Conger account book 1809

Conger Account Book 1809 – 1821

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Records of the Bay of Quinte

Source: Miscellaneous Collection 1803-1809, AO (Archives of Ontario), F775 – MU2101, 1809 #6. Photostat copy of three pages from the Conger Acct Book – account of Trustees of Meeting House, original in possession of Dr C.E. Stothers, Public School Inspector, Picton, 1935

[Note: Only the names have been transcribed from these pages.]

Page 1 - left side
1809: Planks and siding for meeting house; W Brown
1810: W Brown and Peter Brown
1811: J? Forsyth; John G Clute; Peter Brown
1820: Moses Herrington
Page 1 – right side
1809: J? Benson
1810: D Cornwell; M Herrington; C Vandusen; A Vanblarcum; James Dougall
1811: D Conger; M Herington
1812: M Herrington
Page 2 – left side
1809: William More; Wm Cunningham; J Barker; Wm More; P Brown; William Moore
1810: Wm Moore; Wm Moor; J Forsyth
1820: David M Hopkins; Mr or Wm McQuaig
Page 2 – right side
1809: Richard Benson; W Scarles; E Solomon; Anson; W Vallew; S Goldsmith; J Herrington; D Goldsmith; Sarah Hyck; Clapp; Jacob Rutton; P Vallew; Jno Benson; W Vallew; R Benson; Jacob German; J Dougall; J Armstrong; A Vanblarcum; M Vanblarcum; Willson Conger; P Vanblarcum; M Vanblarcum; Abram Vanblarcum; Henry Johnson; A Vanblarcum; J Dougall; N Peterson; H Travis; D Goldsmith; C Vandusen; J Wilson; P Vanblarcum; M Vanblarcum; J Benson; N Wesels; P Ryckman; P Vallew; Jno Benson; W Vallew; A Peterson; J Cumming; T Eyers?; Wm Rutton; E Washburn; Mrs Washburn; E Washburn; Samuel Williams; Wm Dyre,; T Morgan; G Palan; Jno Blakley; Jno Scott; W Johnson; junr; Magor Young; Daniel Young; A Werdin; P.D. Conger;
1810: Jacob Benson; J German; C german; Barret Dyre; C Vandusen; W Bartlet; Paul Huff; G Tucker; Jno Mowers; E Adams; Danl Hicks; Walters; Stephen Goldsmith; W Johnson; Jno Miller; W Scarles
Page 3 – left side
1810: Jno Goldsmith; Wm Moor; Wm Moor; Samuel Dorland; Wm Moor; Josh Forsyth; Lyons Vallew & Vanblarcum; Jno G Clute
1811: Joseph Forsyth; Jno G Clute; Peter Brown
1810: Peter Brown; B Johnson; Luman Norton
Page 3 – right side
1810: N Peterson; J Armstrong; Jno Terviligar; j Dougall; W Vallew, M Vanblarcum; Josh Rutton; Jno Clapp; N Peterson; D Cornwell; P.D. Conger; Benjamin Ellison; J Potter; Ricd Osburn; A Vanblarcum; Josh Trumpore; T Lyons; W Vallew; P Vanblarcum; C Platt; T Morgan; Jno Platt; J Rutton; J German; A Barker; C Vandusen; M Herrington; W Jackson
1811: Jno McLean; R Fairman; Jno Benson; W Johnson; A Yourks; A Youmans; P.D. Dorland; T Goldsmith
1821: R Scott