Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - Alfred William Curran

Born in Ohio Feb, 17th, 1863.

Employed as Brakeman Jan. 12th, 1887. Promoted to Conductor Nov. 25th, 1887, age 24 years.

Suspended for ten days May 27th, 1889 for leaving LNA&C cars on C&IC "Y" at Wilders. Suspended 10 days March 21st for taking car to Chicago routed via Griffith. Suspended 7 days from Dec. 13 for failing to fill out to a full train at North Judson Nov. 26th, 1892. Suspended 7 days for failure to take four rush loads from Hammond on request of Agent, on No. 81 of June 16th, 1893. Suspended 7 days from Oct. 13th for hauling Erie car 385 from Huntington to Hoovers in 1st 85, Sept. 25th, 1893. Car loaded with cranberries for Huntington. Suspended 30 days from Nov. 11th for backing his train (3rd 81 Nov. 11th, 1893) back into block at Monterey after having passed out of it. Resulted in 4th 81 colliding with rear of his train. Also 30 days for carrying a passenger named Frank Lloyd free on the above train, who was killed in the accident.

Reprimanded for not clearing No. 5's time at Rochester and Germany on No. 87, March 19th, 1894. Held No. 5 eight minutes. Reprimanded for running from Servia to Bippus on short time ahead of No. 12's time at Servia on No. 86 of July 28th, 1894, causing delay to No. 12. Suspended 5 days from Dec. 19th on account of could not be found by Caller at Huntington, Dec. 18th, 1896. Suspended 15 days from April 2nd for allowing his train (No. 83 of March 17, 1897) to run by crossing Newton when Interlocker out of use and he had an order to make a dead stop for crossing.

Suspended 5 days from Oct. 23rd for pulling his train by on Big 4 crossing at Bolivar on 2nd 82, oct. 6th, 1897 as he had work to do there. Should have cleared the derails causing delay to Big 4 train.

SOURCE: P. 70, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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