Erie Railroad - Erie Railroad Athletic Teams and Shops Bands

The Erie Railroad All Stars


Underwood Cup, 1915-1920
The Underwood Cup for Baseball, covering 1915-1920
(Not awarded during 1917-1918)
Image courtesy of Greg Kash

Lewis J. Stallman, Pitcher, back row, sixth from left

Photo courtesy of Lew Stallman

1919 Game Results

1919 Game Results, page 2

1915 Western League Baseball Champions:
Chicago Western League Champs, 1915

Other Teams:

Susquehanna Shop Team, 1910
Susquehanna Shops Ball Team, 1910, Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-107

Brier Hill Team, 1915

Salamanca Team, 1915

The Erie All Stars, Cleveland General Office, 1934:

The Hornell soft ball champions, 1934

In 1938, teams pursued the "Woodruff Cup:


Hornell Accounting Bureau, 1925

Hornell Accounting Basketball Team

The Erie Bell:

One of the "Erie Bells" competed for by high school teams in online communities, this one presented to Elmira in 1949.

Shops Fire Teams:

The internal fire teams at each of Erie's shops also had competitions, where a hose cart would be hustled by the shops teams between two points.

Competitions were held at Camp Underwood, named after the Erie's president, Frederick D. Underwood.

Camp Underwood, 1910
The front gate to Camp Underwood. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-110

Veterans  Fire Team, 1910
Veteran's Fire Team, 1910. Not sure if this referred to military veterans or members of the Erie Veterans
employee group that was formed about this time. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-101

Dunmore Shop Team, 1910
Dunmore Shops Fire Team, 1910, Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-105

East Buffalo Shop Team, 1910
East Buffalo Shops Fire Team, 1910, Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-108

East Buffalo Shop Team, 1910
East Buffalo Shops Fire Team, 1910, Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-109

Marion Car Shop Team, 1910
Marion Car Shops Fire Team, 1910, Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-106

The Dunmore Shops Fire Team, 1915

The Hornell Shops Fire Team, 1915, with their many trophies

Erie Police, 1910
Contingent of Erie Police Officers charged with keeping order at the 1910 competitions. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-102

Erie Police, 1910
The Erie Police Athletic team, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-103

Erie Police, 1910
The Erie Police Athletic team, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-104

Shops Bands:

Brier Hill Shop Band, 1910
Brier Hill, OH Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-229

Dunmore Shop Band, 1910
Dunmore Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-203

Hornell Shop Band, 1910
HOrnell Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-206

Huntington Shop Band, 1910
Huntington Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-207

Huntington, IN Shop Band, with longtime director Elmer Rahn, August, 1937
A remnant of this band continues today

Jersey City Shop Band, 1910
Jersey City Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-208

Kent Shop Band, 1910
Kent Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-209

Marion Shop Band, 1910
Marion Shop Band, 1910, sponsored by Div. Superintendent Charles A. Allen. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-212

Meadville Shop Band, 1910
Meadville Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-213

Meadville Shop Band, 1910
Meadville Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-214

Meadville Shop Band, 1910
Meadville Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-215

The Erie General Office Band, New York, NY, in 1915

President's  Band, 1910
President's Band, 1910, New York. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-201

President's  Band, 1910
President's Band, 1910, another view. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-202

Port Jervis Shop Band, 1910
Port Jervis Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-216

Salamanca Shop Band, 1910
Salamanca Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-217

Salamanca Shop Band, 1910
Salamanca Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-218

Salamanca Shop Band, 1910
Salamanca Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-219

Susquehanna Shop Band, 1910
Susquehanna Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-225

Unknown Shop Band, 1910
Unknown Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-230

Unknown Shop Band, 1910
Another unknown Shop Band, 1910. Collection of Steamtown National Historic Site, Image #Z-231

From the November, 1926 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
The career of retired Susquehanna Shops General Foreman O.H. Simmons was profiled, including his reminiscences of the early days of shop bands at Susquehanna:

"The Erie shops in the old days sported a good brass band. The leader was John Chance, who played the cornet. O.H. Simmons blew the baritone horn. During the first Lincoln presidential campaign, in 1860, the Erie shop band often wore rubber boots to parade through the mud of Main street.

"There was always a lot of unleashed music among the shopmen, and about 1880 the spirit moved for the formation of an orchestra which used to 'meet around' at members' houses for practice. The orchestra comprised O.H. Simmons, H. Warner, J. Hawthorn, violins; T. Hassett, J. Fitzsimmons, cornets; C. Bartram, 'Johnny' Powell, J. Ring, clarinets; V. Blackburn, flute; J. Medway, cello; T. Springsteen, trombone; with Mrs. Mooney on the piano."

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