Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - A. Worley

Married, age 29, residence Peru, Ind. Formerly with the LE&W Ry. 1 1/2 years as brakeman. Entered C&E service as brakeman, Sept. 9, 1890.

Suspended 12 days Apr. 15, 1892 for damage to switch at Chicago, March 29th. Suspended 7 days fropm July 7th for being absent from duty without permission, July 6th, 1892. Resigned to work at his trade March 26th, 1893.

SOURCE: P. 162, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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