Incontinence Derby's Little Problem

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"Melancholy Baby"

The Dog Walkers' Gallery
Neighborhood Stuph


Derby Brown's Little Problem


Scary thing, sneaks up on you all of a sudden...has to do with hormones...presumably. From what I gather, in female dogs that have been altered, whatever is removed takes along the thingy that produces a hormone needed for not being incontinent. Well, Derby was altered as a puppy.
Poor thing, she's been through so much, coming down with Diabetes, years ago, and then some time later with Otitis Externa, a serious infection of both ears.

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Anyways, to continue, about a couple of months ago she started wetting the carpets, something she hadn't done since a puppy. Thinking she had acquired a phobia about thunder, and lightning, it was rainy season, and not wanting to go out at night, we tried to isolate her to the tiled areas. Then on one occasion, she decided to sleep with us on our bed...right next to my head as a matter of fact. At three in the morning, awakening for some reason, there was our little pal fast asleep on wet bed clothes. Luckily we have always kept a felt-covered rubber liner on the mattresses, and it only wet the sheets. This was a shocker, and for such an inconvient time. Replacing the bed clothes was no big deal, but having to do it again in a few hours when we got up for the day, was.

Now we knew...but what to do? First fashion a diaper...simple to do, though finding a safety pin at first was a problem, but eventually found one. Common sense ruled out any kind of infection, or laziness...she had no trouble during her waking hours, and our daily walks showed she could make every tree, and post. However, for a couple of days I put orange juice in her water just in case, which she drank. Trying the diaper during the day to see if it would stunt her style, it didn't, she just let it be, meandering about like droopy-draws...though once seen it didn't bother her, we only put it on her at night. That night she wet the diaper in her sleep. Yup...she was incontinent.
However, a big, white cloth used as a diaper did detract from her beautiful self, so we purchased a stylish, blue jeans colored "pants", though it's called a diaper...twenty-bux worth.

Pretty neat...what! Along with these pants, we purchased a box of disposable pads, or inserts, and a can of odor remover:

You can enlarge the photo above by clicking on it. The Internet is a clicky on everything regardless...else you may miss something. Highlighted text, photos, click on it all just in case.

Oh brother...what next...the Internet, that's what's next. Yes...dogs do get incontinent, even young dogs...Derby is six, but the magic bullet that supposedly would stop all this, killed some human, and the FDA pulled it...drat! Since it was time to replenish her prescription doggy bones, and food, I thought I'd mention her problem to the Vet. "Oh...we have something for that." said the Vet. "Yes...I know...but wasn't that pulled by the FDA?" I said. "No not that...something better...guaranteed!" said the Vet. I left the Vet's with Derby, and at lunch time sprinkled this powder from the capsule into her dog food, and that first night, and ever since, she stayed bone dry, and so did our bed...and the floors...everything inside the house...she's back to normal!
Here's the Magic Bullet:

Remember...Clicky, on the above photo to read what's in the's Diethylstilbestrol - DES - Stilbestrol.

Notice the black text? Well, check it on takes you to a web site I found only after learning what this Magic Bullet is. you know. Here, with Derby, my Vet prescribed taking one tablet a day for three days, and then one tablet a week until the supply ran out. I have given her the three successive tablets, and have enough pills left for seven weeks - seven pills. Since giving her the very first pill she hasn't wet herself...amazing! We shall see how it goes in the next few months. If I don't revise this page, you know she has beat the affliction. By the way, Derby showed no side effects as of yet.

You may enjoy reading 2 Collies and a Hound - Canine Urinary Incontinence.

No More Diapers For Me
Here's Derby Today - October 2003



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