Erie Railroad Lake Line Biography - Charles R. Ogg

From the November, 1913 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine
Charles R. Ogg, Chief Engineer of the "D.W. Cooke," has come through a line of experience that is most interesting and shows how important it is to build a good foundation in early life, in order to fit a man for important positions which may be assigned to him later on in life. At the age of fourteen he was a bound apprentice in a marine engine building shop at Dundas, Canada, where he served a full apprenticeship for five years, when he commenced sailing at the age of twenty-one and has been in continuous marine service for over thirty years.

He came to the Erie Lake Line in January, 1910, as engineer of the J.G. McCullough, then followed on the G.A. Richardson, and beginning with this season, was advanced to the Steamer "Cooke." During the closed season of navigation Mr. Ogg is assigned to supervising the repair work on the engines and boilers of the fleet.

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