SoCal Obituaries - Repository Listing  


Adopt a Library

If you referred to our repository page, you know that we have many, many libraries to be adopted. Please volunteer to adopt a library in your area. All that is required is to visit the library in person to get basic information about their lookup policies, and gather information about their newspaper holdings. Please use the introduction letter and the questionnaire, which are both found here.


Other Volunteer Opportunities

We've listed dozens of genealogical societies on the links page. Any of these organizations would be very grateful for the contribution of your time and talents.

Join the SoCal Obit Lookup Team

While we are not offering lookups as a service of the Southern California Obituary Resource Project at this time, we do want to add that within the next few months. Before we can do that, we need a group of volunteers willing to do lookups. If you would to join the lookup team, please email us.

Volunteer for Obit Lookups for Other Networks

If you are interested in doing obituary lookups, you might consider volunteering with one of the following groups:

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Genealogy Helplist
Genealogy Lookup
GenHelp: Genealogy Help at Your Fingertips

Post Obituaries to the Internet

When you get a copy of an obituary, transcribe the text of all the obituaries that appear on the page. If the individual died before January 1, 1923, you can post these transcriptions to geography- and surname-specific message boards on and *NOTE* Please be aware of copyright laws concerning obituary posts. Obituaries for people who died after December 31, 1922, are protected by copyright laws and cannot be published in full except in certain circumstances. To stay on the safe side, add the name to an existing obituary index, such as the one at Obituary Index.

Prepare an Obituary Index

Contribute to your area's genealogical society's projects to prepare an obituary index or other information resources for your fellow family historians.

Become an Angel for this Website

  • Volunteer to help with the development and maintenance of this website. We have lots of plans to improve the search capability, query posts, and submission of updates. Unfortunately, we don't have the web experience to execute those plans.

  • Do data entry when we receive updated information from libraries and other repositories.

  • Design a logo for the Southern California Obituary Resource Project.

Check back here often. We will list other volunteer opportunities in Southern California.

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* Plan Your Obituary Search * Find the Last Known Address and Date of Death * Community Locator *
Newspaper Holdings * Libraries and Other Repositories * Queries and Lookup Volunteers *
Strike Out? More Ideas for finding Obituaries *
SoCalObituaries HomePage * Volunteer for the SoCal Obituaries Project *
* Frequently Asked Questions and Answers * Meet the SCORPians *

Sign/View Guestbook * Email Us

© Southern California Obituary Resource Project 2003
This page belongs to socalobituaries.