New Jersey Gazette, 24 Feb 1779
Volume: II; Issue: 64; Page: [3]
New Jersey, Bergen County.
a Court of Common Pleas, held for the county on the 26th January, 1779,
were returned inquisitions for joining the King of Great Britain, and
other treasonable practices, against
John Merselis
Lewis Millinburg
A Ackerman [see James Ackerman in Adolphustown]
John Deryea
Peter T Herring
Derick Ackerman
John Demont
Philip Peaker
John H Vanhouten
Thomas Dungan
Rush - settled in Rednersville
Vanblaricum [Van Blaricom - in the Quinte area]
Harrimanus Vanblaricum
Fox - settled in Sidney
Edward Joans
David D Ackerman
Henry J Hannison
Demorest jun - Demorestville family?
Hendrick Doreamus
David Masterlen
Abel Ridner
Abraham A Quackenbush
S Demorest - Demorestville family?
Tise [see Tice]
John Robertson
John Tise
Jacob Vanwincle
Matthias Kenact
Peter D Wiem
Michael Stor
Alexander McKoy
Fredericks - settled in Thurlow
John Ridner
Ridner - father of Rednersville family
Hendrick Fox
William Peaker
Hendrick Fredericks
Thomas Lyon
Noble [see Philo Noble]
Jacobus Peek
John F Ryerson
Peter J Vanblaricum
John L Vanbuskerk
John J Vanblarikum
Andrew Vanbuskerk
James Vanburen
Gabriel Vanorden
David Vanbuskerk
John Ja Vanbuskerk
Barant Euerse
Jacob Himion
Hendrick Himion
Rinehart Prickman
Timothy Lewis
Adam Himion
Christian Pulisfalt
Nix - settled Murray
John J Ackerman
Peter Leant
Martin Roelossee
John C Herin
Abraham Lent
Charles Bekeman
Thomas Oldwater [Outwater?]
which proclamation was made at said court, that if they or any person
on their behalf, or person interested, would appear and traverse, a
trial should be awarded, but no traverses were offered -
therefore notice is hereby given that if neither they nor any in their
behalf, nor any interested, shall not appear and enter a traverse at
the enxt court to be held for the said county, the inquisitions will be
taken to be true, and final judgement entered thereon in favour of the
Feb. 16, 1779
James Board
Hendericus Kuyper
The Political Intelligencer and
New-Jersey Advertiser, 27 July 1784,
Volume: I; Issue: XLII; Page: [4]
Whereas final judgment was had and obtained in favour of the state of
New Jersey, against
Parcel - settled in Murray
Van Horn - settled in Adolphustown
Abraham C Haring
Henry Marsh
Rykman - settled Murray
David Blauvelt
Albert Zabriskie
Van Buskirk - Buskirk's Reg't - see Coonrad Frederick
Peek - [Peack] settled on Big Island
Edward Earl
Abraham Persel
William Van Allen
David Peek
Daniel J Brown
John Lutkens
Hendrick Lutkins
John Pell
William Kingsland jun
James Van Emburgh
Peter Earl
William Sorrels
Nicholas Depeyster?
Daniel Jesseph
Charles Kingsland jun
John Meyr
Thomas Gardner
Abraham Van Emburgh
Stephen Ryder
James Mac Calk
Peter Colett
Abraham Lent
Charles Beekman
Outwater - [see Daniel Outwater in Sidney]
John C Haring
Peter Lent
Hendrick Deremus
Arie Demarest
Petrus T Haring
Luwis Miltenberry
Henry J Henneon
David D Ackerman
Philip Pecker
Harmanus Van Blarkum
Brickman - see Lewis Brickman
John J Ackerman
Nex [Nix] - settled Murray
John J Van Buskirk
John P Duryee
Hendrick Hemeon
Jacob Hemeon
Barent Everse
Timothy Luwis
Hendrick Frederickse
Adam Hemeon
William Pecker
Thomas Lyon
Jacobus Peck
Isaac Noble
John F Ryerson
Petrus J Van Blarkum
John L Van Blarkum
John L Van Buskirk
John Demott
Andrew Van Buskirk
Isaac N Kipp
James Van Buren
David Van Buskirk
Gabriel Van Orden and Jenny his wife
Abel Ridnaar
Derrick Ackerman
David Masterton
John H V Houten
Hendrick Van Blarkum
John Merselesse
Abraham A Quackenbush
Jacobus Fox
Daniel S Demarest
Jacob Van Winkle
Michael Sturr
Matheves Kneght
Fredericks - settled in Thurlow
Alexander Mac Koy
Ridner - father of Rednersville family
John Ridner
Peter Tice
Hendrick Vos
Richard Yates
Coenradt Ridner
John King
Coenradt Henselpecker
Nicholas Size
--- Duglas
Henry Soup
John Holmes
John Van Orden
George Brush
James Butler
Aaron Swiney
Martinus Fox
Andrew Van Alen
George Miller
Balter Shoemaker
William Roome
John Van Buskirk jun
John Blinkerhuff
Jacob Ryker
John Davis
Anthony Lispenard
Winant Kitterlas
John Dunscomb
Kenneth McKincy
Jacobus A Bogert
hereby given to the public, that their estates are confiscated, and
have been sold for the use and benefit of the state aforesaid: All
persons having any demands against any of their estates aforesaid,
agreeable to a law of the state aforesaid, passed in the 11th day of
December, Anno Dom. 1778; are requested to have their accounts attested
before two judges of the court of common pleas, for the County of
Bergen, in the state aforesaid, on or before the 20th day of August,
Anno Dom. 1784.
Cornelius Haring, Agent for the County of Bergen
Bergen County, July 13, 1784
Documents Relating to the
Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey
published by the NJHS, 1906, V3, Newspaper Extracts 1779
July 1, 1779.
Bergen County, State of New-Jersey
State of New-Jersey Bergen County)
PUBLICK notice is
hereby given to all persons that have any demands, either on bond,
note, mortgage, book or otherwise, against the persons whose names are
hereunto annexed, to bring them to two of the Judges of the Court of
Common-Pleas for the county of Bergen, within ten months from the date
hereof, in order to have them settled : And likewise notice is hereby
given to all persons that have any goods, wares, merchandize of any
kind, or owe on bond, note, mortgage or otherwise, any sum or sums of
money to any of the offenders whose names are herein under written, and
shall neglect to
make discovery thereof to one of us the subscribers within one month
from the date hereof, may expect to be dealt with as the law in that
case directs. The names are as follows, viz.
Thomas Lyons,
Hendrick Himjon,
Jacob Himjon,
John L. Van Boskerk,
Hendrick Fox,
Michael Stur,
William Baker,
Philip Baker,
Hendrick Van Blerkum,
Isaac Noble,
Mattenes Skepact,
William Kingsland, jun.
John Van Houten,
Adam Himjon,
Abel Ridner,
Mattenes Fox,
Abraham Persel,
Daniel I. Brown,
Peter Earrel,
Richard Stanton,
David Blavelt,
Theunis Blavelt,
David Peck,
Henry Marsh,
Albert Zabriskie,
Joost Earrell,
Edward Earrell,
Cornelius Van Horn,
John Pell, Peter Gollet,
William Van Allen,
Van Boskerk,
Henry Rome,
William Sorroll,
Thomas Gardner,
James McColleck,
John Mejjers, [sic: Meyers],
John Lutkins,
Hendrick Lutkins,
Abraham Van Emburg,
Charles Kingsland, jun.
James Van Emburg,
Daniel Jessop,
Nicholas Depeyster.