Dorcas Qualls [Parents] died before 11 Jan 2001. She married Robinette.
Mimie Belle Qualls [Parents] died before 11 Jan 2001. She married Osborne.
Garland Winfield (Dick) Collins was born on 28 Aug 1882. He died 1 on 23 Jul 1952 and was buried in 1952 in Collins-Wells Cem, Daniel's Creek, Johnson Co, Ky. Garland Winfield (Dick) Collins married Bertha Honeycutt.
li;buried at Collins-Wells Cemetery at Daniel's creek.
Bertha Honeycutt [Parents] was born on 26 Apr 1885 in Johnson Co, Ky.. She died on 13 Jun 1971 and was buried 1 in Collins-Wells Cem, Daniel's Creek, Johnson Co, Ky. Bertha Honeycutt married Garland Winfield (Dick) Collins.
li;according to dates given here Bertha died at age 86 yrs.1mth. 18days.
li;death cert. info;
Date 710623
Age 086
Residence FLOYD
Volume 034
Cert 16717
Deathvol 71
They had the following children:
F i Virgie Collins F ii Ruby Collins F iii Lucy Collins M iv Ashley Collins M v Fred Collins F vi Beatrice Collins
Ruby Collins [Parents] was born in 1902. She died on 8 Jul 1983. Ruby Collins married Elmer Austin.
They had the following children:
M i Clifford Austin M ii Duel Austin M iii Frank Austin F iv Holly Austin F v Rosie Jewel Austin F vi Eualie Austin F vii Mabel Austin F viii Lavada Austin M ix triplets Austin ,stillborn
Lucy Collins [Parents] was born on 14 Jan 1906. She died on 8 Jun 1933 and was buried 1 in Collins-Wells Cem, Daniel's Creek, Johnson Co, Ky. Lucy Collins married Michael DeLong ,Sr..
They had the following children:
M i Michael DeLong ,Jr.
Ashley Collins [Parents] was born on 15 Oct 1910. He died on 17 Sep 1980. Ashley Collins married Alice Richmond.
They had the following children:
F i Patsy Jo Collins
Fred Collins [Parents] died on 6 Feb 1997. He married Ruby Wells.
They had the following children:
M i Roger Collins
Beatrice Collins [Parents] was born on 15 Mar 1924. She died on 28 Jul 1993. Beatrice Collins married David Bickford.
They had the following children:
F i Jane Bickford F ii Susan Bickford
James W. Hall was born on 19 Dec 1896. He died on 5 Jul 1968. James W. Hall married Virgie Collins.
Virgie Collins [Parents] was born on 22 Aug 1903. She died on 20 Nov 1975. Virgie Collins married James W. Hall.
They had the following children:
M i Ewing Hall F ii Eunice Hall was born on 1 Mar 1925. She died on 12 Aug 1953. F iii Eula Hall was born on 13 Dec 1927. She died on 8 Oct 1989.
Ewing Hall [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Ronald Lee Hall