Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - Charles P. Shaughnessy

Born in Huntington, Ind., Aug. 5th 1880. Entered service Aug. 28th, 1902 as freight brakeman.

SOURCE: P. 303, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

From the June, 1935 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
C.P. Shaughnessy, trainmaster at Meadville, was born in 1884 in Huntington County, IN, where he began his railroad career in the Erie shops. He became brakeman on the Chicago Division in 1902 and subsequently served as general yardmaster at Huntington, assistant trainmaster at Marion, OH, going to Meadville in 1929.
A photo was also published, page 10)

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