Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - Chauncey J. Furman

Born at Vassar, Michigan, March 16, 1856. Conductor. Resides at Huntington, Ind. Original record does not show when he was promoted to conductor, and matter was laid before Atlantic Division 120, O.R.C., who in a written communication dated April 18, 1892 requested that his promotion to conductor date from Sept. 22nd, 1883. At a subsequent meeting the above reconsidered and requested his promotion date from Dec. 4th, 1889. The last communication received April 9th, 1893 bearing the seal of Atlantic Division 120 declares his promotion to freight conductor shall date from August 15th, 1888. All papers in the above case in file 819 in the Superintendent's office.

Suspended 10 days for honoring trip pass 657 on 1st 12 on Oct. 12th, 1893 in favor of E.T. Lashelles, Chicago to Marion, when pass had expired June 26th. The above suspension ordered erased fom his record by order of the Superintendent for the reason that this was his first passenger experience, had a large train and a past good record.

Granted leave of absence for 30 days on Feb. 12, 1905. Resumed work March 19, 1905. Granted 60 days leave of absence on July 5, 1905. Leave of absence extended 60 days on August 15, 1905 by request of General Counsel. On Oct. 15, 1905, leave of absence extended 60 days by request of the General Counsel, File 18759. Resumed work November 10, 1905.

SOURCE: P. 231, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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