Entered service as brakeman, Sept., 15, 1887. Promoted to conductor, Jan. 3rd, 1888.
Suspended for two weeks Jan., 10th, 1889 for Wabash 3rd Section of 86 running into rear end of his train.
Suspended 15 days Sept. 15th for allowing his train to back out of North Judson siding into 3rd 85's engine and breaking in caboose and one car being destroyed by fire.
Suspended 10 days, Feb. 23, 1891 for leaving II&I switch open at North Judson. II&I engine ran off the track. Suspended 7 days for running CRI&P crossing and breaking gate Feb. 27th, 1892. Suspended 7 days April 1, 1892 for colliding with rear end of No. 92 at Kouts March 31st. Suspended 7 days for damage to II&I switch at North Judson July 16, 1892. Suspended 15 days from Jan. 6th for failure to protect rear of his train (No. 94, Jan. 5th, 1893) at Palmer, caused an accident.
Suspended 7 days from Sept. 22nd for carrying C&NY 4441, fresh meat, past Bolivar in 2nd 90, Sept. 9th, 1892. Suspended 5 days from Nov. 21st for reporting late for duty, Nov. 3rd, 1892. Suspended two weeks for leaving North Judson without orders or clearance on 2nd 84, Aug. 6th, 1892. Suspended 7 days from Mar. 7th for burning journal off of NYP&O 990. Suspended 7 days from Mar. 29th for leaving on the time of No. 5, Crown Point to Griffith, March 27th, 1893. Reprimanded for setting ED 13498 off at Leiters empty on 84, May 23, 1893, when he had an order to take car to Huntington.
Suspended one round trip for not coming when called to head to Chicago July 30th, 1893. Reprimanded August 27th for setting Erie car 38637, malt, off at Rochester on account of bad order, and not reporting the fact to the superintendent. Suspended 10 days from Sept. 20th for delay to 94 at Chicago, Aug. 19th, 1893, by not coming when called. Reprimanded Sept. 16th for derailment of two cars at Akron Sept. 4th, 1893. Suspended 10 days from Dec. 16th for failure to get up when called for 94 at Chicago, Dec. 8th, 1893, causing 40 minutes to a train of perishible freight. Reprimanded for failure to fill out to a full train at Hammond on 1st 85, March 1st, 1894.
Suspended 10 days for not seeing that his train (3rd 81) was brought to a dead stop at DeLong crossing March 5th, 1894. He had 8 cars of air and his hind end man was out but the engine struck the gate and Mankin refused to report it, although a Vandalia passenger train barely got across ahead of him, was told he must not have a similar case. (Carried to page 126)
(From page 86)
Suspended 7 days for leaving State Line on 1st 82 of April 12, 1894 at 12:23 a.m. with work to do at Hammond Packing House "Y" and with no time on No. 13 which is due at Hammond at 12:30 a.m. As he had to clear 13 at Hammond at 12:25, this gave him but 3 minutes to make the run and do his switching. Held No. 13 thirteen minutes. Suspended 7 days from June 6th for no account of ten cars he hauled from Hammond to 51st Street Yard in No. 87 of April 9th, 1894, failed to enter in his book or on wheel report. Suspended 15 days from June 25th for having a quarrel with brakeman Shipley at 51st Street, and making no report of same. Then, when Shipley called for his car on 1st 85, June 16th, 1894, Mankin refused to take him out, causing a delay to train.
Suspended 30 days from July 17th for running from Clear Creek to Huntington on the time of 13 and 14, July 15th, 1894. His loyalty to the company during the ARU strike saved him from dismissal, which was explained to him. De-barred from train service June 11th, 1895 for leaving on No. 84, May 27th without getting order 110 addressed to his train, without a clearance and on a red block. His past record made this decision necessary.