Age 27, married, 1 child. Resides at 81 E. Berry St., Fort Wayne, Ind. In cae of injury notify Reuben Shisler, 83 E. Berry St., at Fort Wayne, Ind. Formerly enployed NYC&StL, has a clearance from C.D. Gorham. Enters service as freight brakeman, March 1, 1895.
Suspended 5 days for leaving switch wrong on 21 lead, 51st Street Yard, Nov. 23, 1895. Taken off local and put back on extra list for bulling with Conductor Thompson on various occasions, in effect 04/12/1897. Suspended 5 days from Oct. 13th for damage done cars at Griffith to the amount of $37.00 on No. 33, Oct. 4th, 1897 by careless switching.
Sept. 2, 1902, resigned. Under suspension for failure to protect rear of his train (3rd 86) at Ora which resulted in bad rear end collision at 1:50 a.m., August 25, 1902.