Census Records Murray Township, Hastings County, Newcastle District, Adolphustown, Hallowell

Early Census Records 1794 - 1850

Murray Township, Newcastle District, Adolphustown and other townships of Upper Canada (Ontario)

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Records of the Bay of Quinte

The assessment act directed the assessors of each township to annually do a census and assessment. These continued till 1850 and most records have not survived. Below are transcriptions on this web site of some of the surviving census records and also links to other sites that have some. The Newcastle District had a great record of survival for these records. There is much yet that can be transcribed. Here is a good map of the Districts.


Source: See Newcastle District fonds, F 1800, Archives of Ontario, MS16, reels 7 to 9 for all the records below.

Murray Township Census and Assessment Records - click on the links below
1803  1804  1806  1808  1814  1815  1816  1817  1818  1819  1820  
1821  1822  1823  1824  1825  1827  1839  1840  1841  1848  1850

Census and Assessment
1826  1828  1830  1831  1832  1833  1834  1835  1837  1838

[For 1802 to 1807 and 1811 see Trent University link below.]
1808  1809  1810  1812  1813  1814  1815  1816  1817  1818 1820
1821  1822  1823  1824  1825  1827  1829  1836  1839  1840  1841
1842  1843  1844 1845  1846  1847

Percy Township Census Records
1803-05   1806-08   1809-11   1813-15   1816-1822

Asphodel and Belmont Township Census and Assessment Records
Census 1840

1861 Canada West Census: Murray Township missing pages
In Dec 2021, Mike Lobb determined that a few pages of the Murray section of the 1861 census are missing. Thanks to Mike for sharing this information.
Mike dedicates this work to "Kassidy (Dubé) Lobb who is 4th great granddaughter of Andrew Rusk and Susannah Black through their son John."

Mike writes, "I reviewed the series of numbers stamped on the personal census pages and noted that numbers 44, 49 and 55 are missing. The pages show evidence of having been numbered twice as there is a handwritten numbering that probably preceeds the stamped numbering. Both sets of numbering came after the changing of the order of the pages. The missing stamped numbers suggests that the loss of the pages came after the stamping of the numbers. After contacting LAC, they confirmed that p. 44 was indexed (District 1 instead of District 2), p. 49 was misindexed with p. 43 (but must also be of content that is not District 2 as...), p 55 was not indexed but covers all the missing households of the Agricultural census for Murray Twp and is available at this link https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1861&op=&img&id=4391563_00078

"Agri census page 53 corresponds to personal census pages 62, 61, 60, 59, 54, 56, 58, 57 with the last five farm households missing. Those would be John Fall, David Bull, Peter Arkiles, Cornelius Harkins and Samuel McColl. (These are on the unindexed p 55 at the link above)

"Agri census page 54 starts with Mary Ann Brophy, Michel Callahan and Andrew Rusk, who are all missing from the personal census (On unindexed p 55 at the link above). Page 53 of the personal census begins with the rest of the Rusk household. It is followed by personal census pages 45, 46, 51, 52, 50 which ends with the Reagan families who start Agri Census page 55.

"Agri Census page 55 continues with personal census pages 43, 48, 47, 63, 70, 69, 71, 68. 68 ends with the household of J Brooks Crowe who is line 4 of Agri Census page 56.

"Agri Census page 56 includes personal census pages 67, 66, 65, 64, 72, and 73. The household of Thomas Smith, farmer is the only farming household on page 73 and the last of the Agri census for the Murray Twp pages.

It is probably also worth noting that the Agricultural census pages that I was looking at in Ancestry are for District 2 which is Con 5 to 10 of Murray Twp. Ancestry does not seem to have Agricultural pages for Concessions up to 4."

Newcastle District records on other web sites

  • Newcastle District Assessment Records 1802, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 11 and 1824 - For the townships of Clarke, Cramahe, Darlington, Haldimand, Hamilton, Hope, Murray, Percy and Seymour. Nominal transcriptions can be seen on at the Trent University Archives. In 2021 the transcriptions were not found on the Archives link. Let me know if you find them.
  • Haldimand Township Census: 1803 to 1825 - More exist for years up to 1849. 
  • Cramahe Township Census: 1803 to 1840 - More exist for years 1841-48 and 1850.
  • Hamilton Township for most years from 1804 to 1848.
  • Hope Township Census: 1803 to 1851 - most years. This is part of the excellent website called Port Hope, a living past by Peter and Barbara Bolton.
  • Family Search web site has the 1842 census images on line for Murray, Percy and others in Newcastle. You can search the name index as well.
Other Newcastle Townships that have census and assessment records that survived for various years - but for which I have not found transcriptions on line. The Cobourg West Hill School is planning to do some of these records in the future.
  • Alnwick, Asphodel, Asphodel and Otonabee
  • Cartwright, Cavan, Clarke, Darlington, Douro, Douro and Ops, Dummer, Eldon
  • Emily, Ennismore, Fenelon and Bexley and Sommerville, Harvey
  • Port Hope Town, Manvers, Mariposa, Monaghan, Monaghan South, Ops
  • Otonabee, Seymour, Smith, Smith and Ennismore, Verulam, Verulam and Harvey

© Randy Saylor. Material on this site is provided for your personal use only. If you wish to publish any of the transcriptions in any form then please get my permission.