Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - Charles Nicholas Ryan

Born at Roanoke, Ind. Oct. 23, 1870. Aged 25, residence Roanoke, Ind., single. In case of injury notify Mr. William Moran, 75 Simon St. Transferred from Shops under Sullivan. Entered C&E service Nov. 4th, 1895. Suspended two round trips from May 30th for damage done car at Bolivar on No. 32, May 4th, 1896, result of not setting brake in time.

Suspended two round trips from March 16 for allowing his caboose to back through switch in Huntington Yard March 2, 1897. Suspended 15 days from July 13th for damage done cars at Akron on No. 32, June 30th, 1897, result of failure on his part to set sufficient number of brakes when backing up with engine and 17 cars to couple on to rear portion of train, on a 26 foot grade, 12 cars broke off and collided with rear end.

On April 25, 1901, assigned to position of extra passenger brakeman. On August 13, 1901, surrendered all passenger rights, resuming work in freight service.

On September 23, 1901, promoted to freight conductor.

SOURCE: P. 233, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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