Entered service January 11th, 1890 as brakeman, age 26 years, unmarried. Formerly with the I,I&I for about one year. Resigned July 20, 1890. Reemployed Aug. 17, 1892. Discharged May 6th, 1893 to reduce the force. Reemployed July 20, 1893. Discharged to reduce the force, Feb. 10th, 1894. Reemployed July 20, 1894.
Suspended 5 days for damage to NYP&O 40759 at North Judson Dec. 31st, 1894. Claimed to have received personal injury by slipping from engine on No. 33 at Boone Grove, March 4th, 1895. Did not show up for work any more but went in saloon business at North Judson and entered suit against the company.