• [S1] Miscellaneous source or coment; see individual footnotes.
  • [S2] Ancestral File. LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, UT.
  • [S5] Summary of birth and name information from census and other records, see individual footnotes.
  • [S9] DalPozzo, Ellen (Salter, Ellen Marie). Scroggins in Macoupin, Montgomery, & Madison Counties, Illinois. Staunton, IL: DalPozzo, Ellen, 1994.
  • [S13]
  • [S17] Patton, Lois Loma Scroggins (Scroggins, Lois Loma). The Wars and Mr. Scroggins. N.p.: self published, n.d.
  • [S30] Scroggins, William G., comp.. George Scrogin (A1). In The Scroggins Papers; A Genealogical History of The Scroggins and Allied Families. URL: http://users.erols.com/scroggjm/scrogginsdata/wgs/, 1 Jan 2002, Scroggins, William Gilbert (K39), e-mail address.
  • [S35] Scroggins, Maurice Elbert (H589), "Notes taken by Maurice Elbert Scroggins in conversation with Dorothy Driemeyer, Edwardsville, IL, 5 Nov 1967 & Other Documents". 5 Nov 1967; Edwardsville, Madison Co, IL.
  • [S36] Scroggins, Maurice E., interview. Various, ca. 1967, (Deceased).
  • [S39] Scroggins, Maurice E., letter. 1 Jun 1971, to Patton, Loma Scroggins.
  • [S50] Unspecified website; see individual footnotes for citation details.
  • [S53] USGenWeb, Site: unknown cd1, URL: unknown cd3.
  • [S83] 1830 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication M19.
  • [S84] 1840 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication M704.
  • [S85] 1850 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication M432.
  • [S90] 1900 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication T623.
  • [S91] 1910 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication T624.
  • [S92] 1920 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication M625.
  • [S93] 1930 Federal Census, National Archives Microfilm Publication T626.
  • [S99] Unknown author. New Family Search. Unknown url.
  • [S185] Roberta Zeiser (e-mail address) "Ross." E-mail message to jms . 18 Mar 1999.
  • [S212] Illinois State Archives, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763–1900.
    URL: http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/cgi-bin/archives/…. .
    Searchable database. Column headings: Groom; Bride; Cnty (County); Date; Vol/Page; Lic.
  • [S229] History of Madison County, Illinois : with biographical sketches of many prominent men and pioneers. Edwardsville, IL: W. R. Brink, 1882, LDS Family History Library, LDS Film 908676 Item 2 & 1000502 Item 1.
  • [S230] Biographical Record: This Volume Contains Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Macoupin County Illinois. Chicago, IL: Richmond & Arnold, 1904.
  • [S236] Family file ofCormack, Kathleen (Weber, Kathleen Diane). Ancestors, Descendants and Allied Families of Bobby G. Cormack & Kathleen D. Weber. Ancestry/Rootsweb Database: "kcormack")
    File Date: 7 Apr 2002, Accessed: 10 Nov e-mail address.
  • [S655] Pension application of Webb, Malinda Scroggins Scroggins, Malinda (F117) based military service of Benjamin F. Webb (National Archives).
  • [S698] Family file ofManley, Mae Belle (Manley, Mae Belle). David's family. Ancestry/Rootsweb Database: "davenbelle")
    File Date: 1 Feb e-mail address.
  • [S749] Margaret Cross Norton, ed.. Illinois Census Returns, 1820. Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. XXIV, Statistical Series, Vol. II. Springfield, IL: Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, c1934.
  • [S750] Secoy, Jill, comp. Small Southern Macoupin County, Illinois Cemeteries, Vol. II; Dorchester Township, Gillespie Township, Hillyard Township, Honey Point Township, Mt. Olive Township, Staunton Township. Staunton, IL: Macoupin County (IL) Genealogical Society, September 1998.
  • [S755] Family file of Faris, Debi. The FARRIS Family. Database: "The FARRIS Family". http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~debisphotos/…, Accessed: 30 Mar 2003. Faris, Debi (Mrs.), e-mail address.
  • [S938] Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota Death Certificates.
    URL: http://people.mnhs.org/dci/Search.cfm
  • [S985] Carol Wells. Pioneers of Dickson County Tennessee; A Genealogical Abstact of the Earliest Minute Books; March 1804-January 1807;January 1812-January 1814;July 1816-January 1818. Nacogdoches, TX: Ericson Books, 1988, LDS Family History Library, 976.844 H2w.
  • [S1001] Scroggins, John M. (K604), Barton Scroggins, bef. 1767-aft. 1816; Ancestor of the Scroggins of Madison and Macoupin Counties, Illinois.
    URL: http://users.erols.com/scroggjm/scrogginsdata/barton/. .
  • [S1008] Unknown author. Scr.FTW. N.p.: n.pub.
  • [S1022] Pension application of Scroggins, Catherine Bachelor, Catherine based military service of Anderson Scroggins (F142) (National Archives).
  • [S1023] "Compiled Military Service Record of Anderson Scroggins" (Scroggins, Anderson (F142). U.S. National Archives, Washington, DC, 20408. Unknown repository.
  • [S1052] USGenWeb Project site. See individual footnote for citation details.
  • [S1250] Thorn, Lois Jean, letter. 29 Aug 2002, from 5501 West Beryl Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85302, to Scroggins, John M. (Also, followup telephone call, 3 Sep 2002). Unknown repository; unknown repository address.
  • [S1277] Johnson, Gertrude Pfeiffer. Marriage Records, 1873-1881, St. Charles County, Missouri. N.p.: n.pub., 1985.
  • [S1415] 1910 Federal Census, National Archives, T-624, Roll 724, ED 150, Sheet 12A, (Apr 1910)
    Heritage Quest: Page: 75, MNT624_724p75
    Dwelling, [blank], Family, [blank], Head: Matheson, M.
    26.* Scroggins, Maurice E., Lodger, m,w,24,s, MN, IL, WI, Salesman, Grain Com.
    [Note: HQ indexed as Mannie E. Scroggins]

  • [S1653] Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN. URL: http://www.lakewoodcemetery.com/f_welcome.htm. Map.
  • [S1730] 1870 Federal Census, National Archives, M-593, Roll 798, Page 54R, (28 Jul 1870)
    Ancestry Images Online: MOM593_798-0110
    Dwelling, 501, Family, 501, Head: Scroggins, A.
    27. Scroggins, A., 43,m,w, Laborer, $250 personal, IL
    28. Scroggins, Kate, 29,f,w, Keeps House, IN
    29. Scroggins, Albert, 13,m,w, IL
    30. Scroggins, Matilda, 5,f,w, IL
    31. Scroggins, Wm. A., 2,m,w, IL

  • [S1731] 1910 Federal Census, National Archives, T-624, Roll 728, ED 151, Sheet 12B, (15 Apr 1910)
    Ancestry Images Online: MNT624_728-0950
    Dwelling, 264, Family, 275, Head: Scroginys, Julien E.
    94. Scroginys, Julien E, Head, m,w,53,m1,25, IL, IL, IL, Painter & Paper Hanger
    95. -----, Henryetta, Wife-H, f,w,49,m1,25,4,4, WI, Germany, Germany, None
    96. -----, Matilda E., Daughter, f,w,21,s, MN, IL, WI, None
    97. -----, Ralph W., Son, m,w,20,s, MN, IL, WI, Painter & Paper Hanger
    98. -----, Howard H., Son, m,w,9,s, MN, IL, WI, None
    99. St???n, Freda, Lodger, f,w,??,s, MN, IL, WI, None

  • [S1951] Unknown author. MO Death Index. http://www.sos.mo.gov/
  • [S2261] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
    URL: http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=6482&enc=1. Source Information:
    Ancestry.com. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls.

    This database contains an index and images of World War I draft registration cards completed by approximately 24 million men living in the U.S. in 1917 and 1918. Information that may be found for an individual includes: name, place of residence, date and place of birth, race, country of citizenship, occupation, and employer..
  • [S2262] Find A Grave. URL: http://www.findagrave.com.
  • [S2393] Ancestry.com. Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002. URL: http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=1171&enc=1
  • [S2398] Unknown location. 1885 unknown record type. Unknown repository unknown repository address.
  • [S2853] Ancestry.com. 1920 United States Federal Census. N.p.: Ancestry.com Operations Inc.
  • [S2902] WPA-Historical Records Survey. TN-Grainger Minute Book 1 (1796-1802) (WPA-Typed). N.p.: WPA-Historical Records Survey, c 1939.