Ancestors and Descendants of James PEARL (1807 OH-1897 OR)
Notes on the
Ancestors and Descendants of James PEARL
(1807 OH-1897 OR)
by Clyde M. Senger, Orlie Gerdes, and Evelyn Gerdes
This site is dedicated to the late Nathiel Louise Johnson Kramer.
She was a major contributor to the information presented here.
26 January 2002
Last modified 26 January 2017.
NOTE: New pages have been developed for major family lines such as Kirk, Robinett, Senger, and Van Winkle. Most of their material has been removed from this page.
Links are provided below.
The later generations of this work are currently under development.
NOTE 2: Page references formerly present in this web page which referred to an older printed version have been removed February 2005 as being too out of date.
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These notes were collected over a number of years by the authors and others. Although several printings of a synopsis was published and distributed to a limited number of locations from 1982 to 1995, the more detailed manuscript never seemed to be "ready." The authors are now beyond the age when death might come suddenly. Thus, we feels that it is better to have an incomplete manuscript than nothing. Hopefully, there will be additions to this manuscript in the future.
In the interest of individual privacy, an attempt has been made to remove the names of anyone known to be or possibly still alive.
Descendants are arranged by generations and within each generation by relationship to the 20 children of James Pearl. Links are provided to the beginning of each generation and in earlier generations to children and parents.
We find it confusing and frustrating to find conflicting dates and places. Some of these are merely a mistake in copying on our part or by others. It can be very time consuming to locate the sources and determine if there is a conflict or a mistake. Thus, we make it a practice to try to document the source of each item of information. If there are several sources, only the most likely to be reliable are indicated. Wa realize this may interrupt the reading but feel the advantages are greater than the disadvantages. We usually number the references but decided against that for this item which it is still under development. Thus, we have tried to use meaningful abbreviations.
Modern search engines on the Internet are very useful in finding web sites but the amount of material available makes it important to be search efficiently. Thus, it is better to search for an exact wording or phrase, a name, than "all the words." To make this site as easily found as possible, most names are given as the first and last name, first name middle initial and last name and if available, first name middle name and last name. Nicknames and variant spellings are sometimes also included. Again, this may make reading a bit cumbersome but felt to be necessary for maximum availability.
Some of the abbreviations are:
... () indicates data that is noted on a card or piece of paper but the specific source has not yet been determined.
... (b) Holy Bible record
... (bio) published biography
... (cem) indicates data reportedly taken from a cemetery OR cemetery records.
... (cms) notes made by Clyde M. Senger at various locations such as cemeteries
... (di) stands for the death index for the state indicated.
... (dr) stands for the death record, an enlarged report of material on the death certificate, for the state indicated.
... (fg) Find A Grave at
... (fgs) family group sheet
... (fh) family history
... (fm) funeral memorial
... (igi) is for the International Genealogical Index of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Church.
... (l) personal letter from relatives and others/
... (mc) are images of marriage certificates from the state or place given.
... (mi) are marriage records from the state or place given.
... (o) obituary
... (oa) Oregon State Archives at
... (ocm) Oregon, County Marriages, 1851-1975 at
... (om) Oregon Marriages, 1853-1935 by Family Search at
... (odti) Obituary Daily Times Index at
... (prf) Pedigree Resource Files of the LDS church at Family Search Internet.
... (p) pedigree chart
... (ssdi) represents Social Security Death Index data. Address given by ssdi is not necessarily the place of death or the place they were living at the time of death but may be the location of one handling their affairs.
... (wsda) Washington State Digital Archives at
... (ww1) World War 1 draft registration cards available at
... (ww2) World War II draft registration cards available at
Move to:
James Pearl Family
Second Generation
Third Generation
Fourth Generation
Fifth Generation
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Introduction. . .
James Pearl (1807-1897), of Linn County, Oregon
The ancestors of James Pearl are elusive. From his bible, we have that he was born 17 April 1807. A James Pearl age 20-29 (born 1800 to 1810) is in the Knox Co. Ohio census 1830 with a wife of the same age and a son under 5 years of age. This certainly fits for the James Pearl who came to Oregon in 1852. There are guardianship papers in Knox Co., Ohio for a John Perrill and a James Perrill dated 27 January, 1821 (possibly 1820) ages 14 and under 14 respectively, sons of deceased Alex Perrill with John Gordon as guardian and he and John Sawyer as bondsmen. A family legend states that James was orphaned at age 7 and raised by an aunt. They are clearly not in the John Gordon household in 1820 but the John Sawyer household, next door, does have individuals that are apparently not part of the John Sawyer family. One is an older males age 26 through 44 (a bit young to be Alexander Perrill), 2 boys 16 through 25 (one might be William Pearl), and a boy 10 through 15 (might be either John or James Pearl). It seems possible that the mother of James died about 1815 and an aunt caring for the children in place of the father. Some of them may have been living with their sister Charlotte Sawyer in 1820. John Sawyer was a blacksmith and he may have taught James the trade. A John Pearl died 1828 to 1830 without a will with money owing on property he was buying. John bought the 40 acre property for $22 from Daniel Hamler and wife Susanah on 15 Mar 1827 which must have been about the time he became age 21. Court papers name his brothers, William and James Pearl, and his sisters, Charlotte, wife of John Sawyer, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas W. Clark, and Charity, wife of George Shival of Huron Co. I assume the court papers imply John left no wife and the summons of the brothers and sisters implies that the parents are dead. These papers are dated 17 May 1831 and 12 May 1832.
Alexander Pearl/Perrill Family
The Alex or Alexander Pearl or Perrill family apparently consisted of at least the following:
Charlotte born about 1792 MD (from 1850 census)
Charity, perhaps born between 1794 and 1798 or about 1801
William is listed as age 50 born VA in the 1850 census but 62, born MD in 1860. I would suggest he was born about 1799 probably in MD.
An Elizabeth Clark who may be the widow of Thomas is age 47 born VA in the 1850 census. Thus, born about 1803.
John must have been born about 1805 (age 14 in 1821)
James was born 1807 OH
John and Charlotte Sawyer moved to Noble Co., Indiana reportedly about 1834 and he died a few years later. In 1850, Charlotte Sawyer is with Admiral, age 25, Jackson 23, Sarah 21, Eurastus 18, and John 15 in Wayne Twp. Next door is Stephen Sawyer with wife Eliza age 40, reportedly a daughter of John and Charlotte. An extensive coverage of this family has recently been posted (acc)
..... (acc) World Connect Family Tree "ANCESTORS AND COLLATERAL CONNECTIONS" by Dawna in 2011 at
William Pearl or William Perrel married 9 April 1828 Nancy Doty in Knox Co., Ohio and lived in the Bloomfield part of Knox Co. which later became Morrow Co. Material on this branch of the family is presented at (pt).
..... (pt) World Connect Family Tree "Crabtree-Thompson Connections" by Pereza Thompson in 2005 at
Elizabeth Perrill married 31 May 1821 Thomas W. Clark and lived in Union and Danville Twps of Knox Co. to at least 1850 when he died. Their children at home then were John 25, Clarissa 22, Samantha J. 20, Elizar E. (f) 18, Hiram 13, and Leander 8. Additional information on this family is presented by (kco).
..... (kco) World Connect Family Tree "Knox County Ohio Families: 1800-1930" by Carole in 2011 at
Possible parents of Alexander Perrill
At a web site Perrill - Pearl at there was an extensive discussion of the Pearl/Perrill families in Maryland. This web page did not seem to be available in April 2012. Another one, World Connect Family Tree "Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties" by Mike in 2016 at
, seems to have incorporated some of the material in the earlier cited site. Unfortunately, he mistakenly uses the surname PERRILL for James and his family. There is a discussion of Samuel Pearl/Perrill Sr. He seems to be an adult be 1771 and is in the 1790 census for Frederick Co. MD. listed as 2 men, 5 boys and 3 females. Shortly after his death in 1816, his widow released her rights to property to sons and heirs Samuel, John, Thomas, and Philip. Although Alexander is not mentioned here, he is mentioned in a first and final administration account in 1818. This suggests he was an older son and had already been given his inheritance before the death of Samuel. Samuel and Alexander witnessed the marriage of James Pearl to Priscilla Adkins 16 April 1799. Thus this James is possibly another son of Samuel. In 1800 the family consists of : Samuel and his wife are over 45 years in age, a male age 16-25, a male and a female age 10-16, and a boy under 10. That would suggest 3 males and 2 females have left the family. James is likely one of these and Alexander another. At one time researchers believed that James and Pricilla, were the parents of the James born 1807. However, it is now clear that James (1807) had siblings born before 1799 thus eliminating Jamae and Priscilla as parents. I have not yet located dates for the marriages of Samuel, John, Thomas or Philip but the International Genealogical Index dated 1988 lists a Joanna born 1813 to Samuel Perrill and Catherine Adkins. Cemetery records for Frederick Co. list a Thomas Pearl, born 2 Nov 1801, died 15 Feb 1896 with wife Susanna born 30 March 1802, died 11 April 1877 and another Thomas Perril died 6 Aug 1860 age 77 (born about 1783) with wife Henrietta, born 15 Dec 1792, died 1 Jan 1870. Obviously, either might be a son of Samuel Sr. Alexander Perrill married Grace Beaumont in Frederick Maryland 29 May 1791. They seem to be the most probable parents of James (1807) and the others.
The James Pearl Family in 1840
James Pearl is listed in the 1840 census, Ohio, Knox Co., Pike Twp. Page 322. There are 13 in the family, 2 adults, 3 boys and 8 girls. One boy is listed as 0-4 years of age which must be John but he is supposed to be 6 or 7 at that time. The Pearl girls should be Hannah, age 4, Malinda, age 2 and Isabella, just born. It would be interesting to know who the other girls are, 3 age 5 to 9 and 2 age 10 to 14.
Trip to Oregon on Oregon Trail
James is reported to have left for Oregon on one of the early wagon trains in 1852. In the Beaver Briefs, vol 22, number 3 pages 81-84, number 4 pages 103-6 and vol 23 number 1 pages 13-16 is a reprint of "An 1852 Pioneer's Journal" by H. C. Huston. It states that they left for Oregon 8 April 1852 from near Martinsburg, Pike Co., Illinois. About the 6th of August, they fell in with several wagons and families including two Pearl's (undoubtedly James and son Joseph). This was somewhere slightly west of Fort Boise. I thought I remembered another wagon train journal article where they met the Pearl wagons along the Platte River but unfortunately, if it exists, it is somewhere undiscovered in my files. Elizabeth Pearl, who later married Isaac Van Winkle, wrote of an interesting incident. At some point, the wagons reached the Columbia River and were loaded on a flatboat to be floated to near the falls, I presume near what is now The Dalles. As they were about to land, a problem with the wind arose and the raft drifted toward the current rather than toward shore. Fortunately, some men noticed their plight and ran to the shore. Seeing this, the boatman tossed a coil of rope towards them. It fell short but the men formed a human chain and went into the water. They managed to grasp the rope and returned to shore to brace themselves in the rocks for the upcoming mighty tug of the raft. Gradually, the great craft and its load slowed and was pulled back out of the current. All was saved. A copy of this manuscript was available about 1980 at the Oregon Historical Society in Portland.
.go to start of. Introduction ..
James Pearl and Family
..... James PEARL, born 17 April 1807 (b) in Ohio (dlcja) perhaps Knox County, died 1 Dec 1897 Halsey, Linn Co. Oregon (oj), buried in Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn Co., OR (fg,cms) in the family plot near top of the hill (cms). James married first 25 Dec 1827 (b) Knox Co. Ohio
..... Elizabeth BERRY, born 28 Oct 1808 (b), died 25 Sept 1845 (b) Missouri. They had 8 children.
James married second on 6 July (b,o,dlcja) 1847 (b,oe) or 1846 Holt Co. (dlcja,dlcp) Missouri (oe),
..... Elizabeth WISEMAN, dau of John WISEMAN and Hannah VENNER (dlcp), born 31 Aug 1827 IN (oe), Cass Co. (dlcp), died 31 July 1890 (b,oe) Halsey, OR (oe), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms,dlcp). They had 12 children (oe).
James was a blacksmith and farmer both in Ohio and Andrew Co. Missouri (bio2). In the spring of 1852, he purchased 2 wagons, 10 yoke of oxen, loose cattle and horses and set of for Oregon in a company of about 150 commanded by Captain Henry Schooling. They were ahead of the cholera epidemic and reached The Dalles without mishap. (bio2). They arrived in Oregon Oct 1852 (eastern or western?) (dlcjs). They continued on to Jefferson where they resided until the fall of 1853 when they took a donation land claim near Halsey Linn Co., OR (bio2). This claim was Oregon City #1762 south of Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon (dlcp).
.. Children of James Pearl and Elizabeth Berry:
....*. i Joseph PEARL, born 18 Mar 1829 (b) Ohio (dlcjs) Amity, Knox Co., died 14 (o) or 15 (cem) Aug 1894 (o,cem) Linn Co. OR (o), interred Halsey Masonic Cem. (l) or Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms) Linn Co., OR (fg), married 25 Aug 1848 (iw,fgs) or Aug1849 (dlcjs) Newark, Andrew Co. MO (iw),
.......... Sarah WISEMAN, born 27 Dec (iw,fgs) 1829 (fgs) or 1927 (iw), Cass Co. IN (iw), died 23 Jan 1904 (o), interred Halsey Masonic Cem. (o,l) or Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms,fg), dau of John and Hannah. They had a donation land claim between Halsey and Brownsville, Linn Co. Oregon.
..... ii James Smith PEARL, born 18 Dec 1830 (b), died 26 Aug 1844 (b)
....*. iii John A. PEARL, born 1 July 1833 (b) Knox Co. OH, died 5 Sept 1864 Linn Co. Oregon (o), married 21 Sept 1854 (b,dlcfjn )
.......... Marinda R. MICHAEL, born 11 Feb 1839 (fr), died 8 June 1919 Kalispell, Montana (fr), interred Brownsville Cemetery, Linn Co. OR (cms). dau of Eli Wesley MICHAEL and Nancy FRAZIER. She married second 10 Jan 1878 Linn Co., OR (mi) James KEENEY.
..... iv Hannah PEARL or Hannah Jane PEARL, born 25 Sept 1835 (b) Knox Co. OH, died 18 Aug 1844 (b) MO
....*. v Malinda PEARL, born 7 Jan 1838 (b) Knox Co. OH, died 8 or 5 (cms) June 1869 age 31y 5m 28d (cms), Linn Co. OR, interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms), married 20 Sept 1855 Linn Co., OR (mi),
.......... Silas KEENEY or Silas John KEENEY, born ca 30 Jan 1831, Ray Co., MO, died 17 May 1875, (cms) age 44y 4m 18d, interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms).
..... Family of Silas KEENEY and Malinda PEARL see
(details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
....*. vi Isabella PEARL or Isabel Caroline PEARL, born 19 Jan 1840 (b), died 9 July 1920 Linn Co., OR (di), married 28 Dec 1854 Linn Co., OR (mi) Henry KIRK or Henry Harrison KIRK, born 16 April 1836, IN, died 13 July 1910 Linn Co., OR (di,ok). 12 children 2 of which died as infants. (details of family on a separate web page).
....*. vii Elizabeth PEARL or Elizabeth Ann PEARL, born 15 Sept 1842 (b) MO, died 9 May 1920 Salem, Marion Co., OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms), married 23 Feb 1865 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.......... Isaac Van WINKLE or Isaac Newton Van WINKLE, son of Isaac Van WINKLE, born Mar 1837, died 24 Oct 1917 Portland OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms),. In some records, the surname van Winkle is one word, Vanwinkle.
..... viii Hannah PEARL or Hannah R. PEARL, born 17 May 1845 (b), died 4 Aug 1845 (b) MO
.. Children of James Pearl and Elizabeth Wiseman:
..... ix Minerva PEARL, born 2 April 1848 (b) MO, died 23 July 1853 (b,o) age 5y 2m 18d (o) Santiam City, Marion Co., OR, choked on a blade of course grass (o).
....*. x Mary PEARL, born 11 May 1850 (b) MO, died 22 Aug 1884 (cem) , age 34y 3m 11d (cem), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms), married 6 Feb 1868 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.......... William ROBINETT, son of William ROBNETT and Hannah POWELL (fh), (also spelled Robnett and sometimes with a final e), born Apr 1844 (c1900) or 1846 (cem,fh), died 11 Feb 1908, Linn Co., OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms). (details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
....*. xi William Henry PEARL, , born 29 June 1852 (b) Colorado Territory, married 15 Dec 1880 Linn Co., OR (mi),
.......... S. Ada HUGHES, born Jan 1864, died 17 Dec 1932 Clackamas Co., OR (di).
..... xii Martha PEARL or Martha Clay PEARL, born 25 May 1854 (b), died 13 Nov (b) 1865 (b,pca) of heart trouble (pca).
....*. xiii Silas PEARL or Silas A. PEARL, born 16 Sept 1856 (b,fh), died 13 April 1914 Seattle WA (di,fh), married 22 Mar 1882 Linn Co., OR (mi) at Halsey (fh),
.......... Ella Rose RADER, born 12 Dec 1862 near Eugene, Lane Co., OR (fh), died 17 July 1944. Seattle WA (di,o)
..... xiv Redman PEARL or Redmon PEARL (fg), born 4 Sept 1858 (b) Linn Co. Oregon, died 27 Jan 1940 Clackamas Co. OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cem,fg). Operator of a lapidariest shop in Linn Co. 1920 (c1920).
..... xv Anderson PEARL or Anderson Rutledge PEARL, born 16 Mar 1861 (b,o), died 27 Dec 1863 (o) or 11 Jan 1864 (b tran)
..... xvi Sherman PEARL, born 24 Sept 1863 (b) Halsey Linn Co. OR (o) died May 1949 near Lake Chelan WA (o), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (o). In 1900, Sherman and brother William H. are in Stehekin, Chelan Co., WA (c1900).
..... xvii Sarah PEARL or Sarah Laura PEARL, born 10 Jan 1865 (b) (July in transcript?) Linn Co. OR, died 30 Oct 1869 (b,pca) age 3y 9m 20d near Brownsville (pca) Linn Co. OR of diphtheria (rp).
..... xviii Addison PEARL or Addison Calaway PEARL or James Addison PEARL (pca), born 10 Jan 1865 (b) (July in transcript?) Linn Co. OR, died 29 March 1870 (b,pca) age 4y 2m 19d near Brownsville (pca) Linn Co. OR of diphtheria (rp).
....*. xix Florence Mabel PEARL, born 29 June 1868 (b) Linn Co. OR, died 10 Nov 1944, Portland, OR (di), married 8 Oct 1890 (mi) Halsey Linn Co. OR,
.......... David Link STEWART.
....*. xx Henrietta PEARL, born 21 Sept 1871 (b), married 23 Sept 1891 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.......... Earl R. McDANIALS, apparently Robert E. McDaniel.
... References:
..... Family Group Sheet derived from Joseph Pearl family bible (fgs).
..... Indian War pension application claim #8657, file #0895 (Sarah Pearl )(iw)
..... Family records book of Ona Senger (fr)
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses 1850 - 1860 Vol 1
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1861 - June 1870 Vol 2
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1870 - June 1882 Vol 3
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Families to 1855. Vol 2 (Joseph Pearl p 69-71 dlcjs)
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Families to 1855. Vol 3 (John Wiseman p 99-101 dlcw)
..... Oregon Pioneers Linn County, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Holders by 1855. Vol 12 (John A. Pearl p 60-61 dlcfjn)
..... Oregon Pioneers Linn County, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Holders by 1855. Vol 15 (James Pearl p 32-34 dlcp)
..... Donation Land Claim application #1762 James Pearl (dlcja),
..... Donation Land Claim application #1833 Joseph Pearl (dlcjs),
..... Donation Land Claim application # John Pearl (dlcjn),
..... Oregon Statesman 12 July 1853
..... Oregon Statesman 11 Jan 1864 p2 c6
..... The Albany Democrat 1 Aug 1890 (obit Elizabeth).
..... Herald-Desseminator Albany Oregon August 1894 in dlcjs (o).
..... The States Rights Democrat - Albany 1 Dec 1897 (James oj).
..... Brownsville Times 29 Jan 1904 p2 c5 (Sarah (o)).
..... Oregonian 24 Jan 1904 p23 c6 (Sarah (o2)
..... Brownsville Times 8 Feb 1940 p3
..... Chelan Valley Mirror 5 May 1949 p1 and p16, and 12 May 1949 p4 c1
..... History of Oregon. 1893 Hines. (Joseph Pearl p 1179 (bio2))
..... History of the Willamette Valley. 1885 Herbert Lang. (James Pearl p 78)
..... Silas A. Pearl manuscript (fh)
..... Handwritten manuscript Family of James A. Pearl possibly by Hazle Templeton (jp)
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14 (b).
..... (bk) Kirk Family Bible records available at Brownsville OR Public Library.
..... (c1860) Federal Census 1860 Oregon Linn Co sheet 25 page 318 res 346-321 (James Pearl).
..... (ok) Brownsville Times 15 July 1910 page 3 (obit Henry H. Kirk).
..... (pca) Pacific Christian Advocate 1864-1890 (items excerpted).
..... Pacific Christian Advocate 9 Dec 1865
..... Pacific Christian Advocate 20 Aug 1890 (obit Mrs. Elizabeth Pearl oe)
..... (rp) Leslie L. Haskin interview with Redman "Red" Pearl typed manuscript with no obvious date but data suggests around 1900
**********.. SECOND GENERATION.. ********** --
Next Generation
.....Joseph PEARL son of James PEARL and Elizabeth BERRY , born 18 March 1829 (b,fgs) Amity (iw), Knox Co. Ohio (bio2), died 14 (o,fg) or 15 (tombstone) Aug 1894 (o,cem,fg) Halsey, Linn Co. OR (o), interred Halsey Masonic Cem. (?) or Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms,fg) Linn Co., OR, married 25 Aug 1848 (iw) or 1849 (bio2) or Aug 1847 (dlcjs) Newark, Andrew Co. MO (iw),
.... Sarah WISEMAN dau of John WISEMAN and Hannah VENNER (dlcp), born 27 Dec (fgs,iw) 1829, (fgs) or 1827 Loganport, (iw) Cass Co.(dlcjs) IN (o,bio2), died 23 Jan 1904 Portland OR (oa,o,o2), interred Halsey Masonic Cem. (o2) or Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms,o,dlcjs,fg).
... Note: The ancestors of Joseph were English, Dutch, and Irish (bio3). During the Rogue River Indian War in 1856, Joseph served 3 months (bio4,iw). Joseph was licensed in 1860 (bio3) as a local preacher and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church (bio2,3). Although he was a farmer for a number of years, he rented his farm in 1876 and moved to Halsey where he was involved in business and buying horses in Portland (bio2). In the Indian War pension application files by widow Sarah, Joseph is described as having a fair complexion with dark hair and blue eyes.
.. Children 11 with 10 alive in 1878 (bio3), named in (bio3):
...*.i. James A. PEARL, born 10 Sept 1849 (fgs), died Sept 1928 Bray, Siskiyou Co., CA (fn)
...*.ii. John Rush PEARL, born 9 May 1851 (fgs), died 19 July 1931, Portland, OR (di)
...*.iii. Orpha Jennie PEARL, born 24 Jan 1854 (fgs), died 2 June 1922, Portland OR (di)
...*.iv. Silas Henry PEARL, born 18 Dec 1856 (fgs) or May 1857 (c1900), died 27 Sept 1931 age 76, King Co., WA (dr).
...*.v. Martha Ann PEARL, born 18 Mar 1858 (fgs) Linn CO. Oregon, died 12 Sept 1897 (cms) OR, married
.......... James A. MILLER
(details of family on a separate web page). or
(details of family on a replacement web page). Joseph W. PEARL or Joseph William PEARL or Will PEARL born 25 June 1860 (fgs), died 21 Mar 1939 Portland, OR (di,o), interred Riverview.Cem. Portland, OR (cms,o), never married. He must be the William, born June 1865 OR listed as a day laborer in Meyers Creek, Okanogan Co., WA 1900 (c1900).
...*.vii. Ida C. PEARL, born 28 June 1862 (fgs) Linn Co. Oregon, died 14 July 1943, Portland OR (di,o), married
.......... John H. ROBB.
....viii. Elizabeth PEARL or Elizabeth J. PEARL or "Bell" PEARL born 18 Nov 1864 (fgs), died 25 Feb 1877 age 12y 4m 7d (cem) Linn Co. Oregon, interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms).
...*.ix. Malinda PEARL or Allie PEARL or Malinda "Allie" PEARL, born 21 Jan 1867 (fgs) Linn Co. Oregon, ), perhaps the Alice M. Davis who died 9 Dec 1952 Portland OR wife of Albert, (di)
...*.x. Fannie PEARL or Fannie Olive PEARL, born 30 Dec 1869 (fgs) Linn Co. Oregon, died 13 April 1942, Portland OR (di)
....xi. Edwin PEARL or Edwin C. PEARL (c2880) or Cleave PEARL (c1900) or Edmund PEARL or Edmund Cleve PEARL, born 24 Sept 1873 (fgs) or March 1873 (c1900) Linn Co. Oregon. Living in Portland in 1928 (fn) and died before 1939 (ojwp) or living in California in 1942 (o Fannie). Never married (jp).
... References:
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14.
..... (bio2) History of Oregon. 1893 Hines. (Joseph Pearl p 1179.
..... (bio3) Historical Atlas of Marion and Linn Counties. (Joseph Pearl p 54
..... (bio4) History of the Willamette Valley. 1885 Herbert Lang. (Joseph Pearl p 781
..... (c1860) Federal Census 1860 Oregon Linn Co sheet 62, 63 page321, 328 res 409-375 (Joseph Pearl).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Walla Walla Co Walla Walla 1 wd ED 87 sheet 23B page 151 res 513?-474? (Cleave with S H Pearle).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 28 sheet 11A page 245 res 61-98 (Edward or Edmund Pearl).
..... (dlcp) Oregon Pioneers Linn County, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Holders by 1855. Vol 15 (James Pearl p 32-34 )
..... (dlcjs) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Families to 1855. Vol 2 (Joseph Pearl p 69-71)
..... (dlcw) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Families to 1855. Vol 3 (John Wiseman p 99-101)
..... (fgs) Family Group Sheet derived from Joseph Pearl family bible.
..... (fn) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 James A. Pearl.
..... (iw) Indian War pension application claim #8657, file #0895.
..... (jp) Handwritten manuscript Family of James A. Pearl possibly by Hazle Templeton.
..... (o )Herald-Desseminator Albany Oregon August 1894 in dlcjs.
..... (o) Brownsville Times 29 Jan 1904 p2 c5 (Sarah).
..... (o2) Oregonian 24 Jan 1904 p23 c6 (Sarah)
..... (ojwp) Oregonian 23 Mar 1939 p10 and p16 c7 (Joseph W. Pearl)
..... John PEARL or John A. PEARL, son of James PEARL and Elizabeth BERRY , born 1 July 1833 (b) Knox Co. Ohio (pca2), died 5 Sept 1864 (cem,pca2) age 31y 2m 5d (cem,pca2) Linn Co. OR at the home of his brother Rev. Joseph Pearl (pca) interred Brownsville Cemetery, Linn Co. OR (cms,fg), married 21 Sept 1854 (b,dlcjo,not listed Linn Co.)
..<- Marinda Michael Pearl Keeney ca 1905 lower right. Her daughter Mary Pearl Senger behind her.
Click on picture to view larger image in a separate window
.... Marinda MICHAEL or Marinda R. MICHAEL dau of Eli Michael and Nancy FRAZIER, born 11 Feb 1839, IN (fr,dlcjo), died 8 June 1919 Kalispell, Montana (fr,dlcjo), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Linn Co. OR (cms). She married second 10 Jan 1878 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... James KEENEY. For family of James KEENEY and Marinda MICHAEL PEARL see
(details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
.. Children:
...*.i. Joseph PEARL or "Jode" PEARL, born 6 Sept 1855 (o), died 12 Sept 1901 OR (o), married
.......... Margaret WIGLE.
...*.ii. Mary PEARL or Mary Elizabeth PEARL or Lizzie PEARL, born 7 June 1857 (dlcjo) probably Linn Co. OR, died 4 Feb 1931 Portland OR (di), married
.......... John SENGER
....iii. Jerod PEARL (c1860) or Jared Phillip PEARL, born 18 March 1859 (dlcjo) Apparently he is the one who died 4 May 1936 Weiser, Washington Co ID (di), interred as Jerred P PEARL Hillcrest Cem., Weiser, Washington Co ID (cem), married
.......... Mrs. Mary O'LEARY or Mary E. O'LEARY and
.......... Rhoda AMBERGY
...*.iv. Malissa Ann PEARL, born 9 June 1862 (dlcjo) Linn Co. OR, died 8 April 1922 MT (fr), married
.......... James WAGGONER
....v. George PEARL or George Noe PEARL, born 3 July 1863 died 8 Dec 1863 (o) age 5m 5d (cem) Linn Co. OR interred Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery (cms,fg).
...*.vi. Malinda Caroline PEARL, born 31 Dec 1864 (dlcjo) Linn Co. OR died 24 Feb 1906 Seattle WA (di), married
.......... Nester H. YOUNG qnd
.......... Alfred BAKER.
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14.
..... (c1860) Federal Census 1860 Oregon Linn Co sheet 25, 26 page 318 res 347-322 (John Pearl).
..... (dlcjo) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Families to 1855. Vol 12 (John Pearl p 60-61)
..... (dlcjn) Donation Land Claim application # John Pearl.
..... (fr) Family records book of Ona Senger
..... (mkb) Handwritten notes reportedly taken from Mordie Keeney bible on photocopy of obits.
..... (pca) Pacific Christian Advocate 1864-1890 (items excerpted including John Pearl).
..... (pca2) Pacific Christian Advocate 24 Sept 1864 obit of John Pearl).
..... Brownsville Times 20 Sept 1901 p2 c6
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1870 - June 1882 Vol 3
..... Oregon Statesman 11 Jan 1864
..... Oregonian 1 Feb 1952 sec 3 p6 and Feb 2
..... Photocopy of a page entitles Oregon Pioneer on James Keeney from Mrs. Harry E. Youngberg (Elsie Browning) (jk)
..... Family of Silas John KEENEY and Malinda PEARL see
(details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
.... Family of Henry Harrison KIRK and Isabella / Isabel Caroline PEARL see
(details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
.... Family of Isaac Newton Van WINKLE and Elizabeth Ann PEARL see
(details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
..... Family of William ROBINETT and Mary PEARL see
(details of family on a replacement web page) or
(details of family on a separate web page).
..... William PEARL or William H. PEARL or William Henry PEARL or Will PEARL or Will H. PEARL (dr), son of James PEARL and Elizabeth WISEMAN , born 29 June 1852 (b), died 11 Apr 1916, age 63, Barnes Station, Whitman Co., WA (dr), interred Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OR (fg), married 15 Dec 1880 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Ada HUGHES or SADE HUGHES or S. Ada HUGHES or apparently Susan HUGHES (c1860,1870), dau of Samuel Hughes and Faith (oap) apparently Faith GWINN (mi) (The Samuel Hughes from Forest Grove is not her father), born Jan 1864 (c1900) or 20 Jan 1858 Springwater, Clackamas Co., OR (oap,fg), died 17 Dec 1932 (di), Oregon City (fg) Clackamas Co., OR (di,fg), interred by husband (fg). Note: the link to a Samuel Hughes in Ada’s fg appears to be incorrect as is some of the birth information.
William apparently is the one who bought land in Douglas Co. 13 Oct 1887 (ab). He and Ada are in Spokane Co. in 1900 (c1900) but he must also be the William H. listed with his brother Sherman in Stehekin, Chelan Co., WA (c1900).
.. Child (to 1900)
....i. George PEARL or George L. PEARL, born 8 Sept 1881 (o), died 31 Oct 1890 Halsey Linn Co. OR (o), interred near parents (fg).
... Reference:
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14.
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860, Oregon Clackamas Co Springwater page 82 sheet 165 res 1640-1343 (Susan with Samuel Hughes).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870, Oregon Clackamas Co Hardings Precinct page 163B sheet 3 res 725-715 (Susan with Samuel Hues).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900, Washington Spokane Co Spokane ward 1 ED 59 page 245 sheet 19A res 354-387 (W H Pearl).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900, Washington Chelan Co Stehekin ED 44 page 27 sheet 1A res 9-10 (William H Pearl).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910, Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ward 7 ED 186 page 216 sheet 9B res 52-52 (Sade with William H Pearl).
..... (oap) obit for Mrs. Ada Pearl in The Oregonian (Portland, OR) 18 Dec 1932. Page 29(copied at fg).
..... Pacific Christian Advocate 19 Nov 1890 p6.
..... Appleland Bulletin Vol 13, issue 3 p66 (book A p98)
..... Silas PEARL or Silas A PEARL, son of James PEARL and Elizabeth WISEMAN , born 16 Sept 1856 (b) near Brownsville Linn Co., OR (fh), died 13 April 1914 age 55y 6m 27d, Seattle, King Co., WA (dr), interred Evergreen Washelli Memorial, Seattle WA (fg), married 22 Mar 1882 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Ella RADER or Ella Rose RADER, dau of Archibald RADER and Drusilla SIMMONS (fh), born 12 Dec 1862 (fh,cem), died 17 July 1944 (oep,cem), age 81y 7m 5d Seattle, King Co., WA (dr), interred Washelli Cem., Seattle WA (cms).
Silas bought land in Douglas Co. WA 16 July 1888 (ab) and they are in the Waterville area in 1900. They indicated they settled in the area in 1886 (dcp).
.. Children:
...*.i. Ethyl Ivy PEARL, born 3 Feb 1883 (oev,fh) near Brownsville Linn Co., OR (fh), died 22 April 1964 apparently in Bremerton, Kitsap Co, WA (oev), married
.......... William Henry Von HOENE.
...*.ii. Arlie Alice PEARL, born 16 July 1884, Halsey, Linn Co., OR (o), died 6 Apr 1959 King Co., WA (oav), married (fh),
.......... William Oliver Van HOUTEN.
...*.iii. Ruby Mae PEARL, born 5 Feb 1900 Waterville WA (fh), died 19 Aug 1962 (orj), interred Washelli Cem., Seattle, WA (cms), married
.......... George Ernest JEGOU.
... References:
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14.
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington King Co Seattle ED 6 sheet 16A page 82 res 186-189 (Ella R Pearl).
..... (dcp) Douglas County Press 7 Jan 1904 as reported in Appleland Bulletin vol 16 issue 4 Summer 1988 p40 Pioneers Organize.
..... (fh) Silas A. Pearl manuscript
..... (oep) Seattle Times 19 July 1944 p15
..... (oav) Seattle Times 9 April 1959 p44
..... (orj) Seattle Times 22 Aug 1962 p65.
..... (oev) Bremerton Sun, 23 April 1964 (Ethyl von Hoene obit)
..... (owv) Bremerton Sun, 28 June 1967 (William von Hoene obit)
..... Appleland Bulletin Vol 13, issue 3 p67 (book A p194)
.... Florence PEARL or Florence Mabel PEARL, dau of James PEARL and Elizabeth WISEMAN , born 29 July 1868 (b), died 1944 (cms), apparently 10 Nov Portland OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. Linn Co. OR (cms), married 8 Oct 1890 Halsey Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... David STEWART or David L. STEWART or David Link STEWART or David Lincoln STEWART (dc), son of William STEWART and Margaret MORGAN (dc at fg), born 11 Oct 1860 (cem), died 10 June 1914 (cem), listed as David Lincoln STUART in Oregon death index (di), interred Brownsville Cem. Linn Co. OR (cms),. They were living in Oak Grove with 5 children at time of Redman Pearl interview (rp). Florence and 2 youngest children are in Linn Co., OR 1920 (c1920).
.. Children: 4, 3 alive in 1900:
....i. Verna STEWART or Vera STEWART or Vera M. STEWART born 1 (g) Mar 1892 (c1900) or 1893 (g,fg) OR (c1900), died as Vera Pike 6 Nov 1970 Lane Co., OR, age 93 (di), interred McCulloch Cemetery, Crow, Lane Co., OR (fg), married 15 Oct 1918 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.......... Marion PIKE or Marion M. PIKE or Marion Merton PIKE, born 14 Sept 1897 (ww1) or 1898 (fg), died 15 Jan 1947 Lane Co., OR (di), interred with wife (fg).
....ii. Keith STEWART (g), born 22 Sept 1895 OR (g), died before 1900 (c1900) about 1896 (g)
....iii. Maril A. STEWART (c1900) or Anna Maria STEWART (g) or Marie STEWART (c1910), born 2 (di) Oct 1896 OR (di,c1900), died 4 Jan 1974 Orange Co., CA (di) married 2 Aug 1924
.......... Marion FRALEY or Marion E. FRALEY (g), born 27 Feb 1890 (di), died as Marie Fraley 13 July 1982 Orange Co., CA (di) address Santa Anna (ssdi).
....iv. Harold STEWART or Harold L. STEWART (c1910) or Harold Lincoln STEWART (oa) or Keith STEWART (c1900) born 29 June 1899 (oa,ssdi) OR (c1900,g), died 17 March 1972 in Clatsop Co., OR (di,ssdi) with wife Helen (di), address Seaside (ssdi), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg), married 18 Sept 1926
.......... Helen WINDLE or Helen O. WINDLE (g), born ca 1906 OR (c1930).
...*.v. Mildred STEWART, born 3 July 1901 (di,ssdi) OR, died 20 March 1982 Clackamas Co., OR (di) married
.......... Peter F. ENNS. Rodell STEWART or Rodell Pearl STEWART (di), born 6 Oct 1902 (di) OR, died 9 Oct 1993 Los Angeles CA (di) address Lynwood (ssdi), interred Rose Hill Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles Co CA (fg). His reported death "About 1920" (g) is apparently incorrect (c1930).
....vii. Elizabeth STEWART or Elizabeth Carol STEWART (g), born 25 Dec 1907 (di) OR (c1920) died as Elizabeth Mather 21 Aug 1986 Lane Co., OR (di) address Eugene (ssdi), interred Rest-Haven Memorial Park, Eugene, Lane Co., OR (fg) , married 7 Sept 1928
.......... Eugene MATHER or Eugene B. MATHER (g), born 8 May 1908, died 5 Oct 1986 Lane Co., OR (di) address Eugene (ssdi), interred with wife (fg).
... References:
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14.
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900, Oregon Linn Co Halsey ED 46 sheet 3B res 70-70? (David L Stewart).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington Chelan Co Winesap ED 48 sheet 1B page 128 res 29-29 (Rondell P Stewart with Harold Stewart)
..... (g) Material added by Orlie and Evelyn Gerdes in July 30, 1995 edition of Synopsis of the Descendants of James Pearl (1807-1897) Of Linn Co Oregon and his wives Elizabeth Berry and Elizabeth Wiseman by Clyde M. Senger, Orlie Gerdes, and Evelyn Gerdes.
..... (l) Letters from Nathiel Kraemer 1977 and 1979.
..... (rp) Leslie L. Haskin interview with Redman "Red" Pearl typed manuscript with no obvious date but data suggests around 1900.
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... Henrietta PEARL or Henrietta "Etta" PEARL, dau of James PEARL and Elizabeth WISEMAN , born 21 Sept 1871 (b) Linn Co. OR, bp 20 Oct 1872 Linn Co. OR, apparently the Henrietta McDANIEL who died 10 Aug 1937 Los Angeles Co CA (di), married 23 Sept 1891, Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Earl McDANIELS or Earl R. McDANIELS, possibly the Robert McDANIELS or Robert E. McDANIELS, son of John McDaniels and Mary J. (c1880), reportedly Mary JOHNSON or Mary Jane JOHNSON (rht), born ca 1871 OR (c1910), apparently not the Earl McDaniel who died 25 Sept 1921 Umatilla Co., OR (di), divorced between 1910 and 1920 (c1920) and perhaps the Earl M. McDANIEL, born ca 1871 OR, a railroad conductor, who was married to
.... May, born ca 1872 IL (c1920) and living in El Paso TX (c1920). He was a conductor on a steam train (c1910). Etta is with brother-in-law David Link Stewart in 1900 with Beatrice but Earl is not listed and was not located on 1900 soundex or Ancestry index.
.. Children: 2 with 1 alive 1900:
....i. Beatrice Vivian McDANIEL (fg) or Beatrice V. McDANIEL (di) or Beatrice McDANIEL (c1930), born 17 (di) Nov 1896 (c1900,di), died 22 Dec 1969 Los Angeles Co CA (di), interred Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale, Los Angeles Co CA (fg), married ca 1922 (c1930)
.......... Carl HANSEN (c1930) or Carl William HANSEN (fg), born 7 Dec 1890 (di) Denmark (c1930), died 12 March 1970 Los Angeles CA (di), interred Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale, Los Angeles Co CA (fg) not far from apparent wife, Arrived in USA 1912, naturalized 14 Aug 1915 Los Angeles CA, a press man at an engraving firm (c1930). They had
............... John HANSEN or John W. HANSEN (c1930) or John William HANSEN (bi), born 16 Jan 1929 Los Angeles Co CA (bi), died 7 June 1983 Los Angeles CA (di)
....ii. Etta McDANIEL (rp), died a year before interview (rp), apparently before 1900 (c1900).
... References:
..... (b) Bible records from James Pearl bible, photocopy of original and transcript from Hood Mountain Trackers p13-14.
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880, Oregon Marion Co Stanton ED 88 page 163D sheet 12 res 104-110 (Robert E with John McDaniel).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900, Oregon Linn Co Halsey ED 46 sheet 3B res 70-70? (Etta McDaniel with David L Stewart).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910, California Los Angeles Co Los Angeles ED 57 sheet 197B (Earl McDaniel)
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920, Texas El Paso Co El Paso precinct 23 ED 69 sheet 8A (Earl M McDaniel)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, California Los Angeles Co Los Angeles ED 698 sheet 24B res 391-439 (Carl W Hansen with Henrietta McDaniel)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, California Plumas Co Plumas ED 7 sheet 14A (Earl McDaniel)
..... (rht) Ancestry family tree “Ronald G Johnson Sr. & Harpole Trees”.
..... (rp) Leslie L. Haskin interview with Redman "Red" Pearl typed manuscript with no obvious date but data suggests around 1900.
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
-- **********.. THIRD GENERATION.. ********** --
..... James PEARL or James A PEARL son of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN , born 10 Sept 1849 (fgs) or Sept 1850 MO (c1900), died Sept 1928 Bray, CA, age 77y (fn), interred River View Cemetery Portland Multnomah Co. OR (fg), married first 19 March 1873 Albany Linn Co. OR (mi),
... Sydneth MILLER (mi) or Sidnith MILLER or Sydney MILLER (cp) or Sydny J. MILLER. (bio) or Sydny A. MILLER, dau of Enoch J. MILLER and Elizabeth S. CUNNINGHAM (replace this window) or (in a new window),.
(c1860), born 9 Sept 1854 (cp) or 1855 (fg) or Sept 1859 (c1900) or ca 1855 (c1860,1880), died as Sydneth McNary 22 July 1928, Portland OR (di,o), interred Rose City Cemetery, Portland, OR (fg). James PEARL married second 23 July 1882, Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Amanda M. JESSE (replace this window) or (in a new window), dau of William Jessie and Sarah MILLER, born ca 1864, apparently the Manda who died 1888, interred Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery (cem,fg). He married 4 Feb 1891 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... Katie STANDISH (c1900) or Katherine M. STANDISH (mi), apparently the dau of Alfred W Standish (c1880) and Verlinda EACHEL (mk), born Sept 1870 (c1900), living in Walla Walla WA with no children (c1900). He later married 21 Feb 1905 Clark Co., WA (wsda)
.... Emma (c1920) or Nancy O. (c1910) or Nancy NICHOLSON or Nancy O. NICHOLSON (wsda), born 1859 (o) Albany, Gentry Co., (fg) MO (c1910), died 29 Oct 1929 Dorris, Siskiyou Co., CA (fg), age 70y 7m 13d (fg), interred Riverview Cem. Portland (cms,fg). Nancy was a pioneer of Siskiyou Co., CA and had surviving daughters Mrs Luelia ANDERSON and Mrs. Zaidee THOMPSON (o kfn,fg). Perhaps the later was the Zadie N. Thompson who died 23 Feb 1950 Klamath Co., OR (di).
.. Children of James and Sydneth; 3 known:
...*.i. Willie PEARL or William PEARL or William Ray. PEARL (o), born 25 (ww1) Feb 1875 Linn Co. OR. died 17 Dec 1923 Portland, OR (di,o).
...*.ii. Hallie May PEARL, born 5 Aug 1876 Halsey, Linn Co. OR (o), died 21 Jan 1956 Portland OR (di).
...*.iii. Lulu D. PEARL, born 4 Mar 1877 near Halsey Linn Co. OR (o), died 8 Jan 1962 Multnomah Co., OR (di).
.... Sydneth MILLER PEARL married second 22 July 1882 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.......... Michael McNARY or Michael J. McNARY or Michael Joseph McNARY (fg), born Nov 1857 OH (c1900) or 1851 (fg). Birth location also listed as LA and GA in census for him or his children. He died 19 Nov 1921, Portland, OR (di,o), interred with wife (fg).
.... Children of Michael and Sydneth:
....i. Frank McNARY or Frank Miller McNARY, born 15 (igi) Jan 1884 (di), died 25 Nov 1977 Clackamas Co., OR (di), interred Portland Memorial Mausoleum (fnfm), married
.......... Marguriet SAPP or Marguriet Geneva SAPP, born 22 Dec 1892 Abington VA (omm), died 14 Feb 1972 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Portland Memorial Mausoleum (omm), had at least
..............a. Kenneth McNARY or Kenneth Frank McNARY born 28 Mar 1911 Portland OR (igi), died 31 July 1934 Portland OR (di) and a
..............b. Jack McNARY or Jack A. McNARY or Jack Alexander McNARY, born ca 1921 (c1930), probably the one born 25 May 1921 Portland OR (ojm), died 30 April 2004 Clackamas Co., OR (di) leaving family (ojm) . Frank was a railroad brakeman (ww1) and conductor (c1930).
....ii. Joseph McNARY or Joseph Freeman McNARY, born Aug 1891 (c1900), died 19 Dec 1956 Multnomah Co., OR (di), married 18 June 1917 Multnomah Co OR (mi) ......... Evelyn EWART or Evelyn R. EWART, born ca 1892 (c1930), died 29 June 1965 age 73 Multnomah Co., OR (di) and had at least 2 sons,
..............a. Charles McNARY or Charles Joseph McNARY, born 6 March 1918 OR (di), died 5 Dec 1989 San Diego Co CA (di) and
..............b. Robert McNARY or Robert Pike McNARY (orpm), born 15 July 1922 (di) Portland (orpm) OR (c1930), died 7 July 1993 (di) Tigard (orpm) Washington Co OR (di), or Wilsonville OR (orpm), interred Finley's Sunset Hills Mortuary (orpm), married 11 June 1949 Des Moines, IA (orpm)
...................Dorothy ELY (odm), born 23 Sept 1921 Des Moines, IA, died 5 May 2005 Portland, OR, apparently interred Finley's Sunset Hills Mortuary (odm). Joseph was a salesman for Kodak in 1930 (c1930). Had children (orpm).
....iii Winifred McNARY, born Mar 1887 OR (c1900), died 25 Jan 1950 Portland OR (di), services at Portland Crematorium and Mausoleum (owb), married
.......... Fred BREYMAN died 11 June 1938 Portland OR (di), apparently no issue (c1930).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... History of the Willamette Valley. 1885 Herbert Lang. (James A. Pearl p 781 (bio))
..... Family Group Sheet derived from family bible (fgs).
..... Oregonian 19 Dec 1923 p20 c4 and 20 Dec p19 c4 and 5
..... Oregon Journal 23 and 24 July 1928
..... Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 (fn)
..... Klamath (Falls) News 31 Oct 1929
..... Oregonian 31 Oct 1929 p16
..... Oregonian 23 Jan 1956
..... Oregonian 9 Jan 1962 and 12 Jan 1962 p18
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Pennsylvania Beaver Co Hopewell page 234D (Alfred W Standish)
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 76, sh 6 (Michael Mcnary)
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Washington Walla Walla Co Walla Walla 2nd wd ED 88 sheet 3A page 165 res 31-46 (James A Pearl)
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 California Siskiyou Co Lake twp ED 111 sheet 14A page 102 res 223-224 (James A Pearl)
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 115, sheet 4A page 119 res 69-84 (Michael J Mcnary)
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 California Siskiyou Co Macdoel twp ED 129 sheet 9A page 124 res 224-225 (James A Pearl)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 283, sheet 1B res 23-24 (Frederick E Breyman)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 149 sheet 5B res 161-137 (Frank M Mcnary)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 361 sheet 4B res 83-83 (Joseph F Mcnary)
..... (cp) World Connect Family Tree " Descendents of Henry Miller b. 1747 In Pa" by Charlotte Powell 2004.
..... (fnfm) Funeral notice for Frank McNary Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) – 27 Nov 1977 page 75.
..... (mk) World Connect Family Tree "Kable, Allder, Cadwallader, Ritter, Carper, Knight, Dudrear, Pyle" by Martha Kable 2004.
..... (odm) Obit for Dorothy McNary Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) - May 8, 2005.
..... (ojm) Obit for Jack A. McNary Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) - May 3, 2004.
..... (omm) Obit for Marguriet McNary Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) – Feb 16, 1972.
..... (orpm) Obit for Robert Pike McNary Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) - July 11, 1993, page C6.
..... (owb) Announcement for Winifred Breyman, Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) – Feb 5, 1950.
..... John PEARL or John R. PEARL or John Rush PEARL son of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN , born 9 () May 1851 MO (c1900), died 19 July 1931, Portland OR (di), interred Riverview Cem. sec 105, Portland, OR (oj,cms),.married 13 April 1873 Linn Co. OR (mi) in Harrisburgh (l),
.... Mary WEGER or Mary F. WEGER or Mary Florence WEGER, dau of Thomas Weger. and Mary (c1860-,1870), born Jan 1854 Shedd Linn Co. OR (l) or 1853 (cem), died 21 Dec 1936 Portland OR (di), interred Riverview Cem., Portland, OR (omfp,cms).
... Note: John was a real estate agent (c1910).
.. Children:
...*.i. Evelyn Belle PEARL, born c1874 Linn Co. OR married
.......... Arthur ALLINGHAM and
.......... Axel William SCHELL.
...*.ii. John Elmer PEARL or Elmer J. PEARL born Dec 1875 Linn Co. OR, married
.......... Ora J. CUTLER.
...*.iii. Mary Nellie PEARL or Nellie Marie PEARL born 31 July 1878 (nfh) Linn Co. OR, died 16 Oct 1936 Washington Co., OR (di), married
.......... John K. WEBER.
...*.iv. Ivan Lester PEARL (moh) or Lester B. PEARL (di), born Aug 1879 Linn Co. OR, married
.......... Mabel Ruth MARSTERS.
.... v. Joseph PEARL or Joseph Warren PEARL (moh,ojwp) or Warren PEARL (c1900) or Warren J. PEARL (c1910), born 19 July 1883 (db) Halsey Linn Co. OR (ojwp), died 22 Feb 1954 Multnomah Co., OR (di,ojwp), interred Riverview Cem. (ojwp,cms) sec 105, married 16 March 1913 Multnomah Co., OR
.......... Maude DRAKE or Maude Marie DRAKE (mi) or Maude May DRAKE (db) or Maude MARKHAM (moh), born July 1887 (di) or 10 July (db,omp) 1885 (db,cem,omp) Albany, Linn Co., OR (omp), died 13 (moh) or 1 Sept 1973 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Riverview Cem. (cms,omp). Joseph worked on the railroad (ojwp). Apparently no children.
.... vi. Helen PEARL or Helen B. "Lena" PEARL or Helen Belle PEARL (fg), born May 1886 (c1900) or 23 July 1885 (ssdi) and died as Helen ERVIN or Helen Bess ERVIN 18 (fg) Nov 1970 (ssdi) Portland OR (moh), interred River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg). Reportedly married an IRVIN (oj,on,di) or ERWIN (omfp) or ERVIN (oj,ojwp) or ERVINE (c1940) apparently
.......... Harry ERVIN, and living in Santa Ana CA in 1931 (oj) and in San Francisco CA in 1954 (oj,ojwp).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1870 - June 1882 Vol 3
..... Letter of Nellie Marie Pearl family history (nfh)
..... Oregon historical Quarterly vol 32 page 299
..... Oregonian 23 Dec 1936 p13
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Halsey page 428B (John R Pearl).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville 1 wd ED 47 sheet 10A page 128 res 200-203 (John R Pearl indexed as Pearly at Heritage Quest).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 8 wd ED 195 sheet 2B page 210 res 55-55 (John R Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 California San Francisco Co San Francisco ED 263 sheet 19A page 284 (Helen B Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 138 sheet 13A page 156 res 314-321 (John R Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 8 wd ED 399 sheet 4B res 103-114 (John R Pearl).
..... (db) Delayed birth certificate Oregon Historical Records on-line.
..... (moh) Letter from Mary O Haller 1990.
..... (ojwp) Oregonian 24 Feb 1954 4M** p7 and 24 Feb 1954 p15 c2 (fn and obit for Joseph Warren Pearl).
..... (oj) Oregonian 20 July p9 c7 and 21 July 1931 p11 c7 and p18 c1(obit for John R Pearl).
..... (omp) obit for Maude Pearl, Oregonian Sept 4, 1973.
..... (omfp) obit for Mary F. Pearl Oregonian 24 Dec 1936 p6.
..... (on) Hillsboro Argus 22 Oct 1936 p4 second section (obit Nellie Weger)
..... Orpha PEARL or Orpha J. PEARL (c1880) or Jennie PEARL (mi) Jennie O PEARL (c1920) or Orpha Jane PEARL (ooa) dau of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN , born 24 Jan 1854 Linn Co. OR, died 2 June 1922, Portland, OR (di,ooa), interred Mt. Scott Cem., (ooa) or Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, OR (fg), married first 5 Aug 1875 Linn Co., OR (mi) near Brownsville at home of Joseph Pearl (pca)
.... Thomas COOPER or Thomas I. COOPER, born 21 Dec 1841 Noble Co. Ohio (pca), died 3 Aug 1888 (pca,dar?), age 45y 8m (cms), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem (cms). Orpha married second 14 Jan 1890 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Robert ANDREWS, born Oct 1853 England (c1900), died 27 May 1929 Portland OR (di).
... Note: She lived at 561 1/2 E. Morrison Ave. Portland in 1922 (ooj)(4). She had at 3 children by first marriage.
.. Children:
....i. Clarence Cooper (fg) or Clarence William Cooper or William COOPER or William C. COOPER (c1880), born ca 1876 (c1880) or 11 Sept 1876, died 23 June 1883 (cem), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. near Thomas J Cooper (cem).
....ii. Sarah COOPER or Sarah N. COOPER (c1880) or Nettie COOPER (c1900,ooa), born March 1880 OR (c1900), married a
.......... JOHNSTON and living in San Francisco in 1922 (ooa).
....iii. W. Clyde COOPER or Clyde W. COOPER or apparently Walter Clyde COOPER (oa), born 2 (oa) March 1884 OR (c1900,oa) Halsey, Linn Co., WA (ww2), died 19 (owcc) Oct 1963 (ssdi), interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, OR (fnwc), working as a house carpenter in 1920 (c1920), married 1903 Multnomah Co., OR
.......... Eva SMITH (mi Portland), born ca 1885 (c1910). Walter married 8 Sept 1923 Multnomah Co., OR (mi)
.......... Myra ROSS or Myra May ROSS, born ca 1902 ID (c1930). They had at least
............... Clyde COOPER or Clyde M. COOPER (c1930,fnwc), born ca 1926 OR (c1930) apparently 27 Feb 1926, died 7 Aug 1985 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg), 4 children (fnwc).
... Child of Robert by previous marriage:
..... George ANDREWS or George T. ANDREWS or apparently George Thomas ANDREWS, born Dec 1883, IL (c1900), living Portland in 1942 (oma) possibly the one who died 6 Nov 1958 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR (fnga), married 12 July 1922 Clark Co WA (wsda)
.......... Mrs Ruth FOMER or Ruth FORNER or Ruth COON (fg Richard) or Ruth A. COON, born ca 1892 OR and had a son born ca 1924 (c1930). George was a hay inspector in 1930 (c1930). They had a son
................ Richard ANDREWS or Richard Thomas ANDREWS (fnga), born 24 April 1924 Portland, OR (fg), died 17 Nov 2007 (fg), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, (fg) married 6 Sept 1946 Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WA (fg)
.................... Geraldine BANTA or Geraldine Edna BANTA (fg), born 21 April 1925, died 17 Aug 2008, interred with husband (fg), survived by children (fg)
.. Child of Robert and Orpha:
....iv. Merrill ANDREWS or Merrill G. ANDREWS, born Jan 1893 OR (c1900) (1), died 2 Dec 1942, Portland, OR (di), interred Lincoln Memorial Cem., Portland OR (oma). At time of death, he lived at 2110 NE Union, Portland and had son Robert Vincent ANDREWS living in Florida (oma)
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1870 - June 1882 Vol 3
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville page 415D res 304 (Thomas J Cooper).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 9 wd ED 73 sheet 2A page 157 res 27-29 (Robert Andrews).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 8 wd ED 190 sheet 2A page 151 res 23-25 (Robert Andrews).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 10 wd ED 233 sheet 2B res 46-49 (Walter C Cooper).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 167th pct ED 121? page 198 res 11-13 (Robert Andrews).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 293 res 52-57 (George T Andrews).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Multnomah Co Plympton ED 231 sheet 14A page 110 res 317-256 (Walter C Cooper).
..... (dar) DAR notebooks Oregon Historical Society, Portland G-A9 V2 p398.
..... (fnga) Funeral notice George T. Andrews, Oregonian 11 Nov 1958 p 20.
..... (fnwc) Funeral notice W. Clyde Cooper, Oregonian 22 Oct 1963 p 19.
..... (pca) Pacific Christian Advocate 12 Aug 1875 (marriage) and 6 Sept 1888 (death Thomas Cooper).
..... (owcc) Oregonian Oct 22 1963 p198 (obit W. Clyde Cooper).
..... (ooa) Oregonian June 4 1922 p7 c7 (obit Orpha Jane Andrews).
..... (oma) Oregonian Dec 3 1942 p13 c4 (obit Merrill G Andrews).
..... Silas PEARL or Silas H. PEARL or Silas Henry PEARL son of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN born May 1857 () or 4 Nov 1854 Halsey (dr) Linn Co. OR, died 27 Sept 1931 age 76, King Co., WA (dr,wsda), married first 14 Feb 1880 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Mary LESLIE or Mary A. LESLIE (mi) "Molly" LESLIE(jp), apparently dau of John Leslie or John Edington Leslie and Elizabeth PECK or Elizabeth Jane Caroline PECK (ml), born Mar 1868 TN (c1900) or ca 1859 OR (c1880) or MO (c1870), apparently the Mary A who divorced Silas H Pearl Douglas Co WA 1889 (wtcr,wsda). Mary married second br>
.... Clyde ANDREWS, born Aug 1864, a miner (c1900) MI (c1910), perhaps the Clyde L. Andrews who died 12 May 1937, age 71y 11m 27d Loomis, Okanogan Co, WA (dr). Silas married second 21 April 1897 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... Martha FOX, born MO (noeg).
... Notes: Silas was apparently separated by 1900 (c1900) and divorced, working as a plumber in 1910 (c1910), a laborer at the NP station in King Co WA in 1920 (c1920), and in Portland in 1928 (oja). It seems likely he is the Henry S. Pearl in Redmond WA in 1930 even though the age is given as 64 years (c1930). At his death, Silas is reported as married to Mary. A. but in the 1930 census it appears that he is recorded as a widower, It seems likely the listing on the death report is from his first marriage but possibly from a recent marriage.. Silas was hair lipped. (ht).
.. Children:
...*.i. Franklin PEARL (noeg) or Frank PEARL (di) or Winfred PEARL (noeg,jp) or Frank W. PEARL (c1910), born 16 (noeg) March 1881 OR, died 28 June 1965 King Co., WA (di).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1870 - June 1882 Vol 3
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (c1870) Federal Census 1870 Oregon Linn Co Peoria sheet 1 page 644 res 3-3 (John E Leslie).
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville page 412 res 237 (Silas H Pearl).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Okanogan Co Toats Coula ED 46 sheet 4A page 99 res 96-96 (Winfred Pearl with Clyde Andrews)
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Walla Walla Co Walla Walla 1 wd ED 87 sheet 23B page 151 res 513?-474? (Cleave with S H Pearle).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Washington Okanogan Co Loomis ED 118 sheet 4B (Clyde Andrews)
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Washington Walla Walla Co Walla Walla 2 wd ED 249 sheet 6B page 146 (Silas H Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Washington King Co Redmond ED 57 sheet 4A page 46 res 79-84 (Silas H Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington King Co Redmond ED 356 sheet 3A page 33 res 65-68 (Henry S Pearl).
..... (ht) Letter from Hazle Templeton dated 1978.
..... (jp) Handwritten manuscript Family of James A. Pearl probably by Hazle Templeton.
..... (ml) World Connect Family Tree "Descendents of Thomas Leslie" by Michael Leslie 2003.
..... (noeg) Notes from Orlie and Evelyn (Pearl) Gerdes.
..... (ojp) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 (funeral notice of James A. Pearl)
(wtcr) Washington Territorial court records for Douglas County. Includes Probate and Civil records at
..... Martha PEARL or Martha Ann PEARL or Annie PEARL or Mattie A. PEARL married James Albert MILLER
(details of family on a replacement web page).or
(details of family on a separate web page).
..... Ida PEARL or Ida C. PEARL dau of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN , born June 1862 (c1900) Linn Co. OR, died 14 July 1943 Portland OR (di,o), interred Lone Fir Cem., Portland (o), married 28 June 1882 Linn Co., OR (mi),
.... John ROBB or John H. ROBB, son of Andrew Robb and Jane R. (fg), born 1845 (fg) or Sept 1854 IN (c1900) or IA (c1920 George)), died 26 Aug 1903 Portland Multnomah Co OR (cf,oa) age 59 (cf), interred near wife (fg),in Real Estate (c1900).
... Note: Ida is living in Portland in 1928 (fn).
.. Children 5 to 1900, 3 still alive (c1900):
....i. Frank ROBB or J. Frank ROBB (fg) or John Frank (oa), born May 1884 (c1900) Linn Co. OR, died 16 April (oa) 1903 (oa,fg) Portland OR (oa), interred near father (fg).
....ii. Grace ROBB or Grace Pearl ROBB (mi), born March 1886 OR (c1900), died 10 Sept 1910 Portland OR (di), interred near parents (fg), married 6 June 1907
.......... Bert C. BOYLAN (mi).
....iii. George ROBB or George Merrill ROBB (fg), born 25 (ssdi) Jan 1890 WA (c1900,ssdi), died 1 Mar 1966 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Lone Fir Cemetery (fngr,fg), married 30 Jan 1910 Multnomah Co OR
.......... Etta WILLIAMS (mi) and apparently divorced before 1920 (c1920). He married 9 Oct 1921 Multnomah Co OR (mi)
.......... Vera A. PHILIPS or Vera A., probably Vera ROBERTS, dau of Claude Roberts and Maude NEWTON (fnr), born ca 1887 IA, married first ca 1908(c1930) with 2 adopted children (c1930). He was a proprietor of a grocery store (c1930).
... References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 11 wd ED 83 sheet 8A page 59 res 167-167 (John H Robb).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 22 sheet 2B res 17-55 (Ida C Robb).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 California Los Angeles Co Los Angeles ED 638 sheet 24B res 434-463 (George M Robb).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland pre 52 ED 56 sheet 4A page 132 res 10-14? (Ida C Robb).
.... Note on a card file in Portland OR apparently either Gen. Forum or Oregon hist. Soc. (cf).
..... (fnjr) Funeral notice for George Robb , Oregonian 3 March 1966, p 58.
..... (fn) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 James A. Pearl.
..... (fnr) Funeral notice for Maude B. Roberts, Oregonian 2 and 3 April 1955.
..... (o) Oregonian 16 July 1943 p10 c2
..... Malinda PEARL or "ALLIE" PEARL or Allie M. PEARL (fn) or Alice M. PEARL (fnfd,fnir), dau of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN , born Jan 1867 Linn Co. OR, died after 1942 (o Fannie), perhaps the Alice M. Davis who died 9 Dec 1952 Portland OR, wife of Albert, (di), married about 1904 (c1910)
.... A. H. DAVIS, apparently Albert H.DAVIS, born ca 1861 (c1910) or 1868 (c1920, 1930) or 1857 (c1940) IL (c1910), and probably not the Albert W. with wife Alice who died 28 Feb 1954 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Rose City Cemetery, Portland, OR (fg).
.. Child
....i. Doris DAVIS or Dorris DAVIS (mi), born ca 1911 OR (c1920), apparently married 15 Jan 1929 Olympia, Thurston Co WA (mi) and perhaps divorced before 1940
.......... Walter GIBB or Walter M. GIBB (c1930) or Walter McGhie GIBB (ww2), born 20 Sept 1896 (ssdi) Glasgow (ww2) or ca 1897 Scotland (c1930), died 16 May 1980 Aberdeen WA (di), interred Fern Hill Cemetery, Aberdeen, Grays Harbor Co WA (fg). Doris was alive and unmarried in 1942 (fnir).
... References:
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 142 sheet 1B page 181 res 31-60 (Albert H Davis).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 25 sheet 7A page 195 res 47-158 (Albert H Davis).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 56 sheet 1B res 10-14 (A H Davis).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington Grays Harbor Co Aberdeen ED 81 page 110 sheet 3A (Walter M Gibb).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 37-177 sheet 1A res 13 (Doris Gibb with Albert H Davis).
..... (fn) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 funeral notice for James A. Pearl
..... (fnfd) Oregonian 16 April 1942 p14 c6 funeral notice for Fannie O DuPuis.
..... (fnir) Oregonian 16 July 1943 p10 c2 funeral notice for Ida Robb.
..... (os) Oregonian 24 Jan 1904 p23 c6 obit Sarah Pearl.
..... Fannie PEARL or Fannie Olive PEARL or "Ollie" PEARL (ojp) dau of Joseph PEARL and Sarah WISEMAN , born Dec 1869 Linn Co. OR, died 13 April 1942 Portland OR (di,ofd), interred Lone Fir Cemetery (ofd,fg), married first 30 Dec 1891, Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... George BOND or George W. BOND. Probably the George W. Bond, son of George W Bond and Elizabeth STILWELL (gm), born 14 (gm) May 1859 (c1900,gm), died 24 June 1932 Lane Co OR (di,gm), interred IOOF Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co OR (cem) is listed as divorced 1900, 1905, and 1910 in Linn Co. Fannie married second ca 1897 (c1900) or 26 Sept 1909 Multnomah Co OR (mi)
.... C. Napoleon DUPUIS (mi) or Charles DuPUIS or Charles N. DuPUIS, apparently son of Nicholas Dupuis and Julienne of Vancouver, WA (c1880) born Nov 1865 (c1900), died 9 Sept 1939 Portland, OR (di), interred with wife at Lone Fir Cem. (ocd,fg).
... Note: They were living in Portland in 1928 (ojp) and Agate Beach OR just before his death (ocd) and she, apparently at 1805 SE 37th Portland in 1942 (ofd).
.. Child - adopted:
....i. Wanetta DuPUIS or Waunita DuPUIS (ofn) or Juanita DuPUIS (c1940), born ca 1910 OR (c1920), perhaps the Waunita A. Albin, born 12 Dec 1910, died 2 Aug 2001 address Little Rock, Pulaski Co AR (ssdi), married
.......... S. E. ALBIN, apparently the Sterling ALBIN or Sterling E. ALBIN who died 16 Aug 1963 age 54, Lincoln Co., OR with wife Geraldi(ne?) (di), interred IOOF Cemetery, Crescent City, Del Norte Co CA (fg). They lived Clatskanie OR (ocd) and Newport OR (ofd).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co Halsey pct ED 46 sheet 4B page 106 res 103-104 (George W Bond with James Bond).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Baker Co Baker City 1 wd ED 162 sheet 8A page 8 res 145-156 (Sarah Pearl with Charles N Dupuis indexed at Heritage Quest as Dupins).
..... (c1905) County Census 1905 Oregon Linn Co Halsey pct (Geo W Bond).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Linn Co Halsey pct ED 180 sheet 6A page 71 res 105 (George W Bond with James Bond).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Umatilla Co Pendleton 44 pct ED 162 sheet 18 page 170 res 283-292 (Charles N Dupuis).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Oregon Clatskanie Co Columdia ED 5-5 page 24 sheet 62A (Sterling E Albin).
..... (gm) World Connect Family Tree "Ginni's Ancestry" by Ginni Morey in 2002.
..... (ocd) Oregonian Sept 1939 (funeral notice of Charles Dupuis).
..... (ofd) Oregonian April 16 1942 p14 c6 (funeral notice of Fannie O Dupuis).
..... (ojp) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 (funeral notice of James A. Pearl).
..... Joseph PEARL or Joseph H. PEARL or Joseph Henry PEARL (ojp) or "Jode" PEARL (ojp) or Joe H PEARL (c1880), son of John PEARL and Marinda MICHAEL , born 6 Sept 1855 (ojp,cem) Linn Co. OR (ojp), died 12 Sept 1901 (ojp,cem) age 46y 6d (fg) of stomach and duodenal cancer in Linn Co. OR (ojp), interred Wigle Cemetery, Brownsville Lin Co., OR (fg,cem), married 15 Dec 1878 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... Margaret WIGLE or Margaret May WIGLE, dau of Abraham WIGLE and Mary DAUGHERTY (dlcw), born 29 Jan 1859 (cem); died 14 Feb 1927 Portland, OR (di,omh), interred Wigle Cem. (lcopjp) Halsey, OR (omh) or Brownsville Linn Co., OR (fg). She married second 5 April 1906 Albany, Linn Co., OR (mi, mjh) at the home of his brother, Worth HUSTON (mjh),
.... Joel HUSTON or Joel B. HUSTON, son of Joel Bradshaw Huston and Catherine HOUSTON (ops,dc at fg), born June 1847 Henderson Co IL (ops), died 28 July 1921 Linn Co., OR (di), interred Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co OR (lcopjp,fg). He married first 25 Dec 1866 Linn Co., OR (mi,b)
.... Caroline LANE, dau of Horace Lane and Margaret VARNER (mrp), born ca 1850 Vermilion Co IL, died 1903 (fg) or 1902 (mrp) probably Linn Co OR (cms), interred near husband (fg). In 1880 they have a girl with them listed as adopted.
............ Musetta HUSTON or Musezetta Houston (dc at fg), born ca 1876 or 26 Feb 1874 (fg) OR, died 7 April 1950 Linn Co OR, interred Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co OR (fg), married 4 Sept 1894 Linn Co OR
................ G. A. OVERTON (mi), or G. Albert OVERTON (fg) or George Albert OVERTON (igi), son of George Overton and Mary KEENEY (igi), born 5 May 1872 Brownsville, Linn Co OR (igi), died 13 May 1954 Linn Co OR (di), interred with wife (fg), had
.................. Fay OVERTON, born ca 1899, married ca 1924 and apparently divorced by 1940
...................... Carl WARREN or Carl R. WARREN, son of Arthur Warren and Sadie (c1920), born ca 1903 (c1930) Hay Creek OR (ncw), died 27 Oct 1967 Multnomah Co OR (di) with wife Betty (di), possibly Betty GOODE whom he married 4 May 1959 in Linn CO (mi), interred Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion Co., OR (fg). If he is the one living in Scio, his wife in 1940 was Bernice (c1940). He is not the Carl R. Warren who died in King Co WA 1999 since that Carl was born in KS (ocw).
.. Children:
....i. Roy PEARL born 15 (fg) Sept 1879 died 1881 (tc) or 30 Aug 1882 age 2y 11m 15d (cem.fg), interred near parents (cem,fg).
....ii. Fred PEARL born 6 July 1880 (cem) Linn Co. OR died 2 (di) or 3 (cem) May 1907 (di) State Hospital (oa) Marion Co., OR (di), interred near parents (cem).
...*.iii. Lutie PEARL, born April 1882 Linn Co. OR, died 25 Sep 1971 Douglas Co., WA (di), married
.......... Arthur E. SCHICK (omh).
....iv. Winnie PEARL or Winnie Katherine PEARL, born 14 Oct 1883 Brownsville, Linn Co. OR (fg), died as Winnie Danley 29 May 1924 Portland OR (di,owd), interred Mount Scott Cemetery (owd) or near Joseph (fg), married 8 Sept 1917 Multnomah Co OR
.......... Joseph DANLEY or Joseph William DANLEY (oa), born 4 Apr 1890 (ww1,di,oa) Cameron, Marshall Co WV (ww2,fg), died 17 Oct 1979 Washington Co OR (di) or Portland OR (fg), interred Wilhelm's Portland Memorial, Portland, OR (fg), a railroad worker (c1920,ssdi). Joseph married later apparently 8 June 1946 Multnomah Co., OR (mi)
............... Hallie Mar? (di) or Hallie (ssdi) or apparently Harri FRENCH (mi) (looks like a spelling error), born 28 Dec 1895, died 27 Feb 1987 Clackamas Co OR (di), address Portland (ssdi), interred next to Joseph (fg). Joseph and Winnie had 2 children:
..............a. Josepha DANLEY or Josepha May DANLEY (owd), born 17 March 1920 (ssdi) Portland OR (fg), died as Josepha Chase 26 (di) Feb 1989 (ssdi) Klamath Falls (fg) Klamath Co OR (di), interred Eternal Hills Cemetery, Klamath Falls, Klamath Co OR (fg), married 9 Aug 1941 Camas, Clark Co WA (wsda,fg)
..................... Richard CHASE or Richard Lee CHASE (fg), born 12 Jan 1918 Summit, Benton Co OR (fg), died 18 June 1988 Portland OR (fg), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg).
..............b. James DANLEY or James G. DANLEY or James Gilmore DANLEY (owd) or Jim DANLEY (fg), born 21 Feb 1923 Portland, Clackamas Co OR (fg), died 15 Oct 2012 Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), had surviving wife and children (fg).
...*.v. Hallie "Hazel" PEARL, born 14 Nov 1893 Linn Co. OR, died 26 Oct 1995 Linn Co., OR (di), married Raleigh A. TEMPLETON (omh).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses Sept 1870 - June 1882 Vol 3
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville page 405A res 175 (Joel Huston).
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville page 414A res 278 (Joe H Perl).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville ED 47 sheet 3B page 121 res 67-69 (Joel B Huston).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co Harrisburg pct ED 48 sheet 9 page 143 res 180-181 (Jode H Pearl).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Pennsylvania Washington Co Hanover ED 205 sheet 4B (Joseph W Danley with James A Danley).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville ED 193 sheet 6B page 209 res 64-64 (J B Huston).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville ED 190 sheet 3B page 206 res 62-62 (Albert Overton).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Crook Co Hay Creek ED 52 page 226 sheet 2A res 18-18 (Arthur V Warren).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 62 sheet 17A page 208 res 338-352 (Joseph W Danley).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Linn Co E Halsey ED 294 sheet 4A page 106 res 69-69 (Joel Huston).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Linn Co South Brownsville ED 311 page 272 sheet 1A res 7-7 (Arthur V Warren).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 281 sheet 1B res 24-28 (Joseph W Dauley).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville ED 47 sheet 2A page 104 res 45-46 (Faye E Warren with George A Overton).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 37-233 page 2132 sh 2A res 35 (Joseph W Danley).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Oregon Linn Co Scio ED 22-55 page 277 sheet 2A res 31 (Carl Warren).
..... (dlcw) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Filers to 1855. Vol 9 (Abraham Wigle p 91-92)
..... (lcopjp) Linn County Pioneer Settlers vol 12 p 60-61 (John A Pearl family group sheet).
..... (mjh) Brownsville Times 13 April 1906 p3 (marriage J B Huston)
..... (mrp) World Connect Family Tree "Peters, Huston, Phipps, Bradshaw and more families" by Myrna Raper Peters 2003.
..... (mcw) News item death of Carl Warren Oregonian 28 Oct 1967 page 10.
..... (oa) Oregon State Archives, Historical Records Index on-line.
..... (ocw) Obit for Carl R. Warren South County Journal (Kent WA) 15 Dec 1999.
..... (ojp) Brownsville Times 13 Sept p2 c5 and 20 Sept 1901 p2 c6 obit of Joseph Henry Pearl).
..... (omh) Oregonian 16 Feb 1927 p 14 c3 (obit Margaret May Huston).
..... (ops) Linn County Pioneer Settlers vol 10 p54-54 (Joel Bradshaw Huston family group sheet)
..... (owd) Obit for Winnie Katherine Danley, Oregonian 1 June 1924.
..... (tc) E-mail from The Christensens Feb 2004.
..... Mary Elizabeth PEARL dau of John A. PEARL and Marinda R. MICHAEL , born 1June1857 (fr) Linn Co. OR, (fr) died 4 Jan 1931 Portland, OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms), married 22 June 1876 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... John SENGER, son of Felix Senger and Hannah HESS (hs), and born 13 June 1854 (fr) Washington Co. MD (hs) or Virginia (fr), died 20 Nov 1929 Portland OR (di) interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem. (cms).
Details of family on a replacement page.
Details of family on a seperate page.
.... Jerred PEARL (idc) or Jerred P. PEARL or Jerod PEARL (c1860) or Jared PEARL or Jared Phillip PEARL or apparently Phil PEARL, son of John A. PEARL and Marinda R. MICHAEL , born 12 (idc) or 18 Mar 1859 (dlcjo) apparently the Philip Pearl, age 21 single in Rock Creek Precinct, Wasco Co. OR 1880 (c1880) and the J. P. Pearl, single, in Arlington, Gilliam Co., OR in 1900 (c1900). Apparently he is the one who was born 12 March year ? died 4 May 1936 Weiser, Washington Co ID (di), interred as Jerred P PEARL Hillcrest Cem., Weiser, Washington Co ID (cem), married 28 Nov 1913 Weiser, Washington Co., ID
.... Mrs. Mary O'LEARY or Mary E. O'LEARY, born 3 Dec 1853 (fg) VA (omr), died 17 Jan 1915, interred Salubria, Cambridge, Washington Co., ID (fg). Pillip then married 26 Dec 1918 Weiser Washington Co., ID
.... Rhoda AMBERGY or Rhoda Jane AMBERGY (mi), dau of Samuel WOOLUM or Samuel S. WOOLUM and Mon? TAYLOR (idc) or Mary TAYLOR or Mary Elizabeth TAYLOR (fg Samuel), born 1 June 1859 (di) KY (c1920,idc), died 28 Nov 1935 Weiser, Washington Co ID (di,idc), interred Hillcrest Cem., Weiser, Washington Co., ID (cem,fg). She must have been married earlier in Kentucky since they have in the household a grandson Fred Wyatt or Fred E. Wyatt, born about 1915 KY (c1920,c1930). Fred apparently married 5 Feb 1938 Weiser, Washington Co., ID Bonnie PRITCHETT and probably is the Fredrick E. WYATT, born 20 July 1915 (ssdi), died 23 Mar 1989 living Yakima, Yakima Co., WA (di,ssdi) perhaps married to Nellie M. WYATT, born 3 Jan 1922, died 1 Aug 1998 living Yakima (ssdi). In the household next to Jared in 1920, is Ch? A. AMBURGAY, age 66, and son David W. age 33, both born KY. It seems likely they have some relationship to Rhoda. Probably Charles is her first husband and is probably the Charles AMBURGAY interred Hillcrest Cem. Washington Co ID (cem). David married 9 Aug 1920 Weiser, Washington Co., Idaho Margia GRIFFIN. They are in Camas twp., Clark Co., WA 1930 with 2 daughters. He died 19 June 1950 Wasco Co OR (di) and apparently she was born 6 April 1904 (di) WY, parents UT (c1930), died 7 May 1984 Linn Co., OR (di).
... References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Gilliam Co Arlington ED 6 sheet 6B page res 111-116 (J P Pearl).
..... (c1910) Federal census, 1910 Idaho Washington Co., Midvale twp. ED 280 sheet 10A, page 290 (J Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal census, 1920 Idaho Washington Co., Lower Crane twp. ED 187 sheet 1A, (Jared P. Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal census, 1930 Idaho Washington Co., Lower Crane twp. ED 23 sheet 1B res 21-21, (Philip Parl in index).
..... (c1930) Federal census, 1930 Washington Clark Co., Camas twp. ED 7 sheet 3B, (David Amburgey).
..... (dlcjo) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim Families to 1855. Vol 12 (John Pearl p 60-61)
..... (idc) Jerred P. Pearl and Rhoda Jane Pearl under Idaho, Death Certificates, 1911-1937 at
..... (omr) Obit for Mrs. Mary Pearl in The Midvale Reporter, Midvale, Idaho, Thursday, January 21, 1915 as reported by FindAGrave.
..... Malissa Ann PEARL dau of John A. PEARL and Marinda R. MICHAEL , born 9 June 1862 (pw) Brownsville, Linn Co. OR., died 8 April 1922 (o,pw) Kalispell, Flathead Co. MT (o), interred Conrad Cem. there (o,cem), married 23 May 1883 Linn Co. OR (mi)
.... James E. WAGGONER (see additional details under Waggoner page).
..... Malinda PEARL or Malinda Caroline PEARL or Malinda Callie PEARL (mi2), dau of John A. PEARL and Marinda R. MICHAEL , born 31 Dec 1864 Linn Co. OR, died as Melinda Baker or Melinda C. Baker 24 Feb 1906 Seattle, King Co WA (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cem lot block 3 (l) but not in on-line index unless she is mistakenly listed as Eallie Baker (cem), married first 1 June 1886 Linn Co. OR (mi)
.... Nester YOUNG or Nester H. YOUNG (mi) or William YOUNG (dr Cleo), one child known from first marriage. She married second 3 Jan 1899 (mi) or 11 Jan 1898 (l)
.... Alfred BAKER, son of Richard Baker or Richard George Baker and Sarah Mapstone (l,dr), born 21 March 1860 (l,dr) or March 1861 (c1900) or ca 1862 England (c1920), died 24 May 1932 (di) age 72y 2m 3d (l,dr) Seattle WA (di). Alfred married second perhaps 4 Feb 1917 Tacoma, Pierce Co WA (mc)
.... Ellen STONEBRIDGE (mc), born ca 1866 England (c1920). Sheis apparently not the one who died 5 Nov 1941 age 78 King Co WA (di,fg).
... Notes: Alfred came to the USA 1887, was naturalized 1892 and worked for the truck division of the Parks Department (c1920) Ellen came 1913 (c1920). The Baker family moved to Seattle WA about 1899 (o).
.. Child by first marriage:
....i. Cleopatra YOUNG or Cleo P. YOUNG or Cleopatra Pearl YOUNG (dr) or Cleo Pearl YOUNG, born 12 Feb 1893 (o) or Feb 1888 (c1900) Brownsville, Linn Co. OR (o), died 26 Apr 1958, Port Blakely ,Kitsap Co., WA (dr), cremation (fncn), married third 1931 (o)
.......... Rudy NELSON or Rudolph NELSON or Rudolph Preston NELSON (orn,dr), son of Alec Nelson and Annie TACK (dr), born 13 May 1892, Minneapolis MN (ww1), died 27 Nov 1958, Port Blakely (dr) or Rockaway Beach, Kitsap Co., WA (orn). Cleo was in show business in Seattle under the name of Cleo LaMont and had lived a while in Victoria BC Canada (o).
.. Children by second marriage
....ii. Ray BAKER or Raymond BAKER or Raymond A. BAKER or Raymond Alfred BAKER (dr), born 18 or 19 June 1902 (bi) Seattle WA (orab), died 6 Aug 1951 Seattle, King Co., WA (dr), age 49y (dr), funeral notice has Alfred Baker (fnab), cremation (orab), buried at sea (l). He was a seaman whose home was in Bothell WA (o). Married 22 July 1931 King Co., WA (mi)
.......... Beulah JOHNSTON or Beulah B. JOHNSTON, born 19 Feb 1903 (ssdi), died 28 June 1988, age 85 Seattle, King Co., WA (di) who had earlier
............... Miona JOHNSTON or Miona Jeanne JOHNSTON or Jeanne BERGMAN, born 5 April 1922 (ssdi), died as Jeanne Bergman or Jeanne Miona Bergman 7 Feb 1983 Seattle, King Co WA (di) address Bothell, King Co WA (ssdi), interred Bothell Pioneer Cemetery, Bothell, King Co., WA (fg), married 18 June 1942 King Co., WA (mi),
.................... Melvin BERGMAN or Melvin O. BERGMAN or Melvin Oscar BERGMAN, born 17 Feb 1915, died 17 (di) Oct 1983 (ssdi) Snohomish Co WA (di), interred by wife (fg), had children (ojb).
....iii. Delbert BAKER or Delbert G. BAKER, born 25 Jan 1904 (di), died 9 June 1982 Multnomah Co., OR (di), married 1933 and had a son (l). His wife was apparently
.......... Madeline FRANZ (omfb), born 25 Aug 1910, died 11 Aug 2000 Portland, OR (omfb), interred Portland Memorial Mausoleum (omfb). She apparently married earlier a
.......... McFADDEN (omfb). Delbert was a plate printer at an engineering company (c1930)
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900, Washington, King Co Seattle ward 8 ED 113 sheet 20B res 839-424? (Alfred Baker)
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910, Washington, King Co Seattle ED 186? sheet 5A page 29 res 123-126 (Alfred Baker)
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920, Washington, King Co Seattle ED 84 sheet 2A page 225 res 32-35 (Alfred Baker)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington, King Co Seattle ED 190 page 155 sheet 17A res 133-117 (Alfred Baker)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 163 sheet 4A page 253 res 75-90 (Delbert G Baker)
..... (l) Letters from Delbert Baker 1978.
..... (o) Newspaper clipping (obit Cleo Pearl Nelson).
..... (fnab) Funeral notice for Alfred Baker, Seattle Daily Times, 7 Aug 1951 page 28.
..... (fncn) Funeral notice for Cleo Pearl Nelson, Seattle Daily Times, 28 April 1958 page 36.
..... (omb) Brownsville Times 2 May 1906 p3
..... (omfb) Obit for Madeline F. Baker, Oregonian 18 Aug 2000.
..... (orab) Obit for Raymond A. Baker, Seattle Daily Times, 7 Aug 1951 page 26.
..... (orn) The Bremerton Sun 29 Nov 1958 p4 c3 (obit Rudolph Preston Nelson).
..... Ethyl PEARL or Ethyl Ivy PEARL dau of Silas A. PEARL and Ella Rose RADER, born 3 Feb 1883 Brownsville (fh) or Halsey (oe) Linn Co. OR, died as Ethyl Von Hoene 22 April 1964 Bremerton Kitsap Co., WA (oe), interred Woodlawn Cemetery (oe) or Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bremerton, Kitsap Co WA, married 24 Dec 1908 Seattle, King Co., WA (wsda)
.... William Von HOENE or William H. Von HOENE or William Henry Von HOENE, son of John Von Hoene and Lola Battenberg (wsda), born 6 April 1883 Bingen IN (ow), died 27 June 1967, Bremerton, Kitsap Co., WA (o), interred Woodlawn memorial Park (ow).
.. Children 3 known :
....i. Elizabeth Von HOENE or Elizabeth Pearl Von HOENE, born 31 May 1910 (fh,ssdi), Seattle WA (fh), died 10 Jan 1995 address Tacoma, Pierce Co WA (ssdi), interred New Tacoma Cemetery (fg) or Tacoma Mausoleum, Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA (fg), married first 2 Sept 1933 Kitsap Co., WA (wsda)
.......... Richard DAVIDSON or Richard Lee DAVIDSON, born 29 March 1910 Bremerton WA (fh). Elizabeth married 1940 (bio)
.......... Aaron WATERS or Aaron C. WATERS (oe) or Aaron Clement WATERS (bio), born 6 May 1905 (ssdi) Waterville, WA (bio), died 18 May 1991, address Tacoma, Pierce Co WA (ssdi), living Santa Cruz CA 1967 (ow), interred with wife (fg), had at least 2 daughters (bio).
....ii. Margaret Von HOENE or Margaret Drucilla Von HOENE, born 18 June 1911 (fh,ssdi) Seattle WA (fh), died 26 April 1999 address Eatonville, Pierce Co WA (ssdi), interred Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bremerton Kitsap Co., WA (omp), survived by husband and a son and daughter (omp), married 19 Aug 1961, Tacoma. Pierce Co., WA (omp)
.......... Bruce PAINTER (omp), born 26 July 1912 (ssdi) apparently from Canton NC (op), died 16 June 2002 address Eatonville, Pierce Co WA (ssdi), Orting Cemetery, Orting, Pierce Co., WA fg), and living in Eatonville WA in 1967 (ow). Apparently had children as memorial stone has “father” (fg).
....iii. Francis Von HOENE (oe), born 19 Jan 1930 (ssdi), died 22 Jun 2006, address Bremerton, Kitsap Co., WA (ssdi)..
... References:
..... (bio) Biography of Aaron C. Waters at Calspere, University of California Cal
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920, Washington Kitsap Co Bremerton ED 55 sheet 5A page163 res 137-140 (William H Von Hoene)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington Kitsap Co Bremerton ED 12 sheet 2A page 134 res 38-38 (William H Von Hoene)
..... (oe) Bremerton Sun, 23 April 1964 (Ethyel von Hoene obit)
..... (oew) Tacoma N. T. 12 Jan 1995 (obit Elizabetn Waters (not seen)).
..... (omp) Obit for Margaret (Von Hoene) (Rose) Painter in the Kitsap Sun (Bremerton, WA) - April 28, 1999.
..... (op) Tacoma N. T. 19 June 2002 (obit Bruce M Painter (not seen)).
..... (ow) Bremerton Sun, 28 June 1967 (William von Hoene obit)
..... (fh) Silas A. Pearl manuscript reference History of the Big Bend Country 1904 by Western Pub. Co.(p706).
..... Arlie PEARL or Arlie Alice PEARL dau of Silas PEARL and Ella RADER, born 16 July 1884 near Brownsville (fh) or Halsey (o), Linn Co. OR, died as Arlie VanHouten 6 April 1959, Bothell, Snohomish Co., WA (wsda), married 12 June 1905 Waterville WA (wsda)
.... William Van HOUTEN or William Oliver Van HOUTEN, son of Oscar Van Houten and Mary STUDEY (dr at wsda), born 30 Oct 1880 Lenox Iowa (fh), died 14 Feb (di) 1949 (di,oa) Sedro Woolley, Skagit Co WA (wsda).
.. Children, 6 known:
....i. William Van HOUTEN or William Pear Van HOUTEN (fh) or perhaps William Pearl Van HOUTEN, born 19 Sept 1906 (fh,ssdi) Waterville WA (fh), died 3 Feb 1996 Lynnwood WA (di) while living Lynnwood (di) or at Bothell, King Co., WA (ssdi).
....ii. Alfred Van HOUTEN or Alfred Raymond Van HOUTEN, born 27 (fg) or 21 June 1908 Seattle WA, died 17 Nov 1920 (fh,wsda), interred Evergreen Washelli Cemetery, Seattle WA (cms,fg) stone has 1908-1920 (cem).
....iii. Harold Van HOUTEN or Harold Oliver Van HOUTEN (fh) or Oliver H VAN HOUTEN (oa,ssdi), born 29 Aug 1911 (fh,ssdi) Mansfield WA (fh) apparently the one who died 19 Oct 1990 (ssdi).
....iv. Dorothea Van HOUTEN or Dorothea Mae Van HOUTEN, born 17 July 1913 (di,fh) Seattle WA (fh), died 25 Feb 1979 Multnomah Co OR (di), apparently interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR (fnds), married 23 Nov 1938 Seattle, King Co., WA (wsda)
.......... Samuel SATHER or Samuel Oliver SATHER, son of Olaf Sather (c1930) or Olaf A. Sather of Norway and Ethel DUNTHORN or Ethel DUNHION of England (bi for other children), born 14 Oct 1911, died 8 June 1990 Multnomah Co OR (di), had at least 2 sons and a daughter (fnds).
....v. Kenneth Van HOUTEN, born 6 July 1915 Seattle WA, died 31 Dec 1915 (fh) or 1 Jan 1916 (,wsda,fg), interred Washelli Cem. Seattle WA (cms) dates 1915-1916 (cem).
....iv. female Van HOUTEN, born 26 June 1921 Seattle WA (fh), married (oa).
... References:
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington King Co Seattle ED 6 sheet 22A (William O Vanhouten)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington King Co Seattle ED 179 sheet 29A page 59 res 286-293 (Olaf R Sather)
..... (oa) Seattle Times 9 April 1959 p44 (obit Arlie Van Houten).
..... (fh) Silas A. Pearl manuscript reference History of the Big Bend Country 1904 by Western Pub. Co.(p706)
..... (fnds) Funeral notice, Dorothea M. Sather, Oregonian 27 Feb 1979.
..... Ruby PEARL or Ruby Mae PEARL dau of Silas A. PEARL and Ella Rose RADER, born 5 Feb 1900 Waterville WA (fh), died 19 Aug 1962 (o), of Granite Falls (o), interred Suncrest Garden, Washelli Cem. Seattle, WA (cms), married 18 June 1925 Seattle WA (fh)
.... Ernest JEGOU (c1930) or George Ernest JEGOU.(fh), born 21 June 1896 Montreal, Quebec, Canada, died 12 Feb 1977 Snohomish, Snohomish Co WA (di) address Granite Falls (ssdi); interred Washelli Cem. Seattle, WA (cms).
... Note: Ruby moved to Seattle in 1906 (or). The family moved to Edmonds WA in 1950 and to Granite Falls WA in 1956 (or). She worked as a telephone operator and he as a utility man in a saw mill (C1930).
... References:
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Washington King Co Seattle ED 6 sheet 16A page 82 res 186-189 (Ernest Jegou indexed Ancestry as Jegow with Ella R Pearl).
..... (or) Seattle Times 22 Aug 1962(obit for Ruby M. Jegou).
..... Silas A. Pearl manuscript reference History of the Big Bend Country 1904 by Western Pub. Co.(p706) (fh)
..... Loto STEWART or Loto Mildred STEWART (g) or Mildred L. STEWART (c1930) or Mildred STEWART or Marie STEWART (mi), dau of David Lincoln STEWART and Florence PEARL, born 3 July 1901 (di,ss) OR, died 20 March 1982 Clackamas Co., OR (di) while living in West Linn (ssdi), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Happy Valley, Clackamas Co., OR, CM, US Navy (fg), apparently married someone 2 Aug 1924 OR (g,mi) but name of groom not available in index. Apparently remarried 30 May 1950 Multnomah Co., or Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Peter ENNS or Peter F. ENNS or Pete ENNS, son of Frank Enns and Lois THURMAN (j), born 23 Aug 1896 (di,ssdi) Midway twp, Cottonwood, MN (j), parents born Russia (c1930), died 4 March 1979 Multnomah Co., OR (di) interred with wife, Pvt, US Army (fg). He was an automotive mechanic (c1930). They were together in the 1940 census. He reportedly married about 15 Aug 1943 and this was annulled 12 April 1945 (j)
.... Lois PHILLIPS, born 5 July 1900 (j,ssdi) or 1901 (di), died as Lois CURTIS 12 (di) or 15 April 1966 Nevada City, Nevada Co., CA (J) See (j) for further details.
.. Child:
....i. Rose ENNS (fg Peter) or Rosalind ENNS, born 23 May 1925, died as Rose Stunkard or 14 April 2009 Portland OR (ssdi), married 29 July 1950 Multnomah Co., OR (mi)
.......... Norman STUNKARD (l) or Norman W. STUNKARD or Norman Wilbur STUNKARD (fg), son of Loyd Stunkard (mse) or William Stunkard and Lillie PITSENBERGER (fg), born 11 Aug 1923 (di) Hillsboro OR (ons), died 9 Nov 1990 Tualatin hospital (ons) Clackamas Co., OR (di), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg), had at least 2 sons (ons) including
............... Donald STUNKARD or Donald Wayne STUNKARD, born 18 March 1954 Clackamas Co OR (fg), died 27 May 2008 Clackamas Co OR (fg)or Portland OR (ods), interred Oswego Pioneer Cemetery, Lake Oswego, Clackamas Co OR (fg), survived by wife and daughter (ods).
... Reference:
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930, Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 19 sheet 9A page 148 (Peter F Enns).
..... (g) Material added by Orlie and Evelyn Gerdes in July 30, 1995 edition of Synopsis of the Descendants of James Pearl (1807-1897) Of Linn Co Oregon and his wives Elizabeth Berry and Elizabeth Wiseman by Clyde M. Senger, Orlie Gerdes, and Evelyn Gerdes.
..... (j), World Connect Family Tree Jones - Luft Family on Rootsweb by Jared 2011 at
..... (l) Letters from Nathiel Kraemer dated 1977 and 1979.
..... (mse) Marriage announcement, Oregonian 6 Aug 1950 p55.
..... (ods) Obit for Donald Stunkard in The Oregonian, (Portland, OR) – 17 June 2008 page D08.
..... (ons) Obit for Norman Wilbur Stunkard in The Oregonian, (Portland, OR) - November 10, 1990.
-- **********.. FOURTH GENERATION.. ********** --
..... William PEARL or William R. PEARL or William Ray PEARL (o) or Willie R. PEARL son of James PEARL and Sydneth MILLER, born 25 (ww1) Feb 1874 (ww1,c1900) or Feb 1875 (c1900) Linn Co. OR, died 17 Dec 1923 Portland, OR (di), married 8 April 1896 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... Eva WHITED or Eva Lee WHITED, dau of Enos Whited (c1880,1910) and Malinda KAUBLE(), born 15 Jan 1880 (oa) or June () OR (o), died 26 April 1962 Lane Co., OR (di), interred Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg , Linn Co., OR. (o,fg). She married second 14 Nov 1912, Linn Co., OR (mi), in Albany (m),
........ William TEMPLETON or William T. TEMPLETON, son of Albert TEMPLETON (t,o,c1900), and Sarah MONTGOMERY (c1900) or Elizabeth MONTGOMERY (mi,t), born 3 (t) or 4 (o,fg) June 1882 (o,t) OR, died 27 June 1924 Linn Co., OR (di,o), interred by Eva (fg).
... Note: In 1900, Ray is with stepfather Michael McNary family without wife or child in Portland (c1900) and is also listed in East Ashland, Jackson Co., OR as a fireman for the railroad, with no wife but married 4 years (1900).
.. Child, 1 known
...*.i. Goldie PEARL or Goldie L. PEARL, born 27 June 1896 (di) or April 1897 OR (c1900), died 24 Oct 1989 Linn Co., OR (di), married
.......... Chester AUSTIN.
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... History of the Willamette Valley, Oregon by Charles Clark. 1922 (Albert Templeton v2 p556-558 fh)
..... Brownsville Times 4 July 1924
..... Brownsville Times 3 May 1962
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 76, sh 6 (Michael McNary)
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Jackson Co., East Ashland pre page 176 (Wm R Pearl)
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville pct ED 47 sheet 1A page 119 res 2-2 (Eva L Whited with Enos Whited).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Linn Co N Brownsville pct ED 183, sheet 18?A page 110 res 221-224 (Eva L Pearl with Enos Whited).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Linn Co 2 wd Brownsville S Brownsville pct ED 311, sheet 1B page 272 res 26-28 (William T Templeton).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Linn Co E Brownsville pct ED 16 sheet 3A page 77-78 res (Eva L Templeton with Chester Austin).
..... (m) Brownsville Times 15 Nov 1912 p3.
..... (oa) Oregon Archives delayed birth certificate.
..... (owp) Oregonian 19 Dec 1923 p20 c4 and 20 Dec p19 c4 and 5 (obit William Ray Pearl)
..... (t) William T. Templeton, A Pioneering Family , Genealogy and History by Dwight Templeton and others.
..... Hallie PEARL or Hallie M PEARL or Hallie May PEARL dau James PEARL and Sydnith MILLER (o), born 5 Aug 1876 Halsey Linn Co. OR (o), died as Hallie Holliday 21 Jan 1956 Portland, OR (di,o), interred Riverview Abbey, Portland, OR (o), married first 11 Jan 1893 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... E. E. COOPER (mi). Hallie May Cooper married 9 April 1909 Multnomah Co OR (mi)
.... E. C. HOLLIDAY (oa) or Earl HOLLIDAY or Earl Clifford HOLLIDAY (ww1), born 10 Dec 1884 (ww1), died 30 Dec 1926 Portland OR (di), interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg). Apparently they had separated by 1918 (ww1). At some time before 1923 she reportedly married a
..... STONER (owp) but did not go by that name at her death (o).
... Note: Hallie was a police matron for 26 years (o). In 1900 she is living with stepfather Michael McNary family but apparently without husband or daughter (c1900). In 1928, she is still living in Portland (fn).
... Child, apparently at least one daughter
....i. Dorothy COOPER or Dorothy Hylah COOPER (odg), born 8 Nov 1899, Brownsville, Linn Co., OR (odg), died as Dorothy Gruman 8 Nov 1959 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Riverview Abbey Mausoleum, Portland OR (odg), married ca 1925 (c1930) Portland Oregon (o)
.......... Ralph GRUMAN or Ralph H. GRUMAN, born 8 Sept 1895, died 16 April 1977 Portland OR (di), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 76, sheet 6 (Michael McNary)
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co., Portland ED 427, sheet 5B res 112-133 (Halli M Holliday with Ralph H Gruman)
..... (fn) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 (fn James A.)
..... (o) Oregonian 23 Jan 1956 (obit for Hallie Holliday).
..... (odg) Obit for Mrs. Dorothy Gruman Oregonian 10 Nov 1959.
..... (owp) obit William Ray Pearl, Oregonian 19 Dec 1923 p20 c4 and 20 Dec p19 c4 and 5.
..... Lulu PEARL or Lulu D. PEARL or Lelia D. PEARL (mi), or Lulu Day PEARL (dau James PEARL and Sydneth MILLER, born 4 March 1877 Linn Co. OR, died as Lulu Schaffer or Lulu Schaffeer or Lulu Schaeffer (di) 8 or 9 Jan 1962 Multnomah Co., OR (there seem to be 2 entries for the death of Lului in the di), interred Riverview Cem. (fg), married first 13 Oct 1899 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.... Benjamin CAIN or Benjamin L. CAIN or Benjamin Lee CAIN (ww1), born 25 (ww1) Nov 1878 TX (c1900), died listed as Benjamine 22 Apr 1951 Deschutes Co., OR (di), interred Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook Co., OR (fg). Benjamin and Lulu divorced 15 April 1902 (dbc). He then married Dec 1903
.... Luella COFFEY also listed as Lyla, Lala or Lulu and they divorced Umatilla Co. OR 1929 (oa). Lulu Pearl Cain married second 1904
.... Omer TAYLOR or Omer T. TAYLOR or Omer Tillman TAYLOR (ww1), born 17 Sept 1882 (ww1,fg) died 7 Nov 1940 Portland, OR (di), interred River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg). Although she is listed as divorced in 1930 (c1930), she is given as a surviving spouse in 1940 (fn). Lulu married third 25 March 1943 Vancouver, Clark Co WA (mc)
.... Paul SCHAFFER (ops) or Paul C. SCHAFFER (mc) or Paul SCHAFEER, born 4 June 1884 (ops), died 21 March 1952 Portland, OR (di), interred Riverview Cem. (ops)
... Note: In 1900, Benjamin L. and Lulu CAIN are with stepfather Michael McNary in Portland OR. (c1900). In 1930, Lulu is a restaurant cook (c1930).
.. Children, 2 known:
....i. George TAYLOR or George Pearl TAYLOR, born c1909 (1), died 30 July 1931 San Diego, CA (o), interred Riverview Cem. Portland OR (cem,fg).
....ii. Frank TAYLOR or Frank J. TAYLOR, born ca 1911 OR (c1920) or 5 (ssdi) July 1911 (di), died after 1962 (o) or June (ssdi) or 16 March 1974 Portland OR (fg), interred River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), married before 1940 (c1940) and divorced 2 Sept 1941 Clackamas Co OR (oa)
.......... Berthyne PRIESTLEY, dau of Shuyler Priestley and Hattie HOLM (tlr), born ca 1914 WA (c1940) or 12 Dec 1913 (ssdi) Long Beach WA (tlr), died as Betty Equall or Betty P. Equall 8 Sept 2009 Portland, Multnomah Co OR (ssdi), interred Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (tlr), married first 18 Feb 1933 Stevenson Co WA (wc)
.......... James MARSHALL or James H. MARSHALL. She married Sept 1942 (tlr)
.......... Eldon EQUALL or Eldon Russel EQUALL, son of Arthur Equall and Laura B. (tlr), born 20 March 1908 (di) Holyoke, CO (tlr), died 15 May 1988 Multnomah Co OR (di).
... References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 76, sh 6 (Michael McNary)
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900, Oregon, Linn Co., Halsey, sheet 1, (Grant Taylor).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910, Oregon, Linn Co., Halsey, sheet 2, res 52-52, (Grant Taylor).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 169 sheet 9A page 9 res 203-222 (Omer S? Taylor).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co., ED 44 sheet 7A page 53 res 16-18 (Lulu D Taylor).
..... (c1940) Federal Census, 1940 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 37-168 sheet 61B res 73 (Frank J Taylor).
..... (c1940) Federal Census, 1940 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 37-49A sheet 3A page 417? res 141 (Lulu D Taylor).
..... (dbc) Divorce listings, Oregonian 16 April 1902.
..... (fn) Funeral notice, Oregonian, Fri 8 Nov 1940, p 13, c 8, (Omer T. Taylor).
..... (fn) Oregonian 10 Sept 1928 p12 (James A.)
..... (o) Obit for Lulu Schaeffer, Oregonian 9 Jan 1962 and 12 Jan 1962 p18.
..... (ops) Obit for Paul C. Schaffer, Oregonian 23 March 1952 p14.
..... (tlr) Ancestry tree “TLR’s Tree” by tlrgang.
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol
..... Oregonian 1 Aug 1931, (death notice George Pearl Taylor).
..... Death notice, Oregonian, 25 Sept 1941, p 16, c 6, Frank J. Taylor, not son of Omer, born 8 Nov 1877, interred Woodlawn Cem., Whatcom Co., WA.
..... Evelyn PEARL or Evelyn Belle PEARL or Eva PEARL dau of John PEARL and Mary WEGER, born 17 April 1874 (cem) Linn Co. OR (), died as Evelyn Schell 23 Aug 1959 (di,cem) Multnomah Co OR (di), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland OR (cem,fg), married first 5 Oct 1892 Linn Co OR (mi)
.... Arthur ALLINGHAM or Arthur G. ALLINGHAM or Arthur Guy ALLINGHAM, son of David Allingham and Margaret DAVIDSON of Halsey OR (o,c1880), born 15 Oct 1870 Brownsville, Linn Co. OR (o); died 1 June 1939 Deschutes Co. OR (di,oaga) in an automobile accident near Mary’s Creek on the North Santiam Highway (oaga), interred Pilot Butte Cem., (oaga,cms) Bend, Deschutes Co OR (fg), was living in Sisters OR at time of death (oaga). Evelyn and Guy divorced and she apparently married a
.... NICHOLSON as that was the surname under which she married in 1922. I was unable to find her in the census 1900, 1910, or 1920. She married 9 Aug 1922 Vancouver, Clark Co WA (wada)
.... William A. SCHELL (c1930) or Axel SCHELL or Axel William SCHELL (cem), born 19 Jan 1888 (cem,fg) Sweden (c1930), died 17 Nov 1953 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland OR (cem,fg) and had a daughter, born 1926 (c1930) who was adopted (moh,pp).
.. Note: William Schell was a hardwood floor contractor. He came to the USA in 1905 and was naturalized (c1930). Guy reportedly was living in Grandview OR 1929 (oca) and apparently on an Aleutian Island managing a sheep operation in 1930 (c1930). Arthur married second apparently after 1930
.... Evaline (di) but there is no mention of her in the accident report and funeral notice (oaga).
.. Child, 1 by first marriage:
....i. Rex ALLINGHAM or Rex G. ALLINGHAM or Rex Guy ALLINGHAM , born 11 (ssdi) March 1894 OR (c1900), died 16 Dec 1976 Multnomah Co., OR (di), married
.......... Laura WRENN,
.......... Olive HANSON and
.......... Emma C. .
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Oregon Territory Donation Land Claim to 1855 Vol 8 (page 4-5 David Allingham).
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses March 1882 - Nov 1894 Vol 4
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Halsey 19 page 426C, res 160-160 (David Allingham)
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Crook Co. Black Butte ED 8 sheet 1A page 9 res 10-10 (Rex with A. G. Allingham).
..... (c1905) County Census 1905 Oregon Linn Co Halsey (Rex with David W Allingham)
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Crook Co. Prineville sheet 8B page 276 res 172-178 (Guy Allingham).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co. Portland ED 7 sheet 6B page 172 res 45-276 (Arthur Allingham).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Alaska Aleutian Islands 3rd Jud. Dist ED 27 sheet 11A page 170 (Arthur G Allingham).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co. Portland ED 405 sheet 5B res 122-124 (William A Schell).
..... (moh) Letter from Mary O Haller 1990.
..... (oaga) Bend Bulletin June 1 1939 p1 and june 2 1939 p1 (news items on Guy Allingham).
..... (oca) Oregonian 31 March 1929 (obit Carter Allingham).
..... (oj) Oregonian 20 July p9 c7 and 21 July 1931 p11 c7 and p18 c1(obit for John R Pearl).
..... (olwa) Bend Bulletin April 14 1939 page 4 c6 and April 15 1939 page 1 (obit Laura W Allingham).
..... (omfp) Oregonian 23 Dec 1936 p13 (Mary F. Pearl obit)
..... (on) Hillsboro Argus 22 Oct 1936 p4 second section (obit Nellie Weger)
..... (pp) Communication from Pauline Parrin.
..... Elmer PEARL or Elmer J. PEARL (c1920) Elmer John PEARL (ww1) or John E. PEARL (c1880), son of John Rush PEARL and Mary F. WEGER, born 21 (ssdi) Dec 1875 (di) Linn Co. OR, died 9 Aug 1972 Linn Co., OR (di) address Brownsville (ssdi), interred Crawfordsville Cemetery, Crawfordsville Linn Co., OR (cms,fg), married 21 Sept 1898 Linn Co. OR (mi),
.... Ora CUTLER or Ora J. CUTLER or Ora Jane CUTLER (oop), dau of Benjamin Cutler and Effie ELLIOTT (cms,dc at fg), born 31 Dec 1876 Brownsville, Linn Co OR (oop), died as Ora Pearl 8 Jan 1952 (di) Sweet Home (oop,dc at fg), Linn Co. OR (di), interred near husband (cms,fg);
.. Children, 5 known
.....i. Lois PEARL or Lois G. PEARL, born 1 (fg) Nov 1899 (di), died 8 Oct 1977 Benton Co. OR (di) address Lebanon Linn Co OR (ssdi), interred Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Linn Co., OR (fg), married 14 June 1922 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.......... Sherman SAVAGE or Sherman B. SAVAGE (noeg), born 13 (ssdi) Aug 1892, died 2 Oct 1974 Linn Co OR (di) address Brownsville (ssdi), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn Co., OR (fg). They had a son who married but no known children (noeg). She married second apparently between 1942 and 1952
.......... Harvey PRUTZMAN (noeg) or Harvey J. PRUTZMAN or Harvey James PRUTZMAN (ww2), son of Jacob Prutzman and Matilda SHEARER (wsda) or Mathilda BROTSMAN (st) or Malilba (fg), born 18 Dec 1886 (fg), died 14 July 1954 Vancouver, Clark Co., WA (wsda), interred Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark Co., WA (fg). They were living in McMinnville OR in 1952 (oop).
....*.ii. Theodore Kelly PEARL, born 16 Nov 1905 (di), died 15 May 1994 Linn Co., OR (di) married
.......... Helen E. McCRACKEN.
....iii. Elwyn PEARL or Elwyn R. PEARL, born 1907, died 12 July 1937 Coos Co., OR (di) at McKinley Logging Camp near Coquille, interred Alford Cem near Harrisburg (oep,fg), married 8 April 1930 (noeg)
.......... Edna SCOTT (oep), born 19 July 1912 (di) OR (c1930), died as Edna Weger 29 April 1986 Benton Co., OR (di). They had a son and a daughter. She married second 1 July 1940 Benton Co., OR (ocm)
.......... Earl WEGER or Earl Medwin WEGER, born 14 April 1906 (fg), died 4 July 1991 (fg), interred Twin Oaks Memorial Garden, Albany, Linn Co., OR (fg).
....iv. John PEARL or John J. PEARL or John Joseph PEARL (ojp), born 12 June 1910 (ssdi), died 5 Dec 1999 address Las Vegas NV (ssdi), married 6 Aug 1933 Benton Co., OR (noeg,ocm)
.......... Curtis HOTTELL or Curtis Roxanne HOTTELL (noeg,ocm), born 25 Sept 1908 (ssdi) OH (c1930,di), died 27 Feb 1994 Las Vegas, Clark Co NV (di), had 2 daughters and a son (noeg). She was a school teacher (c1930).
....v. son PEARL, born 24 Sept 1912 (ba) who married 14 Dec 1935 (olp) Clark Co WA (mi)
.......... LaVerne WARDEN, dau of Albert Warden and Almina CHASTAIN, born 4 Aug 1913 Halsey, Linn Co., OR (olp), died 26 Sept 2008 Scio, Linn Co., OR (olp).
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (ba) Brownsville Times 27 Sept 1912 (birth announcement).
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Oregon Linn Co Halsey page 428B (John R Pearl).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co Creawfordsville pct ED 42 sheet 12 page 66 res 265-269 (Elmer Pearl).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville pct ED 193 sheet 9 page 212 res 120-120 (E J Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville pct ED 311 sheet 3B page 274 res 75-75 (Elmer J Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Clackamas Co Garfield ED 38 sheet 1B res 22-22 (Curtiss R Hottell).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Linn Co Foster pct ED 20 sheet 2B res 42-42 (Elwyn R Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Linn Co East Halsey ED 19 sheet 1B res 16-16 (Edna Scott with Paul Bierly family).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Oregon Lincoln Co Bay View ED 21-5 page 28 sheet 1A res 10 (Lois Savage).
..... (noeg) Notes of Orlie and Evelyn Gerdes.
..... (oep) Brownsville Times 15 July 1937 p2 c3 (obit Elwyn Pearl).
..... (olp) Lebanon Express (OR) Wednesday Oct 1 2008 (obit LaVerne Pearl).
..... (oop) Brownsville Times 10 Jan 1952 p4 c2 (obit Ora Pearl).
..... (st) Stumpenhaus Family Tree at Ancestry.
..... Mary PEARL or Mary Nellie PEARL or Nellie Marie PEARL dau John Rush PEARL and Mary WEGER, born 31 July 1878 (nfh) or 1877 (cem) Linn Co. OR, died as Nellie Weber 16 Oct 1936 (di) Hillsboro Washington Co. OR (on), interred Riverview Cem. Portland OR (cms,fg), married 12 April 1899 Linn Co. OR (mi) in Brownsville ()
.... John WEBER or John K. WEBER, son of Georg Weber and Catherina ATTIG (fg), born 21 (fg) or 23 Oct 1872 (oj) Pontiac, Woodford Co., Illinois, died 2 June 1941 (di) Hillsboro, Washington Co., OR (oj,fg), interred Riverview Cem. sec 105 (cms,fg).
.. Children, 2
...*.i. John Delford WEBER, born 10 Sept 1900 (nfh), OR, died 24 June 1964 Clackamas Co., OR (di), married
.......... Mina May SMITH.
...*.ii. Mary Oveta WEBER, born 23 Nov 1901 (di) Brownsville, Linn Co. OR, died 21 May 1979 Clackamas Co., OR (di), married .......... Robert BARNES.
... References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (oj) Hillsboro Argus 5 June 1941 p7 (obit John Weger).
..... (on) Hillsboro Argus 22 Oct 1936 p4 second section (obit Nellie Weger)
..... (nfh) Letter of Nellie Marie Pearl family history .
..... Ivan PEARL or Ivan Lester PEARL (moh) or Lester B. PEARL (oj) or Lester J. PEARL (mi), son of John Rush PEARL and Mary F. WEGER, born 2 Aug 1879 (di) Linn Co. OR, died 1 June 1952 Orange Co., CA (di), married 13 April 1900 Linn Co., OR (mi),
.... Mable MARSTERS (di) or Mable R. MASTERS (mi Linn Co) or Mabel MARSTERS or Mabel Ruth MARSTERS (mrs), dau of Elias Marsters and Maria ROBE (mrs), born 4 Nov 1880, OR (di), died 17 Jan 1950 Orange Co., CA (di)
... Note: There is a divorce record for them 1920 Clackamas Co OR (oa) but they must have reunited. Living in Santa Ana CA in 1930 (c1930), 1936 (on) and 1940 (c1940).
... Children:
....i. Harlan PEARL or Harlan Robert PEARL, born 29 Jan 1903 (di) Linn Co. OR, died 13 March 1947 San Bernadino Co., CA (di), married ca 1928
.......... Genevieve CREE, dau of Harry Cree and Ethel (c1930) probably Ethel BALDWIN (di children), born 19 March 1908 (ssdi) Riverside CA (ogp), died 4 Oct 1999 Yucaipa, San Bernardino Co., CA (ogp), and had 4 children (ogp) apparently including
..............a. Miriam PEARL or Miriam J. PEARL (omw) or Miriam Joyce PEARL (fg), born 20 April 1930 (fg) Riverside, Riverside Co CA (omw), died as Miriam WETMORE 6 June 2000 Yucaipa, San Bernardino Co., CA (omw), interred Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, Riverside Co., CA (fg), married
.................... John WETMORE or John Marvin WETMORE (fg), born 11 Aug 1919 (fg), died 9 June 2005 CA (ojw), interred with wife, survived by a later wife and children (ojw), and
..............b. Richard Pearl or Richard Lawrence Pearl, born 4 Aug 1935, died 4 March 2007 Houston, HARRIS Co., TX (ssdi).
....ii. Helen PEARL or Helen Ruth PEARL (mrs), born 29 Jan 1903, Linn Co. OR (mrs), died 29 Oct 1927 (di,moh,mrs) Lane Co OR (di), interred Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery (cem,mrs,fg), married 11 Sept 1926
.......... Theodore GEORGE or Theodore A. "Ted" GEORGE (mrs) or Theodore Alonzo GEORGE, son of John George and Elizabeth BROWN, born 21 June 1902 , died 31 Dec 1989 Lane Co OR (di), interred West Lawn Memorial Park, Eugene, Lane Co., OR (fg), married later
.......... Isabelle or Isabelle HOOVER (di), born 9 Oct 1902 (ssdi) Clearfield Co PA, died 26 Jan 2003 Lane Co., OR (di) address Eugene (ssdi), interred with husband (fg).
.. References:
..... Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville 1 wd ED 47 sheet 9B page 127 res 182-185 (Lester I Pearl).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 7 wd ED 176 sheet 8A page 38 res 209 (Lester Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland 103 pct ED 50 sheet 7B page 23 res 165-175 (Lester B Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Lane Co Eugene ED 30 sheet 3B res 72-72 (Theodore with Elizabeth George).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 California Riverside Co Riverside ED 59 sheet 1B res 30-30 and Harry C Cree same page (Harlan Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 California Orange Co Santa Ana ED 71 page 95 sheet 2A res 35-42 (Lester B Pearl).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 California Orange Co Santa Ana ED 30-90 page 1471 sheet 2B res 51(Lester B Pearl).
..... (moh) Letter from Mary O Haller 1990.
..... (mrs) World Connect Family Tree "Relatives of Margaret Robe Summitt" by Margaret Robe Summitt 2004.
..... (oa) Oregon State Archives, Historical Records Index on-line.
..... (ogp) Obit for Genevieve Pearl in The Press-Enterprise, (Riverside, CA) - October 13, 1999.
..... (oj) Oregonian ? 20 July p9 c7 and 21 July 1931 p11 c7 and p18 c1 (obit John Rush)
..... (ojw) Obit for John Marvin Wetmore in The Press-Enterprise, (Riverside, CA) - June 14, 2005.
..... (omw) Obit for Miriam Joyce Wetmore in The Press-Enterprise, (Riverside, CA) - June 10, 2000.
..... (on) Hillsboro Argus 22 Oct 1936 p4 second section (obit Nellie Weger)
..... Winfred PEARL or Frank PEARL or Frank W. PEARL (wbi) or Frank Winfred Truman PEARL (oa) or Franklin PEARL or Franklin Winfred PEARL, son of Silas PEARL and Mary LESLIE, born 16 March 1882 (oa,ww1) or 16 (noeg) March 1881 OR, died 28 June 1965 King Co., WA (di), interred Cedar Lawns Memorial Park, Redmond, King Co., WA (fg). He may have married about 1897 probably in Lane Co., OR
.... Mattie McGEE (noeg) or Martha Ann McGEE, dau of John McGee and Eliza CORBETT (mw), born June 1879 TN (fg), died as Mattie Ann Lamb 12 Feb 1929 Linn Co., OR (di), interred Laurel Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Lane Co., OR (fg), married 14 May 1900 Lane Co., OR (mw)
.......... Andrew LAMB or Andrew F. LAMB or Andrew Frederick LAMB (mw), born 11 Jan 1854 VT (mw), died 5 April 1925 Lane Co., OR (di), interred near Mattie (fg). Frank and Mattie are not together in the 1900 census when their child is with the maternal grandparents. Frank then married 29 Jan 1903 Chelan Co., WA (mi)
.... Edna MATHERS or Edna E. MATHERS, dau of James Mathers (jj) and Agnes McDONALD (jj) or Mary McDONALD (jj,fg), born July (fg,c1900) 1884 ND (noeg,c1900), died 27 Dec 1904 WA (fg), interred Chelan Fraternal Cemetery, Chelan, Chelan Co., WA (fg). Frank married next 12 Nov 1905 Walla Walla, WA (wsda)
.... Mamie HART, dau of M. M. Hart apparently Moses Hart and Ione SEDGWICK (wsda mc) or possibly Ione BLUMFIELD (wsda dr), born ca 1882 (c1910) Goldendale, (wsda) WA (c1910,wsda), died as Mamie Koch 12 Sept 1912 Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co WA (wsda). Mamie married 3rd as Mamie Pearl 11 Nov 1911 Walla Walla Co WA (wsda)
.......... Jacob KOCH, son of George Koch and Katherine DIPPEL (wsda mc), born Canada (wsda). Frank then married 21 Dec 1912 Multnomah Co OR (mi listed as F W Pearl and Saloma Kilpatrick)
.... Poloma KILPATRICK (c1900,c1910) or Paloma KILPATRICK or Paloma Bell KILPATRICK (wbi), born March 1898 (c1900) or 2 Nov 1897 (di) or 1902 (noeg probably incorrect), died as Paloma Cutler 5 Dec 1979 Multnomah Co OR (di) or 1977 OR (noeg also probably incorrect), interred Cedar Lawns Memorial Park, Redmond, King Co WA (fg). Frank and Paloma must have separated about 1923. She then married about 1925
.......... Harry CUTLER or Harry A. CUTLER or Harry Allan CUTLER (wwi), son of Frank Cutler and LaVerne SOUTHMAYD (fg), born 1 Oct 1895 Chicago, IL (wwi), died 11 (fg) Feb 1969, Brewster, WA (di), interred Bridgeport Cemetery, Bridgeport, Douglas Co WA (fg) and had at least 2 children including
............... Lyle CUTLER or Lyle L. CUTLER, born 4 Sept 1927, died 28 March 1972 (fg) Okanogan Co WA (di), interred near father (fg).
Frank married last 8 Feb 1924 Seattle, King Co., WA (wsda)
.... Irene MILLER (ml) or Mary PARKER or Mary Irene PARKER MILLER, born 5 Jan 1903 WA, died 1 July 1977 WA (noeg), married first 13 July 1921 Mount Vernon, Skagit Co WA (mc)
.......... Albert MILLER, son of Albert Miller and Maggie KLINE (jp), born 10 April 1892 La Conner, Skagit Co WA (jp), died 17 Dec 1960 La Conner, Skagit Co WA (jp), interred Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park, Seattle, King Co WA (fg). Irene married 6 Feb 1949 Mount Vernon, Skagit Co WA (mc)
.......... Edward GILLETTE or Edward E. GILLETTE (mc) or Edward Emmett GILLETTE (jp), son of David Gillette and Agnes WALLACE (jp), born 1 Oct 1902 WA (jp), died 23 May 1975 (jp)
... Note: This must be the Winfred, a miner, single, son-in-law of Clyde and Mary ANDREWS both born 1864, in Toats Coulee Okanogan Co., WA in 1900 (c1900).
.. Children with McGee:
....i. Roy PEARL or Roy W. PEARL or Roy Wilber PEARL, born 4 Feb 1898 (ssdi) OR (noeg), died 8 Oct 1953 Lane Co., OR (di), interred Gates Cemetery, Crow, Lane Co., OR (fg). Roy married
.......... Lela HOLLAND or Lela Faye HOLLAND or Faye Lela HOLLAND (fg), dau of Edward Holland and Emma PICKENS (fg), born 31 March 1907, died as Lela Pearl or Lela Faye Pearl (di) 12 Dec 1989 Lane Co OR (di), interred near husband, (fg), children apparently include
............... Donald PEARL, born 14 June 1929 (fg), died 23 Jan 1931 Lane Co OR (di), interred near parents (fg).
.. Children with Mathers:
....ii. Harold PEARL or Harold F. PEARL (noeg), born 24 Aug 1903 Chelan Co (wbi) WA (noeg,wbi), died 23 Oct 1996, address Yakima, Yakima Co WA (ssdi), married 26 Dec 1922 Wenatchee Chelan Co WA (mi)
.......... Mildred PASLEY or Mildred PASLAY (wsda mc), dau of Walter Pasley (c1910) and Cora BERRY (mi), born 4 Sept 1905 (ssdi) WA (noeg), died 8 Dec 1983 (ssdi) address Yakima, Yakima Co WA (ssdi), had children.
.. Children with Kilpatric:
...iii. Joseph Pearl or Joseph Franklin Pearl (cem) or Joe Pearl (mc) or Joe F Pearl (ssdi), born 25 May 1914 Bridgeport (cem) Douglas Co (wbi) or Brewster, Okanogan Co., (fg) WA (cem), died 28 Nov 1990 Bridgeport, WA (cem) or Brewster, Okanogan Co., WA (fg), interred Packwood Memorial Cemetery, Dyer, Douglas Co WA (cem,fg), married 3 July 1937 Davenport, Lincoln Co., WA but also recorded Spokane Co WA (mc)
.......... Evelyn STROMER (cem), dau of Harry Stromer and Clara A. (c1930), born 7 Nov 1919, died 25 June 2001 address Bridgeport, Douglas Co WA (ssdi), interred near husband (fg).
....iv. Evelyn PEARL or Evelyn Gertrude PEARL, born 1 Sept 1915 (wbi) Bridgeport (oeg) Douglas Co WA (wbi), died 1 May 2010 Kennewick, Benton Co WA (oeg), married about 1932
.......... Charles WRIGHT and married 19 Oct 1947 King Co., WA as Evelyn P. Wright
.......... Orlie GERDES.
....v. Dennis PEARL or Dennis L. PEARL (noeg), born 12 Jan 1918 Douglas Co WA (wbi), died Feb 1985 address Lewiston, Nez Perce Co ID (ssdi).
....iv. Lois PEARL or Lois L.PEARL, born, 22 (noeg) or 21 Feb. 1920 (ssdi) WA (noeg), died 30 Sept 2000 address Kennewick, Benton Co WA (ssdi), interred Cedar Lawns Memorial Park, Redmond, King Co., WA (fg), married first
.......... Jack MILLER or Jack B. Forshay MILLER or probably Jack Bailey MILLER (di), born 20 June 1904 (di) or 1906 OK (noeg), died 24 June (di) 1949 (noeg) San Francisco CA (di). Lois married second 5 Aug 1966
.......... William MOCIULSKI or William J. MOCIULSKI, born 10 Nov 1925 (ssdi) IN (noeg), died 1 Aug 1991 Redmond WA (di) interred by wife (fg).
.. Children with Mary Irene Parker:
..... Lucile MILLER or Lucile PEARL (c1930) or Lucile Bernice MILLER (jp) stepchild, dau of Albert Miller and Mary Irene Parker (jp), born 6 Jan 1922 (ssdi) Seattle, King Co WA (esda), died as Lucile Yates 15 Dec 2005 address Mount Vernon, Skagit Co., WA (ssdi), interred near first husband (fg), married first 5 Feb (wsda) or 5 Jan 1950 WA (noeg)
.......... Fred KOLB or Fred L. KOLB, born 24 March 1916 (ssdi) LaConner WA (wsda,noeg), died 28 March 1976 Seattle, King Co WA (di) living in Granite Falls, Snohomish Co., WA (ssdi), interred Hawthorne Memorial Park, Mount Vernon, Skagit Co WA (dg). She married second 5 July 1979 Clark Co., NV (mi)
.......... Kenneth YATES or Kenneth E. YATES b 28 Feb 1931 (ssdi) CO (noeg), died 12 July 1986 WA Kirkland, King Co WA (di) address North Bend, King Co., WA (ssdi) interred Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King Co WA (fg).
....iiv. Dorothy PEARL or Dorothy May PEARL, born 22 Feb 1924 (ssdi) WA, died as Dorothy Fagan 14 (di) Sept 1976 (ssdi,di) Tacoma, Pierce Co WA (di), while living in Mt. Vernon, Skagit Co., WA (di,ssdi), married 29 June 1946 Skagit Co WA
.......... Wilber Fagan or Wilber John Fagan (mc), son of Edwin Fagan and Bessie MODAR (jp), born 15 June 1913 Skagit Co WA (jp), died 30 Dec 2007 Mount Vernon, Skagit Co WA (jp), and had children including
............... Ronald FAGAN or Ronald J. FAGAN, born 31 Oct 1951 Mount Vernon, Skagit Co WA (orf), died 23 July 2009 (orf,jp), survived by wife and children (orf).
....viii. Virginia PEARL (c1930) or Margaret PEARL (oeg) or Margaret Virginia PEARL, born 8 Jan 1927 WA (noeg), died before 2010 as Margaret Gallagher or Virginia Gallagher (oeg), not 26 Sept 2008 Address Seattle, King Co WA (ssdi) , married 17 April 1945 King Co WA (wsda)
.......... Edward GALLAGHER or Edward S. GALLAGHER or Sidney Gallagher or Sidney Edward Gallagher or Sydney Edward Gallagher, probably the one born 15 or 23 Oct 1910, died 12 () Dec 2000 (ssdi).
....ix. Norma PEARL (di) or Norma Henriette PEARL, born 11 May 1929 WA (noeg), died 4 June 1933 Seattle, King Co., WA (di), apparently interred Redmond Cemetery, Redmond, King Co., WA (fg).
....x. Frances PEARL or Frances Irene PEARL, born 22 Feb 1931 WA (noeg), apparently the one who died as Iren Pearl 28 Jan 2000 (ssdi) address Sedro Wooley, Skagit Co WA (ssdi), but also known as Frances I BUFFINGTON (oeg), married 24 May 1947 Whatcom Co WA (wsda)
.......... Harold HIGDAY or Harold Eugene HIGDAY, son of Elmer HIGDAY and Virgie ROBERTS (jp), born 26 July 1925 AR (fg), died 11 Nov 2006 Hesperia, San Bernardino Co CA (fg), interred Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, Riverside o CA (fg).
... Reference:
..... (ab) Appleland Bulletin vol 16 issue 3 p34 Chelan Co. Marriages 1900-1930.
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Tennessee Jefferson Co ED 175 page 469B (Martha A with John B Mc Gee)
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Lane Co Fairmount ED 113 Sheet 6B res 127-127 (Andrew F Lamb)
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Okanogan Co Toats Coulee ED 43? Sheet 4A page 99 res 96-96 (Winfred Pearl with Clyde Andrews)
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Pacific Co Chinook ED 143 page 285 sheet 14B res 338-339 (Poloma with William Kilpatrick)
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Chelan Co Chelan ED 44 page 32? sheet 6B res 135-136 (Edna with Agnes Mathers)
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Washington King Co Seattle ward 14 ED 217 page 160 sheet 7B res 186-187 (Poloma Kilpatrick)
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Washington Walla Walla Co Walla Walla 2 wd ED 249 sheet 9B res 174-196 (Frank W Pearl).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Washington Chelan Co Chelan ED 29 page 251 sheet 4A res 37-37 (Harold Pearl with Agnes Mathew).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Washington King Co Redmond ED57 sheet 11A (Frank Pearl).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Washington Chelan Co Boyd ED 2 page 5 sheet 1A res 10-10 (Harold Pearl with Arthur A Mathers).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington King Co Earlington ED 271 page 274 sheet 6A res 147-147 (Harry A Cutler)
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington Okanogan Co Disautel ED 13 page 34 sheet 4A res 11-12 (Frank Pearl).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington Douglas Co Burke ED 7 sheet 2B page 92 res 38-38 (laborer with William Buckingham).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington Douglas Co Bar ED 1 sheet 2A page 71? res 39-41 (Harry G Stromer).
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Washington King Co Auburn ED 17-10 page 111 sheet 6A res 132 (Irene M Pearl)
..... (jj) Ancestry Family Tree “Hay, Josephson, Wilson Tree” by Jeanine Josephson.
..... (jp) Ancestry Family Tree “JWmParker” by Jeffry Parker.
..... (mw) World Connect Family Tree " Woods/Lamb/Orchard/Smith " by Michael Woods in 2005 at See also 4 listings at Ancestry under Arlene Family Tree, Cummins Family Tree , Jeanne Gulliver's Family Tree, and Stumpenhaus Family Tree.
..... (noeg) Notes from Orlie and Evelyn (Pearl) Gerdes
..... (oa) Oregon Archives delayed birth certificate.
..... (ocw) Obit for Charles E. Wright Seattle Daily Times, July 23, 1947.
..... (oeg) Obit for Evelyn Gerdes Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, WA) - May 9, 2010 page B3
..... (oog) Obit for Orlie Gerdes Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, WA) – July 24, 2011
..... (orf) Obit for Ronald J. Fagan, The Daily Herald, (Everett, WA) - Tuesday, August 18, 2009.
..... (wbi) Washington State Birth Index, Prior to 1910 - 1919
..... Lutie PEARL dau of Joseph H. "Jode" PEARL and Margaret M. WIGLE , born 2 or 13 (ssdi) April 1882 Linn Co. OR, died 25 Sept 1971 Douglas Co WA (di), interred Mountain View Abbey Mausoleum, Waterville Cemetery, Waterville Douglas Co WA (cem,fg), obit in Wenatchee World, Wenatchee, WA, married 10 July 1907 Linn Co., OR (mi),
.... Arthur SCHICK or Arthur E. SCHICK or Arthur Earnest SCHICK (fg), son of John Schick (mbt,c1900) and Wilaemina (cem), born 13 March 1880 (ssdi), probably Livingston Co (c1880) IL (c1910), died 19 July 1977 age 97 years Wenatchee, Chellan Co WA (di), residence Waterville (ssdi) Douglas Co WA (di), interred Waterville Cemetery, near wife (cem,fg).
... Children:
....i. Adelbert SCHICK (cem) or J. Adelbert SCHICK (obit) or Joseph A. SCHICK (di) or Joseph Adelbert SCHICK, "Del" (ce) or J SCHICK (ssdi), born 1910 (cem) or 7 Jan 1910 (ssdi ,ce) WA (c1920), died 18 Feb 1985 (di,fg) (ssdi has May 1986 but apparently a recording error) Wenatchee, Chelan Co WA, residence Douglas Co WA (di), interred Mausoleum, Waterville Cemetery, Waterville Douglas Co WA (fg) next to mother (cem), married 11 Mar 1933 Douglas Co., WA (mi)
.......... Lola GALLAHER or Lola Mable GALLAHER (ce,fg) or L. Mabel GALLAHER (mi), dau of David C. Gallaher and Ruth KINNEY ((bi,mreturn), born 20 April 1914 Douglas Co WA (bi), died 23 Aug 1939, age 34y 4m 3d, Seattle, King Co WA (dr), interred Aug 26, 1939 Waterville Cemetery (cem,fg), and had 2 sons.
..............a. Ernie SCHICK or Ernie L. SCHICK, born 10 Dec 1937, died 30 May 1983 cremated, interred by Lola 23 May 1990, a Vet of Vietnam (cem) and
..............b. another, both of whom had children (ce). Adelbert married 17 Jan 1942 in Coeur d'Alene, ID (ce)
.........Edith Mildred (cem) or Edith NELSON or Edith M. NELSON or Edith Mildred NELSON (ce), born 6 Aug 1910 (cem), died 28 May 1986 age 75 years Douglas Co WA (di), address Waterville (ssdi as E Schick), interred by husband (cem). Note: The SSDI record for J Schick has the same SS number as the state record but the death date as the wife. There must have been an error in transcribing at some point (cms). They had at least a daughter (ce).
....ii. A. Keith SCHICK (di) or Arthur SCHICK or Arthur Philip Keith SCHICK (bi), born 12 March 1913 Farmer (oaks), Douglas Co WA (bi), died 1 Dec 2006 address Silverdale, Kitsap Co., WA (ssdi), married 29 May 1937, Seattle King Co ., WA license and residence Douglas Co., (mi)
.......... Margaret COFFMAN or Margaret Ann COFFMAN (oms) or Ann COFFMAN (mi), dau of Chauncey Coffman and Edith WATTS (oms), born 1 July 1910, Seattle WA (oms), died as Margaret Schick 12 May 2006 address Poulsbo, Kitsap Co., WA (ssdi), survived by two sons and others. (oaks).
... References:
..... (c1880) Federal Census 1880 Illinois Livingston Co Saunemin page 326A (John Schick).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co Brownsville ED 47 sheet 4B page 122 res 83-85 (John Schick).
..... (c1910) Federal Census 1910 Washington Douglas Co Farmer pct ED 49 sheet 8A page 87 res 50 (Arthur Schick).
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Washington Douglas Co Farmer pct ED 30 sheet 1 page 49 res 6-6 (Arthur Schick).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Washington Douglas Co Farmer ED 11 sheet 1A page 101? res 6-6 (Arthur E Schick).
..... (ce) E-mail 2005 from colleen erny.
..... (mbt) Brownsville Times 12 July 1907 marriage notice)
..... (mi) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (oaks) Obit in the Kitsap Sun online
..... (oms) Obit for Margaret Schick , Kitsap Sun online at
..... H. Hazel PEARL (fg) or Hallie PEARL or Hallie PEARL or Hallie "Hazel" PEARL dau of Joseph PEARL and Margaret WIGLE , born 14 Nov 1893 Linn Co. OR (di), died 26 Oct 1995 Linn Co., OR (di), interred Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co., OR (fg), married 19 Jan 1916 Linn Co., OR (mi),
.... Raleigh TEMPLETON or Raleigh Albert TEMPLETON, son of Albert TEMPLETON (c1900), and Sarah MONTGOMERY (c1900) or Elizabeth MONTGOMERY (mi,t), born 2 Aug 1884 (t), died 18 Aug 1954 Linn Co., OR (di), interred near wife (fg).
... Children
....i. Dwight TEMPLETON or Dwight Albert TEMPLETON, born 8 Dec 1916 (t) Cashmere (fg) Chelan Co., WA (bi), died 16 Dec 2010 OR (fg), interred Gilliland Cemetery, Sweet Home, Linn Co., OR (fg), married 12 April 1952 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.......... Gladys OLDENBURG or Gladys N OLDENBURG, born 23 Feb 1918 (di), died 9 April 1987 Linn Co OR (di), interred Lewis Cemetery Sweet Home Linn Co., OR (fg), had 3 children. Dwight married second (wf) 8 Jan 1980 in Lovelock NV (mi)
.......... Mrs. Frances ZOOK or Frances GORDON or Frances Roberta GORDON (fg), dau of John Gordon and Lois GRIFFITH (fg), born 1 March 1926 Littlefork, Koochiching Co., MN (fg), died 10 Dec 2010 Sweet Home, Linn Co., OR (fg), interred by husband (fg).
....ii. Margaret TEMPLETON or Margaret Elizabeth TEMPLETON, born 17 Dec 1918 (di,t) Halsey, Linn Co., OR (fg), died as Margaret Breuer 26 Feb 1978 (di,t) Gold Beach (fg) Curry Co., OR (di), interred Myrtle Crest Memorial Gardens, Coquille, Coos Co., OR (fg), married
.......... Earl BREUER or Earl M. BREUER (fg), born 29 Sept 1914 Myrtle Point, Coos Co., OR (fg), 2 children (t).
....iii. daughter TEMPLETON, born 5 Aug 1923 (t), married with 3 children (t).
... References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville ED 47 sheet 3B page 121 res 61-63 (Albert M Templeton).
..... (fh) History of the Willamette Valley, Oregon by Charles Clark. 1922 (Albert Templeton v2 p556-558)
..... (mi) Linn County, Oregon Pioneer Settlers, Marriage Licenses November 1894 through November 1921 Vol 5
..... (t) William T. Templeton, A Pioneering Family , Genealogy and History.
..... (wf) World Connect Family Tree " Mostly my 7th cousins 4 times removed: Please see notes for parents & parents-in-law before asking me where these data came from" by Warren Forsythe 2005.
-- **********.. FIFTH GENERATION.. ********** --
.... Goldie PEARL or Goldie L. PEARL or Goldie Lureta PEARL dau of Willie PEARL and Eva WHITED, born 27 June 1896 (di) or April 1897 (c1900) Brownsville, Linn Co. OR, died 24 Oct 1989 Linn Co., OR (di) address Brownsville (ssdi), interred Alford Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn Co., OR (fg), married 25 Feb 1915 Linn Co OR
.... Chester AUSTIN or Chester A. AUSTIN, son of William Austin and Mary WOODDY (dc at fg), born 1 Dec 1890 (ssdi) WA, died 15 June 1980 Linn Co., OR (di) address Brownsville (ssdi), interred by wife (fg).
... Note: They ran a grocery store in Brownsville Linn Co OR (jp).
... Child:
....i. William AUSTIN or William A. AUSTIN (c1930) or Billie AUSTIN, apparently the one born 27 Dec 1920 (ssdi) OR (c1930), died 22 April 2001 address Brownsville (ssdi), living with wife and son in Klamath Falls, OR in 1958 (ni), interred Alford Cemetery (fg).
... Reference:
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co S Brownsville pct ED 47 sheet 1A page 119 res 2-2 (Eva L Whited with Enos Whited).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Linn Co E Brownsville pct ED 16 sheet 3A page 98 res 77-78 (Chester Austin).
..... (jp) Handwritten manuscript Family of James A. Pearl probably by Hazle Templeton.
..... (ni) News item, Brownsville Times, 2 Jan 1958, p4 c3.
.... Rex ALLINGHAM or Rex G. ALLINGHAM or Rex Guy ALLINGHAM, son of Arthur Allingham and Evelyn Pearl, born 11 (ssdi) March 1894 OR (c1900), died 16 Dec 1976 Multnomah Co., OR (di), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg), married 5 April 1919 Lane Co OR (mi)
.... Laura WRENN (mi) or Laura WREN (fdc), dau of Benjamin Wren and Harriet KELLEY (fdc), born 23 Oct 1896 (olwa) or 1897 (fg) Warren, Avon Co., IL (fdc) (No Avon Co in IL???), died 13 April 1939 Deschutes Co OR (di), interred Pilot Butte Cemetery, Bend Deschutes Co OR (olwa,fg). Rex married 21 Sept 1940 Clark Co., WA (wsda)
.... Olive HANSON or Olive Mabel HANSON. Rex married later
.... Emma C., probably or Emma ALLENBAUCH (c1900), or Emma C. ALLENBAUCH, if so, dau of Louis Allenbach and Bertha MAURER (mi Emma), born 10 July 1888 (cem) Peabody, KS (mi), died 2 May 1991(cem,di) Federal Way WA (di) or King Co WA (di), address Sumner, Pierce Co WA (ssdi), interred with Rex (fg). Emma married first 7 June 1908 Orecho, Whitman Co WA (mi)
.... George REEVES or George F. REEVES or George Franklin REEVES, son of Frank Reeves and Emma STEVENSON (bi George,mi), born 29 (ww1,fg) or 22 Nov 1882 (bi) Bonneville (mi,ww2) Multnomah Co OR (bi), apparently the one who died 29 (fg) Sept 1967 address Las Vegas, Clark Co NV (ssdi), interred Bunkers Memory Gardens Cemetery
Las Vegas, Clark County, NV (fg)
. George and Emma had at least two children (see fg).
.. Children, Rex and Laura had at least:
....i. Harold ALLINGHAM (c1930) or Arthur ALLINGHAM or Arthur H. ALLINGHAM or Arthur Harold ALLINGHAM (di), born 5 Jan 1920, died 1 May 1995 address Etowah, Henderson Co., NC (ssdi).
....ii. Elva ALLINGHAM or Elva R. ALLINGHAM, born 30 Dec 1921, died as Elva Daugherty 6 Feb 2005 Vancouver, Clark Co., WA (ssdi), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), married (fg)
.......... Arthur DAUGHERTY or Arthur L. DAUGHERTY or Arthur Lee DAUGHERTY (di), born 3 July 1920 (di) Snoqualmie Falls, King Co WA (fg), died 26 Sept 1988 Multnomah Co OR (di), interred by wife (fg).
... References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Washington Whitman Co. Onecho ED 91 sheet 9B (Emma with Louis Allenbauch).
..... (c1900) Federal Census 1900 Oregon Crook Co. Black Butte ED 8 sheet 1A page 9 res 10-10 (Rex with A. G. Allingham).
..... (c1905) County Census 1905 Oregon Linn Co Halsey (Rex with David W Allingham)
..... (c1920) Federal Census 1920 Oregon Lane Co. Willamette ED 231 sheet 5A page 108 res 108-108 (Rex G Allingham).
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Deschutes Co. Bend ED 7 sheet 7B (Rex G Allingham).
..... (fdc) Family Data Collection, Ancestry for Laura Wrenn.
..... (olwa) Bend Bulletin April 14 1939 page 4 c6 and April 15 1939 page 1 (obit Laura W Allingham).
..... Theodore PEARL or Theodore K. PEARL (fg) or Theodore Kelly PEARL (di), son of John Elmer PEARL and Ora J. CUTLER, born 16 Nov 1905 (di), died 15 May 1994 Linn Co., OR (di) address Tangent (ssdi), interred Willamette Memorial Park, Albany, Linn Co., OR (fg), married 5 May 1937(noeg)
.... Helen McCRACKEN or Helen E. McCRACKEN, dau of Walter McCracken and Nellie (c1930) or C. L. McCRACKEN of Port Orford in 1960 (ojp2), born 17 Dec 1911 (ssdi) OR (c1930), died 6 Feb 2002 address Tangent, Linn Co OR (ssdi), interred by husband (fg).
.. Children:
....i. daughter, born 9 Aug 1940 OR (noeg)
....ii. Judy PEARL (noeg) or Judith PEARL or Judith Ann PEARL (di), born 17 July 1942 Lebanon Linn Co., OR (ojp2), died 29 May 1960 Lincoln Co., OR (di) drowned in the surf between Waldport and Yachats (ojp1), interred Willamette Memorial Park (ojp3,fg) near Albany Linn Co OR (cms).
... Reference:
..... (c1930) Federal Census 1930 Oregon Coos Co Myrtle Point ED 55 sheet 5B res 289-138 (Walter Mccracken).
..... (ojp1) Newport News about May 1960 p1(news item on Judith Ann Pearl).
..... (ojp2) Albany newspaper 31 May 1960 p1 (obit Jusith Ann Pearl).
..... (noeg) Notes of Orlie and Evelyn Gerdes.
..... John WEBER or John Delford WEBER, son of John WEBER and Nellie PEARLborn 10 Sept 1900 (nfh) OR, died 24 June 1964 Clackamas Co., OR (di), interred Riverview Cem. sec 105 (cms,fg), married first 3 Nov 1923 Vancouver, Clark Co., WA (nfh),
.... Mina SMITH or Mina May SMITH, born 23 Nov 1903, Gervais, OR (nfh), died as Mina Weber 25 Sept 1965 Clackamas Co OR (di), interred Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Brooks, Marion Co., OR (fg), divorced Aug 1946, OR. John married second 1 Feb 1947, Portland OR (nfh)
.... Alene BRADBURN, born 6 Aug 1914, OR, divorced Jan 1964 (nfh). She may be the Alene KERRIGAN, born 6 Aug 1914, died 12 Dec 1995 Multnomah Co., OR (di), spouse of Herbert, born Sept 1907, died 4 July 1976 there (di).
.. Children, two daughters by first marriage and one by second:
....i. Leona WEBER or Leona Marie WEBER, born 9 Mar 1925 Hillsboro, Washington Co., OR (fg), died 18 Feb 1988 Clackamas Co., OR (di), interred Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery, Harmony, Clackamas Co., OR (fg), married 1945
.......... Howard IBACH or Howard Elwood IBACH (nfh), born 15 Aug 1925, died 16 Jan 1980 Clackamas Co OR (di) address West Linn (ssdi), interred near wife (fg), and had 4 daughters including
............... Ona IBACH or Ona Lee IBACH, born 19 Jan 1947, died as Ona Ibach 23 April 1970 (nfh), interred near parents (fg) and one who married and divorced
............... Robert KREITER or Robert James KREITER who was apparently the one born 25 July 1945, died 27 Dec 1994 Clackamas Co OR with wife Corina (di).
....ii. daughter WEBER, born 15 Apr 1935 OR, married with children (nfh).
....iii. daughter WEBER, born 16 Oct 1948, OR married with children (nfh).
... Reference:
..... (nfh) Letter of Nellie Marie Pearl family history by Leona Ibach.
..... Mary WEBER or Mary Oveta WEBER or Oveta Mary WEBEER (fg), dau of John WEBER and Nellie PEARL, born 23 Nov 1901 (di) Brownsville, Linn Co. OR (fg), died 21 May 1979 (di,fg) Tualatin (fg), Clackamas Co., OR (di), interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), married 12 April 1924 Portland OR (fgs),
.... Robert BARNES or Robert Ralph BARNES, born 2 June 1902(ssdi) Portland, OR (fg), died 15 April 1993 Des Moines King Co WA (di), interred near first wife (fg). He married second 8 Sept 1979 (wsda)
.... Mrs. Frances JOHNSON or Frances L. JOHNSON or Frances Lillian JOHNSON or Frances GEARY (mc), born 9 July 1906 (di), died as Frances Barnes 19 Jan 1985 Washington Co., OR (di), interred Riverview Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), married 8 Feb 1931 Seattle, King Co WA (wsda)
........... J William JOHNSON or John William JOHNSON, born 3 (fg) June (di) 1899 (fg) Birkenhead, England (ojj), died as J. Wil. Johnson 27 Nov (di,ojj) 1976 Multnomah Co OR (di,ojj,fg), interred with Frances (fg).
.. Children:
....i. daughter, born 6 July 1926 Portland OR, married with children.
....ii. John BARNES or John R. BARNES or John Robert BARNES, born 5 July 1928 Portland OR, died 15 Nov 1963 Fairfax, Fairfax Co VA (fgs), married and had a son and a daughter (fgs).
.. Reference:
..... (fgs) Family Group Sheet for Robert Barnes and Mary Oveta Weber.
..... (0jj) Obit for J. William Johnson, Oregonian, 30 Nov 1976 page 51.
.... Evelyn PEARL or Evelyn Gertrude PEARL, dau of Frank W. Pearl and Paloma Kilpatrick , born 1 Sept 1915 (wbi) Bridgeport (oeg) Douglas Co WA (wbi), died 1 May 2010 Kennewick, Benton Co WA (oeg), interred Floral Hills Cemetery and Funeral Home, Lynwood, Snohomish Co WA (fg), married about 1932
.... Charles WRIGHT or Charles E. WRIGHT or Charles Elmer WRIGHT, son of Earl Wright and Clara BROWN (bi), born 19 Dec (bi) 1909 (fg) Redmond, King Co., WA (ocw), died about July 1947 Pinedale WY (ocw), interred Redmond Cemetery, Redmond, King Co., WA (fg). Evelyn married 19 Oct 1947 King Co., WA as Evelyn P. Wright (recorded wsda as Evleyn)
.... Orlie GERDES or Orlie O. GERDES or Orlie Oliver GERDES, son of Dewey Gerdes and Annie (oog), born 11 March 1923 Benkleman (oog) or Benkelman (fg), Dundy Co NE (oog,fg), died 26 May 2011 near Chicago, Cook Co IL (oog), interred near Evelyn (fg).
.. Children of Charles and Evelyn:
....i. Vernon WRIGHT or Vernon L. WRIGHT or Vernon Loyal WRIGHT (mc), born 25 Oct 1932 (fg) Kirkland, King Co WA (mc), died 8 Feb 1995 (fg), interred near Evelyn (fg), married 19 March 1971 Snohomish Co WA (mc)
.......... Betty GRANDY or Betty Lou GRANDY, dau of Mary Wilkinson (obw) and adopted by Bill Grandy and Elizabeth (fg), born 13 Dec 1931 Seattle, King Co WA (fg), died as Betty Wright 4 May 2005, interred with husband (fg). She had children by an earlier marriage.
....ii. William WRIGHT or William E. WRIGHT, born 26 March 1935 Woodinville, King Co WA (fg), died 28 Feb 2003 Kennewick, Benton Co WA (fg), interred near mother (fg)
.. Reference:
..... (c1940) Federal Census 1940 Washington King Co Hollywood ED 17-89 page 811 sheet 6A res 168 (Charles Wright).
..... (noeg) Notes from Orlie and Evelyn (Pearl) Gerdes
..... (oa) Oregon Archives delayed birth certificate.
..... (ocw) Obit for Charles E. Wright Seattle Daily Times, July 23, 1947.
..... (oeg) Obit for Evelyn Gerdes Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, WA) - May 9, 2010 page B3
..... (oog) Obit for Orlie Gerdes Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, WA) – July 24, 2011
..... (wbi) Washington State Birth Index, Prior to 1910 - 1919

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