all descendants and related families of the Sisco family - pafg166 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Francisco/Darnell Family Tree

Amos Spence

Ida James [Parents]

Harrison Porter

Marjorie James [Parents]

Cleveland Porter

Maud James [Parents]

Dallas Blankenship

Mollie James [Parents]

James Spence

Susan Mollett [Parents] was born about 1867 in Kentucky. She married James Spence.

They had the following children:

  F i Mary Spence

Sherman Spears

Mary Spence [Parents]

David Marion Powers [Parents] was born on 10 Jan 1882 in Kentucky. He died on 1 Apr 1966 in Kentucky and was buried in Auzier Relocated Cem, Floyd Co., Ky.. David Marion Powers married Jenny Lee Honeycutt.

POWERS, David 1885 04-01-1966 h/o Inilee Honeycutt
Auxier Relocated Cem,Floyd Co.,Ky.
li;SSDI=DAVID POWERS 10 Jan 1882 Apr 1966 41265 (Van Lear, Johnson, KY) (none specified) 400-14-7866 Kentucky

Jenny Lee Honeycutt [Parents] was born in Mar 1886 in Johnson Co, Ky. She died 1 on 19 May 1970 in Johnson Co., Ky. and was buried in Auxier Relocation Cem.. Jenny Lee Honeycutt married David Marion Powers.

Auzier Relocated Cemetery Listing:
s/o James Powers & Bonnie Previtt Powers.

POWERS, David 1885 04-01-1966 h/o Inilee Honeycutt
POWERS, Elzie 03-02-1899 08-07-1987 h/o Grace Previtt, s/o David & Inilee Honeycutt Powers
POWERS, Freddy Ray 08-08-1932 03-08-1983 s/o James & Bonnie Powers
POWERS, Grace Previtt 09-11-1909 02-14-1976 w/o Elzie Powers
POWERS, Inilee 1885 1970
POWERS, James Monroe 08-08-1908 01-01-2001 s/o David & Jennilee Honeycutt Powers, h/o Bonnie Privette Powers
POWERS, Roger Lee 12-23-1946 02-26-1974 h/o Patricia, s/o Elzie & Grace Previtt Powers

They had the following children:

  M i Elzie Powers
  M ii James Monroe Powers
  M iii George Powers
  F iv Mary Powers
  F v Maggie Powers
  F vi Margaret Powers

Steve Ward

Margaret Jane Honeycutt [Parents] was born in Jun 1892 in Johnson Co, Ky. She married Steve Ward on 10 Dec 1914 in Johnson Co, Ky.

They had the following children:

  F i Gloria Ward
  M ii John V. Ward
  F iii Lillian Ward

Grover Fannin was born on 5 May 1884. He died on 4 Nov 1967 and was buried in Auzier Relocated Cem, Floyd Co., Ky.. Grover Fannin married Christina Honeycutt on 1 Feb 1913 in Johnson Co, Ky.

li;married Christine Honeycutt at age 23.

Christina Honeycutt [Parents] was born on 1 May 1894 in Johnson Co, Ky. She died in Jan 1973 in Auxier Relocated Cem, Floyd Co., Ky.. Christina Honeycutt married Grover Fannin on 1 Feb 1913 in Johnson Co, Ky.

East Ky Cem , Vol 12, by Joe R Skeens
Located abt 5 miles north of Prestonsburg on U.S. 23, at Auxier, Floyd Co Ky. The following cem was annotated by Bobby Wells, Francis Brackett, Joe Skeens. Addition information and updates by Carol McGlothen & Kathy Hamilton

Cem Listing:
FANNIN, Christine 05-01-1894 01-0-1973 w/o Grover Fannin
FANNIN, Grover 05-05-1884 11-04-1967 h/o Christine
li;married Grover at age 18.

Jasper Meek was born on 27 Jan 1858 in Johnson Co, Ky. He died about 1926. Jasper Meek married Sarah Scaggs on 24 May 1902 in Johnson Co, Ky.

Other marriages:
Webb, Arty
Castle, Lydia

li, from GLS.
li;listed on 1920 census with 3rd(?) wife Lydia Castle.

Sarah Scaggs married Jasper Meek on 24 May 1902 in Johnson Co, Ky.

li;marriage record for Jasper Meek and Sarah indicate this was Sarah's first marriage and Jasper's second marriage.

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