Schneider, Nickolaus Ancestry: Sixth Generation: Louis John Schneider

Sixth Generation

High school graduation pictures, Lou in 1942 & Audrey in 1944, 78kb
High School Graduation

95. Louis John6 Schneider (Louis James5, Peter4, Martin3, Anton2, Nickolaus1) was born in Detroit, MI 2/21/1924, a Thursday. Lou died 3/4/2006 in South Lyon, Michigan, at home. He had been in the middle of cancer treatment, radiation and chemo-therapy, for bladder cancer. Eight children and 7 grandchildren survive him. (Last photo of Lou with youngest daughter Marylou, wife Audrey, taken by oldest daughter, Lynn, in February, 2006.)

Audrey died February 26, 2015, about 2 am, just short of 89 years of age, at the Clausen Manor Memory Center, Waterford Township, near Pontiac, Michigan.

Audrey Kathryn Lynn's family genealogy is here, the Lynn and McCabe families.

Photo List
  1. Lou & Audrey -- When They Were Young
  2. Audrey Lynn Schneider, 4 Photos from High School & College
  3. Lou's military history 1942-1945
  4. Wedding Photos, 1946
  5. Lou Schneider's family portrait, 1998
  6. Lou Schneider-death certificate, 2006
  7. Lou Schneider's headstone
  8. Lou Schneider's Findagrave page
  9. Audrey Schneider's Findagrave page
  10. Early Schneider Family Photos, 1951 - 1980
  11. Schneider Family Photos, 1970s
  12. Schneider Grave Markers
June 19, 1948 Wedding of Audrey K. Lynn & Lou J. Schneider
Lou Schneider Residence History

Lou's birth certificate shows that at birth he was given the name Louis James Schneider, the same as his father. However, when he was baptized 10 days later on March 2, 1924, his middle name was changed to John (see copy here), and he went by that name ever since (see his written attestation of this that he stapled to this copy of his birth certificate). He was baptized at the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer by the Rev. Edward K. Cantwell, sponsors were Raymond J. Affeld and Hilda Golata.

Lou married Audrey Kathryn Lynn (b. March 19, 1926 - d. February 26, 2015) in Detroit, MI, 6/19/1948. (See her ancestry pages here.) A copy of their Marriage License is here. (Note, Audrey always used the "Kathryn" spelling of her middle name, rather than the way it was spelled on the marriage license.) Audrey was born in Detroit, MI 3/19/1926. Audrey Katherine Lynn, daughter of William Nicholas Lynn (12/27/1888 - 1/19/1955) and Catherine Clare McCabe (1890 -- 1954, buried 9/8/1954). William and Catherine were married when he was 24 years old and she was 22 years of age. Catherine died in 1954, from diabetes, William died 4 months later from prostate cancer in 1955, before his son, James J., celebrated his first Mass (on June 3, 1956) after ordination (June 2, 1956) from St. John's Seminary, Plymouth, Michigan. They are buried in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Detroit, section 3, lot #37, grave 11 and 12. See this link for their gravemarkers.

Audrey's parents: William and Catherine Lynn
From the 1930 Federal Census: 1900 census of Luzerne County William and Catherine are listed as 40 years of age and 39 respectively, rented a house at 7458 Twelfth St., Detroit, for $65.00/ month with their first two children, Paul, 14 years, and Audrey, 4 years (James not yet born). They had moved from Pennsylvania, and were married at the ages of 24 and 23 respectively. William was currently a wage earner as an electrician for a Realty Company. A copy of his WWI draft Card shows his date of birth as 12/27, 1888 and residing at 83 Thomas St., Dorranceton (a borough in Luzerne County, PA, annexed ultimately into Wilkes-Barre).

Audrey's grandparents: William and Margaret Lynn.
According to the 1900 census of Luzerne County, West Pittston Township, Pennsylvania, they were 33 years and 32 years of age respectively. This would make their year of birth c. 1866/67 and 1868/69 respectively. The census taker erred when he wrote the year of their births as 1877 and 1878 as that would have made their firstborn son, William, Audrey's father, who is stated as 11 year of age, born when his parents were 11 and 10 years old. The date should have been written c. 1867/66 and 1868.Santa Fe Special
Santa Fe Special

The 1900 Census also details Audrey's grandfather's family: William N., firstborn, 11 years old, followed by Blanch, Margaret, and Edward, listed as 6 years, 2 years, and 8 months of age. William's father and mother were born in Ireland, and Margaret's father and mother were born in Ireland and Scotland respectively. William Lynn was a brakeman for the railroad. She gave me his pocket watch that he used in his occupation, a Santa Fe Special, made by the Illinois Watch Co. More information about this watch and a Waltham pocket watch of William Nicholas Lynn can be seen here.

Audrey's great-grandparents:
Nicholas Lynn and wife Mary are found on the 1870 Census,, Plymouth Township, Luzerene County of Pennsylvania, age 35 and 38 respectively (thus born about 1835 and 1832). Children are listed as Anna, 16 years of age, James, 12, Mary 11, Richard, 8, John, 7, William (Audrey's grandfather), 4, and Patrick, 1 year old. Both Nicholas and Mary list Ireland as their place of birth. His occupation is Laborer.

Audrey graduated from Marygrove College, Detroit, MI, in 1948, with a degree in Journalism. Before meeting Lou, she coached a year of basketball, the girls team at St. Agnes High School, Detroit, where she had played a year herself. After coaching for a season she refereed a few games the next season.

6 Wedding pictures, 1948

Lou graduated from the University of Detroit High School in 1942 and entered the University of Detroit in the Fall studying engineering. With World War II raging, he joined a branch of the Organized Reserve Corps for those with technical skills. He was called up for service in March 3, 1943, served in the US Army Air Corps, and was honorably discharged in December 24, 1945 from Chicago, Illinois, with the rank of Corporal, E-4. His Service Number was 16114886. (See this record of service letter.) A summary of his military history and the documents of his military personnel file are here. (Note: there are 33 pages and the images average around 160kb each.)

Lou wrote the following in an edition of California Breeze, a family newsletter started by son Michael, dated November 1995:

"I had enlisted in the Reserve Corps while attending my first year at the University of Detroit. Shortly after the 2nd semester was underway in March of 1943, we were called to active duty and I was assigned to the U.S. Army Air Corps as it was known as back then. They decided I was needed as an airplane mechanic, so after some brief basic training in Florida, I was sent to Gulfport, Mississippi, to Airplane and Engine School. Next, at Long Beach, California, at the Douglas plant, I learned about caring for the B-17 bombers. After a brief furlough home I went to Seattle to the Boeing plant to learn about the B-29 Superfortress bombers."

Lou was there through the Christmas of 1943. His father visited with him over the Christmas holiday.

"From there I was sent to Salina, Kansas, where they were forming B-29 squadrons for the eventual missions of winning back the land and islands Japan had invaded and taken over, and on to bombing Japan itself, 1600 miles away from the Island of Saipan, where I was sent. We arrived via troop ship shortly after the Marines had secured the island after bitter fighting. [On June 15, 1944, U.S. troops made an amphibious assault on the Japanese-held island of Saipan in the Marianas.] An airfield was quickly built and soon B-29s were flying in and we were getting them ready for action."

Here is a flier like many dropped on Japan to warn civilians of impending bombings.

Lou Schneider in the Army Air Corps

Lou was stationed across the strait from Tinian Island, where the Enola Gay departed for the atomic bomb attacks on Japan.

"We lost B-29s but none to which our ground crew was assigned. Early on Saipan was attacked by Japanese planes and we lost a few B-29s on the ground. Fortunately I was not on the "line" during these attacks, although I saw Jap planes fly in low over the coastline very close to our camp as they headed for our airfield."

Lou was separated from the Army on December 24, Christmas Eve, 1945, discharged in Chicago, IL. His father drove him and some army buddies back home from there.

In another reminiscence, Lou wrote in the December 1996 California Breeze:

One of my most memorable Christmases was in 1945. My dad drove to Chicago to pick me up after I received my honorable discharge from the Army Air Force. It was December 24th, and we expected to be home that evening [in Detroit]. But snow and icy conditions and finally a defective generator on the car caused us to barely make it to Coldwater [Michigan], about halfway home. It was way after dark, but we got a room at the hotel. We went to Midnight Mass and spent the night in Coldwater. In the morning, the hotel manager found a mechanic who graciously agreed to replace the generator, and we were finally on our way again. Luckily, the weather warmed enough to make the roads safe once more. We arrived home late Christmas afternoon, just as Christmas dinner was being served. WOW!

Lou resumed his schooling after being honorably discharged from the Army. It was after his military service he met Audrey Lynn. He graduated from the University of Detroit in June, 1950 with the degree of BEE (Bachelor of Electronic Engineering). The University of Detroit is a Roman Catholic school, and is located a short distance from Marygrove College, also a Catholic school. It was on a blind date that Lou met Audrey, a student at Marygrove and soon his bride-to-be; both had mutual friends from the two schools who arranged the blind date.

Louis' occupation: Electrical Engineer in Detroit, MI. After graduation, he worked for The Electrical Association of Detroit, a group sponsored by the Detroit Edison Company. After about 16 years the Association was disbanded and Lou worked directly for the Edison Company, first in the Marketing Department acquiring a certification in heating and air-conditioning. After a time he transferred to theDad & Mom on Mother's Day, 2000 Construction Department working on construction estimating, in the Detroit office and in Troy, and on construction sites in the Metro Detroit area and Ann Arbor.

He retired in March 1986 and moved in November 1988 with Audrey to South Lyon, MI, to Colonial Acres, a retirement community just north of town.

I saved this email info Dad gave me dated July 20, 2001, concerning his maternal grandmother Clara's lineage:
Bridget Meagher, 1797-1876, married Michael Hackett, [d.?]. Both born in Ireland. Had the following children; John, Michael, Mary, Margaret, Patrick Charles. Patrick Hackett married Dora Egan and they had the following offspring: Maire (Markey), Dora (Minahan), William, Gertrude (McNamara), Robert, Lucy (O'Hearn), Ella(Norton), Daniel, John, Clara (Schneider) my grandmother. I remember her when I was very young. You know the rest- Clara married Peter and had Viola (Haner), Hilda Golata (Jan's Mother), Harry, Marcus Clarence and my dad, Louis. I don't know how much if any of this is news but here you have it. So Bridget would be your great-great-great grandmother. Right?

Louis John Schneider and Audrey Kathryn Lynn had the following children:

child 123 i. Lynn Marie7 Schneider was born in Detroit, MI 5/4/1949. She married twice. She married Robert Wisnewski in Morristown, NJ, 11/3/1973. Robert was divorced from Lynn in Lake Shawnee, NJ, July 1983. She married Sherwood Stevens in Morristown, NJ, 9/24/1994. Sherwood, "Woody" to his family, was born 9/14/1940. He died 12/9/2015 in Morristown, NJ, and the funeral was 12/14/15.Lynn Stevens with Jeremy, 29 kb

She graduated from college in Detroit, MI, May 1973. School: Marygrove College. Lynn had moved to Morristown, NJ in 1973 and married Robert Wisnewski. She found work at the Morristown Bank a short walk from where she lived. She retired from a job in the payroll & personnel departments at that bank to work part time in the finance department of Dialogic Corp., in NJ. She is the proud step-grandma of little Woody & Tyler Stevens, the children of her husband's son and his wife, also named Sherwood and Lynn.

child+ 124 ii. James Paul7 Schneider was born 7/30/1950.

child 125 iii. John Joseph7 Schneider was born 5/21/1952.

child 126 iv. William Peter7 Schneider was born 8/17/1953. He was a student in Ypsilanti, MI, 1973. School: Eastern Michigan University. William graduated in Ypsilanti, MI, 1979. Institution: Eastern Michigan University. BA degree in Anthropology.

William's occupation: Respiratory Therapist in Traverse City, MI. He worked for Munson Hospital, Traverse City, MI. Left to travel the country serving a number of hospitals for an employment agency serving the medical field. Some locations were Seattle, Indianapolis, Austin, TX, Cheyenne, WY, Cleveland, OH, and back at Munson, Michigan.

child 127 v. Michael Patrick7 Schneider was born 4/6/1956. He resided in San Diego, CA 1977. Created a family newsletter during the summer of 1994. Initially called "California Breezes," the March 1995 issue settled on the permanent "California Breeze." The monthly publication continued until the last issue of January 1998, due mainly to the lack of receipt of contributing articles.

He was a student in San Diego, CA, 1982--1985. School: University of San Diego. Mike writes, "In 1982 I entered college seminary (St. Francis) at the University of San Diego, stayed for three years and graduated with a degree in philosophy. I moved to the next stage of seminary training by going to Rome, where I was there for three years, graduating with a Bachelors in Theology from the American University. I took a leave of absence, to think about the commitment I was facing and never returned to become ordained."

Michael's occupation: Marketing Manager in Costco, 1990. Mike also writes, "In 1989, I moved to Los Angeles, as I accepted a job to run a group home for juvenile delinquent boys, where I stayed for a year before taking a full-time job with Costco Wholesale. I have been there now for over 8 years, currently holding the position of Marketing Manager."

Shortly after writing that, Mike then changed positions and ran one of the food departments at Costco, then changed jobs working with a national insurance company.

child + 128 vi. Gregory Thomas7 Schneider was born 4/6/1956.

child 129 vii. Mark Vincent7 Schneider was born 7/19/1959. Mark worked for a medical supply house after high school graduation. Being familiar with a part of the medical field, Mark pursued a career as an Emergency Medical Technician, worked in the Detroit metropolitan area, currently living and working in the Gaylord Michigan area.

He also writes music being an accomplished musician, playing classical and jazz piano as well as the guitar and flute.

child + 130 viii. Marylou7 Schneider Janssen was born 8/23/1962.

1987 Lou Schneider Family
from L-R: Lou w/ Troy Janssen on his lap, Jason, Robin
in her mother Marylou Janssen's arm,
Bill, Mark (kneeling), Jim, Lynn, Audrey, Greg (kneeling),
Melissa Wambach Schneider, John, Greg (kneeling)
1984 Lou Schneider Family
from L-R: Melissa and John, twins Mike & Greg
below, Audrey and Lou seated below
Ron & Marylou Janssen and Mark, little Jason
on ground at the left of his father Greg,
Lynn seated on end below Bill,
below Jim and Lisa

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