Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - A. Yetter

Age 36, married, one child. Residence Huntington. In case of injury, notify Mrs. E.S. Lobdell, 989 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Formerly employed as conductor, Missouri Pacific Ry. Refers to Supt. A.M. Hogan. Enters service Aug. 8th, 1892.

From page 246: Suspended 20 days for getting left at Chicago on No. 2nd 82, July 21, 1897, in effect July 22nd. Had his foot cut off at 54th Street, on No. 87, Oct. 1st, 1898.

SOURCE: P. 169 and 246, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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