Georgetown Citizen's Cemetery Burial Chronology


Georgetown Citizen's Cemetery Burial Chronology

This is a chronology of the burials in Georgetown Citizen's Cemetery.

Cemetery Information

Recorded By Photographed 22 Oct 2007 by Michael Sheppard.
Transcribed By Michelle Sheppard.
Location Georgetown, TX

Cemetery Statistics

Total Burials Recorded 249
Earliest Burial  Pauline Hardeman (1817)
Most Recent Burial Recorded  Mildred R. Collins (2007)
Average age at death 59
Age of oldest person  Nealy McFarland (1883-1987) age: 104

People listed in the timeline

Click on a person's death date to scroll the timeline to that person.
(Only), Sam (1918)Edwards, J.P. (1969)Levett, James (1971)Smith, Ed (1820)
Andershu--?, (1913)Edwards, Louise (1967)Lewis, Annie (1984)Smith, Lucinda (1933)
Bailey, Eugene (1907)Fletcher, Harvey (1921)Lewis, Daisy (1998)Smith, Mary (1962)
Banbury, Chrystal (1998)Fletcher, Susie (1917)Lewis, Walter (1989)Smith, Robert (1969)
Barber, Viola (1947)Flores, Pata (1927)Martinez, C. (1921)Smith, Rubenia (2006)
Baskin, Pearline (1999)Gadison, Annie (2001)Mason, Addie (1965)Spicer, Carolyn (1950)
Bass, Anetta (1926)Gadison, Azalia (1965)Maudin, Richard (2002)Spicer, Gladys (1987)
Bass, Ert (2001)Gadison, Dora (2000)Maxey, D.M. (1908)Spicer, Leo (1991)
Bass, Lue (1966)Gadison, Edgar (1981)Maxey, Jennie (1914)Stevenson, Moses (1941)
Bedford, Julice (1958)Gadison, Jessie (1989)McDonald, James (1968)Stiner, Ann (1906)
Bonner, Cameron (1982)Gadison, Joe (2002)McDonald, Mattie (1970)Stiner, Jerry (1912)
Bonner, Winfred (1995)Gainer, Julia (1908)McDonald, Maurine (1969)Tanksley, Clerance (1975)
Brown, Muriel (1994)Garcia, Angela (1934)McFarland, Estelle (1986)Tanksley, Elijah (1952)
Brown, Myrtle (1955)Garcia, Manuel (1918)McFarland, Nealy (1987)Tanksley, Hattie (1962)
Brown, Troy (1998)Garza, Pedro (1927)McFarland, Oscar (1970)Tanksley, Henry (1972)
Caldwell, Caroliff (1887)Given, Roger (1998)Medrano, Abelina (1919)Tanksley, Matilda (1975)
Caldwell, Ethel (1913)Given, Woodie (1987)Medrano, Lorenzo (1938)Tanksley, Wilkie (2006)
Callahan, John (1981)Goodlow, Francis (1965)Miller, Ara (2003)Theus, Clarice (1999)
Campbell, David (1922)Gray, Steve (1939)Miller, Florene (1917)Theus, Ed (1976)
Caruthers, Walter (1991)Green, Bathseba (1970)Miller, Pearlie (1937)Thomas, Betty (2004)
Chatmon, M.C. (1925)H--, Gertrude (1999)Miller, Sam (1956)Thomas, Doris (1921)
City, Albert (1935)Hall, Willie (1978)Mitchelll, Allene (1981)Thomas, Eugenia (1910)
City, Albert (1973)Hardeman, Pauline (1817)Monroe, Plesant (1908)Thomas, Island (1982)
City, Albert (1938)Hardnett, Isaac (1919)Moore, M.H. (1969)Thomas, Willie (1994)
City, Elsia (2003)Hardnett, Liddie (1917)Mootry, K.J. (1953)Thompson, Julia (1918)
City, Georgia (1985)Hardnett, Mose (1919)Mosee, Howard (1961)Thompson, Ollie (1912)
City, Georgian (1920)Harris, Charlie (1908)Mozee, Analie (1920)Thompson, Sam (1929)
City, Gertrude (1983)Henry, Edmonie (1963)Ochoa, Alejo (1933)Toliver, Edward (1968)
City, Hiram (1992)Henry, Lorene (1981)Orgain, John (1912)Urdy, George (1950)
City, Limmie (1992)Henry, Timothy (1951)Orgain, Matt (1976)Urdy, Pearl (1957)
City, Roberta (1961)Hernandes, Ramon (1928)Parker, Ernestine (1999)Van Hoose, Booker (1961)
City, Willie (1939)Hickman, Bell (1927)Parker, Sam (1984)Van Hoose, Mack (1981)
Clark, James (2001)Hilliard, James (1937)Perez, Juanita (1922)Van Hoose, Minnie (1959)
Clark, Louise (1983)Hilliard, Madella (1975)Petty, Jenny (1907)Vanhoose, Paree (1970)
Clark, Sidney (1987)Holden, Joseph (1967)Powell, (1920)VanHoose, Blass (1955)
Clarkson, Catherine (1993)Hyson, Ruby (2004)Powell, Edna (1995)Watkins, Etta (1976)
Clarkson, James (1965)Jackson, Herbert (1995)Powell, Katie (1939)Watkins, George (1950)
Collins, Mary (1915)Jackson, Herbert (1996)Powell, Steve (1914)Wheeler, Linda (1991)
Collins, Mildred (2007)Jackson, Kate (1922)Price, Robin (1988)Williams, Annabel (1919)
Crisp, Clara (1994)Jackson, Lee (1990)Price, Ruby (1927)Williams, Clara (2001)
Crisp, Olean (1994)Jefferson, Allen (1922)Queen, Aldonia (1955)Williams, Ellen (1908)
Crisp, Willie (1957)Jefferson, Buford (1958)Ralmer, Kitty (1914)Williams, James (1997)
Crowe, Annette (1998)Jefferson, Deacon (1969)Reed, Henry (1911)Williams, Lawyer (1952)
Daniels, Jennie (1998)Jefferson, Dee (1908)Reed, Polly (1913)Williams, Matilda (1921)
Daniels, Michael (1999)Jefferson, Luke (1980)Riding, Zen (1963)Williams, Nancy (1918)
Davis, Charles (1995)Jefferson, Thomas (1971)Robinson, Arminta (1941)Williams, Ollie (1947)
Davis, Edna (1918)Jefferson, Willie (2002)Rose, Birdie (1916)Williams, Thomas (1990)
Davis, George (1909)Johnson, Dicie (1973)Rose, George (1986)Wilson, Annie (1974)
Davis, Orange (1989)Johnson, Edmond (1963)Rose, Harriett (1938)Wilson, Ernest (1989)
Davis, Theda (1999)Johnson, Estell (1939)Rose, Herbert (1982)Wilson, Jack (1976)
Davis, Tracy (1999)Johnson, Rosa (1972)Rose, Kina (1956)Wilson, Josephine (1969)
Dents, Charles (2001)Johnson, Willie (1979)Rose, Lecester (1980)Wilson, King (1997)
Dents, Lola (1987)Jones, Isiah (1913)Rose, Rose (1927)Wilson, Lucille (1986)
Dents, William (1966)Jones, Joe (1908)Sanders, Lucy (1978)Wyatt, Clifton (1961)
Eddelman, Martha (1917)La Branche, Elizabeth (1995)Scroggins, Donald (2005)Yarbrough, Flowery (1992)
Eddleman, Belle (1906)La Branche, Harvey (1997)Shanklin, Newel (1955)Zavala, Jose (1927)


Click and drag left/right to view more names. Click on a person's name to view marker details.


People for whom a precise death date could not be determined

Bailey, Harry Note: dates are eroded
Bailey, Eugene Note: dates are eroded
Baird, Mary Note: no dates; s/w Esau
Baird, Esau Note: no dates; s/w Mary
Bass, F. Note: hand carved concrete block; no dates
Holden, Dorris Rb. 28 Oct 1929 Note: s/w Joseph
Johnson, Annieb. 19 Sep 1902 Marker Text: mg 30 Jun 1956 Note: s/w Willie
Johnson, Walter I Marker Text: Texas Pvt 1370 Engr Dump Trk Note: dates are buried
Miller, Harvey E.b. 4 Nov 1929 Marker Text: mg 7 Jul 1948 Note: s/w Ara Belle
Rose, Note: no dates; damaged funeral marker
Rose, Amanda S E Note: funeral marker; no dates
Thompson, Note: stone has fallen face down
unknown, Note: damaged funeral marker
unknown, ?? Georgiab. 12/19/09 Marker Text: age 73 Note: damaged funeral marker
unknown, Note: damaged funeral marker
unknown,b. 1891 Note: damaged funeral marker
Unknown,b. 1902 Note: damaged funeral marker
Van Hoose, Henryb. 1867  
Taylor, Pauld. 10 MarMarker Text: age 1 Day Note: s/w David Campbell
Mauldin, Dea Jb. 13 Oct 19 d. 15 Aug 26 
Unknown, Mrs.b. 25 Jun 09 d. 19 May (19)95Marker Text: age 85 Note: damaged funeral marker
Sims, Hattie Wb. 2 Jun d. 25 DecNote: dates are eroded
Daugherty, Edna Cityb. 9 May 1901 d. 27 Apr 1993 
Jefferson, W.d. 27 Dec '94Marker Text: age 74 Note: faded paper in funeral marker
Jefferson, George Db. 1916 d. 89Note: funeral marker


Copyright © 2001-2011 Michael Sheppard < [email protected] >
- Material on this site may be quoted or reproduced by those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given to the compiler. Any commercial use of this material without written permission of the compiler is prohibited.