CHARLES W. HAMMOND, Huntington, Indiana.
Charles W. Hammond's father is a carpenter of Hornellsville, New York, the subject of this sketch having been born at Dunkirk, New York, October 9, 1860. He attended the schools of that place and by diligent work had acquired a good common school education by the time he was 15 years of age. The next two years of his life were spent at farming, but that sort of work not being to his liking he sought and secured employment on the Erie Railroad as brakeman, and for two years ran between Buffalo and Jamestown. He received an advance to fireman, and the ensuing year he worked in that capacity between Hornellsville and Salamanca. He then resigned to accept a position as brakeman on the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg Railroad, running between Dunkirk and Titusville. A year later he accepted a position as switchman in the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern yards at Dunkirk. He left this place to reenter the employ of the Erie as a brakeman. Three months later Master Mechanic Ackley advanced him to fireman, and after a few years he was given a merited promotion to engineer. Since 1890 he has run freight between Huntington and Chicago, and he is fast establishing a high record for himself as an engineer.
He was married November 22, 1888, to Miss Elizabeth Niblock, daughter of John Niblock, proprietor of a flax mill at Huntington. They have one child, Wilber, a bright lad of 7 years, who is attending St. Mary's school. Mr. Hammond is a member of the B. of L. E., Division 221, and is held in high esteem by all who know him, besides being the recipient of many complimentary letters from his superiors.
Excerpted from: "American Locomotive Engineers, Erie Railway Edition," H.R. Romans Editor; Crawford-Adsit Company Publishers, Chicago, IL 1899.
C.W. Hammond
Suspended 1 day for running through switch on outgoing engine track at Huntington, February 22nd, 1890. Report A245.
SOURCE: P. 188 and 193, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.
From the February 13, 1909 issue of the Marion Daily Star:
Charles Hammond is running Erie Passengers Nos. 4 and 9, while Roy Dickinson is laying off.
From the April, 1931 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
Engineer Hammond, on train 14, sneezed while passing through Markle recently, accidentally forcing his false teeth from his mouth. They fell out of the cab window on to the right-of-way. The train was stopped and a search was made, but to no avail. The train proceeded. Next morning the section foreman found the missing teeth and mailed them to Decatur, where they were returned to "Charlie."
From the March, 1933 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
C.W. Hammond, age 72, Marion Division engineer of Huntington, IN, has been retired on special allowance after serving the Erie 50 years and six months.
From the October, 1934 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
C.W. Hammond, veteran engineer of 1303 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, IN, has been retired after service of 50 years and 6 months, 43 years of which as engineer. Mr. Hammond was born Oct. 9, 1860 on a farm at Dayton, NY, and began as a brakeman on the B&SW at 18. Later he served on the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley & Pittsburgh between Dunkirk and Titusville and in 1882 he went to Rochester, IN, braking on the C&A. After firing a few years he was promoted to engineer in 1890.
From the December, 1934 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
C.W. Hammond, 74, retired engineer of 1303 N. Jefferson St., Huntington, IN. He came from Dayton, NY, started at 18 as brakeman on the B&SW and went to Rochester, IN to work on the C&A in 1882. In service 50 years and six months. Mr. Hammond was an engineer for 43 years.
From the October, 1954 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine (Hammond News):
Deep sympathy is extended to Wilbur Hammond, machinist at the roundhouse, whose father C.W. Hammond, 94, of Huntington, Ind., a retired Erie engineer of 50 years' service, died July 22 (1954).