all descendants and related families of the Sisco family - pafg402 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Francisco/Darnell Family Tree

Jesse Boyd [Parents] died 1 before 18 Apr 1940.

He had the following children:

  M i Bobby Boyd
  F ii Mary Boyd
  F iii Helen Boyd
  F iv Fannie Boyd

Nathaniel Honeycutt [Parents] was born in Nov 1856 in Scott Co, Va. He died 1 on 3 Mar 1941 in Johnson Co, Ky. and was buried on 5 Mar 1941 in Fam cem, Odds, Ky.. Nathaniel Honeycutt married Rebecca.

Other marriages:
Hitchcock, Amanda
DeLong, Lucretia

~Nathan and his first wife, Amanda, lived on Tom Baldridge Branch (also known as Millers Creek) near Van Lear,Ky. Nathan farmed & worked in the mines some, but he mostly travelled from one communtiy to another selling men's clothing. He was also a United Baptist Minister. He was said to be a kind, humble man, one who always carried candy with him for the children in the home he visited and for his many grandchildren. It was always a treat to see him come visit. For all his kindness, he is not remembered as being terribly industrious and his family lived very hard, especially after the death of Amanda in 1898. The older children mostly raised the younger ones. Nathan moved with his 10 children to Daniel's Creek (still in Johnson Co.,Ky) in 1901. On February 14,1903, Nathan married Creasy (Lucretia) DeLong. They had 2 children born at Daniel's Creek. Nathan's family, which by now consisted of himself, Creasy, and their 2 children plus Spurgeon & Amanda (from his marriage with Amanda), moved to Greenup County to live near his daughter Belle. Nathan & Creasy had 2 more children in Greenup County. Creasy died and Nathan brought his youngest six children back to Daniel's Creek. For years nathan lived among his children. He was at his daughter Cora's home when he passed away. His funeral was held in her home. He was buried in the Cemetery behind the Log Church on lower Daniel's Creek in Johnson Co.,Ky. Children of Nathan & Amanda: Adeline, Burns Hansford, Cora Lee, Bertha, John, Belle, Virgie, Charles Spurgeon, Mary & Amanda. Children of Nathan & Creasy: Sampson, Norma, Robert & Nora.
li;died at age 83 years,married three times..

Rebecca was born about 1846 in Kentucky. She married Nathaniel Honeycutt.

Otto Collins was born about 1900. He died in deceased.

He had the following children:

  M i James Vernon Collins

McKinley Webb [Parents]

Bessie Miller was born on 18 Nov 1900 in Lawrence Co., Ky.. She died on 20 Nov 1997 and was buried in Webb Fam Cem, East Point, Ky.. Bessie Miller married McKinley Webb.

li;dau of Henry B. Miller and Tealie Mead.

Calvin Webb [Parents] was born in 1907. He died on 7 May 1973 and was buried in Davis Cem., Paintsville, JC., Ky.. Calvin Webb married Elizabeth Davis.

li;Van Lear,1945.-age 66.

Elizabeth Davis

Sol Burchett

Margaret Honeycutt [Parents]

They had the following children:

  F i Jessy Burchett
  F ii Marie Burchett
  M iii Sol Burchett Jr.
  F iv Corrinnia Burchett
  F v Barbara Burchett
  M vi David Burchett
  F vii Bonita Burchett
  M viii Woodrow Burchett
  F ix Gloria Jean Burchett
  M x Bobby Burchett
  M xi Larry Edward Burchett
  F xii Mary Burchett

Ingram Davis

Marie Burchett [Parents]

They had the following children:

  M i John Ingram Davis
  F ii Beverly Davis
  M iii Michael Davis
  F iv Elizabeth Davis
  M v Junior Davis

Doug Russell

Beverly Davis [Parents]

Other marriages:
Ward, Doug

They had the following children:

  F i Kate Russell
  M ii Evan Russell

Doug Ward

Beverly Davis [Parents]

Other marriages:
Russell, Doug

Michael Davis [Parents]

Debbie Mowery

They had the following children:

  F i Angela Davis
  F ii Chrystal Davis
  M iii Tyler Davis

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