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How DNA can connect you with distant cousins If you take the DNA test and you are an exact match (or a very close match) to someone else in the database, and particularly if you share the same surname, then the likelihood is that you are related to each other within the last 1000 years. If you don't match someone in the existing database, then it becomes a waiting game - you hope someone will join the database in the future that will turn out to be a close or exact match. Or alternatively, we could go out looking for people with your same surname from the area we suspect the family originally came from. The network of volunteers with Ireland Reaching Out may be able to help finding potential Irish relatives to test. If you do get a close match, we can contact the person and see if they are interested in collaborating. It is possible (but unlikely) that there could be documentary evidence of your relationship to your match, which would tell you how closely you were related to each other and who your common ancestor is. However, it is not even certain if such records exist. It is more likely that all you will be able to say from your respective DNA results is that you shared a common ancestor within the last 1000 years, probably the last 400 years, but you can't say much more than that. Still, you will have established a relationship with a genetic cousin and for many people that is a big step forward. The closeness of your match can be explored further by upgrading your test to a higher number of markers (e.g. 67 or 111 markers). The person you match would have to do this too. The more markers you can compare with your match, the more accurate the results. You can read more about how to interpret the results of your Y-DNA test on the Frequently Asked Questions section of the FTDNA website. What is DNA and how can it help? How DNA can help pinpoint your Ancestral Homeland How DNA can connect you with distant cousins What to expect from your results Maurice
Gleeson May 2013
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Last update: May 2013