Born Logansport, Ind., Oct. 5, 1868. Entered service as brakeman, Feb. 9, 1887.
Garnished Jan. 31, 1889 by Rathbone & Co. Suspended 5 days for breaking drawbar in II&I car, No. 57, while switching at North Judson on March 13, 1890. See Report A318.
Suspended 15 days from Nov. 8, 1890 for failing to look at switch and backing off cab and three cars (West Point No. 32). Promoted to extra conductor Dec. 28, 1890.
Reprimanded for failure to move cars off passing track at Kouts as ordered on April 3, 1893. Suspended 10 days from Dec. 16th for failure to take 9 empty flats from Akron on No. 31, Dec. 2nd, 1893, as ordered. Flats urgently wanted at Chicago, and his failure to take them resulted in the loss of freight by the company. Suspended 7 days from March 24 for not reporting an accident to his train at 51st Street, March 21, 1896, on Form GS-1. Suspended one round trip from April 24th for handling Erie 50335, Huntington to Chicago on scratched bill in Extra 718 West of April 14th, 1897.
Appointed acting yardmaster at Hammond, Oct. 1, 1905.