(Notice: As of May 25, 2017 there will be no more entries made on this webpage)  (For an earlier version with possibly some more working links, try


St. Lawrence County

(New York State)




St. Lawrence County Cemetery Projects

Massena Center Cemetery
Hale Cemetery, Norfolk
Potsdam Bayside Cemetery

St. Lawrence Seaway Construction Deaths


"Lost" Cemeteries--St. Lawrence Seaway Project


Southhampton, NY Burial Ground discovery


Fort Drum Cemeteries Info


Revolutionary War Information 


More information can be found regarding Northern New York Revolutionary War patriots. The grave marking project is a joint effort of the Swe-kat-si, Nihanawate and LeRay de Chaumont DAR chapters and the 1000 Islands chapter of the SAR. It is an ambitious project which could go on for years. It can be found @



If you are interested in this website, then be sure and visit Anne Cady's website also, if you haven't already! It's very extensive.





Cemeteries Alphabetically
Cemeteries by Town


Norwood Cemeteries & Obituaries

Riverside Cemetery
Calvary Cemetery



Joan Tyo Lalonde's Obituaries

Wayne Morgan Obituaries

Pauline Deshaies Obituaries

Marty Hall Obituaries

Elaine LaPage Obituaries
Robert E. Reagan Obituaries

Pat Dominie Obituaries

Valerie Roulo Obituaries

Items of Interest 

Please send your comments, criticisms, and questions to

Chuck Morgan
