Barbara Bolen [Parents]
Janice Bolen [Parents]
Other marriages:Short, Mr.
John A. Bolen [Parents] was born on 3 Sep 1907 in Van Lear, Johnson Co, Ky. He died 1 on 11 Mar 1985 in Wab Co Hos, Wabash, In and was buried in Mar 1985 in Gardens of Memory, Huntington Co, In. John A. Bolen married Mary Eubank on 9 Dec 1980.
Other marriages:Boyd, Virgie
li;John is buried at The Gardens of Memory Cemetery located at the intersection of Indiana 9 and Indiana 218 about 17 miles south of Hungtinton, Indiana near the southern border of Huntington County. John has no headstone but is buried in lot 35-2 in the Hymns section.
Mary Eubank was born on 15 Oct 1919 in Porter Co., Indiana. She died 1 on 9 May 2002 in Miller's Merry Manor West, Wabash, Ind. and was buried on 11 May 2002 in Fairview Cem, Servia, Indiana. Mary Eubank married John A. Bolen on 9 Dec 1980.
li;dau of William Eubank and Ethel Steller.
George Banks [Parents] was born on 20 Aug 1909 in Kentucky. He died on 29 May 1993 and was buried in Webb-Butcher Cem, Johnson Co., Ky.. George Banks married Eula Boyd before 1929.
li;birth and death dates from George's son.
1920 Johnson Co.,Ky Census
Upper Van Lear Precinct 18(32-27A)
January 21,1920
656-662 BANKS,
Robert Sr. Head M W 60 M KY TN TN Coalminer
Julie Wife F W 38 M KY KY KY None
Elzie Son M W 19 S KY KY KY
Robert Jr. Son M W 12 S KY KY KY
George W. Son M W 10 S KY KY KY
Dixie Dght F W 7 S KY KY KY
Della Dght F W 2 7/12 S KY KY KY
Eula Boyd [Parents] was born on 1 Oct 1912 in Kentucky. She died on 18 Mar 1982 and was buried before 1994. Eula Boyd married George Banks before 1929.
li,deathdate approximate from daughters obituary stating that Eula was deceased.
li;new birth and death dates from Eula's son.
They had the following children:
M i Bennie G. Banks F ii Bonnie Faye Banks M iii Rev. Charles Ray Banks F iv Essie May Banks M v William "Pollard" Banks M vi Loyd Alvis Banks M vii George Dee Banks Jr. F viii Billie Sue Banks F ix Velma Lou Banks F x Anna Marie (Judy) Banks M xi Roger Lee (Jerry) Banks M xii Bobby Banks F xiii Dorothy "Dottie" Banks F xiv Nila Kay Banks
Bennie G. Banks [Parents] was born on 5 Dec 1929. He died on 24 May 1979 in Wabash, Wabash Co, In and was buried in May 1979 in Falls Cemetery, Wabash, In. Bennie G. Banks married Margaret Miller.
Other marriages:, Henrietta
li,researched at Carnagie Library of Wabash,In.;1998.
According to Robinson's Directory in 1970, Bennie Banks was listed inWabash along with a Henrietta. His address was 39 1/2 E. Market St.(Apt 3) Could there be three marriages???? He was a Taxi Driver inWabash for many years.
Bennie G. Banks [Parents] was born on 5 Dec 1929. He died on 24 May 1979 in Wabash, Wabash Co, In and was buried in May 1979 in Falls Cemetery, Wabash, In. Bennie G. Banks married Henrietta.
Other marriages:Miller, Margaret
li,researched at Carnagie Library of Wabash,In.;1998.
According to Robinson's Directory in 1970, Bennie Banks was listed inWabash along with a Henrietta. His address was 39 1/2 E. Market St.(Apt 3) Could there be three marriages???? He was a Taxi Driver inWabash for many years.
Melvin "Jack" Webb Jr. [Parents] was born on 4 Dec 1929 in Van Lear, Johnson Co, Ky. He died on 1 Jul 1993 in Ft. Wayne, Allen Co, In and was buried on 5 Jul 1993 in Falls Cemetery, Wabash, In. Melvin "Jack" Webb Jr. married Bonnie Faye Banks on 3 Mar 1948.
1. Wabash Plain Dealer.
2. Document: Obituary-Webb,Jr , Melvin
Melvin Webb, Jr.
Melvin Webb, Jr., 63, 444 Anna St, died at 10:40 p.m. Thursday atLutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne.
The eldest brother of country music singers Loretta Lynn, CrystalGayle and Peggy Sue, he was born Dec. 4, 1929, in Van Lear, Ky., toMelvin "Ted" Webb Sr. and Clara Ramey Webb, both deceased.
A Wabash resident for 43 years, Mr. Webb had been a machinist forChrysler Corp., Kokomo, for 20 years. He married Bonnie Banks March 3,1938, in Paintsville, Ky. She survives.
Also surviving are three sons, Victor Lee Webb, Dickson, Tenn., RonaldGene Webb, Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Melvin D. Webb, Roann; fourdaughters, Judy A. Hay, Mrs. Joe (Crystal) Yoder, and Mrs. Joe (Lisa)Gribben, all of Wabash, and Mrs. Berry (Pamela) Martin, Scottsbluff,Neb. One son and one daughter preceded him in death.
Other survivors include three brothers: Herman Webb, Van Lear, Ky.,Jack Webb, Nashville, Tenn., Donald Webb, Wabash; four sisters, Mrs.Lynn, Hurricane Mills, Tenn., and Mrs. Sonny (Peggy) Wright, Mrs. Gene(Betty) Hopkins, and Mrs. Bill (Brenda) Gatzimos (Crystal Gayle), allof Nashville, Tenn.
Also surviving are 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
Mr. Webb was a member of Freewill Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Eddingfield-DeLaughterMortuary, with the Rev. Cledies Holbrook officiating. Calling will befrom 2-8 p.m. Sunday at the mortuary. Burial will be at FallsCemetery.Date of Death: July 1,1993
Date of Publication: July 3, 1993
Melvin Webb, Jr.
Services for Melvin Webb Jr., 63, 444 Anna St., were Monday afternoonat the Eddingfield-DeLaughter Mortuary.
The Rev. Cledies Holbrook officiated. Nancy Sluss was the organist.Ray Cooper and Tim Prater were vocalists. Burial was in FallsCemetery.
Pallbearers were Charles Brown, Joe Yoder III, Larry Seals, DavidCollins, Scott Richardson, Joe Gribben and Holbrook.Date of Death: July 1, 1993
Date of Publication: July 6, 1993.
Bonnie Faye Banks [Parents] was born on 25 Nov 1931 in Van Lear, Johnson Co, Ky. She died 1 on 24 Oct 1994 in Wabash, Wabash Co, In and was buried on 28 Oct 1994 in Falls Cemetery, Wabash, In. Bonnie Faye Banks married Melvin "Jack" Webb Jr. on 3 Mar 1948.
li, dates from obituary from Wabash Plain Dealer.
RECORD:1. Wabash Plain Dealer.
2. Document: Obituary-Webb, Bonnie Faye
Taken from The Wabash Plain Dealer
Date of Publication: Oct. 29,1994Bonnie Faye Webb, 62, 890 Ferry Street, Wabash, died Oct. 24 at 8:30p.m. at the Wabash County Hospital.
She was born on Nov. 25, 1931, in Van Lear, Ky, to George and Eulah(Boyd) Banks. Both preceded her in death.
On March 3, 1948, she married Melvin Webb, Jr. He preceded her indeath on July 1, 1993.
A homemaker, Mrs. Webb was a member of the Erie Street Free WillBaptist Church, Wabash.
Survivors include three sons, Victor Lee and Ronald Gene, both ofDixon, Tn. and Melvin D., Roann; four daughters, Mrs. Judy A.Richardson, Mrs. Chrystal Yoder and Mrs. Joe (Lisa) Gribben, all ofWabash, and Mrs. Berry (Pamela) Martin, Scottsbluff, Ne; six brothers,Charles R., William P., Loyd A. and Robert Lee Banks all of Van Lear,Ky, Roger Lee Banks, Tn, and George Banks Jr., Wabash; four sisters,Mrs. Bedford (Essie May) Harlan, Lincolnville, Mrs. Kenny (Velma)Wells, Johns Creek, Ky, Mrs. Charles (Dottie) Brown, and Mrs. David(Nila) Collins, Van Lear, Ky; and 10 grandchildren.
A son, daughter, three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.
Rev. Paul Horine officiated services on Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. at theEddingfield-DeLaughter Mortuary, Wabash.
Burial was in the Falls Cemetery, Wabash.Bonnie F. Webb
Services for Bonnie Faye Webb were at 2 p.m. Friday at theEddingfield-DeLaughter Mortuary, with the Rev. Paul Horineofficiating.
Burial was in Falls Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Don Webb, Scott Richardson, Joe Yoder, Joe Gribben,Joel Leach, and Bill Campbell.Date of Death: Oct. 24, 1994
Date of Publication: Oct. 29, 1994.
They had the following children:
F i Linda Webb M ii Victor Lee Webb M iii Ronald Gene Webb F iv Judy A. Webb F v Pamela Webb M vi Melvin D. Webb F vii Crystal Webb F viii Lisa Webb
Judy A. Webb [Parents]
Other marriages:Hay,
Judy A. Webb [Parents]
Other marriages:Richardson, Scott
Pamela Webb [Parents]