of two weddings? [off page] and the dress worn that occasion. The refugees from? [off page] the Mohawk region who came after the defeat of Burgoine brought but little clothing with them. Those who came more leisurely were better sup? [off page]. The dress was of course such as prevaled? in the warm? [off page] at that time. Those who have witnessed the numerous ??? of American Rev heroes are familiar with the style. For a few years after coming into the Country the clothes brought were sufficient? [off page] to cover the pioneers - but when these had worn out even the most well to do were unable to procure clothing. The ??? mostly could and did go to Kingston for them and some got them from Montreal or New York. But the vast majority were compelled to look solely to their own manufacture. Pedlars and ??? had a few articles but the price in most cases put them quite beyond the reach of the people. Calomuk? was 2/6 a yard. Calico 4/-. The well to do or those who had been so were on Sundays and when a wed[ding] occured habited in the relics of bye gone days spent on ??? Mohawk or the beautiful Hudson. But the poor were glad to don the short home-made flax the Lindsay Woolsey petticoat. Mrs. M [Maybee] when married about 1807 had a woolen drugget ??? into made into a dress, it? was considered most extravagent by the notaries. The people around Belleville were always stylish compared with Sophiasburgh - Mr Wm Dougall of Picton remembers that his father Dr Dougall wore breeches, and thinks Vanalstine did also. The people at first made their own clothing of wool and flax. There was no pulling? mill; but the cloth was made thick (In lower Canada they used to pull cloth in tubs. The custom was to make bees from house to house the boys and girls would get into ??? bare legged and do the pulling in the most joyous manner). It may be that pulling in the tub was also done in Upper Canada. [page 50] Mrs P.[Patty] Dorland says her mother made the first - Kearsy blanket - that was manufactured in Upper Canada (which I see). She has an old fashioned pocket book also made by her mother. Rich Solmes says when first came into Canada - brought some clothes with them. These lasted for a time, after which had to manufacture clothes out of what they raised as hemp and flax. Trowsers were made of deer skin. Remembers wearing a pair for some 10 or 12 years. The legs of them had been worn out and mended. At last sold them for $2.50. Wore hats of a white colour felt brought from Dutchess Co. The deer skin was prepared by the Indians. The hair being removed they softened the hide by working it with the hand in the brains of animals. (Solmes) Pedlars in Durham boats were want to pass along the bay with articles of clothing some luxuries. They would stop here and there sometimes a day if trade was good. Remembers the Capt. of one Hector Lazier who not only did trading but as well courting (see paper) Browning Phillips says that in 1816 Perry of Sidney, took flax from Sidney to Kingston with only a coarse pair of boots shoes on. No sockes and his trowsers strapped down to cover his ankles. At that time there were no boots. It was thought a great thing to be married Calico [married in calico] Washington dressed in Court costume at his Lev�es [page 51] Hist - made of living - Relating to Govt The “Hungry year” or “Hard Summer” is still talked of by the great great grand children of those who suffered so terribly. The cause of this cruel trying ordeal is in part traceable to the Government officials. That the B [British] Government were anxious to do everything for their comfort cannot be guaged?. And it would be absurd to suppose that had it been regarded as a remote ??? ??? [ink smear] that want or famine would overtake the exiles in wilderness that the allowances which had been supplied for years would have been continued. But there were there occupying positions of trust and possibly the provinces who might have granted what would have very much averberated [averted?] the fearful suffering of the settlers. Many of them had been soldiers who from habit had looked entirely to government for food. Many were unproudent [imprudent?] - some indisposed to labour; but a great many were simply unable to from a want of Knowledge how to till, or from want of seed to grow the bread of life. Some it would seem were indifferent entertaining the belief that that the Gov stores? ??? ??? offered would not be stopped. Whatever the cause it is a sad page of suffering to be recorded in the page of the history of the Bay Quente? From Kingston to the out skirts of the occupied land there was a cry for bread - wood. (The account ???) [page 52] ( The writer has in mind gentlemen with considerable legal repute whose forefathers even for years after the Scarce year were well content to live upon Sepawn? and milk and instead of costly and elegant table spoons the Sepawn was placed in a huge pewter platter and milk in another dish and the hungry mights? each supplied with a round platter often of Dutch style, would make a hole in the dish of sepawn over against his seat, into which he would a little milk, then partake of it. Thus although all were eating out of the same dish each had a place of his own. The milk would be from to him added. When the several compartments were widened and approached each other, there must have been a commingling of interests. Perhaps however the honey - cornbread remaining was left for the children) [sepawn: n. A species of food consisting of mial of maiz boiled in water. It is in New York. Webster’s Dictionary 1828 “mial = meal; maiz = maize ie native corn"] A singular custom probably of Dutch origin was practiced by some. The father & another sitting at table, had a plate in common. He would sit to her right and while she was engaged in pouring tea he would cut for her as well as for himself. The refugees in coming to Canada were often put to desperate straights. Fancy eating the hoof of a horse. Those who had charge of the commissariat department were not always true to their duty and community Richard Solmes tells me that he remembers the way they used to grind corn when his father lived . Has often helped at it. An oak tree being cut down and a piece suitable being sawn out, one end was hollowed out to a sufficient depth. (probably by burning) This was the mortar in which to grind or crush the corn - which was done by a pestle of hard wood. (Shows it somewhere that they used an old cannon ball, which was heated to hollow out the end of the piece) (Shown also another account of this mode of grinding I think in Bleecker’s statement) At first, no doubt, very many of the settlers were obliged to adopt this weary way of preparing the grain for cooking - only too glad to have the grain at all. At first the only Mill was Gananaque a long way to go and it was a question whether time would not be husbanded by adapting this home method. And moreover the women could assist while [page 53] would have to go with the batteaux or canoe. Mr Solmes says that the people of 7th town went to Napanee until Cartwright’s Mill was built. Once in a while would go to Consecon. (Bleeker says that Myers Mill was the first this way after Cartwright; but he must have forgotten the one at Consecon, But Consecon is before the Bay) At this time there was a Mill on the “York” road above towards Brighton. (Probably at Smithville) Thus it will be seen that up to a comparatively late period the laborious mode of grinding has been a necessity to those living remotely from a Mill. Mr Solmes says that at first wooden ladles were in common use for spoons none others being had. (It may be that the few which might have been brought by the first comers had disappeared by use and no others could be bought to take their place.) Afterward spoons were moulded out of pewter. A pair of spoon moulds was sent, in his own recollection, to his fathers, which was the first pair sent into the County.
After Mr Solmes had grown up he was working at Bloomfield - a farm on shares, Boarding with a person whose diet was potatoes. Mrs Bogart has heard her husband say he could have jumped over the house during the Hungry year for enough to eat once. She says that suffering was intensified or due to the cupidity of those who had charge of the provisions from Government which they should have distributed to the settlers. Thomas Dorland blamed, also Philip. It is questionable whether there was grounds for these serious charges. The Government had discontinued supplying the Settlers with food. And consequently the Commissary had ?? unless indeed there might have remained some of the old stores, which is unlikely. There was little jealousies and family jars sometimes amounting to feuds in those days and it is more likely that these stories arose from other than truthful souvenirs W.C. Samuel Nicholson Tells me about his father who was one of the very first settlers in Fredericksburgh. Thinks in 1779 with Woodcock, Peterson, Campbell, Richardson. Had no team. no corn, no stock of any kind. Cleared first year an acre and a half. Put in the grain with an iron rake and built a small log house. Had to go Montreal for stores. His father brought the first horse into that settlement from Montreal. Some neighbours had to make bridges as they came [page 54] with them, across the river. The horse was grey. He did not suffer during the “hard” summer. He had double provisions. (Whatever that means) Remembers when heard his mother speak of standing in the door and cut bread by the loaf for the starving neighbours. They would have starved to death only for fish and greens. They used to eat a plant called Butternut, another Pigweed. In clearing up the land for cultivation the first settlers not only had to encounter the hardships necessarily incident to pioneer life. But in many cases they were so unacquainted with the life of the woodsman through previous habits and training that they were very ill fitted to discharge the duties and accomplish the toilsome labor. And the result was many mishaps befell them many of which were more less ridiculous. Some of the amusing incidents which occurred were long remembered to be laughed at harvest noon, at bees or around the blazing hearth in the depth of the winter. These stories even yet float in the mind of the old inhabitants having been heard and repeated from their parents long years ago.
Sam Nicholson tells of John Dodge, who settled near Belleville and used to work together. In cutting trees would cut round and around the one after the other. The joke on Dodge was that when the tree, on one occasion, was about to fall he ran to get so far that the boughs gave him a nice sweeping. Mr Maybee says his father at first had to go to Mill to Judge Cartwright’s at Napanee or to the Windmill in 3rd town, which had been built by Government for settlers. (“Old George” ordered it to be built.) As the distance to the Windmill was far and as the wind might not blow, they generally preferred to go to Napanee. Judge Cartwright Lived at Kingston. His was the first Mill along the Bay some time before anyone else. And it was come to from all directions. Has heard tell of the Hard summer, which was before he came in to the County - of how they suffered, how they had nothing but fish and greens - how they cut down the green wheat and boiled it. (Mr Maybee is not quite accurate in some other things perhaps not in the above.) Joseph Wilson tells of his father-in-law, who lived at West Lake gave Isaiah Hubbs who carried on back, a bag of Indian Corn from his house to West Lake to Myers Creek to be ground then back again. Mr Dougal says that the 1st settlers of Hallowell went to Napanee or Stone Mills for grinding. Also the 1st settlers on Little Lake used to carry their provisions from Picton Bay across through the woods. [page 55] Mrs Patty Dorland ate a piece of the first beef killed in Upper Canada. One of the neighbours lost an ox by the falling of a tree. Her father Willet Casey bought the odd one and made beef of it - He gave a party to eat most beef. It was a great treat. Among those present was then Capt Myers. The Capt may have been present. Has heard of a family of Scotts or Vancott who in the hard summers had for their meals three times daily, on large plate, on which was boiled oats. These were eaten by hand, breaking them as they eat. Mrs D [Dorland] remembers a man coming to her father to buy flour offering for it Calormink?; but they had no flour to spare. The man cried so that her mother give a few pounds. There was bran on the floor and he asked to be allowed to fill the bag with that which was granted. This he started off with on his back
Mrs Paddy Dorland says that Fish Lake was so called from the large quantities of fish which was found during the Hard Summer. The lake was alive with them, and hundreds were thereby preserved from starving. She remembers a piece of rye in her fathers field in the Hard Summer, which being on the sunny side of a ridge, ripened early. The neighbours came from far and near to cut some. Saw them in the field as thick as stumps. The who of this field was taken before grain elsewhere was fit to eat. That same year her father raised a barn. The boards for it were sawn with a whip sae. At the raising, they had nothing to offer to eat; but they were treated with egg nog. Saw her mother break up a heaped pailful which had been preserved for that purpose. Remembers when Vanalstin, their nearest neighbour built his mill at the Lake. [dup] Playter says the stone mill was built about 1796 also see his book about Kingston and Napanee Mills page 27. R. [Richard] Solmes Remembers being sent to woods to gather tea leaf a carie basketful. To get a cup of Bohee tea was considered a great luxury - Says the first flour mill was at Napanee the 2nd at Consecon. The first could be reached by boat up the Napanee river at 2nd by track - We may infer that one or the other was visited according as facilities offered to go to them respectively [page 56] A dish Solmes speaks of called Pumpkin loaf composed of pumpkin and Indian corn, eaten with butter. In Lower Canada in the scarce year corn was meted out by the spoonful. They had flour made out of wilted? seed. The bread made of this was sweetish but good - A story is told of J. F.. who was fond of cakes and on one occasion the family had prepared some when they saw J. F. coming. hid them until he had departed. They thought J. F. smelt them. [dup] Mrs Roblin daughter of Jas Wilson
once M.P.P. for 20 odd years. Talks of Scarce year with tears in
eyes especially if she heard her children complaining of what they are
eating. She being out of flour sent money to Quebec for some.
The money was sent back, there was no flour. She then
bought bran at a dollar a bushel, and tried to make bread of it; but
couldn’t so made a stir about . She would gather greens in the
woods, Indian cabbage or cale a plant with a large leaf, also wild
potatoes or ground nuts. Planting potatoes in the spring.
She would cut off the eye to plant and eat the inside.
One of Mrs Devlins half sister in the extreme of hunger digged up these rinds, that had been planted, to eat, was caught at it by her father who seized her by the arm to punch her, but the emaciated arm that he caught telling of a starvation pulseed his nerves and he could not say a word to her. During the scarce year on of the settlers in 4th Town who had a field of rye early in the wood, sent word to all to come and gather what they wanted to boil. (This next from him Willet Casey WC) Fish were scarce could not be caught. [dup] See “The Bay of Quinte Ketcheson’s statement Raked in grain, Remembers they had caught during the scarce year, and a little to spare. His mother and to feed? him although only a boy of 3 or 4 to take bran to those still want off. Remembers it well because the people were so glad to get - Mrs Ketcheson speaks of staying at Thompsons in B in 1800. He took? a barrel of home brewed beer, which was intoxicating. Carried pork peas and flour to last 3 men a week, ??? ???? 7 � miles from front through pathless woods - During the 3 years that the British Government gave rations there were commissaries to give out, Carscallion [Carscallen] (John thinks) was Commissary for 3rd Town, Major Vanalstine for 4th Town. But Mrs Ketcheson says that a Mr Emery was for 4th Town, and that he cheated the people. Capt Myers as a spy in the woods starving, carrying dog expecting he might have to kill it to save his own life - [page 57] George Parliament says the year 1789 will long be remembered as a year of extreme scarcity to the poor immigrants of the bay. See his communication Even in 1816 one Perry of Sidney took flour from Sidney WKing [walking?] slow with nothing on his feet but a coarse pair of boots - (see dress). This Perry once went from 4th Town to the other side for a bag of salt had to go 40 miles after got in states.[USA] The Reeds on the Moira suffered much for food. John Reed went to the States for some leaving his wife and children to live on fish which could rarely be caught and when procured were eaten without salt. See about Canniffs mill under Canifton - The people settled on West Lake had plenty to eat of Salmon and potatoes when the 4th Towners were almost starving - They went to Kingston to mills and on their way up by boat the 5th Towners would beg for some bran, the after days when the 5th Towners got better off and became on a certain occasion insolent, a Scotchman called them town bellies - Joseph Canniff says his father built his flouring mill 2 or 3 years after he moved to Thurlow which was in 1807. But prior to that was Miers flouring mill, and above was Reeds who had it with a Yeomans. ut the time was when the Reeds had to go to Cartwright mill for gristing. Sammey Reed told him a year or two before he died that he had carried on his back a bushel and a half of wheat all the way to napanee river following the Moira, a distance of 40 miles. It generally took him 4 days. The (Inhabitants often bounded) their wheat. In the scarce year some had cows in by ??? Town some had none. R [Richard] Solmes when working at Hallowell had nothing but potatoes for two months - Descendants of Roblin Curry on Hay Bay tell of the scarce year when the children, would purloin after their parents had gone to bed a few potatoes - and stealing out to where log heaps were burning roast them in the coals and consider it a great treat - (It is said of Lizzie Beagle that she used to lesson the pangs of hunger by eating salt) Mrs Jonas Canniff whose mother was an Ostrom 3 miles above Belleville, remembers has heard her mother tell of the first cup of tea she ever drunk, as well as the 1st pair of shoes she wore, of using basswood buds to eat. (See 4th page of Bay Quinte) Sammy Reed and his sister lived together up the Moira. During the first year or years, they had 2 cows where the milk of which they lived with the greens they collected of basswood leaves and herbs. One occasion the cows got lost were away for 3 days. They searched everywhere, and were beginning to famish. While walking along the river [page 58] looking for them they saw a fine buck on the opposite shore which presently plunged into the river to swim across. A gun was ran for, and the animal shot. They triumphantly carried him home when luck would have it the cows had come home. Behold the family before seemingly on the verge of starvation now enjoying plenty. - of deer greens and milk. - Mrs Peterson says that her husband had told her that he sold wheat Kingston in 1799 at half a dollar a bushel. It is said the 5th towners suffered more from famine than any others. - And they ate some herbs that proved poisonous whereby some died. The settlers got wheat from both Oswego and Montreal. The latter brought the thistle. The jerm of wheat boiled in milk Mrs Maybee says was good. She remembers to have heard the Cronkes and Weys of 6th town who came in at a comparatively late date & speaks of their hardship sleeping out in the weather & little to eat. Rev Roblin has heard his grandfather and Capt Thomas Dorland talk about the scarse years. The Capt said he had “sold Bron for $8.00 a 100 wt persons from starvin”(!) She would eat Buch Buch Bark, and sh’g [searching?] for nuts. For an account of a machine for grinding corn see Autobiog. page 3. Geo Bleecker has heard that during scarce year that Wm Smith Sidney used to have persons come and work for something to eat. Chrysler bought a cow of Smith for eight bushel of potatoes. Mr Diamonds who settled in 3rd town ??? ??? came with ??? in spring, got some grain in ??? the fall, sleeping under a ??? during the summer. His lot was in 2nd Con. east half no 9 on Hay Bay. When the scarce year came had plenty but others had not. Tjeu gave & gave away till gave all they had barely reserving enough to to live upon. So close did they calculate for self that they had to boil the grain once before ripe. Many lived on beech leaves for a long time. A few who had money sent to Oswego and Montreal for food. The grain was taken to a mill 4 miles north of Kingston situated on a little stream. Mr Diamond thought this mill belonged to Government. Afterwards a wind? mill was built in Fred. [Fredericksburgh] by Russell remembers this, Russel thinks was an officer, at least he had 200 acres the quantity drawn by officers in this township (He was [burn marks on page] ??? W C) [page 59] The morals of the 1st settlers [a Canniff statement of war, morals and renewed faith] II There is one fact connected with the early preaching on the Bay that demands a passing notice. The settlers were intensely loyal not only U.E.Ls in voice but in heart. Yet when the Yankee Methodist preacher came in their midst, he was soon gladly received and although ministers of the established church and ? had preceded them they failed to obtain that hold on the hearts of the people that the methodists.
The ultra party of the Tories even committed acts of violence against the Yankee missionaries; but never the less the people generally flocked to hear and remained to become followers. These Americans were always regarded with suspicion by Government as well and for years before the war of 1812 doubts were entertained of the loyalty of those who had become Methodists. But this war exhibited in a thrilling manner the old fire of attachment to their sovereign King. It is not the purpose of this writer to consider the cause or causes of this quick acceptance of Loyalists of American preachers, It is recorded as a fact that not only those who had not hitherto been converted [page 60] with any religious body are brought into the Methodist Society but the Lutheran often and churchman likeness? embraced the more active worshipper of God. There would seem to have been an adaptability between these powers? and the more demonstrative? religion of Wesley. Indeed it may be said that bigotry was markedly absent and in many cases as one clergyman after another came into a neighbourhood to hold service all around would readily go without reference to the religious persuasion. These Methodist preachers had no authority to solemnize matrimony nor able until 18_ For many years there were but two clergymen who could perform the rites of matrimony being West of Kingston. Mr McDowell of the Dutch Reformed Church & Mr Langhorn, Episcapalian. Mr McDowell lived in 3rd town, Mr Langhorn in 4th town. The consequence was that if any among the settlers up the Bay desired to get married, they had to go by batteaux to procure the services of one of these. Mr Langhorn, I believe, only married those who came to him. Mr McDowell was one who the most who the most frequently went up. Mr Langhorn, I believe, only married those who came to him. It was not an easy matter for the poor settlers to obtain the necessary clergyman. Indeed often it was impossible. There were here and there, certain gentlemen “Squires” who possessed the power to marry those wishing to be united but in many cases these gentlemen were not available to the parties at the time. They might wish to commence housekeeping on their own account. These facts are given to make it plain that although women then there might have been ? to the present ?? now then a couple cohabiting who not been legally married. Yet it was not a artful disregard of the recognized condemnation of the evil. One case has been made known to the writer which will some illustrate the matter. Joseph F. and Betsy ?[G]iles were working at the same farm. She a “help” he a worker on the farm. It was in a locality where no minister came and where no magistrate resided. This pair desired to enter the holy bonds of matrimony but this desire could not not be gratified as they could not travel nor afford to send for the necessary one to unite them together. They determined to be one at the very first opportunity and in the mean time consoled one another with genuine and no doubt honest love. Be times a party happened to travel to that region. [page 61] Among the party was Squire B[leecker] - This occurred in 1790. The family with whom the engaged pair was working, so soon as the Squire arrived he thought them of the desire of Josp [Foster] & Betsy [Elizabeth Giles] and that now was the time to gratify it; so forthwith? Ms? Betty was called from the kitchen and Josp from the field all besmeared? with dirt and sweat and the twain were legally greeted as man and wife . Among the witnesses of the wherting? ceremony was a bright eyed boy who trotted unceremoniously to the bride and groom calling them respectively “ fudder and mosser”. The time strangely enough came when this same boy purchased this farm on which his parents had toiled and where he was thus undesirably born. Scraps of History P 26 There was a Lazier who sailed a batteaux up and down the bay with goods, stopping here and there, who it was said seduced a young girl. She had atbort [aborted] a child after. The 5th towners were not considered fit associates for the 4th towners. See obituary notices Autobiog to complementary remarks see all last page of Auto. But the water forget the peculiar life they had led, and if the ??? U. E. did seem distant to strangers it should be remembered he had earned the right to be independant. [page 62] Sketches of Individuals Major Vanalstine was a thick set man very fleshy. Altogether unlike a military man, too clumsy, Robust, Dark complexion. A Dutchman and spoke broken English. Was very hospitable. His house was open to all who came and everybody knew him. When a poor man called, he would call up his negro servant (slave) from the kitchen in which they stayed and make her get something for him to eat. He had been through the war and knew what it was to suffer hunger and was hospitable even to a fault. He had slaves as did others. He had charge or oversight of all the refugees up the Bay Said to have been a Presbyterian. He drew a pension. Mr Dougall says his father wore breeches and thinks Vanalstine did also. Mr Wm Dougall from whom I have received much valuable information is the son of Dr Dougall. A first and distinguished settler. Although advanced in age he is hale and hearty. Just before the War of 1812, he went out to see the country of which he had heard a great deal. He there worked for a while for his board. (This was at Long Point, County of Norfolk) But had just hired to work at $12 a month. One day met a Militia Captain riding. Captain White, who had been in the Rev war (This was the 27th June 1812) Was requested to meet at a certain place. He did so with others. They drilled with sticks for guns. Was present at the taking of Detroit. Has a Victoria Cross on which is “Fort Detroit Victoria Regina 1848 To the British Army 1793 - 1814” There was the greatest enthusiasm at that time among them. Of the Regiment he belonged to, one company was drawn to assist the attack. All volunteered but the unmarried only were allowed to go. The general feeling among them was that the Yankees were taking advantage of the war of England with France to obtain possession of Canada. Mr Dougall was again out to assist in repelling the invaders at Niagara but his service was not then required. He then came to the Bay of Quinte. [page 63] Patty Martha Dorland born Casey Seen in Sept 1864. Aged 80 (see autobiography) She … perhaps the recollection of some of the earliest events in Canada. Her father Willet Casey settled at Lake Cham[plain] had cleared some land when the line between the States and Canada was found to include his place on the States side. He could not live there but pulled up and removed to 4th town. But there was a brother, belonging, I think, to the Cavalry force although on the British side. He stayed in North Carolina. (The southern Rebellion … as one of its actors a Casey, General, I think) The Casey property in Rhode Island was all confiscated. Mrs Dorland has some old Continental money, one from the Province New York, one from New Jersey Date 1761 (See paper) Asa Worden near West Lake is a fine old looking gentleman, rather blunt and curt at first but gradually softened into communications. He is not well. He speaks of Major Young, who belonged to Sir John Johnson’s Regiment (Ensign) (I find no such name in the list of officers . Dated Oswego Dec 1782) This Young was a great hunter. On one occasion he was desirous of going from the head of Picton Bay (that was before the County was occupied) to South Bay. Being a practised hunter he started from a land pillar on the east side ^ or ? of where the bridge now is. He went out of his way however and instead of going to South Bay, he stumbled on East Lake etc. Had two sons David and Henry. He died at Kingston in the war of 1812 while on duty. These sons drew land and managed to get rid of it. Ensign Young was born in the city of London but was of Dutch parentage. He was in the States before the war lived in a place called Husock a little above Albany. He was in the Battle of Bennington. Died at about 80. Was a famous hunter. Could always get a deer. Had half pay. [page 64] [puncheon story etc repeated] [page 65] ?? Mrs Roblin was a most truthful woman. Mrs Roblin complained to Gen Washington He … his search the men if she could see any of the m[en]… who had committed the outrage or anything belonging her, declaring if he could ascertain the guilty ones he would severely punish them. But Mrs Roblin could find nothing. (of course after this they left the place as quickly as possible. Came to Canada by way of Oswego) Mrs Roblin’s husband died in 4th town and she retur[ned] to Sophiasburgh bought land 100 acres for $25.00 paid for it in weaving. Cut down trees for her log … . The neighbours assisted to put it up and she chin[ked] it in and plastered it with mud. Mrs Devlin has often when a child heard her talk of the scarce year with tears in her eyes, especially when any of the children were dissatisfied with what … they were eating. James Wilson father of Mrs Devlin was M.P.P. for 22 - 24 years. Elected first in 1808 or 9. Mrs Devlin knows of 4 Roblins that originally settled on the Bay. Elijah Wallbridge came in 1804 aged 65 bought land Mass? Point 1200. Died at the age of 93 buried on the day of the election fight on Belleville hill in 42 or 3 Elijah Wallbridge the 1st settler on Mass Point had an Uncle 9this must have been Asa) who peddled through the County. He planted nurseries everywhere. Often through kindness alone brought the seeds from the States. All the old orchards were planted by him. See Wm Ketcheson concerning himself also Capt Myers who while acting as a spy had with him a fateful day. On one occasion they were for a long time in the woods without food. The dog was sick for want of food, so the Capt carried him on his back for days not knowing but it would become necessary to kill him to eat. They escaped. After the war Gen Schuyler called on Capt Myers. The Capt pointing to the de… said to him that is the day etc. Those present recognized a formal introduction by the Capt of the? General to this day. And for many a day the Capt was rollied? on his so doing. John Tailor of Belleville was scar-warn old sold[ier]... a good subject. [page 66] ...le Shubal D Foster came in 1… ...up the Bay. Capt. Meirs had a pension of ⅚ a day. His father was a Rebel. See Mrs Ashley’s statement. A Yeomans says that Capt Myers was an ignorant man but a bold one. When Capt Myers went to Court his first wife a Miss Davey, he carried his oats in a saddle bag behind him. He owned a schooner. Mr Yeomans knew John Tailor well. He was a strong man. Had two brothers hung. He went with a dispatch from Quebec to Nova Scotia on foot following the Coast all around the Bay of Fundy. (Anyone looking at the map will see what strength? was) Was very near killing a Walrus. This fact was told to Mr Yoemans by J Tailor himself whose word was good. ( Sure is knowledge as to the times or circumstances.) Mrs Yeoman’s uncle Purdy told of an occasion when in a fort and were short of balls they put stones in stockings and put them in the guns. Luke Carscallion, an Irishman settled in the ...broke out, although he...B[elleville] [page 67] [ … means text lost under the right page fold] [torn]town or Fredericksburgh It would seem from the several sources of information available that this township was settled by a batt ... of the 84th Regiment. Sir John Johnston’s, the Royal Rangers. A portion of this Regiment settled on the St Lawrence but a battalion or a stated few had promised to them a block of land sufficiently lar… for the whole number each one to have the am ... of acres his position entitled him to. It was … 3rd town which was allotted to them; but it was found that the land was not sufficient and consequently enough was taken from the next , the 4th town to give each his lot. This consisted 13 lots and was called Fredericksburgh addition (?Sills) [page 68] Sept. 28th 1864 H. Meacham Tells of a Sabbath School organized by John Turnbull, Dr Marshall and Dr Cooper. These gentlemen taught in the school. It was the first Sunday School in Belleville, about 1826. Some society gave tracts and cards on condition that a school should be established. They all read the scripture and then the above gentlemen explained to them.
The 1st prizes given in connection with this school were 4 in number, 2 Bibles and 2 Testaments. They were granted the first to H. Meacham, sister Ann, Matilda (?) McNab and Albert Tailor. The prizes were granted on account of good attendance and behaviour. The meeting place on the Plains for racing was when was a number of ?? trees. The entrance was through a gate opposite Hercihmers, just by a barn on Tailors, the course was on Tailors grounds. The 1st Methodist Chapel was complete. The 2nd one was put up in 1828 or 9. Joseph Wilson tells of his father in law, Isiah Tubbs who carried on back a bag of Indian corn from West Lake to Meyers Creek - well to be ground & back again. Speaking of Picton he tells of the naming of the town. It had been called Hallowell and the inhabitants wished to retain the name; but Rev McAuly wished to call it Picton after a General in Wellingtons army at Waterloo. Owning property on the south side of the creek he called that Picton. Was chaplain to Sig Ass.managed to get the whole place called Picton.
[page 69] - [see also page 22] [page 70] [top edge cut, torn, burned] [the right side of the page is rolled … indicates missing text] The many turns in the Bay and also the many indentations afforded opportunity for revealing extensive frontage with the best facilities circumstance afford for procuring the necessaries of life. The settlement gradually extended from Kingston up the Bay to the point opposite Picton Bay commences. Then onto Trumpours Then up Hay Bay around its shore. In mean time the Settlers had passed over the squatters in 5th town up along the Hyle? penetrating? to Picton then in different dir? [direction] to East Lake. West Lake to Fish Lake gradually the whole Bay is encircled and trees are planted at the Carrying Place and down the north shore on the ? Sidney to the Moiria. There the ...Thurlow and beyond Tyendenaga the ...of Richmond & Camden?. Up the deep stream of … river many a batteaux had passed and e...had occupied its handler. We can judge ...order in which there were settled by ...lers, although no doubt some were settled been anterior to the time of survey and the numbering. Kingston was the 1st town, Ernestown the 2nd town, Fredericksburgh 3rd, Adolphusburgh 4th town coming up the Bay. [page 71] [scrap of conjecture] |