Hiram SKINNER (1834-1911) and Elizabeth FRIEND
Hiram SKINNER and Elizabeth FRIEND
and Their Ancestors and Descendants
Compiled by Clyde M. Senger,
Coded for the Internet
March 2000
Last update 22 January 2016
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Several sources are not listed in the references. These include:
... (???) RootsWeb's World Connect Project at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi
... (af) Ancestral Files of the LDS church at Family Search Internet.
... (bd) delayed birth certificate.
... (bi) birth record of the individual or of a child of the individual.
... (cem) records from the cemetery, either directly or from listings on the internet.
... (mdc) Seeking Michigan (death certificates 1897-1920) at http://seekingmichigan.cdmhost.com/seeking_michigan/seek_advanced.php
... (di) death index for the indicated state such as California and Oregon.
... (est) date of birth estimated from age at death.
... (fg) FindAGrave at http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi
... (igi) International Genealogical Index of the LDS church at Family Search Internet.
... (md1) Michigan Deaths, 1867-1897(fs) at https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://hr-search-api:8080/searchapi/search/collection/1452402
... (md2) Michigan Deaths and Burials, 1800-1995 (fs) at https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://hr-search-api:8080/searchapi/search/collection/1675357
... (mi) marriage records for the indicated area.
... (mm1) Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925 (fs) at https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://hr-search-api:8080/searchapi/search/collection/1452395
... (mm2) Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995 (fs) at https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://hr-search-api:8080/searchapi/search/collection/1675359
... (odb) Oregon Deaths and Burials, 1903-1947 (fs) at
... (ssdi) the Social Security Death Index available several sites on-line.
... (ssa) the Social Security Application Index available at Ancestry.
... (wsda) Washington State Digital Archives at http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/Home
You will notice that a number of the names are given both with and without a middle name or initial. This is done it increase the likelihood that someone using a search engine will locate this page. I trust the reader will understand this even though it may seem an inconvenience at times.
Hiram SKINNER and Elizabeth FRIEND
.... Hiram SKINNER or Hiram S. SKINNER (c1850) or Hyrum SKINNER, son of Orange Skinner and Tarsy Bartlett or Tarsah Bartlett or Turgy Bartlett, born 24 May 1834 Cattaraugus Co., NY (obith), died 5 June 1911 in Tallman, Linn Co. OR (obitj), interred IOOF Lebanon Cemetery, Linn Co., OR (cem,fg), will dated 19 Oct 1909, filed Albany, Linn Co., OR, a farmer, married 21 Feb 1858 in Antrim, Shiawassee Co. MI (mi)
.... Elizabeth FRIEND, dau of William Friend and Joanna LEVY or Joanna LEVIE?, born 9 Aug 1838, or 1839 (cem) in NY, died 22 April 1915 age 76y 8m 13d (obite) at Tallman, Linn Co. OR (obite), interred by husband (cem,fg).
... Children 7: 4 boys and 3 girls (obite), 3 alive 1900 (c1900):
....i. Delmer SKINNER or Delmar SKINNER or Delmar A. SKINNER (md1), born 10 Dec 1858 (b) most probably Shiawassee Co MI, died 20 April 1879 age 20y 4m 10d Shiawassee Co MI (md1).
..*.ii. Casius SKINNER or Casius Eugene SKINNER, born 27 Dec 1860 (b) Shiawassee Co MI?, died 17 May 1896 (b), married 27 Nov 1884, Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., MI (mi)
.......... Perces FORD.
..*.iii. Emma SKINNER or Emmogene SKINNER (c1870), born 16 Feb 1863 (b) Shiawassee Co MI?, died 18 June 1887 (b), interred by husband , married
.......... Charles F. THOMAS.
....iv. Caroline SKINNER or Caroline I. SKINNER, born 4 Oct 1865(b) Shiawassee Co MI?, died 12 June 1901(b) apparently Linn Co., OR.
..*.v. George SKINNER or George E. SKINNER, born 1 Dec 1868 Shiawassee Co MI?, died 17 Oct 1900 near Lebanon, Linn Co. OR, married 2 Aug 1893 Sodaville, Linn Co OR
.......... Vina Ann GALLOWAY.
....vi. Martha SKINNER (bi) or Mata SKINNER (b) or Mattie SKINNER or Mattie I. SKINNER (dc), born 16 Dec 1877 Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (bi) Shiawassee Co MI, died 6 May 1879 age 2 y 4m 20d Shiawassee Co., MI (md1).
..*.vii. Hiram SKINNER or Hiram Jay SKINNER, later known as Jay SKINNER, born 20 Feb 1880 Shiawassee Co MI?, died 21 July 1965 Portland, OR, married
.......... Allie PLACE
.......... Annie JOHNSON and married third
.......... Mrs.Jennie ORVIS
... Notes: The family lived most of their life in Shiawassee Co., MI but moved to Oregon in 1889 (obith). They lived near Crowfoot, Linn Co OR until about 1910 when they moved to a farm near Tallman (obite). Elizabeth is said to have transmitted tuberculosis to the children via breast milk. She did not nurse Jay who is the only child who lived to an old age.
.. References:
..... (b) Hiram Skinner and Jay Skinner Holy Bible records
..... (c1850) Federal Census, 1850 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee sheet page 39 res 140-140 (Hiram S with Orange Skinner).
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 232 res 1907-1732 (Hiram Skinner).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 9-10 page 211 res 79-76 (Hiram Skinner).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 346 sheet 5A page 296 res 50-50 (Hiram Skinner).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 52 sheet 9B page 200 res 182-192 (Hiram Skinner).
..... (cem) Lebanon Cemetery Records and headstones, Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon
..... (dc) Death Certificates for Hiram and Elizabeth
..... (m) Marriage certificate for Hiram and Elizabeth
..... (obite) Obit for Elizabeth Skinner. Probably the Lebanon Express (from photocopy).
..... (obith) Obit of Hiram Skinner, Lebanon Express 6 June 1911, page 3.
..... (rsb) Ruby (Skinner) Bower records
*********** Family of Child Casius Skinner ************
.... Cassius SKINNER (mi Mattie) or Cashus E. SKINNER (mm1) or Casius SKINNER or Casius Eugene SKINNER, son of Hiram Skinner and Elizabeth Friend, born 27 Dec 1860 Shiawassee Co MI?, died 17 May 1896 (b), married 27 Nov 1884, Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., MI (mm2)
.... Perces FORD or Percy FORD or Percis FORD (ar) (mi Mattie) or Libbie FORD (dc Otis), apparently the dau of Charles Ford and Irena HUTCHINGS, born 23 Aug 1868 (ar).
... Children:
..*.i. Mattie SKINNER (c1900) or Mattie I. SKINNER (mi), born June 1886 MI (c1900), married 25 Nov 1902 Laingsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (mi)
.......... Willie M. BLACK.
....ii. Otis SKINNER, born 2 (mdc) Dec 1887 (c1900) or 1888 (mdc) MI (mdc,c1900), died 29 May 1904 Owosso, Shiawassee Co., MI (sft,mdc), interred Fremont Cemetery, Shiawassee Co, MI (mdc).
.. References:
..... (ar) World Connect Family Tree "Whitley" by Arthur Reierson in 2001 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:1514692&id=I68152868 .
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Bennington ED 80 sheet 7B res 162-166 (Charles Ford).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Missouri Jasper Co Joplin Ward 7 ED 51 sheet 20A page 39 (Otis L Skinner).
..... (mi2) Cashus Skinner and Perces Ford marriage license at https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-266-11743-111147-84?cc=1452395
..... (sft) Skinner Family Tree at Ancestry.
*********** Family of Child Emma Skinner ************
.... Emma SKINNER or Emmogene SKINNER (c1870), dau of Hiram Skinner and Elizabeth Friend, born 16 Feb 1863 (?) or ca 4 May 1863 (est) Shiawassee Co MI, died 18 June 1887 age 24y 1m 14d Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (mdi), interred Fremont Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem), married
.... Charles THOMAS or Charles F. THOMAS (cem), son of George J. Thomas (md1) and Elif A. KETTLE (), born ca 16 Oct 1860 (est) MI, died 6 Nov 1890 Shiawassee, Shiawassee Co., MI age 30y 21d, a carpenter (md1), interred by wife (cem).
... Child:
..*.i. Xina THOMAS, born 12 (b) Aug 1886 (c1900), lived with the Skinner grandparents in Linn Co. OR for some time, married
.......... Floyd CARLSON.
.. References:
..... (b) Hiram Skinner and Elizabeth Friend Holy Bible records
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 9-10 page 211 res 79-76 (Emmogene with Hiram Skinner).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 346 sheet 5A page 296 res 50-50 (Emma with Hiram Skinner).
..... Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Bancroft ED 361 sheet 12D page 527 res 100-106 (Charles F with Geo J Thomas).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 52 sheet 9B page 200 res 182-192 (Xina Thomas with Hiram Skinner).
..... (chr) World Connect Family Tree "Harte Relatives" by Cheryl in 2007 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=harte&id=I1234.
*********** Family of Child George Skinner ************<
.... George Edward SKINNER, son of Hiram Skinner and Elizabeth Friend, born 1 Dec 1868 in Shiawassee Co. MI, died 17 Oct 1900 at Linn Co. OR, interred Lebanon Cemetery, Linn Co., OR (cem), married 2 Aug 1893 at Sodaville, Linn Co. OR,
.... Vina GALLAWAY or Vina A. GALLAWAY or Vina Ann GALLOWAY, daughter of James Gallaway and Nancy Walker (see Galloway Booklet) , James born 5 Feb 1828 PA died 30 July 1888 Lebanon, Linn Co. OR; and Nancy Amelia WALKER, born 12 Dec 1838 Murray Co. GA, died 2 May 1879 Lebanon, OR. Vina born 22 June 1873 in Linn Co. OR., died as Vina Sturtevant 19 Nov 1957 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, interred Lebanon Cemetery, Linn Co., OR (fg). She married second on 24 July 1912 in Lebanon, Linn Co., OR
.... Daniel STURTEVANT or Daniel F. STURTEVANT (c1920) or Daniel Francis STURTEVANT (igi), son of Zabud Francis Sturtevant.and Ardalucia Joanna JOHNSON (af), born 25 Oct 1859 Savoy, Berkshire Co., MA (af), died: 8 Nov 1934 Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (di), interred Lebanon Masonic Cem (fg), married first 27 Dec 1881 Hull, Pike, IL (af)
.... Hester Ann CHESSHIR, dau of Jacob W Chessir and: Susan Ellen NOFFSINGER (af)
... Children by George Skinner:
...i. Frank SKINNER or Frank H. SKINNER or Frank Hiram SKINNER, born 23 May 1894 (ww1,ssdi), died 5 Dec 1979 (cem) Gladstone, Clackamas Co., OR (cms), interred Lebanon Masonic Cemetery, Linn Co., OR (fg), served in Europe for Canada during World War I (cms). He married first 26 Mar 1928 CA
.......... Louise WIEGAND or Louise Alvina WIEGAND (hwa), dau of Fredrick Wiegand or Frederick Wiegand and Henrietta DOEHR (bd) or Henrietta DOHR, born 14 April 1890 Bridge Creek (hwa) Eau Claire Co., WI (bd), died 15 Aug 1951 Monrovia (fm), Los Angeles Co., CA (di), interred by husband (fg), no children. Frank married second
.......... Erna KEFSKY or Erna KEFSKY TURNER or Erna Elizabeth KEFSKY, dau of Ernest Kefsky and Anna MEDROW (mi), born 16 Dec 1899 Milwaukee WI (obite), died 15 Nov 1991 Clackamas Co. OR (di) Tualatin, Washington Co., OR (obite), interred by first husband (obite) Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg). She married first after 1920 (c1920)
............... Mark TURNER or Mark J. TURNER (obite)., born 25 March 1897, died 17 Jan 1952, interred Willamette National Cemetery Portland, OR (fg), and had at least a daughter who survived Erna (obite).
...ii. Lucy May SKINNER, born 27 June 1897 Linn Co., OR, died 8 Oct 1899 Linn Co., OR, interred by parents (cem).
...iii. Hazel SKINNER or Hazel E. SKINNER or Hazel Edna SKINNER, born 19 April 1900 Linn Co., OR, died Jan 29 1995, Bellingham Whatcom Co. WA, interred Finley-Sunset Hills Memorial, Portland, Washington Co., OR (fg), married first 21 July 1928 Albany, Linn Co, OR,
.......... Ona SENGER or Ona C. SENGER or Ona Clyde SENGER , born 16 July 1879, Brownsville, Linn Co., OR, died 11 Oct 1937 Portland, OR, interred Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (fg), and had one child. She married second 19 April 1938, Stevenson, WA
.......... Ralph MONROE or Ralph D. MONROE, born 29 April 1912 Cottage Grove, Lane Co. OR, died 2 May 1977 Lane Co OR (di), interred by wife (fg), and had no children.
..... Personal records of compiler
..... (bd) Birth document in German for Louise Alvine Wiegand.
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 52 sheet 10A page 201 res 190-201 (George Skinner).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Linn Co South Lebanon ED 195 sheet 14A page 233? res 26-26 (Vine Skinner).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 43 sheet 8B-9A page 183-184 res 159-174 (Anna Kefsky).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Linn Co Crowfoot ED 293 sheet 2A page 98 res 34-34 (Dan F Sturtevant).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Linn Co Crowfoot ED 15 sheet 3A page 95 res 62-62 (Daniel F Sturtevant).
..... (cem) Lebanon Cemetery Records and headstones, Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon
..... (fm) Funeral Memorial.
..... (hwa) Affidavit by Henrietta Wiegand 1942 regarding birth of Louise Wiegand.
..... (obite) Obit for Erna Skinner (as Erma Skinner) Oregonian, 18 Nov 1991.
*********** Family of Child Jay Skinner ************
.... Jay SKINNER or J. Hiram SKINNER (bi) or Hiram J. SKINNER (c1880) or Hiram Jay SKINNER (c1900) or Jay Hiram SKINNER (rsb) or Jay H. SKINNER, son of Hiram Skinner and Elizabeth Friend, born 20 Feb 1880 (ww1) Antrim, Shiawassee Co MI (di), died 21 July 1965 at Portland, OR, interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (cem,fg), married first 2 Oct 1904 near Waterloo, Linn Co., OR (rsb)
.... Allie PLACE, dau of Edgar Place and Ida M. BOWERS, born 17 May 1886 in Minnesota, died 10 March 1919 at Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (rsb), interred Lebanon Masonic Cemetery, Linn Co., OR (fg). He married second ca 4 Oct 1920 Vancouver, Clark Co., WA (wsda)
.... Annie JOHNSON, divorced by 1930 (rsb). Jay married third about 1933 (rsb)
.... Jennie ORVIS, or Jennie M. ORVIS, reportedly Jennie BAKER, parents born England (c1900), born 30 Nov 1877 Detroit MI (fm), died 16 Apr 1964, age 86, Multnomah Co OR (di) interred by Jay (fm,fg), married first apparently in Custer Co., NE
.... Wilbur ORVIS, born 20 (prf) Feb 1875 (c1900), died 25 Sept 1928 Portland, OR (di). Wilbur and Jennie had 2 daughters and 3 sons (c1910).
... Note: Jay and Jennie operated the "Monkey Cleaners" in the Sellwood district of Portland OR (obit
... Children with Allie Place
...i. Paul SKINNER or Paul L. SKINNER, born 7 July 1905 (b,ssdi) Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (b), died 22 Oct 1964 (b,di) Portland, OR (b), married 1931 (ofs)
.......... Flavia FRIEDMAN (ofs), born 29 Aug 1906 Portland OR, died as Flavia Skinner 7 March 2001 Portland OR, interred Gethsemane Catholic Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (ofs,fg). no surviving children.
...ii. Stella SKINNER or Stella M. SKINNER, born 17 May 1907 Waterloo, Linn Co., OR (b), died 24 Feb 1911 (b,di) Lebanon, Linn Co., OR from severe burns (rsb).
...iii. Ruby SKINNER or Ruby I. SKINNER (b) or Ruby Irene SKINNER, born 26 Dec 1908 Waterloo, Linn Co., OR (b), died 26 Feb 2000 address Portland, Multnomah Co., OR (ssdi), interred Lincoln Memorial Park (ork), married 14 April 1928 (rsb)
.......... Vere BOWER or Vere Edgar BOWER, son of Randy Hicks Bower and Jennie COURTRIGHT (bi), born 25 July 1907 (ssdi), died 9 Jan 1976 Multnomah Co OR (di). Ruby married second 12 Jun 1980 Reno NV (mi)
.......... Arne KOSKI or Arne Oscar KOSKI, born 3 Nov 1910 Butte MT (obitk), died 12 Jan 2004 interred Riverview Cemetery (obitk). Arne married first 1928 (obitk)
.......... Lavelle ENGBERG, very possibly dau of Horace Engberg and Edna Place, born 9 Oct 1910, died as Lavelle Koski 27 Feb 1979 Multnomah Co, OR (di), address Portland, (ssdi). Ruby and Vere had 3 girls and 1 son including
..............1. Marjorie BOWER or Marjorie Irene BOWER, born 2 May 1929 Portland OR (rsb), died 25 Jan 2003 address Federal Way, King Co., WA (ssdi) married in Ketchikan AK
.................... John DYAKANOFF, born 31 March 1925, died 9 May 1993, address Federal Way, King, WA (ssdi), had 3 sons (rsb), and a
............... daughter who married
.................... Richard CONGER, or Richard Delbert CONGER (di), born 1 June 1927 OR, died 30 July 1952 Monterey Co. CA (di) in an accident at an army camp. They had a boy and a girl. (rsb).
...iv. George SKINNER or George E. SKINNER (b) or George Edward SKINNER (oges), born 21 July 1911 Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (b,oges), died 25 Feb 2004 address Portland, OR (ssdi), apparently interred Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Portland OR (oges), married 23 Sept 1939 Clark Co., WA (wsda)
.......... Mary CAMPBELL or Mary E. CAMPBELL and later divorced. Survived by 2 sons and a daughter (oges).
...v. Wallace SKINNER or Wallace J. SKINNER (b), born 2 Sept 1916 Lebanon OR (b), died 19 Aug 1995, Multnomah Co OR (di), probably Portland, OR, married apparently after 1942
.......... Alice A., apparently born 27 March 1922 (di) England (rsb), died 15 April 1996 Multnomah Co OR (di). Wallace served in WWII.
... Child with Annie JOHNSON
....vi. Blanche SKINNER or Blanche Diana SKINNER (b), born ca 3 Sept about 1922 Scappoose Columbia Co., OR (rsb).
..... (b) Jay Skinner Holy Bible records
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Wayne Co Detroit ED 311 page 504 (Isaak Jones).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Linn Co South Lebanon ED 195 sheet 2B res 45-46 (Jay Skinner).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Linn Co South Lebanon ED 299 sheet 13A page 185 res 187-189 (Jay Skinner).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 467 sheet 1B (Vere E Bower).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 527 sheet 7B res 193-194 (Arne Koski).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 138 sheet 8B res 71-71? (John H Skinner).
..... (fm) Funeral Memorial from Peake memorial Chapel, Milwaukie, OR.
..... (ges) Talk with George E. Skinner 1996.
..... (obitj) Obit for Jennie Skinner, Oregonian 19 April 1964.
..... (obitk) Obit for Arne O. Koski, Oregonian 14 Jan 2004.
..... (ofs) Obit for Flavia Ann 'War Bonnet' Skinner, Oregonian, March 10, 2001.
..... (oges) Obit George Edward Skinner in Oregonian; 27 Feb 2004.
..... (prf) Pedigree Resource File from Family Search web site (LDS).
..... (rsb) Talk with Ruby Irene Skinner Bower, 1978 and undated letter.
.... Wilbur ORVIS or Wilbur R. ORVIS or Wilbur Ray ORVIS, son of John Ransom Orvis and Chaney Maranda SWEET (prf), born 20 (prf) Feb 1875 (c1900), died 25 Sept 1928 Portland, OR (di), interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg). Married ca 1895 (c1900)
.... Jennie May BAKER, born 30 Nov 1877 Detroit MI, died 16 April 1964 Multnomah Co OR (61), interred by second husband, Jay Skinner (fg), Wilbur and Jennie had 2 daughters and 3 sons (c1910).
... Children:
....i. Willis ORVIS or Willis W. ORVIS or Willis Wells ORVIS (ww1), born 3 (ww1) May 1896 (c1900) NE (c1920), died , interred , married 11 June 1921 Hood River Co OR (mi).
.......... Happie LOVELL.
....ii. Pansie ORVIS or Pansy ORVIS or Pansy P. ORVIS or Pansy Pearl ORVIS or Pansie Pearl ORVIS (fg), born 25 (fg) Sept 1898 (c1900), West Union (oft), Custer Co (fg) NE (c1900), died as Pansie Hoffman 1 May 1955 Multnomah Co OR (di), interred near parents (fg), married first ca 1915 probably in Wyoming (c1920)
.......... Jesse KINNEY or Jesse A. KINNEY (fg), born ca 1984 KS (c1920). They had at least 4 daughters (c1930) before they divorced and she married between 7 Nov 1928 Skamania Co WA (wsda)
.......... Charles HOFFMAN or Charles J. HOFFMAN or Charles James HOFFMAN, son of John Hoffman and Phoebe SLATER (fg), born 1892 SD (fg), died 29 March 1943 Clackamas Co OR (fg), interred near wife (fg).
....iii. Gerald ORVIS or Gerald G. ORVIS, born 1901 Custer Co NE (fg), died 23 Aug 1943 WI (fg), interred Holy Cross Cemetery & Mausoleum, Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co WI (fg), married ca 1922
.......... Jeanette C. COFTA, born 30 (ssdi) or 20 Sept 1902 WI (fg), died 25 Dec 1988 (fg) or 1968 (ssdi), interred Saint Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Grafton, Ozaukee Co WI (fg), had at least 6 children including
..............a. Jacquelyn Neo ORVIS, burn 15 Nov 1929 WI (fg), died 10 Dec 1969 Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg), interred Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery, Harmony, Clackamas Co OR (fg), married 1949
.................... John TEEL or John L. TEEL, son of Benona Teel and Louise GEWECKE (ssa), born 15 May 1928 (fg,ssa)Ingham, Lincoln Co NE (ssa), died 7 March 2000 OR (ssa) last residence Yuma, Yuma Co AZ (ssdi), interred with wife (fg).
..............b. Roland ORVIS or Roland K. ORVIS, born 26 July 1934 (fg), died 27 June 1980 Port Washington, Ozaukee Co WI (fg), interred Saint Marys Cemetery, Port Washington, Ozaukee Co WI (fg), married 13 June 1959 (fg)
.................... Elaine MANIKOWSKI (fg), born 11 April 1937 WI (fg), died as Elaine Orvis or Elaine Ann Orvis 1 Jan 1988 Ozaukee Co WI (fg), interred with husband (fg), survived by 3 sons and a daughter (fg).
..............c. Raydean ORVIS or Raydean P. ORVIS or Raydean Phillip ORVIS, born 22 Aug 1936 (fg), died 11 Feb 1986 (fg), interred near mother (fg), married with children.
....iv. Hartford ORVIS (c1910) or Anthony ORVIS (di) or Anthony H. ORVIS, born 13 Sept 1902 (ssdi) MI (c1910), died 20 April 1981 (ssdi), Two Rivers (fg), Manitowoc Co WI (di), interred Pioneers' Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co WI (fg), married 4 Sept 1922 Waukegan IL (fg)
.......... Antoinette MARINCIC, born 27 Oct 1902 Czech Republic (fg), died as Antoinette Orvis 4 Jan 1988 Manitowoc Co WI (di) or Port Washington, Ozaukee Co WI (fg), interred near husband (fg), see fg for some of children.
....v. Violet ORVIS, born 3 July 1905 (ssdi) WV (c1920), died as Violet Scheer or Violet Virginia Scheer 11 July 1999 Multnomah Co OR (di), interred near parents (fg), married before 1930 (c1930).
.......... Ezra SCHEER or Ezra H. SCHEER (c1930) or Ezra Herman SCHEER (di) or Ezra William SCHEER (ww1), son of William Scheer and Bertha (c1900) born 7 Jan 1899 (di,ww1) NE, died 11 Jan 1990 Clackamas Co OR (di), interred with wife (fg), had at least a daughter
............... Virginia SCHEER or Virginia Jean SCHEER (ovb,fg) or Virginia June SCHEER (another fg), born 27 Aug 1927 Milwaukie, Clackamas Co OR (ovb), died 29 Dec 2012 (ovb) Seaside, Clatsop Co OR (fg), cremation with ashes scattered at sea (fg), married 15 July 1950 Multnomah Co OR (mi)
.................... Frank BRAINERD (mi,fg), born 16 July 1925 OR (fg), died 9 Aug 1994 Clackamas Co OR (fg), interred Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg). They had several children including
........................ Russell F. BRAINERD, born and died 23 Dec 1954 Multnomah Co OR (fg), interred Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah Co OR (fg).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Nebraska Custer Co West Union ED 76 sheet 7A page 206 res 133-133 (Wilbur R Orvis).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Nebraska Madison Co Norfolk ED 128 sheet 2A page 146 res 25-25 (Wm Schwer).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Arkansas Benton Co Wager ED 10 page 2 sheet 2A res 24-24 (Eugene E Levell).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Nebraska Custer Co Sargent ED 85 sheet 3B res 61-63 (Wilbur R Orvis).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 187 page 254 sheet 1B res 24-24 (Jesse A Kinney).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 179 sheet 12B res 247-255 (Wilbur Orvis).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Multnomah Co Portland ED 191 page 146 sheet 3A res 59-65 (Charles J. Hoffman).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Hood River Co Falls ED 5 page 206 sheet 2A res 33-34(Jean and Robert with Eugene Lovell).
..... (oft) Orvis Family Tree at Ancestry.
..... (ovb) Obit for Virginia Brainerd in the Daily Astorian 2 Jan 2013.
..... (prf) Pedigree Resource File from Family Search web site (LDS).
*********** Family of Grandchild Mattie Skinner ************
.... Mattie SKINNER (c1900) or Mattie I. SKINNER (mi), dau of Casius Skinner and Percy Ford,born 7 (ssdi) June 1886 MI (ssdi,c1900), died as Mattie HANER Oct 1974, address Williamston, Ingham Co., MI (ssdi), interred Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem), married 25 Nov 1902 Laingsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (mi)
.... Willie M. BLACK or William BLACK or William M. BLACK or William Mason BLACK (ww1), son of James Black (mi) and Orisa A. HOWARD (notes), born 27 Aug 1873 (ww1), died 1926, interred near wife (cem) Mattie married second
.... James W. HANER, born 31 Jul 1878, died Aug 1973 address Williamston, Ingham Co., MI (ssdi), interred near Mattie (cem).
... Children:
....i. Ivan BLACK (c1910) or Ivan V. BLACK or Dr. Ivan Victor BLACK (cem) or, born ca 1904 MI (c1910) or 19 Jan 1904, died 28May 1980 (cem), address Perry, Shiawassee Co., MI (ssdi), interred Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem), married 6 Dec 1930 Perry MI (cem)
.......... Doris McDOWL. born 1915 (cem), apparently 28 Jan 1915, died 11 May 2005 address Perry, Shiawassee Co., MI (ssdi)., interred by husband (cem)
....ii. Charles Edward BLACK (notes) or Charles BLACK, born ca 1906 MI (c1910) or 6 Jan 1906, died Apr 1981, address Williamston, Ingham Co., MI (ssdi), interred near parents (cem), apparently a doctor (cem), married
.......... Gertrude (cem) or Gertrude KEILHORN (notes), apparently born 20 Jun 1914, died Apr 1993 address Perry, Shiawassee Co., MI (ssdi) and had at least
............... Wayne Alan BLACK, born 31 Aug 1944, died 23 May 1996, interred Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem) and
............... Barbara E. BLACK, born 24 Oct. 1948, died 27 Dec. 1984, interred Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem).
....iii. Elmer BLACK or Elmer M. BLACK (fg), born ca 1908 MI (c1910) or 5 June 1907 Perry, Shiawassee Co, MI (fg), died 23 Jan 1964 Chesaning Saginaw Co, MI (fg), interred Wildwood Cemetery, Chesaning, Saginaw Co, MI (fg) , married 1 Feb 1947 (fg)
.......... Mrs. Lila SNIDER (fg), born 4 (ssdi) or 14 (di) March 1916, died 26 Nov 1977 (di,ssdi) Hillsborough Co, FL (di) address Brooksville, Hernando Co, FL (ssdi), interred Wildwood Cemetery (fg). She married first
.......... Alvin SNIDER or Alvin L. SNIDER (fg), born 1903, died 1945, interred Wildwood Cemetery (fg). She married third
.......... Richard KLEPI (fg), born 24 Nov 1912, died 29 April 1994 (di,ssdi) address Spring Hill, Hernando Co, FL (ssdi), interred Wildwood Cemetery (fg).
....iv. Edna J BLACK, born ca 1910 MI (c1910), died 1910 age 9m , interred near parents (cem,fg).
....v. Lawrence J. BLACK (cem) or Lawrence BLACK, born ca 1913 MI (c1920)or 16 April 1912, died 12 Nov. 1980 (fg), interred Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem,fg), apparently married
.......... Ruby SIMONS or Ruby May SIMONS (notes), born 7 Dec. 1919, died 2 May 1960 interred near Lawrence (cem,fg).
....vi. James BLACK, born and died 1914 age 1 wk., interred near parents (cem,fg).
....vii. Jimmy H. BLACK (cem) or Howard BLACK (c1920) or James BLACK or James H BLACK, born ca 1916 MI c1930) or 19 June 1916, died 14 Nov 1995 address Williamston, Ingham Co., MI (ssdi), interred Oak Plain Cemetery, Shaftsburg, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem,fg), married
.......... Eva BARNES (notes).
....viii. Archie BLACK, born ca 1924, died 1925, age 1y, interred near parents (cem,fg).
... Note: For further details on this family, see the references under (notes).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Bennington ED 80 sheet 7B res 162-166 (Charles Ford).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Shiawassee Co Woodhull ED 102 sheet 6A page 279 res 120-127 (William Black).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Michigan Shiawassee Co Perry ED 249 sheet 12A page 249 res 75-75 (William Black).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Ingham Co Alaiedon ED 1 sheet 6B res 111-112 (James H Black with James Haner).
..... (cem) Oakplain or Oak Plain Cememtery, Shaftsburg, MI or Oak Plain Cemetery, Woodhull Twp. Shiawassee Co., MI at http://www.usgwarchives.net/mi/tsphoto/shiawassee/oakplain.htm
..... (notes) untitled "Individual Notes Note for: Nelson Heaslip, ABT 1845 - 4 JAN 1890" at http://home.cogeco.ca/~family2/np5.htm and http://home.cogeco.ca/~family2/gp60.htm#head1
*********** Family of Grandchild Xina Thomas ************
.... Xina THOMAS or Xina E. THOMAS or Xina E. THOMAS (chr), dau of Charles Thomas and Emma Skinner, born 12 Aug 1886 (ssdi), probably Shiawassee Co MI (cms), died 22 Aug 1975 age 89, interred by husband Pleasant Valley Cemetery (no indication of removal) (cempv), married 25 Dec 1908 Penn Yan, NY (chr)
.... Floyd CARLSON (ofc) or Floyd A. CARLSON (cem) or Floyd Aaron CARLSON (chr) or Aaron Floyd CARLSON (ww1), son of Aaron Carlson (c1900) and Adelia Johnson (chr), born 13 Oct 1883 (wwi) or 1882 Wayne, Schuyler Co., NY (chr), died 7 Sept 1962 age 69 (cempv), interred Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Hammondsport, Urbana Twp., Steuben Co., NY but apparently removed to Tyrone cemetery (cempv) where his parents are interred (cemt).
... Children:
....i. Fordyce CARLSON or Fordyce I. CARLSON, born 27 Dec 1910 Wayne, NY, died 14 Feb 2003 Plattsburgh NY (ofc), interred Riverside Cemetery in Ellenburg Center NY, a veteran of WWII (ofc), married 4 Aug 1956 (oac)
.......... Anna OSTERBURG or Anna O. OSTERBURG, daughter of Karl and Margareta Osterburg, born 12 Sept 1923 Dalarna, Sweden, died Monday, 3 April 2006 Plattsburgh NY, interred by husband. Anna came to this country at the age of two..(oac). They had 3 daughters who survived and a son:
............... Aaron CARLSON.
....ii. C. Thurston CARLSON or Clarence T. CARLSON (ww11) or Clarence Thurston CARLSON (chr), born 3 Dec 1915 (ssdi) in Watkins Glen NY (chr), died 13 (cemn) or 11 (chr) Sept 1981 address Bath, Steuben Co., NY (ssdi), interred Nondaga Cemetery, Bath, Steuben Co., NY (cemn), married 19 April 1942
.......... Catherine MILLER or Catherine Jessie MILLER, dau of George Cleland Miller and Frances Fern FOX, born 12 Oct 1916 Cohocton, Steuben Co., NY (sas) and had 4 children including
............... Janice CARLSON or Janice Kay CARLSON, born and died 17 Sept 1946 (cemn) Cohocton, Steuben Co., NY (sas), interred in same cemetery as father (cemn).
....iii. male CARLSON, perhaps married Nora C., born 30 Nov 1923, died July 1993 address Hammondsport, Steuben, NY (ssdi), ashes interred Pleasant Valley Cemetery (cempv).
.. Note: It is unclear why Xina went from Linn Co., OR to NY to marry (cms).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 New York Schuyler Co Tyrone ED 54 sheet 11B page 157 res 297-303 (Floid A with Aaron Carlson).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 New York Schuyler Co Tyrone ED 54 sheet page 285 res 236-237 (Floyd A Carlson).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 New York Monroe Co 19-wd Rochester ED 219 sheet 8A page 29 res 192-198 (Floyd A Carlson).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 New York Steuben Co Hammondsport ED 72 sheet 11A page 285 res 333-355 (Floyd A Carlson).
..... (cemn) Nondage Cemetery at https://sites.rootsweb.com/~nysteube/ba/ba10bcd.html
.....(cempv) Pleasant Valley Cemetery at https://sites.rootsweb.com/~nysteube/ur/ur2c.html
..... (cemt) Tyrone Union Cemetery at https://sites.rootsweb.com/~nyschuyl/tyuncem1.htm
..... (chr) World Connect Family Tree "Harte Relatives" by Cheryl in 2007 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=harte&id=I1234
..... (ofc) Obit for Fordyce I Carlson published 16 Feb 2003 at http://static.pressrepublican.com/obit_archives/obits/2003/02162003ob.htm
..... (oac) Obit for Anna O. Carlson published at http://blog.pressrepublican.com/archive/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61070:anna_o._carlson&catid=35:obituary-articles&Itemid=60
..... (sas) World Connect Family Tree by Shirley A Simpson in 2008 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ms_sunshine10&id=I166171.
*********** Related Families ***********
*********** Freund and Friend Families ***********
.... George Freund, married 20 Dec 1807 Christ Church Greyfriars Newgate, London, England (igi)
.... Sarah ALLEN
....i. William FREUND, christened 18 Nov 1810 St Mary Whitechapel, Stepney, London, England (ebc,igi).
....ii. Eliza FREUND, born 26 May 1813, christened 13 June 1813
Saint Matthew,Bethnal Green,London,England (ebc).
....iii. Henry FREUND, christened 29 Oct 1815 St Mary Whitechapel, Stepney, London, England (ebc).
....iv. Caroline FREUND, born 2 June 1820, christened 25 June 1820 St Mary Whitechapel, Stepney, London, England (ebc).
....v. Charles Frederik FREUND, born 21 July 1822, christened 11 Aug 1822 St Mary Whitechapel, Stepney, London, England (ebc).
...Notes: George was from Fieldgate St. 1810, from John St. 1815 and 1820 and from Montague St 1822 and a varnish maker 1820 and 1822.
.... William FRIEND, married
29 Feb 1808
High Ercall, Shropshire, England
.... William FRIEND, married
20 Dec 1807
Chartham, Kent, England
.... Mary WALKER
One of these may have been the parents of
..... Wm. FRIEND, christened
18 Nov 1810,
There are other William Freund and William Friends born in England about this time but these two closely matches the reported birth date. This data is presented here for those who might want to search further on this line (cms).
.. References:
..... (ebc) England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 at https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://hr-search-api:8080/searchapi/search/collection/1473014
..... (em) England Marriages, 1538-1973 at
*********** Family of William Friend and Joanna Levy ***********
This William Friend family is harder to trace than many. There is data on them available on the Internet which seems to be inaccurate and some individuals and families seem to be missing from some census records. Either they were not recorded or the names are misspelled in the indices. Others seem to be duplicated. Locations for some events such as births marriages and deaths are associated with other Friend families not necessarily related to this William and his descendants. Where no other information is available, the suspect data is presented but the reader should verify it with original records if it is critical to their use.
.... William FRIEND (cem,dces) or William B. FRIEND (c1860), perhaps the son of George Freund and Sarah ALLEN (igi), born ca 1804 (cem) or ca 1812 (c1870) England (dces,c1870) or ca 1814 NY (c1860) or 18 Sept 1810 (af), apparently the one who died 7 May 1890, age 86 (fg), interred Fremont Cem, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem,fg), married ca 1833
.... Johanna LEVY (ecf) or Joanna LEVY or Joanna LEVIE? (dces), born ca 1806 (cem) or 1815 (c1870) England (dces,c1870) or 1822 NY (c1860 unlikely) or 9 July 1813 (af), died 18 Oct 1878, age 72, interred Fremont Cem, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem,fg). This William may be the one who married 26 July 1880 Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., MI (mr)
.... Laura TAYLOR, born ca 1822 (mr) or born ca 1814 NY (c1880), widow of Josiah B. TAYLOR.
... Children:
....i. John FRIEND, born 18 Jan 1834 (af).
..*.ii. William FRIEND, born ca 1837 NY (c1860), married.
.......... Mary S.
..*.iii. Elizabeth FRIEND, born ca 1841 (c1860) or 9 Aug 1839 NY (oes), died 22 April 1915 at Tallman, Linn Co. OR (oes), married 21 Feb 1858 Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (mc)
.......... Hiram SKINNER
.......... Note: Elizabeth is listed with the Friend family in the 1860 census as age 19 and also listed with Hiram Skinner and son Delmore. Clearly, this would make one question the identity of the parents of the Elizabeth who married Hiram Skinner. On the original marriage certificate, Elizabeth is listed as age 18 and it states that the marriage occurred at the home of William Friend with witnesses William H. Friend and Samuel G. S??? That William H. Friend is probably her older brother. A letter of 28 May 1897 from Manchester, Iowa to sister, Mrs. H. Skinner, Sodaville Oregon in stamped E. C. Friend. It mentions Wille working in a press office and Asa who married "last week." This would appear to be a younger brother Edwin C. Friend who lived for a while in Milo, Delaware Co., IA.
..*.iv. Edwin C. FRIEND (af) or Edward FRIEND, born ca 1843 NY (c1860) or 9 July 1841 (af), married
.......... Caroline JEWELL.
.....v. Mary FRIEND, born ca 1845 NY (c1860), apparently married
.......... Henry HILL (obitj).
....vi. George FRIEND (c1860) or George H. FRIEND (cem), born ca 1847 NY (c1860) or 14 Oct 1845 (est), died 25 Sept 1869 age 23y 11m 11d (cem,fg), interred by parents (cem,fg).
....vii. Henry FRIEND, born 14 Sept 1847 ().
..*.viii. Ida FRIEND, born ca 1850 NY (c1860), married 1868 Shiawassee Co., MI
.......... James L. HILL (mi).
..*.ix. Ellen FRIEND (c1870), born ca 1853 NY (c1860) or ca 1852 MI (c1870), married 1870 Shiawassee Co., MI
.......... Homer OLMSTEAD (mi).
....x. Eva FRIEND or Eva A. FRIEND (af), born 12 Sept 1864 St. Charles, Saginaw Co., MI (af), married 18 May 1879 Antrim Shiawassee Co., MI (af).
.......... Charles E. CONRAD, son of James Conrad (c1880) and Amelia LANSING born 27 March 1852 Chittenango, Madison Co., NY, died 2 Sept 1926 Bancroft, Shiawasse Co., MI (af).
... Note: A William Friend, born between 1810 and 1820, is found in the Onondaga New York 1840 census (c1840), probably this family. The older children are accounted for but there is a girl, age 5 to 10, who is not known to be in this family. I have not been able to identify the family in the 1850 census. The Ancestral Family records list full birth dates for family members and some death dates. That suggests to me that they were taken from a family bible. However, I have not seen a reference to one. Thus, one would assume this data is correct. In 1860, there are 7 children recorded in the census, John, the oldest, is missing as is Henry who reportedly died earlier. The youngest reported child, Eva, is a problem. Joanna would have been between 42 and 58 years old at the birth of Eva in 1864 and no other children are reported since Ella in 1851. Further, Eva is not listed with the family in the 1870 census. Thus, to me, there is a question if she is a natural child of Joanna.. It is suggested that either she may have been adopted by William and Joanna or came from another Friend family (cms).
... The obit of Elizabeth Skinner in 1915 mentions surviving sisters Mrs. E. Olmstead of Salem (Ellen), Mrs. James Hill or Michigan (Ida) and Mrs. Henry Hill of Michigan () (obite).
.. References:
..... (c1840) Federal Census, 1840 New York Onondaga Co Camillus page 402 1100100000000--1100100000000 (William Friend).
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 231 res 1900-1726 (Wm B Friend).
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Hillsdale Co Pittsford (Josiah B Taylor).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 10 page 211 res 82-79 (William Friend).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Ohio Fulton Co Wauseon page 60 (J B Taylor).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 346 sheet 5A page 296 res 48-48 (Charles and Eva with James Conrad).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Bancroft ED 361 sheet 3C page 523 res 26-27 (Laura Taylor mother with Edward Jones).
..... (cem) Fremont Cemetery Bancroft, Michigan Part 8 at http://www.mi-roots.org/index.php/counties/shiawassee-county/265-cemetery-records-shiawassee-county/346-freemont-cemetery-part-8-shiawassee-county
..... (dces) Death certificate for Elizabeth Friend Skinner.
..... (ecf) "Edwin C. Friend of Michigan" by Imogene (Mast) Jackson in The Friend Family Vital Statistics vol. 6.
..... (obite) Obit for Elizabeth Skinner. Probably the Lebanon Express (from photocopy see fg).
..... (oes) Obit clipping for Elizabeth Skinner.
*********** Family William Friend and Mary ***********
.... William FRIEND or William B. FRIEND (c1860) or William H. FRIEND (bcem), son of William Friend (dc) and Joanna, born 1836 England (c1860) or ca 1840 NY (c1870) or ca 28 June 1834 (est) or 1 July 1836 (bcem) or 1 July 1837 (af) England (dc,c1860), apparently the one who died 12 Sept 1898 (bcem,dc) age 64y 2m 2w (dc), interred Byron Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (bcem).
A William Friend, age 30, married 7 June 1856 Shiawassee Co., MI (mr)
.... Mary CHEMISS or Mary Louisa CHEMISS, born ca 1836 (mr). That surname is probably misspelled (cms). In 1860 a Wm. B. Friend born ca 1836 England, and wife, Louisa, born ca 1838 France, are listed in the census next to Hiram and Elizabeth Skinner (c1860). That record would appear to be for this William. It is not clear if this is the wife we see him with later. Otherwise he married later probably ca 1870
.... Mary (c1880) or Mary S. (bcem) or Mary SMITH (md2 Della), born ca 1840 MI (c1880) or 12 April 1840 (bcem), died 2 Aug 1909 (bcem), interred by husband (bcem).
... Children:
..*.i. Della M. FRIEND, born ca 1871 (c1880) or Dec 1870 MI (c1900), died 1901 Pontiac, Oakland Co., MI (tlc), married ca 1892 (c1900)
.......... Arthur TERRY.
....ii. William L. FRIEND, born ca 1874 MI (c1880) or Dec 1873 (c1900) or 31 Dec 1874 (ww1,bcem), died 14 April 1941, interred by parents (bcem), married 14 Dec 1905 (oemf) or 1905 (gcm)
.......... Elma M. HARRIS, dau of Myron F. Harris and Emily CRANDALL, born 15 May 1875 Argentine Twp Genesee Co., MI, died 16 Feb 1938 Genesee Co MI, apparently no surviving children (oemf), interred by husband. He may have married second .
.......... Orpha E., born 9 June 1878, died 5 Dec 1947, interred beside William and Elma (bcem).
....iii. Fred FRIEND or Fred C. FRIEND (ww1,c1930), born 24 Sept 1884 (ww1), married ca 1922
.......... Florence M. born ca 1890 NY (c1930). Fred was an auto mechanic in Syracuse NY in 1930.
..Note: William was a carpenter and died of tuberculosis (dc).
.. References:
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 232 res 1908-1733 (Wm B Friend).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Burns sheet 38 page 256 res 312-311 (William H Friend).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Burns ED 348 sheet 1A page 321 res 10-10 (William Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Burns ED 81 sheet 3B res 86-87 (Mary S Friend).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Michigan Genesee Co Argentine ED 1 sheet 4A page 140 res 71-73 (Fred or Frank with William Friend).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Michigan Shiawassee Co Burns ED 227 sheet 3A page 192 res 78-80 (Fred Friend boarder with Sarah Fisher).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Michigan Genesee Co Argentine ED 1 sheet 7A page 102 res 158 (William Friend).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 New York Onondaga Co Syracuse ED 50 sheet 4B res 55-72 (Fred C Friend).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Michigan Genesee Co Argentine ED 1 sheet 2B res 48-49 (William Friend).
..... (bcem) The Byron Cemetery is located in Burns Township, Shiawassee County, MI. at http://www.usgwarchives.net/mi/tsphoto/shiawassee/byron.htm
..... (gcm) Genesee County Marriage Index to 1934 at
..... (oemf) Obit for Elma M. Friend at Fenton Historical Society, Fenton Independent Deaths 1938-1943 at http://fentonhistsoc.tripod.com/id55.html
.... Della FRIEND or Della M. FRIEND or Della Mary FRIEND (tlc), dau of William and Mary S. Friend,
born ca 1871 (c1880) or Dec 1870 MI (c1900), died or 1901 (tlc) or 8 Nov 1903 Groveland (md2) or Pontiac (tlc), Oakland Co., MI (md2), married 11 Aug 1892 Pontiac, Oakland Co., MI (mm2)
.... Arthur TERRY or Arthur D. TERRY (c1900) or Arthur Davis TERRY (tlc), born June 1862 MI (c1900) .
... Children 3 to 1900, 2 alive (c1900):
....i. Carroll TERRY or Carroll A Terry (c1900) or Mc Carroll A Terry (ww1), born 27 (ww1) Feb 1893 M (c1900), apparently the one who died Dec 1980, address Florida (ssdi), married
.......... Ethyl BERGO, dau of Howard Bergo (c1900) and Carolyn LAWRENCE or Caroline LAWRENCE (igi), born Dec 1890 (c1900). They had at least 2 daughters and
............... David TERRY or apparently David M. TERRY, born 22 April 1914, died 11 April 1996 Pontiac, Oakland Co., MI (di)
....ii. Carrie TERRY (c1910) or Carrie C TERRY, born Jan 1895 MI (c1900), living with the Frank Arnold family in 1910 (c1910), perhaps the Caroline Terry, age 35, single an insurance clerk living with the Steven Cuthbertson family in Detroit MI (c1930) and the Carolynn Terry or Carolynn C. Terry born 11 Jan 1895, died 27 July 1975 Highland Park, Wayne Co., MI (di).
.. References:
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Burns ED 348 sheet 1A page 321 res 10-10 (William Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Oakland Co Pontiac Ward 2 ED 98 sheet 18A page 155 res 377-413 (Ethel with Howard Bergo indexed Ancestry as Bugo).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Burns ED 81 sheet 3B res 87-88 (Arthur D Terry).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Michigan Oakland Co Avon ED 117 sheet 7B res 169-171 (Carrie Terry with Frank Arnold).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Michigan Oakland Co Pontiac Ward 2 ED 139 sheet 13A page 55 res 253-269 (Mc Carroll Terry with Howard V Bergo).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Michigan Oakland Co Pontiac Ward 2 ED 180? sheet 17A page 7 res 284-336 (Carl Terry with Howard Bergo).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Michigan Wayne Co Detroit ED 541 sheet 103A page 286 res 261-35 (Error! Bookmark not defined. with Error! Bookmark not defined.).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Michigan Oakland Co Pontiac ED 68 sheet 6A page 183 res 68-113 (Mc Carroll A Terry indexed Ancestry as Carroll A Mc Terry).
..... (tlc) GenForum query under Friend family "Della Mary Friend b.abt.1870, Byron, MI" by Terry L. Cullen 1999.
*********** Family of Edwin C. Friend and Caroline Jewell ***********
.... Edwin FRIEND or Edwin C. FRIEND (af,fg) or Edward FRIEND, son of William Friend and Joanna Levie, parents born England (c1880,1910), born ca 1843 NY (c1860,c1870) or 9 July 1841 (ecf,af) or 9 (fg) July 1845 (c1900,fg), died 8 July 1918 (ecf,fg), interred Wapello Cemetery, Wapello Louisa Co., IA (fg), married 1 Oct 1865 Sabina (ecf) Ionia Co., MI (mii)
.......... Caroline JEWELL, dau of William Jewell and Sarah (c1850), born 14 (ecf) April 1846 VT (ecf,c1900), apparently the one who died 20 Nov 1929 Alameda Co., CA (di). They divorced 8 Oct 1895 (ecf) and he married later 7 Feb 1900 Muscatine IA (ecf)
..... Catherine HERRICK or Catherine J. HERRICK (cem), born 6 (fg) Feb 1846 OH (c1900) or on ship (1910)), died 12 Jun 1925, interred by Edwin (cem). She married first
.... ALEXANDER and had 7 children 5 alive in 1900, 1 with family.
... Children with Caroline:
..*.i. Sarah FRIEND or Sarah E. FRIEND or Sarah Erminia FRIEND (ecf), born ca 1867 (c1870) or 20 March 1867 (ecf) Delaware Co IA (c1885), died 13 Oct 1910 MT, married
.......... Henry MAST.
....ii. George Chester FRIEND, 31 May 1872, died 18 Sept 1873 (ecf).
..*.iii. Asa FRIEND (c1880) or Asa E. FRIEND or Asa Edwin FRIEND (ecf), born ca 1875 (c1880) or 24 Nov 1874 (ecf) Delaware Co IA (c1885), married
.......... Sarah Louisa SULLIVAN.
..*.iv. William FRIEND (c1880) or Willis A. FRIEND (c1885), born 18 (ecf) Feb 1878 (c1900) Delaware Co IA (c1885), married ca 1908
.......... Ruth May NICKERSON and
.......... Cora DICKERSON SPARKS.
..Notes: Edwin Enlisted 13 Dec 1861 at Marshall MI 15th Regiment, Michigan Infantry CO I reportedly deserted on 6 Nov 1864 at Louisville, KY (Ancestry) or from hospital in Memphis TN 1865 where he had been since Sept 1863 (ecf). Caroline got 160 acres of land in Montana in 1914 next to son Asa (gvca).
.. References:
..... (c1850) Federal census 1850 New York Monroe Co Parma page 49 res 63-64 (Caroline with Wm D Jewell).
..... (c1860) Federal census 1860 Michigan Ionia Co Sebewa sheet 39 res 339-308 (Caroline with W D Jewell).
..... (c1870) Federal census 1870 Iowa Delaware Co Milo sheet 14 page 160 res 103-104 (Edwin C Friend).
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Iowa Delaware Co Milo ED 159 sheet 4 page 473D res 39-40 (Edwin Frend).
..... (c1885) State census 1885 Iowa Delaware Co Manchester page 200 line 14 res 70-72 (Edwin C Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Delaware Co Delaware ED sheet 9A page 59 res 197-224 (Will A with Caroline J Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Louisa Co Wapello ED sheet 5A page 124 res 91-95 (Edwin Friend).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Montana Fergus Co Lavina School District ED 123 sheet 4A page 189 res 36-36? (Caroline J Friend).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Iowa Louisa Co Wapello ED 101 sheet 10B res 253-257 (Edwin C Friend).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 California Sacramento Co Riverside ED 135 sheet 25A page 222 res 221-224 (Will A Friend).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 California Sacramento Co Sacramento Assembly District 14 ED 110 sheet 2A-B page 36 res 36-38 (Caroline J Friend with William).
..... (ecf) "Edwin C. Friend of Michigan" by Imogene (Mast) Jackson in The Friend Family Vital Statistics vol. 6.
..... (eh) Edwin C FRIEND by Eric Hodson at http://www.hodsonfamily.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=2
..... (gvca) Golden Valley County Archives at http://files.usgwarchives.org/mt/goldenvalley/land/f.txt
..... (mii) Ionia County, Michigan Dibean Marriage Index at http://files.usgwarchives.net/mi/ionia/vitals/marriages/friendjewell.txt
*********** Family of Henry Mast and Sarah Friend ***********
.... Sarah FRIEND or Sarah E. FRIEND or Sarah Ermina FRIEND (osm) or S. Eirnia FRIEND (ohc), dau of Edwin C. Friend and Caroline Jewell , born ca 1867 (c1870) or 20 March 1867 (ohc) Delaware Co IA (c1885), died 13 Oct 1910 Lavina, Golden Valley County, MT(ohc), interred Oak Hill Cemetery, Delaware Co., IA (ohc), married 5 Dec 1890 Manchester, Delaware Co., IA (hem)
.... Henry MAST or Henry Elisha MAST, son of George Washington Mast and Emily Ann BURDICK (hem), born 20 Sept 1866 Poplar Grove Boone Co., IL (hem), 16 Feb 1945 Winthrop interred Oak Hill Cemetery, Delaware Co., IA (ohc).
....i. Washington MAST, or Washington Asa MAST (rt,ohc), born 8 June 1892 (ohc,igi) Manchester, Delaware Co., IA (rt), died 27 Dec 1972 (ohc,di) Spokane, Spokane Co., WA (di), interred Oak Hill Cemetery, Delaware Co., IA (ohc), married 25 Jan 1919 Southampton, Hampshire, England (igi.
.......... Ida Mary CLIFFORD (igi), born 10 June 1891 (ssdi), died 25 July 1975 (igi) or 30 July 1974 Spokane City Spokane Co., WA (di)
....ii. Elpha Caroline MAST(oecm), born Jan 14, 1894 (oecm), died 9 Nov 1910 MT (di) of typhoid (oecm)
....iii. Byron MAST or Byron William MAST (obwm), born 29 Sep 1896 (obwm), died 17 Oct 1910 MT (di)
....iv. Clarence H MAST, born 15 Dec 1905, died 14 Jan 1906, interred Oak Hill Cemetery, Delaware Co., IA (ohc).
....v. Myrtle MAST or Myrtle Elsie MAST, born 1 Mar 1899 (imn), died 16 Dec 1941 Todd Co., MN (di), married ca 1918
.......... Bjorn JOSSANG, born 19 May 1884 (ww1) Norway, to USA 1903 (c1930) or 1904 (c1920), naturalized 1912 (c1920) or first papers filed South Dakota 5 Nov 1904 (sdn1) and 2nd papers 8 July 1913 (sdn2), homestead papers 17 July 1917 and also in same section 27 March 1937 in Musselshell Co., MT (mlr).
....vi. Imogene MAST, born 26 Sept 1901, died 4 Jan 1994 address Sheridan, Sheridan Co., WY (ssdi), married ca 1923
.......... Gilbert JACKSON, born ca 1885 Canada (c1930) or 15 Jan 1885, died Nov 1976. address Sheridan, Sheridan Co., WY (ssdi), and had at least 5 children including
............... Henry JACKSON, born 15 Jan 1924 Roundup, MT, died 5 March 2008 Sheridan, WY (obith).
....vii. Sylvia MAST or Sylvia Annabel Mast (osam), born 1 Jul 1904, died 8 Oct 1910 MT (osam).
....viii. Harris MAST, born ca 1908 IA (c1910).
..Note: Henry Mast got 160 acres of land in Montana next to that of Asa and Caroline Friend in 1915 (gvca). See references such as eh and rh for further details on this family.
.. References:
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Iowa Delaware Co Milo ED 159 sheet 4 page 473D res 39-40 (Edwin Frend).
..... (c1885) State census 1885 Iowa Delaware Co Manchester page 200 line 14 res 70-72 (Edwin C Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Delaware Co Delhi ED 79 sheet 8A page 87 res 163-163 (Henry E Mast).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Montana Fergus Co Lavina School District ED 123 sheet 4A page 189 res 35-35? (Henry Mast).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Montana Musselshell Co School District 82 ED 72 sheet 6B res 125-125 (Bjorn T Jossang).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Montana Musselshell Co School District 82 ED 72 sheet 5A page 152 res 99-99 (Henry E Mast).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Montana Musselshell Co Roundup ED 28 sheet 23B res 518-538 (Gilbert M Jackson).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Minnesota Stevens Co Synnes ED 21 sheet 1A page 110 res 5 (Henry Mast with Bjorn Jossang).
..... (eh) Henry Elisha MAST by Eric Hodson at http://www.hodsonfamily.com/e107_files/public/f434.html
..... (gvca) Golden Valley County Archives at http://files.usgwarchives.org/mt/goldenvalley/land/m.txt
..... (imn) Index of /~hackstock/surname/m/mast at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hackstock/surname/m/mast/
..... (hem) at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hackstock/html/dat459.htm#0
..... (mlr) Musselshell Co. Mt Land Records at http://files.usgwarchives.org/mt/musselshell/land/ij.txt
..... (obitj) Obituary Daily Times. Database JACKSON, Henry "Shorty"; 84; Roundup MT to Sheridan WY; Casper Star T; 2008-3-13; crob.
..... (obwm) Obit in The Roundup Record - Lavina, Montana, Vol. 1, No. 18 October 21, 1910 at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hackstock/images/obits/byron_w_mast.htm
..... (oecm) The Record Oct. 21, 1910 at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hackstock/images/obits/sylvia_mast_roundup.htm
..... (ohc) Oak Hill Cemetery, Delaware Co., IA at http://files.usgwarchives.org/ia/delaware/cemeteries/oakhill.txt
..... (osam) obit at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hackstock/images/obits/sylvia_mast_sad.htm
..... (osm) October 14, 1910 Publication Transcribed by Patricia Storgaard at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hackstock/images/obits/sarah_friend_passes.htm
..... (rt) World Connect Family Tree "Genealogy as History - Every Life has a Story" by Rebekah Teubner in 2011 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=cuatroake&id=I071547
..... (sdn1) South Dakota Naturalization Records Index
..... (sdn2) South Dakota Naturalization Records Index
*********** Family of Asa Friend and Sarah ***********
.... Asa FRIEND (c1880) or Aca E. FRIEND (c1885) or Asa Edwin FRIEND (ww1), son of Edwin C. Friend and Caroline Jewell , born ca 1875 (c1880) or 27 Nov 1874 (ww1) Delaware Co IA (c1885), married 15 May 1897 in Manchester, Delaware County, IA (eh)
.... Sarah SULLIVAN or Sarah Louisa SULLIVAN or Sadie SULLIVAN (eh), dau of James B. Sullivan and Leora M. DAVIS (rt), born 8 June 1877 IA, died 11 Nov 1939 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (rt).
....i. Caroline FRIEND born Oct 1898 in Coffin's Grove Twp., Delaware Co., IA (rt).
....ii. Ralph FRIEND or Ralph L. FRIEND, born ca 1905 in Coffin's Grove Twp., Delaware Co., IA(rt).
....iii. Gladys FRIEND or Gladys Fern FRIEND, born 12 Feb 1907 in Millville Twp., Clayton Co., IA (rt).
....iv. Albert FRIEND or Albert James FRIEND, born 15 June 1908 in IA (rt).
....v. Donald FRIEND or Donald Jewel FRIEND, born 3 July 1913 in Lavina, Musselshell Co., MT (rt).
....vi. Florence FRIEND, born ca 1915 in Lavina, Musselshell Co., MT (rt).
....vii. Hazel FRIEND or Hazel Virginia FRIEND, born 19 July 1919 in Lavina, Musselshell Co., MT(rt).
..Notes: Asa got 160 acres of land in 1913 in apparently in Golden Valley Co., MT (gvca). See references such as eh and rh for further details on this family.
.. References:
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Iowa Delaware Co Milo ED 159 sheet 4 page 473D res 39-40 (Edwin Frend).
..... (c1885) State census 1885 Iowa Delaware Co Manchester page 200 line 14 res 70-72 (Asa with Edwin C Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Delaware Co Coffins Grove ED 75? sheet 1B res 14-14 (Asa E Friend).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Montana Fergus Co Lavina School District ED 123 sheet 3A page 183? res 26-26 (A E Friend).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Montana Musselshell Co School District 82 ED 72 sheet 5A page 152 res 98-98 (Asa E Friend).
..... (ecf) "Edwin C. Friend of Michigan" by Imogene (Mast) Jackson in The Friend Family Vital Statistics vol. 6.
..... (eh) Asa Edwin FRIEND by Eric Hudson at http://www.hodsonfamily.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=2
..... (gvca) Golden Valley County Archives at http://files.usgwarchives.org/mt/goldenvalley/land/f.txt
..... (rt) World Connect Family Tree "Genealogy as History - Every Life has a Story" by Rebekah Teubner in 2011 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=cuatroake&id=I067412
*********** Family of William Friend and Ruth Nickerson ***********
.... William FRIEND (c1880) or Willis A. FRIEND (c1885) or William Anson FRIEND (ww1) or Will FRIEND (di), son of Edwin C. Friend and Caroline Jewell , born 18 (ww1) Feb 1878 (c1900) Delaware Co IA (c1885), died 16 Dec 1948 Santa Clara Co., CA (di), married ca 1908 (c1910)
.... Ruth May NICKERSON. Born 30 March 1884, died 20 July 1979 Santa Clara Co., CA (di) address San Jose (ssdi). Separated between 1920 and 1930 and Will married
.... Cora DICKERSON SPARKS, dau of George DICKERSON and Martha E 1900 census), born 27 Feb 1890 ID (di), died 24 Aug 1967 nSanta Clara Co., CA (di), married first ca 1911
.......... Montie Louis SPARKS, born 28 Nov 1876 MO, died 1 April 1953 Alameda Co., CA (di) and had at least
............... Verna SPARKS, born 31 May 1911 Santa Clara Co., CA (bi) and
............... .Montie SPARKS Jr. born 6 Aug 1912 Stanislaus Co., CA (bi), died 27 July 1990 Santa Clara Co., CA (di).
...Children of Will and Ruth:
....i. Kenneth FRIEND or Kenneth D. FRIEND or Kenneth Deend FRIEND (ecf) or Kenneth N. FRIEND (mi) or Kenneth Nickerson FRIEND (di), born 11 Jan 1912 Sacramento Co., CA (bi), died 5 Jan 1979 Los Angeles Co., CA (di) address San Pedro (ssdi), married 2 Oct 1965 Los Angeles Co., (mi).
.......... Olga HAMPTON or Olga C HAMPTON, born 23 May 1915, died 13 June 1970 Los Angeles Co., CA (di)
....ii. Lowell FRIEND or Lowell W. FRIEND (bi) or Lowell A. FRIEND (ssdi,mi) or Lowell Anderson FRIEND (olf), born 17 Sep 1915 Alameda Co., CA (bi), died 9 Nov 1999 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., OR (ssdi), married 1 Apr 1961 Santa Barbara Co., CA (mi)
.......... Pearl HOWES or Pearl H ATKINSON, born ca 1918 (mi).
.. Note: Will was a newspaper printer (c1910) and in the Journalism Department, Stanford University (ecf).
.. References:
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Iowa Delaware Co Milo ED 159 sheet 4 page 473D res 39-40 (Edwin Frend).
..... (c1885) State census 1885 Iowa Delaware Co Manchester page 200 line 14 res 70-72 (Edwin C Friend).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Delaware Co Delaware ED sheet 9A page 59 res 197-224 (Will A with Caroline J Friend).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 California Sacramento Co Riverside ED 135 sheet 25A page 222 res 221-224 (Will A Friend).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 California Sacramento Co Sacramento Assembly District 14 ED 110 sheet 2A-B page 36 res 36-38 (William A Friend indexed Ancestry as Frunas).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 California Sutter Co Yuba ED 183 sheet 12A page 231 res 336-381 (Montie Sparks indexed Ancestry as Sparha).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 California San Francisco Co San Francisco ED 345 sheet 19B res 282-488 (children with Ruth M Friend).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 California Santa Clara Co Palo Alto ED 18 sheet 14B res 404-410 (Cora and Sparks children with Will Anson Friend).
..... (ecf) "Edwin C. Friend of Michigan" by Imogene (Mast) Jackson in The Friend Family Vital Statistics vol. 6.
..... (olf) Obit for Friend, Lowell Anderson 18 Nov 1999 in San Jose Mercury News.
*********** Henry and James Hill Families ***********
.... Mary FRIEND or Mary A. FRIEND (cem), dau of William Friend and Johanna, born ca 1845 NY (c1860) or Jan 1842 NY (c1900) or 1843, died 1932, interred Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (grcem), married ca 1861 (c1900)
.... Henry HILL (obitj), son of David Hill (c1850)and Calista TROMBLY (igi), born April 1832 MI (c1900), apparently died 1906, interred by wife (cem - as Harry?).
...Children 6, 4 alive 1900:
....i. Carrie HILL or Carrie P. HILL, born 1864 MI (c1880), died 1894 (cem) interred by parents (cem).
....ii. Cora HILL or Cora E. HILL (c1880) or Cora Ettie HILL (mi), born 1866 MI (c1880), married 13 Oct 1885 Owosso, Shiawassee, MI (mi)
.......... Lawrence GULD (mi) or Lawrence GOULD or Lawrence P. GOULD or Lawrence Peck GOULD, son of Amos Gould (di) and Louisa PECK (igi) born ca 1863 MI (mi) or 1 May 1861 Owosso, Shiawassee Co., MI (igi) or 14 July 1862 (calc), apparently the attorney who died 16 July 1897, age 35y 2d in Mexico (di Michigan) and had at least.
............... Frances L GOULD, born 3 Dec 1896 Owosso, Shiawassee Co., MI (bi) and
............... Louisa A. GOULD, born 3 Dec 1897 Owosso, Shiawassee Co., MI (bi).
....iii. Jasper HILL or Jasper O. HILL (cem) or Jasper Osborn HILL (igi), born 1871 MI (c1880) or 4 (igi) March 1871 MI (c1900), died 25 Sept (igi) 1962, interred near parents (cem), married 1898
.......... Emogene STEVENS or Emmogean STEVENS (igi).
....iv. William HILL or William F. HILL, born 1876 MI (c1880) or 8 April 1876 (bi,ww1) Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (bi), married 14 June 1922 Bancroft, Shiawassee Co, MI (mi)
.......... Marguerite SCHOEN, apparently Mrs., dau of Chas. E. GODFREY and Addie E. FOX (mi), born ca 1892 MI (mi).
....v. Tryphena HILL or Tryphenia HILL, born 21 Nov 1878 Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (bi), died 1929, interred Roselawn Cemetery, Perry, Shiawassee Co., MI (fg), married 30 Jan 1896 Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., MI (mi)
.......... Charles JEWELL Jr. or Charles W. JEWELL or Chas.W. JEWELL Jr., son of Charles Jewell and Hannah OLWEN (mi Jr.), born Sept 1867 (c1900) or 1866, died 18 July 1951, interred by wife (fg).
.. References:
..... (c1850) Federal census 1850 Michigan Lapeer Co Dryden res 450-454 (Henry with David Hill).
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 346 sheet 7C page 297 res 68-68 (Henry Hill).
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Michigan Oakland Co Commerce ED 251 sheet 17A page 79 res 142-142 (Charles Jewell).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 79 sheet 9B res 215-217 (Henry Hill).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 79 sheet 9B res 218-220 (Charles Jewell).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 80 sheet 4A page 191 res 93-93 (Mary with William Hill).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Michigan Oakland Co Waterford ED 207 sheet 4A page 223 res 83-85 (Charles W Jewell).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 1 sheet 3B res 60-63 (Charles Jewell).
..... (grem) Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI at http://www.mi-roots.org/index.php/counties/shiawassee-county/265-cemetery-records-shiawassee-county/350-glass-river-cemetery-shiawassee-county
..... (obite) Obit for Elizabeth Skinner. Probably the Lebanon Express (from photocopy, see fg).
.... Jasper HILL or Jasper O. HILL (cem) or Jasper Osborn HILL (igi), son of Henry Hill and Mary Friend, born 1871 MI (c1880) or 4 (igi) March 1871 MI (c1900), died 25 Sept (igi) 1962, interred near parents (cem), a carpenter (c1930), married 25 Dec 1898 (igi)
.... Anna J. (c1900) or Emogene STEVENS or Emmogean STEVENS (igi), Emmogean (cem), dau of Henry Stevens and Sarah (bi), born Nov 1880 MI (c1900) or 29 Dec 1881 St. Charles, Saginaw Co., MI (bi), died 1956), interred by husband (cem).
. ...Children: 5 5 alive to 1910:
....i. Leonie HILL (c1910) or Lena HILL, born Nov 1899 MI (c1900).
....ii. Mothania HILL, born ca 1902 MI (c1910) or 4 June 1902 Antrim Shiawassee Co., MI, died 6 April 1996, Shiawassee Co., MI, residence Perry (di), interred Glass River Cemetery (obitmo), married 4 June 1922 Lansing (obitma)
.......... Martin HEATH or Martin C. HEATH or Martin Charles HEATH, son of Charles Heath and Abigail ALLEN (sb), born 18 Aug 1887, died 31 Aug 1972 Corunna, Shiawassee Co., MI residence Perry (di), interred by wife, Michigan Pvt 35 Engineers WWI (cem).. They had 3 sons and a daughter including
............... Melvin HEATH, born 21 Jan 1924, died 15 Aug 1992 Lansing, Ingham Co., MI residence Perry, Shiawassee Co., interred Roselawn Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem), married 21July 1945, Perry Shiawassee Co., MI (obotme)
.................... Ruth DARLING, dau of George Darling and Fern DAVIS (sb), born 8 Aug 1925, died 9 March 1995 Owosso, Shiawassee Co., MI residence Perry (di), interred by husband (cem), family included
......................... Michael HEATH, born 1951, died 1967, interred by parents (cem).
....iii. Velmah HILL (c1910) or Velma HILL (c1920), born ca 1904 MI (c1910) or 10 Jan 1904, died 21 July 2002 address Owosso, Shiawassee, MI (ssdi), married
.......... Wilbur REED, born 28 Aug 1906, died 26 Feb 1998 Owosso, Shiawassee, MI (ssdi).
....iv. Inez HILL, born ca 1906 MI (c1910) or 2 March 1906, died 22 Aug 2000 address Morrice, Shiawassee Co., MI (ssdi), interred Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (cem), married ca 1926 (c1930)
.......... Howard PROUDFOOT, born 10 Apr 1902 (di) OH (c1930), died 18 June 1972 Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (di), interred by wife (cem).
....v. Henry HILL, born ca 1909 MI (c1930) or 14 Sep 1908, died Oct 1982 address Mesick, Wexford Co., MI (ssdi), married ca 1928
.......... Orpha, born ca 1910 MI (c1930) or 2 Oct 1910, died Oct 1978 address as husband (ssdi), had at least a son (c1930),
....vi. Answorth HILL, born ca 1914 MI (c1930) apparently 16 Jan 1914 (ssdi), died 25 Jan 1976 Owosso, Shiawassee Co. MI, address Morrice (di), interred near parents, CPL Army Air Forces - WWII (cem)
....vii. Royal HILL or Royal J. HILL, born ca 1919 MI (c1920), apparently died 1921, interred near parents (cem).
....viii. daughter, born ca 1923 MI (c1930),
....ix. daughter, born ca 1927 MI (c1930).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 79 sheet 9B res 216-218 (Jasper Hill).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 80 sheet 5A page 192 res 98-98 (J Hill).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 225 sheet7B-8A page 277-278 res 178-178 (Jasper O Hill).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Shiawassee Co Perry ED 23 sheet 5A page 241 res 137-127 (Martin C Heath).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Shiawassee Co Morrice ED 22 sheet 4B res 123-123 (Jasper Hill).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 1 sheet 6B res 147-151 (Howard Proudfoot).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Shiawassee Co Owosso ED 12 sheet 12B (Wilbur A Reed).
..... (grem) Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI at http://www.mi-roots.org/index.php/counties/shiawassee-county/265-cemetery-records-shiawassee-county/350-glass-river-cemetery-shiawassee-county
..... (obitma) at (fg) Obit for Martin Heath at The Argus Press, Owosso, Michigan, published Aug 31, 1972.
..... (obitme) Obit for Melvin R. Heath at Ancestry: http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/localities.northam.usa.states.michigan.counties.shiawassee/395.1.2.1/mb.ashx
..... (obitmo) Obit for Mothenia Heath at Ancestry: http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/localities.northam.usa.states.michigan.counties.shiawassee/395.1.2.1/mb.ashx
..... (sb) World Connect Family Tree "My Tree" by Sherry Bowman in 2008 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:2562883&id=I565046184
.... Ida FRIEND, dau of William Friend and Johanna, born ca 1850 NY (c1860) or ca 1849 (c1880) or Feb 1850 (c1900) Canada (c1880), died 1940 (cem), interred Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (grcem), married 1868 Shiawassee Co., MI
.... James HILL or James L. HILL (mi), son of David Hill (c1850)and Calista TROMBLY (igi), born March 1844 MI (c1900) or 1843 (cem) Dryden, Lapeer, MI (igi), died 1915 (cem), interred Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI (grcem). Ida and James apparently separated before 1900 and at some time divorced (c1910).
...Children 5, 1 alive 1900:
....i. Ulysses HILL or Ulysses J. HILL (cem) or Ulisses J. HILL, born ca 1871 MI (c1880) or Dec 1870 (c1900), interred perhaps by Ida (incomplete date on records grcem), married 20 Nov 1907 Hartland, Livingston Co., MI (mi)
.......... Julia CAMPBELL, Chester Campbell and Edna ARMSTRONG, born 1 June 1885 Brady Township, Kalamazoo Co., MI (mi), apparently died between 1920 and 1930. They had at least
............... Fred C. HILL, died 1907, interred by Ida (grcem). Ulysses apparently married after 1930
.......... Mildred J. born 1878, died 1938, interred by Ida (grcem). Ulysses filed on 3 tracts of land in Bottineau Co., ND Feb 1904 (lc), presumably where they were in 1900.
....ii. Mildred HILL, born ca 1874 MI (c1880) or born 24 July 1873, died 21 Oct 1898, interred by father (grcem).
....iii. Emma HILL, born ca 1877 MI (c1880) or born 22 Aug 1876, died 8 Oct 1898, interred by father (grcem).
....iv. Ruey HILL, born 12 July 1883, died 9 Sept 1887, interred by James Hill (grcem).
....v. Ida HILL, born 3 July 1887, Antrim, Shiawassee Co., MI (bi), apparently dued before 1900 (c1900).
.. References:
..... (c1850) Federal census 1850 Michigan Lapeer Co Dryden res 450-454 (James with David Hill).
..... (c1870) Federal census 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim sheet 7 page 210 res 60-56 (James Hill).
..... (c1880) Federal census 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 346 sheet 16D page 301 res 154-154 (James L Hill).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 79 sheet 6B res 136-138 (James Hill).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 North Dakota Bottineau Co Township 161 ED 235 sheet 6A page 93 res 127-127 and 128-128 (Uleysi and Ida Hill).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 80 sheet 3B res 136-138 (Ida Hill with Jacob Howard).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Shiawassee Co Antrim ED 80 sheet 7A page 194 res 130-131 (Ulysis Hill).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Michigan Shiawassee Co Perry ED 248 sheet 3B res 106-109 and 107-110 (Ida and Ulysses J Hill).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Michigan Shiawassee Co Morrice ED 22 sheet 3B res 91-91 (Ida and Ullyses J Hill).
..... (grem) Glass River Cemetery, Shiawassee Co., MI at http://www.mi-roots.org/index.php/counties/shiawassee-county/265-cemetery-records-shiawassee-county/350-glass-river-cemetery-shiawassee-county
..... (lc) Bottineau county, ND, BLM Records - "H" Surnames at http://files.usgwarchives.org/nd/bottineau/land/bott-h.txt
*********** Olmstead Families ***********
.... Ella FRIEND or Ella E. FRIEND (mi) or Hellen FRIEND (c1860) or Ellen FRIEND (c1870) or Ella Eudora FRIEND (spcem), dau of William Friend and Johanna,born ca 1853 NY (c1860) or ca 1852 MI (c1870) or 14 Oct 1851 Macomb Co., MI (spcem), died 11 July 1920 Salem Marion Co., OR (obit), interred IOOF or Salem Pioneer Cemetery (spcem,fg), married 1870 Shiawassee Co., MI (mi) or 29 JAN 1871 Antrim (igi)
.... Homer OLMSTEAD (mi), son of Oscar Olmstead (c1870) and Malissa. STERNBURGH (igi), born 2 Apr 1850 MI (spcem), died 23 April 1925 Oregon City Hospital , Clackamas Co., OR (spcem), interred by wife in Salen (spcem,fg), reportedly living in Granger WA with wife (spcem)
.... Ann ELLIOT or Ann E. ELLIOT (dc), dau of H. Elliott and Margaret BARDEN, born ca 1854, died 28 May 1938 Granger, Yakima, WA, 84y 11m 2d (dc),
...Children 8, 8 alive 1900, 6 in 1910 , :
....i. Araz OLMSTEAD or Araz L. OLMSTEAD, born 3 May 1873 (ww1) IA (c1910), died 25 Dec 1949 Spokane, WA (di), interred Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane Co. WA (fcem), married ca 1896 (c1900)
.......... Dora J.
....ii. Johanna OLMSTEAD (spcem), born 5 June 1874 (spcem,igi) Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., (igi) MI (spcem), died 6 June 1916 Salem, Marion Co., OR (spcem,fg), apparently married before 1909
.......... BECK and
.......... Joseph LENTZ, perhaps the Joseph W. Lentz, born 1877, died 1943, interred Saint Lukes Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion Co., OR (fg).
....iii. Libbie M OLMSTEAD, born 3 (igi) Sept 1877 (c1900), married.
.......... William MERRILL.
....iv. Frank OLMSTEAD, born 17 (ww1) Sept 1883 (c1900,ww1)married
.......... Etta M. JUVENAL.
....v. Homer C OLMSTEAD, born 9 (ww2) March 1886 (c1900) Decatur MI (ww2), died 4 Jan 1966 Napa Co., CA (di), married
.......... Annie VIPOND.
....vi. Clyde A OLMSTEAD (c1900), born 15 (ww1) April 1888 (c1900,ww1).Decatur, Cass Co., MI (ww1), died 27 June 1952 Humboldt Co., CA (di), married.
.......... Emmaline A. SPURLING.
....vii. Vera OLMSTEAD or Vera E OLMSTEAD, born 22 (igi,ssdi) Nov 1895 (c1900), died as Vera E. Halstead 19 July 1966 (ovh) Seattl;e, King Co., WA (wsda), may have married before 1920 and used the given name Zela
.......... SMITH and lived in Clatskani, Columbia Co., OR (obiteo). May have married 30 Dec 1921 Yakima Co., WA (wsda)
.......... Gordon W. HAMILTON and married 7 June 1940 Skamania Co., WA (wsda)
.......... Joel E. HALSTEAD, son of Joel Halstead and Emma EVANS (ceme), born 27 Apr 1893 Echo, Umatilla Co., OR (ww1), died 7 May 1955 Clackamas Co., OR (di).
.. References:
..... (c1870) Federal census 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee sheet 12 page 424 res 102-106 (Homer with Oscar Olmstead).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Van Buren Co Covert ED 138 sheet 1A page 116 res 7-7 (Homer E Olmstead).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Berrien Co Benton Harbor Ward 3 ED 64 sheet 2A page 137 res 32-32 (Joseph Lentz).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Oregon Marion Co Salem Ward 5 ED 225 sheet 7B res 159-159 (Homer E Olmstead).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Oregon Umatilla Co Echo, ED 167 sheet 1A (Joel Holstead).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Oregon Marion Co Salem Ward 6 ED 349 sheet 1B res 18-18 (Homer E Olmstead).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Oregon Clackamas Co Oregon ED 71 sheet 1B (Joel E Holstead).
..... (ceme) Cemeteries: ECHO Cemetery, Umatilla County, Oregon at http://files.usgwarchives.org/or/umatilla/cemeteries/echo-a-j.txt
..... (obiteo) Obit for Ella E. Olmstead in Oregon Statesman 13 Jul 1920 as given at spcem.
..... (obitho) Obit for Homer E. Olmstead in Oregon Statesman 26 April 1925 as given at spcem.
..... (ovh) Funeral notice for Vera E. Halstead Oregonian 21 July 1966.
..... (spcem) Salem Pioneer Cemetery at http://www.salempioneercemetery.org/
*********** Family of Araz and Dora Olmstead ***********
.... Arza OLMSTEAD or Arza L. OLMSTEAD (wwi), son of Homer Olmstead (dc) and Ellen Friend or Fibby FRANKS (wsda Arza), born 3 May 1873 (ww1) IA (c1910), died 25 Dec 1949 Spokane, WA (dc), interred Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane Co. WA (fcem), married ca 1896 (c1900)
..... Dora J., born Aug 1875 Canada (c1900) or Bulga (c1910) or Bohemia (c1920) or Czechoslovakia (c1930), died 23 June 1954 Cowlitz Co., WA (di), interred by husband.
....i. Gertie OLMSTEAD or Gertie M. OLMSTEAD (c1920) or Gertrude M. OLMSTEAD, born ca 1902 IA (c1910), probably the one born 21 Nov 1901, died 21 May 1978 (ssdi) Harris Co., TX (di) address Seabrook (ssdi), apparently married 8 May 1922 Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai Co., ID (mi)
.......... Floyd AVEY or Floyd G. AVEY or Floyd Gaylord AVEY (fg), son of John Avey (c1920) and Myrtle WHITEMARSH (ca,di), born 23 May 1901 WA (di) or 1903 (fg), died 4 March 1958 Santa Clara Co., CA (di), interred Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane Co., WA (fg) and had
............... Floyd G. AVEY Jr., born 3 Sept 1922, died 18 March 1990 (ssdi) Harris Co., TX (di), living with Arza and wife in 1930 (c1930). Floyd Sr. married later .
.......... Alvina WEISSER (ca) and had at least a daughter and
............... Larry AVEY or Larry G. AVEY (c1930) or Larry Gaylord AVEY (gl), born 25 April 1927, died 13 June 1996, address Spokane, Spokane Co., WA (ssdi), interred Dartford Cemetery, Dartford, Spokane Co., WA (fg).
....ii. Leo A. OLMSTEAD (c1920) or Leo OLMSTEAD, born ca 1905 (1910) or 29 June 1904 (ssdi) MN (c1910), died Dec 1979 Cowlitz Co., WA address Longview (ssdi), in Cowlitz Co. cemetery index, may have married
.......... Hilda, born 30 Dec 1909, died May 1973 Cowlitz Co., WA address Longview (ssdi) same page of cemetery index.
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 North Dakota Grand Forks Co Larimore ED 72 sheet 6B res 107-115 (Aza L Olmstead with George Gray).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Washington Spokane Co 5 wd Spokane ED 199 sheet 11B page 139 res 7-7 (Arza L Olmstead).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Washington Spokane Co 4 wd Spokane ED 224 sheet 2B (Floyd C with John S Avey).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Washington Spokane Co 4 wd Spokane ED 211 sheet 2A page 48 res 25-25 (Arza L Olmstead).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Idaho Bonner Co Sandpoint ED 11 sheet 9A (Floyd G Avey).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Washington Spokane Co 4 wd Spokane ED 3 sheet 37A page 94 res 347-348 (Arza L Olmstead).
..... (ca) World Connect Family Tree "Avey Side" by Christina Avey in 2003.
..... (fcem) Ewanida Rail Records, Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane Co. WA at http://mrail.net/data/cemete/wash/spokane/fairmount/o/fairmt_o02.htm
..... (gl) GeneaLinks Visitor Contributed Marriage Records at http://www.genealinks.com/marriages.htm
*********** Family of Joseph Lentz and Johanna Olmstead ***********
.... Johanna OLMSTEAD (spcem) or Joanna OLMSTEAD (igi), dau of Homer Olmstead and Ellen Friend, born 5 June 1874 (spcem,igi) Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., (igi) MI (spcem), died 6 June 1916 Salem, Marion Co., OR (spcem), apparently married before 1909
.... BECK (igi) and perhaps
.... SMITH (spcem), married 20 May 1909 Saint Joseph, Berrien Co, MI (igi)
.... Joseph LENTZ (spcem), born March 1876 MI (c1900). Joseph is in the 1880, 1900-1930 census in Berrien Co MI and is there for the WWI registration. In 1910, Johanna is listed as Josie (c1910).
..Note: The death certificate is for Johana Smith but lists the husband as Joseph Lenz. The obit lists her as Mrs. Lentz (spcem). It is unclear why the name Smith is on the death certificate (cms).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Berrien Co Saint Joseph ED 77 sheet 8B res 157-177 (Joseph S Lentz with Catherine Hitzelberger).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Berrien Co Benton Harbor Ward 3 ED 64 sheet 2A page 137 res 32-32 (Joseph Lentz).
..... (spcem) Salem Pioneer Cemetery at http://www.salempioneercemetery.org/
*********** Family of William Merrill and Libbie Olmstead ***********
.... Libbie OLMSTEAD or Libbie M OLMSTEAD, dau of Homer Olmstead and Ellen Friend, born 23 (fg) or 3 (igi) Sept 1877 (c1900) Bancroft, Shiawassee, Co.. MI, died 31 Oct 1909 (igi), interred Fish Cemetery, Covert, Van Buren Co., MI (cem,fg), married 23 May 1895 Covert, Van Buren Co., MI (igi)
.... William MERRILL or William H. MERRILL, son of Thomas J. Merrill and Eliza J. FAIRFIELD, born Dec 1869 Aurora, Dearborn Co., IN (ez), died 1936 (igi), interred by wife (fg). They had divorced by 1900 but reportedly remarried.
....i. Harry MERRILL or Harry L MERRILL (c1900) or Harry Leo MERRILL (ww1), born Dec 1895 (c1900) or apparently 19 Jan 1896 (ww1,ssdei) Covert, Van Buren Co., MI (ww1), died 27 Nov 1971 Vicksburg, Kalamazoo Co., MI living at Comstock (di), interred Mt. Ever-Rest Cemetery, Kalamazoo, MI (ez), married 10 (ez) or 20 Jan 1920 (bc)
.......... Irene POWERS, dau of William Powers and Lucy LISK (bc), born 19 June 1901 died 6 Aug 1998 address Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co., MI (ssdi), had children (bc,ez).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Van Buren Co Covert ED 138 sheet 5B res 107-107 (William and Harry with Thomas Merrills).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Michigan Van Buren Co Covert ED 138 sheet 1A page 116 res 7-7 (Libbie M. Olmstead with Homer E Olmstead).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Michigan Van Buren Co Covert ED 156 sheet 2A page 238 res 39-39 (Harry L with William Merrill).
..... (bc) World Connect Family Tree "David A Clark Family" by Bonnie Clark in 2003 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:2580478&id=I536
..... (ez) World Connect Family Tree "Eckert and Zimmerman Family" by Elmer in 2003 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jackeck4215&id=I0142
*********** Family of Frank Olmstead and Etta Juvenal ***********
.... Frank OLMSTEAD or Frank O OLMSTEAD (c1900) or Frank Oscar OLMSTEAD (ww1), son of Homer Olmstead and Ellen Friend, born 17 (ww1) Sept 1883 (c1900,ww1), apparently the one who died 28 May 1933 Santa Barbara Co. CA (di), married ca 1908 (c1930) probably San Diego Co., CA (c1910)
.... Etta M. JUVENAL, dau of Benjamin Juvenal and Eliza ALLEN (rd), born March 1889 KS (c1900)
....i. perhaps a male OLMSTEAD, born 17 Jan 1909 San Diego Co., CA mother's maiden name Jabinole, apparently died before 1910 (c1910).
....ii. Gordon OLMSTEAD or Gordon B. OLMSTEAD, born 14 Jan 1911 Los Angeles Co., CA (bi), died 26 Aug 1996 Ventura Co., CA (di) address Ventura (ssdi) .
....iii. Hubert OLMSTEAD or Hubert E. OLMSTEAD, born 24 June 1912 Los Angeles Co., CA (bi), died 18 Sept 1972 Sonoma Co., CA (di), interred Green Valley Cemetery Sebastopol Sonoma Co., CA (fg).
....iv. Frank OLMSTEAD or Frank J. OLMSTEAD, born 14 Sep 1915 San Diego Co., CA (bi), died 11 April 2001 address Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ (ssdi).
....v. Ella OLMSTEAD or Ella M. OLMSTEAD or Ella May OLMSTEAD (c1920), born 26 Aug 1918 San Diego Co., CA (bi), probably the Ella DEVERELL, born 26 Aug 1918 (ssdi) or 1919 (di), died 19 May 1975 Sonoma Co., CA (di) address Santa Rosa (ssdi).
....vi. probably Allen OLMSTEAD, born 25 Feb 1923 Kern Co., CA (bi), apparently the one who died 19 May 1924 Kern Co., CA (di).
....vii. perhaps a female OLMSTEAD, born 16 Sep 1931 Santa Barbara Co., CA (bi)
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900, Kansas Osborne Co Independence ED 106 sheet 1A page 172 res 7-8 (Mary E with Benjamin F Juvenal).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 California San Diego Co Fallbrook ED 133 sheet 7B res 159-156 (Benjamin F Juvenal).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 California Riverside Co Temescal ED 88 sheet 26B res 607-629 (Frank Olmstead).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 California San Diego Co Cardiff ED 229 sheet 3A page 218 res 18-18 (Frank Olmstead).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 California Santa Barbara Co La Paters ED 32 sheet 8A page 135 res 180-189 (Frank J Olmstead).
..... (rd) World Connect Family Tree "ReVeal - Davis Family Tree June 2009" by Kacy Davis in 2009 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=kacydavis&id=I014820
*********** Homer Olmstead and Annie Vipond ***********
.... Homer OLMSTEAD or Homer C. OLMSTEAD (c1900) or Homer Cleveland OLMSTEAD (ww2), son of Homer Olmstead and Ellen Friend, born 9 (ww2) March 1886 (c1900) Decatur MI (ww2), in Africa as a missionary in 1920 (obiteo), apparently the one who returned on the Leviathan to New York 1924 (Ancestry), died 4 Jan 1966 Napa Co., CA (di), interred Saint Helena Public Cemetery, Saint Helena, Napa Co., CA (fg), married ca 1908 (c1930)
.... Annie VIPOND, dau of Nicholas Vipond and Mary (c1930), born 15 June 1888 (di) CA (c1930a) or WA (c1930,di), died 21 July 1976 Napa Co., CA (di), address Deer Park (ssdi), interred near husband (fg).
...Children apparently all born South Africa (c1930):
....i. Lola OLMSTEAD (c1930) or Lola Eudora OLMSTEAD (odt), born ca 1910 (c1930) or 24 July 1910, South Africa (c1930) or Johannesburg ZAF (odt), died 3 Aug 2004, address Sandpoint, Bonner Co., ID (ssdi), married a
.......... STEWART (ssdi).
....ii. Edwin OLMSTEAD (c1930) or Edwin H. OLMSTEAD (di), born ca 1913 South Africa (c1930) or 7 July 1912, died 11 Nov 1969 Napa Co., CA (di) address Saint Helena (ssdi), interred near parents (fg), may have married
.......... Alice E. LEMBECK (di), dau Barney Lembeck and Rosa UTECHT or UTCHT (census), born 27 March 1909 MN, died 6 Feb 1990 Sonoma Co., CA (di), address Napa, Napa Co., CA (ssdi).
....iii. Cecil OLMSTEAD, born ca 1914 (c1930) or 22 Dec 1913 South Africa (fg), died 24 Sept 1999 Redlands, San Bernardino Co., CA (fg), address Loma Linda, San Bernardino Co., CA (ssdi) but lived in La Habra CA (Ancestry), interred Montecito Memorial Park, Colton, San Bernardino Co., CA (fg), apparently married
.......... Melba McCART or Melba A. McCART or Melba Adelene McCART (fg), born 1 (ssdi) or 21 April 1921 (fg), died 25 Jan 2000 address Loma Linda, San Bernardino Co., CA (ssdi).
....iv. Mary OLMSTEAD, born 1915 CA (c1900a).
....v. Laverna OLMSTEAD, born ca 1916 South Africa (c1930).
....vi. Wilford OLMSTEAD, born ca 1919 South Africa (c1930).
.. References:
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 California Fresno Co Township 3 ED 56 sheet 15B res 361-361 (Homer C Olmstead).
..... (c1930a) Federal census 1930 California Napa Co St Helena ED 20 sheet 11A page 218 res 221-231 (Homer Olmstead with Nicholas Vipond).
..... (odt) Obituary Daily Times entry STEWART, Lola Eudora (OLMSTEAD); 94; Johannesburg ZAF; Napa R (Ca); 2004-8-3; eudora .
*********** Clyde Olmstead and Emmaline Spurling ***********<
.... Clyde OLMSTEAD or Clyde A OLMSTEAD (c1900) or Clyde Arthur OLMSTEAD (ww1), son of Homer Olmstead and Ellen Friend, born 15 (ww1) April 1888 (c1900,ww1).Decatur, Cass Co., MI (ww1), died 27 June 1952 Humboldt Co., CA (di), married 24 Dec 1911 Linn Co., OR (mi Ancestry)
.... E. A. SPURLING or Emeline SPURLING (c1900) or Emmeline SPURLING or Emmaline Alice SPURLING (fr), dau of George W Spurling and Josephine McCALL (fr), born Jan 1893 OR (c1900), died as Emmaline Olmstead of Diphtheria 7 Mar 1922 Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (fr), interred Masonic Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (fr). Clyde married again ca 1927
.... Margaret I., born ca 1908 Can (c1930).
....i. Joseph C OLMSTEAD or Joseph C. OLMSTEAD (c1930) or Joseph Clyde OLMSTEAD (di), born ca 1913 OR (c1930) or 12 Feb 1913, died 10 Jun 1990 San Diego Co., CA (di).
....ii. Ellen E OLMSTEAD, born ca 1915 OR (c1920).
....iii. Clyde OLMSTEAD or Clyde A. OLMSTEAD (c1930) apparently Clyde OLMSTEAD Jr. (mi), born ca 1919 OR (c1930) or 29 Nov 1918 (vcem), died 24 Feb 1964, interred Vail Cemetery, Crawford Co., IA (fg), WWII veteran (vcem), married 1938 Walla Walla Co., WA (wsda)
.......... Jean BROCKELSBY or Jean R. BROCKELSBY, dau of William BROCKELSBY and Grace (c1930), born 2 Nov 1915, died 13 March 2001 address Largo, Pinellas Co., FL (ssdi), interred by husband (fg), had at least
............... Sharon OLMSTEAD, born 1941, died 1998 (vcem), interred by parents, married a
.................... MERTIN.
...iv. Nina R OLMSTEAD, born ca 1921 OR (c1930).
.. Note: Clyde was a motorman on a streetcar in 1930. Margaret came to the USA 1909 (c1930).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Oregon Linn Co North Lebanon ED 39 sheet 11A-B page 158 res 243-245 (Emeline with George W Spurling).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Oregon Linn Co North Lebanon ED 185 sheet 7B res 36-36 (Emaline with George W Spurling).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Oregon Linn Co Tennessee ED 306 sheet 5B res 91-92 (Clyde A Olmstead).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Iowa Crawford Co Milford ED 16 sheet 6B res 139-139 (Jean R with William Brockelsby).
..... (c1930) Federal census 1930 Washington Yakima Co Yakima ED 26 sheet 9A page 250 res 216-219 (Clyde A Olmstead).
..... (vcem) Vail Cemetery, The Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb Project at
..... (fr) Funeral records, Charles Poole Funeral Home Records by Patricia Dunn Lebanon Oregon at http://www.usgennet.org/usa/or/town/lebanon/poole2.html
*********** Frederick Kettle and Ada ************
.... Frederick KETTLE, born ca 1807 NY (c1850), died after 1860 (c1860), married before 1831
.... Ada (c1850) or Ida (dc Elif), born ca 1807 NY (c1850), died after 1860 (c1860).
... Children:
....i. Peter KETTLE, born ca 1831 NY (c1850).
....ii. Haria KETTLE, born ca 1833 NY (c1850).
....iii. Mary KETTLE, born ca 1835 NY (c1850).
....iv. Elif A. KETTLE, born ca 1837 NY (c1850), married.
.......... George THOMAS.
....v. Valentine KETTLE, born ca 1841 NY (c1860).
....vi. Noah KETTLE, born ca 1844 NY (c1860), married first before 1869 and later 24 Feb 1879 Webster Co., IA
.......... Ermaline ADKINS (mi) apparently Emma, born ca 1849 (c1895). By the first marriage he had at least
............... Frank KETTLE or Frank N. KETTLE, born April 1869 MI (c1900).
....vii. Lugenia KETTLE, born ca 1848 NY (c1860).
.. References:
..... (c1850) Federal Census, 1850 New York Steuben Co Bath page 241 res 932-963 (Frederick Kettle listed at Ancestry as Stittle).
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Oakland Co Groveland sheet 14 res 109-106 (Frederick Kettle).
..... (c1895) State census 1895 Iowa Webster Co Johnson (Noah Kettle).
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Webster Co Johnson ED 177 sheet 13B res 12-12 (Frank N Kettle).
.... Frank KETTLE or Frank N. KETTLE (c1900) or Frank Nelson KETTLE (ww1 David), son of Noah Kettle , born April 1869 MI (c1900), married ca 1896 (c1910)
.... Frances, born March 1876 IL (c1900)
... Children 7 7 alive in 1910 (c1910)
....i. David KETTLE, born ca 1898 IA (c1910).
....ii. Harriette KETTLE, born ca 1899 IA (c1910).
....iii. Frank KETTLE, born ca 1901 IA (c1910).
....iv. Charles KETTLE, born ca 1903 IA (c1910).
....v. Geary KETTLE, born ca 1904 IA (c1910).
....vi. Victor KETTLE, born ca 1907 IA (c1910).
....vii. Bertha KETTLE, born ca 1909 IA (c1910).
.. References:
..... (c1900) Federal census 1900 Iowa Webster Co Johnson ED 177 sheet 13B res 12-12 (Frank N Kettle).
..... (c1910) Federal census 1910 Iowa Webster Co Johnson ED 209 sheet 6A page 186 res 73-73 (Frank Kettle).
..... (c1920) Federal census 1920 Iowa Calhoun Co Lincoln ED 39 sheet 28 page 3A res 46-49 (Frank Kettle indexed Ancestry as Bettle).
*********** Charles Thomas and Polly ***********
.... Charles THOMAS, born ca 1804 (c1850) probably NY, apparently died between 1854 and 1860 (c1860), married apparently before 1831 (c1850)
.... Polly(c1860) or Polly IRISH (mi Austin), born ca 1805 NY (c1860).
... Children:
....i. Ann J THOMAS, born ca 1831 (c1850).
....ii. Caroline THOMAS, born ca 1833 (c1850).
..*.iii. George THOMAS, born ca 1836 (c1850).
....iv. Henry THOMAS, born ca 1839 PA (c1850).
....v. Sarah THOMAS, born ca 1842 PA (c1850).
....vi. Charles THOMAS (c1850) or Seth M. THOMAS (c1860), born ca 1844 PA (c1850).
....vii. Frederick THOMAS (c1850,c1870) or Fred M. THOMAS (c1880) or Matthew THOMAS (c1860) or Mathew THOMAS (c1900), born ca 1849 PA (c1850) or Dec 1849 PA (c1900), married ca 1881 (c1900)
.......... Margie (c1900) or apparently Margory REDON (mi Mae), born Feb 1854 MI (c1900), 3 children to 1900, 1 alive
............... Mae THOMAS, born Dec 1881 MI (c1900), apparently married a
.................... GRAY, married later 23 May 1908 Lansing, Ingham Co., MI
.................... Roy HAGERTY, son of Heman Hagerty and Della ABEL, born ca 1879 (mi).
....viii. Austin THOMAS (c1860) or James THOMAS or James A. THOMAS (c1870) or James Austin THOMAS (mi) or Austin J. THOMAS (c1900), born ca 1855 MI (c1860) or Dec 1854 MI (c1900), ca 1888
.......... Anna, born May 1856 , no children to 1900 (c1900), later married 29 April 1920 Durand, Shiawassee Co., MI
.......... Annie E BAMES, dau of Elija Bames and Henrietta HOLCOMB, born ca 1871 (mi).
.. References:
..... (c1850) Federal Census, 1850 Pennsylvania Susquehanna Co Choconut page 162 res 2672-2672 (Charles Thomas).
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Oakland Co Brandon sheet 2?? res 1426-1426 (Polly with Henry Thomas).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee page 425 res 104-109 (Polly Thomas).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Bancroft ED 361 sheet 12D page 527 res 98-104 (Polly with Fred M Thomas).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee ED 97 sheet 1A page 276 res 9-9 (Austin J Thomas).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee ED 97 sheet 14B res 369-381 (Mathew Thomas).
*********** George Thomas and Elif Kettle ***********
.... George THOMAS (c1850) or Gerard THOMAS (c1870) or George J. THOMAS (c1880), son of Charles and Polly Thomas , born Feb 1837 NY (c1900), died after 1900, married
.... Elif KETTLE or Elif A. KETTLE (dc) or Ella J. KETTLE (c1870) or Eliz. A. KETTLE (md1) in one death record but that is a misreading of original record (cms), dau of Frederick and Ida Kettle (md1), born ca 1837 (c1850) or ca 15 April 1837 (est), died as Elif A. Thomas 5 Dec 1873, age 36y 8m 20d, Shiawassee Co., MI (dc). George married ca 1874 (c1900)
.... Mary A., born ca 1854 NY (c1880) or July 1845 NY (c1900), died after 1900, no children (c1900).
... Children:
....i. Mary D. THOMAS, born ca 1855 MI (c1860).
....ii. Charles THOMAS, born ca 1860, married
.......... Emma SKINNER
....iii. Henry P. THOMAS, born ca 1862 MI (c1870).
....iv. Ada B. THOMAS (c1870) or Bella A. THOMAS (c1880), born ca 1867 MI (c1870).
.. References:
..... (c1850) Federal Census, 1850 New York Steuben Co Bath page 241 res 932-963 (Elef with Frederick Kettle listed at Ancestry as Stittle).
..... (c1850) Federal Census, 1850 Pennsylvania Susquehanna Co Choconut page 162 res 2672-2672 (George with Charles Thomas).
..... (c1860) Federal Census, 1860 Michigan Oakland Co Groveland sheet 14 res 107-104 (George Thomas).
..... (c1870) Federal Census, 1870 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee sheet 13 page 425 res 104-108 (Gerard Thomas).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Michigan Shiawassee Co Bancroft ED 361 sheet 12D page 527 res 100-106 (Geo J Thomas).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Michigan Shiawassee Co Shiawassee ED 97 sheet 15D res 386-398 (George Thomas).
*********** Edgar Place and Ida Bowers ***********
..<- Place Family about 1900
.......... Click on picture to view larger image in a separate window
.... Edgar PLACE or Edgar F. PLACE, son of Abner and Mary Place (c1880) or Marie COLE (cem), born 11 Nov 1860 Kankakee Co., IL (rsb), died 11 Dec 1909 Linn Co., OR (di), interred Bellinger Cemetery Linn Co., OR (cem), married 25 Dec 1881 (rsb)
.... Ida BOWERS or Ida M. BOWERS or Ida Marie BOWERS (odb John), dau of Spencer and Elisa Bowers (c1880) or more probably Spicer Bowers and Eliza (c1900) or Eliza WRIGHT (si), born 11 May 1863 (rsb), died as Ida P. Wetzel 6 Nov 1954 Multnomah Co., OR (di), reportedly interred both by first husband (fg) and at IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (cem,fg). She married second 19 Sept 1910 Linn Co., OR (mi) and apparently again ca March 1936 (bt)
.... J. Albert WETZEL (mi) or Albert WETZEL (rsb) or John WETZEL or Albert WETZEL (fg), born ca 1869 PA (c1930) oir 17 Dec 1867 (fg), died 7 Feb 1944 (di) age 78 (odb) Lebanon (rsb) Linn Co., OR (di). It appears Ida married between 1930 and 1936 an
.... ADAMS (bt).
... Children 6, 2 girls and 4 boys (rsb):
....i. Allie PLACE, born 17 May 1886 MN, died as Allie Skinner 10 March 1919 Lebanon, Linn Co., OR, married
.......... Hiram Jay SKINNER.
....ii. Edna PLACE, born April 1888 MN (c1900), died 6 Feb 1971 Linn Co., OR (di), married 25 Dec 1905 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.......... Horace ENGBERG (mi,c1910) or William ENGBERG or William H. ENGBERG (c1930) or William Horace ENGBERG (ww1), son of Niels C Engberg (c1880) and Hannah FEGG (af), born 1 Sep 1877 (ww1) UT (c1930), died 23 Oct 1951 Portland OR (di). Edna married later
......... Jesse OAKLEY or Jesse Alonzo OAKLEY (ww1), born 28 Nov 1884 (ssdi) Ukiah, Umatilla Co., OR (ww1), died 28 May 1973 Linn Co., OR (di) interred IOOF Cemetery Lebanon Linn Co., OR (cem,fg) beside his first wife
............... Rena MODE or Rena C. MODE, dau of John Mode Sally RAFFETY (fg), born 1888 (fg) or 13 June 1898 Henderson Co., KY (fg dc) died as Rena Oakley 1 Oct 1940 (di), interred with husband (fg). Edna and Horace had at least 3 children:
...............a. Walter ENGBERG, born ca 1907 OR (c1910), died 6 Feb 1958 Multnomah Co., OR (di),
...............b. Lavelle ENGBERG, born ca 1910 OR (c1920), very possibly born 9 Oct 1910 (ssdi), died as Lavelle Koski 27 Feb 1979 Multnomah Co., OR (di), married 1928 (obitk)
.................... Arne KOSKI and
...............c. Alice I. ENGBERG (c1930) or Ida May ENGBERG, born ca 1917 OR (c1920).
....iii. Thomas PLACE or Thomas S. PLACE or Thomas Spicer PLACE, born 12 Dec 1890 (bd) Brainard, MN (ww1), died 17 May 1984 Linn Co., OR (di) address Sweet Home (ssdi), interred IOOF Cemetery Lebanon Linn Co., OR (cem,fg), married 4 Mar 1916 Polk Co., OR (mi)
.......... Bessie CAVE or Bessie E CAVE, apparently dau of Jacob H and Margret M Cave (c1910), born Nov 1899 OR (c1900) apparently the one who died 14 Apr 1958 Multnomah Co., OR (di). They had at least three daughters (c1930), two of which married in Benton Co OR (mi). Thomas married again
.......... Rhoda D., born 29 Dec 1894 (di), died 18 Jan 1981 Linn Co., OR (di) address Lebanon (ssdi), interred with husband (cem,fg).
....iv. Charles PLACE or Charles Willard PLACE, born I Feb 1895 (bd) St. Paul MN (ww1), died 22 July 1966 Multnomah Co., OR (di), address Lebanon (ssdi), interred Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co., OR (fg), married 29 May 1915 Linn Co., OR (mi)
.......... Margaret BRUMMER or Margaret M. BRUMMER or Margaret Marie BRUMMER (obitj), dau of Fred Brummer and Marie OBENHAUS (fg), born 7 April 1894 Tangent, Linn Co., OR (fg), died as Margaret Marie Place 20 Feb 1952 Linn Co., OR (fg), interred near husband (fg). He married second
.......... Flora (di). Charles and Margaret had at least
..............a. Merthal PLACE, born 11 Jun 1917 (ssdi), died 1 Feb 2006 Salem, Marion Co., OR (obitj), address Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (obitm), interred Willamette Memorial Park Albany Linn Co., OR (fg), married
.................... Carroll SETTLEMIER or Carroll William SETTLEMIER, born 11 Jan 1914, died 20 Mar 1998, interred by wife (fg), no children (obitm) and
..............b. Jack PLACE or Jack W. PLACE or Jack Willard PLACE, born 23 Feb 1919, died 23 Nov 2007 Lebanon, Linn Co., OR (obitj), interred Lebanon IOOF Cemetery, Linn Co., OR (obitj,fg with obit), served in WWII, married 23 Feb 1944, Los Angeles CA
.................... Lillian TROTTIER (obitj), born 11 Apr 1916 (di), died 2 Dec 1992 (obitj), interred by husband (cem). Surviving children.
....v. Elias PLACE or Elias A. PLACE or Elias Arthur PLACE (ww1), born 15 May 1897 Sodaville Linn Co., OR (ww1) living in Portland OR 1918 (ww1), apparently the one who died Jan 1975, address Norfolk, Norfolk City, VA (ssdi), apparently married
.......... Ruth I., born 17 Apr 1905, died 23 Dec 1996 address Norfolk, Norfolk City, VA (ssdi).
....vi. Delmer PLACE or perhaps at times Elmer PLACE (c1930), born 4 Feb 1902 (bd), died 6 July 1967 Multnomah Co., OR (di), address Newport, Lincoln Co., OR (ssdi), married
........... Lottie COATES, born OR (spc) and had at least
............... Edna Mae PLACE, born 13 July 1938 Salem, Marion Co., OR (cem), died 12 Oct 1938 Salem, Marion Co., OR , interred Salem Pioneer IOOF Cemetery (spc).
.. References:
..... Edgar and Ida PLACE, John WETZEL
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Minnesota McLeod Co Acoma ED 76 sheet 7 page 4C res 160-172 (Spencer Bowers).
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Minnesota McLeod Co Hutchinson ED 76 sheet 19A (Abner Place).
..... (c1885) State Census, 1885 Minnesota Hennepin Co Minneapolis sheet 20 res 168 (Edgar Place).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co Waterloo ED 52 sheet 4A page 195 res 65-70 (Spicer Bowers).
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Linn Co Waterloo ED 52 sheet 4A page 195 res 66-71 (Edgar F Place).
..... (c1905) County Census, 1905 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville (Edgar Place).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 192 sheet 9A page 200 res 9-9 (Ida M Place).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 192 sheet 9A page 200 res 11-11 (J. Albert Wetzel).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 293 sheet 5A page 101 res 93-94 (John. A Wetzel).
..... (rsb) Ruby (Skinner) Bower records.
..... (si) World Connect Family Tree "Ingram Ged" by Susan Ingram in 2008 at http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3190756&id=I1022
..... Edna PLACE
..... (bt) News item John Albert Wetzel, age 68, and Mrs. Ida M. Adams, age 71, both of Lebanon, take out marriage license. Brownsville Times, 26 March 1936.
..... (c1880) Federal Census, 1880 Utah Cache Co Smithfield sheet 212B (Niels C Engberg).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Linn Co South Lebanon ED 195 sheet 2B res 42-43 (Horace Engberg).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon, Multnomah Co Portland ED 83 sheet 10B res 244-245 (Wm H Engberg).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon, Multnomah Co Portland ED 210 sheet 1A page 9 res 15-15 (William H Engberg).
..... (obitk) Obit for Arne O. Koski, Oregonian 14 Jan 2004.
..... Thomas and Bessie PLACE
..... (c1900) Federal Census, 1900 Oregon Marion Co Jefferson ED 140 sheet 6B res 142-142 (Bessie with Jake H Cave).
..... (c1910) Federal Census, 1910 Oregon Marion Co Jefferson ED 213 sheet 7A page 165 res 121-121 (Bessie E with Jacob H Cave).
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Linn Co Sodaville ED 293 sheet 5A-B page 101 res 95-96 (Thomas S Place).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Benton Co Hoskins ED 21 sheet 2B res 47-47 (Thomas S Place).
..... Charles PLACE
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920 Oregon Linn Co Tangent ED 291 sheet 4B res 82-83 (Charles W Pluce).
..... (c1930) Federal Census, 1930 Oregon Linn Co Tangent ED 60 sheet 4A page 277 res 71-71 (Elmer Place with Charles W Place).
..... (obitj) Obit for Jack Willard Place; Lebanon OR in Albany Democrat Herald; 24 Nov 2007.
..... (obitm) Obit for Merthal Lorraine Settlemier; Lebanon OR in Albany Democrat Herald; Feb 10, 2006.
..... Elias PLACE
..... (c1920) Federal Census, 1920, Maryland Anne Arundel Co Camp Meade ED 17 sheet 9B (Elias A Place).
..... Delmer PLACE
..... (spc) Edna Mae Place in Salem Pioneer Cemetery at http://www.salempioneercemetery.org/records/display_record.php?id=5211
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